H'ADOO PREDICTS OVERSUBSCRIPTION Says Resources of the United i States Are Ample if All Co-Operate With the United States. Atlantic City, N. J., Sept 28. Vast ovelsubsubscription of the three-billion-dollar second Liberty ;loaa was confidently predicted, by Secretary McAdoo in an address here today before the American Bankers' association, calling on the bankers to Rive the same patriotic " support to the new bond issue that they gave to the first. Emphasizing the tremendous finan cial task ahead of the nation, Mr. McAdoo pointed oat .that it would be necessary to raise between $1J. 000,000,000 and $14,000,000,000 by ad- ditional bond issues before June 30, 1918. This will not be easy, he said, but it can be done by everybody banker, business man. and men and 'women in every walk of life joininsr hands to see it through. "Fortunately," he added, "the re sources of America were never so ample for ourselves and so formid able for our enemies as now. The combined resources of the national and state, banks (including trust com panies), of the United States are now $37,000,000,000. At the outbreak of the civil war the combined re sources of the banks were estimated to be $1,500,000,000, and yet with these limited banking resources the union government raised $3,000,000,000 by bond sales, or twice the amount of the banking resources of the coun try. Upon the same basis we should now be able to raise $74,000,000,000 through government loans. I am not suggesting that this may be done; 1 am only drawing a comparison.' GERMANS DRIVEN , BACK IN EFFORT . TO REGAIN LOSSES (Continued from fas On.) been driven back in the Rua region, where the Russians today report the v, capture of the town of Oromaru, twenty-four miles west of Meri. . Scots Heroes of flour, ' The two companies of Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who made t such remarkable stand Tuesday and Tuesday night in the face of over whelming odds, against German at tacks in the neighborhood of the Ypres-Menin road and who were mentioned in the official report for ' their great gallantry, are the heroes , of the hour, along the front They : were finally relieved by the advancing , troops from their isolated position where they had been cut off by the Germans in the early operations. Their unit was involved in furious German counter stacks, which were begun Tuesday morning, probably in , an effort to disrupt the - expected British offensive. They were attacked i about dawn, by elements of four Ger man divisions. So bitter was the en emy assault that the .British troops were bent back, but the two com panics of Highlanders refused to give ground and clung stubbornly to their ; posts in the face of terrific blows ; from the enemy. 1 ' Battle All Morning. ' . V i ' The battle raged all morning. About 2 o'clock In the afternoon the British counter attacked and fought their way forward until they had reestablished themselves in virtually all the ground lost, But they were still some dis tance short of the two companies, who valiantly heU their own. All af ternoon and throughout the night the Highlanders stuck to their positions, although the enemy continued to rush forward infantry in an attempt to dis lodge them. And here this handful of Intrepid Scots were found and rescued when the Briitsh advance swept forward at daybreak Wednes day morning. : ' " s i s The . main battle this morning was in the neighborhood of a position known as Cameron House, which lies . just oouth of the eastern extremity of Polygon wood. A severe and contin uous struggle has been proceeding - here and when last heard from the Australians were pressing the . Ger mans hard. Hill 40 Hotly Contested. Northwest of Zonnebeke heavy fighting still continues in the region of an elevation s known as hill 40, which dominates a considerable amount of the surrounding ground. East and a little northeast of St Julien the Germans made two heavy , counter attacks against redoubt posi- tiona which the British had captured yesterday morning. A very determined assault in the neighborhood of Boet leer farm, east of St. Julien, was driven off. . North of this place the Germans succeeded in regaining two redoubts.-;;. -. - - . , ; . Italians Hold All Bainsiisa. Washington, . Sept 27. Italian troops have completed their occupa tion of the entire Bainsizta plateau, which is now firmly in Italian hands, according to official dispatches re ceived here today from Rome. , t Soldiers1' Home Notes Oread Island, Nebraska, September It. L. H. Wrlcht, - a member at Burkett since January 1. 117. and at present patient t0 West hopitl, was band Mmaly remembered recently by the help of that building with a Urge birthday cake mounted with elfhty-three burning candles, which he greatly appreciated. Ha la doing nteely for a person ot that age. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wetssl hava re turned to - Burkett after spending a very pleasant visit with relatives ana menae, Mr. Campbell, at eettage No. S. who was Injured several months past while asslaUng in toe commissary department, 1 improv. v Inf. :-. Matthty Farren. who aeeupte a est in the convalescent hospital. Is reported this morning a recovering from serere cold he eofttracted. Ifrs. Stone, a patient In the West hospital, la reported as being not so well. Her daugh ter. Mrs. Jfcoee, is is constant attention. . John H. Wright has about completed a parlor set f runmore wnicn he is mas . i- tlfll hil lr rhrl,n John Fox fat suZering . from an attack of rheamatlsnii HI Miller Is very ' thankful and proud of the good work his bees have done for him this summer. H wilt bo able to mar- ir. , Ana hnndred sounds of boney this falL Donald Smith, eur ex-orderly, who has been tha sick Bst for a long while, was able to be out yesterday for the rst -time un -rtairvmnia. In room No. I, m the m I. t nn critical condition. Mr. Bla'ir. of room tfo. IS. I convalescing tileiy from his recent illness. ,, The vegetable cellar Is about completed tit - h,i!v for use. The Ice building is progressing nicely aad grill sots b mr iw ut ; Russ Women Fighters Distinguish Themselves Petrog rad, Sept 28. An army or der issued today gives high praise to the Second women' fighting de tachment at the front The order says the women soldiers arrived at a time of great difficulty, owing to the destruction of the roads by rains and confuaion caused by the retreating, demoralized troops. Nevertheless, the women were per fectly disciplined and showed "that they were conscious of their duty of defending the fatherland." In tactics the women are de scribed at having been efficient, es pecially in class formation work. The women served in a Turkestan rifle division . famous for hard marching, but kept up with the men, tramping along in their heavy equipment twenty or thirty miles a day. Bankers Organize to Sell . Knox County Liberty Bonds Center, Neb., Sept 28. (Special.) The bankers of Knox county held a meeting at Center September 26 and organized a Knox County Bankers' association, electing T. A. Anthony of -Wausa as chairman and W. W. Walton of Center secretary and treasurer. The principal purpose of this meeting was to organize and be ready to handle the sale of Liberty bonds. A resolution was passed favor ing W. S. Weston of Hartington for president of the State Bankers' asso ciation. - ' The "Cavalier" New Walk-Over Lace Boots : ' . ..... Comes in 12 Styles ' " Seven of the . , ....; i Leaders Described I Below: No. 2020 Patent Leather, White Nile Cloth Topping .White Ivory Soles t with semi-military yn heels..,. w No. 2302 Black Calf with Neolin Fiber Soles A and semi-military s vt) heels.... No. 2204 All Leather, Black Calf v Boot, ; a ex plain lines, semi- P military heels. . No. 2563 All Dark Brown Kid, with a if semi-military . , y. heels.. Nd. 2562 Combination Dark Brown Vamp with Light Tan Top- PfCA ping, semi-mili- v uv tary heels f $Q50 No. 2568H Brown Calf Vamp with Cloth Topping to .match; Neolin soles with semi- military heels............ No. 2202 Same $0 as above, in black. . .0 No. 2564 Tan, All Leath er, beautifully a f tailored, semi- vjl military heels. ...... V Phoenix Hosiery to Match. Mail Orders Sent Prepaid. Walk-Over Boot Shop 317 S. 16th Street Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. 160 INDICTMENTS BY GRAND JURY IN LW.W. CASES (Continued fron Psfe One.) hamper the government in almost every conceivable way, with ramifi cations into practically every state. It concerned anti-draft demonstra tions, crip, ling of war industries by so-called strikes, burning of wheat fields, burning of timber which the government was planning to use for airplane construction, and a continu ou anti-ally and anti-war propaganda, ganda. There was evidence that German money was plentifully supplied, as shown in many letters and cancelled checks. Indications pointed to a group of men as prime movers in the great conspiracy with a large number of agents acting under their orders. The nation-wide raid conducted upon local I. W. W. headquarters in many cities by agents of the depart ment of justice on September 15, dis closed the evidence upon which the government proceeded to act. Many Austrians Involved. One feature which the investiga tion brought out sharply was the large, almost predominating member ship of Austrians in the ranke of the I. W. W. local organizations and also the large membership of the various races which comprise Austria-Hungary. Thousands of these men, un restrained because the United States is not at war with Austria, federal investigators have found, have been free to carry on whatever activities were planned. ments will be formally reported to I the federal court in Chicago some I time today, charging seditious con , spiracy against the government ;fcfg'-"a-"''i jaunt ifiX! sft Special Rocker WELL built of golden oak with Spanish leather, auto spring seat. An exceedingly comfortable rocker that is designed for lifetime service. You have only to set: it to know what a wonderful bargain we offer. (As illustrated) it lljll'jll. If V d1 i'i' tr Golden Quartered ' Oak Table Handsome Golden Oak Buffet Very like cut Built of 'quartered oak, with lined silver drawer, roomy cupboards, large linen draw er, bevel plate mirror. ....'$19.00 48-inch solid quartered oak top that extends to 6 feet. A beautiful table that matches the buffet illustrated. Extra value, at $19.00 jfii f 1 in - 1 m 1. Win t ' 'I'5 "If, Splendid Oak Dresser like cut Has unique rounded edge iop ?va4v incnes m size ana dependable plate mirror 22x 28 inches in size; a splendid dresser shown in nut brown, fumed and gold- t92 SO en oak finishes vwjuu Same Dresser with 24x30- $24.50 inch mirror, r at Seamless Brussels Rugs The newest Oriental and small all-over designs are here in pleasing assortment You will find them suitable for any room bTO Cft in your home. Price of the 9x12 site, is only P5,,OU Other Siaea in Proportion. Bissell's Vacuum Sweeper This Sweeper not only dislodges the dust and threads with the brush, but automatically sucks tip all dirt in the same way as an electric. It is a very effective sweeper for household purposes without being expen. tC Cft sive. Price PO.OU The World's Greatest Musical Triumph Can be enjoyed at your own fireside, seated in a comfortable armchair, if you have a ; Victrola $84.00 in your home. Why not let us put this Style X Victrola and 24 selections on 12 double records, in your home on approval? : , If you decide to keep it, the whole combination will only cost and easy terms can be arranged. Superior Voile and Filet Curtains Exclusive and unusual styles, especially priced. Shown in ivory and beige, at , $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $3.75, $4.50, S5.00 . Inexpensive Drapery materials - in plain, two-tone and verdure effects, rose, mulberry, blue, brown, etc. , Priced at 40t, 65, 85 Yard "mil Si Ski irf - Beautiful Windows are often spoiled by unsightly. GO TO YOUR windows and see how the shades are, and if they need replacing, buy "BRENLIN." the shade that does not crack, advertised in Saturday Evening Post. WV""WlrH5rchard & Wilhelm Co. 1 Women's Shop Benson t5fToritfc oAe cGbre of individual $&p& Saturday We Offer Just 149 Georgette and Crepe De Chene Blouses The $7.95 to $10.00 Kinds At $5.95 YES! We'll admit it does seem, ridiculous to advertise Georgette Crepe and Crepe De Chene Blouses at these low prices right at a time when these materials are increasing in value, and when the wearing season has just started, but it is just another instance of the way Benson & Thome buy, which enables them to do things in a "different" ivay. We just want you to see them see and feel the quality of materials that they are made of examine the workmanship and finish, and then try them on, view them from the front, back and sides, and see the full measure of style that each blouse possesses. We candidly believe that you will buy a half dozen of these blouses when you see them. The Colors White ' Flesh Dark Blue Black lhe Styles High Neck Frilled Tucked Tailored Btoaae Shop Second Floor. The Trimming Soutache Braid Embroidery Lace Edging Plaiting On the Second Floor Saturday Trimmed Hats Well Worth $10 and $12 At $7.50 Included are- Smart small velvet hats, suitable for street wear. Black and all the popular colors of the season. Trim med with embroidery, ribbon and ornaments. , New medium size and larger hats In black and the new suit shades. Some artistically trimmed with feather fancies, others with simple bow of velvet or attractive designs worked in embroidery. Visit the New Shop- y Cleverly Trimmed Hats $2.50 to $5.00 THE carpenter has pounded the last nail; tha painter has painted the last dab, and the in terior decorator has put the last finishing touches to the curtains, making everything in complete readi ness for a busy day Saturday in the new Millinery Shop, so conveniently located on the Main Floor. Soft velvets in large, medium and small shapes, effectively trimmed, are shown in variety at prices that will make a strong appeal to the woman who has been searching tor a smart yet inexpensive street and semi-dress hat ' . - i . When the Nights Grow Lojiger and the lighting question becomes increasingly im portant, you'll want the best light, one that is efficient and economical. You'll find that , i Electric Light is the Perfect Light for reading, sewing or working. It will enhance the beauty of your home and multiply its conveniences and comforts. It is economical on or off at the press of a button. Arrange now to have your house wired this Fall. You will be astonished at the low cost of wiring for this in valuable aid to modern living. Complete information gladly given by our sales depart ment Nebraska Power Company "Your Electric Service Company" Telephone Douglas 1062