Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Brie J City News
I'latlnuiit Wedding Klnpt EJnulin
l.lglitinf tfitnrrs Burgess-Grander Co
Huve Root I'rint It New Beacon Pros
Metal Dies. rrewiuork Jubilee Ufa Co
33c Luncheon, at Empress Garden.
Edna Johnson (Jols Divorce Eiina
Johnson was freed from Warren John
son by Judge Leslie, sitting in divorce
court Judge Day. sitting in divorce
court," granted a decree to Tony Web
eter from Mary Webster. Cruelty was
Mayor Dahlman Returns Mayor
Dahlman has returned from a week's
jaunt into the frontier country, of
South Dakota and northwestern Ne
braska. The mayor visited at Rapid
City, Buffalo Gap, Chadron and other
points. At Rapid City he wa the
guest of honor at the Alfalfa Palace.
New Friend; Loses Money Charles
T. Johnson, 2224 Farnam, took a Sun
day afternoon stroll at the Invitation
of a stranger. His friend suggested
that they match quarters to while
nwRV thfi time. Johnson Inst 160 and
his watch. After thinking it over he
decided he wanted a look at the stran
ger's "lucky piece" used in the game
and asked the police to locate him.
Floe Fireplace Uood at Sunderland's.
Flood at Presidio Two
Feet Deep Over Settlement
Presidio, Tex., Sept. 24. Tempor
ary dikes erected to protect the bus
iness district of this town from flood
waters in the Rio Grande broke early
today and water is two feet deep
over the entire settlement. It is re
ported that unusually high water in
the Conchos river, which empties into
the Rio Grande near here, and whi.h
is aggravating the situation, is caused
by breaking of a big dam at Labo
'quilla. Soldiers and civilians are working
in relays to rescue settlers i.i the sox
lands near here, marooned by the
from stores here. Every available
man has been pressed into service.
Cavalrymen stationed here worked all
night rescuing marooned families.
Efforts to rebuild the broken ikes
are- being made. The flood, which old
residents in the Big Bend country
say-is the worst within their memory,
has caused no loss of life so far as is
known. Property loss will be heavy.
Discoverer of Portland .
Mine Dies in Colorado
Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 24.
James F. Burns, one of the best
known mining men of the mountain
region, reputed several times a mil
lionaire, and formerly a journeyman
plumber, died at his home here today
of cerebral hemorrhage. He had been
ill about two weeks.
Mr. Burns was 64 years of age and
leaves a widow, son and daughter,
who left New York yesterday in an
ei'fort to reach his bedside before
Mr. Burns was the discoverer of
the famous "Portland" mine at Crip
ple Creek, Cplo., and in late years
was interested in Nevada mining
Special Deputies to Stop
Destruction of Grain
Corsica, S. D., Sept. 24. (Special.)
Owing to several recent efforts to
destroy grain in this (Douglas) coun
ty, this evidently being the work of
members of the Industrial Workers
of the World" organization, the coun
ty commissioners liave authorized the
sheriff to appoint six special deputies
to guard the grain elevators in Del
mont, Armour and Corsica. Two of
the special deputies will be on duty
in each town. The county commis
sioners will require that the towns
light up the elevator districts at night.
The elevators are crowded with grain
and it is intended that no opportunity
shall be offered for the destruction of
the grain.
Women to Be Trained
For Places Filled by Men
Washington, Sept. 24. State rep
resentatives of the woman's commit
tee of the Council of National De
fense are preparing to make a survey
of the occupational training courses
offered by various institutions
thrnucrhout the countrv. This is a
IIUL. V. ..... ..w.h. .v. w 1 t I
u.nmcii tn rnkp mpn's nosilinns durirur
the war. ' ,
Deputies of Argentina
Oppose Each Other in Duel
' Buenos Aires, Sept. 24. Deputies
Veyga-and Arce-opposed each other
in a duel wfth swords today as a re
sult of words passed in Saturday's
debate in the chamber on the German
situation. Veyga,. whose remarks
caused the challenge, was wounded in
the arm. "'.
Turkey and Bulgaria Both
Ready to Reply to Pope
Copenhagen, Sept. 24. The 1 cor
respondent at Vienna of the Berliner
Tageblatt says: "The replies of Tur
key and Bulgaria will be forwarded
to the pope today. Turkey demands
that her territory shall not be vio
lated. Bulgaria demands that her
frontiers shall be regulated in accord
ance with the principles of national-
Miss Bjurstedt Defeated. '
St. Louis, Sept. J4. -Miss Malta Bjurstedt
of Norway wan defeated here today in the
exhibition tennis matches, for the benefit
of the Bed Cross, by Fred Alexander ot
New York. The score was 6-3 and S-4.
John Strachan of California won from
Harold Throckmorton of New York, 2-6,
6-4 and 6-1. . '
"A A"
Night and Day
1605 Leavenworth Street
Douglas 951"
Derma ologi t Gives '
Complexion Secret
The great secret of keeping the face young
is to keep off the dead cuticle," say Dr. J.
Mortimer Mitchell. "It is well known that
the surface skin is constantly dying, falling
off in imperceptible particles, except in some
diseased conditions, when the same appear
like dandruff. But the particles do not all
drop off immediately they die, being held for
a while by the live skin. '
"To have the dermatoldgical surgeon peel
off the entire outer skin at one time is a
.painful and expensive operation. The same
result is obtained by app!ying ordinary mer
colised wax, as you would cold cream, allow
ing this to remain on over night, then tak
ing it off with warm water. One ounce usu
ally suffices. The process is , both painless
and inexpensive. The wax, which is procur
able at your drug store, hastens the natural
shedding, process. It gradually absorbs the
Head and halfn'ead skin, revealing the new,
bi'ilthy. youthful-looking 'skin underneath.
Hilarious Pair Race Through
Town Shooting Revolvers;
Police Chase and
PERSHING-J-Y.'-W.' Atterbury,
vie president of the Pennsyvania
railroad, ha been appointed director-general
of transportation of
the United State expeditionary
forces in France.
Shootii.g up the town and racing
down Q street at a terrific rate of!
speed, was a part of the exhibition
staged by Frank Wranic, .3118 S
street, and L-. G. Friesz, 3209 R street.
Saturday night- Officer Qworak got
a glimpse of the speeding car and its
crazy-acting occupants and jumped
into a nearby car and raced in pur
suit of the speeders.
Three men were in the car, but one
of them jumped out and got away
before the officer caught up. The
men were firing revolvers and shout
ing vile ep:thets to the persons on the
They were overtaken at Thirty-second
and Q streets and were brought
to the South Side police station.
Wranic is charged with disturbing the
peace, Friesz is booked for speeding
and running an automobile with no
tail light.
Reporting "Holdup" Leads
To Arrest of Auto Speeder
I. Cohen, 2429 Decatua street, got
"in bad" by rushing into the South
Side station Sunday evening and tell
ing the police that a man had tried
to hold him up at Thirty-sixth and
Q streets. He said the fellow had
flashed a light on him and told him to
stop. Cohen was driving a car and
he drove on and the "holdup" fired
two hots after him as he speeded
The wagon crew went out in search
of the robber. They met Officer Herd
zina, who said:
"It was I who fired the shots. The
man was driving fast and he had no
lights so I tried to stop him."
A warrant was issued for Cohen's
Hundred Dollars and Costs
For Man Wanting Jail Sentence
"Which would you rather have,
sixty days k jail or $100 and costs?"
Police Judge Madden asked Clarence
Ball, aolored, porter in a barber shop
at 4606 South Twenty-fourth street,
who pleaded guilty to the illegal pos
session of liquor.
"Sixty days," answered Ball. ,
"All right, then. I'll make it $100
and costs," said the judge.
uetectives aloudek and Francl ar
rested Ball Sunday when they caught
him with a pint of whisky.
Thieves Strip Auto
Stolen Near Hotel
M. Castleman, 2368 Woolworth ave
nue, lef ': his automobile in front of
the Fontenelle hotel Saturday even
ing. Someone stole it. The car was
recovered Sunday. 3t was found at
the foot of Missouri avenue. The
thieves had stripped the car, one
wheel was entirely gone and most of
the movable parts had been removed.
Secretary of War Says Troops
-Are in Fine Condition and
Prophesies They Will Be
Heard From at Front.
South Side Brevities
Apart, in Scargo Blk. for rent 24th and L
Sts.. October X. B. H. Benner Co., V. 8406.
Superior lodge No. 193, Degree of Honor,
will meet Wednesday evening. The drill
team is requested to be present.
Go see captivating; Mary Carstalra at the
Besse tonight. This Is double bill night.
The Lefier South Bide Aid society will
meet at the home of Mrs. J. Mattlson, 1608
Polk street,' Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock, i 9
Telephone South 900 and order a case of
Oma or Iactonade, the healthful, refreshing
Home Beverages, delivered to your residence.
Omaha Beverage Co.
(By Associated Press.)
Camp Mills, Mineola, N. Y., Sept.
24. The "Rainbow division," made up
of National Guardsmen from twenty
seven states, who are to aid in making
the workj safe for democracy, was re
viewed by Secretary of War Newton
D. Baker here today. For one hour
and twenty-three minutes Mr. Baker,
flanked by Major General Bliss, the
new chief of staff of the army; Major
General W. A. Mann, commander of
the division, and Major General Mc-
Artliur watched the 27,000 men march
past. It was the first time Mr. Baker
had seen a division of United States
soldiers on review.
"It is the most impressive sight I
have ever witnessed, said Mr. Baker.
The troops are m admirable condr
tion and the highest of spirit The
country is to be congratulated on this
manifestation of strength and unity.
This division, drawn from all parts of
the country, represents in a significant
way the national enterprise in which
the country is engaged.
"This division is an evidence of the
character of the "superb effort the
country is making in behalf of free'
dom and liberty," said Mr. Baker in a
brief speech at the conclusion of the
review. No one can see this with
out having inspiring thoughts and
nappy anticipation oi uic outcome
when pur boys get in the held.
New Chief of Staff
For Russian NArmies
Petrograd, Sept. 24. Gen. Doucfe
onine. chief of staff to the com'
mander on the western front, has
been appointed chief of staff to the
commander-in-chief of the Kussian
War Cross for Denver Man.
Paris, Sept. 23. Raymond ft. Croke of
Denver, Colo., attached to the American am
bulance service, haa been awarded the
French war cross for removing wounded
under a heavy bombardment during the
French offensive at Verdun last August,
Fall Clothing Values
Beyond Duplication
ALL it what you will "good judge
ment" or "good luck," the fact re
mains that months ago we foresaw
the uftsetness in woolens and protected
our patrons abundantly by, placing tre
mendous contracts. , x.
The net result of our prepara
tions enables us to actually offer
values 25 to 33 greater
, than elsewhere. Values that make
you forget that there's a war
values that make you realize
that one store prepared.
The West's Finest Showing of
Fall and Winte-
Suits and Overcoats
$15, $20, $25, $30, $35
: and $40
Young men's belted suit styles, in
a hundred and one new varia
tions, in sinde and rlnnhlo
breasted models. Thousands of beautiful fabrics
and; autumn colorings. Cheviots, Cassimeres,
Flannels, Worsteds, Serges, from America's
foremost fashion designers.
ii i imiiiiumi i eafcMaismaasajaTiif sTaf Tr rr r r i l law .
am naCLnttkiimk
Secretary McAdoo Has Plan
That Will Permit Persons.of
Small Income to Da
Their Bit.
t Washington, Sept. 24. Every town
and city in the country will have on
sale soon a share of the $2,000,000,000
worth of war savings certificates iust
authorized by congress. Secretary
McAdoo announced tonight the
certificates, in denominations as large
as $5, bearing 4 per cent interest and
maturing in five years, will be issued
in blocks from time to time, beginning
as quickly as plans can be completed.
The treasury sub-treasurt.-s. In
ternal revenue, customs, and other
agencies will be designated to make
"It is proposed," said Mr. McAdoo
tonight, "to develop the plans in such
a way that savings mav he made
through the purchase of stamps of
small denominations, which can e
carried in books issued for the pur
pose and accumulated until a sufficient
amount has been saved to purchase a
war savings certificate. This will Rive
every man, woman and child, in Amer
ica, no matter how small his means,
the opportunity to do something to
help the government."
Eat Fewer Sweets, Says
Hoover; Give French Chance
Washington, Sept. 24. Food Ad
ministrator Hoover appealed to the
American people tonight to reduce
their consumption of sweets to leave
a share for their French allies, who
are facing the prospect of two
months entirely without sugar.
"We have received a request from
the French government," Mr. Hoover
First Sammie Captured to
Interview Croicn Prince
Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 23.
Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria,
commander of the German army on
the northern end of the western
front, according to a dispatch from
Munich, has issued an order that
the first American officer captured
on his front shall be taken immedi
ately to his headquarters.
Reports that the German military
authorities had offered a reward to
the first German capturing an
American soldier were denied Sep-
Ltmber 20 in a statement from the
Wolff bureau, the official German
news agency. The diary of a Prus
sian sergeant captured previous to
September IS mentioned that a
German general on the western
front had offered for the first
American, dead or alive, 400 marks,
two weeks' leave and the iron cross
of the first class as. a reward for his
said, "that we allow them to export
from the United States 100,00 tons of
sugar during the next month, and
probably more at a later period.
"Our fiwn situation is that we have
just sufficient sugar to maintain our
normal consumption until the first of
January, when the new West India
crop becomes available to all.
"Sugar is a human necessity. If
our people will reduce by one-third
their purchases and consumption of
candy and of sugar for other uses
than preserving fruit, which we do not
wish to interfere with, we can save
the French situation.
"In the interest of the French peo
ple and in the interest of the loyalty
we owe them, I ask the American peo
ple to do this. It is unthinkable that
we refuse their request."
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Petitions Out for Sunday
Closing of Groce'ry Stores
Sunday closing petitions for grocers
and butchers will be ready this week
for the committees to take around to
the grocers and butchers for their
War Increases Exports.
Washington. Sept. H. War has Increased
America a exports ot manufactures, accord
ing lo figures made public tonight by the
Commerco department, from 59 por cent of
more than 1. 000, 000, 000 worth of foods of
th export total In 1914 to 78 per cent or
all kinds aont abroad during tha twelve
months ending with last June.
If yon Vnow of soma one who Is troubled
with Catarrhal Deafness, head noises or ordi
nary catarrh cut out this formula and hand
it to them and you may hove been the means
of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from
total deafness. In England scientists for
long time past have recognised that catarrh
is a constitutional disease and necessarily re
quires constitutional treatment
Sprays, Inhalers and nos douches are
liable to Irritate the delicate air passages
and force the disease into the middle ear
which frequently means total deafness or
else the disease may be driven down the air
passages towards the lungs, which is equally
as dangerous. The following formula which
is used extensively In the damp English
climate is a constitutional treatment and
should prove especially efficacious to suf
ferers here who live under more favorable
climate conditions.
Secure from your Druggist t nunc ot
Parmint (Double Strength). TaVe this home
and add to it '1 pint of hot water and 4
ounces of granulated sugar; str until dis
solved. Take one tablesptHinful four times a
day. This will often bring quick relief from
distressing head poises. Clogged nostrils
should open, breathing become easy and
hearing Improve aa the Inflammation in the
eustachian tubes la reduced. Parmint used
in this way acts directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system and has
slight ton io action that fncilitiates obtaining
the desired results. Tha preparation la easy
to make, costs little and is pleasant to take.
Every person who has catarrh should give
this treatment trial. Advertisement
everybody! store .
Monday. S.pUmW 24, 1917 STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY Phon. Douglas 137 ,
t Sateen Petticoats, $1.00
A very special offer for Dollar Day. Petticoat
of sateen with pleated flounce with ruffle, rubber
in belt. Choice of Kelly green, blue and d 1 ff
black, Tuesday, at V I aUU
(Down Stairs Store)
House Dresses, at $1 .00
House dresses, of gingham or percale, in light
and dark colors. Splendid values, although some
are seconds. Special Dollar Day, $1 00
j (Down Stairs Store)
Cotton Sheets, at $1.00
76x90-inch linen finish sheets, good weight, free
from dressing, seamed center. Special fc 1 r
Dollar Day, at P 1 3J
(Down Stairs Store)
Pillow Cases, 4 for $1.00
45x36-inch cases, good weight, soft finish. A
big special Dollar Day, four j qq
(Down Stairs Store)
Cheese Cloth, 20 Yards, $1.00
36-inch bleached cheese cloth for bandages, hos
pital use or general home use. Special, t 1 ff
Dollar Day, 20 yards for D 1 UU
(Down Stair Store)
Table Cloths, at $1.00
Heavy weight dice damask, unbleached, size B4x
54 inches. A big value, special, Dollar j qq
". (Main Floor)' '
Corset Special, $1.00
A special value in a low top corset, with em
broidery trimming, long skirt and free hip, made in
the best quality pink coutil; sizes 19 to 1 ff
30, special, Tuesday, at J 1 eUU
(Second Floor)
Children's Hose, 7 Pairs, $1,00
Children's black ribbed cotton hose, full seam
less, special for Dollar Day, 7 pairs 00
(Down Stairs Store)
Union Suits, 3 for $1.00
Women's union suits with low neck and sleeve
less, knee length, fine white cotton. 1 ff
Special Dollar Day, 3 for P 1 UU
(Down Stairs Store)
Union Suits, 2 for $1.00
' Boys' or girls' cotton fleeced lined union suits,
ages 2 to 14 years. Special Dollar Day, d 1 ff
2 suits for 01. UU
(Down Stair Store)
Elastic Top' Corset, $1.00
A model with elastic top, long skirt, free hip,
pink batiste, some with elastic inside, 19 d rr
to 28, special, Tuesday, at V JL UU
(Down Stair Store)
Neckband Shirts, 2 for $1.00
Men's neckband shirts, good patterns, but soiled
and shopworn; of the very best quality, fc -t (r
special, at 2 for 4 1 UU
(Down Stairs Store)
Men's Hose, 8 Pairs, $1.00
Men's V hose, in all colors, including white
and black; special Dollar Day, 8 pairs jJ QQ
" (Down Stairs Store)'
Laundry Outfits, $1.00
Consists of clothes basket, wash board, clothes
pin apron and clothes line reel, the out- 61 ff
fit, special at J 1 UU
(Down Stair Store) , .
Mop Outfits, $1.00
Consists of triangle cedar oil mop chemically
treated, triangle shape dust mop, chemically treat
ed dust cloth and bottle cedar oil polish, J -I ff
special, the set ; ) 1 UU
(Down Stairs Store)
' Toilet Paper, 17 Rolls, $1.00
Crepe tissue toilet paper, in large rolls, spe
cial for Tuesday Dollar Day, 17 rolls j QQ
(Down Stair Store) " "
Coffee Mill, $1.00
White enameled glass canister coffee mill, ad
justable grinder, special Dollar Day, j qq
(Down Stair Store)
Bath Tub Seat, $1.00
White enameled bath tub seat, metal tt -I ff
supports protected with rubber, Tuesday, V 1 UU
(Down Stair Store)
Aluminum Ware, at $1.00
Berlin kettles with cover, coffee pots, Berlin
sauce pans, preserving kettles, batter d AA
bowls and fry pans, special, at ...... P UU
(Down Stairs Store)
Waffle Irons, at $1.00
Genuine American waffle irons, No. 8 size,
specially priced for Dollar Day, qq
(Down Stair Store)
Table Tumblers, 10 for $1.00
Cut on thin lead blown blanksplain or optic
ehape, pre.tty assortment of cuttings to t ff
choose from, special, 10 for l 1 UU
(Down Stair Store)
Japanese Vases, $1.00
An assortment of Japanese vases in various dec
orations, shapes and sizes, special for fc 1 ff
Dollar Day, at J 1 olIU
(Down Stair Store)
Heisev Glassware. $1.00
Heisey colonial 'handled baskets, which have
Kaan avAia11w vtvijiarl ?a w Tts-tll fin t . ..
at ...A PJL.UU
(Down Stalra Store)
Handkerchiefs. 20 for $1.00
Men's hemstitched white cambric handkerchiefs
priced specially for Dollar Day, 20 J qq
(Main Floor)
1 .Terse v $wAtr 1 Oil
J r..w
Men's Jersey sweaters, khaki, maroon and i)ue
1 A. 11- . 1 1 m v-v -
coior, lurue necK, special lor uoiiar (pi
Day, at .M.UU
(Down Stair Store)
Handkerchiefs. 7 for SI. 00
Men's linen handkerchiefs, hemstitched, full
size, fine quality, special, Tuesday, at QQ
(Main Floor)
Men's Robes, at $1.00
Men's domet night robes with turn-down col
lar, also collarless; pocket, full cut, ll ff
"FauWtss," special, Dollar Day, at . . .'. V 1 w V
(Main Floor)
Men's Shirts, at S1.00
Fine quality percale shirts, full size and well
maue, reaucea in price lor JJOiiar u&y, J QQ
(Main Floor)
Men's Hose. 5 Pairs for SI. 00
. Men's 14 hnnp. in filnMr fan and rrrav
rm ? -wf VMS ftHJf AV
jieeis, roes ana soies, special lor Dollar Q ff
Day, 5 pairs for ........... J 1 sUU
(Main Floor)
White Collars, at $1.00
Embroidery, organdie, georgette wash satin and
met mce coiiars, in ainerent snapes. CJ1 ff
Special, Dollar Day, at P 1 UU
(Main Floor)
Handkerchiefs. 6 for SI. 00
Women's colored bordered 'handkerchiefs with
emDroiaery corners, some initials on linen or swiss.
Special Dollar Day, M Si
6 for pl.UU
(Main Floor)
Men's Handkerchiefs. 3 for SI. 00
Very fine white linen handkerchiefs with hand
emoroiaerea initials in colors, also 01 ff
plain, special Tuesday, 3 for ........ vleUU
(Main Floor)
Women's Hose. 3 for $1.00
A lot of wompn'a (ntfnn nr 1isTa'tiAa n,Ml V....
------- ...... w. 'ifo., mwi liovt
full fashioned, or seamless feet and - J ft
double garter top, special, 3 for ...... P 1 eUU
imam noon
Black Messaline. SI. 00.
36-mch black satin messeline, rich, high satin
lustre, very pretty for one-piece j A
dresses, special, a yard V 1 olU
bt f k
imam rioorj
Storm Senre. Yard. SI. 00
Navy blue storm serge for making tailored
dresses, navy blue only, 62 inches wide, d 1 (f
special, a yard J 1 UU
(Main Floor) .
Japanese Silk, Yard.' $1.00
Heavy quality with figures and Persian designs
in wmie ana coiorea grounds, very 01 aa
pretty coloring, special, a yard ...... P 1 UU
(Main Floor)
it"'' C:
II That Vj
You will find H
In CJ, the ntw,
' "F
Hops! That's St
See how familiar
that taste is how
snappy, wholesome
and refreshing.
Try a bottle. V.
At all places where
good drinks ire sold.
11 II
W Ira 1 7
IS III 'II v 1
Look For The Label
This picture shows
what it's like. Remem
ber it Then you will
know when you are
getting the genuine
H. A. Steinwender, Distribu-
tor, 1817 Nicholas St.
Douf . 3842. Omaha, Neb.