4 V - THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER SO, 1917. V A ain e mitt! You V A During Ak-Sar-Ben, when travel 'on the streets of the city is unusually heavy, passengers on street cars,' as well' as drivers 'and pedestrians on the street, should exercise more than ordinary cafe to avoid accidents X t - s r' aksessmi M i 5s i uuvB'iifv ! 1 1 1 1 mini 1 1 i iirrri rfrn iiwifrrri ......w ... - l L. i. . - i n a fvi mrtHU m iv iraN. tia "sn 7 w l , - ') X - V V X . XXX. s . Z)o q Attempt to Get On or Oft Moving Carsr WAIT UNTIL THE CAR TOPS-Then AUght FACING FOR WARD in the Manner Shown Above. : . ' ' V'heh Crossing Streets, ; Loof Oaf for the Cars. I r Us In Preventing Accidents V 1 aOwayN Company r' 5