Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Exceptional Values for Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors
Saturday Sales That Offer Exceptional Savings
"Flapper" and Girls Dept.
For the Growing Girl,
Hard to Fit.
Sizes 12, 14 and 16 years.
For the type of girls who 're
quire a particular style and
"Flapper" Coats, $10 to $39
"Flapper" Serge Frocks,
$10 to $29
Girls' New Tub Dresses for
school wear, sizes 6 to 14 years.
An assortment of pretty Frocks,
practical models for romping and
school wear. In Stripes, Cham
brays and Ginghams, $1.50, $1.95,
$2.50, $2.95, $3.50 to $5.00.
Girls' New Coat for Autumn, an
attractive display of warm Wraps
for every day and dressy wear.
In Wool Velour, Broadcloth and
Pom-Pom materials; also Velvets.
Beautifully finished with fur
trimmings, sizes 6 to 10 years,
$5.00 to $25.00.
For the Little Tots, sizes 1 to 5 years. High waisted, fur
trimmed, White Wash Corduroy, Chinchillas, Velvets, Plushes,
Pom-Poms, etc., prices, $3.95 to $12.50.
We will take orders for Black Convent Dresses in any style
preferred for any school.
Second Floor
Misses Smart Fall Suits
$25.00 and $35.00
In This Specialty Shop
for Misses and Small
"YOUTH, I do adore
thee" and on the sup
position that every wo
man agrees with this
sentiment, the makers
of these garments which
find place in this Spe
cialty Shop have em
bodied "youth" in ev
ery line.
At $25.00 and $35.00,
we are showing very
smart buits for i all wear,
in Silvertone, Tricotine,
Serge and Broadcloth.
Beautifully tailored mo
dels, belted styles, pocket
ed style, braided models,
of n
About 50 Varieties to
Choose From
B. This Department has been greatly enlarged and we are
now able to make the most complete display of these
youthful garments anywhere hereabouts.
Second Floor
T W. 17 Jit
Perrin's Gloves, $1.50
100 dozen Perrin's $2.00 and $2.25 guaranteed washable gloves,
per pair, at $1.50
The goodness of these gloves has become more and more
known among thousands of women in this territory, and there
fore this sale at the beginning of the season will be most welcome.
This sale, as an introduction to our Season's business of Wash
able Kid Gloves, should induce hundreds of economical shoppers
to secure their season's supply.
These Gloves are all
Perrin's makes and would
have to sell, if bought in
today's market, from
$2.00 to $2.50 a pair.
They come in pearl white,
mastic, light and dark
gray, tan and brown and
black, with either plain or
prettily stitched backs.
Every pair is absolutely
guaranteed by the makers
and by us. There are only
about 100 dozen, and at
the prices we are quoting
they will not last long,
rherefore, we advise early
Main Floor shopping.
Corsets at Lowest Prices
The materials employed in the making of these
Corsets are only to be found in those at much higher
Two Extraordinary Offerings
From This New Third Floor Department
We advise early selection as these Corsets are riot
to be duplicated at these prices. WE WILL FIT
At 10 EA A model in dainty pink broche, low top, no '
VtO" bone over hips, but well boned in back and
(JJO PA A very low top Corset, well boned, made of
pOJV handsome white silk broche; long hip with
heavy web garters attached.
BUST CONFINERS In pink and white, back and PA
front closing styles OUC
Third Floor
Hosiery Offerings of Interest to You
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, in all colors and sizes. Some boot
silk, other silk to hem with lisle tops, double soles, 7Q
heels and toes, all full fashioned, at f 2C
Women's Fiber Silk Hose, seamless, all shades, spliced heels and
toes, double soles, also black and white, CC
at D3C
Women's Plain and Fancy Silk Hose, in black and white, our spe
cial brand, also fancy stripes, well worth $1.50, f 1 OC
at the price of J 1 0
Women's Fiber Hose, in black, white and colors, Og
irregulars, seamless, at OOC
Main Floor
The New Fall Blouses Are Here
At $1, $1.95, $2.95, $3.98 and $5
A price and a style to suit everyone. The broadest
and best showing of Blouses in this middle west
country and a greatly enlarged and beautified de
partment to show them in.
At 00 DmitJ'' oie an( Batiste Blouses,
p 1 .vv nan( embroidered and lace trim
med models.
At 95 Daintv Lingerie and Jap Silk
p 1 .7j BiouseSf jn vvhite, flesh, black and
navy; semi-tailored and lace trim
med models.
At $2.95?.ainty
v Lingerie
and Crepe de Chine
Blouses, very specially
At fcO QO Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and striped
pu.70 gjjj. rjouses dozens of smart models to se
- lect from.
At jC A A Georgette Crepe and extra heavy quality
pu.uu Crepe de Chine Blouses, with frills, jabots,
lace trimmed and some beaded models.
ALSO EXTRA SIZE BLOUSES, in complete assortment, sizes
46 to 52, in Lingerie, Crepe de Chine' M flfi to M A OH
and Georgette Crepe, at Y 1 UU Iv.UU
Second Floor
Sample Kimonos and Negligees
Special Purchase From New York
Makers and Importers
We purchased these most exquisite garments at a remark
able concession, and right after we bought them, the whole
sale market advanced this class of merchandise 20 or more
making the prices we offer these at today, doubly attractive.
Some of these were made in this country, and others come di
rect from Japan and with one or two exceptions, they are all
different for that reason we would advise that you come to the
store at 8:30 prompt on Saturday.
Two prices on these simply exquisite garments :
At $5.98 Worth $7.50 to $12.50
At $10.00 Worth $15.00 to $35.00
At $5.98
t About 110 Kimonos and Negli
gees, of beautiful Brocaded
Satin, Crepe de Chine, Plain Satin, Georg
ette Crepe and Pongee, in all the colors of the rain
bow, and just as dainty and fine as they can be.
"Pullmans" made with bag attached, one of the most
practical garments for traveling, are to be found
in this assortment and the decorations and beauti
ful making and finishing are almost beyond type
to describe.
(in -r-About 100 Kimonos, Sacques
ViViUV and Negligees, some of the
most beautiful we have ever seen. The heavily
gold embroidered affairs from the Orient, with the
splendid work of the Japanese evident in every
way. Also heavily brocaded Silks and Satins, Crepe
de Chines, Georgettes, etc., trimmed with beautiful
Laces, etc.
You wilf say, when you see them, "these are per
fectly exquisite and extraordinary in their little
Come to Store Opening Saturday 8:30 Sharp.
Third Floor New Location
Our Extra Millinery Service
At No Extra Expense to You
A New Department With a
Big Idea Back of It
We have our most experienced
designers take a certain time each
day and assemble a number of
new hats together with the proper
trimmings for each. These are
carefully arranged and pinned on
just at the right angle where they
belong, with due consideration for
a harmonious color scheme, ready
for YOU to SEW ON, which re
sults in your getting the correct
hat correctly trimmed without
taking away the pleasure most
women derive from trimming
their own hats. In fact, it dou
bles that pleasure by its assurance
that when you have finished it is
as it should be.
THREE HUNDRED of our own
ideas for you to choose from, or
your own idea carried out by an
expert while you wait.
Special Millinery Service Dept.
Second Floor
Our Trimming Section
Is filled with timely suggestions for making your hat what you would
ilke to have it at the price you want to pay.
FOR INSTANCE: New Jet and Sphinx ornaments, beaded
pins, velvet flowers, gold and silver effects, all kinds of fancies, such
as small black or white mercury wings, burned goose stick-ups, pad
dle fancies in all the season's best colorings
39c 69c 98c $1.50
Trimmed Hats at $7.50 to $16.50
There are infinite varieties, as well as charm, to be found in
our showing of trimmed Millinery.
Our $5.00 Hat Section
This section has not been overlook and a considerable assort
ment will be added to the already large display for Saturday.
Little shirred velvet hats with cocky little quill trimmings.
High draped velvet turbans, medium mushroom brims with fancy
crowns trimmed with ribbon coquards and hundreds of other
Second Floor
Boys' Wear at
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits
Boys1 Overcoats
Juvenile Suits
Boys' Mackinaws
Simply to acquaint you with
our new move to the Second
Floor of the Men's Store, right
at the head of the moving stair
way. 2 Pair Pant Suit and Single
Pant Suiti. Big extra values,
every one of them. Short lots and
single suits. The better suits are
all splendidly tailored. Corduroys
with heavy Khaki linings.
Boy Mackinaws Smart new
models with the skate pockets, lA
Corduroy linings. Some with big
plush collars. All bright, new plaid
effects, in sizes from 4 to 18 years.
Boya" Orercoats Various styles,
coats in ages from 2 to 10 years,
splendid mixtures or plain styles.
Chinchilla in grays and blues. A
lot of heavy Serge Coats with as-
trachan collar and cuffs. An exceptional value.
Little Fellows' Suiti Sizes 2 to 8 years. Real Velvet Suits, In
blue, green, black, brown and various colors. Many with extra
white collars and cuffs. Blue Serges in various styles, many elab
orately trimmed. A wide range of mixtures in quality fabrics and
tailoring. Worsted, Cassimeres and Cheviots and Tweeds, In full
lined Suits or Suit with no lining. Extra dress-up collars and cuffs
on most of them. All at one price, $4.95.
Second Floor, Men's Bldg.
Women's New
Tailored Suits
Long skirted, knee length
coats are presented in both
plain tailored and novel de
signs. The new snug-fitting,
sleeves trimmed to the elbow
with buttons or braid are dis
tinguishing features.
Very desirable models
in fur trimmed suits. Ev
ery suit is different, dis
tinctive and individual.
Many reproductions of
higher priced models.
The Materials are: Chiffon,
Broadcloth, Wool Poplin, Men's
Wear Serge, Velour and Bu
rella Cloth.
The colors are: Burgundy,
Beet Root, Russian Green, Af
rican Brown, Taupe, Navy and
$25, $32.50, $35
Second Floor
Women's Fall
$17.50, $19, $25
SERGES and Covert Dresses,
embodying the newest mod
els for street, business and
afternoon wear. Soutache
braiding, beaded braidings,
embroidered designs with
smart collars of satin and
georgette that lend tho
charm of daintiness.
These models include straight
line pleated, belted styles, peg-top
skirts with fitted blouses, novelty
pockets, distinctive belts with
buckles, etc.
Colors are Tan and Gray Cov
erts, also Navy, Russian Green,
Wine and Brown in Serges. A
most complete showing.
Second Floor
FALL KNIT Underwear
Including Some Munsing Wear
Samples and "Seconds"
Women's Suits in almost a complete line of sizes,
medium, Fall and Winter weight, long and short
sleeves, also sleeveless. Knee and ankle lengths, high
or medium low neck, in three big lots,
49c, 79c and $1.29
Seconds of 75c to $2.00 Garments.
Misses', Children's and boys' medium, Fall and Winter
weight garments, and the best garments we know of for
the younger generation, to go now in three big lots:
39c, 59c and 79c
Seconds of 50c to $1.00 Garments
Women's Italian Silk Union Suits, also "Teddy Bear"
styles, beautifully embroidered and lace trimmed bodice
style, with ribbon shoulder straps. Pink only, An Qf
all sizes, worth up to $6.50, at 437J
Women's Italian Silk Bloomers, cut full, well reinforced,
pink and white, worth up to $5.00, a-
a 3z.yo
Women's Venetian Silk Vests, finished with tailored
band top, many dainty embroidered patterns to
choose from, also plain bodice styles, the bloomers to match
are cut full, with reinforcement, all sizes, d f f-
worth up to $'.G0, at J 1 ,07
Third Floor