Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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T. C. Byrne Says Its Sncccss is
Assured, Judging by the
Enthusiasm Already
' "I bad thought the enthusiasm of
the bankers in the Liberty loan drive
was about the last word in patriot
ism," said T..C Byrne, state chair
man of the Liberty loan committee,
"but it seems that the newspapers of
the state are going the bankers one
better, if such a thing is possible.
"I am exceptionally well pleased,"
said Mr. Byrne, "at the way the pa
pers have taken hold and boosted this
loan. It has been very gratifying to
see the spirit of co-operation shown
by the country newspapers all over
Nebraska. . In communications we
are getting from them all the time
they are offering to do all they can
to make the second Liberty loan a
big success.
Sore of Success.
"I am sure now that the sale of the
.second bonds will be a big success,
and I feel already -that that success
will in a large measure be due to the
co-operation we are getting from the
newspaper men over the state.'
Five moving picture reels, of 500
feet each, will soon arrive to be
shown in the moving picture houses
over the state during the Liberty
Loan drivt. This word comes from
headquarters in Washington. The
reels are made up from a Liberty
Loan play produced by an all-star
cast of movie actors who produced
it exclusively for the reels for this
Liberty Loan drive, as their bit in
the contribution to the cause.
Mr. Thomas, manager of the
Strand theater and chairman of the
movie theater campaign for the Lib
erty Loan, announced that he will
have a scries of appropriate slides to
be shown all over the state in the
movie houses during the progress of
the campaign.
The Omaha Barristers' club at its
noon meeting in the Commercial club
rooms arranged for a further list of
four-minute men to give talks over
the state in theaters and public places
boosting the Liberty Loan.
I. W. W. is Arrested by
Federal Men at Huron, S. D.
Alexander Cournos, one of the 160
Industrial Workers of the World in
dicted by the federal grand jury at
Chicago last Friday, has been ar
rested by the police of Huron, S. D.,
at the request of the federal authori
ties at Omaha.
Hogs Valued at $1,000,000
Will Compete for Prizes;
Prize Winners from Neigh
boring States Entered.
Two thousand of the prize-winning
hogs from the state fairs of Nebraska,
Iowa, Missouri and Kansas will be on
exhibition at the Second Annual
Swine show here this week. The ex
hibit is valued at nearly $1,000,000.
Fifteen .carloads arrived from Se
dalia and will be put in the best pos
sible shape for the opening Wednes
day. Every day sees more arrjvals
from neighboring states and indica
tions point to a far larger exhibit than
last .year.
Superintendent William Shellberg
has- made arrangements to take care
of the additional entries. Special pro
tection has been provided for the
more valuable entries, some of which
are worth $10,000. The big barns of
the South Omaha Horse and Mule
company, where the show will be
held, have been thoroughly fumigated
and cleaned and the hog pens and
equipment installed.
"We have made arrangements for
and expect over 2,000 hogs for, this
show," said Everett Buckingham, su
perintendent of the Union Stock
Yards. "These animals will be the
finest in the world, consisting of prize
winners from the various fairs and
shows all over the country. In a
way this is an elimination show, as
only the best can hope to survive the
test made here."
Found Dead in Rooming
House; Think Him Suicide
Frank Kotyza was found dead in
bed at 507 South Thirteenth street
yesterday by R. W. Schmidt, pro
prietor of the rooming house. The
bed clothes were tightly wrapped
around his head.
Duffy & Johnson, who were called
in by the county attorney, could find
no marks of violence and believe that
he committed suicide by taking bi
chloride of mercurv. Before the in-
fque'St is held County Attorney Mag-
ney will have an examination made of
the body in order to determine the
cause of his death. ; "v.
In the pocket of the dead maa were
found a letter addressed to Mrs.
Frank Koytza and post card pictures
of himself and a little girl, presum
ably his daughter.
He rented the room Saturday night
and the only time he was seen was
while paying the rent. It is believed
that he brooded over a court sum
mons found in his pocket.
Discuss Redistribution .
Of Live Stock on Farms
Dr. C. W. Pugsley, head of the uni
versity extension work, Lincoln, and
E. L. Burke "of Omaha, chairman of
the live stock committee of the State
Food Administration, met at noon at
the Commercial club rooms and went
over details of co-operation between
the University Extension department
and the food administration in the
handling of the food conservation
matter as it relates to live stock.
The redistribution of live stock on
the farms and ranches was the prin
cipal topic discussed, as the univer
sity will co-operate with the admin
istration in this matter. It is hoped
to bring together in the most direct
way the man whose ranch or farm is
overstocked with live stock, and the
man who wants this stock for his
pastures and to effect the distribution
with the least possible expense "for
trasnportation "and handling. "
Building Operations Increasing
Building operations for nine months
just closed show an increase of more
than $500,000 cot responding ., period
of last year. Last month showed a
substantial increase, river September
of 1916. The figures .W
September. 191 7; $756,640; -1916,
5715,705. .:r
First nine months'.' of this vear.
$5,777,627; first :ine tnemths of last
year, $5,Z65,96Z. ...-
Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors to Omaha and Omaha's
Style and Bargain Center
Our Cash Prices
on New Fall
Merchandise IVill
Prove of Interest
Check ,
Your Bagage Here Free
Use Our Fret Phones, etc. Any
Accommodation in Our Ptwer
WiltBt Fruly (fronted, &- t
Ak-Sar-Ben Sale of Silks and Dress
Visitors to Omaha this week should take advantage of our Low. Cash Prices on Silks and Wool Dress Materials.
We arc'selling goods in many instances for less money than they can be manufactured. President Wilson says no
profiteering. You will find our prices in a great many cases not any more than one year ago. A few items for
Ak-Sar-Ben Week at exceptionally low Cash Prices:
$1.00 SHE POPLIN, 68c
25 pieces of 36-lnch Silk Poplins, in a good
line of new fall colors, fine high luster and
worth $1.00. Our Cash '. CtQn
Price . ................. OoC
$1.60 GEORGETTE CREPE, $1.18
100 pieces of 40-inch All-Silk Georgette
Crepe in a fine line of street and evening
shades. This is a wonderful bargain, worth
regularly $1.50. Cash (T 1 - Q
Price tpX.iO
$1.75 CREPE DE CHINE, $1.23
50 pieces of 40-inch All-Silk Crepe de Chine
in every wanted street and evening shade;
a good firm quality that gives satistaction
$1.50 and $1.75 values. . Our
Cash Price....
15 pieces of 34-inch Costume Velvet in only
four colors Navy, Black, Myrtle and Russian
Green. A rich, silky quality that looks well.
Worth $1.50, our Cash
' $1.75 MILITARY SATINS, $1.38
25 pieces of 36-inch All-Silk Satins in stunning
military striped effects, very stylish for skirts
and dresses. A grand bargain.
Worth $1.75, our Cash Price. . .
20 pieces of 36-toch Black Satin Duchess, strictly all silk, jet black,
brilliant luster. Worth today $1.75, our Cash $1 or
Price $1.40
, $2.50 SATIN CHARMEUSE, $1.75
50 pieces of this handsome Dress Satin, 40
inches wide, in every new Fall color, a very
special value for our out-of-town friends.
Worth $2.50 per yard, our Cash T -i r7ff
Price pJL. I O
10 pieces of 36-inch Black Chiffon Dress Taffeta, medium weight,
soft chiffon finish. Worth today $1.25, our Cash nr
ioas M
Wool Dress Goods at Less Than Manufacturers' Cost Today
200 pieces of fine All-Wool Dress Materials, 40 20 pieces of 54-inch Ail-Wool Serge, sponged and
n??c'e shrunk -readv for use. a mat bargain. Worth
Aii.wnm j ATTHLRfi. Aii-wnni 1 omins. worm in- 7 ' -
Uy lUO per yard, our Cash 98C
100 pieces of Wool Dress Goods in plain and
fancy weaves, Serges, Panamas, Novelty Plaid
Suitings, Checks, etc, Worth up A Qn (2Qn
to $1.00, our Cash Pricet....... Oy"OOC
EXTRA-Special- (Q pTA
$6 00 Broadcloth- tpO.Ov
$2.25 FRENCH EPINGLE, $1.50
50 pieces All-Wool French Epingle, 50 inches
wide, in every new Fall color, a special favorite
for Fall wear. $2.25 value, our (fti If A
Cash Price. ......... ... . .3) 1 . OU
today $2.00, while they last, our
Cash Price
10 pieces of 60-inch AU-Wool Broadcloth, an elegant quality with a high satin finish in a few colors
Navy, Black, Taupe, African Brown, Russian Green, Plum. Worth today $6.00, GD KA
, ...... T
50 pieces All-Wool Imperial Serge, a splendid
quality for dress or skirt purposes, only in Navy,
Blue and Black. Worth today T- A r
$2.00, our Cash Price ; tb X.JtO
our Cash Price.
' $3.00 WOOL JERSEY, $1.98'
15 pieces of 54-inch AU-Wool Jersey Cloth in the
leadine colors for Fall wear, very popular for
coats and dresses. A $3.00 value,
our Cash Price
50 pieces of All-Wool Coatings in plaid effects and fancy weaves, handsome Zibelines, rough weaves, etc., at $1.98 and $2.98.
Our Stock of Fall and Winter Apparel an Authentic Source of Style Information
. Months of careful
in an Ak-Sar-Ben Wee
in values at each price,
planning, selecting the best and most beautiful, reiectincr the undesirable in Quality or design, has resulted
k showing of fashions in Women's Armarcl which we believe second to none in rjoint of variety, beauty, or
. If there's merit in a style you'll find it represented in our disnlav.
tvlc you'll find it represented in our display,
A Bevy of Beautiful Evening Gowns and Dancing Frocks for
the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Just ReceivedGo On Sale This Week
, 150 CHARMING GOWNS in the season's most exquisite new modes and colorings, attractively priced ,
"Ak-Sar-Ben Week at ,"". :- :f r. , ; .Vi x
v $45, $55, $65 to $150 ' "'; ,4"
j Damty Dancing Frocks at $35
: Clever desips in the season's most popular ma
terials and colorings, combined with tulle, satin and
silver cloth. Assortment for selection 2s most pleas
ingly varied. ,
Pretty Dancing Frocks at $25;
A wide range of styles in the season's mpst pop
ular colors and materials. All sizes for women and
misses. Values youH find simply matchless.
i: New Afternoon Gowns and Dresses on Sale
Wonderfully pleasing variety and values shown for Ak-Sar-Ben Week at
' - ' . $35, $45, $55 to $95
Oyer 1,000 Handsome Fall and Winter Coats Here for Selection Never before have we shown a greater
variety or values than youH find in this special Ak-Sar-Ben Week Display.
8pM7 wd. .. $39.50, $45, $55, $65 up to $125
200. Winter Goats
Hayden's Pure ;Food Prices, Save the People from 25 to 50 on the Cost of Living
H IN. Best me taaaUte Blgsr, 85 , I . . ".Bet White or Yellow Corameal. I Breakfast Cocoa, lb .25c I ncy Head Lettuce, head........ 6c-7 He
t-lb. sanitary acki Pure Can Granu-
, lated Sugar lor .....te
48-lb. sacki Best High Grade Diamond H
Flour, made from the finest selected
; No. 1 wheat, nothing finer tor bread,
. pies or cakes, per 48-lb. sack. 118
One sack of flour will make 64 pound
loaves of bread. !
Hake Tour Owa Bread te Cat the Cost
of LMng.
4 lbs. Best Rolled White Breakfast Oat-
meal for , , , ,5c
ior .-,.
3 lbs. Best Japan or Head Rice, lor..2ic
rhe Best Domestic Macaroni or Spaghetti,
per pkgv ; 8!se
16-ot cans Condensed Milk, for..,.12Hc
Large bottles assorted Pickles, Prepared
Mustard or Horseradish, bottle.... 10
New Comb Honey, rack 20c
California Seedless Raisins, lb.... 12He
Cleaned Currants, lb. 23
Fancy Italian Prunes, lb J 5c
Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb 15c
me Best Tea Sif tings, lb ....15c
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, a fine drink.
nothing like it for family use. lb.. 20c
15 lbs. Best Bed BlTer Potatoes to the
peck, for 40c
12 lbs. Good Cooking Apples to the peck
for ....20c
4 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots.... Se
6 bunches Fresh Onions 5c
4 bunches' Fresh Parsley ...5
New Cabbage, per lb Z'At
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. &e
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb....'. .5
Large Egg Plant, each . .v. S!jv
New Rutabagas, per lb 2Hc
Large market baskets Green Tomatoes,
lor ...25c
Pat Up Toar Peaches Kow. The Season
: Will Soon Close.
Fancy Washington Elberta Freestone
peaches, Monday, per crate 95c
Bushel baskets Fancy Utah Elberta Free
stone Peaches $2JJ5
Bushel boxes Extra Fancy Bartlett Pears,
6-tier, Monday ..J2.40
4-basket crate Italian Blue Plums. .$1.45
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