Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    2 B
Society for
Festal Week
(Continued from Page One.)
first visit to Omaha in seven years and
ter old friends are welcoming her
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saxe and
daughter, Miss Prairie Saxe, are com
ing from New York about October 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Saxe were here last year
fnr ihf Alr-Sar-rVn ball- -
tr snd (r Tnsenh Rinewalt an
little son arrive Wednesday to visit
k.'o niranti Mr and Mr T. R. Rintr-
walt - Mrs.' Robert Bradford and her
son, Louis, jr., just a few montns
younger than the Ringwalt baby, will
also, arrive Wednesday from Califor
nia to be with Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Mrs. Stanhope Fleming, formerly
Miss Jo Lyman or Omaha, is here
from Des Moines, spending ! few
days with her family; also to attend
the birthday party of her little niece,
Hope Lyman.
Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss Lord and
children will arrive Saturday from
Westchestertield, N. H., to join Mrs.
Roger T. Vaughan and children at
the home of her parents, Dr, and
Mrs. J. P. Lord. Dr. Lord, however,
was ordered to duty at Fort Riley
last week. "
. Mrs. F. J. Roby of Kearney ar
rived Friday to be the guest of Sena
tor and Mrs. Norris Brown. Mrs.
Roby will remain until after the Ak-Sar-Ben
festivities and several at
fairs have already been planned in her
honor. :
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm expect
their nephew, Lieutenant George
Stocking, over from Camp Dodge for
the ball. He will be accompanied by
Lieutenant Carlton McGowan, who is
a Harvard man.
Mrs. J. E. Baum and daughter, Miss
Katherine Baum, will arrive on Wed
nesday -to spend some time in Omaha.
Mrs. Baum will be the house guest
of Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall and will not
be at the Blackstone.
Mrs. Edward G. Haberstroh of Le
Mars,, Colo., will be the guest of her
mother- Mrs. Lena Schwartz, dur
ing the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
Mrs. Ervine Brandeis has her
mother and sister Mrs. Albert Frank
and Miss Arline Frank of San Fran
cisco, with her at the Blackstone for
the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. ,
Adams-Parkhill Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams have re
turned from Storm Lake, la., where
they went for the marriage of their
son, Lloyd Hadley Adams, and Miss
Beatrice McCullough. 'Parkhill, which
took place Wednesday evening. The
bride's father, Rev. Dr J. W. Parkhill
of Buena Vista college, performed the
ceremony. .
A white satin wedding gown worn
by her mother thirty years ago and
by her elder sister, Cornelia, now
the wife of Rev. Mr. Reeves of Clear
field, Pa., more recently, did service
for this bride also. It was lovely
gown trimmed with point lace and
fashioned with a long court train. It
is interesting to note that there is
still a third clergyman in the family,
the oldest Parkhill son.
Mr. Robert Adams served as best
man for his brother. Mrs. Robert
Adams san, as did the bride's sister,
Mrs. Reeves, preceding the wedding.
Little James Adams, brother of the
bridegroom, and Louise Parkhill, the
bride's little sister, stretched the rib
bons. Buena Vista college folk made up
the greatest part of the wedding
guests. The bride is a graduate of
Lenox college, while Mr. Adams at
tended both Grinnell college and the
University of Nebraska. He is a
member of the Alpha Tau Omega.
' The young people motored to Min
neapolis for their wedding trip and on
their return will make their home at
Sac City. Ia. , ;,
Croft-Edwards Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Margaret J.
Edwards and Mr. Ewing A. Croft was
solemnized at St Cecilia's cathedral
Tuesday, September 25, in the pres
ence of relatives onlv. The young
couple left immediately after the cere
mony for a wedding trip to Denver
and Colorado Springs.
Salxman-Adler Nuptiali.
Miss Dorette Adler and Mr. Sam
uel G. Saltzman of Council Bluffs
will be married at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Adler, late this Rabbi Mor
ris Taxon, who came to Omaha last
week from Toledo, will perform the
ceremony, the first at which he offi
ciates in this city. Only the immediate
Social Calendar
Bridge party for Mrs. Philip Metz,
Miss Harriet Mack and Miss
Margery Elias of Buffalo, Miss
Gertrude Metz, hostess.
Luncheon for Miss Marie Wood-
ard, Miss Nan Murphy, hostess.
Truex-Davis wedding.
Dundee Bridge-Luncheon club,
Miss Isabel Miiroy, nostess.
Duplicate whist party at Prairie
Park club.
Orpheum party and supper at the
Fontenelle for Miss Evelyn Hub
bard of Rochester, Miss Sybil
Nelson, hostess.
Omaha Whist club meeting at the
Dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mack of Buffalo, given by Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Metz.
for Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Sweatt and Mr. and Mrs. Wirt
Wilson of Minneapolis, given by
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker.
Tea for visiting Spence school
girls, given by Mrs. Charits Of
futt and Miss Virginia Offutt.
Luncheon for Miss Marie Wood
ward, Mrs. T. E. Dailey, hostess.
for Mr. and Mrs. Sweatt
and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, given
by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed.
Luncheon given by Mrs. Milton
Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation ball.
Dinner party preceding the ball,
Mies Emily Keller, hostess.
Supper at Omaha club after the
ball for Miss Marie Woodard
and Mr. Kremer Bain, given by
' Mr. and Mrs. Adolph G. Store.
Supper after the ball for Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Sweatt and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson, given by Judge and
Mrs. W. A. Redick.
Dinner at Blackstone preceding
the ball, given by Miss Esther
Wilhelm. ,
Card party for Holy Name parish
at Mark's hall.
for Miss Marie Woodard
and Mr. Kremer Bain, Miss
Ophelia Hayden, hostess.
La Zalle club dance at Keep's
Luncheon at Commercial club
given by Kappa Kappa Gamma
Ak-Sar-Ben masquerade at Den.
relatives will be present. The young
couple leave on a wedding trip which
will include Chicago, Minneapolis and
it. I'aui, M. Lotus and Kansas City.
The bride will wear her t go-away
fuit of navy blue, a champagne col
ored georgette blouse embroidered in
cut steel beads, and a small blue vel
vet hat with a touch of champagne
color in the feather trimming. Her
corsage bouquet will be of orchids,
brides' roses and lilies of the valley.
They will make their home in
Omaha after November 1.
The bride refused numerous enter
tainments planned in her honor, pre
ferring the quieter ceremony in
keeping with the war-time weddings.
Omaha Girl Weds in New York. ,
In Brooklyn. N. Y.. at 6:30 nVWfc
this evening, Miss Olive Coffman of
1 1 1 a m a a
umana win dc marnea to Mr. Kalpn
Wilcox Booth jr., at the home of
Pages to the
King and Queen
Payson Adams, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick J. Adams, Sam
Caldwell, jr., Edward Westbrook,
jr and John Davis, ion of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Latham Davis,
will be pages to King Ak-Sar-Ben
XXIII, and little Jean Redick,
daughter of the George Redicks;
Virginia Richardson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Richardson;
Marion Cooley, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Cooley'i daughter, and
Gertrude Marsh, daughter of Mrs.
J; E. Fitzgerald, will be pages to
Her Majesty, the Queen.
The little ones are many of
them descended from the royal line
of Quivera. The mother of John
Davis, who was Miss Bessie
Brady, and his aunt, Miss Eliza
beth Davis, were bot h Ak-Sar-Ben
queens. Virginia Richardson's
aunt, Miss Ethel Morse, was the
fifth queen of the realm, and an
undo of Sam Caldwell, the late
Victor B. Caldwell, was an Ak-Sar-Ben
',7 "Kit
Country Clubs Are Closed; Winter
Season Launched by Ak-Sar-Ben
&tbs.eott Calfaiax.
Mrs. Leon Dudley Callahan, nee
Marjorie ilcord1 of Oklahoma City,
aiivs vaiiaiiaiij mi c v laniug mo
mother, Mrs. T. C. Callahan, at the
end of their honeymoon trip. The
young people were married at the
Colcord cottage at Lake Okoboji,
August 29, and have been on a motor
trip since then. They plan to leave
Monday for their new home in Kan
sas City.
BRILLIANT gatherings at each
of the summer clubs, Country,
Happy Hollow and Carter Lake
clubs, which closed their seasons last
evening with large dinner-dances,
were the rule. 'Many large dinner
parties were given to mark the most
important social functions of the sea
son, outside of the Coronation ball.
At the Country club, Mr. and Mrs.
Willard D. Hosford entertained the
largest party, twenty of the younger
married set.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fitzgerald en
tertained another large party in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, who
have just returned to Omaha to live.
Covers were laid for:
Meurs. and' Mesdames .
Jamea Love Paxton, William Hill Clarke,
Frank B. Johnson, Colt Campbell.
Lmmett iJradshaw,
Mr. W. Farnam Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davidson enter
tained in honor of Miss Evelyn Hub
bard of Rochester, N. Y., the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ludlow. The
party included:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Charles A. Hull, Wilson Low,
J. E. Ludlow. Francis Brogan,
Miss Bvelyn Hubbard.
Mr. Harry McCormlck.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton
entertained a party df twelve; Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Gallagher and Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Gardner, ten, and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles T. Kountze, nine.
Mr. and Mrs. RossB. Towle had
in their party Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Tukey, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brink
er and Mr. and Mrs. C A. Loder.
- Miss Alice Coad entertained a party
of eight in honor of Miss Katherine
Krug and Mr. Edward Crofoot had
as his guests:
Lieutenants Lieutenants
Wlnthroup, Jordan
Misses Misses
Josephins Congdon, Eli Bton.
Mr. Booth's parents. News of the
wedding comes as a great surprise to
friends of the bride in college circles
as no formal announcement had been
made of the engagement.
Miss Coffman, who met Mr. Booth,
a prominent New York.manufacturer,
while spending last winter in New
York, went east three or four weeks
ago with her sister, Mrs. Philip
Horan. Mr. Horan left Friday eve
ning for New York to attend the wed
ding and will be home shortly after
ward. The bride is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Colorado, is Phi Omega
sorority girl and was active in the
local Collegiate Alumnae. Mr. Booth
was graduated from Rutgers college
(New Jersey), is a Chi Phi fraternity
brother, a: member of "The Invinci
bles" and the Bensonhurst Yacht
The young couple will make their
home in Brooklyn.
Wartime Wedding.
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Miss
Audrey Edna, youngest daughter of
Mrs. M. Engelke, was united in mar
riage to Sergeant E. A. Olsen of In
dianapolis, Ind. Rev. H. T. Graham of
Indianapolis, read the marriage lines.
Miss June Longnecker was brides
maid, while Mr. Paul Richey attended
as best man.
Owing to war orders the marriage
took place at Indianapolis, where the
groom is connected with the quarter
master's department, Camp Benjamin
The bride is a talented singer and
received musical training in Lincoln.
She wore a tailored suit of midnight
blue chiffon velvet , with corsage
bouquet. ,
The bridegroom, who has been with
the L. C, Smith company for the last
t last rv found
I dont limp and fuss and worry I
don't scold and fret and bemoan my
fate and mv fet ."Rnntnn
gave me Instant relief stopped tho
tuBuuiuy givuufwy reaucea ine
Inflammation and softened and dissolved
too ounion witnout one tit of pain or
discomfort.. You can wear regular shoes
no Mds, plates or cutting just put on a
Bunion Comfort" and away goes your pain
and away goes your bunion. Over 72,000
men and women nave been cured last year
and we guarantee that you will find com
plete satisfaction with rBunlon Comfort"
or yon need not pay one cent. Boy a
boa today try two plasters, and If you do
not find instant relief, return the remainder
end get your money back. We know what
'Bnnion Comfort" has done for others
we know what It can do for you o try
them t our expense. '
Haines Drug Co., N W. Cor.
lath and Douglas Sts.
five years, offered his services to
Uncle Sam. Sergeant Olson and bride
will spend their honeymoon in In
dianapolis. Betrothal Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Anna, and Mr. Ben Taxman of El
Dorado, Kan. No date has yet been
set for the wedding.
School Set News.
Miss Emily Burke returned Wed
nesday to Vassar, whence she was
called home last week by the acci
dent to her brother, Edward.
Miss Elsie Storz goes to New
York tomorrow to visit Miss Finch's
school, where she went last year.
Mrs. Elmer Neville has gone to
Washington with her daughter, Miss
Marie, who enters Miss Maderia's
Miss Mary Fuller returns to the
Bennett school at Millbrook, N. Y..
Miss Margery Cavers leaves this
evening for Miss Finch's school in
New York.
Miss Ethel Irene Piel leaves Sun
day for Washington, D. C, where she
will enter her senior year at National
Park seminary. Miss Dorothy Cav
anaugh will accompany Miss Piel, as
she enters her freshman year at the
same school.
Social Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess are ex
pected back from the east the first
of the week.
Mrs. W. A. Fraser and son, Billy,
left last Sunday for Dallas, Tex.,
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher, George B.
Prinz, Dr. B. B. Davis, Norris Brown,
Guy Furay, S. S. Carlisle and S. S.
Caldwell entertained smaller parties.
Dr. and Mrs. I. C. Wood gave one
of the larger parties at the Happy
Hollow club. Baskets of chrysanthe
mums decorated the table, at which
covers were laid for:
Messrs. and Jlradames
M. Shirley, Paul Hoaaiand,
E. H. Doollttla Of W. H. Binder of
Council Bluffs, Council Bluffs,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble en
tertained another large pi rty at the
closing dinner. Their guests were:
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry.
Messrs. and Mesdames
Fred Dale, Lee Huff,
John Gamble, R. L. Wilder,
Charles Trimble. B. M. Wellman.
Miss Roberta Trimble.
Mr. T. J. Donahue.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goodrich enter
tained a party of ten. The guests
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fearsall.
Mrs. ' B. B. Baker of Berkeley, Cal.
Mr Emerson Goodrich.
Mlsses-i Misses
Elizabeth Fearsall, Marlon Fearsall,
Irene McGuIre, Sunshine Fearsall.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoyt gave an
other party, the dinner table for
which was decorated in cosmos. Cov
ers were laid for:
Messrs. and Mesdames
Ned Hoyt. Horton Munger of
Joseph Woodrourh. North Platte,
Miss Marjorie Beckett.
Mesdames Mesdames
A. J. Wallace of W. H. Hunger.
Columbus, O. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carey enter
tained a party of ten and Dr. and
Mrs. D. T. Quigley one of eight.
Others entertaining were Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
E. R. Perfect, Mr. and Mrs. N. H.
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Burton,
N. A. Gordon and W. H. Dale.
(Continued on Face Three Column One)
My r has tr Diamond -
mi er Watch on the CenTenieat A
ff'Pmjmmt Flan. We will gtad. U
Ml ly explain oar method. 21
fl Arnold H. Edmonston M
II A Co., Ino. II
II Telephone Tyler S5CT Jl
Y Suite Sll-tlS. tnd Ftoec AJ
m Rose gecTtttea Bldg. A"
frL i - iL " a
m wr :
Think fcow
one an w!a
..J I It J. eir-r. ....... " : ' f'j
V' "-. o? Merest b... .f tbei, :
. M .taw -! - but- our nr our rtt-inTntAsv tau .
k M ' ' ' " mi. l
pwi yea would be to wear and own handsome, valuable diamond) then com. in nd a.l.ct tho
Cluster Rings
The Diamonds are
mounted so as to look
like ent large single
Handsomest and moat
showy ting (or the
Least Money.
Marvels of Beauty at
S7. lit) and
Credit Term., $js,
$IM,$2M and 3 pr
:;,- wee.
The secret of the rare beauty of this
ring lies in the perfectly matched stones,
all of the Diamonds, set in platinum, be
in uniform in siae and brilliancy. Mount
ins la K-Karat Solid Cold. '
Men's Favorite
767 Men's Dia
mond Ring,, s
Prone Teeth
mounting, nk
olid QMn
s.$ 75
tIJa e Week.
A Month
1041 Convertible Bracelet Watch, finest
quality Bold filled, plain polished: high
trade Full Jeweled movement: gilt dial
Case and Bracelet guaranteed SO years.
11.80 a Month.
Cameo Brooch
1164 Came
Brooch, pint
and whits Shel
Cameo, fine sohV
cold, preen s-nlr?
wreath border, 1
fine Diamond;
pendant and loop
on back ande o
fety catch. X Q
SI JO e Month.
Loftis Perfection
Diamond Ring
276 -This exquisite
Diamond Ring stands
alone as the most per
fect ring ever pro
duced, 14k (in
aolid gold .PtU
. $1.00 a Week.
rl i 1 r 11 : . ' -
ntr-ine urn Keliable, Original
Or liS Diamond and Watch Credit House
I T " 1 . ... Mala FIoor City NMoal Bank BWk:
17-Jcwel $1175
Dgln . . . M
Ne. IS Men's
gin. Walthara
H a m p d a
watch, In
SB year
guarante e d
itrata gold
'illed ease.
t's Easy
to Pay
a .
i --- - jf. el.... "r yiry nntfoaal Bank B'cek.
I fcAUifltUl Uf "0")" Cor.r Sixteenth and Harney St.., Omaha
a Oppoeite Burgeae-Naab Co. Department Steve. ,
nf U m4.Ml Our Salnmaa
wiU call, bringing such goods as you wish
to eee. Cell er Write for Catalog 903.
Open Daily Until 9 P. M.
( Saturdays Until 9:30
Wellington Inn Cafe
Formal Opening Today
Special Sunday
Dinner 75 Cents
12 Noon to 9 P. M.
Music 12 to 2 and 6 to 8
Doctors Stand Amazed at Power
of Bon-Opto to Make Weak Eyes
-According to Dr. Lewis
Guaranteed to Strenglhen Eyesight 5096
In One Week's Time in Many Instances
A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled
and Use at Home.
Philadelphia, Pa. Victims of eye strain
and other eye weakneaaes, and those who
wear glasses, will be glad to know that ac
cording to Dr. Lewie there ia real hope and
help tor them. Many whoae eyes were failing
jay they have had their eyea restored by
this remarkable prescription and many ho
once wore glasses say they have thrown
them away. One man aaya. after using H:
f lmo,t Hi4 Could not aee to read
at all. Now I can read everything without
my glasses and my eyes do not hurt any
more. At night they would pain dreadfully.
Now they feel fine all the time. It was like
miracle to me." A lady who used it says:
The atmosphere aeemed haty with or with
uut glasses, but after using this prescription
for 15 days everything seems clear. I can
read even fine print without glasses." An
other who used It says: "I was bothered with
eve .train naui l i ... .
.Via i.j . . nroru, urea eyes
which induced fierce headaches. I have worn
and work, and wtthitnt tk, i j
on an envelope er the type-
k-fc 1 7 "cnlne oeiore me. 1 caa do
both now and have discarded my long dis
tanee .1. .1 . .
,,.- , -"s"u.r. a can count tne
fluttering leaves on the trees across the
T"i", i u ' w"K;n Ior eeveral years have
looked Ilka a dim ki- -
- - - w m. a can
not express my iov at mh.t it 1...
me. """"
It ia ho)mA .1... L j l
. " niousinui wno wear
!w! t? ow 1Ue,rd them '
? !? .k"d '"" more will be able
th. T-m " ,jr" " o be spared
the trouble and expense of ever getting
via. mm IT... -1 :.!
may be wonderfully benefited by the use
r9 this. nM...m.'.. r at J
- wsisav if VI Was. JTU VU WtUJ ICVlVv UTUf
store and set m bottU of Bon-Opto tablcU.
fu .of w,ter ' dieiolve. With
nquiu oatne tne eyea two to four times
daily. You ahould notice your eyea clear up
perceptibly right from the start and inflam
mation and redness will quickly disappear.
If your eyea bother you even little it is
your duty to take ateps to save them now
i!7 - " 100 M,ny hoP'ely blind
r , Z faTa neir signs 11 they bad
4ur eyea in lime.
Note: Another prrmlnent Physician, to
Vv. .T , T nlrlB tmltted. said
xea, the Bon-Opto prescription la truly a
wonderful eye remedy. Ita constituent In
gredlente are well known to eminent eye
specialists and wlf.ely prescribed by them.
I have uaed It very successfully in my own
practice mi n. ,... 1 u
",.. .: . . r----vm .win ejrea were
strained through overwork or misfit glasses.
I can highly recommend It In ease of weak.
er7, Jf,tl,n martlng. itching, burning
eyea. red lide, blurred vision or for eyea In
named from exposure to smoke, aun. dust
JJ. .4.".1 ?" ot th0 Verr Uw Prepera
tlona I feel should b- kept on hand for
regular use In almovt every family." Bon
Opto, referred to above to not a patent
medicine or a secret remedy. It ia an ethical
preparatien. the formula being printed on
the package The manufacturers guarantee
w.iw" f.ngth?B 're1b SO per cent in one
weea s lime la many Instances or refund
i!lJnl.0ney-. 11 c" "Malned from any
good druggist and la sold in thta city by
Sherman McCcnnell. C. A. Melcher. and
others. Advertisement,
nrvj woro
Special Prices onStoves
- Wrht at the begin-
I i3 J
ning or me araaon
we offer yen etovee
of all kinds at prices
much below ordi
nary. ...
$9 75
BtRMWS $18, $29,
$15, 22,
State Furniture Co.
rxmriae 1317. Cor. 14th and IWe .
Jm mat om t
I i
Diamond Merchants
16th and Farnam Streets
A diamond is a gWd investment if it is a
good diamond. We carry the largest stock in
Omaha. Ask to see our special $75.00 ring for
man or woman.
New Fall
Specially Priced
for Ak-Sar-Ben.
The Season's Newest and Smartest MILLINERY the
kind that has made this store famous for years. Modes
for the miss, the young woman and their mothers.
Come and look them over. You will be
pleased with both styles and prices.
"They Just Melt Away In s Few
Moments," Says Valeab Suratt,
the Movie Star.
YOU can say good-bye now to all the
old drudgery and irritation of skin
due to present methods of remov
ing hair. A few drops of a wonderful
liquid makes every hair seem to melt
away into nothingness and leave the
akin gloriously clean and soft, without
a sign of having used anything at all
for removing superfluous hair. Here ia
the way: Just moisten the hairs with
aulfo solution, which you can obtain
from your druggist for one dollar. In
very few moments the hairs will seem
to just roll off. loose from the skin. It
is so easy to do compared with the old
methods, with .their objectionable odor
and "fixing" to do beforehand. Try it.
The styles of today with the transparent
gowns and low cut waists absolutely
demand the use of a superfluous hair
remover. This formula can be used with
perfect safety on the most delicate skin.
Use it and you will improve your ap
pearance many fold.
MUDDY Muddiness and general poor
complexion that nothing else in the
world seemed to affect have disappeared
completely in just a very few days by a
simple mixture which I have recommend
ed to my friends with remarkable results.
Pour the contents of a one-ounce package
of sintone in a pint of water and add two
tablespoonfuls of glycerine. Rub this
cream well into the skin frequently and
you will see a tremendous difference in
several days.
MISS H. L. C You can get rid of
blackheads while bathing your face.
It ia remarkably simple. By pouring
some powdered neroxin on a wet cloth
and nihhina tt, i,,Hj. i.
will be able to remove them all in a few
momenta. Don't fail to try it. Get the
neroxin at any drug store.
MISS WRINKLES Here is a wrinkle
secret which has meant a fortune to
many a woman. It has the effect of
Off Like Magic
making the skin plump and youthful,
remarkably vigorous and fresh. You
will positively get the same results as
any one else has. Try it and you will
see. Mix this yourself at home in a
few moments. Get two ounces of eptol
'.' n drug store for fifty cents. Mix
this with tablespoonfuls of glycerine in
half a pint of water. Use the cream
very freely every day. and I'll warrant
your friends will quickly see a difference
in your face.
MRS. A. P 0. Bust development has
been obtained with startling results in
aome cases with a mixture of two ounces
of ruetone, which can be secured at any
drug store, dissolved with hilf a cup of
sugar in a pint of water. Of this, take
two teaspoonfuls after meals and before
retiring. "
VERY THIN I assure you that you
can make your hair grow Jong, silky
and beautiful, stop it from falling
make it queenly, exceptional in vigor
and growth. Make up a mixture of one
ounce of beta-quinol. wh'ch your drugpist
full pint of bay rum. or half a pint
This nd- 1C0h-01 U
tnis makes a hairgrowing marvel It
hlral8t0reXC.hnf.heaPer " of the
hair treatments you buy n prepared
DISAPPOINTED If you can't get the
neroxin for blackheads snd the .tnton.
sV f;A- the price.'whlch
... '
.oivif8.,;,0-.?-7!1 nse of
head-wash it eannot be excelled. l?e Z
ySA H fa cupof w"er!
cental I. enou8h ,or twenty-five
cents to last for over a doien shampoos"
oftRSl'i.G,inH- Hr0rdin,rjr f,c Powder,
why I k!h m Dot on the skin. That'.
W ft J ,nythins yet Dro-
ptiJt '.n sd'aV
.J&S? Powder" '.tVg sJrfiS