Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Former Queens at Coronation Ball
But half the" number of former
queena of Ak-Sar-Ben will grace the
Coronation hall this year. Change of
residence and marriages which' took
Quivera's queens to other kingdoms
to live are the causes. Several of the
queens are yet undocided whether
they will be able to attend.
Of the early queens, Mrs. E. M"
"Fairfield, the first to wear the ermine
when she was Miss Meliora Wool
worth; Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d, who as
Miss Gertrude Kountze wielded the
scepter, and Mrs. Henry T, Clarke,
who was Miss Grace Allen, and only
moved back to Qmaha from Lincoln
recently, are the only ones to attend
the ball. Mae Dundy Lee,' now Mrs.
E. W. Lee of New York, Miss Ethel
Morse, who is also in the east; Miss
Mildred Lomax, who lives in San
Francisco and Miss Edith Smith Day,
wife of Captain Day, who have just
returned from Honolulu and are at
some army post and Mrs.. Ella Cot
ton Magee, now living in New York,
wilt be among the absent queens of
the realm.
Mrs. Thomas Latham Davis, who
was Bessie Brady, Mrs. Glenn Whar
ton, nee Ada Kirkendall, Mrs. W. D.
Hosford, formerly Mary Lee Mc
Shane, and Mrs. Barton Millard, who
was Miss Nathalie Merriam when she
was queen, are living in Omaha. Mrs.
W. H. H. Cranmer of Denver, who
served as queen when she was Miss
Margaret Wood, is unfortunately ill
in a Denver hospital, but a letter to
her moher, Mrs. B. B. Wood, this
morning brought the news that she
was very much improved. Her chil
dren, Harry and Robert, are with
their grandmother while their father,
Captain Cranmer, , is serving Uncle
Sam. There is a possibility Captain
Cranmer may be stationed at Linda
Vista, Cal., in which , event, Mrs.
Wood and Mrs. Cranmer will spend
the winter at La Jolla. f - -
Brownie Bess Baum, now Mrs.
John Rouse of Baltimore, wilj not at
tend the ball, but her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. J. E. Baum and her sister,
Miss Katherine Baum. who also
served as a queen's page, will arrive
from Philadelphia in time for the big
event. They will be at the Blackstone
during their stay. Mrs. Frank Wilhelm
of Chicago, formerly Miss Jean Cud
ahy, and Miss Frances Nash, who will
have a musical engagement in Boston,
will . not be present, nor will Mrs.
David Forgan, nee Elizabeth Cong
don, be here for the ball.
Mrs. Fred Daugherty, formerly
Frances Hochstetler, is on the
Daugherty ranch at Delmare, Neb.,
and has not yet decided whether she
will come, and Miss Marian Howe
, may go east with her mother, Mrs.
R. C Howe, before the ball, although
sne will not remain east to study as
she did last year but wjjl spend the
winter among her former subjects.
Mrs. Knneth 'Paterson, who was
Elizabeth Pickens, and Miss Mary
Megeath, last year's queen, will grace
the Coronation ball.
Medal for Blue Cross Work.
Little Frances Jones, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Newell Jones, this
morning received a silver medal for
her work for the Blue Cross society,
an organization to take care of the
dogs used in the ambulance work of
the Red Cross society. Recently lit
tle Frances sold one of -her Persian
kittens for the benefit of the fund and
she has another kitten left which she
will sell for the same purpose. The
Blue Cross society has also sent her
thirty beautiful cards bearing animal
pictures, the same to be sold for 10
cents or more each for the animals'
fund. l
The silver'medat which Frances re
ceived was sent by Miss Elineen Mo
retta of Roselands, Glenn Lake, New
York, who won the medal for the
best American bred collie, Blue
Mary, which won many collje ribbons.
Miss Moretta expressed gjeat pleas
ure at the interest taken in the Blue
Cross work by the little Omaha girl.
Research Club Elects.
Mrs. Harry V. Burkley was re
elected president of the Research club
at a meeting held Sunday at St.
Berchman's academy. Miss Mary
Cotter, Mrs. Catherine Beveridge,
Mrsi W..M. Jeffers and Mrs. W. K.
Ran are the vice presidents; Misses
Sophia McKillip, Ella Brown, Ruth
Howard and Mary Hanley, treasurers;
and Misses Veronica O'Conner, Mar
garet Sweetman and Claire McGov
ern, secretaries. .Misses Margaret
Minnick, May Leary, Sadie puffy and
Jennie Schadell are the librarians.
The social work of the club was
outlined for the year, work among the
suffering poor,
A play is to be given for three
worthy objects, a number of card par
ties at the home of different mem
bers. These are to be affairs of invi
tation.' Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Krantz,
Miss Mary; Cotter and 1 Mrs. Tom
Quinlan will entertain a number of
the Research club members soon at
their homes. The proceeds of these
parties are to be given to worthy
The director of the club, Father
Miller of Chicago, will speak through
out the year on topics that will di
rectly bear on modern topics which
appeal to women.
Church Women to Serve Lunch.
Temple Israel sisterhood will open
a lunch room next to the Sun theater
during Ak-Sar-Ben week, the pro
ceeds to go into the temple fund.
Mrs. Samuel Katz has it in charge.
Women of St. Mary's Avenue Con
gregational church will conduct a tea
room during Ak-Sar-Ben, the pro
ceeds of which will go toward the
new church fund. The committee in
charge met at the Young Woman's
.Christian association this morning to
Mrs. W. M. Jeffers, who came from
North Platte to make her home, was
named one of the vice presidents of
the Research club at a meeting held
Sunday at St. Berchman's academy.
complete arrangements. The com
mittee includes:
0. T. Eastmail,
J. O. Kahn.
O. W. Meteath.
C. 3. Inrwerson,
3. B. Porter,
O. M. Nattlnger.
Social Gossip.
Mrs. A. E. Nicholson is at the
Ward apartments, Long Beach, Cal.,
where she will spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' Barker left
Saturday ,afetrnoon for the Barker
ranch out in the state. They are ex
pected home Thursday.
Miss Helen Garvin has returned
from Fish Creek, Wis., where she
has been for the last two months
attending the encampment for the
Campfire Girls.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smyth and
daughter, Miss Catherine Smyth,
leave Wednesday evenings for
Washington, D. C, where they will
make their future home.
Miss Virginia Crofoot, Miss Thede
Reed and Miss Winfred Smith leave
tomorrow evening for Washington,
D. C, where they will enter Miss
Maderia'i school. They will be joined
in Chicago by several other girl
Mrs. George N. Laurence of Salt
Lake arrived this morning to be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Calvin.
She will remain until after the "Ak-Sar-Ben
Miss Helen Lange of Worcester,
Mass., who has been visiting Miss
Gladys Robertson, left for her home
Friday evening.
Ticket Offices '
To Be Moved Into
The Ramge Block
Fourteenth and Farnam streets have
commenced to wane as a center for
the city offices of the railroads and
Fifteenth and Harney streets has
caught the exodus.
This week the Milwaukee and Great
Western will move to the first floor
of the Ramge block, Fifteenth and
Harney, and the Rock Island tem
porarily will move into the alley
corner, just south, in the Carleton
Hotel block. ,
The moving of the city offices of
the railroad companies comes after
the holding of a number of confer
ences of railroad officials, held both
here and in Chicago.
Omaha Women Injured in .
Auto Wreck at Chappel
Mrs. Eva Hinman and Miss Marie
Smith, 701 South Sixteenth street,
were seriously injured in an automo
bile accident at Chappel, Neb., Sun
day afternoon. One Of the women
sustained a fractured shoulder and the
other a fracture of the leg.
Thev Were broucrht tn Omaha nvrr
the Union Pacific at 6 o'clock Sun
day evening and taken to St. Joseph's
Permit for Movie House
On Old Continental Site
The Blank Realty company has
taken out a btiilding permit for the
cretf!0A?t Roving Picture theater
at 1414-24 Douglas street. The permit
calls for a structure 132x132, two
stories high, and at a cost of $125,000.
Construction is to start as soon as
buildings now occupying the site are
razed. .
Few Children Now in
The Riverview Home
There are only seventeen children
in Riverview detention home, the
smallest number in nine years, accord
ing to a report made to the county
board by the superintendent of the
Largest Yield in History of Pa
cific Coast Gathered by Fair
Sez When Men Are
Called to Colors.
Women of the Pacific coast coun
try have put on feminalls and are do
ing their bit to help out during the
continuance of the war. District Su
perintendent Van Ransselaer of the
Pacific Fruit Express has been there
and has seen them. Speaking of the
west country, Mr. Van Ransselaer
"The entire Pacific slope country
from Mexico to the British posses
sions is gathering the greatest fruit
and vegetable crop in its history. Male
labor is scarce and women are com
ing nobly to the rescue. They have
put on feminalls and have gone into
the fields, where they are doing the
work of men and are getting the same
"In the orchard districts where
heretofore men have done the work
most of the persons now employed
are women. They are being paid $3.50
a day and are doing the work in an
entirely satisfactory manner. There
is ah enromous crop of peaches, pears,
plums and apples, and growers are
getting better prices than ever before
and the demand is good. This year
the growers are going to make money.
"Farther south in the citrus fruit
districts the crop will be 75 to 80
per cent of last year, but the increased
prices that are likely to obtain will
bring more net profit to the growers
than they got out of their crop last
"The entire Pacific coast country is
prosperous and business everywhere
seems to be on the boom. Nowhere
do you hear talk' of hard times."
The Girl He'd Marry
Rev. Spence Preaches First
Sermon at Hanscom Park
Rev. W. H. Spence, the new pastor
of Hanscom Park Methodist church,
preached his first sermon last night
to a large and enthusiastic audience.
From the opening sentence the pastor
had his hearers with him and those
who had come to hear the new minis
ter, who had gained such a reputation
for eloquence and personality in Fort
Dodge, la., where he remained nine
years, felt the praise that had pre
ceded him hail hardly done justice to
his gifts. Beyond doubt he will be a
force in religious and civic life of
The subject of Rev. Mr. Spence's
first sermon was "The Malady of the
World," which is sin. "In eradication
of this evil not even the most active
philanthropy or the most ideal philos
ophy will serve," said yhe. "Only the
illumination that comes from the gos
pel of Christ will light a sin-darkened
world; there must be a spiritual
as well as mental incentive for re
forms." Each member of the congregation
wore a white ribbon with the words,
"Welcome to Pastor Spence," on it as
a tribute to the new leader.
Urge Government Hosptal in
Omaha for Convalescents
Omaha's advantages as a location
for one of the government recon
struction hospitals for wounded con
valescents were set forth to Major
King in Washington by Randall K.
Brown, president of the Commercial
club of Omaha, while in Washington
a few days ago.
A number of such hospitals are
to be olaced at various places
throughout the United States. They
are to have 1,000 beds apiece.
To Major Kin, it was represented
that Omaha has a favorable climate
for convalescents; that it has two
medical colleges here: that there is
a splendid corps of well-known sur
geons available in the city, and that
as an industrial center ample oppor
tunity will be afforded for the con
valescents to find work as soon as
they are able to leave the hospital and
before they are sent to their homes.
Vinton Street Will Get
Its Ornamental Lights
A committee of Vinton street mer
chants appeared before the city coun
cil to ask the commissioners to pro
vide Vinton street from Thirteenth to
Twentv-fourth streets with orna
mental lights and order the street re
paved. The committee was informed Vin
ton street, between v Sixteenth and
Twenty-fourth, would be supplied
with thirty-five of the new ornamental
lights, but that the council could not
order the street repaved because the
law only permits such action when
the street in question is a main thor
oughfare leading out of the city. The
legal department advised the council
that Vinton street would not be re
garded as a main thoroughfare and
that it could be repaved only by peti
tion. '
Small Docket of Cases
Before Federal Judge
The September term of federal
court in the Omaha division was
opened Monday morning by Federal
Judge Woodrough with the smallest
docket of cases for trial in twenty
years. Only seventeen cases were on
the docket Lawyers expressed such
unanimous unreadiness to go to trial
this week that Judge Wpodrough may
notify the petit jurors not to report
until next week. They were sum
moned to be here Wednesday of this
"It's a shame. Rodney Brown
seemed like' such a splendid young
fellow and now he's married a little
waitress in the restaurant where he
got his meals in Cambridge. Mrs.
Brown's perfectly wild. She feels
that Rodney's spoiled his whole
future. Think of itl Throwing away
his college education and his familv
connections on a waitress. His poor
mother I"
A group of us were sitting out on
the country club veranda, knitting
for the Belgians, and from the par
ticular moment the Brown situation
began to be discussed, the gray
sweaters met with more drop
stitches than I should have cared to
countl Everybody had a beautiful
time being sorry for Mrs. Brown
and thinking up nasty things to sav
about the designing minx Rodney's
wife must have been, and of, how
tragically the boy had spoiled his fu
ture. I met Rodney a week later and
with him was a sweet, refined-looking
little girl, whose adoration for her
big, young husband was splendid to
behold. She was frightened when
Rodney introduced us looking for
slights, for. snubs, for sneering pat
ronage. And so, of course, I took
two hands instead of one and gave
her the warm cordiality and tender
ness any human being ought to feel
for a little, frightened, hurt, quiver
ing thing. -
Rodney and Bess had dinner with
me that night and the girl's dainty
manners, refined voice and sweetness
made me wonder about her storv.
Just exactly why had she undertaken
the heavy, exacting physical work of
waiting in a restaurant? She seemed
a mental creature the , sort of girl
who would earn her living by teach
ing or secretarial wbrk rather than
by carrying heavy trays of food to a
lot of roystering college boys.
In the weeks since our first din
ner together Rodney and Bess and I
have grown to be firm friends and
it is at their request that I tell their
story. Rodney is 28 he graduated
within recent years from the law
school at Cambridge. (His name isn t
Rodney Brown and Cambridge isn't
his college town you can see that we
have to use a few fictitious names to
make up for the real live human facts
of his story.) He set up a practice in
the college town where he had spent
so many happy years and waited for
clients. And clients do not come
a-running to young lawyers, you
The first two years after Rodney
Brown's graduation from college
he had rather a bad time of it. He
had not gone home because there was
a girl there oi whom he was so fond
that it hurt. But his mother had
lashed herself into a fury and then
wept herself into a decline over Rod
ney's infatuation for Rachel Morris.
''It will kill me if you marry out
of your religion. Rachel's traditions
aren't like yours, her training isn't
the same, her people are impossible.
She won't be happy with us, you'll be
miserable with her. Oh, Rodney,
Rodney, you're all I have you'll get
over this infatuation, but I'll never get
Over it if you marry Rachel," was the
refrain of Mrs. Brown's every word.
, She almost said it in her sleep. Rod
ney saw his duty and gave Rachel up.
All that happened during his last year
at law School but he couldn t go
hnmp tn all the memories of Rachel
Morris. There wasn't a path in his
nome town mere wsn i even
street car line without its memories
of Rachel. ,
Rodney had two lean, lonely, poor
years in Cambridge. He had given
up his heart's desire for his mother,
but he couldn't let her pay him an
allowance, he couldn't take her
money. On one of her visits to Cam
bridge, Mrs. Brown told Rodney of
Rachel's marriage. And it was then
that his lonely heart began looking
for sympathy.
In the restaurant where he ate, be
cause he liked keeping in touch with
the college spirit and the college
boys, there was a little waitress who
was very sweet and quiet. Some
how Rodney felt a sympathy in the
very gentleness with which she un
failingly set down before him the hot
milk he liked in his coffee and the
wafer-like slices of lemon he wanted
for his tea. You never had to tell
Bess anything twice she remem
bered. She served things daintily
with a certain pride in her work.
Sympathy is often a growth from
suffering. Rodney needed some one
to help him over his bad places and
he didn't know anybody to do it, so
he turned right around and helped
some one over her bad places. In
trying to cheer Bess, making ' life
a little more livable for her, he made
it infinitely more livable for himself.
Bess had managed to' put herself
through high school with a little help
from an aunt and a good deal of
work, taking care of babies, running
errands and doing odd jobs. Now
she was taking two courses at colleee
in the intervals of waiting on table,
and she thought that she could man
age to .put herself through a four
year course in six. Rodney admired
her grit. .
Her tenderness appealed to him.
A contemplation of her troubles made
him forget his own. An so he fell in
love with her, and they were married,
and I hope they will live happy ever
If this were a story, I should lay a
great deal of stress on the gradual
growth of love, on the romance of
it all. But it isjust a little study
of human nature, and I hope all moth
ers of boys will read it and let it
stimulate them to a bit of thinking..
If your son wants to marry a gin
whose faith is not his, whose tradi
tions and training and ancestry and
environment and family and circum
stances in life are all other than you
would have them, don't immediately
insist on breaking up the match.
Not every poor girl is a destgn-
PUT EM UP NOW I We are very fortunate in being able to gire you these prices.
This fruit is very fine and the end of the season is close at hand.
Fine Colo. Elberta Peaches, unwrapped,
freestone, per box.- g5
Fancy Wrapped Elberta, 108 size box,
at ... T . 954
Large Fancy Elberta, box $1.05
Fancy Bartlett Pears, a snap, per box,
.at S1.80
Fine Kiefer Pears, per hamper. .$1.32
Italian Prunes, in boxes, per box. . .85
In 4-baket crates, per crate. .$1.32
Per basket.. 34
ECONOMY, splendid h.Ith flour, 48-pound
sack, per sack $2.85
COLD MEDAL, 48-ponnd tack.... $3.21
TIP BRAND, nothing better milled, 48-pound
ck, per seek.. S3.09
ing adventuress; not every socially
unknown girl is bound to be a han
dicap; not every girl of ordinary fam
ily is a "common little thing." Nor,
on the other hand, is just any rich
girl sure to be a splendid wife, nor is
every girl of good family bound to
be a beautiful character, nor is every
cultured, well-educated girl the ma
terial from which a loving help-mate
may be made.
Give the girl your boy wants to
marry a fair chance. Meet her and
refrain' from snubbing her even if
she is shabby Let
that you are being square, that you
have his best interest at heart and
won't snobbishly drive him away
from whatihe longs to possess nor
yet selfishly deprive him of his hap
piness. Rodney Brown has sworn that he
will never again speak to his mother.
"I was almost giateful to her for
spoiling my love for Rachel because
that saved me for Bess," he laughed
boyishly, "but she has said things
about my wife that I am never go
ing to forgive"
Perhaps some day Rodney and his
mother will be friends again. But
in the meantime" there stretch be
tween them long, arid, bitter years
of misunderstanding years that they
can never get back. No woman has
a right to let her ambitions for her
son and her ideals for that son blind
her to the fact that he is an individual
who must be left free to live his own
life as a man rather than a son.
Advice to Lovelorn
By Beatrice Fairfax
Dr Mlu Fairfax: Two wek o
young nn Mkd a tin friend of min to
Introduce ui. U now w!hi. me to so with
him and thrta other sir! friend to a camp
gome Sunday, leaving In the morning at :J0
and being at homo at t o'clock at evening.
Do you think I am doing wrong It I go?
Y. A. Q.
How much do you know about thle young
man and of the camp to which he ii going
to take you? Probably If you go In a party
you wtll not need a chaprrone, but unleea
you are very aura of all the olrcumatanoee
It would be a food plan to take along aome
older woman.
Why Not Go On?
Dear Mlae Fairfax: I am a atenographer
and am making a fair aalary. I am engaged
to a nice young man who la alno making a
moderate aalary. He tneliti that I leave my
place after we are married, which I think I
ought not do, aa It would keep ua more tub
atantlally, but he aeemi to differ with me.
, ' HELEN.
I think 'It would be a very good Idea for
you to go on working for a while after you
are married. Of courae, I can underatand
your flance'i attitude. He haa a boylth
and manly pride In the matter and want to
feel that he la taking care of the girl be
love. But it would be wlie to lay tip a
nice little fund for the future and 10 I
auggeit that he atufy hlmielt with thl ar
rangement: you keep your position and put
all that you earn Into the aavinga bank.
Then he will be taking care of you and atlll
you will, both be getting ahead In the world.
Caring for Jewelry
"If women would take more and
better care of their jewelry it would
look much more attractive," re
marked a jeweler one day, critically
regarding a locket that had been
brought to him to repair and clean.
"I think that I will give you a les
son in looking after your rings and
brooches and such things; you will
be surprised to know how easy it is
to keep them clean yourself," he continued.
"Plain gold brooches, rings, brace
let anH chain mav he cleaned fas-
lm,rr hAv'Ji 1 iv bv waging them in a lather made
uare, that you-si' -
then rub them gently with a piece of
chamois skin. That will polish them.
"By the way, the woman who owns
much or even a little good jewelry
ought to be careful to have on hand
several nieces of good, soft, chamois
skin and keep different pieces for dif
ferent things. For instance, it is an
excellent plan to keep one just to give
a polishing rub or two to any piece of
jewelry that you get out to wear be
fore putting it on; it keeps it in better
"There are things which must al
ways be remembered about certain
stones. Never put pearls in water, as
it is quite likely to darken them. And
the same applies fto turquoises; wa
ter is not at all good for them. One
young women whom I know bought
a pretty turquoise matrix ring, or
rather had it given to her. .She never
thought about water not being sym
pathetic to it, as they say, and fre
quently kept it on when she plunged
her hands in water. One day she dis
covered that her stone, which was or
had been a handsome one, had turned
perfectly green.
"If you own any opals you must
take good care of them. Never wear ,
them or place them where they will C
be exposed td great heat; they may
crack if you do. As for cleaning them, .!
we jewelers have a fine powder which !
we sell for the purpose and it is quite i
satisfactory. 1
"If you get your diamond ring very ;
dirty you may wash it carefully in
good white soap suds, but be sure to
dry it carefully and polish it gently
with chamois. V
"Brooches and lockets and such
things set with small pearls may be
cleaned by uubing them gently with
a powder to be had from a ieweler,
using a small soft brush if much i
"One thing that it is wise for every
woman to keep in her room is a box
of this very fine jeweler's sawdust,
which is excellent for cleaning and '
brightening up jewelery, but be sure ,
to use your cnamois stem as wcu.
There is really no more excuse for
dirty jewelry than for soiled collars::
and cuffs." i .
Fashion Notes
In separate coats the empire de-;
sign figures conspicuously in school '
girl modes.
On some of the newest coats of
heavy wool material the scarf collar
serves also as a muffler, the ends be
ing finished with a silk fringe.
Black frocks are in demand for din
ner and informal evening functions.'
Sometimes white is combined with
the black, again there will be t note
of brilliant hue. Jet and tulle impart ;
the decorative touch.
More useful, perhaps, is a three
piece suit of dark blue serge. One
well liked model consists of a plain i
skirt, with high belt and straps over'
the shoulder and loose, three-quarter
coat. The blouse may be of fine flan
nel or tub silk.
Cat the Round Package
Used for Vi Century.
(T Caution
IAvold Subttltutetg
M Ask For and GET A
THE omamAL
Made from dean, rich milk with the es
tract of select malted grain, malted in out
own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions.1
Infantt and children thrict on it. Agrttt with
tht wtaknt ttotnach of tht invalid or tho id
JVteda io cooking nor addition of milk
NourUhea and sustains mora than tea, coffee, etc
Should be kept at home or when traveling. Anu
tritioua food-drink may be prepared in a moment,
A glassful hot before retiring induce refreshing
eleep. Also in lunch tablet form for business men
. Substitute Cost YOU tamo Prle.
Tako o Paokago Homo
Bencn" mt
a. eYe- J jn A
y ana viin ine jieer
3r ct5 ens and refreshens,
' The
" I v5 iTv Flavor ';
K2!UMamA 'asirffr j -