THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1917. The umaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATEK VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THB BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR Entered at Omaha postofflc at second-class scatter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 7 l kail Per sea. M M too . , St Crri usti a4 boj ear bmoib, Ja utiir without 8ud Kimlm anil ttnadi. "i 40a Siimlng witlioul Stuatj S'o ' 4 60 Sunssr bee wi! " " 140 nd aotiae M ibuH n tddrtM or Irrerulertti In dellterj to Omafet Bee. . Clieulsiiea DtrUeot. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS n AssaRtated Pries, of vklch The Bee it a awmber. m snlurirei tnUUxt te UK use for woNtceiKsi ef all aewt endllxl to H or aot etbenrtst creditr la this paper end aln the local we tnia lihed aerate. All riibte el ttpuWioattoe at aw apwiai dispatches ere alia tnerted, REMITTANCE tttmlt IV inn travel at tm mm raotinic. mtamnted. uwms m BOSttt order. 7at ftl M&all eeooanta. Persons! aback, uoept On If l-eest itaarnt lakaa in umtaa eao news ne Bee Bulldwi. , Soutk Om.h 482T a i4th Bt Oouaetl Bluffe M N. Uala 8C uneola Utile Bsllaiiif. , OFFICES falcite PeoT.lei Uu Butldlaa. Kew Tort-tM Fifth Are. St. Unit Nc B'k of Commerce. Watkloroa-iU ltk St., M. W. ...... CORRESPONDENCE ls eeajmuBlestleoi Mttlni u Ma aatf editorial suttee kt usnfcs Bta. tdltorial DtMnmeaC AUGUST CIRCULATION 59,011 DailySunday, 51,91 rtr ttreulttloa tor th nonta subesrlbed sad swer to by DWlg WAlliams. Circulates Mutter. Subscribers leaving tha city should hava Tka Baa aaeUe la tbtm. Addreae changed aa elten aa raqueetod. Spruce up awhile for the coming of King Ak. Keep your eye on The, Bee improving every day., Also keep your eye oil Ak-Sar-Ben improving every year. . '' :' ' , Still too many automobile accident's!. Slow up and drive more carefully. . AH things except eternity must have an end, not excepting the war and the Villisca ax murder trial - ' . .The early senatorial bird may not pluck, the worm in October, but has a cinch on a subsequent frost. ' -" " ' .', , ' " 'J : TTo a man , up the tree It would seem that Col6r net Roosevelt and Senator La Follette had parted company for good. , , , . : After the diamond' race conies the gridiron battle. Off with blanket on with the pigskin. Don't be a slacker Kick in I Yes, but how long have the details of all this German plotting in this country, now made pub lic;' been buried in our State department? AJlies won a mile of ground in Flanders, while the central powers scored six miles in Russia. The star of victory for both sides points eastward. The-projected aviation service from coast to coast suggests an early revision outward of the standard "air line" claims featuring railroad lit erature. ' '"' '-J Convicting bootleggers is no small job when they are defended by partners or office, associ ates of police magistrates and deputy county at torneys. . ; . Vhile King Ak-Sar-Ben sounds a war. note in his, smooth artistic way loyal. subjects far and near , are assured his Intentions are as peaceful as always.- "". ' ' ; ' ( v t . . . .. s -A ; Some of the occupants of our county court house are also down as "acting suspiciously" when road paving and bridge contracts were coming up for 'consideration. . . . . . l . ; . Every straijger visiting Omaha has good words for our city and. mighty, few complaints. , It is up to u to see to it that there Is no cause for anything but praise. ' ,.' ' , Impressive and Surtling. The city Department of' Accounts and Fi nances ni issued a comparative tax levy state ment covering five years, which Omaha taxpayers would do well to study and ponder. Taking just the first and last columns we may draw some no tion as to the jump taken by the tax gatherer in this short period. In 1914 the school board levy was 19.5 mills and produced $665,324; for 1918 the levy is 35 mills and will produce $1,672,884. In 1914 for the city general funds the levy was 29.19 mills and produced $1,062,475; for 1918 the levy is 31 mills, and will produce $1,547,344. In 1914 the water board levy was 2.75 mills, to yield $100,096; for 1918 the levy is 3 mills and will yield $149,742. In 1914 the sinking fund levy was 6.88 mills, to produce $250,422; for 1918 the levy is 9 mills and will produce $449,228. In 1914 there was nothing whatever for two new levies, the bond redemption fund and the spe cial new fire equipment fund, which appear in the 1018 levy at 2 and 1.4 mills, respectively, to yield $99,828 for one and $69,880 for the other. In 1914 the total school and city levies aggre gated 58.32 mills, yielding $2,678,314; for 1918 the combined levies are 81.4 to produce, $3,088,908 almost double the amount of five years before. None of these figures takes Into account 'the other or nontax sources of revenue which, with the exception of the money paid in for liquor li cense, has steadily increased from year to year. This exhibit is calculated to startle and to sug gest the question, Where are we likely to head in? V Eliminate Live Stock Speculation. Notice is given from the office of the food ad ministrator that speculation in food animals is to go along with gambling in grain. Such action has too long been delayed. Men who are familiar with conditions are agreed that the speculator is re sponsible for the extreme High prices of live stock. The world shortage is acute, but in itself is not alone the cause for the sudden upturns in market quotations. Speculator! have had control at. all principal markets for many months and have played the game wide open. Dealing always on pqblie needs and relying on want that must be provided for, these reckless gamblers have not hesitated to shove prices up, knowing they could force profits for themselves. The men who put wheat up to above. $3 a bushel and threatened to send it to $10 are not one whit more reprehen sible than are those who have within a year kited hogs from $8 to $18 and talk now of sending the price above $20. Packers and other legitimate buyers have been powerless in presence of the scalper. The public has paid through the nose that these profiteers might flourish. Elimination of , this evil may not lower the price of meat, but it should have the effect of ending danger of further extortion, . ' Still the promise thattyoWbHion would empty our jails is jiot going to prevent us from putting tip a new police station to provide modern accom modations for the prisoners. Sweden aroused puts the ban on all cipher messages sent through' its diplomatic channels. Belated vigilance. emphasizes the annoyance of being caught with, the goods, .i. Greater1 economy, in the .use of sugar carries a double spptai to those anxious to serve. Re duced rations prolong the life bf the sweet tooth and radiate nubbins of joy In'th dental profes sion -;:: ' : ; ,-' :'i . ? - , 4 Xol Congressman Heflin did not mention any names 'whtn he said he knew , thirteen or four teen members of the'two branches of the nationil legislature who had been "acting suspiciously." Some of the suspicious actors, however, wear the label. ':- ' : ' ' ' ' I V ' ; . .. Some tune mut elapse before . Count von Bern6tOrff Can gauge the thrills distributed in the United States by the publication of his slush fund letters. Constantinople t is -a long way from Washington, and mail service mighty uncertain. However, his talent jn thafline need not gather rust among th lurks. . Then and Now I, MlnnaapoUi Jonraal i Shurowey to Save the Schools. Land Commissioner Shumway waves his wand over. the alkali lakes 6f the sand hilt section ol Nebraska and from them gush forth streams of gold to sustain our public schools. The bitter ness of the cursed water olMarah is transmuted into such sweetness of service that the taxpayer Is to be relieved of 4 modicum of his burden, while our great system for free education will rest secure on basis of potash. In all serious ness the plan, is more attractive and feasible by far than some pleas that have had much greater attention. Potash is real and exploiters of the fields are 'reaping rich reward for their enter prise. No good reason is known why the state should not share in this, and why the revenue so obtained should not increase as years go by. Nor is it reasonable to draw t distinction be tween school lands of the state and say that this Shall divide between, those producing potash and those producing grain or grasses. The Bee had this view many years ag6 when It exposed the operations of the corrupt ring that waa defrauding the free schools of the state of their great en dowment and it held the tame opinion last winter, when it opposed the effort made in the legislature to secure the passage of law to permit the sale of school land now held under lease. 1 ne state s interests nave not teen properly served in this matter of school lands and it is high time something were done to secure the public rights. The people should have a full share in the wealth that comes from the school lands, no matter what the form in which it is produced. ' . Plot and Counterplot In Russia. Reports from Fetrograd indicate that the Rus sians have a capacity for politics greatly exceed ing their ability for statesmanship. The Bol- sheviki now accuse Kerensky of conniving with Korniloff to threaten revolt in order that the pro letariat might' be put down and clamorously de mand an . Inquiry.. A whirlwind of debate again sweeps the capital and .hile the troops are dig ging in along the Dvina the "delegates" are dis turbing the air with fiery speeches,, "full of sound nd fury,' signifying nothing.'' 'Plot and counter plot are the order of the- day in Russia.. Kerensky stil hat his work cut out for him, but appears to be gathering whatever exists of solid quality in Russia to his support. Winter is fast coming on there and necessity soon will drive the extremists frdm their idleness to effort. When the people get back to working for themselves they will have less of time if not of inclination to listen to the vaporing of the visionaries and once they sober down they will stand an excellent chance of sav ing their full liberty.' General Winter may indeed be the savior of the Russ. , r The battle"of Long Island came near being fa tal to the revolutionary cause. Recently at the observance 6f its one hundred and forty-first an niversary In Brooklyn James Sullivan, director of archives and history, Said that' before that . battle "New York had been a hotbed of conscientious obiectors. oacifists. slackers and tones. .. ' ; It is well to bear this in mind when consider- ins; present conditions. . Henry Adams m his his- torv estimates that at the time of the revolution two-thirds of the "better classes," the rich and the educated, were opposed to the patriot cause. Today the nonpatriots are neither numerous nor influential ..... ; 1" Mr. Sullivan drew s parallel between the pres ent pest of spies and mercenary kaiserite sgents snd the tories of the revolution. A tory was then defined as "a thins: whose head is in Enxland. whose body is in America snd whose neck ought to be trftcRed.": . i-. Traitors and copperheads were numerous in the civil war. Indeed, traitorous tactics today are insignificant compared with those of a hundred and forty snd fifty odd years ago. Another of Mr. Sullivan's instructive earallels was this: , "Now that Germany cannot attain new ends it M askinsr for oeace. Georpre HI wanted peace after General Burgoyne bad been defeated st Sar atoga in 1777 and sent t peace commission which offered the colonists everything except independ encfe. But the satriots of that day passed uo the proposal snd determined to fight the war to a successful end. The day of negotiation had passed. The spirit Of 1777 was to see the conflict through. How similar are Germany's peace moves today and how similar- is our determination that tne toBC'.tor negotiations nas passed . Department Store Schools By Fre eric J. Has. in I TODAY 1 Right In the Spotlight. , Samuel D. McCall, who Is a candi date for renomlnatlon for governor In today's primaries in Massachusetts, is now completing his second term aa chief executive of the Bay state. Gov ernor McCall is (5 year old, a native of Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Dartmouth college.. He began his po Washington, Sept. 21. Department store edu cation has now emerged from' the experimental stage. It has proved its value. A few years ago a store that sent its saleswomen to school was unique; today the custom is Even small stores that cannot afford schools maintain evening classes in salesmanship, while the larger estab lishments have even added foreign languages to i ntlcal career in 1883 as a member of their school curricula. Salesmanship has become the Massachusetts legislature.' . Subse a profession. 1 quently he served five years in the na- While such education is purely a business meas- tional house of representatives, where ure, for the good of thi firms offering it, it has j !?? made a distinct reputation as an arromnlishi-d a orrat An for the individual, "inaepenaeni son 01 repuoucan. uov t. u.. :. . 1.. v. ' ernor i iiaa given iaigc iiuihuci vt yciauua uppui- tunity for education. For thi- reason the United States Bureau of Education, anxious to encourage the movement, has made a study of the Boston School of Salesmanship, which they consider an excellent model for other stores desirous of intro ducing courses in salesmanship. McCall is an oratof of great ability. He has a thorough knowledge of American history and is the author of lives of Thaddeus Stevens, Thomaa B. Reed and other, American statesmen. ' "Heaping Coals of Fire." . , The Noonday Journal of Berlin says the kai ser't n6te to the pope heaps coals of fire cn Presi dent .Wilson's, head. That assertion well illus trates the viewpoint to which official Germany clings and to which they wish to hold the people of that country. Against it may be set the dis closures now coming from the State department, showing when the kaiser and his advisers took a different course; when they heaped insult and injury, calumny and cheat on the president as representing his country. They took advantage of our efforts to maintain neutrality, abused our hospitality, outraged our confidence and laughed ai our aiinpnticy, an mc nine miaiaiuug vur iciu per, underestimating our strength and overesti mating our patience. : The spectacle Of the Ger man war lord now trying to disguise himself as a champion of peace mSy be preserved for amuse ment in after days, when folks can laugh again, Just now it will produce only thi effect inevitable when a detected culprit plays the baby act. . . An astonishing example of deliberate waste grips the attention of Philadelphia authorities. Three thousand loaves of stile bread were e cretly thrown on the city dump.' Who are re sponsible for the act is not yet known. Evi dently the authors took this means of destroying food rather than help the poor by reduced prices. ,' . ' ' ' m. L. r : , ; . .. The Boston school was the first of its kind in existence and encountered all of the prejudices always aroused by an innovation. In 1905, the Women's Educational and Industrial Union of Boston started an investigation of the problems of saleswomen. On the executive committee of the union was a Mrs. Lucinda Wyman Prince, a Wellesley graduate and a social worker, who be came so interested in the results of the investiga tion that she decided to espouse the saleswoman's Cause. At that time she was the leader of a club of fifty working girls who met at the union two even ings a month. Among them were many fcirls who Worked in department stores. Already the ma jority of them, past 30, were derelicts. They hated their work, they grumbled at their small wages, and they lived small, starved and discontented lives. Mrs. Prince realized, that thev were prob ably not worth any more to their employers than tne small wages they were paid, and yet, many of them had bright and receptive minds. It only they might go to school, thought Mrs. rince, and thereupon laid plans to start one. The women's union contributed the room, the neces sary equipment and the services of a few other members, and the Boston School of Salesmanship began. But there were no pupils. The local mer chants remained unconvinced. They certainly would not let their employes Off for two or thrde hours a day to go to school, they told Mrs. Prince, and denied that education had anything to do with salesmanship. One merchant , reminded Mrs. Jr'rmce that she had never sold goods herselt, and therefore knew nothing about it At' which the ady undertook to show him. One Tear Ago in the War. Allies captured Combles after many days of hard fighting. German airship raid over England caused the death of thirty-six persons, Ex-Premier Venlzelos of Greece re ported to have joined the Cretan rebels.. . In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. C. 8. Higgins tendered to the news paper men of Omaha a complimentary banquet at his new restaurant The St. Cloud. W. C. Gregory of tha Repub lican presided, and Master Charlie Higgins and Miss Daisy Higgins furn ished the music. The Douglas eounty prohibitionists held a caucus and chose the following candidates: County treasurer, John F. Helin, county judge, John J. Welshans; county clerk, Charles Watts; register She volunteered as a saleswoman during a bar gain sale, and sold so much goods that the. mer chant cheerfully threw up his hands by way of surrender when she showed him her sales slips. le agreed to let a few of his salesgirls go to her school. Other Boston merchants soon followed his example. At' first the girls were paid only half salary while they were going to, school, but as the value of the education began to demonstrate itself in increased sales, they were put on full salary. '". ; ' At the beginning of the course, each pupil is. asked to fill out sn application blank which con tains various questions designed, to give an idea of her habits and tastes and to furnish needed sta tistics. In dealing with a class of this kind indi vidual work is essential. Some girls, for instance, are more artistic than ethers. Where one might become an expert saleswoman in an art goods de partment, she might fail miserably in selling Kitchen utensils because she was not interested in them, and vice -versa. The idea is to discover the girl s best talent and develop it. If the school finds, as sometimes it does, that the girl has no talent whatever tor selling goods it tries to direct her abilities into other lines of work which she can do. The sub jects taught in the course are given in the report as follows: Salesmanship To teach the technique of sell ing and to develop a professional attitude toward the work..' , Textiles To give Information about the stock and to develop an appreciation of its qualities. . uencrai Atercnanaise xne same. Hygiene and Physical Education To promote good health and develop an attractive personality. Arithmetic io develop, accuracy. Store System To give familiarity with the rules and forms of the store.'; " ' English To develop forceful speech. Color and Design-r-To train color sense, to set standards of good taste, and to develop a sense of beauty. . ?'.'.. ; The first lesson deals entirely with the topog raphy of the store. A map of the store shows its relation to the nearby streets, its entrances, exits elevators, stairways, fire-escapes and the general distribution of merchandise by depart ments and floors. This is because the first and most important duty of the saleswoman is to di rect customers. . Next the srirls are instructed in the care of Stock. Department stores may lose thousands of dollars through the carelessness of their em ployes in this respect a fact which usually does not trouble the untrained salesgirl. 1 ' . - The studv of salesmanship itself is divided into four parts? First, lessons on the technique of sell ing; second, informal discussions of pupils' daily experience: third, store system, and fourth, dem onstration sales. The trained saleswoman, for instance, soon learns to drop her weary method ot approaching a customer and inquiring if she is ...... J m " Ch. ' tha. A th.m trnAm ani4 not to "wait on them.'' She is a professional. Therefore, she inquires instead, "Can I show you some new materials that have just come in r or "Have you seen the new waists that were adver tised m this mornings paper?" - s Perhaps onlv the trained saleswoman under stands how annoying it is to be followed around s counter by a silent but watchful saleswoman who manages to imply by her manner that she is there to guard rather than to sen the goods, ror tne trained saleswoman- sometimes assumes the role of customer at the school. There are demonstra tion sales in. which one girl arranges the mer chandise, another sells it, another buys it, and still another acts as. floorwalker. $he also learns to drop her effusive endearments, when talking up her goods to a customer, tor "honey" and "dearie ' in the Boston School of Salesmanship are strictly taboo. The training in color and design that the sales woman receives at this school is of inestimable value to her in her work. Color is one of the Greatest influences in life, and therefore, an un derstanding of it is important. Any trained sales woman can tell you, for Instance, that an at tractive grouping of stock with regard to color and design will at once draw customers to it. On the other hand, most people will instinctively shun a counter where there is an ugly arrange ment of colors. A saleswoman should also know what colors can best be worn by certain types of women. , The report for the bureau of education was prepared by Helen Rich Norton, associate director ot tne Boston acnooi oi aaiesmansnip, ana con ctitutes one of the most authoritative contribu tioqs, that have ever been made on the subject of department store education. It is interesting to the salesgirl who wants to get ahead in her pro f..a!An, m ,k. k,,aitta Wlftn tvllv'ia inviAHl in 111, crease nis profits, and to the customer who, may get an Interesting view of herself as others see her. Nebraska Press Comment Aiflsworth Journl:v Edgar Howard mildly points out the fact that doing and not talking IS i9iC true nuaaioii ut wic vuuuiu i fense. .- Falls City Journal: Since the soft coal prices st the mines have been fixed by President Wilson at about SI less than the operators had started out to charge it must be apparent that the fellow who haa laid In his winter supply may nave occn "stung to that amount. Til president Has no con trol over the selling prjve fixed by the local deal ers, which may be unfortunate tor tne poor. ! of deeds, Q. G. Wallace; sheriff, John Daley: coroner. Dr. James Mc Laughlin; county superintendent, Hen ry E. Grimm; clerk of the district court, John Dale. Tha Emmet Monument association held a large and enthusiastic meeting for the purpose of arranging for a grand ball. The names of those In charge of the arrangements are: Dep uty County Treasurer Groves, p. O'Malley, P. J. Barrett, J. M. Mc Mahon, Michael Lee. J. T. Moriarty. 8. J. Broderick and T. T. Tallon. The latest acquisition of H. G. Bar ren, cashier at McCord-Brady, of which he is very proud, is a young and lusty son. Dr. Mercer is making excellent prog ress in the construction of his motor lines to the business Dortion of the city. He personally superintended the construction of the curves at Four teenth and Douglas streets and the ex-, tension of the Una across Douglas. Mrs. Harry B. Lord waa tendered a surprise party and serenade at tha Barker hotel on the eve of her depar ture for a visit to her old home In the south. This Day in History. 1656 Dutch from New Tork cap tured the Swedish forts on the Dela ware and took possession of the coun try. , . 1777 The British army, under Gen eral Howe, encamped at Germantown, Pa. 1780 Benedict Arnold escaped in a British ship after attempting to betray his country. 1806 Napoleon Bonaparte left Paris to begin tha campaign against Prussia. isao opening or tne nrst ussian railroad built by American engineers. 1885 Convention met at Sioux Falls to frame a constitution for South Dakota. 1889 Daniel H. Hill, celebrated confederate commander, died at Char lotte, N. C. Born in BoUth Carolina in 1821. 1914 French bombarded and occu pied Lissa, Dalmatla. 1915 Entente allies began a great drive along the entire western front from Verdun to the North Sea. . The Day We Celebrate. R. M. Wahlgren was born across the river n Council Bluffs Just twenty- nine years ago. He is in business on this, side of the river, being treasurer of the Omaha Optical company. Admiral William B. Benson, U.8.N., chief of naval operations, born in Georgia, sixty-two years ago today. Charles Edward Russell, who repre sented American socialists on the Root mission to Russia, born at Davenport, la., fifty-seven years ago today, Taul O. Husting, United Stat aa sena tor from Wisconsin, born at jTond du Lac, Wia, fifty-one years ago today. William Morris Hughes, prime min ister of Australia, born in Wales, fifty- three, years ago today. . Bisnop wiiDur t . Tnirxieia oi tne Methodist Episcopal ' church, born at Franklin, O., sixty-three years ago to day. Germans Passed Chance. Benson, Neb., Sept 22. To the Edi tor of The Bee: If Germany had shown as keen a desire for arbitration in July, 1914, when the British for eign officials and diplomatic corps were laboring day and night in an ef fort to prevent a clash, as it professes to do now in its answer to the pope's peace proposal, there would not have been any war. Great Britain'' eager ness to preserve peace was interpreted by Germany as a sign of weakness. German kultur evidently calls for the sword as a first and the conference table as a last resort THOMAS HENRY WATKINS. 'They tola me Scoutmasters Are Wanted. , Omaha, Sept 20. To the Editor of The Bee: Omaha is deeply interested in its boys. When the Rotary club started a rAmnaie-n fnr th Bov Rcnut movement for 115,000 Omaha re- i"ttt JP" drlt hole-' sponded by subscribing nearly 120,000. "It you fancy thera'a anything wrong with your heart, why Wtt't you aee Blank, the specialist?" ' " "I'm afraid '1 diacovar it waa aome- th'"cfh.Bonaenaa! He wouldn't haa aa awfully daoent chap." Boton Transcript. That fellow Blnka la a shiftless cuss, Un't heT" aald Smith. ...h, "Ha certainly atreed Jones. About the only thins he atlcks to Is the end seat la an open street car." Cincinnati Enquirer. Old Mifiyuna My wife seems so mel ancholy. doctor. What do you think can be done for herT , Doctor The only thing- I can surest Is to do your speediest to make her a merry widow. Baltimore American. Father had demanded a heart-to-heart talk with his only son. I am told that you are given to gam bling," ho aald. sternly. "I admit it," the son acknowledged, Vbul nnlv in- mull stakes.' "O. as long as It is for eometh!ng eat I don't mlpd," the father sald. York Times. to -New e they had twoNnillion tons of ore in sight." Did you see itr' i don't know whether 1 saw It or pot. ) They took me out and let me take a paen I . Atn Arlr hnln " Louisville Courlcr- Now we are calling for men, not money. The boys have come in such numbers that the directors and execu tive are swamped. Almost half of our scoutmasters have responded to the call of the government and are now in training in camps in this country or abroad. What are we going to do to replace these men? The need IS most urgent The men who are subject to draft or who volunteer their services to the government are not wanted for scoutmasters; their duty is elsewhere, but in the great city of Omaha there must be men who care for boys who Would be willing to give a little time to this work. It has been a revelation to those of us In charge, the effect it has had on the men as well as the boys. It is a work that is worth while and any man who can devote the time to mas tering the work and one evening a week to meeting with the boys will And that it is the most profitable and pleasant time that he can spend. Our executive, Mr. English, is doing all in his power to fill the breach, but we must have help. Take it up with Mr. English. E. C. HENRY, President. Pledge to Our Fighting Men. Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Sept 81. To the Editor of The Bee: A pledge to every soldier, sailor and offi cer of the United States, Great Brit ain and their allies: Since you have responded to the call of our nations and made the great self-sacrifice we deem it a great pleasure as well as a duty to publicly pledge to you our every means of sup port and comfort that is possible for ui to render. We shall continue to be generous toward giving to and work ing for the Red Cross so long as our means and health shall permit, believ ing it to be the most efficient way to reach the needy boys in Francs With Sid, and if it should ever by chance be our lot to not be in a position to assist through the Red CroSs and other avenues Of helpfulness we can con tinue to pray for the preservation and safety of your good bodies and lives While you are performing a great task for us. "Such as I have give I thee." The most that we can do for you, even though it be our all, is, in my estlma tion, nothing aa compared with what you are offering for us and if. we as a people at this .critical moment to our great nations would all think, speak, act and serve together, as a people should, and spring to the great task under the impulse of loyalty, we could prevent rivers Of blood being spilled by our good boys and millions of heart-broken fathers and mothers. sisters, brothers and wives and greatly hasten the end ef the struggle which has been forced upon our civilised, peaceful and Christian nations and we believe, hope and tray that every boy from the United States or the allies whe fatally falls in this great cause for humanity is second to the Savior of the world and shall be provided with a home in heaven and will enjoy even greater blessings throughout eternity for having served as sueh. . ; I And in conclusion will say that If our great nations and cause for which we are fighting is. worth the lives of you dear soldiers, sailors and officers, surely it is worth our every means of support who stay at home, and since you have responded to the call ot our nations, the noblest deed you have done, we wish you Godspeed and sue- vwb and a safe return to your homes. MR. AND MRS. D. J. HOWARD AND DAUGHTER, PEARLE. , 8119 Paciflc Street Omaha, Neb. "Boma elib talker nerauaded ma to go Into tha bee buslnesa ha was selling out, guar anteeing me big profits." "What happened 7" "I gs stung." Baltimore American, "Old Stentor isn't apeaklng to Pepps "any more.' . imt.m .. him th Hillside course wWd Just suit his game, it had such a fin echo." Judge. , . "Why do you telephone Bob so often?" In-quired a friend. "I he ser ouaiy m - "Oh. no," was the reply, "but his tem perature fluctUatea conalderably and some ot our customers are speculating on the fluctuations." -Boston Transcript. SIGNPOSTS OF PROGRESS. There are 480 irrigation companies oper ating in the stata of California. A new shaving mug has a lamp in Its baf for tha purpose of heating tha water. Japanese utilise tha hides of sas lions fo the manufacture of a waterproof leatnei which haa various uses. A woman is tha patents of a new post hoi d!ggr with a hinged scoop to remove all th loos earth from a hoi. I A naw bathroom teal with a dial fating Upward, to enable th person standing on it to read bis own weight, is recent invention. Th Japanese government, which Is In charge of th country's telephone system. IS unable to keep up with the demand tor 'phono service. It is now proposed to use rubber sponge molded to fit th insida of th tir casing. and in thi manner produce a puncturs-proof tir. The car still rides on air, but this sir is confined in Innumerable little sacks. Eczema InRash On Girls' Heads Started With Dandruff. Scalps Iaf limed. 'Itched Considerably. Scratched ' and Irritated. Hair Fell Out Badly. Cuticura Healed. Timely Jottings and Reminders. St Louis is to be the meeting place today of the annual convention of the International Association of Sheriffs and Peace Officers. The National Spiritualists' associa tion of the United States and Canada Is to open its twenty-fifth annual con? vention today in New York City, with headquarters at the Waldorf-Astoria. The general conference of unita rian and other Christian churches, of which former President William H. Taft Is president, is to open Its ses sions this evening in the Church of the Messiah, Montreal. : A conference of coal miners and operators of the central competitive district embracing Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and western Pennsylvania, meets In Washington today to consider an increase in wages. , Members of the American Poultry association meet Jn convention at Mil waukee today , to discuss ways and means of co-operating with the Coun cil of Defense in eliminating food waste and Increasing the future pro duction of poultry. Storyette of the Day. : Billy Sunday told a story about an apathetic Missourian congregation. "This bunch's preacher," he said, "has wrastled among 'em for thirty seven years, and never an encouraging word but one has he got in all that time. "Ho told me ahout it with tears in his eyes. He raid he was on the way home to dinner when a deacon hailed him. The deacon shook him by the hand and then actually satd: ; "'Ah, parson, that was a beautiful text you ' preached from last Sunday eveninV" Washington Star. THE CONSUMER'S SOLILOQUY. When prices go up. it seems t fa. The word Is sjrd from sea to sea.. And every dealer kuows It; ' ' The grocerman, of course, "get's wise," The butcher next doth ope his eyea; The clothier makes his prices rise; The shoeman will not compromise; And e on our coal bill shows It. But when they take a downward trend. And you .feel th world'a your 'friend, . Tha nswa seems not to travel;. The grocer'a price don't decline;' The butcher's in a meat combine; Th price of elothea keep an the elimt A quarter seems but worth a dime; But what's th" u" to cavil? - LO?.KV A.DRBW THOMPSON. Fremont, I.'cb. 1 "Our little girls had measles and about a month afterward I noticed their heads were getting terrible with a pecu liar dandritt which kept getting worse. It finally became ec zema m the form of a rash snd their scalps were in flamed. The break ing out itched con siderably causinr them to scratch and they would irritate their scalps. Their hair fell out badly. "Then I lent for Cuticura Soap and Ointment In a few weeks their heads were healed." (Signed) Mrs. Peter Luchsinger, Box 133. Renwiclc, Iowa, Decembers, 1916. Cuticura Soap daily and Cuticura Ointment occasionallyjbrevent pimples. For Free Sample Each by Return Mail address post-card: "Cuticurs, Dept. H, Boston." Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. - &7amlmtml'mm- ---m VI ...... HI 81 V v v : 9 8 Low Fares for Eastern Trips For round trip tickets from Omaha, on tale dairy to Sept 30th with return limit of 60 days not to exceed Oct 31st and providing for liberal stopovers en route. Fares from adjacent points are correspondingly low. Circuit Tour Fares Many other combine tienr Including Uka, coast, bay anal litre trip. Direct Route Fares Cfeirespaiullaf (area to many thr points, jneladiaa Great , Lakee, St. Lawrence Rirer.HuoseaRrrar, NEW YORK, one way via Buffalo, the other vis Washington. .$5849 to $83.10 BOSTON one way i Montreal, the ether via Buffalo $57.80 to $89.45 BOSTON, one way via Buffalo and Albany, the other via New York ndWaahinsion ...$64.65 to $69.15 Alewuidrk Bay, N.Y.... $45.48 to $46.98 b as i aa. am sa e par iwuBr, ...... ,. ..a..... . w',.v w Boston, Mas. 64.60 to 59.10 Buffalo, N.Y. 42.41 Burlington. Vt 50.90 to 61.50 Chautauqua Lake Point (N.Y.) 41.10 Detroit, Mich. , S5.10 Halifax. N. 3. 61.60 to 63.91 Montreal Que.......... 48.20 to 85.51 Now York. N.Y 65.80 to 69.10. Niagara Fall, N. Y . 42.41 Portland, Mo... 62.90to 59.10 Portsmouth, N.H..... 82.90 to 5841 St. John, KB... 86.00 to 89.61 Saratoga Spring;, N. Y. 49.18 te 81.66 Toronto, Ont 40.10 to 4241 Our fast, through train service U excellent There are DAILY TRAINS Excellent DoubU Track AU-Steel Equipment Automatic Safety SignaU Call us on the phone and we will arrange all details of your trip. It's the easiest way costs no more. Phono Douglas 2740 or writ - or call on us at 1401-1403 Famera Street, Omaha. THE OMAHA BEE INFORMATION BUREAU Washington, D. C. .1 ' Enclosed find a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please send me. , a copy of "Storing Vegetables." entirely free, Name..................... , Street Addreti......;. City ........, ........State. "'"""r'.r::"X,