p 1 o f Omaha We Can Recommend Consider, Mr. Business Man, what it means to you when you wish to get a certain printed matter out at once. " "THE RUSH PRINTER" With his automatic machinery can always get your job out on time. EFFICIENCY IS WHAT COUNTS For Your Office For Yourself STATIONERY Omaha Stationery Company STATIONERY THAT SATISFIES 309 South 17th St Phone Douglas 805. Onr foTceful Il lustration will put life Into jovt advertisement. Our artists can adapt your Ideas or create their own. - One drawing can tell a bigger' story than 1,000 words. Remember this In creating your advertisements. WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE 1 s Telephone Douglas 644. Commercial Printing Stationery. was 1 fcSVsiBijsssi' One-half Block Noilh of Hotel Fontenelle 103-111 N. lBth St. t ivf tun 1 orwe rrv do your VY 0 Etched or Electrotyped Plates for Printers Best Workmanship Satisfactory Prices BEE ENGRAVING DEPT. ORIGINATORS DESIGNERS Lithographers Canners Labeli iGrocers' Labeli Bottlers' Labels Calendars Show-Cards Catalogues Butter Labeli ' Coffee Labels Stationery Wrappers ' Color Work of Every Description The Only Exclusive Lithographers in Nebraska Service E P S T E N $uality " LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY Tyler 1240 J 417 So. 12th. St. OMAHA 1 1 mi siinrr , THE HOUSE OE QUALITY THE BEACON PRESS The Leading Printing House of the Middle west SPECIALIZING IN High Grade Catalogs Booklets Steel Die Embossed Stationery Engraved Wedding Invitations and Society Announcements v. The Quality is Always Assured v If It Comes From E BEACON PRESS 1210-1212 Howard Street Omaha, Neb. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY T H E H 0 U S E 0 F Q U A L I T Y RAY t. MEAD PARTICULAR PRINTERS UNITED QTATES PRINTING COMPANY E. C. HATHAWAY BEE BUILDING Phon. Douglas 1178 OMAHA T. TOBY JACOBS "Ha Writes Ads" "Ad Ideas"--the Good Ones-They Congregate Under My Roof And seldom indeed does a "false alarm" issue from my shop. Merchants, Manufacturers, Distributors and Wholesalers using "Jacobs" ideas and "Jacobs" printing havs a "come back" on their coin ; else why would my establishment grow In strides ss energetic as a grasshopper's hop? EXTRA SPECIAL I have just installed a first-class Art Dept. devoted to Commercial Work. T. Toby Jacobs . NATIONAL BUILDING 12TH AND HARNEY STS. "PRINTS BEST ) IN THE WEST" You Yirnish the Copy We Do the fliest" Publication Headquarters Catalogues, Booklets General Commercial Printing THE NATIONAL PRINTING CO. rj Printing In All Modern Languages. 12th and Harney Streets. H"ne Tyler 406. a est 43 T Where do you hav your signa made 7, At the Sun Sign Shop, So people passing my store ttflll 1 " L - 1 r:a3iBHBBDsasiBaiBis win aimosi always ri a lIClsriBKIllBBlllllEa stop. H. Bige Fitch! R. Glen Ogden "THE RAYS OF THE SUN PAYS" SIGN X rid PRACTICAL PUBLICITY PROMOTERS HELLO DOUGLAS 5273 Studio: 310-11 Barker Dlk. 15th and Farnam Let us animate your business with the vital spark of activity. v jiRiiiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuuitiiuuiiMiuaBsiiiiimuitiiiM :k CALL DOUGLAS 6030 B S s s CALL nAiir.LAS -3 1 6030 306-308 WEBSTER-SUNDERLAND BUILDING. RiniimmiiitiwtitHnHNiiniiiiiiiiiiininimiimnmminiiiiiHiitiiiiiiiimmirtHiniii Letters Typewritten BY MULTIGRAPH OR TYPEWRITER In quantities or single eopiei 1 SERVICE AND PRICES That Will Pleas You. American Letter and Advertising Co. 614 Bee Bid. OmaKai. EDDY Printing Go. 322 BEEBLDG. Fine Commercial Printing Prompt Service Personal Attentfon Correct Prices Your Patronage Solicited WATERS BARNHART PRINTING CO "jiWi4. O . M A H A A . i . '"I ,