Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1917, Image 1

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CaniiwJ September 26 to October 6
Electrical Parade. Ereniof ... .October 3
rWyllfht Parade October 4
Military Fireworks October 4
i Coronatioa Ball October S
Omaha. Daily
On Trains, it
Niwi Stand. Etc., 5c.
Purchasing Agent Grotte Buys Illinois Coal, Which Will
Be Sold From Office In City Hall to Small Consum
ers at $1.75 Per Ton Less Than the Pres
ent Price; Stove Users First.
250.000,000 Oil.
Gets Under the Wire in Its Race
With Jack Frost and a
Bumper Yield is Now
City Purchasing Agent Grotte announces that during the
t week he will receive thirty-five carloads of Montgomery county,
Illinois, coal, which will be sold by the city according to a plan
outlined last week.
We expect to sell this coal for Y
about $1.75 per ton less than the pre
vailing price of $7.50. This coaL drill
all be of egg size and it will be our
first purpose to serve people who use
stoves," stated Mr. Grotte.
"The people," he added, "will have
to educate themselves to the use of
soft coal in place of hard coal."
Yards Filled to Capacity.
City Commissioner Butler investi
gated local coal conditions siuce last
Saturday morning. "I visited twenty
two yards and observed every one fill
ed to capacity. In several yards," he
stated, "coal was stored beyond the
usual storage places. I saw seventy
cars of coal on Burlington trackage
at Gibson and ten cars in Burlington
north y?rds. There is plenty of soft
coal in storage here and there is no
reason why dealers should try to scarf
consumers. A woman told me this
morning that an Omaha coal men told
her she had-better buy soft coal this
week, because it would go to $18 a ton
this winter. There will be little hard
coal, as we generally understand."
City to Store Coal.
The city will store coal at the as
phalt plant, Eleventh and Nicholas
streets, and at another city yard at
Twenty-eighth and K streets, South
Side. Commissioner Parks stated he
has trackage facilities for twenty-five
cars at the asphalt plant. For accom
modation of families who want to buy
coal in small quantities the city will
provide .s4vrage at asphalt plant' and
also in South Side.
An office will be opened in the city
hall this week for the city coal de
partment.. To Keep Same Prices.
Omaha retail coal dealers are un
able to figure out any plan by which
the order of Fuel Administrator Gar
field, effective now, is going to re
duce the price of coal to the con
sumer. ! So far, too, they are unable
to figure out just what the food ad
ministrator has in mind when he
makes his order fixing the prices.
They regard the price fixing order
as vague, indefinite and incompre
hensible. Victor White, manager of
the Victor White Coal company, one
of the largest concerns of the city
"I have read and reread Mr. Gar
field's order and I am absolutely in
the dark as to what he means. As a
result, until we have a clearer and
better understanding of the situation,
we will have' to sell coal at the same
prices 'is heretofore maintained.
.:, No Hard Coal Here. ,
"The order can have no bearing on
the hard coal situation, as there is
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Raiser Puts Imperial
Jewels Into the Pot
Amsterdam, Oct. 1. The Zeitung
Am Mittag of Berlin says the Ger
man emperor and empress have
pledged a large number of valuable
jewels at the disposal of the Reichs
bank, with instructions to use them
to diminish Germany's obligations in
foreign countries. ,
Fat Girl Grows Fatter and All
Await the Coming of the
Great Parades
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair; cooler.
Hourly Temperatures.
i I
i. m 53
i 6 a. m 53
COOLER Its::::::::: ...65
7 p. m 64
' 8 p. m tS
Co-operative Local Record.
1017. 1916. 1915. 1114.
Highest today 71 73 70 79
lowest today 52 55 51 hi
Mean Tern 62 64 CO 69
Precipitation 00 T. .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the- normal at Omaha since March 1,
and compared with the past two years:
Normal temperature 61 degrees
Excess (or the day 1 degree
Tot. deficiency since Men. 1, 1917 201 degrees
Normal precipitation 4 03 Inch
Deficiency -for the day 09 inch
Total prec. since Men. 1, 1917.20.69 inches
Deficiency since March 1, 1917.. 4.33 Inches
Deficiency for corresponding pe
riod In 1916 10.85 Inches
Deficiency for corresponding pe
riod lit 1815 68 Inch
Report From Stations at 7 F. M.
Station and State Temp. High, Raln-
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy 56 (6 T.
Davenport, cloudy 60 66 .00
Omaha, cloudy 64 71 .00
Pueblo, cloudy 80 T.
rUpkl City, clear 70 72 T.
Salt Lake, pt cloudy 68 72 T.
Santa Ft, pt cloudy 64 68 .06
Sheridan, clear ,...66 74 .01
Sioux Cltf. pt. cloudy 64 72 .00
Valentine; pt. rloudy 72 80 .00
T lnrfieatcs trace of precipitation.
i- JU A. WELSH, Meteorologist
The corn crop of Nebraska is made,
so far as this year is concerned, in
the opinion of the crop experts of the
Burlington road. Not only has it made
the race with Tack Frost and come
under the wire several lengths ahead,
but it is of the bumper kind, averag
ing by districts:
Division. Pet.
Omaha 95
Lincoln g
Wymore , go
McCook 61
This average is on-he basis of 100
per cent for a perfect crop, something
that has never been raised in Ne
braska or any other state.
C , Yield Quartet Bullion. ;
-The percentage is .nade up from
the reports gathered up to and In
cluding last Saturday and is slightly
below that of the same day of the pre
vious week. The total yield for the
state is placed at 250,000,000 bushels.
Up to this time there has been no
frost that has interfered with the
growth of corn. In some localities
visited by frost tender vegetables have
been killed, but no serious damage
to grain or plants generally has re
sulted. Plowing and seeding of winter
wheat is practically finished and the
acreage is exceedingly large. Early
sown jvheat, is up ana growing rap
idly, tie stand being perfect.
Relative to potatoes, it is estimated
that everywhere except on the Omaha
division of the road the yield will be
only fair. On the Omaha division the
yield promises large and the potatoes
of good size and excellent quality.
Pasturage continues in good condi
tion, far better than usual at the be
ginning of October.
Sugar beets are being gathered for
shipment to the factories and the yield
is far above the average.
Managers of Pledge Card .
Campaign Meet in Omaha
The thirty-three senatorial district
managers of the state for the food
pledge card campaign October 21 to
28 will meet in Omaha Friday noon
with S. R. McKelvie, who is head of
this drive and has established head
quarters in The Bee building.
For convenience in handling the
work Mr. McKelvie has appointed a
chairman cjf- manager in each sena
torial district in the state. The cam
paign and the details of the work to
be done will be definitely planned at
this meeting.
Argentina 8 President is
Trying to Stay Neutral
Washington, Oct. 1. All expec
tations that Argentina might fol
low the lead of its neighbor and
break with Germany have been dis
pelled here with the news that
President Irogoyen is determined
not to heed the action ofhe Ar
gentine congress and popular de
mand for action and will continue
a neutral course. His suggestion
that all South America determine
its war course by a joint confer
ence is not expected to bear fruit,
because a similar proposal was re
jected by all the other more impor
tant governments some time ago.
, 1917. 1916.
Tuesday (not open) 2,698
Wednesday 4,102 5,113
Thursday 7,790 3,900
Friday 8,696 4,629
Saturday 24,217 17,418
Monday was another big day at the
great Ak-Sar-Ben carnival.
The day of rest which preceded it
seemed to have taken all the hoarse
ness out of the throats of the spielers,
made Amy, the fat girl, grow fater;
caused the strangest girl alive to
grow s'.ranger, made the crack-the-whip
device crackier and the merry-go-round
Altogether the carnival is even big
ger and more peppy than it was last
week, and last week it was bigger
than ever be.'ore. New booths were
still in process of erection Monday
wherever there was a corner or nook
not already pr-empted.
Some Carnival. 1
nr.. 1 i . v . .
my, my, out it certainly is some
carnival. Enough boxes of candy
teddy bears, hams and sofa pillows
have been won already to make a line
from Oskosh to Kalamazoo, and still
the games go on and the lucky ones'
are carrying home the prizes.
Dolletta, "the smallest mother"
holds court in her little pen with her
tiny carriage, aoout as fiig a a cracker
box, waits in front of the booth with
two tiny Shetland ponies hitched to
it. The Panama canal exhibits its
wemders, blazoned in front of it on
canvas together with a fearful and
wonderful picture of Colonel Goethals,
evidently painted by the same artist
who executed the picture of Jojo, tk
man with the elastic skin, at the show
just around the corner.
The weatherman is still receiving
complements from showmen, Ak-Sar-Ben
governors and the public. Sam
son, a the lord JiiglL, chstirjberlain,. of
King Ak-Sar-Ben XXIJIwjJLbe due
to send the weatherman seven bags
of gold if the weather up to this time
can be duplicated for the rest of this
The city if filling with visitors from
out of town. Hotels report a steady
influx of people, but still plenty of
room for the big rush. Omaha has
increased her hotel capacity so ma
terially in the last few years with
numerous new hostelries that visitors
will find ample accomodations.
Blaze of Glory.
The streets are aflame with thou
sands of flags and banners on build
ings and strung across the streets
and depending from street railway
and other poles. At night the down
town streets are a blaze of light and
crowded with people and automo
biles. The merry, confetti-throwing
crowd of revelersin the carnival
grounds is but the outward sign of
the great things that are going for
ward in the realm of Quivera. Each
day brings nearer the culmination of
the festivities preceding the corona
tion of teh new king. The electrical
parade is Wednesday night. Eight
een magnificent floats which the eyes
of no mortal men have seen yet, save
only those engaged for many months
in the construction of them, will pass
through the streets, each float a blaze
of incandensence. On Thursday aft
ernoon will be another parade, en
titled "The World's Liberty.", Num
erous floats, detachments. of soldiers
and high school cadets-will be fea
tures of this parade. This will be fol
lowed, Thursday (night, by the great
fireworks spectacle, "Wake Up,
America," at Rourke park.
Who Are the Monarchs.
And then! And then! Friday night,
the balll At the historic den,
Who is the new king? Who is the
new queen? These are questions that
are flying about the kingdom of
Quivera. Nobody knows. That is,
nobody knows outside the close cir
cle of the king's counsellors known as
the board of governors. The people
will know only when their majesties
appear, clad in the royal robes and
wearing the royal crowns and jewels,
Friday night. '
U. S. Battleship Aground
In Home Waters Refloated
An Atlantic Port, Oct. 1. The bat
tleship of the United States iiavy
which went aground in home waters
on September 28 was floated today.
The sea was smooth and a large fleet
of vessels pulled the warship off at
The Bice Drive is Now On
m hum yj.
fi 77? WKfS
. .
Unidentified Occupants of Auto
mobile Jumped Before Car
Rolled Into River Near
Federal Judge Would Have
Stone and La Follette Shot
Houston, Tex., Oct. 1. Judge Waller R. Burns of the United States
district court, in charging thi Harris county- grand jury today, after call
ing by name Senators Stone of Missouri, Hardwiek of Georgia, Vardaman
of Mississippi, Gronna of North Dakota, Gore of Oklahomaand La Follette
of Wisconsin, said: ,
"If I had a wish I would that you men had jurisdiction to return bills
of indictment against these men. They ought to be tried promptly and
fairly, and I believe this court could administer the law fairly; but I have
a conviction as strong as life that this country should stand them up
against an adobe wall tomorrow and give them what they deserve. v
"If any deserves death, it is a traitor. I wish that I could pay for the
ammunition. I would like to attend the execution and if I were in the
firing squad I would not want to be the marksman who had the blank
Five persons escaped unhurt from
an automobile which toppled off a
thirty-foot embankment at 7 o'clock
Sunday evening into the Missouri
river, a short distance north of the
Florence pumping station.
Joe Swanson of Florence saw the
car and notified the police at 8 o'clock
Tuesday morning. Officers found the
machine with brakes tightly locked
resting on its side in the river.
C. F. Smith of the Overland com
pany said the car had been driven to
the side of the road to allow another
car to pass when the bank gave way
and the auto with its five passengers
rolled into the river.
The police are seeking the identity
of the owners of the machine. It
bore Nebraska license No. L1371. The
only Other clue is a cap purchased at
the Mace store of Aurora, Neb.
The car was owned by Joe Scott of
Draft Registers Indicted
Number More Than 200
Muskogee, Okl., Oct. 1. Two hun
dred and twenty alleged draft resist
ors and conspirators were indicted by
the grand jury, which adjourned Sat
urday night at McAlister, instead of
120, as first reported. Practically all
of them are under arrest, it was an
nounced today.
The indictments charge conspiracy
to obstruct the draft.
Unknown Craft Rams and
Sinks U.S. Patrol Ship
Washington, Oct. 1. An Ameri
can patrol ship on duty off an -At
lantic port was rammed and sunk 4
early today by an unknown craft.
The incident reported to the Navy
department was officially announced
as follows: -
"A coast guard vessel on patrol
duty off an Atlantic port was
rammed and sunk by an unknown
ship early today. The work of rais
ing the sunken vessel will be be
gun at once."
Another BEE Treat For
The Bee has made an arrangement
Free Motion Pictures
(Funniest Man On Earth)
will be shown on the Farnam
street side of the Nebraska
Clothing Building.
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings,
From 8 to 9:30
Wednesday, Starting at 7:30
a long time, come down and
the spell will be broken.
Ak-Sar-Ben is a week of fun,
-and if you haven't laffed for
Inactivity of British In Flanders
Stirs Enemy to Futile Ar
tillery Assaults in the
Verdun Region.. 7
Petrograd, Oct. 1. Russian
troops have made another advance
in the Riga region, according to
today's war office announcement.
German posts were pressed back
south of the railway in the Spitals
farm sector, the Russians advancing
between 800 and 1,000 yards.
(By Associated Press.)'
While Flanders apparently is wit
nessing the preparation of another
offensive by ' Field Marshal Haig,
which the Germans are trying to an
ticipate by counter attacks and re
taliatory fire, the German crown
prince's army is again attempting to
harass the French in the Verdun
Attacks by the Germans were de
livered last night both east and west
of the Meuse in the Verdun sector,
where the artillery fire has bee in
tense for several days past. The blows
were repulsed by the French defend
ers. Paris announces.
After yesterday's three futile at
tempts to drive the British back from
the high ground they occupy on both
sides of the Ypres-Menin road in
Flanders, the Germans contented
themselves with keeping up a heavy
artillery fire during the night. Lon
don's official report today records this
hostile demonstration, but is silent
as to the British response,, which,
judging from past experience, is, de
luging the German battle zone with
thousands of high explosive shells.
Italians Active Again.
News from the Italian front is gain
ing added interest with evidence at
hand that General Cadorna is push
ing out again east of the Isonzo, driv-
(Contlnued on Page Two, Column One.)
Emperors Hold Mutual
Admnration Meeting
Berlin, Oct. 1. (Via London.)
An official announcement made here
today says that Emperor William on
returning from Rpuinania met Em
peror Charles of Austria-Hungary at
Dzieditz, Austria. The rulers ex
pressed the greatest satisfaction at
this meeting, which, the statement
says, gave a new opportunity of man
ifesting their agreement in regard to
political and military aims.
Every Selling Device Known to Business to Be Used to
Swell Amount Realized From Second Liberty
Loan to Two Billion Oversubscription.
New York, Oct. 1. In the first hour of the second
Liberty loan drive $11,000,000 in subscriptions was an
nounced by two banking firms. Two of the subscriptions
of $5,000,000 each were by the Union Pacific railroad and
the Southern Railroad company. 1
Washington, Oct. 1. The big drive for the second issue
of Liberty loan bonds began at noon today throughout the coun
try with a multitude of activities that will last four weeks.
The campaign is planned to raise at
Air Barrage Against German
Machines Proves Particu
larly Successful During,
Sunday Night Attack.
London, Oct. 1. British naval air
patrols destroyed two enemy ma
chines and brought down another,,
says an official announcement. A
Gotha also was brought down and is
believed to have been damaged. All
the British machines are sate.
The air raid Sunday night the fifth
within seven days as far as available
details show, accomplished nothing
important for the enemy. The claim
that, the new 'air barrage" acts as a
powerful deterrent to the raiders
seems to have been justified further
in the latest attack.
An immense number of guns of
various calibers were in action.
Indeed, it was they, not the in
vaders, who were putting up the show.
There was an intense and far-reaching
searching of the skies in all direc
tions, the flashes of bursting missiles
showing brightly in the heavens, not
withstanding the extreme brilliancy
of a full moon. Even more impressive
was the terrific din of the guns.
Casualties Not Reported. ,
Almost nothing is yet known con
cerning damage and casualties caused
by the raiders. It is said several
bombs were dropped in Essex and
Kent, without causing casualties.
One invader wae driven from Lon
don by the guns of the fleet. South
west of the capital another wa9 seen
over the Thames estuary. It was hem
med in by shell fiie and wriggled for
half an hour trying for an exit from
what seemed a triangle of bursting
shells. it finally escaped seaward.
A half dozen bombs were dropped
in a suburban district without causing
casualties or important damage. One
of the bombs narrowly missed strik
ing a hospital.
Press Demands Reprisals.
The newspapers, while commend
ing the vigor of the defenses, still call
for other measures and advocate re
prisals on German towns. They in
sist on this point with greater ve
hemence. The Times contends that
it would be absurd to suppose that
the problem of successful defense had
been solved. It points out that the
intense gun fire is only a partial de
terrent and warns that air warfare is
capable of infinite expansion and that
new methods wili have to be found
to combat it. The Times advocates a
great air fleet capable of carrying the
war into Germany.
More Deaths Reported
. In Expeditionary Force
1 Washington, Sept. 30. Two more
deaths among the American troops
abroad were announced today in a
cablegram from . Major General
Private W. C. Sullivan of an in
fantry regiment died September 24
of cerebro-spinal meningitis.
Benjamin lleyward, a stevedore,
died September 24 of heart disease.
Qerman Officers in Safety;
Rank and File Take Risks
Canadian Headquarters in France,
Oct. 1. Report that' the rank and file
of the enemy troops have a great
longing for peace is confirmed by
every prisoner captured. One of their
chief grievances is the failure of their
higher officers to take risks. Even
company commanders freely depute
to the under officers their duty, while
in trenches, and remain well back
fmm the front.
This is so different from the rela
4 tions between our officers and men
that it is freshly impressed on the
minds of Germans on every occasion
when there "is hand-to-hand fighting,
in which our officers invariably lead
their men, while the German officers
seldom do J. They are hot actuated
by fear and it must be assumed that
they are obeying orders in thus hang
ing back. Very great losses of the
German offcer class early in the war
may have made it necessary to con
serve their leaders. Whatever is the
reason for their failure to take risks
as great as those to which their men
are subjected, the latter arc deeply
discontented. Hence the hearty greet
ings from Lens.
least $3,000,000,000 in subscriptions,
and treasury officials heve set the
"amount expected" at $5,000,000,000.
Half again as large as the first Lib
erty loan, the second offering is the
largest the people of the United
States have ever been called on to
Postmaster General Burleson has
ordered that between October 1 and
October 27 all postage stamps be
canceled with a stamp bearing the
legend: "Back the boys in the
trenches. Buy a Liberty bond. In
quire at any bank or postoffice."
McAdoo at Cleveland.
Cleveland, O., Oct. 1. Secretary
McAdoo formally opened the cam
paign with a speech in Cleveland,
the first of many he will deliver
in his tour of the United States to
stimulate interest fn the sale of the
bonds. Clubs, chambers of commerce,
commercial organizations, schools, pa
triotic societies and like organizations
have been enlisted in the great arriiy
of "boosters" for the (-loan, and all
over tne country, ine puDiiciiy ma
chine set up by the Treasury depart
ment has been put in motion. ,News
papers, hand bills and posters of every
description will advertise the bonds
and speaker, on the platform and
stage will assist in the great drive.
Speaking of the'Tinancial problem
of the nation, Mr., McAdoo said:
"After allowing for the amount of
revenue to be raised by taxation for
fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, we
shall have to raise by additional bond
issues between $13,000,000,000 and
$14,000,000,000. It is estimated that
$5,000,000,000 will represent additional
loans to the allied governments,
which, in turn, will give us their
obligations bearing interest.
Need Fourteen Billion by June.
"To raise $13,000,000,000 to $14.
000,000,000 on or before June 13, 1918,
bv the sale of bonds in recurring in
stallments seems to some people an
impossible task. It 'is a stupendous
undertaking, but it is not impossible
for America. It is not easy, but it can
be done. Our resources are adequate,
our will is perfect; our spirit is in
domitable and our success is certain.
We have only to pull together and we
can do the job. Already we have
demonstrated what a united people
can do when partisanship is
subordinated to patriotism; when
love of country becomes supreme. I
look forward, therefore, with confi
dence to the success of the recurring
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Moehler Declines to Act
As Administrator of Fuel
A. L. 'Mohler, former president of
the Union Pacific railway, declined to
be the active -.head in administering
the coal situation in Nebraska under
the food and fuel admniistraton, and
the Nebraska fuel administrator is
yet to be appointed. When State Food
Administrator Wattles was in Wash
ington recently it was suggested that
he might take general charge of the
fuel administration in Nebraska as
Well as that of the food. He told offi
cials then that he could not do this
unless he could induce Mr. Mohler to
accept the position to do the active
work. As Mr. Mohler has declined to
do this, however, .Nebraska still re
mains without a fuel administrator.
Thank You!
?Tis a Record Breaker
Sunday Advertising in The Bee
(War field Agency Measurements.)
The Bee in the Lead
SUNDAY, SEPT. 30, 1917
Local Display 4,582
Foreign Display 262
Automobile ......... .1,364
Classified 1,397
' Total 7,605
Local Display 4,507
Foreign Display 345
Automobile .......... .1,311
Classified - .1,308
Total....:.-... 7,473
Keep Your Eye On The Bee