Germany Fears that ! United States Has Seized All Papers (Continue from P-e' Obs.) funef' of S50.000 in influencing mem- bers of the American congress against i var with frmanv Deadly Microbes. Washington, Sept. 23. How Ger many "shamefully abused and ex ploited" the piotection of the United States by secreting in the German legation at Bucharest, after the Amer ican government had taken charge of Germany's affairs at the Roumanian capital, Quantities of powerful ex plosives tor bomb plots and deadly microbes, with instructions for their use in destroying horses and cattle, was revealed today by Secretary Lansing. ! From Official Report It was another o'e lie series of Mr. Lansing's disclosures of German in trigue made public without comment in the same manner as the Von Lux burg telegrams, which have brought Argentina to the verge of war with Germany; the Von Eckhardt letter from Mexico City and the Von Bernstorff telegram asking the Ger man foreign office for authority to spend $50,000 to influence congress. The latest storv is told in a reoort !to the State department from William Whitting Andrews, secretary of the I legation at Bucharest, and a letter i - ! ! T I i irym foreign Minister rorumDaru 01 Koumania. German consulate at Bucharest with display of great precaution aroused the suspicions of the Roumanian gov ernment On August 27, 1916, the evening prior to the date of Rou manian declaration of war, some of the cases were taken to the German legation, located in a different build ing from the consulate. . Convinced thct the boxes were not taken away from the legation by the German dip lomatic mission on its departure from Bucharest the Roumanian authorities later ordered (he police to find and examine their contents. The police communicated with American Min ister Vopicka, then in charge of Ger man interests, who ' reluctantly as signed Secretary Andrews to observe the search. The hnxr wer found f buried in the garden of the German J I. .! Find Great Quantities Mr. Andrews' report says: ' 1 "Upon my return from the ex- smination which resulted in the dis I covery of the explosives and of the 1 box of microbes, both of which the I legation servants admitted having 1 placed in the garden, the former con iridential agent of the German minister, I In, Bernhardt who had been left with I the legation at the German minister's request to assist in the care of Ger- man interests, admitted his knowledge I of the explosives placed In the garden: I told me that more were in the garden I than had been found: that a still I larger quantity had been buried in 1 the bouse of the legation; and that still worse things than this box of : microbes were contained in the lega- tion, and insinuated that they would have been found even in the cabinets of dossiers which I had sealed. k Brought to Legation. ! "Dr. Bernhardt also stated that all these object! had been brought to I the German legation after our lega tion had accepted the protection of f German interests, which agreed with iiic siaiciucm u wic ecivsm.. similar confession was made to the minister hv this man. "The protection of the United States was in this manner shamefully abused ? and exploited. In this in stance, at least the German govern ment cannot have recourse to its usual system of denial." Fifty-one boxes were taken from the ground in the garden. Fifty of them contained trinitrotuolent satur ated with mononitrotuolene, among the most powerful explosives known, one-fifth of each of one being suf ficient to tear up a railroad track. In the other box were bottles of liquid found to be cultivations of the mic robes of anthrax and glanders. Instructions lor Use, V : It bore a seal showing it came from 'the German consulate at Kronstadt 1 Hungary, and inside was found a typewritten note in German saying: rt : "Inclosed four phials for horses 'and four for cattle. To be employed as ; formerly arranged. Each phial is luf (Scient for" 200 head; To be hjtro Sduced, if possible, directly into the animals throats; if not, Into their fod rfer. Please make a little report on j the success obtained there; in case of I cdod results the presence of Mr. Kostoff for one day here would be de irable." . . "" Foreign Minister Porumbaru ac companied his letter with documents td prove the origin of the boxes and their contents. 'It has been possible to prove in an uridisputable way," he said, "that be fore our declaration of war on Austria Hungary, wlien observing strict neu trality, and keeping up normal rela tions with the German empire, the personnel of the , German legation, violating all rules of neutrality and all duties of diolomatic missions, in troduced 'clandestinely considerable j quantities of an extremely powerful explosive and cultivations of microbes fdrstined to infect domestic animals and in consequence susceptible of pro voking terrible epidemics also among the human population.. "There can hardly be any doubt about the way by which these sub' stance were introduced into Rou manian territory: the very stringent - police measures at all frontier stations s taken oy tne royai Roumanian govern ment since the outbreak of the war and continually made stricter since. prove sufficiently that these explosives and microbes cannot have reached this country otherwise than by diplomatic courier, v,.- - "On-the other hand there can be no doubt of the final object of the impor tation into Roumania as well as about the use to which they were assignee The exolosives and the microbes were destined to be used in Roumania, very probably in time of peace. From all i this it results that in time of peace ;membera of the German legation, rovered bv their immunity, prepared in mnrert with the Bulgarian legation the perpetration on the territory of a neutral ana inenaiy u"" ul rrrteA against the safety of this state and against the lives of its subjects. t i "The royal government makes it its duty to protest against these crimi fnal practices, and especially iMinst .the use ox ine xnicrvuc. u hick certainly worse than - poison, the use of which was formally wKiMn hv the fourth convention of The Hague, at well at against this violation of the cutiet ana oi jne loyalty which international law im diolomatic missions at an exchange for the privilege which are PRINCIPALS IN CHINESE WEDDING Left to right: C. F. Sue, Mitt Fong Kee Chin, bridesmaid; little Mary Chin, ring bearer; Mitt Helen Lem, bride; Leo Wing Shee, groom. S" - . Ull I J 4 Irsfi m !i Oriental splendor vied with Amer ican simplicity at a real Chinese wed ding celebrated in county court Mon day morning, when Lee vWjnglShee and . Miss Helen Lem, prominent in Omaha's colony recruited rom, the Celestial empire, were united in 'mar riageUnited Statet style by Judge Crawford. A Chinese ceremony was performed at the King Joy cafe Sunday night, an occasion attended by all. the old, old rituals of the flowery kingdom when a couple decides to perform the paradoxical feat of making two hearts beat at oiie. The laws of this country provide that to be properly wed Chinese must have a civil marriage performed in addition to the quaint ceremony of their ' own land. So Mr. Shee and Miss Lem and their attendants, the women garbed in gayly-colored silks and satins - and carrying huge bou quets of, Chinese lilies, trouped to the court house and had the finishing touches put on their union. Judge .Crawford added a few pic turesque phrases to the ordinary coun ty ceremony in honor of the unique marriage. Not detail was over looked, though the little Chinese girl who acted as ringbearer tried to hide behind a larger sister's bouquet of hl'm while The Bee photographer was JONES PROVES . ALIBI OH NIGHT OF MURDERS (Continued front fat Om.) night except yourself and wife after those ladiet left?" ! "No." , - Cross-examined by Mitchell: "Do you work in your father't store?" "I do." ' . "What were you doing at the time of the tragedy?" "Working in the ttore." " "What it there between your lot and the Moore lot?" "Joe Moore lived right across the. alley from your place, didn't he?" i di sir . "How ldng had you known Mr. Moore?" , "Perhaps fifteen years." "Were you acquainted with the StilWnger girls?" "No, sir?' V Talked to Joe Moore. "Can you give me no nearer the time when you sat down to lunch be tween 8 and 8:30?" . , "It was soon after 8." f "What time did you get up the next morning?',' 1 '"' "About 5:30." "Did you go to the-Moore house that morning!" v , v t -"Yes, about 10 o'clock." ' "Did you tee Joe Moore on Sunday evening)" v "He was In my yard Between 7:JU and 8 o'clock." , v i "How long was he there? ' ' "We talked possibly five minutes." "Did you see a man pass your house between 8 and 8:30?" v "I did not", . . . "What time was it when you went into the house after speaking to Joe Moore?" "Between 7:30 and 8 o'clock.", "Is that the best time you can fix?" . "Yes, sin Tones added that he was feed ing the chickens when he spoke to Moore. He asserted that he and his wife did not go to church that eve ning. The last words he recalled Moore saying were: ' it is time to go to church.", Mra. Jonet Tejflea. V Mrs. Albert Jones testified in tub- stance: "Mv husband and I returned that Sunday evening at 6:20 o'clock and remained home all evening. My hus band was not away from borne that evening. Mrs. F, F. Jones and Letha called during the evening." ' I "What time did you have your sup per that evening?" asked Mitchell. "About o clock." Mrs. F. F. Jones,' Wife of former States Senator Jones and mother of Albert Jones, testified to having ac companied her daughter to , the Glockemeyer home, called on her ton, Albert while Mrs. Glockemeyer was dressing and then attended the pro- fram at the .Presbyterian church, he had a distinct recollection of hearing the Methodist church belly ring, ine jonet ana uiocxemeyen are Methodists. "Were you paying attention to the Methodist bell when you were going to the Presbyterian church?" asked Mitchell on cross examination. "The Presbyterian church had no belt." ' , H. A. Glockemeyer of Villisca, neighbor of Albert Jones, testified as follows" "On the Sunday evening of the mur der Mrs.' F. F. Jones and daughter, Letha, called at my home to ask my wife to attend Children's day exer cises at the Presbyterian church. It was about 8 o'clock. They walked to Albert Jonet' houte. While my wife wat getting ' ready I observed my . wife and the Jones start fof church. From 8 till 9 o'clock I was on my porch or lawn and saw Albert and Mrs. Jones in their homes, but did not observe Mr. Jonet leave hit home. Saw Strangers There. Witnesa recalled a stranger stroll ing carelessly and taking note of the houses as he walked. Mrs. Glocke meyer corroborated her husband's tes timony up to the time the left home for church. 1 Take Bartlett Villisca cobbler,, tes tified to having teen Ed Landers in Posten't restaurant on the Sunday evening of the crime. Mitchell on cross-examination: "Yon have been charged with this crime yourself, haven t you, Bart lett?" "I guess everybody in the county has been charged with it." (Laugh ter.) , . A. Bartlett testified that Ed Landers and his wife and J, T. Posten and his wife left, the Posten restaurant at 10:30 Sunday evening.' " J. T. Posten followed with corrobo rative testimony, all tending to im- "snapping" the wedding party. Accompanying Miss Lem was Mist Fong Kee Chin, bridesmaid. Little Mary Chin was ringbearer. C. F. Sue, a friend of the groom, who also acted as interpreter, and j. M. Me Farland, an. Omaha lawyer, the only American attendant "stood up" with Mr. Shee. A real American touch to the cere mony was the passing of cigars to county court attaches and newspaper men. A large crowd viewed the wed ding. The wedding banquet will be given at the King Joy cafe, owned by the groom, Tuesday night Several coun ty officials have been invited. peach the testimony ofjEd Landers, who testified as to having seen Albert Jones at the Moore home. I Memory Not Good. ' A. W. McCoy, another witness called by prosecution to impeach Landers, testified that on an unnamed date of 1912 Ed Landert met him in Villisca park and stated that on the Sunday night of the crime he (Land ers) did not leave the restaurant un til about 11 o'clock. Mitchell, on cross-examination was unable to get McCoy to fix the date, but the witness averred that on the morning of the day in question he knew he milked his cow and ate his breakfast Witness could not. recall having met anybody except Landers that day. The prosecution met with reverses in trying-to get before the jury the evidence of W. C Miller, Macedonia druggist relative to meeting Kelly at the Miller home three weeks before; also with conversations said to have been held between Deputy Sheriff At kins of Logan, with Kelly at Alto Pass, 111., in May and at Logan in June. Kelly this morning measured five feet and two and one-half inches; weight 1204. Four Alienists Testify. Thit afternoon; the prosecution called four alienists, all heads of Iowa state institutions to . testify on pa ranoia, the consensus of this expert testimony being that a paranoiac "might" remember and relate details nf aru committed during fits of in sanity and that, he. is notjrasceptible to suggestions. . . , ... i. Two of the alienists for the defense testified that in their opinion; pa ranoiac is suscepnpie to BugBcaijun On aid he "mieht" remember cer tain acU and another said "I think not," as tp recollection. Dr. Mm C. Witte. seventeen vears superintendent of the State Hospital for Insane at Clarinda; Dr. M. M. Voiding, superintendent of the State Hospital for Epileptics at Woodward; Dr. C. F. Applegate, superintendent of the State Hospital for Insane at Mt Plfitant seventeen vears. and Dr. W. P. Crumbacker, superintendent of the state hospital at Independence, were asked a hypothetical question in wnicn various lacis oi is-enyi ine wfre used in a typical case. "Wha wnnlrl vnu av. in vour50tn- ion. whether such a man. afflicted with paranoia, might remember and truth fully detail circumstances of events in which, he was personally interested?" was the conclusion ot tnis long ques tion by Attorney Faville. Dr. Witte said: "He certainly mleht." Dr. Voiding: "I think he could." , Dr. Applegate' "He would." Dr. Crumbacker: "He might." Not Open to Suggestion. Attnmev Faville' ouizzed exoerts as to whether a paranoiac is suscep tible to suggestion. "Paranoides are not easy victims of suggestion, replied Dr. 'Witte. "I think not, it has not been my ex perience, said Dr. voiding. ,"M nmninn is that he would OO- pose suggestion,,' said Dr. Applegate. Judge Mitchell askea ur. voiaingr I the idea nf nersecution assdfciated with paranoia and does it frequently haunt the victim?" "Yes" replied the witness. "Are oaranoiacs very suspicious peo ple?" The doctor answered: inais true.' "You always testify for the state?" u a thrust Tudee Mitchell made at Dr. AcoleKate. To which Attorney Faville replied: "And you always tell the truth, don t you, doctor t The court interposed by remarking that the witness had taken an oath to tell the truth. In raising the issue of paranoia, the A wholesome table beverage with winning flavor. Used every where by'folks who find that coffee dis agrees. There's a Reason" THE THE . THE j j RIDg OH LARB (Tna Only Khu Werrth A Festival in the Making To be the greatest ever offered by this Grand Diflte of the seven cities of Cibola. . ,v ' They are coming from the Corn. Belt to join in this Happy .Time. i . " The order of the day is patriotism in grand mili tary style. - ; . ,; , ; ;;,-". - Come and be one of us. W A From September 26 to October 6- Ten Great Days WOtfTHAM'S BIG CARNIVAL -1 ... . . Continuous shows daily from 11 to 11. No let up. Something doing all the time. Confetti, too. ' THE IRISH COUNTESS, LADY KINGSTON Will have real Irish Shamrocks for sale for the benefit of wounded Irish soldiers. THE BIG ELECTRICAL PARADE WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3D 'Triumph of Democracy' THE AFTERNOON PARADE THURSDAY, OCT. 4TH "WORLD'S LIBERTY PARADE" THURSDAY EVENING FROM 8 TO 10 AT ROURKES PARK One of the greatest Firework Spectacles this country has ever known will be shown. ' AK-SAR-BEN'S BIG MILITARY FIREWORKS ; SPECTACLE ,-. vv ; : ; Depleting the Battle of Verdun. GRAND CORONATION BALL FRIDAY, OCT. 5TH Information Bureau for Hotel Accommodations 1414 FARNAM STREET. TYLER 3304 defense has contended and will con tend that KeKy was a victim of sug gestions and accusations; that re peated' accusations of the crime worked on his mind until he believed he was guilty of the crime of another. The prosecution counters with the assertion that Kelly has demonstrated powers of memory and that the testi mony has shown he related details of the crime before it was discovered. Defendant's attornevs declare him insane. When asked why Kelly was not placed on the witness stand, Attorney Sutton replied: --"You wouldn't put an insane man on the witness stand, would you? To Impeach Landers. , Theprosecution took up most of the morning impeaching the word of Ed Landers in conection with his testimony as to having seen Albert Jones enter the Joe Moore home on the Sunday night of the ax crime. The appearanct of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones anc. Mrs. F. F. Jones, mother of Albert, elicited consider able interest in the court room. Eight witnesses appeared, includ ing the Joneses, to refute Landers, testimony. -. In its brief tur-rebuttal the defense offered Mrs. Ed Landers to cor i,., (....kind to the time he left Poster's restaurant and to show the probability of Landers hsv ing passed the Moore home about 8:15 o'clock as he testified. Mrs. Landers was the only witness in support of her, husband's testimony. Wilkerson Out of Case. The prosecution was ruled against in itt offer of tlx typewritten exhibits as to what witnesses would show m connection with Detective Wilker rfon's trip to Alta Pass, I1L, last May. The court regarded as immaterial and incompetent an effort to bring Wilkerson into the case in the same manner as he ruled out a batch ot offers by the defense in connection with the Jones-Mansfield feature. .? ,. Tnwarn the close of the rebuttal, .V.,lnn eltff Olie R. Rob- inson of Holleyville to testify as to th tim she first heard of the ax murder. ' . "As near as I can remember, it was 9 o'clock' she replied. - ? ' ; : Her testimony was offered to ques tion the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Strong of Holleyville, the former fixing the time ,at about 8 o'clock and the latter between 8 and 9. H ARTMAN WARDROBE TRUNKS up Th4 trunkt .m . teiy tJba bet fea tures el trunk constructln. In cluding paoo'wi In tides, which pre vent the hearer from falUuff, end lift tape. The eemeertm mt Itmbs elathM ire f wrinkles all elothbiff ie ready to wear at the end of the trip. Freling & Steinle Omaha's Best Baggage Builders 1803 Farnam St. We Like Smell Repair Jobs. Jl-Jriii"er -eee1 Alkali In Soap Bad For the Haw c .vnit K nuA vptv carefully If you want to keep your hair look ing its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much, alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and rums K., . , , Tk. knat tWntr for steady US8 Is just ordinary, mulsif ied cocoanut.oil . .... 1 .nil ,a (Whlcn IS pure anu grenaoieeo, u lt.t.r than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. -n ai twn tpftunoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scaip thoroughly. Simply moisten the nair wim water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every parucie ii dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and sillcy, Dngnviusirous, fluffy and easy to manage. Vnn n cpt mnlaif ied cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and :ii AttAwtr wifiM. ier of the family for months. Adv. 'THOMPSdN,BELDEN 7ke fashion Center for WomenP New Apparel Sensibly Priced 1 Hand Tailored Suits Featuring correct modes and favor . ed autumn colors. Fabrics are of the sort that give service. $25 and $35 Recent Serge Dresses Attractive in their design and made of an un usually good quality of serge. $18.75, $25, $35 No Extra Charge for Alterations Office of M. J. O'DonntH CtMlraclor A a&fitfiiWt rTnnnniinninniuniiiira The experience of the other woman is the cheapest 1 you get- AVON. iaS.. July 17. 1917. g as 3 , .re's UttT-m sincere tribal: It it enfy ens mt tAeaseuiefs. . B 1917 1853 I 64 Years Service 1 QUALITY Survive S ThU im (Ae Svntith Yar of g ' Charttr Oaa) 5(eees. Jtanfss . ss mnd furnaces.' Charter Oak Stove A Range Co.. St. Louis. Mo . .--'i. Sirs:- I aa usint'a Charter Oak Cook Stove, aanutaotured la 1832. It was bought by my . father in '53, and haa been in constant use ever eUnoe... It Is in perfeot condi tion, hav ing the aaae top, back and doorsrall are good The top is as lsrel as any new stove ever Made, ss is the lining in the back, and not even cracked. Respectfully. Mra. M. J. O'Donasll, g Avon. Ills., Box 223. It ymr aWer (rlee to talk yoej intm baying exotAar saaAe. writ to as. S Charter Oak Store & Ranee Co., ST. LOUIS. Ma , y77,UY.N .. Oinniniuiniiiniiuiiiiiiiniinnninninnnnniiiiiniiininiiiiiiiiiiiiinn HIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIH WIi everage is So IPopidar 1 The popularity of Heileman's NEW STYLE is 2 due first of all to its pronounced individuality of 3 taste, quality and snappy flavor for which the CHeile S man Company products are noted. EEs neileman's fflf IJon-Alcohclic Beverage Is made from only the choicest materials obtain able, but it is not the . material alone which makes NEW STYLE so palatable as it is the knack of our knowing how to blend the different materials to get that snappy and aromatic flavor. A trial today will convince you The Package iSWtS the bottle , and red triangular corner and dig onailt across the bottle white on redHeileman t NEW STYLE Don't accept a substitute. For prices) and terms srtdreca enr swaurcst brancJi t OIJA13A BOnXING COMPANY v Omaha, Nebraska iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioii iiiiiiimui 1