Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 20
8 B THE ' OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1917 asaes i 9 nimiama. PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES crS iliiiniiiinitiiiiiiiinitiininiiifiiniiMiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti' i en n iinn a ti I HUUUIIUHII Col. 2841 1 Today GAIL KANE in T "Souls in Pawn" 1 I Wed. George WaUh f in "Some Boy" lilinmii!i!irtlittwntliili;ii:i!ininjtfiiniiniiiniiil DUNDEE uJ.2 NO SHOW TODAY , MONDAY ALMA TAYLOR ;V -'.- la "IRIS" Friday Only Douglas Fairbanks ,.- "DouMelTrouWe" ALIIAMBRA 24th and Parkr Today DOROTHY DALTON in "FLAME OF THE YUKON." The picture that stirred Omaha. Extra Added Attraction BILLY WEST la a machine-fan explosion of rapid-fire laugh that hit the runny ben every time. "THE IIEflO" Te Iom breakfast U bad nuff, but to Iom out aa thl laff-riet U to starve your aalf from a rich feast of comedy da luxe with giggl dessert. Don't Farf at Today Only Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for Omaha This Week fj Sunday Monday- Tuesday s h , and Wednesday Sept. 23, 24, 23 and 26 MAE 1 MARSH I in p The Classic of I H the White Tops ! "POLLY of : i he CIRCUS I By Edna Mayo , I THURSDAY, FRIDAY ANC S SATURDAY S George r,l. Cohan Himself : ky- I . , In ' "SEVEfl KEYS TO BALDPATE" 5 (CTVi 3x fvn (Admission 10 Cants) , Today and Monday HERBERT RAWLINSON RUTH CLIFFORD in "FLIRTING WITH DEATH" Tuesday and Wednesday ALICE JOYCE HARRY MOREY In "RICHARD THE BRAZEN" Thursday Only ANTONIO MORENO in "A" SON OF THE HILLS" No. 11, "THE GRAY GHOST" Friday and Saturday . BEN WILSON NEVA CERBER in "THE SPINDLE OF LIFE" w -aa. s v, ..A ... .. -f.'.'-.-i Kir Empress f r v;y T ! laiHaiaaBBBBaBBBf aBBBMBaaBBaHBH BH ajjaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaV HatdJ lotkwooJJkrmtTtlMitia .llary Pick ford feoWahh fltty Ai-buihlcifliry PickfotJ (eutott) w (LOTHtory (Boulivakd) ; (svbuhban) (apollo) (.rohlhf) i9i7s Current Week Haaa "Th Tan of Diamond!," with Dor othy Dalton, "Idolatara," with Louin Qlaum. and "Babbling Toncuei," with an all-atar east, ara tha throa . axtraordlnary photoplays at th Musa thla week. Today and Monday "Th Ten of Diamonds" will ba tha attraction. A woman' Ufa la often radically changed by a change of compan ionship and environment and on Mils' fact thla story Is built. "Idolaters" will ba aereen. Telephone Harney 1804 APOLLO ' 26th and Learenworth Today at 2, )45, S.30, 7il8, 'f Special Double Bill ANTONIO MORENO MARY ANDERSON in "BY RIGHT , OF POSSESSION" And the Champion Laff-Cettar ROSCOE (FATTY) ARBUCKLE In "HIS WEDDING NIGHT" enMBBjBBBBaBBBBneateajMBWBBB Monoay FANNIE WARD Tuesday VIVIAN MARTIN Wednesday JACK PICKFORD , LOUISE HUFF Thursday GEORGE BEBAN Frl BABY MARIE OSBORNE in "TEARS AND SMILES" Saturday JUNE ELVIDGE 24th and Fort Sts. ALAMO Today J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "THE RIGHT MAN" -Lyons and Moran in Comedy. No. 8 "THE GRAY GHOST" MUTT AND JEFF and CHRISTIE Comedies CONSOLIDATED FILM 106 So. 14th St. Tyler 953. LOTHROPJ TODAY MARC MAC DERMOTT MILDRED MANNING, in "MARY JANE'S PA" Monday Clara Kimball Young Peep Into Photoplays Coming Soon Jane Caprice George Walsh Vivlnn Martin Pauline Frederick...... Cbarlee Kent Henry King Constance Tahnadge. . . Franklyn Farnum.... .. All Star Cast Alma Ruebras Bryant Waahbnrn...... Henry B. Walthal. . . . . , Frederick Wards.... William Duncan Clara Kimball Young Ann Murdock Margarita Fischer . . . . . .to "Mis T. 8. A. . . ' Foi .in Tnl Is tb Life"..... ...Fo .In "Molly Shawn".. Paramount .to "Her Doable Crone" Paramount .in "The Duplicity oMargraTea" General .to "The Climber" Grnmil .In "BcandaU" Helmlek .to "Th Maverick" Bluebird .to "Rasputin, Tb Black Monk" World .In "The Firefly of Tough Lock".. Triangle .to "Sklnner'a Bubble" K. E. 8. E .In "The Saint's Adventure" w... .K. E. 8. K. .In "Under False Color".... Paths .to "Deadshot Baker" Vltagraph .to "The Marionette"..... 8peial .In "Th Beautiful Adventure" Mntiml "Th Miracle of Life" Mutual ed on Tuesday and Wednesday. The story tells of two girls who leave Chicago for New York on an equal footing both detrml"d to have their names emblazoned on Broadway m electric lights. Thursday,, Friday and Saturday a super photoplay on modern so ciety "Babbling Tongues" with Grace Val entine and James Morrison In a cast that THEATER BEAUTIFUL GRAND ' . Today LITTLE MADGE EVANS THE LITTLfe DUCHESS Thursday DUSTIN FARNUM in ? . . -i 'Durand of the Bad Lands' has been chosen for each part. In this photoplay a happy home is seen broken up. UlUlun IB tUinilUlLVU, TU1IT IB OrOUgm i upon many inrougn me gossip 01 two people i Sun Today and Monday patrons of the Sun will see Gall Kane In "The Bride's SUencs," an out-of-the-ordlnary story that is a real mystery. The operation of an tha third degree methods of the pbllc are graphically ahown. Tuesday and Wednesday weepin$ theeountm lima mfrtwmdwmmim ilolS mm mm NSmH&iB.WARMER OLAND i r a: 7;.' ft! H I i. "i ! t A RE you interested in compari T sons? Every person is. Here is one that is significant, "The Iron Claw" has held the record as the most successful serial. Up to (date "THE FATAL RING" is a better box .office attraction than "The Iron Claw." "THE FATAL RING" stands at the head of the list, over shadowing all other serials. Al most everyone is following this thrilling, absorbing motion pic ture drama, in, which Pearl White and Warner Oland are repeat ing ; their . former great succes ses. You can't afford to miss it ' Read the story in the ' Omaha Sunday Bee See it tori the screen . At Best MotionPictureTIieatTes BOFJT MISS mm DOROTHY DALTOrJ AT THE ri uvu TODAY OR THE PATHE "TEH OF ninnnAnnovr EIIHsVeUtJUO ANOTHER "FLAME OF THE YOKOrj" "CUPID'S BIUAL" FEATHE.1 BDILLY .FUNNIEST MAN CN EARTH DILL BE HEBE TOO Mme. Petrova appears la a rich colorful story of hlstorio Corsica. Mm. Petrova has tha part of a woman of mystery and in this story of love and vengenac aba baa a part that Is wall fitted to her foreign type ot beauty and acting. The Drews are on this program tn their latest little comedy "Music Hath Charms " "When False Ton gues Speak? a William Fox production, starring Virginia Pearson Is the, feature at traction for Thursday,. Friday and Satur- ..- Strand Two unusually - well known- play and players -hold forth at the: Strand this week, commencing today., when Mae Marsh will ba seen tn Edna Mayo's classic ot tha? whit top, "Polly of the Circus," for whicn Manager Thomaa baa provided - a ' special stage setting, as well aa musical program. Thla Is the first of tha Goldwyn features shown In Omaha, and la said to be nnsusuali ly entertaining. Interesting and novel Thursday till Saturday come the Yankee Doodle boy, George M. Cohan himself, In his great stag' success, "Seven Keys td Bald pate." Next week'a stars ara George Be ban In "Lost In Transit," and Mary Plckford In "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." Empress The feature photoplay to be pre sented at the Empress, theater for the first half of the week Is "An Alabaster Box," from the novel by Mary E. Wllktns Freeman, featuring Alice Joyce and Marc MacDermott The story la aualnt and convincing, telling of a woman's devotion to . uiiucr vviiuiuouB mti arouse suspi cion of curious villagers. And out ot that grow many Interesting and dramatic situa tions. It has been well staged and gives splendid opportunity for the stars and the company aupportlng them. Exposures -By KILOWATT-' TRIXIE FRIGANZA'S visit tb Belbog studio the other day recalled to . Moll ! McCannell, Balboa's grand dame, ag Incident that happened at her horai in . New York City ten years ago. Mist McConnell was . giving a chicken dinner to Marl Dressier and a few friends. Mis Frlganxa was Miss Dressier' guest and went along. . . She had 'never met . Miss McCon nell, and arriving at the MeConneU apart ment Introduced herself: "I Just bad to have some of that chicken and her I am, frixla Frigansa in person. . Throw me out or, feed me-chicken." - Trlxie : was fedi After dinner Trlxie said to Miss Dressier: "Well, Marie, I've been , Imitating you for years, but you have me beaten at eating. 1 ean't Imitate you." . "No." answered Marie, ean't do this either," and th Dressier tucked her skirts tightly between her knees and turned six wagon wheel around the room. Did Trlxie imitate herf She didn't. ' Hipp A good comedy drama, featuring Herbert Rawllnson and Ruth Clifford Flirting with Death," will be the. photo play offering at this theater today and Monday. It Is a Bluebird production and tell a delightful story of the circus, and particularly of two "slackers," who were finally arrested. Tuesday and Wednesday win be see Alice Joyce and Harry Mojey In a Greater Vltagraph production "Richard tha Brazen." Thursday, Antonio Moreno In "A Son of the Hi! is," and the eleventh chapter of "The Gray Ghost," featuring Eddy Polo and Prlseilla Dean. Friday and Saturday ia Butterfly day, with Ben Wilson and Nv florhor In "Tha 8nln.1T nt I If. " Th scene are laid in a beautiful country, and the story is one that Is promised to hold the ' attention throughout. Boulevard "The Clodhopper," starring Charles Ray, will be here today. It shows this star in the role of a country yap, who goes to the city and makes good. A two- reel Kevstone scream is also on the bill, "Her Circus Knight," which stars Ora Carew, Monday Gail .Kane In 'Souls in Pawn." Tuesday, Mary Plckford in "The Pride of the Clan." Wednesday, Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne In a Metro play. "In th Diplomatic Service." Thurs day, Marie Osborne in "Captain Klddoo." Friday. Wllllam'Desmond In "The Paw of the Bear." Saturday, Enid Bennett In "Happiness." -. Apollo Two well worth while productions will be shown here today. Antonio Mereno and Mrtv Anderson will be seen in "By Right Of Possession," a comedy drama with scenes laid In the far west. Fatty Roscoe Arbuckle will disport In his latest offering hl,t-tomcv ()Jot-Ht Hgl.a&u etaolntaoln "His Wedding Night." Jack Plckford ana Vivian Martin Tuesday In "What Money Can't Buy." Friday, Baby Marie Osborne in "Tear and Smiles." I Grand A picture that should please ts ' Th Little Duchess," the attraction here today, featuring tittle Madge Evan. A good comedy will also be on the bill. Monday Gladya Hulette In "Pots and Pans Peggy.' human story with many comedy touches. Alhambra A big double show wilt be pre sented here today. Dorothy Dalton will be shown In the Triangle play, "The Flam of th Yukon." the setting of which is In Alas ka, country of romance and thrills. Then for the comedy portion wilt ba Billy West, who make hi Initial debut at this theater In "Th Hero." It is made for laughing mir poses only. Monday William Desmond In "Tlma Locks and Diamonds." Suburban -A play based on an Interna tional spy system will be th chotODlav at. tracttop here today. It is "Souls in Pawn," atarrtng Gall Kane. The locale Is In Fhum and Is laid just before the outbreak ot the To-Day Monday G A I L KANE in The Bride's Silence CHRISTIE OMEDY News Weekly. TUESDAY Mme. Petrova Reports show that at every theater where the William Fox play. "Th Spy," i shown which stars' Dustln Farnum.' that there Js always a-large -percentage of soldiers In' the audience. , The motion picture revelation of German secret service method appeals especially, to the men in uniform. The Vltagraph .company denies .the rumor that "The Fighting Trail," their new serial starring WUllarii Duncan and Carol Hallo way, will be extended from fifteen to twenty episodes, as they have already started on a new serial with these same two players. On September 14 Helen Holme visited the ' state fair at Sacramento, ' It being Helen Holmes day, and the daring young actress received a great reception. Director J. P. McGowen staged a terrific wreck be- . ... ...I... amt - the scene. The party autoed over from Merced, where scenes are being taken for "The Lost Express." e ' t Herbert Rawllnson la acting tn hit fourth big starring vehicle, "All In a Row." The present feature, 'The Flash of Fate," Is a strong melodramatic offering with powerful . acting, and few of th lighter touches generally associated ' with this young actor's work.. The other day a stranger asked -him what he done for a liv ing. "Work," said Herbert. "They're either good or rotten." Thafi the way a certain director grades 'the mo tion picture actor body. This same direc tor used to be an actor once, and ha ought to know. He also formerly waa a eott6n buyer and he says: Cotton 1 graded a ordinary, good ordinary, . low middling, middling, good middling, middling fair. In my opinion movie actors ought - to be graded like cotton, but tha public . has graded them good or rotten and I suppose that'll have to stand." - "How should di rectors be graded?" inquired the tan-eared boob. 1 The King Bee Film company. wheh hat heretofore confined itself to the making of two-reel comedies starring Billy West, is making ready for the production ef a five reel with West, base on the story of King Solomon. It Is also reported , that he has written the book, lyrics and music of : a nn.tMi rnnYedv. "Well I'll Be Darned," de scribed la three knits. . m Mi-.i-. iur rtVt Inpfl the forth coming world's series base ball games, will figure prominently in a 01 iu reported under way, with the crucial point . ... i.... ,M nt Yim m.ln Incidents of the gam to b. the maker planning to put one 'of the.Olar.ta under, contract. He will be expected to Bo-something sensational either at bat or in th-'field. 'There -la talk that Bennle Kauri will oe cnosen. present .world war. Special attention-Is called to the attraction omea iu, -, George Walsh in . "Some Boy." . a . ni.v thftt Hhould. soneal esne- dally to women is "Her Excellency Th; Governor," offeree nere loaay .-wim nunm Lucas anj Alda Miller as ine aiars. nmow Anns jnju ,11 u ..--. .. -, m - -day. George Walshr Wednesday, Bthel Bar- rymore ln""Tn can n ow i-eoprc. iuui--day,. Mary Plckford In "Th Little Amer. lean?" Friday. Louis Glaum: Saturday. Gladys Hulette In "Pots and Pans Peggy, with th ewventn cnapier 01 :tm Ring." . x A " will h. nn hAW at this theater today Monday a cra .version of -1,1." : ,h. .tnrv hv . Arthur '- Plneroby th Path company, with Alma Taylorfor the atarV. Tuesday. Harold ; Lockwood and May Allison In "The Comeback ;" Friday, Douglas Fairbanks in "Louoie itoudib. t i, n-w.. !... P. " it.rrlnr Mare uouirur ' J - - , r . - - r.. a, mrA Amlnrsnn. will ba .l.LICt ll.V.. iiu ... ..... i - v.-. . ,r Yt fl a (Innttr Vita- graph attraction. Hearst-Pathe News and a Mutt and Jen comeay are on mo oui. day Is Clara Kimball Toung In a special production of "Th Easiest Way." . ' Alamo J. Warren Kerrigan 1 featured here today in , "The Right Man.". Eddy Lyons and Lee Moran will contribute one . of their comedies and Eddy Polo and Prls eilla Dean will be ahown ; In the eighth chapter of "Th Gray Ghost" Monday Neal Hart in "The . Empty Gun." Gal Hopry In ."Officer, -Call '.a: Cop".-; and th Interesting' Universal screen .Magazine. HEARST-PATHE NEWS Synopsis of Events, Covered in Hearst Pathe News, Released Today. - MLEVAtl H) Tel., Harney 4272 U : - "33l and Leayenworth. Today at 2:15, 4, 5:45, 7:30 and ?9 CHARLES RAY, in 'THE CLODHOPPER" And a Keystone "Laff -Getter" "HER CIRCUS KNIGHT" i, MONDAY' ' ; ; GAIL KANE, in "SOULS IN PAWN" TUESDAY ONLY MARY PICKFORD, in "The Pride of the Clan" WEDNESDAY FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN BEVERLY BAYNE, in "The Diplomatic Service" THURSDAY BABY MARIE OSBORNE in "CAPTAHf KIDDO" FRIDAY WILLIAM DESMOND; in 'The Paws of the Bear" SATURDAY ENID BENNETT, in "HAPPINESS" SACRAMENTO. CAL. The patriotism ef the & i i-ii .l. I Mnt of tht native sons of. California. BOSTON, MASS. PracticaKlessonsHn rail, road engineering are given to the cadet of th . 101st regiment on the- car llneg in this eitx ' - T " .-"- - : WASHINGTON, . D. C "Daring" is an s." sential requisite for the air service, and one applicant scales a tali building to provf h ha it. '-'"'".': ; DANNEMARIE. ALSACE Large quantities of toys, gifts of the children of Franc ts the children of Alsace, ar distributed among the HtUe 'folks. -. -ON THE FLANDERS FRONT The grea offensive continues. Miles of territory have been- regained and General Petain re- - views the victorious troops. PHILADELPHIA, PA. The members of the Japanese Imperial War Mission visit the city where the Independence of America -wa. dedicated. ' ' BOSTON, MASS. The , .ubmarines - built here for thChilean havy undergo their trial tett and are ready for duty in .Southern waters. v '. -' CAMP MILLS, L. I.--The eyi th. natior ROHLFF 2S59 . ; Leaven- -worth ' ; TODAY - i- WILFRED LUCAS 'HER EXCELLENCY,; : "THE GOVERNOR" Mon. EDNA MAYO "The Return of Eve" Tuev GEORGE WALSH 'THE BOOK AGENT"' .ITrf.11 Barrymore 'The Call of Her People" Thursday Only MARY PICKFORD "The UttU American Tri. LOUISE GLAUM' , "A Strange Transgretsor ' Sat GLADYS HULETTE "Pot and Pan' Peggy" No. 11 'The Fatal Ring"