PART TWO EDITORIAL SECTION PAGES NINE TO SIXTEEN Jti Omaha Daily, B AK-SAR-BEN DATES Carnival September 26 to October t Electrical Parade, Eventof. .. .October S 3ay!isbt Parad October 4 Military Firework October 4 Coronation Ball ...October VOL. XLVII. NO. 89. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 29, 1917. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. PURCHASE COAL FOR MUNICIPAL YARDS Eetail Coal Prices Will Be Fixed in a Few Days, Fuel Admin istrator Garfield Wires the City Council. The municipal coal yard will be in operation within ten days. Ten cars of coal already are on the way to Omaha. The coal yard ordinance will be in troduced to the city council Satur day morning and the plan is to push it through the necessary legal process with, all possible haste sp that the muny plant will be in operation before the cold weather arrives. Suggests Two Yards. The coal yard committee, consisting j ot Mayor Dahlman and commission ers Butler, Parks and Kugel, also will report progress Saturday morning. The committee will suggest that two yards be established at once. One will be in the central part of the city and the other on the South Side A trackage site at Twenty-sixth and Oak streets will be suggested for the South Side location. The muny plant wilj be run strictly on a cash basis and efforts will be made to make deliveries direct from the car to the purchaser so far as this is possible. , Many Orders on File. The muny plant already has re-j ceived enough orders tor coal to start business on quite an extensive scale Over two score of communications have been received by the city dads asking that their orders for quantities ranging from one ton to five tons be placed on file now for immediate de livery as soon as the plant is under way. Commissioner Butler this morning received a telegram from National Fuel Administrator Garfield in which he said retail prices would be fixed in a few days. Married Twenty-Six Years, Asks Court for Divorce Flora M. Bacon is suing Elmer E. Bacon for divorce in district court after more than twenty-six years of married life. She says he has failed to' support her for the last twelve years. Cruelty is alleged as a side is sue. They were married at Osceola, la., Junefl, 1891. , MUCH BEER STOLEN FROM COURT HOUSE Sneak Thief Who Has Been Operating for Weeks Takes Confiscated Brew From Basement Room. Several cases o beer, part of the evidence in state case against Anton Larson, dairyman whose place was raided by Sheriff Clark last spring and thousands ot gallons of liquor confiscated, nave been taken from a strong room in the basement of the court house by th daring sneak thief who has been operating for several weeks. Sheriff Clark discovered the theft when he acted on a "tip" and visited the store room for the first time in several das Ht is checking up the stored booze to ascertain just how many cases of beer were taken. Nearly 1,200 cases were removed from the iail to the store room a few months ago. The expensive wines and liquors, part of the haul at the dairy farm are still under lock and key 'in the jail on the fifth floor of the big counV building. The case against Larson is pending in district court. Has Maste- Key. Court house attaches believe the latest raid of the mysterious sneak thief was made some time Thursday night. Sheriff Clark and district court judges are confident the prowler has a master key that will open any lock in the court louse. Evidence in an appeal liquor case and personal belongings of Judge Es telle were taken earlier in the week. Rifle Desks. Other articles have been stolen from offices in the court house re cently. Desks in different offices have been opened at night and various per sonal belongings of clerks and stenographers stolen. The county attorney's office was Liberty Bonds Reach ' New High Figure New Jfork, Sept 28. Liberty bonds made another new high rec ord at the outset of today's trad ing, selling at 100.16, two points above the previous high mark, read ei yesterday. Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Make "BEATON'S" Your Headquarters While In the City DRUGS AND SUNDRIES ' 50c Ice Mint, or corns 29c Bromo Seltzer. .10c, 19c, 34c, 89c Listerine 10c, 18c, 36c, 72c MAb. Peroxide Hydrogen 6 J8-lb. Peroxide Hydrogen.... 11 1-lb. Peroxide Hydrogen 21c $1.00 S. S. S .68c 25c Mentholatum ........... 16c Hinkle Cascara Pills, bottle of 100 for 18c 25c Carbolic Salve 12c 25c Beaton's Cold Tablets 17c 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream, 16e 25c Nature's Remedy 16c 50c Hay's Hair Health 26c $1.00 Tanlac ,..73c 25c Barkeeper's1 Friend. .... .14c 50c Resinol Ointment 39c 50c Orazin Tooth Paste 34c 35c Castoria 21c $2.25 LeGrande's Combination Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe fox ; .$1.40 60c Men's Pocket Books..... 34c For Your Complexion Use SempreQovfae Pronounced Sem prau Jo ve nay HewnfL 'toKp Towtf Composed of ingredients which keep the skin soft, smooth and clear. Endorsed by the world's most beautiful women. , CANDY 80c Melba Chocolates, lb 49c. We are agents for the follow ing popular chocolates and Bon Bona. Fresh shipments received daily. Original Allegretti Choco lates, Huyler'a Chocolates and Bon Bons, Crane's Mary Garden Chocolates, Lowney's Chocolates. Johnson's Assorted Chocolates and O'Brien's Chocolates and Bon, Bons, in boxes of -lb to 5-lbs. EDISON'S MAZDA LAMPS 25, 40 and 50-watt Lamps. . . .27c 60-watt Lamps 36c We deliver and install free of. charge. Something New For You Polishes, tints and perfumes the nails. Absolutely no buffing re quired. Try it We knowyou'U like it. A long-lasting bottle for. .;. . . .35c Sammy Kits for the soldiers, pric ed up from..,.. $2.25 25c Wright's Silver Cream... 16c 50c Syrup of Figs "and Senna, 29c 50c Nadine Powder.. 29c 50c Nadinola Cream.. 29c 25c Lustrite Nail Enamel, ... 14c 85c Hot Water Bottle...:... 49c $1.00 2-quart Fountain Syringe, for .....49c $3.50 DeMar'a Whirling Spray Syringe, for ...........$1.98 $1.00 Antiseptic Razors. ..... 19c MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION BEATON DRUG CO. 15TH AND FARNAM STREETS .,.,il,mmH.,ii.,.,iniimiMiimm iiiMnfflmnnwMiiimi New Fall Fashions Here is an assemblage of the latest and most popular ideas in Women's Fall Shoes. Recent arrivals bring these displays to a point of thorough completeness greater than ever before. New lasts--new combinations all of them very attractive. SPECIALLY PRICED FROM $6 up Ak-Sar-Bea visitors will find this a convenient and! do tirable place to bay footwear. lSDOUGLVa. m broken into one night last week and umbrellas and other miscellaneous ar ticles taken. Sheriff Clark has detailed deputies to investigate the ownership of the mvsterious master key. TJeputy county attorneys and oth ers also are trying to run down the daring sneak thief. "It will go hard with the individual who is stealing evidence and valua bles from court house chambers and offices if we get him," declared Sher iff Clark and Obunty Attorney Mag uey. Burning-Daylight Ends at Union Tacific Headquarters At Union Pacific headquarters the system of "burning daylight," as it has been called, will be discontinued October 1. so far as work hours are concerned. After that date employes will commence work at 8 o'clock in the (morning, work until noon, be given an hour off for lunch and. re turning to their duties, work until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, with the Saturday work hours from 8 to 1 o'clock. Under the "burning daylight" plan in force during the summer months, the work hours wer from 7 in the morning until 4:30 o'clock in the aft ernoon, with an hour off between noon and 1 o'clock. When clerks are called upon to work overtime at night the company will give them their suppers, allowing 65 tents a meal. Electric Shocks for Those Who Signal City Hall "Lifts" The new elevators in the city hall themselves are all right. They never lay down as did the old ones and make the city employes take to the stairs. But the button caps on the elevator indicators have a habit of coming off and when one tries to push the button to bring the elevator to his floor he is likely' to get an elec tric shock that jars him to his knees. Several caps have been lost and new. ones ordered have not arrived. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. SWT ax; Ak-Sar-Ben Visitor We Greet You- A hearty welcome awaits you at the Nebraska, the store you know so well As Omaha and Nebraska have grown, so you'll find a vast en largement of this store. Two , of our four great floors now en tirely devoted to. men's suits and overcoats. The largest showing in the west and all other stocks enlarged in pro portion.. Again we say: Come, make yourself at home here. Use our rest roms, telephones, check vyour luggage here, meet your friends and neighbors at "THE NEBRASKA." JOHN A. SW ANSON, Pres.- WM.L.HOLZMAN, Treas.' Tremendous Contracts Made Many Months Enable the Greater Nebraska to Qffer Unequaled Values in Suits & Overcoats $15-$20-$25-$30 YOU'LL appreciate the importance of our Fall and Winter t clothing proposition when you understand that every dol lar's worth of clothing we offer has a merchandise value, of $1.50 to $2.00 today, which means that every garment you bujr here is now worth much more pay tor it. i World's Best Fall Hats For Men and Young Men TARGEST western show- J 4to$10 - in? of John B. Stetson Hats, at Smooth, medium and rough fin ishes, all weights and colors. Crofut and Knapp Quality Hate $4 and 85 Bonalino Genuine Italian Hats $5 and $6 Nebraska Superior Hat, at 83.50 Nebraska De Luxe Hats. Special, 83 New Fall and Winter Cloth Hats and Caps 81. 81.50. 82 " ' I Men'. Hat Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Wardrobe and Army Trunks. Main Floar' We're Headquarters for Men's Union Suits WE'VE the vari ety, with out which no store can really of fer satisfac tion. Largest stocks of Vassar, Superior and other reliable Underwear, Wool, Silk and Wool and wool mixed Union Suits, every size, pro portion nd WMht, at, 82.00 87.00 Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, medium and heavy weight; une qimled values, ft 81.00 to 82.50 Shirts and Drawer of fine wool and mixr, .tures; light, medium , ana neavy weigni; iiat . or rib, at 81.00 to 82.50 Shirt and Drawer. flt or ribbed, cotton, at 55 to 81.25. 0 Warm Sweaters FOR every purpose from "A day with the ducks" to "Somewhere in France." We've the right sweater coat, priced right Men Heavy Jumbo Knit Shawl collar sweaters in navy, maroon, cardinal and Tav . 83-50 to 88.50 Men's "V N.ek Coat Sweater, medium and heavy knitted: brown, . leather, gray, navy. .Spe cial values $2.50 to 86.00 Boys' Shawl Collar, medium and heavy knitted sweaters. Wide range of col ors an4 sizes at $2.00 to 84.00. In justice to yourself inspect and compare our showing. Besides unequaled fabric values this 4 great store offers the superbly tailored 'produc tions of a score or more of America's finest clothes makers. From every standpoint of style, value and assortment the most wonderfully at tractive clothing stock to be found anywhere. All the New Fall Styles For Men and Young Men You'll see a new "Style Service" In our wonder fully complete showing of modelsall that's new, novel and snappy in fall suits. Norf oiks with disappearing belts, single and double breasted belted styles, high waisted military lines. Patch, vamped, slashed or welt pockets. English sack or belt back modelsentirely new patterns and color effects, at 15. $20, $25, $30. Thousands of Men's OVERCOATS UNQUESTIONABLY Overcoat Headquar tere smartest fashions of the season. Ulsters, -terettes, Motor Coats, Dressy Chesterfids, Irish Frieze, Huddersfield English Weaves, Carr Meltons, Worombo, Hoekanum, Scotches. Fall or winter weights. Warmth without weight styles. Rainproof ed coats. Supreme showing, at $15 to $60. Big Men, Stout or Short Men, We Fit You Right Wonderfully diversified stocks enable us to offer sizes for all men short men, tall men, stout men. Here's the broad range of models to fit "you perfectly and give you wide selection of pleas ing pattern and color. All fabrics specially selected for your indiv idual requirements. Suits and Overcoats, at $15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 Quality Clothes for BOYS Boys outfitted here with the same keen sense of our responsibility to supply val ues as in Men's Wear. Today the best is the cheapest as never before. See Our Windows SPECIAL AK-SAH-BEN , WEEK AND FALL OPENING DISPLAYS or INTEREST TO EVERYBODY. 7 ''M 1 . V t7 V if! it X ':::2A- Mackinaw Coats Including stylet with Caps and Lecclnss t match, at 94.50 ( $10 Men's Mackinaws $7.50 to $15 LITTLE Chap Suits and Overcoats. Double and single breasted styles. In verted plait and yoke back effects. Suits with washable collars and cuffs. Specially selected fabrics and patterns $3.50. $5, $6.50. $7150 Nebraska Special Boys Suits Astounding values provided by our fore- Bigni in ouying early. , Heavy and me dium weight, gray and brown mixtures; many with full lined pants; ages 6 to 18 years. Save ?2.50 on Nebraska Special Boys' Suits, at $5. B BOYS' SCHOOL KNICKERBOCKERS, DOMET FLANNEL NIGHT SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS. OYS Suits and Overcoats from leading New York i Boys' Clothes Tailors. Fab rics and styles selected for superior excellence. Featur ing stout sizes, too; ages 12 to 18 years. -Great showing, at $7.50. $9. 10t Men's Fall Shirts and Neckwear, Gloves, Pajamas, Night Robes Tl TANHATTAN, Bates Street and Yorke Shirts 1Y1 Entirely new and stunning patterns for fall. French cuffs or laundered cuffs. You've never seen the equal of our showing at $1.50, $2, $2.50 to $7. FLANNEL SHIRTS with flat or military collar.. All waat-d olora. Moat complete stock in tho city, at $1.50 to $4.00. GLOVES FOR DRESS, street, driving . or motor wear. Lined or unlined, $1.25 $5 MEN'S CORRECT DRESS ACCESSORIES FOR AK-SAR-BEN BALL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR HURLEY SHOES FOR MEN. - WHN A XaVANSOMMS. J II J IIJII . .!ifpa.i )1 t VTECKWEAR selections without an equal ; any- wnere. luxurious wiae ena silks of surprising quality and color effects.. Persians, florals, leather satins, heavy and full of quality,, at . 50cV 65, $1. $1.50. $2 Best Dollar Shirta Hi'ndreda of Lic!i grade ahirta that atand out aa the fcesr vf n tha city. TfYiao aeieciion or paiterna, at Jal.fJV. FULL DREGS SUITS AND ' OVERCOATS FOR : AK-SAR-EEN BALL ' . nriTirmn i my ' imil" ffT f r ifiTiir T i CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN