1917. 3 B lftEi UlUAHA oiii k.i . - - " 1 I i . : 1 bociety for ! Ak-Sv-Ben' s Festal -Week - (Continued from Page Two) Maids of Honor from Neighboring Kingdoms Coming to Ak-Sar-Ben Ball where the latter will spend the win ter with Jrs. Fraser's mother. Mrs. l'raser expects to be back in Omaha Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase are expected home today frcn the east, where Mrs. Chase spent the sdmmer at Woodstock and where Mr. Chase went to attend the bankers' conven tion at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Everett of Council Bluffs return today from a summer on their ranch in Colorado. Mrs. Edgar M. Morsitinn will re turn from the east Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Denise Barkalow, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Phipps, jr., in Denver tor three weeks, are expected home today. Mrs. Garrit Cannon of Bronxville, X. Y., formerly Miss Ruth Clarke of this city, is at Plattsburg, N. V., while her husband is at the officers' training camp there. Air. and Mrs. William Hill Clarke are back from two months at Cas- sells' in the Platte canyon of Colo rado. Mrs. J. M. Metcalf will return Tues day from the cast, where she has been visiting her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cornish, at their new home on the Hudson. Mrs. A. V. Kinsler, who is now in Dayton, O., is expected home some time this week, accompanied from Chicago by Miss Helen Higbee, who will be here for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake will motor thrc.gh the Berkshires before returning from their trip east. They t'Avere at Atlantic City at the ' rlbc.--(jugh-Blenheim during the session the American Bankers' association. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McDonald are expected home today from their wed ding trip to Sturgeon Bay, Wis., and will take Mrs. C. E. Johannes' apart ment at the Sagamore for the win ter. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald spent the week-end with Miss Martha Folda at Ephraim, Wis. Mrs. Johannes goes to the Blackstone for a few days be fore her departure for the east. Mrs. W. A. Pixley returned Tues day from the east, where she placed her daughter, Miss Virginia, in Dana Hall. The home of Mrs. Ella Squires is being opened for her, but the exact time of her arrival from New York is not known. Mrs. Squires has been with her daughter, Mrs. Hoxie Clarke for the past. year. Miss FJorente Rahm expects to leave the week following the ball for Kansas City to visit Miss Pauline Westfall. Miss Mary McCord, who has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCord, returned Wednesday to Denver. Miss Ruth Mills of The Bee edi torial staff leaves Monday evening for New York, where she will take spe cial work at the Columbia School of Journalism this winter. Mrs. Ernest Eldred Hart and Miss Clara Hart left Friday evening for Des Moines, where they will visit Mr. James D. Edmundson for a few days. What Society Has in Prospect. Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will give a luncheon at the Commercial club Saturday at 12:30 o'clock, at which time the sorority girls will de cide what kind of war relief work they will do this winter. La Zalle club will give a dancing party at Keep's academy Saturday evening. . Miss Virginia Offutt will give a tea Wednesday and Miss Esther Wilhelra a dinner Friday evening preceding the ball in honor of their Spence school classmates, the Misses Jean and Dor othy Luke of Brooklyn, who will be with Miss Wilhelm at the Blackstone, and Miss Laur Hilliard of Pittsburgh and Miss Katherine Baum of Philadel phia, formerly of Omaha, vho will be with Miss Offutt. Many supper parties are planned at the Omaha club, where. a table d'hote dinner will be served, beginning at 10 o'clock the night of the Corona tion ball,. This is a club custom for several years past. The Friday night Dancing club has arranged guest nights for the club's two opening parties, October 12 and October 19, at Metropolitan club house. A series of fourteen dancing parties is announced by the officers. The M. S. C. Kensington club will entertain at an Orpheum party Mon a day evening, when the following young women will be present: Misses Misses Mabel Gustafson, Marguerite Thomason Hazel L,eaverton, Bessie Wessaman, Myrtle Miller. Margaret Weyerman, Madeline Metz, Grace Woolf. Lottie Samuelson, Residence Changes. Mr. and Mrs. D. Emmett Bradshaw and daughters, who have come here recently from Little Rock, Ark, have taken the house at 117 South Thirty seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon, with their family, are closing their house and leave Wednesday for Pasadena, where they will spend the winter at ! the Hotel Maryland. j Mrs. S. D. Barkalow and Miss Caro-1 lyn Barkalow move from the Fonte-' nelle to the apartment in Highland Court, which Mrs. B. B. Wood is giving up. Mrs. Wood leaves today for Denver to spend the winter with 1 J U buzz's i J rfY t f JL cna,iu. tHi iC li aw-Tpi- Sb JTZ" iiWjCAi r-' I V,;. jjT IV''M"'Sfv'i- ) 1 vv I I 3cw(l ' S3V? ' SMceTempte l iJ',L? V ter JkV s ffOCHti TR, At. Y. V neighboring kingdoms will at- tclf & fi&i Full Dress Suits For Rent , For the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Size from 32 to 52. 1917 MODELS Very Latest Evening Gownt and Wraps for Rent. Evening Slippers to Match. Come early and get your suit fitted right before the ruth sets in. JOHN FELDMAN 204 N. 17th St., Flomar Hotel BIdg. Phone Douglas 3128. I COLUMBIA fr2r DaBtnaFBAiix. Sanatoriuk. This institution is the only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others being admitted; the other Rest Cottage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. The Leading Phonograph of the World. Were awarded the Highest Honors for perfect tone re production and responsiveness at Six World's Fairs and Expositions, so let the judgment of tone experts guide you in your selection and call at our store, where you can find the largest assortment in the city in all styles and woods to match. We guarantee every Grafonola on the basis of these awards. Notice Our Special Ak-Sar-B:n Grafonola Outfit This beautiful style, equipped with individual record racks and ejector, complete with 20 selec tionsten 10-inch double disc records only i $92-5 On Terms of SI Per Wee LEARN TO PLAY Ukulele and Steel Guitar BY NOTE Solos Accompaniments Taught Luella Allen's Violin School 26 Arlington Block. Tl. Doug. 2008. "A A" Night and Day 1605 Leavenworth Street Douglas 951?. We have other outfits at $18.90. $29.75. $53.75. $79.50 and up, and on terms as low as 50 per week. Visit our Phonograph Depart ment, the largest in the west, where you can find at all times a complete line of foreign and do mestic records. We will gladly demonstrate any of the above outfits with your fa vored records. A visit of inspec tion does not obligate a purchase. SCIOLLER & MUELLER PIAtlO 1311-13 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. Retail and Wholesale Distributors for Nebraska, Iowa and Dakota. Write or call today for our Dealers' Proposition. money maker at a small investment. . Ml wslPI II Mahor any, Oak 1 1 or Walnut CO. ' II South A real When Buying Advertised Goods Say You Read of Them in The Bee her daughter, MrS. W. H. Cranmer, whose husband, a captain in field ar tillery, has been ordered to North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jones return this week from their cottage at Man awa lake, where they have been since early in June, and move into their new home in Parkwood. Mrs. John W. Towle will close her house here about the first of Novem ber and, with her daughters, Miss Marion and Miss Naomi Towle, will go east to join Mr. Towle in Philadel phia,, where the latter's new appoint ment as head of the government ship building plant will keep him for some months. Past Festivities. Nu Sigma Phi sorority of the medi cal college, University of Nebraska, held its annual banquet at the Black stone Saturday evening. Green and white, the sorority colors, were used in the decorations. Mrs. VV. A. VVil lard is the patronness. Covers were pieced tor: Doctors E. M. Hohl. Harriet Hamilton. Misses Dorcas Christiansen, Barbara Churchill, Rebarmta Slflcr. Mcsdames Katherine Hunt. Doctors Olga Stastny, Misses Darllne Ivera, Edna Oibbs, Mary Sheldon, Mcsdames Emily Brandt, Skin Without Wrinkles Now Easy i to Have AIDS of honor from many neighboring kingdoms will at tend her majesty, Queen Ak- Sar-Ben XXIII. Among the most attractive of the attendants are Miss Lorraine Lewis, who comes today to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. AAcCord at the Fontenelle; Miss Eve lyn Hubbard, who is visiting her un cle and aunt, Air. and Mrs. J. Ludlow, and thest Nebraska girls: Miss Mabelle Burke of tforth Platte, Miss Louise Coe of Nebraska City, Miss Catherine Cone of Ashland, Miss Eva Irene Miller of Fremont and Miss Alice Temple of Lexington. OTc&ette 33u?lce WORTH PLATTC Special Ak-Sar-Ben Features JUBILEE REVIEW WITH There's no excuse for any woman hav ing wrinkles now. It has been found that a simple mixture of saxolite and witch hazel has a remarkable action upon the deepest wrinkles no matter what their natufe, whether caused by worry, habitual frown in?, a debilitated condition or the ravages of Father Time. This harmless remedy, which anyone can easily make and use at home, acts both as an astringent and a tonic. The combined effect of tightening the skin and heightening its vitality Is to immediately af fect every line and wrinkle, keeping the cuti cle smooth and firm as in youth. The proportions are one ounce saxolit (powdered) to one-half pint witch hazel, ingredients which are found in every drug store. The solution should be used as a wash lotion. It is equally effective in dis posing of flabbiness of cheek and neck, as well as sagging below the eyes. Adv. LIP READING For the slightly or totally deaf adults. For particulars address, EMMA B. KESSLER, No. 4, Flo-Lea Apt. Corner 20th and Capitol Ave. Six Clever Cabaret Entertainers JAZZ BAND NO CHARGE FOR FOR DANCING ENTERTAINMENT ROME VINEYARD REPAIRS AND SUPPLIE. FOR STOVES, HEATERS, FURNACES AHD BOILERS PROMPT SERVICE-MODEftATE PRICES WAT IF FKCMS AND WATER HEATING ATTACHMENTS CMAKA STCVE REPAIR WORKS, 12064 Douglas St. Phone Tyler 21 JliliiJiliilkiJ i EMPRESS GARDEN UNDER EMPRESS THEATER Offers Special Attractions for Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors High Class Vaudeville Artists, Including MISS ANITA GREY Beautiful Singer of Popular BallacU MACK CARTER THE ENTERTAINER DIFFERENT ri'itli of Above Act Direct From New York Hippodrome alperIy Dusky Eccentric Dancer Hear the Large Orchestral Pipe Organ and the Prize Jazz Band. DANCE IF YOU LIKE SPECIAL SUNDAY TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.00 Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Gowns Few women are buying new Gowns for the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball, preferring to conserve their re sources by having their old ones Dry Cleaned. Many women get three or four times as much service out of their delicate and fancy dresses as they did a few years ago. They have learned that The Pantorium can clean and press the most delicate fabrics and make them look as bright and fresh as new. We clean more fancy garments than all the oth er cleaners in town, simply because we do them BETTER. Let us call for yours. We guarantee satisfaction. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH DURING WEEK, AT 35c I CAFETERIA NOW OPEN POPULAR PRICES - THE PANTORIUM "GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS" 1513-15-fr Jones St. Phone Douglas S63. Branch Office: 2016 Farnam St. South Side: 4708 South 24th St. Phone South 1283. N. B. : We pay Parcel Post one way on all out-of-town orders. m I IB 'H 5f 5E P la H3 S3 pa IS OYA1L WORCESTER CORSETS. Sack JSqcqov drontace A crisis teaches that train ing and preparation are indispensable whether in military affairs or man ufacturing. This has es pecial force in the fine art of corset making. Over half a century of con tinuous endeavor is behind the smart, attractive Royal Worcester models now on display at fashionable stores. And because of this long span of ex perience, these excellent corsets com bine qualities every woman wants Style, Comfort, Control, Service. Model 542- delineates the correct corset fashion for average figures. A really beautiful corset at the very low price of $1.50. White coutil. Other models for all fig ures at $1, $1.25, $1.50i $2, $2.50 and $3. JOUR DEALER may offer substitutes. Insist upon the genuine "ROYAL WORCESTER." If he re- iMf r rif nn7v vnif mritj lit Afi&Ttt Itil aiihmtitlittf v 1 A- ' a onjesterand Aljuslo (ocds 102 J mm V X. iiiiaiiiiilWi Mil 1LI I II .! I I "III llllll I Taxicab Rates Advance Oct. 1st The continued advance in' cost of supplies has compelled us to readjust our meter rates. Present Meter Bates: Meter Ratea After October 1st: ONE TO FOUR PASSENGERS ONE PASSENGER For the first half mile or fraction For the first half mile or fraction thereof 50o thereof J ..60c For each quarter mile or fraction For each quarter mile or fraction there of lOo thereof i I0o WAITING WAITING For each four minutes 10c For each four minutes. ........ 10c EXTRA PASSENGERS EXTRA PASSENGERS For each passenger above four for the For each passenger above one for the entire trip, extra 20c entire trip, extra ...10c This Change in Rate Only Applies When There la More Than One Passenger. OMAHA TAXICAB COMPANY DOUGLAS 90 2572 HARNEY ST. OMAHA. NFR J