Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1917, Page 6, Image 6
.6 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. OCTOBEIi 11917. Want Ad Rates (Counting Six Word lo tb I Ho d taken for le than two line. Local CASH WITH ORDER to per Una 1 time T per Un. .3 or mtrrt consecutive liiaertlun CHARGE (0 per lino 1 (Imt lo pr llie.. .1 or -nor eonecutlv lnarlloni 7o pr tlno 38 consecutive Insertions SITUATIONS WANTED 26 pr lino por wek CARDS OF THANK5 AND FUNERAL NOHCES I0o par tlno eeb Inoertloa (Minimum charge, It eanta.) Out-of-Town Rat. Cash With Order. (Count Six Word to Una.) Help Wanted Agent Wanted llualireaa Chances Financial ..All Other Claaairicatlon 12o per lino I time, lo perllne t or -mora. consecutive Inaertlona to par Una 1 lima, lo per Una I or mor eonaecutlva Inaertlona. CSE THE TEI EPHONK If you cannot venlently bring or nd In your want Id. Aak for a Wgnt Ad Taker and you will receive tbe aUine food wrvlr aa wbeo delivering your want ad at thlo office. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSB KVENINO EDITIONS 11.09 M U.RNINO EDITIONS 10:00 P M Contract Raleo on Anplication ATTRACTIONS u SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. Complete line moving picture supplies gwanaon Nolan Supply Co..10tBM4th DEATHS & FUNERALN0TICES. VORACF.K iia"ry. wife of John Voracelc. . died Friday, September 28, aged 61 year. Funeral ,-ervlce Monday at the residence of her dsughter. Mra. John Kllllan, 1701 .South Fifteenth St., at 1:10 a. ni., and o'clock at-SU Wencealaua Cat hollo church, 1433 South Fourtenth St. Interment Bt. Mary's cemetery. Friends welcome. OHALLORAN Mrs.. Jane, a red 41 yeers. Funeral Monday rooming:. October 1, ,1:14 a. m.. from family realdenca, 171 8. loth St. to St. I'strnk's church at t a. m. I n trmjn tH ol yBepu 1c he .cejneTery. FLORISTS. UE1NU a member of tbe National Floriata' Telegraph Delivery aaeocletlon, wa are In poaltiou to deliver flower at abort notice anywrftr In the United Slate or Canada Heaa 8wobod. "lorlt. t'onlvnetl VlArl.l. Mil Ilnnelna Rl S LEEL. LARM0N Do las 1244. LARGEST assortment of fresh flower,' 1. HENDKRLON, j 519 FARNAM. PARKER P4.QWKH SHOP. 411 8. II. bT 108 THB FERNERY, 601 S. I6th"8t. Doug. 2tf" BATH, National FlnrlsTTuOs Farnam St. A. lONA(.HUE.v1833 Harney Doug 1H"1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaker, 14 A Har. D.887 U DODDER CO., Funeral Director. r. B. Foro, Mir, 3 Id and Cumin Bt. Phone- Dougta I7T. Auto ambulant. HULSE RIEPKN. uiidnrlik and em ' ' balmera. 701 B. 16th Pougla 1783 JOHN A.( GENTLEMAN, .undertaker and embalmer. 3824 Leavenworth lnu 1 16 - ' " T 1 1 "I i j '' 7-y- LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OJTAUA tt COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Pereona having lo anma article woujd do wall to call up th office of tb Omaha & Council Bluff Straet Railway company to aacertato whether they left It In tbe atreet ear. -- Many article eacb day ar turned la ' and th company la anxloua lo raatora , them to th rightful owner. LOST Black pocketbook containing" annual pass", favor of Upo ( Hopkins. lodge receipt and four Liberty bond receipt, lxiat between Blalt and Lincoln, Finder return to FV U Burrsll, C. A N. W. head tiuarter. Fremont, Neb., and reoelv 15 reward. IK VuU ua anything and will advertla It her you will (urely recover It If found by an honeat person. If yon find anything of valu tl hone! way t lo advarlla for the o i , . . ToST Hmall gold watch, Bwla movement, bronia face, by high whool girl, Tueaday p. m .between South High and SSd and A Sta., on :3d. KJndly call 8. 1174. Lib eral reward. LOST Houm where on Farnam, butwoen . 'J'urplu' Dane Mall I and 16th St., a cameo pin. ' Flndor pleaa communicate with qiady Riley, Culfa 1470. Reward. TWENTY POLLARS REWARD for IhV r turn of a gold dollar dated 1803. 714 North lSthet., Omaha. ' LOST iarg cameo broach bi i camlvaf f round Friday night: liberal reward. Mr. Hudaon, Douglaa t07l. jOST In JCinprtiB theater, fady' gold bunting cAae wati-h, letter K engraved on raaa. call H. dt. newani. 'UBT Gold necklace, value only aa gift of dead friend. Reward. Harney IIIL FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods, vurnTkh youtTuuioK apracwcaxJ LT '.OUR OWN PRICE. Httndreda of peopl hay taken advan tage of th remarkeble prlc reduction w bav been making for th paat vrl month en a bis tSt.OUO warehoua iiork of brand new. up-to-date furnttur that we were forced to cloae out Such money eavlng posalbllltle could not be quale anywhere elee la th city-alert buyer bav dlacovered thl and pniflled by It. Furnttur for every room la th horn la Included In thl big warehoua itock OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS OIVKN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. " Aet today. STATE F0RNITURH CO., " Pod. 1317. 141b nd Doaae lie.. Omaha. AUCTION SaXk. of miscellaneous household sooda, tool, etc.. on vacant Iota raat of Odd Fellow' Hid;., 19th and Main Sta., Uvnson, Mon day, Oct, 1, at 1 p. m. Term, caah. Cha. Shipley, auctioneer. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Lady'a plush coat; fur collar; nearly new. Ch'ap. Colfai lltl. TOMATOES, beana. carrot, etc.. for can nine; direct from garden. Colfa lt. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACM BOX rOMPAIJY Hamee '17 SITUATIONS WANTED Male. REGISTERED pharmarlat desire position In Neb. or Iowa. Aged IS year. Elempt from draft. Single, 11 year' experience In retail drug business. Best references. Box Y JSt. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN qualified, manage aalra and branch office of manufacturer, desiring repreaxntatlon in Chicago territory; wtabee Interview. Address 7C, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED clerk. 18. alngle. five years aaf grocery, shoe and furnishing goods salesman, open for position. Beat refer ence. Box Y lit, Omaha Be. HOUSEMAN wanta work; any kind. Houaeman, Douglaa 7401. Call female EXPERIENCED atenographer dealrea peti tion with good firm wher there I chance of advancement for willing worker. Call Room 310 Delmar Hotel. K.XPKRIENCED lady stenographer, with reference, wants position, either In law or real estate office. H. Godbersen, 121 N. 124. v. POSITION aa housekeeper by refined mid dleaged widow lady with child. Beat of reference Box bt'H. Omaha Bee. PRACTICAL nurae wlahea position aa com panion. Traveling or home, ref. Dg. 1430. La undry and Day Work. WANTED Day work, washing. Ironing, house cleaning; will give satisfaction. Webster JMI0. DAY work wanted by reliable colored wo man that can glv references. Harney S441. Laundry and Day Work. COMPETENT whit lady wanta day work. References; 13 par day. Douglaa 1174. WASHING and lac curtains don7 Ty. 1144. BUNDLES carefully laundered Web. 4001. Washing and Ironing wanted. Harney lltli BUNDLE work or day-work. Harney 1117. WHITE" laundress. Call eve.. Red. 3144. LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. 1714. Bundle washing colored lady. Ty. 2HJ-J Col. lady wania day wk., any kind. Ty. tlti DAY work by whit woman. Webate. 4631)7 LAUNDRY Ww by exp. col. lady. Web. 7034? WASHING. Ironing and hacleanlng. Ty mf! BUNDLH washing wanted. Walnut 2If.l. jiE LP WANTEDMALE Storer and Ofncea. WHY. PAY for a position T Stenographer, register us ,rRF.E OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. lot South llth St HIGH CLASS bookkeeper wented, man or woman. Responsible position; opportunity for advancement. One with home office experience preferred, Address National Fi delity LlfeInsuranc Co., Sioux City. LEDtlKR dart by large.' wholesale house. Oood par and chance for advancement Addreaa 740t, Omaha Be; YOUNO man study lawllcva., downtown a UNI, of OM., Sec y. Thomaen, 404 Om. Bk, , Professions and Trades. GLAZIERS, warehoua men and bench men; steady work, good wage to rellabl men. Imperial Sash and Door Co.. 1547 Sher man Avenue, 1 OMAHA PILLOW CO Feather luattreaaea - made from your own feather, aummer and winter 4ll; coal lee and last longer tlian cotton or hair InUa. Phone u for sample. It07 Cuming. Dviiitln 47. BAKOA1NS in fdrnllur, lie boxe.' ga atovea, ruga. bode, china and kitchen cabi net, table, chair, buffet, dresser, trunk, aultcaaea. Full line of poultry net tin screen Mlt-47 N S4th Web 117 CALL F. B. STEPHENSON. HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE! ' Auctioneer. Licensed and Banded. Prion Web. 4471. STOVES, all make, heater, raugea and cook atovea; (urn., VlcL. piano. Country tp.:l. flinAm bhI.a4 . 1 Co.. Ill N. 16th. City Furn. Co., 107 8. 14th. RUSH rittbt down and get your share of all klnde furniture t aacrlfice. tot N. Iltb BEAUTIFUL birdxey uinpTe bedroonTuit " crlflco." Call Walnut SsSl. Pianos and Musical Instruments. f HARP Good condition, rouble action. Rar opportunity. Inr. Lyric Bldg. D. 1704. Store and Office Fixtures. WE HAVE moved to new location. Wa buy. ell and make draka. aafe. showcase, helving, ate Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8 W Cor llth and Doug Phone O 1714 Sewing Machines. " SWING MACHINES"" - W rent, repair. ell needle and part ( all awln( machine, i MICKEL'S r NEPRASKA CYCLE CO, ltth and Heney 81a Doug. Hit. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS. aolJ. rerled and repaired "Rent aa Oliver typewriter S month for IS. Central Typewriter Eirbang. not Kamam luaranteed Typewrliera. 110 and up Writ ' 1oT ,M Mldl'""1 Typ Co.. 1404 Dodge; Miscellaneous. Oe.GOf FEET of old and new lumber for aal at reduced prices. Also windows, door, ateam heating toller, ateel beam and other building material. CHAMBERS & O'NEILL, ' : Hit Leavenworth. Tyler 1411. 'IRE ADJUSTER "SALE All the damaaed good of Cady Lumbers Co. tiro hard ware, twin, nail, wire fencing, wooden and Iron poet and lumber. H. Groaa Lumber and Wrecking Cow Ilt and Paul Sta. webater 1M4. lijii cU yoke. 1 and up. Leriaona In tatting & crochtting. Web.4tlf. ItOIOhlo. I HARD rubber t auto whcrla,"" with "main xl. alen " eiv t Webnter Ml WANTED A xpertened fireman, mlddl geu preferred; must hav reference. Apply at office Savoy Hotel, lath and Jackson Sla. WANTED Mlddl-gd or older man o coolc for thro or four men on stock, farm 4 mil from St. Charles. Work all year fifr clean, iteady man. Address Box IS, ri. nariea, n, u. WANTED Competent flnor man. On xprlenced in handling help, i ItAYDEN, BROS. WANTED Registered ilruu clerks at one; , salnrlta paying from 1100 and U2S per month and commissions. Apply Schramm .. Johnson, Drugs, Halt Lak t'lty", tttah. ' WANTED Cylinder pressman, axperlericed In color work; steady position. Writ. at once, atatlnir xprlenc and compens. tion wanted. Western Tablet CpSL Joseph. Mo. HELP WANTED I good beef butcher for in killing rioor; good pay and ateady work for th right men. Apply Relland PVklng Co., Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, WAITED Rock men and teamster. on Santa F Railway line between Caney, Kan., and Pawhuaka, Okl. Year' work. Haney Broa. A Co., Pawht akaf Okl. WANTED Wagon blackamlth, helper ana Andrew Murl auto truck body builder. phy at Bon, Fourteenth treat. ' and Jackson WANTED A first class ahlp'ping clerk": tat experience and salary wanted. Oma ha Bee, Box oC81. WANTED Experienced woman for mani ' curing and halrdreaalnf. Apply to Mtaa JlO'Ne4l at Bono', Council Bluffs. y. WASTED Several" yountr mn for atn 1 battery service; experience unnecessary, ". c-mrage nailery yo., in farnam, WANTED Young "man, age It and 14," type-' -mor nim-n. ; ex. unneo.; gooa wage; perm employ. Underwood Typ. Co.. 1711 nouelaa. VV ANTED Name of men. wlahtnc to hal com Omaha mall carrier. Commanc, 117 month. Box T. lit. Omaha Bee. LEARN barbei trad; low rate now Call nii naroer iTonege. nil nougl Bt ioUNO man atudy law! Eve., downtown ee. l!Vf Alt a-u ami . . . WANTEIWfrwo younr men to work on pu -xMiw-cr i.iw,iii. aTtppiy 91 P. 1UIB Clt, TWO young men for factory work. Omaha WANTKlWIIKinv 1. iruVxiTSra 7 ;;:w-' wa "j" , - s-res lnar, IVf PiOI'ft 13th WANT 6t. ANTED Man for work; In drug tor. All v " . om ays, inn jk rnrip Mr JJIjACKSMITJI and honn'shour, flUady job. SEWER Uborni Monday morning; good . - "" viiiai iium Salcsmeri and Solicitors. WANTED- ; ' . ! STOCK SALESMEN. .By on of th leadlnc corporation ef th itat for th purpose of placing high class atock eeurlty. on which appeal to th Investing public and which ba a aplendld future. f Splendid co-operation given by th of fice, which assure' successful business and highly eatlsfactory earnings from the beginning. Only hlgb-ctaa men with red blood, pep and punch who are accustomed to doing thing need apply. No attention will be paid t advance men or curiosity seeker. . f .... ' SEE MR. LAW, - NO. I. WBAD- BLDG., , N OMAHA. NEB. HELP! WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. ' STOCK salesmen toell aock la a progres sive all company with holding In Wyo ming and Montana otl field. Writ Red Rover Oil Co., Billings, Mont Hotels and Restaurants. y , WANTED NIGHT COOK WANTEO. IN QUIRE 3201 8 24TH ST. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Men. woman, learn tb barber trad few week complete; pay wbll learning Catalogue free. Rate now on Call or writ II Booth Mth Bt. Omeb AUTOMOiULE SCHOOL Iarn In alx weeka; no book; easy to learn; free catalogue.. National Auto School. 2114 N. 10th St.. Omaha. Neb. MOTH Men women to learn tb brber trad Special ratce Call or write. 1401 Dodge. -TR1-C1TY BARBER COLL2GE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 2041 Farnam, Boys. BOYS! A Regular Job Where You Pan MqVo Poal Mnnovl , A.MV VV W . . Light worl. and regular hours Good chance for advancement and more money. y APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. SKINNER MFG. C0yl4th and Jackson Sts. ATTENTION-BOYS Wanted 3 boys at once; $1.75 per day. Light work. Good chance for advancement. OMAHA BOX CO.. East Omaha. NOTICE! Good opportunity for brlghl boy: must be II or over. Apply Cudahy Packing Co., South Sid. WANTED Boy tor pressroom, heavy work. tlO a week, good chance .for advance, ment for one who can deliver. Night work. Be Mr Millar, night foreman Omaha Fee WANTED A good offlc boy over II veara of ago. Good bualne opportunity. Henry R Oerlng Co.. 701 B. llth St. WANTED At once, good (Irons boy hu boy Permanent position. Mr Small hoi. Blackatnn Hot!. Miscellaneous. W ANTED Pnrtr at Bavoy Hotel. ' Apptf at one at offlc. ltth and Jackson Bt. A. tTTKNTltlN, farmeral If you. want beip w can (tipply you. Bluff City Employ rnedt Huru lilt W Brosdwy P 411 HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED MP. women. Thouaand gov ernment war poiltlon opentlOO month. Examination vrywher. Llt free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 117-H. Roobe. ". ter.. N.T... ) , rii WASf ED tobbV" tprler,J maid, bii boy and kitchen men. llenahaw hoteL- fr- " y" i. -rr-r-n-r-rra HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER (railroad), 7i, Stenog - raphr (Insurance). $70. Three beginners, atenographera, 140.141. Ledger clerk, ftO. Stenographer nd dictaphone, tit, 1 CO-OPBRATIVB REFERENCB CO.t , , ldis-ls city isan wann nmg. WHY PAY for a poltton7 Btenographar. restaur with u FREE OF CHARGE sad w will plac you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COJIPANT. 101 Bo ltth Bt , City i IWANTTeD Stenographer and btolckeeper, easy work, reasonable hours, t4S per month and board., Girl living In Florence preferred. Call Douglaa 1711, Ml Rich ard. I WANTED Lady atenographer,,must be able to do first else work and wrtt a good hand. Burges-Ornden Co. ' , Professions and Trades. Do You Like a Hot Lunch At Noon? Do You Like Good Light and Air? ' Do . You LikTto Feel Safe When at Work? Well, the ., go right down to the Snow White Bakery of the Iten Bis cuit Co., vt 13th and Capitol Ave. and make application. Where You Can Get a Good Hot Eunch at Noon for 12c. Where tne Light and Air Are Both Good WANTED Experienced salesmen with car wno nava nad experience aelllng fanner. To men who ar producers we hav per. tnanent position to offer you to work In your home county. Our aalea manager . will Interview you In your hoaa town. Writ. American Hog Raisers' Asi'n of Iowa. 316-111-111-311 E. Ith 8L. Des BALES repreaentstlv to carry tin of men s, uuier ana children' rain and watar-proof coats for state of Iowa and Nebraaka; aucreed an established trade; prefer men well established In th terri tory; give reference and present line with application. F. A O. Mfg. Co.., 1171 W. Ith 8L. Cleveland. Ohio. x WANTEDTwo neat appearing salesmen, must be abl to meet th public. Live wire men make from IS to ft per; day. Commission paid each day. Call before , It a, in., also after S p. m., at tit Baird Bldg. Ask for Mr. Hatfield. SUBSCRIPTION repieeenlatlv wanted for th Nebraska Farm Journal In every county In Nebraska.' Salary and expense. Goo proposition to th right party. Per manent. - Call or addrea Nebraaka Farm Journal, Omaha. MEN WITH FORD CARS to sell th Foot Air Accelerator. Burn . bot air. Make 141 and up per week la your owa community. Ana. quick. Whartney Rale Co.. 117 Paxton Blk. WANTED Experienced clothing aaleaman. . ooiriey viotne enop Where You Are Safe Always Asthe Building is Fireproof Good girls who are able and will ing to a work always make good money in our Snow White Bakery. The most capable girls are selected from time o timfor advancement and promotion, as we believe in -training: our employes for better positions. ITEN BISCUIT CO. ! GIRLS! Your Opportunity to Earn More Money and "Advance- .." ment Start in packing and labeling de partment Good money, steady, pleasant employment, regular hours; most pleasant, sanitary sur roundings. Brand new fire-pntof ouiruing. . IF YOU VANT A REAL OP PORTUNITY APPLY SUPER INTENDENT. SKINNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson Sts. HEJ WANTED FEMALE P.-Sessions and Trades 8EWINO OIRLS WANTED FOR POWER MA .CHINES. GOVERNMENT WORK. GOOD WAGES. EXPERIENCE NOT NECES SARY. . I SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AND AWNINO CO.. HTH AND HOWARD. THE Nebraska Telepbont company offers an exceptional opportonltv to young ladle to learn local and long dlstsnc telephone operating Permnoi position, opportuu tie for advancement, good wages. A U ary t paid while learning I Parent Jtalr1n(fo acquaint themaelves with tba working cdbdltlon or any other detail ro epeclail Invited to accompany tbe applicants Apply to C. F Lambert H07 Douglas trt. '' GIRLS wanted, colored preferred. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., llth and Marcy. Douglaa 151. WANTED A aklrt maker at once. Scalzo Holmgren. Room I, Wead Bldg I.KARN br(i..r Hade Hoy ld( Household and Domestic. COMFORTABLE homo and email wages tot mlilifle aged woman, who will assist with work In steam heated apartment. Phone Harney I7IJ. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; three In family. Mr, u. i Modeiltt. 1616 Woolwortb Ave. Harney WANTED Oirl to assist with housework and care or small cnna; no wasning. Apply Apt. No. 11, The Blrchwood, after 1 p. M. Monday FOR RENT-ROOMS Board, and Room. CAPITOL AVE.. 254 J Excellent location; walking distance 16 per week and np; nice home baking. Douglas 7J41. ATTRACTIVE modern room for two. walk ing distance, good board, reaaonable. 1561 Dodge St Harney 6143. TWO gentlemen to aharo a large room, two meals Harney 1164. TABLE board rood home cwkmg H 3" FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. THE HYLAND, 18TH AND MCHOLA8. Steam beat and electric lights, newly furnished apartments. t3.50 to $T per weak. Including Hirht, hffit. water. Janitor and maid service. Webster 4047. Houses. NINE-ROOM all modern house in Weat Far nam district. Call Harney SS00. BUSINESS CHANCES HOUSEMOVERS The big house moving outfit of the late L. B. Gibb of, Fremont, Neb, la offered for sale at a bargain. Thl I a splendid chance to buy a good paying business liberal term to good, reliable party. Ad dress Cain and Johnson Attorney for the Estate, At Fremont, Neb. : -4 7 RMS., mod., part, furn; walking distance; good proposition to grown people Dg. 171. slix-roomv"house. modern but beat. 831 S. list; $20. Harney 2706. FOR RENT HOUSES West1 t 1611 GRANT 8T. New 6--oom bun?al"W for rent: oak finish, all modern, nicely decor ated; postssIon October '2; rent only 125. Rasp Bros., 210 Keellne Bldg. Ty ler 721. ' 1-HOOM house, all modern, has oak floors throujchout, two fireplace, south front. HO; 146 with garage. TRAVER BROS., tit First National Bk H!clK. Doug. 6S8 WANTED A nic whit girl for general housework; references. Mr, bugar Mors- mn, 4124 Dtvenport. GIRL for general housework; widow with one child. Referencea required. Harney 1745. WANTED A housekeeper; three children; no washing. Wagea 14. room, board and laundry. Colfax 3201. WANTED Whit girl for general houe work; two In family, food wage. Call Harney 2121. WANTED A white girl for general houso- worh! two In family. Phon M. sis or Dg. 1. 607 8. 18th Ave. RELIABLE whit (Irl wanted, i In family No washing. 17. Mrs. tsenner. vrai. iui. f-iot n. VAM hmuMkurArir mall famllv: good wagea; all elec conveniences, ti. WANTED Reliable young girl to assist with housework. Ill B. bid Bt. wsi. ion. COMPETENT maid; no washing; 1 in fam ily. 101 N. !Sth Ave. Tel. rl. . MAID WANTED To aaslat with housework; whit preferred. Walnut Itiio. OIRL wanted, family of three. No washing. Oood wage. Wlnut 1111. WANTE"b White girl to ssist with down WANTED A- girl for general housework M Call Douglas ni. ii WANTED Maid for general ho'useworfi. Call Harney I5t. "Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A dining room girl and second cook. Apply uamsoo uospnai Howard 8t WANTED Chambermaid; apply houaekeep er, Fontenelle hotel. Miscellaneous. CASHIEI wanted between th age of It end 26, a moving picture ahow, evenings only. Queen Theater, t07 Plerc. EDUCATIONAL VAN 8ANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day and Evening School. Munson-Pltman and Oregg Shorthand, Typewriting. Offlc Method. Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Spelling, Civil Servlc subject, course by profes sors from th University School of Com merce, and Doraeatlo Selene, v Aek -for bulletin.. ' 220 Omaha Nat' Bank Bldg, Omaha. Doug! 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL "lOTH AND FARNAM SpecUI low rate to permanent guest. STEAM-HEATED rooms 12 wk., alao apt with klteheneta. Ogden-Hotel. Co. Bluffs Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. RtHIM HUNTERS! If "you tall to find tb room yon deslr amung the d call at Th Be offlc for a Room Llsl Give complete description of vacant room l. all partr of tb city. New Itat issued every week. ' MODERN furnished room ' it - th Sun. hln apartment, equipped for light housekeeping; hot and cold .water. For men only. Low rate. i Offlc tQl N. 17th St. ' MAJRRIED couple have large, beautifully furnished front room to rent October 1, suitable for two person desiring refined surrounding, with all modern', conveni ence and horn comfort. Apply Box 3141. Th Bee. , NICELY furnished pleasant room, modern, walking distance or convenient to Far nam car. Reasonable. Harney 4963. 113 Park Ave t ROOM, accommodation for eouplo, In West Farnam district. Reference required. Tel. Harney 1 7 4 6. FRONT room, aultabl for 1 or gefita, in private family, close to Cretghton college, alio car Hire, breakfast. Tel. Doug. 7036. FOR RENT-Large attractive room In thoroughly modern nome ror i or i gen tlemen, private family. Call Harney 6836 UANSCOM Park district on oar line, on warm newly furptshed room In privet famlly. Reasonable, reference. H. 3t2t. EXCELLENT newly decorated modern rooms, fine . location,, on car line; a lac walking dist. lit N. 16th 8t. Tyler 1233. FOR RENT A large front room In nw, modern, strictly -private homo, to a lady; board -If doalred.; ref. exch. H. 2239. NICELY furnished modern 4-r. front apart ment) walking distance; for husband and wlfo or J. girl. Tyler 3319. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms lr private home. All convenience. Heat, hot and coM water. 2461 St. Mary Ave. Red 1344. A FRONT room, suitable for t or 1 peopled larg closets; near 3 car line; nice home Ilka place; meal If desired. H. till. NICELY turn, sleeping room: also 4 newly decorated unfurnished room; light and heat furn. 130. fit N. 13d St. D. 1440. THE STANDARD. 61t & 23d 8L, modern, well furnished" housekeeping and ileeplng rooms, ronable. Douglas t.101. NEATLY furnished aouth front room, 13 pet week. Alao eaat room, ttVtO per week. Modern horn. 1912 Jackson. H. 3t61. BRIGHT aunny room: bath; breakfast and venlng dinner it desired; to employed only. Webster 406. HANSCOM PARK, pleasant room in private home, o two car linea. Strlotly modern. Kitchen- privilege. Harney 1363. LAROE pleaaant room, walking diatanc. cloe to Crelghton college. Only 91.36 Harney 1040. ROOMS nicely furnUhed.' with breakfast new modern horn. Webster MODERN room for gentleman, lly, walking diatanc. Doug. 6336. ir 6274. , private fam- . 6336. FOUR large, attractive, .modern room. reasonable; ar. car; Hanacom dla. H. 43l, LARGE, atractlv steam-heated room, pri vate, on car line. Web. (361. NICE turniahed rooma for Ak-Sar-Ben vlat- tor; close-in. Harney 6801. THREE furnlahed rooms to rent at 3024 No. 33d. Phone Web. 7140. TWO beautifully furnished rooms, walking distance; reference required. D. 6213. 1611 HOWARD. heated furn. room Housekeeping Rooms, FOR RENT Two housekeeping room. nicely turinahed or unfurnished, moderav 3103 Mlmla St. Webater 460. 2601 ST. MARY'S AVE. I front rooma. all nicety furnished, on second floor. Laundry privilege. Reasonable, D. St43. NICE furnUhed r unfurnished rooms tor ' light housekeeping. H. tlft. : 24t Chi eago. HOWARD ST.. 2216 Large, clean house keeping rooma. close in, diock oi car; everyimn-r lumisneq. 2671 8T. MARY'S AVE. South housekeeo imt suite: hot and cold water la rooma: good furnishing and eleaa; good heat, LARGE, beautiful furniahed 3-room utte with sleeping pore hi reference. 3o2 lav Front light housekeeping rooms, reaaonable. cloee in. v- 8951. 211 yeavyawortn 716 N. 17TH ST. Nicely furnishec! rooma tor light houaekeeptng. Red 4324, - TWO rooma, furnished tor light housekeep ing 99t4 M ttlh si TWO FAMILIES. t-room residence, divided for two families; eenarate entrance; modern ex cept heat; 925. 2501 Corby. Webster 8755 ENTIRE ups'.alra of residence, 3 large rooma and bath; separate entrance; mod ern except heat; nice and clean; 312. 2601 Corby St. Webster 4V55. , 20 8. 30TH ST. Practically new, easily heated, six-room, .brick. Telephone Har. 3836. Owner 206 Turner Blvd. 13-ROOM modern brick house, 2621 Harney St. Call Harney 3362. J25 r7-ROOM modern east side. house. Bemls Park. Walnut 234Z. double 7-ROOM house: strictly modern; 2762 Merl- dlth Ave. Call Florence 418. ' -ROOM home, modern but heat, f 15. -70S Seward. D. 2802. OOOD modern 6-room cottage. 2513 Chi cago. 921 per month. Harney la69. South. FOR RENT IN HANSCOM PLACE Property recently vacated by Superin tendent Grnff; 10-room house, corn. 30th and Poppleton. Phone Webster 6466. ' ROOMS and gunroom, all modern, with garage. 330; vacant Oct.1539 S. 25th 6-roora bungalow, modern, 127.60, 1210 8 25th 4ve.- D. 2802. FOR RENT 3114 S. llth 8t. 6 rooms and aleeplng -o-crr a variety of fruit trees, , J17. Phono Harney 4485. 6-ROOM modern cottage except heat, on Van Camp Ave. Phone Web. 1497. FOR RFNT 4-room, prtl" modern house, 910. Call t). 7681 or H. 3266. Miscellaneous. 7-R HOUSE" AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 250 5 fierce Ml v r lvj MODERN EXCEPT HEAT, l-R., 6.10 8 24th Ave 8-R., 287S Saratoga ft 7-R.. 1909 California St STRICTLY MODERN. i-P... 922 8. 31st Ave T... 7-R., 917 8. !6th St -R., 3018 Dewey Ave........... 1026 S. 30th Ave 1919 Chicago Rt 10-R., 2221 Dodire St 16-11.. 4219 N. 24th St FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 4-F... lilt N. 24th St 10-R., 705 S. 13th St .. PORTER A SHOTWELL. tOtJS. 17th St. Doug-. 6 Office with HOME BUILDERS. C-R -R ,925.00 $15.00 ,2"0.00 ,330.00 ,925.00 ,9?5.00 ,937.60 ,935.00 $35.00 ,940.00 ,930.0ft tli.t 945.00 13. . 3001 MASON ST. ii- win, strictly modern, very comfortable house and easy to heat. Rerft 322.50. , 664 8. 28th St., 10 rooms, strictly mod ern: arranged for light housekeeping rooms. Rent 330. 2304 N. 61st St., 6-room cottage. Rent 315. 3304 N. 64th St., 6-room cottage. - Rent 315. ; 2580 Spauldlng St., 9 rooms. Rent 320. GILBERT C. LOOMIS, 106 McCague Bldg. Doug. 370. tiuuai in all part of tbe city - aw -." ro sne n rm FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. ANG ELL'S APARTMENT. 25TH AVE AND DOUtiLA S or 4 -room apartment, fireproof and oundproof. Two' disappearing Murphy, beds, automatlo elevator Roof garden Strictly modern. Harney 2074., ST. CLAIR. ' 24th and Harne, 3 and 4-room apart ment. Call Harney 847. CLOSE in room, (uitable for etudlo, office, dentist, dressmaker, etc.. with living mis ad1olnlnr T F Hall. 434 Ramge D 7408 APARTMENTS, all sizes ami prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam D 1472 South. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK CENTRAL. None better, few equal, 3-room apart ment; monnv In every respect. Apply 220 N 2:id. Phone Red 4232. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL -4-room apartment, walking diatanc. Janitor, heat etc; 940 aummer. $48.60 winter Douglas 3392 NICE 7-room flat 1907 Cuming 225 t-room house, 2611 Decatur St 913 JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Sneclellsl 4n Apartment Manaaement ?OR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. I WORLD REAt'fYXCbMPANY (Realtor) Theater Entrance. 1 Po-iula 6242. Sun Theater Bldg. 4718 8. 24TH ST. So. sTde. Year P. O. E. H. Banner Co.. D. 8408., - Office and Desk Room. LOW-PRICED mod offices. Farnam Bldg.. , IS A Farnam. (Old let Nat Bank Bldg. FIRST TRUST CO Realtor. Tyler 60. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. V FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, itorag and moving in n. iitn si vrnone uoug la 894 METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Youi moving, your packing, your atorage. Main Offlc. Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard Tel Doug 7786 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for houaehold good and piano; moving, packing and hipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 8 Kith Dougia 4188 FIDELITY Sr,Ac FREE Phon Douglaa 281 for complet " list of vacant houses and apart mewfa. Alao tor storage, moving. 18th and Jackson St Globe Van and Storage Co. For real aervtc hi moving, packing and torin. rail Tyler 230 or Douglaa -4338 J. CREED Kxpreaa Co.. Moving Packing and Stores 120? Farnam St Web 174 Doug 8144 . OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING. -v Large van. two men, tt.60 per hour. MAOOARD'S 8TORA0H CO. Dong 1491 NEBRASKA MOVIE SHOW Fully equipped, town of ten thousand. Only two shows. Guaranteed profit 990 per week. Owner mut elL Price 93,000. LUND, 420 Securltle Bidg. Tyler 753. REAL ESTATE To Exchange v-iv n i t ti rn mn a nn FINE) BUSINESS CORNER ' AT GALESBURG, ILL. 4 Welt trade for good farm land. WriteJ. R. Conkjin, 2340 S St., Lin- . coin. Neb. . WILL take as part payment a clear house or good lot on a dandy 9-rootrr house that Is nearlv completed; with finished attic; lot 110x100 ft.. In l.ockwood addition. Pric 314.00?, Phone Harney 92". 640 ACRES fin eras lnd in Blaine Co., nicely Improved. 310 per acre, for home In Omaha. 803 Om Nat. Bk. Bldg.' SHERIDAN. Dswe. Hock and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear, for ssl or x ehange ' 8 S A R E MONTGOMERY, pougla 4810 627 City Nat Bank Bld IOWA MOVIE SHOW Only how in town of 2.500. welt equip ped In every respect. Flv year lease, on chance for competition. This ahow clear 3300 per month. Price. 9&000. LUND, 42V Securltle (Rose) Bldg. Ty ler 753. NEBRASKA MOVIE SHOW Only movie how In town of 1,800. Seat Rent 150. Doing fin bualneaa. Owner must sell Price 31. W0. LUND. 420 Securltle Bldg. Tyler 753. NO SACRIFICE NO BONUS. But will sell for actual value our gro cery and meat business of Mitchell,. Neb. New and rapidly developing country and increasing business. Have 4 months to dispose of same, are called In national draft army. For particulate write or come and see FITCH IE BROS. & CO.. Mitchell. Neb CONVENIENT Dundee home for small family, with sleeping' pouch, lire place, breakfast room; Reasonable terms. Phone owner. Walnut 1,621. See it tooay. FOK SALE A fine business for nechant- ... 11. I II- 1 .. V. 1 an f t - lull, lllllllieu iimii, ,uKi tures. Priced right Building for rent or sale. Work year round. Good reasons for selling. Box 6681, Omaha Bee. I WISH to rent store building In good lo cation ana Ben biwiv riiu iiiuim wholesale inventory price. Salea have -........ .i cuitA rnr Mnntii Vmnlr An drews. 6319 County Road. Tot. South 2549, a "nnuiCDD mnhln. r.ratlnAlltf new Your chotee at si so. omer maenmt, huh 925 up; two Fort Wavne Compenaarce at, t3& Come quick If you want It. Mgr . 310 Hromiey mua;.. omana. icu FOR SALE HOSPITAL of 1 rooms; mod ern and fully equipped; town 3.000 people, Addres Rasmus Anderson, Broken Bow, Neb, MOTION picture machine (new, and re- ...... . , . 1 1 .1 nM.h. HMIm DUIIlj; ineaiera nuiiiiiiru. Exrhange. 108 8 lth 8t f OH SALE Cafe, doing a good business; good reasons for selling. For further In fo r m a 1 1oiiivHteJ4ojr:3JOaJ FOBThALB Cigar and confectionery store; a big buy for some one. Address W. V Adamson, l.oveianq. tjoio. FOR SALE The only hotel in a small Ne ; braska town; doing a good business. A baigaln. iddress.Box Y-220. Omaha Bee. iioVING Plt'l'URE machines, new and re- bullt. ah makea: supplies. Western Sup ply Co. 201 Nat Bid CONFECTIONERY and cigar store: excellent location; must sell; anap. Phono Tyler 2991. i TO GET In or out of business call on OA NO EST AD, 248 Bee Bldg. Doug 3477 VOL'tt business or real estate handled for s.ile F V. Knleat. Bee Bldg.. irniant DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1120 W O W BIO It Keq 3Z MEAT market for al. StaplehurBt. Neb. C. M. Huffman, "Roominp Houses. LUND'S ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. 32 rooms. Farnam St., location extra fine. Prices reasonable. is rooms, well furnished, close In. Sac rifice at 3500. 1 Downtown hotel, 47' rooms, , reasonable price. 1 have several nine, ten, twelve and 14 room looming houses priced from 3300 up, places that will pay for themselves dur ing Ak-Sar-Ben. 'Well located and well furnished. Now Is the time to buy and get in line for tha big profits during the Ak-Sar-Lin. I handle nothing but clean money-making 'rooming hotfspa that will stand the best of Investigation... Call and ee my Jlt before yu buy. Lund. 42(T8ecur1tle Bldg. Tyler763. tvtiTGii Lu.,Xin ntrlrtlv modern room- l-r Ing house. Full of roomers. Owner leaving City. UOUg. 5801. SWAPPERS COLUMN In "SOvth Dakota quarter section. Goodn . ,.n, ... r r I lev.!, nara iana. nw . w. t, . Bldg., Omah,",. Neb. fTiImS developed. 10c a roll; one-day aerv ice. Kase Kodak Studio. Neville Blk . 18th and Harney REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. West Farnam District Residence, seven rooms, three on first floor oak, four on second whit enamel, hot water heat, tiled vestibule and bath Reasonable term If desired. ALFRED THOMAS, 908 Farnam Bldg. 4 ROOMS, city water, electric light, 2 large corner lot, southwest of Hsnscora Park; 9100 cash; balance monthly. Wal nut 8466.' J , , North. NEW BUNGALpW BARGAIN Located high and lightly. 3!d. near De catuf street. W sold seven In this I oca tton laat season . Has flv room, closets and bath, full baaement. large, ; roomy nn..t, . aii 4M.Ar.iarf with htEh-rrade ne per, .-tile in kitchen and bath. 8hade and electric nature, imx rinisn in iivin and dining rooms, pedestal opening with bookcases Prlc 33.925 Suhatantlal first payment, balance monthly like- rent. Thla Is 33,350 valu. Call for appointment. TRAVER BROS.,- .Phone D. (8St. tit First Nat Bank. SACRIFICE SALE y Will sell below cost 6-room all-modern except heat cottage, almost new: south front; has soma fruit: chicken yard In rear, i This Is located lat 8110 Burdette, close to car. Price (1.200. Can i glv term. TRAVER BROTHERS ' D.uglsa 8886. tit First Nat Bank. KOUITZE PLACE HOME 6-R. BUNGALOW 1 FLOOR. Brand new, quartered oak and fir fin lsh; oak floors; beautiful decorationa and fixtures; front porch screened. Will take In'lot or auto, or give terms to responsi ble party. Owner. Col. 4193, South. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used d. sks. boughL sold snd traded. J t Reed. 1207 Fsrnam D I64 OLD CLOTHING HIGHEST PRICES. DOUOLAS 021 TI?Ml7TMQ h1hct prk-e for tIJ-lNXVlXXO clothe hoa. trunk, etc. Poug WI81 Res. Doug 8032 i)NK 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on on lot; fin condition; llv In on and rent the other. Prlc for botn. t2.7 Very eaay terma. No. 2433 & 10th 8L NORR1S A NORRI3. 40 Bee Bldg Phon Pougla 4270. Miscellaneous. CLASSY BUNGALOW. ' Five-room bungalow, classy- outside and Inside. Price 33.850; reasonable terms. BENSON A CARMICHAEL 43 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1722. WANTED ii pair rink, skates, solid' frame, lubmK description, condition and price. George W. Calta. Gcdde. 8. D. CAN use second-hand steel for concrete work, such ss rails, bar, etc. . Apply A. B. Alplrn. 7th and Douglaa Sta. DIAMONDS 409 S 15th St SOL BERGMAN A CO wanted to buy siichtiy used ii; ' Ford touring far. Sooth 4380 FALSE teeth. 2fi Decatur St.; Omaha; Neb. RikiKS houaht Kl-eer I.osol Ht-I HM BOOKS bought, iH S. liiU. . Tyler tiit. R. S. TRUMBULL. 1308 liL Nit Bk Bid D TT34 W FARNAM SMITH A CO, Real Estat and Insurance, 13e Cernam St Doug 184 REAL ESTATE-iB'new Pr'ply or. H. A WOLF. Realtor. War Blk Specialist rw.r h-iiifo trone-re FOULTRY AND PET STOCK PIGEONS! PIGEONS: PIGEONS! Thlrty-lx homers mated and working Sriust sell at once. -Address Bx 741, Central cuy,' lVcb, INVESTIGATE my system. Omsha Reslty Trading Co.. It Fatterson Big, lyier taa. REAL STATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. ! BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lots Pries' 32VI0, only 9! i-seb end 60 rent per wi- I'ous; sjj. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. BUY from owner, 6 rooms, 250 ft lot, fruit. cement basement and furnace, oen- son 731J. eat Dife Dundee. u,,KX.-Q mA hnm. aitM In Dundee SHU..ER A CARV. ZO rmiiiw um, Acreage. ACREAGE FOR SALE. By nonresident who Is In town and wishes to dispose of same while here. Good tract, fair improvement?. If interested call In person for Miner at Her Grand hotel. FIVE acres west of Elmwood park; ideal suburban homeslte; could be suDotviaea. There is a real future to this. Lot me show you. Telephone Walnut 3466. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have aeveral good reliable buyers for t snd 6-room houses ana Dungaiows wnu 9200 to 9500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 498. 701 Omaba Nat. Bank Bldg. . LISTING bouses to rent or sell on matl cash payments: have parties waning weaieru .Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. P. 3607. f A IP you want quick action on your prop- t erty. list tt witn me. LUND, 420 ROSE BLDG., TYLER 16. ARNPT & TAYLOR call aasist you. 1825 Laird St. Webster 2U3. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. FARM and city loana. running from five to twenty year, interest, e per ii, - per cent td t per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1623 yarn am St.. omra. neo. CITY and farm loana promptly tnaue. Rate r ... , e - ....... UuMn.hli. nnm mission. . " UNITED STATES TRUST CO 218 South 17th, Omaha. Net. U. W BINDER. Money on hand tor mortgage loan. City National Bank mag t PER CENT Mortgagee eecured by Omaha residence property, for saie oy Lougee, Inc.. 63J Keellne Bldg SHOPEN & CO-' PRIVATE MONEI. 31,500 M'TGE. bearing S pet. suml-annually; . . . , a . . inn (r.L BOcurea oy property vaiuiu at i,ov. mage-Loomls inv. -o.. w. v. p' s 54? Farm Loans, bftt term, prompt ser O vicej Paul Peterson. 364 Brandeia Theater Bldg., Omaha, or Blair, nen, FARM and city loans. 5. iV and 6 per cent. w h . -i nomas, tvemne piuk, uub 1100 to 41O.UO0 MADE promptly F D. Weed. Wead Bldg.. lxtn ana rarnani gia. MONEY to -loan on rhproveo farms and, ranches Klok lnvetment Co.. Omaha. OMAHA HOMES EASTANEB ARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO., 1018 omana wan. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W. T GRAHAM. 804 Hee King .t..k!UV U 1 U R IUl)M Ar M I iKTI tH. J '0 918 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg OARVIN BROS. Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. r w CITY ) O 'O LOANS LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 312 Bran- del Theater Bldg u. Stocks and Bonds. OIL STOCKS. L L. WRIGHT, rutlrnn Hotel Doue 3787. Financial Wanted. WANTED To borrow. 31.000, pay 10 per dent or over. Absolute security and guar antee. Box 7639, Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebras - Lands. 15 QUARTER SECTIONS unimproved. wheat, corn and alfaira iana near rail road, Perkins county, Nebraaka. Will sell responsible parties, ISO acres, 1500 down, balance five and ten years. (No annual payments.) Miner & Bradley, Box 35, Grand Island, wep. SMALL MebrasKa laiin o n.i, t.aiutuui & acres up. we farm ine iarm we aeu you. The Hungerford Potato' Grower' aeaoclatlon.Uth and Howard Sts.. Omaha. Douglaa 1371. A FIRST-CLASS 320-acr farm 4tt tulle from Hrtington. Neb. Well Improve AY and all good land; will sell or exchange See u. A. null, uaaiana. n. FOR SALE Cheap, m Improved 156-acre farm near Ponca. Neb.; eay term. If daatred. Addrea Dr. C. W. Gillln. Ill F. L & T. Bldg., Mioux uuy. ia SEVKRAL good northeast Nebraska farm bargains; easy terms if- desired. A. A. Patzmsn. 628 securities mai, LIST your ,la rids for quick results with C J. CanariT tlO McCairue Bldg.. Omaha. on Lands. Oregc 'Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project. Oregon. 44,000 acres Irrigated land. Free map. v Next ex cursion October 2. HXRLEY J. HOOKER. t40 First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb, Texas Lands. LANDS AT fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develop the most fertile lands it South Texas Immediately adjacent fine market Farming and dairying; demonstration un der our direction. Only approved lands offered tor sale. If you want to own a farm wrtte for booklet J. Agricultural Dept.. Chamber Qf Commerce, Houston, Texas. I UOOO corn land, eaat Texas, t'ia an acre, ' Get my tree book. W 8 FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha. Wyoming Lands. RELINQUISHMENT of 640 acres valley land creek branch, drilled well and new frame house. Five miles from new oil field, near Douglas, Wyo. Box Y 227, Omaha Bee. FARM LAND WANTED WE can aell your farm if you will list It with us at a bargain for the man who buys. K. P. Snowden A Son. 423 S. 16th. D. 9371, - - MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Businesa iiln of Omaha. FURNITURE, planoa and notea as security. 940. t mo.. H, goods, total coat. 93.10. 840. t mo ndorsed notes, tola, cost, 12.60. Smaller, large am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Rose Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. Ty 66t. LEGAL RATES LOANS 324 09 1 1240.00 or mora. Ey payment Utmost privacy. 140 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug 3216. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. DfAMONDS end jewelry loans at 34 and 1 per cent ; private booths W. C. Flatau, 801 Securltle- I Rose BldB TWer 960 V Horses Live, Stock Vehicles. ForVSale. it .r BEAUTIFUL fancy sad He horse, will sell or trade for used tar. Phone Colfax 19C4. BEAUTIFUL fancy aaddle horse, will sell or trade for uselj:r. Colfax 144uevenings. 8TYUSIIKaddle horeeTorlady or" gentle? man, 3125. 1102 S. 30th Ave.- V