Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1917, Page 9, Image 9
t THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER 25. 1917. 9 FOR RENTHOUSES West ma i At J51S Dewey Ave., a six Keys next door. Toom all-modern house. miiu 5 Levnworth. I rooms. .,20.00 X-,, ratatcn DOUGLAS 664. North. 0 FOR RENT-KOUNTZE PLACE HUME, 4 BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ' WITH HEAT. Full lenth front lot. lawn, flowers, fruit trees, and grape arbor. Haa garage In rear bnlit to It can be heated. All floor oak and oaa stairway; try elaborate lighting fix turai; all walla are of hiarh rnih damn tlont; only one block from Lotbrop echooL Children do not have to croaa car line. Baiement la finished with coal bin and vegetable room. Houte haa A No. 1 heating plant. Built for a home. For further In formation or appointment call Trevor Brothers, Ill First National Bank Bldg. rnons ioogiaa eses. S-ROOM house, I story, strictly all modern, lis. $$01 Franklin 8t, vacant Oct J, -room. J-story house, strictly all modern, $26. 2824 Rustles St.. vacant Oct 1. l-room, modem but heat. $15; 2706 Seward ei. Tel. oouglas 1801. ; ENTIRE upstairs of residence, 3 large rooms ana catn: separate entrance; mod ern except heat; nice and clean; 112. joiicoroy 8L Webster 6J6&. $-R. -mod. bungalow. 1121 N. 47th Ave.TlSS l-R. mod. bungalow, 2141 N. 47th Ave., $30, C G. Carlberg, 312 Brandeis Theater, FlVE-ROOM cottage, modern except' heat, garage, 2608 Wirt. Colfax 1025. J2S 7-room. modern, east side, house. Bemls Park. t. 6607. double South. I-ROOM house, all modern, has oak floors , throughout, two fireplaces, south front. 140; 145 with garage. TRAVER. BROS.. Ill First National Bk. Bldg. . Doug. (Ill l-ROOM bungalow, all modern, en one floor, with garage, 130; vacant OcfJ 1.1210 S. 16th Ave. Douglas 1802. Miscellaneous. BOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. T-R. 8105 Pierce 8t MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R., 630 South 24th Ave.... $-R 2871 Saratoga St... ., 8TRICTLT MODERN. E-R.VJI South list Ave 1-R.-Z 117 South tttb St 6- R. 3018 Dewey Ave..... 8-R. 3101 North 17th St. 8-R. Itll Chicago St.. 10-R. 2221 Dodge St 15,-R., 4211 N. 24th St.-. $30.00 FLATS. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. , 10-R., 705 S. 13th St. ........ $45.00 PORTER at EHOTWELL. 202 South 17th St " v Doug. 5011. Office with HOME BUILDERS. 26.00 $15.00 20.00 $21.00 25.00 87.60 $0.00 35.00 40.00 GOOD ROOMING HOUSE ' 4' FOR RENT. 2118 Harney St. 2-story, 9-room mod ern, brick flat,, haying hot water heat I bedrooms and bath: on second, floor, 1 bed room with lavatory and toilet on the first floor, besides Hying room, dining room and kitchen. Here Is a place where one could make good money renting rooms. Possession about Oct 1.' Rental $66 per month. GEORGE ,& CO., REALTORS. Douglas 756. '. 101. City Nat. Bank Bldg, 1001 MASON ST.. ( rooms, strictly modern, very comfortable house and easy to heat Rent $21.60. 668 S. 28th St., 10 rooms, strictly modern; - arranged for light housekeeping rooms. Kent $30. 2304 N. list St., i-room cottage. Rent $16. '" 3304 N. 84th St., 4-room cottage. Rent $16. 158$ Spauldlng St., I rooms. Rent 420. GILBERT C. LOOMIS. 105 McCague Bldg. Doug. 170. WHAT HAVH TOU FOR RENT In the way of tour, five or six-room mod ern, up-to-date apartments T Preference will be given to those In better districts of the city want to deal direct with own ers; no agents. . -TELEPHONE DOUOLAS 11. Houses In all parts of the city. CR' OH. SONS A CO.. Ml Bee Bldg FOR RENT APARTMENTS West THE BOSWORTH. Furnished and unfurnished I rms. and bath. $36 and $40 winter" ratal. - ' ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.,v ;- . Tyler 16,38.'-- 332 Securities Bldg. ANGELUS APARTMENT, ' . i25TH AVST. AND DOUGLAS. I or 4 -room apartment: fireproof - end soundproof. Two disappearing Murphy beds, automatic; elevator Roof garden, Btrictly modern.' Harney. 1074.. ; .. . &OSB in rooms, suitable for studio, of (lee, dentist dressmaker, etc. with living rms, adjoining. T -F. Hall.. 434 Ramgo. D. 7404. APARTM ENTS, all aises and prices, splen did location. 84th-and Farnam. D. 1471, North. 4-room and, bath, modern, heated apartment In refined residence district 2821 North 20th St Special price to party ' without children. Vacant October 1. Phone Web ster 6892. " ' " .. South. STTCLAIR. 14th and Harney S and 4-room apart ments. CA1I Harnty 647. . : BTRATFORD TERRACE Beautiful l-room Apt, to sub lease. Parle Ave. and Jackson. H arney eier. - . FIVE-room apt, all modern. St. Inquire 2001 Lake St Miscellaneous; 200$ Lake BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartment walking dlstanoe, Janitor, heat, etc; $40 summer, 148.60 winter. Douglas 1311. j PKTIC119 TRUST COMPANT. Sneelsllets In Apartment Management f-R. -APARTMENT. $36 winter rate. 136 stJEn heat G. P. Stebblns, 1(10 Chicago. FOR RENT BusiMU Prop'ty - : '. Stored. ' STOREROOM for rent. Sun Theater Bidgi - WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtora) - Douglas 6141 Sun Theater Bldg. 471$ 8. 14TH ST., 8. Side, near P. O. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8400. MODERN store, cor 16th and Cass. Choice location. G. P. Stebblns, 110 Chicago. MODERN store, 16th St.,- near postoftlce, $75. G. P. Stebblns, 1619 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. LOW-PRICED mod. offices, Farnam Bldg.. 13 Farnam. (Old let Nat Bank Bldg. FIRST TRUST CO- (Realtors.) Tyler 600. WANTED TO RENT Furnished Apartments and Houses. 1 OR 4-ROOU furnished apt.i oan occupy Immediately. Box 7tii, umana xtaa. Miscellaneous, "LIST your rental property with us. Have waiting Hat Call today. INTER-STATE REALTT CO., 131-31 City: Nat Doug. 8141. MOVING AND STORAGE " GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving 111 N. Uth St Phone Doug las 194. """SilfcTROPOLITAN VAN AND .fT STORAGE CO.J ' Expert services; prompt attention. Tout moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Ceqtral Furniture Storet 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug 7781 Fidelity s& free Phone Douglas 181 for complete list of vacant "houses and apart ' menu. Also for storage, moving, llth and Jackson Sts - . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Welt ' West Farnam District Residence, seven rooms, three on first floor oak. four en second .white enamel, hot water heat tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable terms it desired. ALFRED THOMAS. 101 Faraam Bldg: HOME BARGAIN In West Farnam district, I rooms, strict ly modorn, hot water heat; lot 48x111 fruit trees and shrubbery. . Owner leaving ..-city and offers this for quick sale, at $4,000. Terms. Ownerk Harney 6734. REAL ESTATE TRAu.AGE TRACKAGE Fine eite M E a M. R. R.; sise 8m8S; can be bought cheap. - C urimmet phone Douglas 1616. REAL ESTATE To Exchange SHERIDAN, Dawee. Rock and DundJ Co. tmniTwi raocaee. clear, lor eaie or ax change. S. & A R. Ev MONTGOMERY, ' Doaglas 4811 13? City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE Six-room modern heme for acres, lots or light car and cash call w. 4158. $40 ACRES fine grass land in Blaine' Co.. nicely Improved, $10 per acre, for home ' in. Omaha. 803 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. MUST SELL before Oct 1, four-room bun galow cottage. Partly modern and near ly new. A bargain. 4311 Saratoga 3t. 7-ROOM modern house with electric lights and furnace, uear 4 3d Ave and Dodge, $3,$00. F. p. Weed, no 6. istn. ' " 7 North. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN Located high and sightly. 12d, near De oatur street We sold seven In this loca tion laat season. Has, five rooms, closets and oath, full basement, large, roomy porch. All decorated with high-grade pa per, tile In kltcbeo and bath. Shades and electric fixtures. Oak finish In living and dining rooms, pedestal opening with bookoases. Price $2,125. Substantial first payment balance monthly like rent This is $3.2SI value. Call for appointment TRAVER BROS., Phone J. lilt. $11 First Nat Bank. SACRIFICE SALE Will sell below cost t-room, all-modern except heat cottage, almost new; south front) has some fruit; chicken yard In rear. This Is located at 3110 Burdette, close to car. .. Price '$1,200. Can give terms. ' TRAVERBROTHERS Douglas 688$. Ill First Nat Bank. -1817 LAKE ST. $2,800 $300 CASH $30 MONTH This-Is a 7-room house, modern except heat with 72-ft. frontage on Lake Street. Owing to heavy traffic on Lake Street this property Is very cheap for business purposes and Is also a good buy for a home. , GLOVER & SPAIN, (REALTORS.) Douglas 1182. 919-30 City National. 1 . A DUNDEE HOME. That has never been rented or offered for sale, 1 large rooms, full basement, very fine double garage, fine floors and beautiful decorations, Is about 7 years old and has been kept In splendid condition by ths owner, lot Is 62x126, Is very conven ient to ear line. . Possession at . once. $8,250 will buy It; It Is worth a thousand more. . , . ALLEN ft BARRETT, Sole Agents, 612 Bee Bldg. Doug. 7768. MI LLEB PARK! DISTRICT, A BARGAIN, Strictly modern, six-room, two-story at 1501 N. 14th St Selling at a sacrifice. Leaving city. Corner -lot facing Miller park. Car ' line 1 blocks. House built for home. Fin ished In oak. Muat be seen to be appreci ated. Easy terms. Call owner, Colfax 713, KOUNTZE PLACE HOME Seven rooms with sun room; hot water heat with garage; one-half block to car; only built a few seasons. This Is strictly first class. Will sacrifice. Douglas 6888. Traver Bros., Ill First National Bank. AFTER looking at MINNS, LUSA 800 dif ferent-buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF TOO will oome out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 741 Omaha NaU Rank Bldg. Tyler 187. MUST'SELL At once, 7-room house, 1 blocks to car, east front, Sood garage, worth $1,100: sacrifice for about $2,000; modern except heat. -.Owner, Box 7441, Omaha Bee. Six-Room Bungalow One floor; quarter-sawed oak and fir finish, oak floors, south front, brand new, front porch screened; elegant decorations. Will take in lot or duto, or make terms to responsible party. Colfax 4193. i)NB 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; llye in one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2433 a 10th St ' NORRIS & NORRIS. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4170. NEW bungalow, 6-r. and bath, strictly mod., oak finish, buffet and cupboards, furnace heat, lot 40x128 ft, 1 block to car and school. Price. 13.950. RASP BROS., 110 Keetlne Bldg. Tyler 721 FOR SALE 6-r. modern cottage, hot water heat y block from car; party leaving cltv: easy terms. Col. 1307. 6-ROOM cottage, strictly modem, very best condition; now vacant Tel, Walnut 1914. 1081 S. 31st St . Sbuthj HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. $ rooms, two bedrooms, bath and sun room on second floor, large living room, dining room and. kitchen. en let floor, full cement basement, bulit-ln buffets, no In the course of completion; located Corner ofJ4th and Wright Bts. Price $4,000. C. G. CARLBERG, $10-811 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous, OWNER HAS LEFT CITY. MUST SELL. i $200 DOWN-$2S PER MONTH. l-room strictly modern semi-bungalow Large living room across the front of the , I house. Nice dining room finished In oak : floors and. oak woodwork. Two nice bed rooms ana eatn on second noor. sun cement basement. Furnace heat South front on payed street, Close to ear and school Priced at $1,100. Special bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 137 Omaha Nat Bank Bidg. Doug. 1711. Sunday Call Colfax 3217. INVESTIOATS my system; Omaha Realty Trading Co.. 11 Patterson Blk. Tyler lie. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have eeveral good reliable buyer for 6 and l-room houses and bungalows with 1200 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co.. Tyler 496. 701 Omaba Nat Bank Bldg. , LISTING houses to rent or sell en small cash payments; have parties watting. Western Real Estate. 41$ Karbach Blk. D. I60T. IF you want quick action on your prop erty, list it with me. LUND. 430 ROSE BLDO., TTLER 181 ARNDT dt TAYLOR can assist you. lilt Laird St Webster ZOl! REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terme. Mod era, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see . GEORGE & CO. DUNDEE Strlotly modern medium-sized home for sale by owner on eaey terms many built-in features. Fine location. Phone Walnut 1621. J HOMES and home sites In Dundee. SHUER A CART. 104 Keellno. D. $071, South Side. One Acre Paved Ro'ad Car Line $800 $10 Cash . $10 a Month Whether you buy for a horns or an In vestment, this acre cannot be beat. Take an hour off and let me show yon this beautiful spot. Located Just outside of the city limits, high and sightly, over looking Beymour lake and miles of sur rounding country, close to school, church and stores. Call Tyler 10 and ask - for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Realtors, 1814 Harney St Miscellaneous. IN fruit district forty miles . from Omaha. 241 acres, with $ room house, full con crete basement; on edge of manufactur ing town, four blocks to consolidated school; Ideal for chickens and friiit or can subdivide into 18 town lots, plenty of work In town. Owner leaving county, Price $3,000. Box 7487, Omaha Bee. FIVE, ten fifteen or twenty acres, close In; $375 per acre and up. Tel. Wal. $411. TEN acres, close In, lays fine.' WaL 1481. v $4,000. I TeL FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. FARM, and city loans, running from five to twenty years, interest, e per oenc per cent sod I per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1621 farnam St., Omaha. Neb. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, 6hi and 6 per oent Reasonablye com mission, i UNITED STATES TRUST TO., 212 Squth 17th, Omaha. Neb. $1,800 M'TOEl bearing I pet Semi-annually; secured by ttroperty vslued at $8,480. Tei- mage-Loomla Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage City National Bank BIdr loans. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Texas Land. LANDS of fair value assured by Chamber of Commerce. New plans to settle and develop the most fertile landa it South Texas. Immediately adjacent fine market Farming and dairying demonstration un der our direction. Only approved landa otrerea for sale. If you want to own farm write (or booklet J. Agricultural uept., tnamoer of commerce, Houston Texas. GOOD corn land, east Texas, $26 an acre. uet my rree book. W. & FRANK. 101 Neville Block. Omaba POULTRY AND PET STOCK WANTED Fox terrier or Boston bull male pup. Will pay up to $6. Address Box 1131. Bee PEN and small bunch of Buff Orpington cnicxens at a bargain. Colfax 1191. IYOUNQ white Pekln ducks, Colfax 1763. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, planoa and notes as security . $40, mo.. H, goods, total cost $$ $. $40, I mo. indorsed notes, tota. cost. 81.80. 8maller, large am'te proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 411 Rose Bldg.. llth and Farnam. Ty. 868 LEOAL RATES LOANS .o 1340.00 or more, Eaay payments. Utmost privacy stw raxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1291. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.' DIAMONDS and Jewelry loans at JH and ivt per cent; private booms, w. c. Flatau, 101 Securitlea (Rose) Bldg. Tyler 160 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS SHOPEN & CO.. PRIVATE MONET. I PER CENT Mortgagee secured by Omaha residence property, for sale by K, . 'U, Lougee, Inc., 63 J Keellne Bldg. FARM and city loans, 6, 6Va and 6 per cent W, H. Thomas. Kelllne Bldg. pong. $100 to $10,900 MADE promptly. F. D. weed, wean Blflg., istn and rarnamota. MONEY to loan . an inproved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. O.MAHVi HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. 0 K-EEFE R. E, CO., 1011 Omaha Nafl. 1 NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W. T. ORHAM. 604 Bee Bldg, Oscar Olson and wife to Hugh H. Har per, Twenty-seventh street, 314 feet south of Blnney street east aide, 31x163 , $2,800 Howard B. Smith, trustee, to W. Lin coln Byrne, Park avenue, 168 feet south of Poppleton avenue, east elde, 60x142 1,800 Charles Flala to Rose Fiala, south east corner Twelfth and Martha atreets, 88x84, undivided one-half.. Joseph Flala at al to Roee Flala, Twelfth etreet, 182 feet south of Martha street west aide, 16x121 Jacob E. Woosley and wife to Leon E. Luther, Hamilton street 200 feet east of Forty-seventh street north side, 60x140 2,000 Clarence A. Brown to Fred Gonder, , Forty-second street, $01 feet north of Ida street, east side, 141x161.... 100 Reba Plm to Willis Realty company, Thirty-first street 161 feet south of 'Dewey avenue, east side, 18x140... $.600 Qeorge D. Patterson and wife to Mary Hen Kelly Rourke, northwest cor ner Fifty-first street and Under wood avenue, 100x121 1.100 Conservative Savings and Loan associ ation to Nathan Somberg, Thirty first street, 160 feet north of Jack son street east side, 10x140 1,016 New York General Market. New York, Sept. 14. Flour Market steady; spring patents, $11.16611.90; win ter patents, $10.66l10.10; winter straights. $10.40010.10; Kansas straights, 111.16 11.40. Wheat Snot steadyt No. I red and No. I hard, $2.27 and No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.86, government price elevator; No. I northern ManUpba, $2.41, government price f. o. b. New York. Corn Spot, weak; No 2 yellow, $2.16U and No. j mixed, $2.1$tt, o. I. f., New York. uais'ciijui, quiet; siKuuaru, ojo. Hay Market firm: No. 1. $1.2601.2$: No. I, $1.201.22H; No. 1, $1,061)1.10; ship ping, 90015c. wops Market firm: state medium to choice, 1917, 82IOc; . Paciflo coast 1117. 40042c; 1111, 26027c. Hides Market firm: Bogota, 43 Ho: Cen tral America, 42 Ma' Leather Market firm; hemlock firsts, $7c; seconds, 66o. a Pork Market strong: mess. $47.00017.60: family. 147.00; short olears, $46.6048.oo. Lard Market strong: middle west 124.10 036.00. v Tallow Market quiet; city special loose, 180. . Wool Market firm: domes Uo fleece XX Ohio, 66c. 1 Rice Market firm; fancy head, TttO 8Kc; blue rose, 7V4jlo. 5 r C7 CITY MONEY HARRISON A MORTON. 916 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. OARV1N BROS.. Om. Nat. Bk; Bldg. LOANS LOW RATES C. Q. CARLBERO. $12 Bran- dels Theater Bldg. D. 886.. Stocks and Bonds. OIL 8TOCKB. A. L. WRIGHT, Flatlron Hotel. Dong. I7t. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. BIG BARGAIN. 167 acres, 7V4 miles from town; I-Toom house, good-sized barn, good out buildings, fair orchard, good location, land lays level to gently Tolling; 127 a ores In cultivation, 40 acres in blue grass pasture. Price for 15 days $136 per acre. Mortgage $16,000 that runs until March, 1922. For sale by Olass & Clark, Osceola, la. Minnesota Lands. 120 acres, heavy soil, 60 miles west of Minneapolis; 71 aoros cultivated, balance timber, pasture; good l-room houae, barn and other outbuildings; 6 horses, 6 cows, 8 head of young stodk, hogs, chickens, turkeys and all this year's crop, -consisting of 25 acres extra good oorn add small grain; all goes at $61 per acre; $4,000 cash, balance 6 per oent. McMICHAEL INVESTMENT COMPANY, fioo Wllmao Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. ST. JOHN'S PARISH. 7-room. now. full 2-story home, oak fin t.U . ha,ittr,i1 f1vtila full basement a, bice south front, 1 block to St. John's church and car line, fries. $5,760. Terms. HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 80. 246 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. - CLASSY BUNGALOW FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and 'bOMAHA TAN AND STORAGE CO.. 101 8. 16th. - Douglas 411$. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and ..!.,. ..n Tvler 110 or Douglas 411$. T. T W Jry npPTA Express Co., Mowing , j, RuljU Packing and Storagi list Farnam St Web 1741 Dug ge. 1141. inn R1TSINES8 IS MOVING. Large van. two men, 11.80 per hour. 'MAGGARD'S 8TORAOB CO.. Doug. 141$ Horses Live Stock Vehicle For Sale. MUST SELL at ence, team of horses, bar ness and wagon. Make offer. 141 S. 21st St. Douglas 6447. ' . Bee Want Ads Produce Results, Five-room bungalow, classy outside and Inside. ' - Pries $1,160, reasonable terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL $4l la tton Block. Douilas 1712. I W FARNA't SMITH A CO., ' Real Estate and Insurance, lltll remain St. Doug. 1084 a a TRUMBULL. t 1201 1st Nat Bk. Bldg O. 1714 REAL ESTATE Investment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND . SPECULATIVE PROPERTY A. P. TUKET BON, REALTORS. 820 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL 60-foot iota Price $220. only $2 cash and 60 cents per week. Doug $$11 REAL ESTATE B'nes Pr'pty II. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. Nebras" j Lands. SMALL FARMS NEAR OMAHA 10 acres high, sightly land with barn and well, IVi acres In fruit; exceptionally fine alfalfa land; lVa miles from paved road; close to Omaha city limits. Hi miles from street car. Price $6,000, easy terms. Also an improved 10 acre adjoining. Prloe, $8,000. 17 acres with good Improvements IV miles from Omaha city limits and paved road, 1 mile from street car. Prloe $18,000. This land Is at the corner of two good roads and Is suitable for sub division into acre tracts. Will be 'mar ketable for city lots before many years. It Is rented tor $22.60 per acre, which beats carrying vacant land. Buy this for a nest egg. It la surs winner. 18 ft acres with good Improvements, plenty of shade and fruit on DODOE ST. PAVED ROAD; extra fine land, Suitable for gardening or dairying. Ideally situ ated for a country home. Price $11,000. Also 20 acres without buildings adjoining the above. Price $600 per acre. 46 acres well improved on the Dodge fit. paved road. Price $17,550. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Tel. Douglas 690. Coffee Market. New Tork, 8ept. 24. Covering by Septem ber shorts caused an advance of t points in that delivery at the opening of the mar ket for coffee futures this morning, but the demand seemed to be supplied around 7.33o for the near month and prices sagged off later. m opening was one point higher to two points lower on October and later de liveries, with Deoember selling off from 7.460 to 7.42o and March from 7.67o to 7.68c during the afternoon under scattered offer ings, which seemed to come chiefly from trade sources. The market closed 1 to $ point nst lower. Sales, 26,500 bags; Sep tember, 7.27c; October, . 7.14c; December, 7.41o; January, 7.48o; March, 7.14c; May, 7.79c; July, 7.95c. Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7s, 8c; Santos 4s, 9o. Cost and freight -offers were reported about unchanged. Sales were reported of Santos 4s at la lais on Sat urday, with bids of l.lSo aceepted today for Santos 3s and 4s, London credits. The of ficial cables reported a decline of 7$ rel In Rio with Santos spots unchanged and fu tures unohanged to 16 rets lower, Santos also reported clearanoes of 61,000 bags for New York. Rio exchange, l-32d lower, New York Produce Market. New York, Sopt 24. Butter Market firm; receipts, 1.07$ tubs; creamery higher than extras, 44Hc; creamery extras (II score), 44U44Hc; firsts, 4344o; seconds, ,41tt42Hc. Eggs Market weak; reeelpts, 1,721 cases; fresh gathered extras, 46 O 46c; extra firsts, 42 41c; firsts, $$,() 41 Mo; seconds, $7 ft 039o. Cheese Market firm; receipts, 1,637; state fresh specials, 2626c; state, aver age run, l$H 0160. Poultry Line Market firm; chickens, 26 OlStte; fowls, 28H027ttc; turkeys, 180 20c; dressed, market firm; chickens, 2 4 if 32c; fowls, 22Jlc; turkeys, 3131c. . OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Packing Btook Button 17o lb. Freeh Eggs; By express, $10.60 Omaha. Live Poultry) Hens, all sixes, 20Hc; broilers, 1 lbs, and under, llo; ducks, f. f. fat, 16o old cooks, 14o; broilera, over 2 lbs., 18ot geeas, f. f. fat, 12c Wholesale prises of beet cuts are al fol lows! Ribs No, 1, 2tto: No. 2, 21c; No. 8,' 140. Loins No. 1, 210; No. 2, 26c. Chucks No. 1, l$Vio; No. t, 14Hc; No. 2, lie. Rounds No. 1. lotto: No. 2, l7c No. 1, ISHc Plates No. 1, 14Ho; No. 2, llo; no. 3, 100. LIVE STOCK MARKET Heaviest Run of Cattle in the History of the Yards Beats Price, Down Ten to Twenty.rive Cents. Omaha, September 14. HIT. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Estimate Monday 14,000 1,700 16,100 Same day laat week.. 17,171 1.174 18,144 Same day 1 w'ks sgo. 7,441 1,147 10.170 Same day 1 w'ks age. 11,761 1,124 16.668 Same day 4 w'ks ago. 16.441 1.131 11, 01 Sams day laat year... 11,(61 1,104 48,101 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union 8tock yards, Omaha, Neb,, for twenty-four hours ending at 1 o'oleck p. m., yesieroay: RECEIPTS CARLOADS, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. is., m. nt. r 41 Missouri Paclfto .. $ . Union Paciflo 171 C. N. W east..v. II C. Ik N. W west. .24$ C. S. P., M. A O C B. Q., east... 1 C, B. tt Q., west.. 441 C, R 1. P., east. II C. R. I. A P., west...'. Illinois Central .... $ ChL Ot West I 121 '2 IS 1 e 1 1 Total receipts ...111' 14 111 I DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle, llogx. Sheep. Morris & Co 356 167 164 Swift A Co 1.041 417 1.161 Cudahy Pack. Co..... 826 174 $,077 Armour A Co 776 $6$ $17 Schwarts A Co 1$ . J. W. Murphy $0$ Lincoln Paok. Co,.... 81 , Wilson 116 Cudshy, Denver , $61 W. B. Vaneant Co.... 17$ Benton, Vansant A L, 101 ..... Hill A Son 811 ..... F. a Lewis 167 J. B Root A Co 86 J. H. Bulla 154 L. F. Hues 71 ..... Roaenstock Bros. ...,1,088 ..... ..... F. O Kellogg 241 ..... Werthelmer A Degen 104 ' - Sullivan Bros II . Rothschild A Krebs.. 145 M. A K.. Calf Co 131 Christie 16 Hufman 3 Roth 26 (llassberg 10 Baker, Jones A Smith 61 Banner Bros. 81 John Harvey 631 ..... ..... Dennis A Francis .... 106 Jensen A Lungren.... 460 Other buyer 1,313 13,171 Total 20,04$ 1 1.761 18,168 Cattle The week opens out with the heaviest run of cattle In the history of the yards, approximately 24,000 head were re ported In and fully $1 per cent of these were western grassers, the showing of corn fed cattle being smaller than usual. Bear lah advices from other points and the heavy local supply were responsible for a slow and unevenly lower trade, and what business was done during the forenoon In the beef line was on the basis of prices anywhere from lOo to 16o lower than last week. The same was trua as to cows and heifers. In stockers and feeders competition wss sufficiently active for the desirable heavy cattle to hold nrlcea very nearly steady, hut on praotlcally everything else prices were 10Q26O lower than last week, and that was very alow at the decline. Quotations on cattle: Prime heavy beeves. $16.6O01T.OO; good to choice beeves, $13.50 CP lB.oo; fair to good beeves, $11.25011.26 common to fair beeves, $9.00012.00: good to choice yearlings, $1 4.00 fi 16.60; fair to gooa yearlings, $11.00013,00; commoa to fair yearlings, $7.00011.00; prime heavy grass beeves, $1$.OO014.6O; good to choice grsss beeves. 110.50011. 60: fair to maat grass beeves, $1. 16010,26; common to fair grass beeves, $T.6O0$.26; good to choice neuers,; good to choice cows. a.ouos.yu; lair to good cows. 18.7507.71: common 1 to fatr oows, $6.6008.60; prims eeaing steers, Iiv.ouwi4.50; good to choice reeaere, fl.75010.00; fair to good feeders, $7.6003.60; common to fair feeders, $6,000 7.50: good to choloe stockers. 18.0001.00; took heifers, $6.6008.00; stock cows, $8.0$ B'l.oo; stock calves, $6.501.60; veal calves, $8.78011.7$; bulls, stags, etc.,, $6. 60$. 76. nviirewuiauvo sales: BEEF STEERS, No. I 34. I as 11.,... II..... 8 Av. Pr. 761 $8 00 7S 7 00 No. 25., 20., ' 70., 14.. Av. Pr. 767 $$ 60 804 T 20 658 172 T 40 I 7$ 700 T 25 . 760 7 71 .1000 ,1 25 rnwa 21 971 7 75 2 990 1 IB HBJIFERS, 1. ....... $10 $ 00 29 630 t 6 Hois The week onens With a continue. Hon ot the light hog runsand with demand talrly good prloes showed a fresh advance. The market was anywhere from 100200 higher and In extreme . casea .26a hither man Saturday, the : most advance being noted on the close. Early arrivals were cleaned up before 10 o'clock. Bulk of tho offerings moved at $18.10018.50 and a piece 01 a ioaa soia ss nign as Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh Pr. 22. .121 110 $1$ 10 71. .241 ... $18 JO 11.. $0$ 61. .279 78. .224 20. .255 110 180 1$ 2$ 18 36 16 $0 11 86 75. .244 68. .243 14. .219 40 140 260 18 $0 18 40 18 76 Sheep Receipts were the largest for a Monday of the season, while the demand was not so broad as It has been and the result was a draggy market, with all kinds of lambs showing a lower tendency. Bulk of ths supplies did not get to the ham until the later end ot the morning and as the early arrivals were not of overly good quality buyers waited to look over tho later stuff before making any pur chases, A few good light feeder lambs that showed up early eold around $17.9O01$.1$ and were as much as 25e lower than any time last week, except Friday's extreme close. No fat lambs had sold. Top was expected to be under $18.00. Aged sheep were about steady. A few small bunches ot good ewes sold ss high as $11.50 and quite a few feeding Swes Of Just decent quality landed around $10.10010.75. Quotations on sneep ana lamoei umn, fair to choice, $l.76tf 17.501 iambs, feeders, sir 00iffll8.25: lambs, culls. I11.DO018.DU ve&rllnas. fair to choics. 111.10(3 11.10 : year- linen, feeders, lll.00Oll.7ll wemors, lair to choice, $12.OO01$.OO: ewes, fair to chotce, $10.00011.25; ewes, culls ana feeders, . Oll.OOi ewes, breeasrt, ail ages, iu.buv 18.00. GRAIN AHDPRODUCE Fine Outlook for Bumper Crop Causes Corn to Slump; Wheat Receipts Increase as Farmers Sell. Omaha. September 14, HIT. Receipts over Sunday totalled 14$ cars. 41 of these being wheat Farmers seem to be awakening of late to the tact that noth ing Is to be gained by holding their wheat aa long as there Is but one price to be paid tor It and are letting loose of their holdings more liberally. "Cash corn alumped off several cents, the spot being. uted unchanged to to lower than Saturday's prices, the whits and yel low varletiea selling off about $0, while the mixed sold at the extreme deollne. Trade In this market was fairly active and there was a good demand for all the better grades. No. t white sold St $1.11 and II and ths No. t white sold at tt. while all sales of No. I yellow were made at one price, $1.13. Sales of No. I mixed ranged from $1.11 to $1.$$. while thesNo, 1 grada sold at $1.$$ and $1.$$. Redelpts ot corn totaled $3 oars. The oats market held Its own, and in spite ot the decline In corn, sold up fractionally, tne general run bringing about lie more than It did Saturday, with a good iqaai as mend evident for this oereal. The No. 1 white sold at II Ko and the No. 1 white sold at ItUo, all sales of this grade being made at the eame price, while the standard grade brought 61 Ho. Sample oats sold at II Ko and 61 He. practloally all these sales bringing the higher price. Arrivals of this eereal were II cars. Receipts of rye and barley were I and 11 care, respectively, with the market on these grains quoted several cents lower. No eales of rye were made, while traaa in oaney was fairly good, the No. I selling at II 27 and $1.10. and the Mo at ll.ll ana ii.ia The No. 1 feed brought $1.18 and $11" while the sample grade went for $1.28 H and it ii . 7 Clearances were! Wheat and flour equal te 417.000 bushels: oats. $$$.000 bushels. Primary wheat reoelpts were 1, $64,00$ bushels and shipments 431,000 bushels, against reoelpts ot 2,111,000 bushsls and shipments of 1,111,000 bushels last sytar. Primary corn receipts were 561,000 bush els and shlnments 116.000 bushels, sgalnat receipts of 111,000 bushels and shipments of bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1012,000 bush els and shipments 1.166,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,148,000 bushels and shipments of 1,201,000 Bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Corn Wheat Chicago ... Minneapolis Duluth .... Omaha . . . Kansas City St. Louis .., Winnipeg ., II Oats. Ill 91 18 14 18 ......431 110 41 ......141 Ill ,140 ... These sales were reported today; Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 cars, $1.11. N6. 1 hard winter; 1 car, $1.01; 1 car (smut ty). $1.08. No. 4 hard winter: 1 bulkhead, (4 ner cent rye). $1,071 I cars, $1.06. No, hard winter: I cars, $104; 1 bulkhesd (vsry smutty). 11.01. No. I dark hard wlnteri cars, $2.11. No. 4 dark hard winter: 1 car, $1.11. No. $ yellow hard winter: l ear, ii.ot, No. 4 yellow hard winter: I oars, $1.04. No, I yellow hard winter; 1 ear, $$.01. No. I red dururat I ears, $10$; 1 car (smutty), 12.04. No. 1 red durum: 1 cars. 81.02. No, amber durum: 1 cars, $1.16, No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, $1.1$. No. S northern spring: 1 car. $2.12. No $ red spring! 1 car, $1.10; 1 car (smutty), $3.01. No. $ red spring: I cars, $$.07. No, $ white spring; 1 car, $$.01. No. I mixed hard red: 1 car (smutty, $$ per cent hard red and 10 per oent common and red durum), $$.0$. Mixed; 1 car (II ner cent me). 11.96. Barley No. 1, 1-1 car, $1.20; t cars, $1.11; I oar (western), $1.17. No. 4, 1 oar, $1.10; 1 oar, $1.18; 1 car westem), ll.ll. no. feed. 2-5 car. $1.81: 1 care, $1,161 1 oar (western). $1.25.. Rejected. 1 car, $11$ Sample, I car, $1.1$ H- Corn No. 1 white, cart, li.oot H ear, $1 91. No. $ white. 1 car, $$.00. No. I yellow, I cars. $1.12. No. I mixed. 4 oars. $l.$3l 1H cars, $1,$1; 1 car, $1 1H I 1 oars. $1.10; I cars, $1.67, No. I mixed, I cars (near white), 96; 1 oars, ll.ll; 1 cars, $1,111 I oars, 10. No. 4 mixed, 1 car (near white), $1.11; 1 ear (near white), $1.1$; $-1 oar, $1.10. No. I mixed, 1-6 car (near yellow), $1.10. No. I mixed, 1 car (musty), $1.$0; 1 oacr. ll.ll H. Sample mixed, 1 oar, 11.11. Oats No, $ white, I cars. 8140. Btanrtard, I cars, IIHo. No. I white, II cars, IIHO. No. 4 white, I oars, 69o; 1 car, 58 e. Sam. pis white, Tyrara, 6IH0; t ears (barley mix ed), 68c. no. i mixea, 1 oar, o. no, 4 mixed, 1 car, 6IV0: 1 car, 18 He. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 1 white, $i.80$.oo: no. $ white. $1.1101.00: no. yellow, $1.1201.14; No. I yellow, $1,110 l.$li No. I mixed. $l.$701.$$: No. S mixed, 1.8$H01.$1. Oats: No. I white 58HO eic; standard, 6IH0 59Ho; No. I white, ow it aw -jf e i tiu, wiiiLO, wuvu. xjrn? y t Malting,' $1.2601. $0: No. 1 feed, $1.1601.18, Rye: No. I, $l.$101.$ti Mo. 1, $1.10 HO 11.1 ii.i 1.81. Local range of options 1 Art, Open, Ttlgh, Low. Close. flat Corn. Deo. 1 10 11$ 12$ 1 1$ lit May 1 14 1 14 114 1 14 114 Oats. Sopt tt t 68 $ lift Deo. $7 (7 67 57 17 May 81H lH 6IH IIH IIH 1,1 11 1 h 1 . 1 - Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 116 South Sixteenth street Omahat ' Art. Open. High. Low, Close. Sat. Corn. Deo. 11$ 1 104 U'H .A 117 May 1 II 1 1744 Uttt 11$ Oats. Sept Mil $1U 88 1 IIH Deo. 67 6IH 11 $1 ITH May ' $1H 81 $0H $1 Pork. Sept 44 00 44 10 41 $0 44 $9 44 0$ Oot 44 00 44 $0 44 00 44 $0 44 40 Jan. 49 14 46 $ 45 36 41 $1 41 $0 Lard. Sept 14 10 24 70 24 10 14 TO 24 11 Oct 24 10 24 70 14 10 14 70 14 47 Jan. 21 17 21 71 II It 11 Tt 1$ 10 Ribs. Sept 25 tt . 28 00 26 12 II It II 17 Oct 25 86 26 90 25 85 28 $0 25 It Jan. 23 65 23 87 23 45 21 85 21 2 15 -QUARTER SECTIONS unimproved, wheat, corn and alfalfa land near rail road. Perkins county, Nebraska. Will sell responsible parties, 160 acres, $600 down, balance five and ten years. . (No annual payments.) Miner A Bradley, Box $26, Grand Island, Neb. New York Cottoa Market New Tork. Sect 24. Cotton goods mar kets wsrs firm and more active today after recovery in cotton markets. Yarns were firmer. Raw silk was steady; wool goods, quiot. ' The cotton market today closed Irregular net 1 points higher to 27 points lower, New Tork, Sept 24j Cotton Future! opened Irregular; October, 14.61c; December, $II.4O0 26.1Oc; January, I4.1O014.2IO! March, 24.43c; May, 14.60c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits, New Tork. Sept It. Evaporated AebI Market firm; choice, I6H0; prime, 14 Oils. Dried Fruits Prunes: Market strong; Cal Itornlas, $012c; Oregona, 11 H 14c. Apri cots: Market firm; fancy. 10c Peaches: Mar ket steady: standard, lOUo: choice. lOHo: fancy, 11c. Raisins: Market firm; loose mus catels. 7H09c: choice to fancy seeded. IH 01044c: eeedless, 910c; London lay ers, $1.10. SMALL Nebraska farm o neaay payments 6 acres up. We farm tho farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers association.! 5tb and Howard Sts.. Omaha Dourlaa 1171. 1 FOR 8ALE Cheap, my Improved 166-acre farm near Ponca. Neb.; easy terms. If desired. Address Dr. C W. Glllln. Ill , V. L. A T. Bldg.. Sioux City. Ia. A FIRST-CLASS 130-aore farm 4H miles from Hartlngton. Neb. Well Improved and all good land; will sell or sxebangs. See O. A. Kull, Oakland. .Neb. 160-A. WELL lmoroved farm. 1H miles N. W. Elkhorn, Douglas Co. Price $176 per A: Call Paul Peterson, D. 1280, , Res., Walnut 3106. FOR SALE Best large body high grade, medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required, c. uraaiey. woi. bach, Neb. SEVERAL good northeast Nebraska farm bargains; easy terms If desired. A. A. Patzman, 128 Securities Bldg. FOR SALE Imp. farm, H mils to modern town. Peter Rock, Mason City. Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C J. Csnnn, 810 McCsrue Bldg.. Omaha. Oregon Lands. "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project Oregon. 44,000 acres Irrigated land. Free map. Next ex cursion. October t. HARLRT J. HOOKER. $40 First Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Turpentine and Bosin. Savannah, Oa., Sept $4. Turpentine- Market firm, 4044 41o; sales, 400 barrels; receipts, 285 barrels; shipments, 160 bar rels; stock. 23,027 barrels. Roeln Market firm: sales. 121 barrels: receipts, r258 barrels; shipments, 1,850 bar rels; stock, 83.643 barrels. Quote: B, D, s, F, $5.80; O, $6.86; H, I, $5.10; K, $4.06; M, $6.2508.80; N. I7.OO07.I1H: WO, $7.40; WW, $7.$0. St Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept 14. Cattle Re ceipts, 7,600 head; market lower; steers, $8.00018.60; cows and heifers, $$.16014,10; calves. $$.0018.7I Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; market higher; top. $19.06; bulk of sales, 1$.4O0 11.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, $,$00 head! maricet lower; lambs, $11.00 a 18.00; owes, $6.00011.50. New York Sugar Market. New Tork, Bept $4. Sugar Raw. market nominal; centrifugal, 8 80c; molasses, 6.01c; renned sugar, ateaay; cut loar, s.onc; orushed, 9.66c; mold "A," l.tOc; cubes, 1.15 01.25; XXXX powdered, 1.6008. 70c; pow dered, 8.658.70e; fine granulated, 1.400 l.tOc; diamond "A," 640c confectioners' "A," 8.3001.800! No. 1, 1.1008.25c. Unseed Market. Duluth, Minn.. Sept 14. Linseed On ' track, $3.4703.80; arrive, $$.4$; September, $3.47; October, $3.41 asked; . November, $$.44; December, $3.3$ asked. St. Louis Llvs Stock Market. St. Louis, Sept 14, Cattle Receipts, 16, 800 head; market lower; native beef steers, 33.OO017.tO; yearling steers and heifers, $7.OO01$.OO; oows, $4.00010,00; stockers and feeders. 16.6001.10: Texas quarantine steers. $6.76010.10; fair to prims southern beef steers. $1.00012.76! beef cowl and heifers, $6.00010.00; prime yearling stsers and heif ers, $7.10010.00; native calves, $6.76015.75. Hogs Reoelpts, $.000 head; market, high er; light, $1$. 60011. II; pigs, $l.$O018.oo; mixed and butchers, $11.40(918.10; good heavy, $l$.t$01$.l$; bulk Of sales. $18,600 tt. 10. Sheep 'and LambsA-Reoelpts, 1,600 headi markst. steadyt lambs. tll.00O17.l0t ewes. $10.50 011.00; wethers, $1.I011.I0; can- aers, $6.00Q7.00. Kansas City Llvs Stock Markst. Kansas City, Sept 14. Cattle Receipts, 11,000 head; market lower; prime fed steers, $16.00017.81: dressed beef steers, $11,600 11.60; western steers, $9.00013.00; southern steers. $7.00011.7$: cows. $5.60010.00; heif ers, $7.00011.00;: stockers and feeders, $6.6$ 01$.OO; bulls, Il.0091.eo; caives, i7.uuw 13.16. Hors Recelots. 4.000 head: market, high er; bulk of sales, $18.20018.90; heavy, $18.60 018.00! packers and butoners, $; llSht 817.10011.80: PlgS. 111.60017.25. Sheep and Lambs RecelpU, 14,000 head; market, lower; lambs, $17.bob17.7o; year lings, $11.00013.50; wethers, $10.60011.60; wes, $10.00011.60. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago,. Sept. 14. Cattle Receipts, 33,000 head; market weak; .native beet steers, $7.25017.86; weetern steers, $6,400 16.80; stockers and feeders, $6.30011.15: cows and heifers, $5.10012.60; calves, $10.0$ 016.76. Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head; market strong, lOo to $0o above yesterday's average) bulk of sales, 316. 16018. 0; lights, $17,660 18.15; mixed, $17.10019.00; heavy, $17,600 11.00; rough, $17.64017.80; pigs, $14,000 17.$$. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 24,000 head; market weak; wethers, $8.60 0 18.50; ewes, $8.86011.76; lambs, $11.11011.11. BIoux City live Stock Market. Sioux City, la.. Sept 24. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady to llo lower; beet steers. $7.60017.00; fat oows and heif ers, $8. 6009. 00) cannere, $6.1604.60; stock ers and feeders, $7.00911. co; eaivea, 17.OU9 11.00: bulls, stags, etc, $6.0008.00; feeding cowl and heifers, $6.7807.71, Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market strong; light 118.00011.6$; mixed, $18,100 18.25; heavy, $1$.OO01$.6I pigs, $14,000 16.60; bulk of sales, $18.00018.11. Sheep and Lambs RecelpU, 1,000 head; market weak. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Prospect of Unwelcome Showers Figures la Corn Pit; Scarcity en Hogs. Chicago, Sept. 14. Knowledgo that the dtreotora of ths Chicago Board of Trade would tomorrow set a date for a oonference with other exchanges relative to a possible removal of maximum prloes on oorn had considerable to do with a sharp advance whloh took Place today in the oorn market Quotations closed strong at ths topmost point reached,, with net gains of 202c at $1.IOH01.14. December, and $1.17 H 1.17, May. Oats finished ' H He to 1c up and provisions at a rise of 220800. The ohlef faotor at first In the corn pit was the prospect of unwelcome showers and of colder weather, oondltions dlstlnotly ad verse to the speedy maturing of the orop, Besides, reports were olrculated that recent damage by frost in Iowa, northern Illinois, Indiana and Ohio was more serious than haa generally been supposed. Unusual lightness of offerings tended further to Incite buyers and then gradually attention focused on chances of the present high limit on prloes being altered soon. Oats reflected the Itrength of oorn. De mand for Immediate delivery was brisk, es pecially on the part of houses with eastern connections. Provisions soared to new high price rec ords and closed at virtually the topmost point ot the day. The principal Impetus came from hog scarcity, by shipments of meats, advances St Liverpool and the bulge In corn. Chicago Cash Prloes Corni No. I yellow, $2.O302.O4Hl No, I yellow, $2.0$; No. 4 yel- low. Oats No. t white, $$9$lo; standard, IOH061HO. Rye No. t, $1.IO01.IOH. Barley $1.2501.41. Seede Timothy: $6.0008.00; clover, $16,60 0 21.00. Provisions Pork, $44.60; lard, $24,700 24.76 Butter Steady; creamery, $9U04a. Eggs Steady; receipts, 7,366 cases; firsts, $7Hl$IO ordinary firsts, !40!$Mo; at mark, cases inciudea, I5087HO. Potatoes Lower;-reoelpts, 10 ears: Min nesota, . Wisconsin and Michigan, $1,150 1.22. Poultry Alive higher; fowls, IO9UH0; springs, zztto. S - . Minneapolis Grain Markst. Minneapolis, Bept It. Flour Fancy patents quoted at $11 It; first olears. $10.50; second Slears, $6.60. Rye $1.14l.$l. Bran $31.60032.00. Corn No. I yellow, $1.1301.$$, Oats No. $ white, 68 H 40 Ho. Flaxseed $2.51. NEW YORK STOCKS Publication of Government's Schedule for Iron and Steel Marks Moderately Active Day. New Tork, Sept. 14. Publication of ths government's schedule tor Iron and steel whloh came in- the latter part of the session and announcement ot a virtual embargo on gold exports to Spain were the striking In cidents of a moderately active day oa the . stock exchange. 1 There was at first some divergence) of opinion regarding the fairness of prices fixed by the Washington authorities, but the course of the market In the later deal ings, when almost all classes ot Industrials showed extreme gains of 1 to t points, was Indicative of general satisfaction. The movement of United States Steel, which occupied Its usual commanding posi tion, was typical Of other steel and allied shares. That atsck ranged between 101 to 110 prior to the news from Washing ton, but soon thereafter rose to 111, clos- . Ing at 111, a net gain of t points. All ths more representative equipments, shipping and semi-war stocks, were equally meponslve and rails, which had shewn marked Irregularity, also strengthened. High grade specialties, tobaccos excepted, shared in the hither quotations ot tho last hour, when short covering was most ex- ' tensivs. Sales amounted to 146.600 shares. Call money continued In fair supply at 4 per cent but time loans wars higher, even , for prime collateral. Fretn ths west cams advices of greater ' confidence In general trade conditions and a marked Increase in railways tonnsge. Bonds were Irregular with further heavi ness In Industrials. United States Stsel 8s breaking 1 per cent. Liberty Is moved In the narrow range et ti ll to 100.11. Total .. sales par value, $1,416,400. United States Bonds (old tssue) were un changed on call. ' Number of sales ant quotations sn lead Ing stocks: Sales. High. Low. Close Am. Beet Sugar 1$ American Can .... 1.900 48 41 4$' Am. Car A F'ndry 1.700 71 T0 71 Am. Locomotive.. 1,400 11 II I2tt Am. Smelt. A Ret 11,104 101 19 1404. Am. Sugar Ref.... 700 111 111 111 Am. Tel. A Tel.... 100 111 111-lit Am. Z. L. A S IT Anaconda Cop.... t.40 71 71 $1 Atchison tot 17 IIH $7 AOAWI8SL 100 91 11 tt Rait. A Ohio 400 87 II $7 Butte A Sup. Cop.. 700 14 11 14 Cal. Petroleum , 17 f.n.l.o Pinlfta.. 1. 100 111 147U 111 Central Leather ,. $.101 14 11 14' Ches. A Ohio tot C, M. S. P .1101 C. R. I. A P. ctfs.. 1,100 Chlno Copper 1.301 Col. Fuel A Iron.. l.TOO Corn Prod. Ref.... 17,101 11.10 4,100 1,400 $4 tt 14 IIH 4 30 H T$ 14 Va IIH tl II It 11' t4 II 11' 11. 1,100 111 141 145 1,701 101 14 lOt lOt 104 11 101' 13.101 1 11 IIH 104H 11 $1 62H $T $4 14 11 $1 lt 11 4$ ! 71 11 11 Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar.. Distiller's Sec Erie Onneral Ktectrlo Oeneral Motors Of, Northern Pfd.. Or. N. Or Ctfs... Illinois Central .... Inspiration Cop,.., Int M. M. Pfd.... Inter. Nickel .... Inter. Paper......................... K. O. Southern.,.. lit 14 19 Kenneratt Con.... l.tOt 41H 41 Louisville A Nash. lOt II 114H lit Maxwell Motors... too 14 11 14 Mexlean Pet lt,4t t4 IIH Miami Copper .... lot $$ 11 Missouri Paciflo.. 1,700 11 11 Montana Power Nevada Copper... 100 II IIH N. T. Central 4,10 71 77 N. T.. N. H. A tt.. 1.100 11 It l,$tt 7,161 1,10 14 II lt' 41 44 H 11 It ! 11 11' I $ I II Norfolk A West.. Northern Pao..... P.Mfln Mall 101 Pennsylvania Itt $1 Pittsburgh Coal Ray Con. Copper.. id 11 h Reading Rep. Iron A Steel.. Shattuek Arts. Cop. Southern Psclfle., Southern Railway Studebaker Corp.. Texas Co Union Paolfto U. S. Ind. Aloohol to 111 1)1 111 701 101 111 101 ..... $.001 14 1,100 1 14 40 ' 14 1,100 tl 1,10 17 1,70 47 101 111' 1,100 111 1.104 lit V. S. Steel 154,10 111 101 111 V. a Steel Pfd..,. 1.00 117 111 117 Utah Copper 4,800 IT 11 $' Wabash Pfd. "B'... II , Weetern Union.... t $1 . tt . IIH , Eleo, 1,70 47 41 44 total sales for ths day' $46,004 shares. 14 $ II 11' 11 14 14 IIH ITH JIVi 47 114 144 121 110 117 111 II $1 11 tt ITH Xsw Tork Money Markst. New Tork. Sept 14. Mercantile Paperit IH per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day kill, $4.71; commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.71 Ht commercial sixty-day bills, $4.71; demand, $4.75 $-1$; cables, $4.7$ T-lt. Silver Bar, $1.0$ Mssloaa dollar. 14) oent. Bonds Government stead I railroad Ir regular. ' , ' Time Loans Firmer; sixty days and ninety days, !0t per dent; ale months, $ per cent . .X. . Call Money Steadyt high, 4 r cent; low. $H per cent: ruling rate, 4 nor oent; closing bid. 1 psr oent; offered at 4 per oent; laat loan, 4 per oent. 17. 8. 1 rtg. ... IT Int M. M. la., II do ooupon .... 114 K. C. 8. r. Is.. It U. 8. Is reg..., 11 I A N. tan. 4s.. 11' do ooubOn .. IIHM K A T 1st 4a I TJ, a. 4s rsg-.,.106H Mo. Pea. g. 4s.. 17 do ooupon ...loiHnont rower e.. iik Pen. Is, coupon 14 N. T. C. d. Is 11 Am. F. 8. Is.... $6 No. Pao. 4s $$ A. T. A T. e. $ ttH do Is tt Anglo-French Is tt 0. 8. L. r. 4s.. 14 Arm. Co. 4s 81 r. T. T. is.. I4H Atohlson . 4 .. 11'Pena. 0. 4s...!0 B. A O. 4 11 do gen. 4.. 11 Cen. Leath. Is.. II Reading gen. 4s.. t ' Cen. Pao. 1st.... 81 S. L, A S. F. a 6s 41 C. A O. e. Is.. $$Bo. Pao. c. Is.. $$ C. B, A Q. 1. 4s 16 14 do ref. 4s.... 88H C M A B P g 4s 16 So. By. Is ....11 C. R, I. A P. r. 4l 17 Tex. A Pao. 1st.. 98 C B. r, 4Hs 76 union Paciflo 4s 81 t. A R. O. r. Is. II do cv. 4s..... It D. ot C. Is, 1131 t4TJ. S. Rubber Is.. 11' Erie gen. 4s.... 11HU- Steel Is. .100 Oen, El. 6s ....106 Wabash 1st .... $' Gt No, 1st 4 $4 West. Un. 4s., $1 ilk cen. r. ts.. $0H ' .4 i City Grain Market. Kansas City, Mo., Sept i4. Corn No. I mixed, $l.$; No. I white, $1.0703.0$; No. a yellow, $1.8601.97; September. $1.$$; Deeember, $1.$0H 01.10. oats no. 1 White, lie; . 1 mixta, 11 OtOo, New Tork Metal Market. New York, Sept. 24. Copper Electroly tic, nominal, $23.60. Iron Market nominal. Metal exchange nuotea tin. nnmln.L $61.60 bid. , At London Spot copper, flit; futures, tilt; electrolytic, 4130; spot tin, 1247 19ss futures, 4244 16s. Kansas City Oeneral Mark. Kansas City, Mo., Bept 14. Butter Creamery, 41o; firsts, $t0 seconds, $8ef packing, $$y Eggs Firsts, t$0 seconds, 10c. v Poultry Hens, llo; roosters, 14o; broil, r, lie. ' New Tork Metal Xxchange. New Tork. Sept 14. Metals Exehanga quotes lead steady; spot $4.40. Spelter, barely steady; spot East St Louis delivery, $$.1308.87. At London: Lead, spot 110 10s; future 121 Its. Spelter, spot III! futures, 460. skSMBBSsessassseeeariSaasBisasssSaSj Liverpool Cottoa Markst. Liverpool, Sept 14. Cotton Spot quiet! prices 110 points higher; American mid dling, fair, lt.97d; good middling, lt.t7d; middling, ll.tld; low middling, 18.4ld; good ordinary, 17.474; ordinary, 14.t7d. Bales, 1,004 bales. , 84. Loots Orals Market St Louie, Sept 14. Corn No. S, $2.0$t No. I white, $2.1001.11; September, $1.67l December, $1.11. Oats No. t, 69o ;' No, I white, 41 4 11 London Money Market, London, Bept 24. Silver Bar, (14 pef Ounce. Money 4 per cent Discount Rates Short bills, 4 psr cent! three months' bill. 4 11-1$ per oent Another Liquor Appeal; Case is Now On Trial The last of the liquor appeal cases to be tried in district court with the preterit panel of jurort was begun Monday morning before Judge Leslie, -sitting in law court. Lee Deering is . charged with Illegal possession of liquor. The first fewv appeal liquor cases were decided by juries in a way de-. cidedly displeasing to the state. A jury trvintr one aooeal liauor Va. could not agree and vat discharged, one case wal a victory for Prosecutor McGuirt, but two others resulted in acquittals, " Ml