THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 28. 1917. 7 A TrT it YTnm lUdJ W JLIW SQL TDOWRJO BY n I TTTirTtT iilMViJl MAIL HiLH-d A specially prepared page of seasonable merchandise, compiled expressly for benefit of our out-of-town patrons who find it inconvenient to come to the store A ONE-WEEK'S SALE PLANNED FOR YOUR BENEFIT ORDER BY MAIL SEPT. 24 to 29 WE GUARANTEE PROMPT DELIVERY Thee Pretty Serge Dresses for Women and Misses 7"' ST 'i I At $12i50 No. 6080-DS It would be. impos sible to describe this remarkably pretty dress to 'you, any more than to give you a good idea of the real beauty and great value. Made of a fine quality French serge, navy blue only, pleated tunic, button trimmed, . x gray cuffs' and collar and sash to tfejn front. We consider it the big gest possible sort of a value. "All ' sizes for women and misses, this week only, at $12.50. Silk Ribbons, 25c No. X'l 5 -Pretty silk ribbon, especial ly desirable for children's hair ribbons 'plaid, stripes and flowered effects; also Moire, in staple shades. This week at 25c a. yard. Bir(Mi-Nuk Co. Omaha. Satin DeLuxe, 36-Ins,, $1.49 No. 1020 Especially favored for one-piece dresses, a rich quality with a high satin finish. Wide selection of light and dark sha"ues, at $1.49 the yard. Imperial Satin, 36 Inches Wide, $2.25 No. 1050 A beautiful high finish satin, with a rich luster, in all the pretty shades, for one-piece dresses, afternoon and evening gowns; also changeable coloring with two-tone effects, $2.25 yard. Black Satin Duchess, $1.59 No. 1075 A fine, heavy quality in a rich black, for suits and dresses, 36 inches wide, $1.59 the yard. Black Chiffon Tiftfeta, $1.49 No. 1095 Soft finish in a heavy quality for shirts and suits, 38 inches wide, $1.49 the yard. Silk Poplin, 24 Inches Wide, at 59c No. 1096 A full line of plain shades. Very desirable for dresses and suits, 24 inches wide, at 59c the yard. 36-Inch Canton Crepe, at 98c No. 1077 Desirable for one-piece dresses, pretty range of new shades, also black and white, at 98c the yard., ' Satin for Lining Coats, at 98c No. 1078 New shades of gray, tan, brown, navy, old rose, red, green, white, cream and black, special at 98c the yard. . A SERIES of important sales which for any reason you cannot come to the store to attend, but which you may ORDER BY MAIL ANY DAY and thereby benefit by the unusual values offered. These special offerings are good for one week- only beginning Monday, September the 24th, and ending September the 29th at 9 p. m. No order postmarked later will be filled. We Prepay Delivery Charges on , Everything You Buy 'We Reserve the Right to Ship by Parcel Post, Express or Freight ABOUT INSURED MAIL You take no risk in buying by mail from us because we insure all packages sent by Par cel Post. Furthermore, if the purchase should not prove entirely satisfactory when you re ceive it return it and we will refund your money. . ABOUT SENDING MONEY ( Remittances may be made by Postoffice money order, Express money order or Bank Draft. If currency is sent the letter should be registered, lc and 2c stamps are accepted for small amounts. . . ABOUT RETURNING GOODS If you wish to return good, wrap them care fully, and please be sure to have your name and address written plainly on the wrapper. Your letter telling us about the goods which you are returning must be mailed separately, as it is against the postal laws to enclose a written letter in a package. ABOUT C. O. D. ORDERS Purchases may be forwarded C. 0. D. by Parcel Post, but we do not pre-pay the -charges on .these you pay the postage to gether with the C. . D. charges. On all C. 0. D. orders sent by Express a de posit of one-fourth the amount of the order muit be received which will bp deducted from the C. 0. D. bill and the balance will be collected by theExpress Co., including the charges for the return of the money. We dovnot prepay charges on C. 0. D. ship ments. It would be cheaper for you, and very much to your advantage, to send the money along with your order. You take no risk, for your money will be cheerfully refunded if you are not entirely satisfied with your pur chase. OUR LIBERAL GUARANTEE If you are not perfectly satisfied in every way with your purchase, return it and we will refund your' money no offer could be fairer or bspader. About Our x "Personal Service" Department Of course, we can't feature anywhere near all ofl the new merchandise or all of our special values each month, hence our "Personal Service" de partmentto enable you to secure anything you wish, from any 8ectionof this great store. Just toll us in yur own way exactly what you wish, being as definite as possible as to color, price, size, etc. We have trained expert shoppers who take your order and go from section to section personally selecting all of your wants. It is the business of this department to answer all your inquires and make shopping by mail a delight, as well as being able to have what you wish brought to your door. IMPORTANT! Read Before Mailing We want to give you prompt service and to do this we must have your help. Check over your order carefully before mailing to be sure that you have stated color, size and any other in formation necessary so as not to delay the filling of your orde . " ' . If you haven't n account with a, please do not send an order and ask us to "charge it" or "en. close the bill," fncloso the money to cover your" order or please say to send Parcel Tost C. 0. D. or ExpreskC. 0. D. Always sign your name the same way; if mar xied, use your husband's initials. Here Is A NEAR-FUR COAT Offered This Week $18.75 Which you cannot duplicate at a much higher price. And we, doubt if we will ever be able to offer coata of equal quality and style at the same price. No. 2302-DS The coat is made of baltz near-fur or caracule with large cape collar, belted effect, col lar and cuffs trimmed with fur plush; lined throughout with a splendid quality lining. A remark- apie viue tms week, $ift.75. Girls Dresses, 79c No. 12I-DS Dresses made of Anderson gingham or thambray, in pretty plaids, stripes and checks; trimmed in contrasting colors; long or short -sleeves, irom b to 14 years, 79c. Burgaaa-Naah l Co. Omaha. A SALE OF DRESS GOODS For this week only, beginningv Monday, September 24 to 29, inclusive. All-Wool Epirgler$1.50 1 No. 1058A very pretty small cord weave, in the prop er weight for one-piece dresses. The colors are navy, wisteria, brown, vtaupe, wine, dark green, resoda and Copenhagen, also black; 42 inches wide. This week, $1.50 a yard. ' All" Wool Storm Serge, $1.69 1 No. 1009 Especially favored for one-piece dresses and tailored suits, shades of navy, dark green, Copenhagen, wine, brown, gray, tan and black, $1.69 the yard. Wool Challie, 27 Inches Vide, 49c No. 1057 Cream ground with neat colored figures, dots and stripes, 25 different sjtyles, at 49 the yard. - Pretty Scotch Plaids, at 59c No. 10OT For children's dresses, wide range of selections, of ths wanted bright shades, 36 inches wide, 69c. ' Burrota-Nash Co. Omaha. Women's Flannelette Night Gowns No. 6221 W o m ns flannel-- ette gowns, whit. V neck, fin ished on ji eek and sleeves with fancy braid Speci a 1 this week, $1.00. Gowns, 75c No. 6410 W o m e n's gowns, neat strip es, square rt r h l tr li neck. Very special this wdek, 75e. Bur(.f4,h Co. Omaha. $1.00 Children's Coats and Bonnets thissaLe for one week only September 24 to 29, Inclusive Mail Your Order Today CHILDREN'S COATS, $3.98 No. 74)52 Children's corduroy coats with full belts, for afes 2 to 6 years, colors navy, green and" brown. Special this week, at $3.98. CHILDREN'S COATS, $5.00 No 7683 Children's ctiinchilla coats in gray only with plaid lin ing, ages 2. to 6 years, special at $5.00. CHILDREN'S VELVET BONNETS, $1.50 No. 116 Children's black velvet bonnets, with rose or Copenhagen shirred ribbon and ribbon bud trimming, special, at $1.50. INFANTS' POPLIN CAPS, $1.25 No. 4040 Infanta' white silk poplin cap, two half-inch folds finished with littje head to form turn in back, $1.25. naha. Burgeti-NMh Co. Omi Women's Union Suits Offered 7p( 5 N. 611 White cot ton, "lightly fleeced, ituck stitched, high neck, long Bloeves, ankle length; sizes 34 to 44; regular or extra sizes; subject to slight imperfec tions, but wonderful values at 75c. Union Suit, at 75c For boys and girls, cotton, fleccc-lined, open or closed seats No. 1203 Boys' Htyle, in gray, with open scat. No. 1246Girls' style, in cream, with drop seats; ages to 12 years, at 75c. , Buifesa-Naih Co. Omaha. mm 111 Women's, Wool Sweaters $5.00 No. 1336 Women's wool sweaters, made with full belt,' shawl collar and pockets. The colors arc brown, green, Copenhagen and red, also white. Very special this week, at $5.00. r Misses' Sweaters, $3.98 No. 203 Misses' wool sweaters, straight coat s t y 1 e with pockets and Byron collars. The colors are brown, red and Copen hagen. Sizes 32, 34 and 86. Special this week, at $3.98 Child.' Sweaters, $2.50 No. 2756 Wool sweat ers, Norfolk style, full belt, for ages 2, 4 and 6 years. Colors are: brown, red and rose. Special this week, at $2.50. Biirts-Naih ) ' Co. Omh. Women's Musjin Night Gowns $1.00 No. 10 Wo men's "V neck night gowns, made of good quality muslin with rows of embroidery in sertions and tucks to form the yoke, spe cial this week, at $1.00. Batiste Bloomers, 50c No. 42712 Good quality, jn pink, with scalloped, edges, at 50c. Burgtss-Nash Co. Omaha. AM' Men's Union Suits $1.25 No. , 1412 Made of Maco yarn, ecru, color, heavy combed cotton, with closed crotch, as perfect fitting and well made as it is possible to produce, $1.25. . , Men's Domet Night Shirts, $1.25. No. 0125 Faultless brand, extra long "and full cut havy weight, opting flannel all good pattevnsat $1.25. Men's Sweater Coats, $1.45.' No. 012 Just thhig these cool mornings. Heavy cotton, dark heather mixed and gray, two pockets, shawl collars, this week, at $1.45. v Men's Hay Hose at 15c No. 07 Men's seamless halfyiose, all good colors, also . black. This week, special, at lc.N BurfcocNai Co. Omaha. How to Order Garments V 1? When ordering auiti. coata, dreases or cloth skirt, write down the order number, size, color, description and prices, apd, in addition, mention the following measurements. AD... MiA.a r" lne "I18 measure entirely r-DUSt measure around the bust over the fullest part in front and well up on the aljoulder blade in back. D -!.. U...,. Measura entirely around amall- D W AlSl measure est part of the wafst over your skirt. C Front of Skirt iraistband down lower aide of waistband down to foot of skirt. SPECIAL NOTICE -AH garment in this sale being of atandard measurement, it will not be possible to fill orders on measnrements out of regular proportion. , To Order Shoes It Is necessary to state both size and width or else give us measurements oT the. loot, taking the inch measurements at ankle, heel, instep and ball of footas in diagram, or an outline of thestockiigea lo on paper, secured by drawing around it with a pencil. 1 : L-rA anioz Women's Shoes for Fall A Wonderful Range of Selections - No. 10 Gray kid vamp cloth tops to match, leather Louis heels, at $6.50 pair. No. 11 Ivory kid vampTl cloth top to match, leather Louis heels, tit $6.50 a pair. , No. 12 Black kid vamp with gray cloth top with . tip leather Louis heels, at $6.50- a pair. No. 802 Black kid vamp tan bucl top, perforated vamp. Same with brown kid vamp, at $4.95 a pair. No. 15 Black kid vamp, cloth top, button and lace, comfortable, good looking shoes, at $4.95 a pair. Children's and Misses' Shoes NV,1222-rChlld's and misses' high cut button and lace, patent colt and gun metal, 8 12 to 11, at $3.45; 11 to 2, at $3.85. Boys' Shoes for Fall No. 3459 Boy' gun metal calf skin but ton shoes, solid leather soles and heels, splen did wearing shoe, sizes 9 to 13, $2.45; sizes 1 to 6, $2.69. ourgt-Nasi to. Omaha, The "STANDARD" Rotary Seeing Machines For which we are sole agents is recognized as the most perfectly constructed machine made. It is in reality Two Ma chine in One, sewing either lock or chain stitch, silent running, fast sewing and guaranteed for life. Satisfactory terms can be arranged and fair allowance maflf for your old machine. Writ) for illustrated bookltt. Buraeyi-Ninh Co. Omaha. Housefurnishing Specials . Oil Heaters at $4.50 No. H24-2 Perfection Oil Heaters, new 1917 model, smokeless,. odorless, sale price, Silk Petticoats $5.00 No. 7144 Tafetta silk petti coats, made with shirred flounce with fVo ruffles, all neV shades, also changeable effects, at $5.00. Petticoats $5.00 N. UZfi Jersey top taffeta silk petticoats, new shades, special at $5.00. ' Burf ess-Naah C- Omaha. House Dresses $1.75 No. 3443S Mina Taylor house dresses of light percale, with round collar, full belt, pockets piped with blue, all sizes, at $1.75. ' House Dresses $1.75 No.( 34425 House drcsse of fancy plaid, skirt gathered in baelc, full belt, fancy pockets, all Bizes, at 11.75. Bureil-Nah Co. Omaha. $4.50. Big Wonder Mop Outfit, $1 Not H24-1 Big Wonder mop outfit, consisting of: 1 triangle-shape oil mop 1 triangle-shape dust mop. , 1 bottle cedar oil polish. 1 dustless dust cloth. v 2 polished handles. The complete outfit, $1.00. 9-Piece Caserole Sets, 69c No. H30-1 Casserole set of brown earthen ware, white lind. Set consists of 1 covered casserole, 1 puddipg dish, 1 bake dish,' 6 in dividual custards. The complete set, 69c. Burgeas-Nash Co. Omaha. v OMAHA f everybody! store" mm. NEBRASKA The CORSET Is the Foundation t v 0 ... n 5Pw? or 1 our ami or uress tye specially 'recommend the Nemo corset No. 3U lowbust, or No. 312 me dium bust corset with long skirt, double boned, stylish and comfortable,- sizes 22 to 36, at $3,-00. Corsets at $1.00 No. 99-BN A special model for tjie average and slender figures, mad of pink batiste with elastic top, long skirt, wet! boned, sizel9 to 28, at $1.00. Burgass-Naah Co. Omsba. 11;.: