Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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in mum ivmiivu
Grocers and Batchers Will Have
. One or More Representa
tives in the Field for City
Commissioner. -
; The butchers and grocers want to
be represented in the city council
next spring. They will fight solidly
to elected at least one butcher or gro
cer and perhaps more.
i'At the regular meeting held in the
Swedish Auditorium last night the
Omaha Retail Grocers' and Butchers'
association voted to get solidly be
hind such "a movement They insist
that they are not properly represent
ed now in the city council and that
hitherto the council has not consider
ed them important at all because they
treated with all of them as individuals.
Now, however, the grocers and butch
ers are strongly organized and are
all back of a movement to get a real
representation in the city council
Swing 8,000 Votes.'.
"We have tabulated our numbers
pretty well," said Secretary J. J. Cam
eron, "and we feel that when the gro
cers and butchers stand together on
a ticket, and that if each grocer and
butcher fjets ten customers to agree
to vote his ticket, we will swing 9,000
votes." .
The association also voted to start
a mutual insurance fund to carry the
insurance of all the members on their
plate glass. Plate glass insurance is
very high, costing the grocers each
an average of $35 a year, Secretary
Cameron said, and the members feel
that by paying a small part of that
amount into a common fund for the
mutual insurance of their plate glass
they can meet all losses and have
money to spare.
Address to Supervisor. .
G. F. Monro, supervisor of perish
ables for Omaha under the state food
administration, spoke to the grocers.
He insisted that they should urge the
consumers to can and preserve all
possible perishables in order to cut
down the cost in the winter, and con
serve all possible perishables now. He
commended the grocers and butchers
very highly for the swiftness and
thoroughness with which they distri
, buted 40,000 posters to the consumers
in two days when the posters were
furnished by the government urging
drying, canning and conservation.
Special Patriotic Lights
Used on Down Town Streets
Special attention, has been 'given to
the street lighting for the Ak-Sar-Ben
festivities .this year by the Ne
braska Power company. I. W. Zim
man, In charge of sales and service
at the light plant, has studied hard t6
make the lighting effect especially
strong and appfopriate this year. He
has arranged , for the ornamental
lights on the poles to flash ' the pa
triotic colors, and has mounted a
huge American eagle over the Wel
come Arch at the city hall. The eagle
is beautifully lighted at night, and
makes a good effect in this time of
patriotism. ,
The ornamental lighting fixtures be
ing now complete in the city make
greater lighting this year more easily
possible, end, these facilities have been
taken advantage of to illuminate the
city not only in the ; Ak-Sar-Ben
colors, but also in the colon of Un
do Sam. ' . ,
French Munition Workers
Settle Their Differences
rarts, Sept. 28. Differences , be
tween workers in certain classes of
munitions and their employers have
been settled, both sides agreeing to
the formation of a permanent com
mittee of conciliation, according to
an official note issued last night The
statement reads: , ;v - . i
"As a result of explanations be
tween employers and workers In the
presence of the minister of muni
tions and the under secretary of state
for aviation, the workers and employ
ers have accepted a permanent com
mittee of conciliation. , The decision
to arbitrate arose from patriotic mo
tives and a full understanding of the
essential importance of not allowing
any interruption to work. The min
ister of munitions is left to apply this
decision and will adjust the wages
of skilled women and men workers,
which is to be done without delay."
Prof. Pugsley Will Talk f : v
' On Food Conservation
Prof. C W. Pugsley will give a
food conser ation talk at the opening
meeting of the Omaha Woman's club
Monday at 2:30 o'clock at the Metro
politan club house. Prof. Pugsley is
director of extension work at the
University of Nebraska agricultural
college.' The program is in charge
of the home economics department,
headed b Mrs. Charles A. Lota..
' ; The Metropolitan club house as a
meeting place is the final decision of
the club directors, although announce
ment was made earlier in the week
that tl. meetings would be held in
the Young Woman's Christian asso
ciation. ' ... .
- ; ... ' i t
Man Stayed Out Nights
And Wife Asks Divorce
; Stephen F O'Donnell, iron worker,
3210 North Thirty-eighth street,
stayed out nights, according to a di
vorce suit filed in district court by
Mary O'Donnell. They have been
married two years.
Edna E. Boyer, suing Joseph 11.
Boyer for divorce in district court, al.
-leges cruelty and nonsupport They
were married at Oregon,, Mo.
' Louis W. King is suing Addie King
for divorce on grounds of alleged
desertion. They were married inn St.
Louis, May 28, 1916.
Commissionars Confer With
: Residents pn Street Grades
j City commissioners went to Thirty
second and -Boyd streets to confer
iwith residents, of that vicinity with
; regard, to, proposed grading of Boyd
street, west of Thirty-second.
; -The-engineering department had
calculated levels for - the grade and
had placed marking stakes, but resi
dents pf thl ifcighborhdod were dis
satisfied with thT grade and filed a
protest. ' . ": " " ' '
Boyd (street has been a problem
for the commissioners lor five years.
Mrs. Rosen Injured When
Getting Off Streetcar
Mrs. M. Rosen, El Paso, Tex, in
jured Thursday afternoon when at
tempting to alight from a street car,
fell and her head struck the pavement
with such force that she was ren
dered unconscious. She was taken
to the Swedish Mission hospital. This
morning she had partially recovered
The accident occurred at Twenty
fourth and Hamilton streets as Mrs.
Rosen was returning to the home of
her sister, Mrs. J. Rosen, 2789 Dav
enport street, where she has been
Application for Bate Increase
of Fifteen Cents on Grain
Shipped to Seaboard
' is Refused. .
The railroads have lost out in their
attempt to increase the rates on grain
from Omaha to the seaboard. This
is information that comes from Wash
ington to the Omaha Grain exchange.
Two months or so ago railroads
operating in Missouri river territory
applied to the Interstate Commerce
commission, asking an increase of
15 per cent per 100 pounds on freight
rates on all grains snipped to the sea
board, the increase to become effec
tive October 1. The Omaha Grain ex
change, through its legal department,
protested and now comes word that
for an indefinite period there will be
no change in the rates.
Though the - demand Suras strong,
perfect weather over the entire corn
belt caused corn prices to sag off J4c
to VAe a bushel. The sales on the
floor of the Omaha Grain exchange
Corn Prices Sag.
were made at $1.962.04 a bushel.
The receipts were' forty carloads.
Wheat receipts were considered
reasonably fair, the offerings consist
ing of twenty-six carloads, with the
millers seeking most of the stuff taken
in by Food Administration Agent
Neal . .. . -
Oats were rAVi of a cent off and
sold at 575854e a bushel. Receipts
were fifty carloads.'
Church Gives Reception
To Hanscom Park Minister
Thursday evening a welcoming re
ception for Dr. Spence, newly ap
pointed minister at Hanscom Park
Methodist Episcopal church was held
at the church parlors. . ....
A large enthusiastic number of
members and friends of the church
were present and the consensus of
opinion upon leaving was that nevet
in the history of the church had so
much enthusiasm been felt at an en
tertainment of this character. ' The
true spirit of sincerity : and good
fellowship was felt by every one pres
ent' ,:. . . ... , .
The spacious church parlors were
attractively decorated with Ameri
can flags and bunting. Palms, ferns
and flowers were used in profusion to
beautify the church.
In behalf of Methodism, Dr. Brown,
district superintendent of the Ne
braska Methodist association, ten
dered Dr. Spencer a royal welcome to
the Nebraska branch of the work. v
Bert A. Wilcox, vice president, of
the Omaha National bank, was chair
man for the evening. Dr. Jenks, pas
tor of the First Presbyterian church,
was one of the prominent speakers of
the evening 'and showed a splendid
spirit of democracy by delivering a
stirring address on the "Unity of the
Christian People", of today, inas
much as a minister of one denomina
tion may sincerely and heartily wel
come the minister of another denom
inationas he was doing, Mr. L. V.
Sholes of the D. V. Sholes Real Es
tate company, was chief spokesman
for the local church. Mr. Sholes' ad
dress was befittingly .- responded to
by Dr. Spence. JDr. Spence will
preach in his new pulpit Sunday.
Appoint Committee '.o:
- Second Bond Campaign
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, chairman of
Omaha executive committee for the
Second Lihertv' honti ramnaicn has
just completed the appointment of her
executive committee tor the work in
Omaha. The committee nnw rnn.
sists of Mrs. E. M. Fairfuld, chair
man; Mrs. Warrer S. Blackwell, Mrs.
George A. Jpslyn, Mrs. W. A. C. John
son, Mrs. i. v. JK.eyno.ds, Mrs. John
L. Kennedv and Mrs. Edward M.
Syfert - ; '" - - -
The :ommittee will meet at 12:15
at the Commercial club ronms Satttr.
day to appoint the general committee
of women to work with this executive
committee and to plan the campaign.
Phi Beta Pi Medics
To Give Banquet Saturday
Th Phi Rita Pi MVUr.l fr9.rnif
at Creighton college will give a ban
quet at the Loyal hotel Saturday in
nonor ot tne new professors and
Student nf til rfiriartmont nf merli
cine. Honored guests will be Dr. von
W. Shulte, junior dean and professor
of anatomy at Creighton college, for
merly ui vouintDia university; ur
J. D.; McCarthy of Boston and Dr
Selig Hecht,' professor of chemistry,
in the department of medicine.
The banquet will be a ' "get
acquainted" affair for the new stu
dents. "A Real Peace" to Be Topic u
. j r0f Ex-President's Address
"A Real Peace and not a Patched.
Up Promise" is to -be the subject of
ex-President William Howard Taft's
aodress before the Society of Fine
Arts at the Boyd theater Friday, Oc
tober 19, at 3 o clock. This word was
received from ; Mr -Taft's summer
home at Point-Au-Pic, Canada. Mr.
Taft is president of the League to En
force Peace, aa well as chairman of
the Red Cross central committee. :
g : hymeneal""- i
" ' Hallberg-Irwim - 1
Miss Marie Lulu Irwin and Mr." Al
bert M. Hallberg were married Thurs
day by Rev. Charles W. Savidge at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C Hig
lev, WA South Thirteenth . street
The bride's parents. Mr. .and Mrs.
Charles Irwin, "were -present, also
Mrs.? Charles Hallberg, the groom's
mother. Mr.' and , Mrs. C. Higtey
acted as best, man and lady.- There
were also present a large number
of relatives and friends of the con
tracting; parties. . '
Florence Justice of the Peace
Has No Jurisdiction in the
Metropolitan District,
Court Says.
Ed Leeder, justice of the peace at
Florence, has no jurisdiction in
Omaha proper and his constable,
James Musgrave, has no right to serve
summons in the metropolitan district,
according to a decision handed down
by Judge Sears, sitting in equity court
The ruling of Judge Sears ends a
long court fight as to the jurisdiction
of justice courts. Omaha Barristers'
dub was behind the agitation to set
tle once and for all the question of
Leeder's jurisdiction.
The case arose out of the arrest of
Constable Musgrave for serving a
process in the city of Omaha. He was
convicted in police court On an ap
peal to district court Judge Sears
overruled a demurrer by his attor
neys and decided he could be prose
cuted. Leeder's justice court accord
ing to the Barristers' club.'is patron
ized almost exclusively by a collec
tor.. Counsel for the Barristers' club
pointed out that when cases have any
real merit there is no excuse in try
ing them in the Florence justice court
Similar courts in Omaha proper are
municipal courts and another justice
If a person in Omaha who was
served with a summons to Leeder's
court answered and got within the
Florence jurisdiction they had him.
Many persons ignorant of the law did
not know they did not have to an
swer such summons.
Smith to Be Tried for
Murder of Mrs. Nethaway
Charles Smith, negro, charged with
the murder of Mrs. C. L. Nethaway,
wife of a Florence real estate man,
was arraigne 1 in criminal court Friday
morning on a charge of first degree
murder. Through his attorneys.
Scruggs & Morrison, he pleaded not
fuilty and was ordered by Judge
ears to get ready for trial.
Smith was brought into criminal
court heavily guarded by deputy
sheriffs. The murder of Mrs. Netha
way, whose mutilated body was found
near the railroad track in South Cut.
Florence, was one of the most shock
ing in the history of Nebrask:.. Smith
probably will be put on trial late this
"Foxy" Taylor Comes Back
For Visit; Lives in Casper
Forest ("Foxy") C Taylor, for
mer box office man at the Gayetv
theater, who is popular among thea
ter fans, arrived in Omaha yester
day and met old friends, who thought
him dead. He left Omaha suddenly
in 1916 and no knowledge could be
gained as to his whereabouts, and
it was rumored that he had died. He
called upon Sergeant Frank Rose at
the police station yesterday. During
the year he said, he has been em
ployed as manager o" an oil concern
in Casper, Wyo., and will soon re
turn to resume his duties.
Federal Authorities Arrest Joe
Holow for Unpatriotic Ke
marks in South Side
Fire Companies Called
When Water Pipe Bursts
Three fire companies answering a
hurry call to the heart of the down
town district found a case of flood
instead of fire shortly after noon. A
three-inch pipe in the basement of
the new Woodrow cafe, 216 South
Thirteenth street, burst while work
men were making connections with
a radiator system and flooded the
basement with three feet of water
before the stream could be turned off
in the street.
Boys of "Lucky Seventh" Have
Formal "Eetreat" Every
Night as Sun Goes
"War will be over when the presi
dent is killed,'' is the statement that
Joe Holow, Twenty-sixth and P
streets, is said to have made. He was
been arrested and charged as a slack
er and has been turned over the fed
eral authorities.
He entered a resturant recently and
sat next to J. D. Phillip, a Union Pa
cific railway employe, and started a
conversation with him. The talk drif
ted to the war and Mr. Phillips said,
"Well, I guess the war will be over
when the kaiser is killed.
Holow cursed and abused the presi
dent. Phillip then accused him of be
ing a slacker, but he pulled out a card
from his pocket which showed that he
registered in Rock River. Wyo. Phil
lip noticed his name and number and
wrote to the authorities in Rock
River. He received word from them
that Holow had failed to appear when
he was called.
'Til fight, I'll fight" said Holow
when he was turned over to Marshal
Eberstein, special agent of the De
partment of Justice.
Raising Money to Buy
Home fei the Mission
Rev. A. Wagner, of the People's
Mission church has returned from a
nine days' trip to Des Moines, where
he organized a new mission congrega
tion. The work of raising funds for
the purchase of the old Episcopal
church, located on Twenty-sixth and
Franklin streets, will continue. More
than $200 has been pledged already
of the $400 needed for the first pay
ment The date for the opening of
the mission will be published later.
Four or five out-of-town people's mis
sion churches will take part in this
service and convene in a three, or four
days' religious and business council.
Arrangements are beinsr made to have
Dr. Gatling Light of Oklahoma City, ,
pastor ot the People s church, as the
principal speaker. Rev. J. H, Stokes,
field pastor; Rev. Lucinda Floy of Des
Moines and other ministers and work
ers will be in attendance for the program.
Uncle Sam's live wire recruiting
officers stationed at the Ak-Sar-Ben
carnival grounds overlook no bets,
and they are pledging many recruits
to the colors even though the rush
days of the festival have not started
The recruiting crews especially
keep an eye open for stalwart country
chaps and they have high hopes of
landing a large number of sturdy sol
diers for their Uncle Sam before the
festivities are over. ' '
Boys of the "Lucky Seventh" treat
carnival visitors to an impressive cer
emony each night at 5 o'clock. The
Seventh lads have "retreat" just as
if they were in a military camp.
Promptly at 5 o'clock a bugler
blows the call for retreat and the
"sunset gull" is fired. This is a small
rifle instead of a large cannon, but the
enthusiasm of the soldiers makes up
for the deficiency in firearms. The
flag that flies over the recruiting tent
is slowly lowered, while the carnival
band plays the "Star Spangled Ban
ner" an! all stand at attention.
The right hand aid of the grounds,
a you enter might be called military row.
Flags and khaki uniforms, tanta and ban
ners abound. The first on Is the small
brown tent where the "Lucky Seventh," the
National Miard reserve, gathers in Its re
cruits. K Tt comes the navy tent, with
Us big torpedo, around which there is al
ways a curious group. Blue uniformed offi
cers are at hand to answer questions.
Thursday they thought every Query within
the range of Imagination had been asked.
They had told the weight, workings and
use of the torpedo. They had explained
carefully to those who "thought soldiers
lived In the torpedoes," that this was
a torpedo, not a torpedo boat. They had
reassured anxious visitors who wanted to
know "If It was loaded."
Finally came an old lady who peered up
at the officer curiously: "Say, Mister," she
began. "They say you answer lots of ques
tions a day. Now, can you tell me Just
how many you answer T" The officer re
plied he didn't know, but he was sure that
made one more, -
The army tent Is popular with the Ak-Sar-Ben
visitors. Every young man who
looks Interested la halted by the recruit
ing men Inside and Invited to Join the
F. B. GIbbs, one of the men In charge,
halted a man who looked about 85. "Don't
you want to join the army?" He began.
The man looked up, with a twinkle In his
eye. "Walt a minute, friend," he replied,
as he went around a neighboring booth.
The recruiting officer waited, hopefully,
sure that be must be going to bring back
a friend to join also. In an Instant be re
turned. With him nere his wife and nine chil
dren. These, he solemnly ranged in a row
before the astonished officer, pointing to
them without a word.
"I threw up my hands and staggered back
Into the tent," said Glbbs. -"And there were
really nine I counted them."
A man TT years of age spent an hour
coaxing 8ergeant Patton and Lieutenant Zip
fel ot the Lucky Seventh to enlist him.
"I fought in the civil war, and in the
Spanish-American one," he said. "I can
fight as well aa any ot you yet, you bet!"
He finally went away In great disappoint
ment because he could' not enlist. The
boys of the Seventh were as sorry that the
age limit prevented them from enlisting him.
As the bugle call for retreat sounded
1508-1B10 Douglas St.
Amazing Values in Strikingly
Attractive Suits and Coats at
The Coats
v Are the , type for
which you are ac
customed to pay
$35 and $39.50.
Rich Velours,
Broadcloths, Mel
tons, Pom-Poms,
Vicuna: newest
Fall colors. Many
are fur trimmed ;
half and full lined.
A wonderful range
of smart styles.
The Suits
Are fashioned from
stylish Broadcloths,
Serges, Gabar
dines, Velours and
Oxfords, featuring
all the new Fall
''.colorings.' The
splendid range of
smart styles makes
choosing an easy
matter indeed.
Thursday an old man In the crowd near the
gate wiped his eyes.
"That's the first time I have heard that
call alnce '4." he said. "It brings back okl
times. I wish I could an list again."
One Cent Damages is
Awarded Livery Company
The Florence Horse and Livery
company was . awarded a verdict in
district court of damages of 1 cent
against Ed J. Turner, a contractor.
The suit was for $100 for damages
when a horse and buggy ran off a I
road that lurner was grading.
m Big A
n& Shoo
tNo Storo)
I 207-09 "I
V M. 16th St
Specials for
Omaha's Biggest and Busiest
Shoe Store
We Save You As Much
As You Spend.
Shoes for Everybody
Regulation Army
Shoes, at
Work Shoes, the kind that
' wear, up from
Men's and
Boys' Shoes,
all leathers
I $3.48
Fancy Boots.
Price Is
G. R. KINNEY CO., Inc.
207-09 North Sixteenth St. -Loyal Hotel Bldg.
"Be Sure Your in Kinney Y' Before Baying
Look for the Kinney Co. Sign.
"Mail Ordera Filled."
Clearance Sale
Select your HOME OUTFIT or any single article that
you may need for your home Saturday and be assured
that you will not be able to duplicate these wonderful
values for many years. Every remaining SAMPLE
Piece Every SMALL LOT MUST and WILL be closed
out Saturday and, as usual, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN
Dining Room Tables All the re
maining samples 'and small lots
must be closed out Saturday.
Wonderful values, at $12.50,
$16.75, $21.50, $27.50
$36.50, $47.50.
uur in
pense and
Us to
at All
. Times.
Two Exceptional Offers in Serge Dresses
At ft gOO
Fine Men's i Wear ' Serges in
Navy, Black, Brown and New
Leather Shades. Clever styles
for Miss and Matron.
' i '-.; -V :- , . ,
Some are strictly tailored, oth
ers embroidered or braided ;
straight lines ; over-drape ef
fects and Peg tops. You'll won
der how dresses of such quality
can be sold at $J5.00. .
I At
Finest of Men's Wear Serges, in
fully 30 distinctively ' clever
styles. Navy, Black, Seal,.
Plum and Beet Root are the
colors included. '
Contrasting Collar and Vestee
effects. Overdrape and peg
top skirts; tight fitting sleeves,
embroidered, silk braided and
beaded trimmed. Then, too,
are the strictly tailored models
here in broad selections.
Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses
In An Exceptional Sale Saturday
Group No. 1
j Vslues to $5.00. Geonrettt
Pongee and Crepe da Chine;
flesh, white and a few colors;
lace and embroidery trimmed
as well as simple tailored effects.
Group No. 2
Georgettes in white arid flesh.
Fancy striped and plain Crepe
de Chines. A splendid lot of
pretty styles. Values actually
worth to $5.95.' '
Group No. .3
- Sheer : Georgettes, ' Crepe de
Chines and r Taffetas white,
flesh and new suit shades; bead
ed, embroidered and frill trim
med. Fifty clever styles. Val
ues in this lot up to $8.75.
Clearance Sale, Rock
ers, Chairs and Daven
ports. All sample rock
ers, chairs and daven
ports that still remain,
will be offered Satur
day at unusually low
prices. Rockers and
chairs, at $4.50,
$6.50, $8.75,
812.50, 817.50,
$22.50, $27.50
Davennorts, at
819.50, 827.50,
$34.50 $42.50,
Solid Oak Chiffon.
ier$ Splendid five
drawer chiffoniers
bnilt of solid oak
and substantially
made; sale price,
Remember, Saturday will absolutely be the last day of this hit
le. Anticipate your wants and buy now at these unu.u.ll.
low price.
now at these unusually
Howard Overdraft Heaters. The
most remarkable heating stoves con
structed. Burns hard or soft coal,
wood, and even rubbish. On account
of its overdraft principle it consumes
every bit of heat in the coal and all
the gases that usually escape op the
chimney; hence you get twice the
beat for one-half the fuel. Many
styles, all moderately priced.
Steel Range. Many sample ranges
offered you Saturday at unusually
lowc5sA Sale rices' 829.50.
837.50. 846.50. 852.50
Household Necessities
Carpet Sweepers, fully guaranteed.
Our low price, 81.25.
Folding Step Ladder Stools. Fold
compactly. Our low price, 75.
Folding Ironing Boards, substan
tially made, our price, 75. '
Electric Irons. Fully guaranteed.
Our price, 81.85 and 82.95. '
t 4
f s.
oiumoia uraronolas
We advise that you make your selection
early while our stock is complete and before
prices advance. With a Columbia Grafon
ola in your home you have all the world's
greatest artists at your command. No one
thing gives so much pleasure at so little
cost as a Columbia Grafonola. We show a
complete line in oak, walnut and mahoz-any-f
mishes in prices from
Columbta Double Disc Records Thousands of
these wonderful record, to select from. S"nV U
-jy'P?1"- Pieces. Hundred, of
. "-".- imniu 10 seieei irom.
-- m 1 1 -
''reop.".?l0'e- Opposite HotelRoi.;