THE VIM: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Z6, 1917: SLEEPERS WANTED Departure of Ammunition Train From Pes Moines to Deming 1 j Hi'tftii . by -Officers' I r',.;';..' Demand. " Bishop Stnntz Makes Appointments For Methodists in Iowa Churches . (JTron ., 8tff Correspondent) D; Moines la.. Sept 2S. (Special Telegram.) -Departure of the ammu nition r'mhaa been delayed here be cause ' cfficets 'ire demanding: Pull mans jtoi' privates .in their trip to Demin'ff. Railroad officials report the train iiat "been ready all day, but up to a late hour had not departed. Bat tery F left tt 11 o'clock this morning. The First' regiment is expected to start Thursday. - ; Ordered .to Deming. , . Official orders from the War de- f partment were received today by the rvtrt mon!rfl f( T?ir.t Inura in. . V.M. , ... V k t ' W U0 a V a. fantry, Iowa National Guard, . the Iowa'Y ammunition train' and Battery F of the .field artillery to start for Deming, N. M. '- The ammunition train 'will leave here Tuesday. Bat I tery F will also start tomorrow. The rirst regiment, aoing guara auty at i; Camp Dodge, ,"wUi. surt Thursday. Company C, Iowa engineers, will leaveTuesday.,. ,v Moline Recruit Dies. The first fatality among the re? cruiti to the Eitrhtv-eitrht division of the Jiational army at Camp Dodge was reported today with tpe death of Cyril Carpenter,, 25 years of age, of Moline, 111. He was a member of Company B, Three Hundred and Forty-ninth infantry. Carpenter died on the way to the bast hos pital 'at Fort Des Moines Sunday fol lowing a two days' illness from an attack of acute insanity. His brother. ohn Carpenter,' also' of Moline, has een'Tiotified. No reason can be as signed to Carpenter's illness, but medical officers, are making an inves-tigation.w-: ; ":x ' '. :' Bishop Stunts Names Peachen.. . Bishop Homer F. Stunt? of Omaha, pressing bishop at the Des Moines district conference of the Methodist EpiscepaWmrrch, which closed its1 annual, session, .at; inaianoia today, announced ' the assignments of pas . tort, just before adjournment. More changes than usual were "made , be cause of vacancies and transfers. Not a few of the vacancies are due to ihe fac'that the younger men are enlist ing or entering army service as chap lains; or Young Men's Christian asso ciation workers. ''.'' 'Conference Wires President Tjif co.Tfere"hce Jria night letter to President Wilson i. pledged its. un wirwinB Invaltv to tWeTition and .to ihoseiiwuthprity during the world's'war. ' '"'" " " ".' The letter-reads s follows: "ThVCes .Moines annual confer ence',U'hVanV: declire8 its' - un swerving loyalty, the nation -in this upre'm6 hour of the world strug gle.', this war the last con vulsive effort "of , militaristic absolu tism' against "that .democracy which inevitably stands with the fatherhood of God an4 the brotherhood of man. We assure -Vou that for , the accom pltshment "o( this end we will gladly givt our money, ,etid our. sons to the front and our. prayers toJieaven un til final vtcjf.--M Many Autp'Afeldenti. ' ' InforieiHi'ct. inay cause, his death were sustained Jat Snndajr by Her bert" Raschke, 10 ' ,d' 1740 Walker street, when ne darted in front o! h' automobile 'driveri by Charles . Trisler Sunday. He; was knocked to the '' pavement and received a deep scaM! wound and a fractured skull. The. accident happened in front of the boyV'ho'meV ;The tad 'had? started across th. street to' see, his mother. T. F Rice "was injured when he was nit y an .auto.v driven by G. H. B. Pohfter at East Second and. Locust streets Jast evening. Two automo biles!, were nearly demolished, but no oneifwas hurt, in a collision, of two cars driven by B. Stanton'- of Des Moines 'and James Canady of Car lisleiwhich occurred Sunday at Twen-ty-foHirthviad CotWge Grove. Cap tain t Albert Knapp, Three ;. Hundred and'.fThtrty-iseyenth field -artillery, a-a ' rr. . , . fr I - t . J camp mqoge- inncrea a scaip wcunu whef ' hc taji his motorcycle into a lamppost it Thirty-first and -Forest He iiitfas thrown nearly twenty feet Mrii Hart: Assistant Food Director. Mrs. Charles, Harl tof Council Bluffl has, !ben appointed assistant federal qod; inspector fpOowa and will have charge of the, work in Iowa at directed by Herbert Hoover's de partment at Washington. J. F. Deems ative'r iarf.fhja 'state.; Mfs.,.Harl will have an office In the lieutenant gover nors 'room.V& chairman of the Pot tawattamie 'bounty - women's work Mrs. Harl originated the Harl pledge for the junior army of food release. This pledges school children,.not to complain of, food served itr war time. Othet states are now taking up this pledge. Governor Charles Brough of Arkansaa.pns to have the pledge dis tributed throughout that state. The mothers' Clubs in New Jerseyare in terested hr the pledge aho. ; ,, ; V - Orraha Mn Says Cossack4 " ft; Rah Away With His Wife A" atorr -ot' a- blasted- romance 5n RussiV 'j.en" jrears ago is contained in a i "divorce. 1 action filed ?ih" district court"Ty Serhey Hadjanchek against Ker'i Hadianchek. ; According to the husband, 3, they were married at Shumsk, Welm State, Bekowsky, Russja, .October 45. 1906. He' says the:wre happyj ltntH . a dashing Cossack entered their lives. He savs she left him with the Russian soldier in October, 1908,. and declares he has hot seen.or heard of her since. . He "came to America to Wealthy Iowa-Farmer Is t X: ' Killed by Thresher Boone. la.. Sent 25. (Special Tel eirram.) Charles Johnsonpwner of a threshing outfit,' while engaged on a . farm near Bopne, was instantly killed this morning when bis arm caught in a belt of the thresher.'. His body was culled into the machinery and his head crushed. Johnson was a prominent and wealthy farmer. v egram.) The folldwlnVfif St lieuten- uv lite llui.t imm v yyjt pa .. have been assigned Tort .Des Moines: Harvey.L, .JrOWh, Ulysses trant-.u. Martin, -tiugo eenton Stokes and Morris A Blackburn. Giles Out List of Assignments to Charges in State at Con ference Held in Des Moines. Appointments to pastorates of Methodist Episcopal churches in the Des Moines conference, embracing southwestern Iowa, announced by Bishop Homer F. Stuntz today, fol low: Council Bluffs District. W. H. Cable, dtatrict superintendent. Blanchard H. O. Parkar, Council Blutfa Broadway, O. D. Crtanman. Epworth. H. T, Pavia. Fifth Avenua, A. J. Matthawa. City Mlasiona, to be aupplled. Trinity, D. I. Howar. Coin W. T. Rink. Creacant-Haaal Dell Supplied, W. T. Meaner. Denlaon J. L. Boyd. Defiance E. B. Soot-fan. Dow City A. B .Adama. Dunlap A. R. Grant. EaaeK W. E. Harvey. Farracut-Madlaon R. E. Harvey. Olenwood William Stevenaon, Hamburg- Carl Brown. Imofene O. L. Jonea. Little 8loux Supplied, Peter I. Klnr. Locuat Grove K. C. McQllvray. "Loitan L. E. Ripley. Magnolia W. B. Co. " Malvern M. A. Oable. Manilla A. R. Miller. McClelland Supplied. John W. Wright. , Mlaaourl Valley A. C. Bonham. Modate-Mondamln C. E. McKelvey. vNeola To be aupplled. ; Northboro W. R. Manning. ', Pacific Junction John P. Newell, PerreU Pred McOIumphrey. Randolph Peter Jacoba. Klverton C. A. Calklna. Shenandoah A. 8. Woodard. Sidney R, B. Moeer. Silver City B. R. Van Dyke, Btrahan L. M. Kir by. Tabor F. D. Conaway. ,. Thurman H. M. Strong. '.Watt Liberty Supplied. . Woodbine J. F. Blngeman. Creston District. Jay Klrkendall, district superintendent. Afton W. H. Doyle. Arltpe W. H, Warrior; Bedford U P. Goodwin. i Braddyvllle C. T. Smith. Brldgewater Harry K. Morft. Brooks To be aupplled. Carbon D. F. Ooddard. Carl Supplied, O. T. Herrlck. Clarlnda M. M. Cable. , Clearfield C. A. Carlson. College Springs C. M. Ward, , Conway F. N. Redtnger. Corning E. A. Moore. Creston Ellas Handy. .Cromwell Robert A. Orlgsby. ; Cumberland Alphnnao Breellng. Emerson O. W. Palmer. Fontanelle O. R. JoneA. Gravity J. W. Harwdbd. Greenfield Clrouit Supplied, v Everett James. Hebron B. L. Splller. Kent C, B. Guest. Lenox B. M. Holmes. Lorlmer M. B. Wilson. , Mackdburg 0. T. Andrews. Massena Joseph A. Nayle. Nevlnvllle Alfred Knoll. New Market B. O. Douglass. Nodaway I. R. Mills. ' Orient M. J. Rarick. Preecott Jaaper Webef. . Red Oak J. M. Williams. - Red Oak Circuit To be supplletV Shambaugh Joseph Penn. Shannon City Hober A. FlnUL ' Vllllsca E. S, Menoher. ;'Villiac Circuit H. P, Orlnyer. '. Torktown To be supplied, , . , .. .. Atlantic District. M. R. Talley, district superintendent Adair W. 0. "Warren. . Adel J. H. Freedlina. . Anita B. A. Thomas. Atlantto F. W. Slmpaon, , Audubon C. W, Proctor. - , Buck Creek S. W. Rowley. Carson M. H. Keast. , ;'.?. , Casey E. R. Stroud. - . De Soto r. B. Holmnn.-' 4 IXdham W. C; Smith. - i ' Doxter E, B, Ilgenfrits. - s,T ! Earlham Louis WaUon. . gf 4 Esrlham Circuit Crt Clrk, V Elliott B. L. Stone. ' " ' Extra R," J. Tennant. Fletcher To be supplied. Grant To he supplied. Gray Claud R. Cook. ' Oslswold R. L. L. Barnstable. Grlswold Circuit 'harles Mayn. Outhrl Center D. B. 9. Prather. " Hanoock Q. U Hufstader, - Harlan O. T. Roberts, Hastings Floyd A. Smith. Klrkman and lrwln R. C. Buchanan. . Lewis U. S. Piper, Macedonia N. P, Barton, . ' - Manning J. W. Dlsley. Menlo C K. Corklll. North Branch B. J. Zumsteg. Oakland C. M. Edmondson. , i Shelby D. J; Shenton. Stuart W. B. Handaway. Tennant F. B. Moor. Van Meter-Booneville B. 0. Lyl. ' Walnut F. L. Shepherd. Waukee F. T. Stevenson, ' 1 "Wlota To be eupplled. - Wichita To b ttpplld. ;? Des Moinei District. Pi Moines '"' : ' Asubry S. I Boy era. - Capital Park A. W. Harned. Easton Piece Supplied, Leslie 0. Smith. . First Chureh-R. O. Mathews, V t First Church (Associate) T. Hager man. ;.' ' Fort Dest Moines Supplied, A, C. Cat kins. Gatchel Memorlal-Chartet XnaU. ' : Grac B. E. Hlgley. . . .. Grand Avenue To be supplied. . Highland ark J. E. Lombard. Italian Mlesions-rPascal ScetUrregla,. ' South Side Mission J. 0. Smith. " Oak ' Grove Supplied, Benjamin D. Scott . Seott Street Supplied, H. W, Smith. ) Simpson A. M. Eastman. ; a , Trinity J. L. Gillies. Wesley E W. McDade. - ' - Altoona 1), H. Howery. - ' Ankeny G. W. L. Brown. Berwick Supplied, Earl Phelps,- '- Browns To be supplied. Carlisle W. H. Meredith. " CenUnol&l Supplied. V. C. Brown. - Colfax a. F. Cannon. - ' - Commerce To be supplied. ' ' East Peru G. A. Wood. Farmers-Palmyra, to be supplied. ; , Indianola F,,N. Willis. -' Ira Supplied, B. W. Hamilton. Mingo A. H. Adams. ' K MltcheUvllle E. S. MacCartney. -Monro-Enoch Hill. , Norwalk C- H. Miller. , - j Orllla Supplied. M. T. Butterfleld. '; Patterson Supplied. L. F. Woolson. Pleasant Hill S. H. Morris, Pleassntvllle R. N, Spooner, ' ; Polk City 8upplled, E. Durant -Prairie City Horace T. Lavely. , St Charles N. A. Orcult. - Santiago-Valeria Supplied, Paul Eddy. (Spring Hllr C.E. Bennett 8ndyvllle Supplied, J, W. Schooler. ' ' Valley Junotlon C B. Miller. Wick U L. Wela. ... . . L jThe Easiest Way -To End, Dandruff , .. . .. . . Winterset Jackson Glddens. Wlnterset Circuit Fermer C. Barn. Boone District. A. A. Thompson, district superintendent Ames (First) M. E. Nethercutt Ame (college pastor). i Ames Circuit Supplied, S. A. OUIIes. Angus Supplied, Albert Holllngshead. Bagley W. A. Lower. i Bayard A. E. George. ' Beaver-Berkley H. D. Henry. Boon (First) B. C. Flntel. Boon (Marlon Street) Howard P. Toung. Bouton To be supplied. Cambridge L. E. Coleman. Carroll R. B. Sheppard. Churdan J, F. Davis. Collins-Slater F. W. Ingvolstad. Celo J. N. McCurdy Coon Rapids H E. Cnpeland. , Cooper Supplied, F. F. Stover. , Dana J. E. Habllston. Dallas Center H. O. Hicks. Glldden Guy J. Fausher. Grand Junction E. A. Plac. Jefferson S. G. Lewis: Lanesboro A. W. Armstrong, Luther-Paul N. Hlllman. Linden C. W. Brewer. Madrid O. H. Johnson. Maxwell Roy W. Thoma. Mtnburn J. 8. Wlllmartb. ' Nevada R. M. Shlpman, ' - 0den-r-8. CL Dorey. Panora--L B. Carpenter. Paton Supplied, :j, Howard.' Perry A.' Is. , Bishop. ; Pilot Maulid To be supplied.' :'. ,,.J" Redfleld,-Supplled, J. S Youhr. Rlppey C W, Honanshelf. Scranton R, C. F. Chambers, : .. Woodward A. F. Cowrey, Tale J. H. Flndley. Chariton District. ' R. E. Shaw, district superintendent.. Allerton Carl Crltchett BeacoMfleld Supplied. - B. D. SuUtott. Benton Supp.Hed-. T. S. Rhflad;-,- ' -Blockton H. J,. Laird,.- , .. . I Cambrla-F. H. Perkins. . ' -Charlton J. W.-"OoodaH..''.ofAAti I . Clio Supplied, j Wllllanv It. Phelp, Columbia Supplied. R yf. .DnM,, .", Corydon W. A. Morgan, ... Dallas William Mercer. " 1 : Davis Clty-Lamonl W. E. Shugg. ... Decatur Supplied. P. C. Kenton. Derby R. V, Warner, Diagonal R. W. Swlck. Ellston -Supplied. L. H. Smith. Garden Grove (Juy J. Wlnslow. . ! Grand River W.. E. Hamilton. Hopevllle Andy "James. Humeston J. O. Carder. Jamison Supplied. B. W. Bates,- '' ' Kellerton H. M. Bettenhausen. : v . Lacana J. B. William. . v , , ., , . . Leon W. M. Brooks. Liberty Cehter Supplied. Leland Cox. Llnvlll R,. O. Russell,- . , Vl . Melcher A. B. Jervls.- .... ..'-, . Mtllerton To b supplied.-' Mllo H. D. Olasaburn. :.;:; I Mount Ayr Frank Bean. ... . . . Mount Ayr Circuit To be supplied. Murray J. W. Taylor. New Virginia B. W. McBldowney, ;, Oakley J. F. McKay. Promts City O. W. Hall. Redding V. J. Andrew, , Russell O. W. Koser. Seymour O. A. Lawton. Tlngley John A. Branson. Van Wert W. A, Weyrauch. Weldon W. H. I-arrlck. -Wpodburn V. W, Henderson. Special Appointments. , Members of quarterly conference: Dr. James W. Campbell, president of Simpson college, Indianola; Rev. John F. Arnold, ex ecutlve secretary, Simpson college"; Rev. J P. Morley, professor, Simpson college; Rv. A. E. Griffith, eorrespondin secre tary Iowa Methodist hospital. Rsvs. W. M. Dudley, Indianola t H. P.. Dudley, Nevada! D. J. McKay and L. K. BUllngsley, Des Moines, assistant secretaries ducatlonat Jubilee. - ' Rev. Edward Prultt. field secretary con (erenc claimants' fund.' . , ' Revs. E. T; Fsgtley and M. H. Jordan, district aupertntendent. Iowa Children's home,- ' ' . ' Dr. B. M. Bvana,-cantonment pastor. Rev. J. H. BaveTldge, Woodward, con ferene evangelist. , - Rev. J. F. H. St. Clair, church dedicator and counselor in finance. William Hints, Warren Dudley and Ed ward A, Wolfo, directors of religious work in th Toun Men' Christian association under th colors, . Smokes While in Bed, But He Will Recover Des Moines, Sept. 25. (Special;) Thomas Bell, 1417 Thirteenth street, ,wh went to sleep Sunday morning smc$lng a cigarette, awoke later to findiis bed and his rdom in flames. The police and the fire department were notified by neighborayVho were aroused oy tne man screams. w hcu ha nffiira arrivcrl . BctL crazed bv his burns and from inhaling so much smoke, burst from the graspof the officers. He was finally subdued and taken to Miners' hospital, where it t. !1t - was ftaiQ nc win recover, Two Billion Subscribed r To Russian Liberty Loan Petrosrrad. Sept. 25,The treasury announces that subscriptions to. the liberty loan have reached 3,200,000.000 rubles. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. AMUSEMENTS. Hm ai tha Hie Double Show. HUGO LUTGENS ' Th Swd, Billy Sunday, : Trail Blaaar of MrrimanU Spaulding' Educated Pigs , Trainad Animal NoTalty. KELLY AND DAVIS Siniiny, Talking and Dancing. - 6 MUSICAL HARVARDS Instrumentalist. Faatura Photoplay ALICE JOYCE i "AN ALABASTERlBOX" I' BILLY WEST '"DOUGHNUTS." Phon Doug. 494. nc dcit nc viunrvlll F. M.tme Dally. 8:18; Night, BilS, ThU Wk. NEBRASKA WINS IN VfeGETABLE CLASS i- Filmore County is First in the County Exhibits at the Big Fair Held at Peoria. Peoria, III., Sept 25. Kansas, Ari zona and Nebraska won sweepstakes in exhibits 6f cereals, fruits and vege tables, respectively, at the Interna tional Soil Products exposition here. Saskatchewan was third in the exhibit of vegetables. In county exhibits Fil more county, Nebraska, was first and Des Moines county, Iowa, second. Coal Prices Will Be Revised Upward Washington, Sept. 25. Early re vision upward of coal prices in a num be of outlying districts will be made by the fuel administration. -The scale of prices recently fixed, it has been found, will - not permit operators in some states to. run their mines at a profit This is particularly true in some parts of the south and west where coal runs in thin veins. The revision will be accomplished by reclassifying the entire districts concerned. There will be no telief. it is said, for the few operators in the central fields who own .mines con .taming thin veins. 'i:f.. ;.. Canada and U. S. Frame Law to Get Slackers Ottawa, Sept. 25. Th govern ments of Canada and the United States are negotiating an agreement to orevent men of either country from avoiding compulsory military service by residing on the olner side oi tne line, it was learned here today. The allied nations in ' Europe recently adopted a similar plan. The majority of Americans of mili tary age in Canada, it is said, lhave already reported to their consulates for military duty.. Co-operation be tween the countries is designed to meet the case of the few on either side of the line who may attempt to take advantage of their residence. Captains, Mates and V Pilots Strike on Coast San Francisco, Sept 25. Captains, mates and pilots of 200 Pacific coast ships have presented, demands, for a general wage increase, approximating $15 per month,' a. 12 per cent advance over the present scale, it ' became known here today. The demands were made on behalf of 15,000 men em ployed on shins out of San Francisco and Seattle, it was said. No con ference between the men and employ ers has been held, but .hope was ex- f ressed by both sides that the dif erence may be settled. The men wish the increase to take effect Oc tober 1. '. ' - ' - Japanese Mission Places ' r Wreath on Guthrie's Tomb Pitttsburgh, Pa., Sept 25. Colonel Tanikawa and Matsuzo Nagai, rnemr bers of the Japanese war "mission to the United "States, today placed a wreath on the tomb here of the late Ambassador George Guthrie. ! Pitts burgh city officials took part in the Ceremony." ' Ijensne a nany, "CM GU'WD" t,it Vurant,: OnrtH, tttsrtfey as S.nday). 29s Nljht, 10. 24. 0e s in. , rOMAHA'S FUN CENTER" DaOy Wati, M-aS-80 There la one aura way that never faila to remove dafldruf.f completely and that is to dissolve it This de stroys it entirely. To do this, v just get about four ounces of plain, ordi nary, liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. ; By morning, most If not all -of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com pletely dissolve and Entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff 70a may have. t.. . . - Yon will find,' too,, that all Itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be flaf f y. lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you -will need. This sim- cle remedy ha never hn Vni.nrn fit J faiL Advertisement . JLUHUf Evanlnc. IS-SO-TSc-H Billy Arlington Tkat rssny Little Net witn .tne feniy little law X GOLDEN CROOK ' " . . . . a a. l.u. Cast as yet asesaaie. Tweeqr-iw vw"" BMUtlm l flr.nd Ballet De Lax. . itnitTft. nine uatihfs week DAYS Sal Mai 4 WH.: "Leea Belln" 4 See. F. HtyM BRANDr IS Today jg32 TNCATRC ALL THIS WEEK AVERY HOPWOODS GALE OF LAUGHTER "FAIR AnD WARMER Dlrectlen of Selwyn AC. A SURE FIRE CURE FOR THE BLUES Night. aSeUSl.80. MiHnm, 5c t $1.00 Sept I ta Oct, S FISKE O'HARA. PHOTOPLAYS, v LAST TIMES TODAY Mine.' Olga Petrova 'totiTedeath" Thurs. YIRGINIA PARSON , USE LOUISE GLAUM "IDOLATERS'' "THE' PAWNBROKER'S' ' ' HEALTH" : A WhaU of Keyaton Thuraday ' i "BABBLING TONGUES" MAE MARSH 'Tolly of the Circus Last .Time Today ALICE JOYCE ad ' HARRY MOREY, in "RICHARD THE BRAZEN" nnvn coming U I U Thuraday, Friday, SatunUjr Tit Hit of Ckicato and New York 1 THE GIRL WHO DID NOT CARE , In Six Wonderful Rl. , CONpNUOUS 1 TO U P. M. lOc 20c Italian Pilot Flies from Turin to London in Twelve Hours London, Sept 24. Captain Lauriat, one of the most daring Italian aviators, who twice has been decorated with military medals for valor, accompanied by an observer, made the first Italy-to-England flight today, repeating the feat in 1910 of the late George Chavez in crossing the Alps. Captain Lauriat covered 700 English miles in 722 minutes. Captain Lauriat flew at a height of 10,500 feet He encountered high wind, fog banks, rain storms and clouds on the route, which lay over Culoz, in southeastern France, thence over the French battle lines in northern France to Cape Griz-Nez and thence across the English channel. He brought mail to the Italian ambassador. American Soldier Is Sentenced to Prison in Japan Nagasaki, Japan," Sept 5. (By Mail.) Manuel Neumoir, a : bands man attached to. the Thirteenth United States infantry, has been sen tenced to three- years imprisonment and fined 3,000 yen after conviction on the charge o' inflicting fatal In juries on a Japanese tradesman. The complaint admitted that the crime was not intentional and that it occurred during intoxication. Escaping from the police Neumoir is said to have knocked over a toilet powder manufacturer. It was alleged the Japanese wa kicked 'and' that he received internal injuries" from which he died five .hours later. The public prosecutor recommend ed penal servitude' for ten years. The fine was imposed in connection with a civil . action instituted by the family of the victim: One New Case of Infantile Paralysis is Reported . The first case of infantile paralysis since September 11 was filed .with the city health department Monday. It is on the South Side. Of the several cases' reported this, month, no deaths have occurred yet - , Special Cops for Fall Festival Are Sworn In A score of special Ak-Sar-Ben cop pers, under the direction of Sergeant Murphy, filed before Mayor Dahlman to be sworn into office. "' ,((piim! th In addition to Quinine there are six different medicinal con centrated extracts and chemicals in Laxative iromo i uinine The Quinine and nearly all extracts and chemicals used in Laxative Bromo Quinine-have advanced in price several times during the European j-ar, some have advanced as much as 600 per cent. "I . V, V - ' We are KEEPING THE QUALITY UP and giving you the same.LAXATIVE: BUOMO QUININE as. you have always used. , To KEEP TilE QUALITY UP Ve have had to charge the Retail Druggist more, and there fore the Retail Druggist must charge the consumer more. The Retail Price Is llovi 7 30 Cents per Box ' Tha Retail Druggist's profit at 30c, la exactly the same aa ho mado before ; the advance l- : t Laxatiuo iromo (ojuinino has proved Its superior merit over all other Cold and Qrlp Tablets. It is used by every Civilized Nation and has a larger sale In the United States than the combined sales of all other cold and grip cures. It has stood the test for a Quarter of a Century. No matter what the price of Quinine , and other chem icals may be, we will continue to adhere to the formula and maintain the merit. . , :t,';,,i '.. ...... When the prices of Quinine and other Chemicals used in the manufacture of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE get back to normal, LAXATIVE BROMO : QUININE will be put back to the Old Price. , v , Laxative Iromo Quinine Removes the Cause of Colds, Grip and Influenza Quickly roBoves Hoadstchos caused ' from Colds ' Remember there Is Only One i m. if Announcement: The Central Furniture Store Closes Lease Contract With Hill Bros., for Their Five Story Building on How ard Between 15th and 16th Streets. This perfects finally the consolidation of the' Cen tral with Raymonds. In ad dition to the roomy sales floors of the main building including the four full stories and basement the two ; large rooms, 65x120 feet, on the third floor of the adjoining building to the east will form a part of this added space. There will be made at once a number of import ant ; improvements about the building for the better comfort and convenience of the patrons of the CEN TRAL. The lease provides for a new passenger ele vator and other important additions that will make of this building one of the best equipped 'furniture stores anywhere in the west. The CENTRAL is glad tp announce to its friends and the public that this better building and better store arrangements is sup plied for tjie better ser vice, comfort and conven ience of their customers at practically no added cost on rental expense over our old location at 17th and Howard, In fact, with the greater increase in busi ness volume they will . be able to handle by reason of the added room, it wjll proportionately, decrease their percent of operating expense materially lower than could possibly be done heretofore. The pres ent ; stock at 17th and Howard will be sold di rectly from the salesfloors there until at such time'as lit - can ' be converiientlv ;moved and placed on tfce noors at tne, new store.; - Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuininiiii ; Our Fireproof . I Warehouse romo (O)umine There are many cheap Cold Remedies on the market. Pro tect yourself byi calling for the full V name. - Look for this signatureion thebox. " ' . ' ' ' " ' k Price 30 Cents ... .. -.- was built for your convenience, " ; . so if you fail to find the house i f or apartment you wish on Oct. I 1 1 1st call us and we will pack, I I J move and stjre your furniture ' until you have found a suit- 1 s able place to live. 1 Storage is Cheaper . i Than Rent I Omaha Van I ! & Storage Co. f PHONE DOUG. 4163 .,' j 806 South 16th St fi - 5 liiiiHiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimmniniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ustaGentle Bub Shines I 'Ml Comfort Your Itching Skin With Cuticura Soap 25c. Ointment 23 and 30c. nnvn TONIGHT, LAST TIME UW I U MATINEE TODAY "S nr r4 to kkppin cn b fouas, ta 1HE STORY OF A ClRL WHO WAS RIGHT LOVE LAUGHTER TEARS j Matin, Sc Night. 5c to 7Se Nat SuncUjr "HER UNBORN CHILD" . LOTHROP-r Today No. 24the Fighting Trail" ; LILLIAN WALKER and others SUBURBAN cof ?s4t Today GEORGE WALSH , In "JSOME BOY" Hundreds of Tons of delicious India-Ceylon Tea. have been supplied monthly by RIDG WAYS to the armies in the trenches. It is the most refreshing, drink to sustain and cheer. It gives greater satisfaction and is moire economical four cups for a cent Have your grocer send you a 1-lb.j Vs-lb or V4lb. tin. Awarded Gold Medal. San Francisco, 1915. Awarded Grand Prie, San Diego, 1916. ; Highest Honor 6lbtainabJe--INDIA-CEYLON TEAS New York; li 1-1 13 Hudson Street Chicago, 210 North Wabash Ave. . H. J. HUGHESXO., Distributors. -