Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 14

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. .WlT.ilWl.K. mil
lummy Tii " -- " - -
'! rV ' '' it
(donflnrf frdra One.)
lorV'-of music af Rrfd OaX.IaV: Offer
ther Omahan, Ernest Cateron, is in
' rluded in the sextet which makes up
:he musical act, in which these two
vounc people will make their debut
jn the Keith circuit. Ralph Dunbtff"
) Chicago will coach them.
The engagement of Miss Jv&ns
Mercedes Dietrich, daughter of jtfr.
5. E. Dietrich, to Mr. Hafry- p.- He
Srathv was announced- Wednesday
irening by her cousin", tiM Helen
A. Edm&nds. Cupid heart floVeltftfs
ind red geraniums, weTi" wWdl ii aVcex
rations. . Sixteen gtfe's'fi wei1 IpteS-f
int. Many social functforii aVe" plaff
ned to precede tM we"dfiiV, wnicll
will lake place the Isrtfef f if t 6 Ofr
Social. Gossip.
. Mr. and Mrs. Gicif WKsf6nV iff.
and Mrs. Ward Burges ifii Mf. tndf
. ' Mrs,. 5am Megeath of NiW YOTil City
. " are spending the week end fogetnf ft
Yama Farm Inn. near Kingston". Sf.-Y.
Fred Hamilton, J.j T. Stewirf, 2jj
Sam Burns. King Denman and Wi T
' ( ' Burns leave today for Wyonfinf if i
two or three weeks' hunting tii
Mr.-and Mrs. W. J. Conncll lftf
Mrs. E, A. Crcighton and chifarert
will return from Atlantic City the ind
of the week. .
Mrs.' rffftry Meyer returned Morf
4 ' day from visiting hef daugfiferV Mf.
. Robert FlockTiart and RV. Roo-
- crt FJockhart Mn Cincinnati Mr,
Mrver i at th rifnnit
Mr. irA Uti. E. 9. Rr36rl fetorne'd
Wednesday t their fer?!H In South
Dako? t rema n tmm iNdVembcf.
i Colrtficf M mi. Thorrta'i Sw&be
have mofM ttm Berkeley, GaL Id
the Vliit m Saft Frirtcfled .
- Mis KalMrirte MeCormiek is at
Edgewtfoa- Infij., Gffe'ntch, Conn.
and her i?sfrf, Mr, W. A, C Joftri
5 son, plan to met! Ut W N. Ydrfc
about fti first of Oct6bf.
w Mis lUm Ferc, whdi M leM
. yisitinl fA Ne York fin h Ati
k ot August, will fcfobablf fefriairt
Uicf lor ih wlrifef Id rfinmi kef
study 6f rnujic, whicfi hi been infer
rupted lot Iwd eaM By ierlout Irdil
'ble wifh hit tUtis 1
. Mrs.' E. Wikele? fefl f ifaf ' idt
Springfield. O., 16 fptrid lh wihte
t' with hit diu$Mef, Mf. t, fe. Crifn,
and Mr. Crairt, , ,
1 Mrs. RIchaM Cirfjef, wh5 fia Mert
', at the hom it htt lee, mi. F6f
rest Richardson mbt bt the suhimef,
' ' is now at the Cdlonlil fdr the wifltef,
, .- J. T. Stewirt, 2d, hii HMit4 frftrrt
the east, -where he JJut nil tart, Dicfc,
in scho6l It Btf ?' at Cdftcdtd,
:.,N. H,
M. C. Peters and his ion, Clar'
ettee" and Doagtas,. r: spendiitg! file
vrtSelc ort i ranch neir Cody hunting
and Will return today.' The two boys
Wave' Mjfiday: Clarence' for Yale and
Douglas for Cbrfiell. , .
Mrs Miriam Patterson' Boyce has
gone to Des Avoine to visit L,teuten
artt arid Mrs. Frederick Hubbell, after
vhicit. sheWill visit iri' Chicago for
few days.
Katharine Goodwin,, daughter i
Mr, and Mrs. John C. Goodwin
Newcastle. ' Ind... and" ffranddaueht
of Mr. and Mr F; tf; Kerinard, has
beert seriously' ill at Kef Hdrtttf from
an tppehfjicitis opetatioa. .
fames'- McMulletil the? oit of Dr.
and Mr. J. J. MMullt, is seridusly
ill- wim lypnoia icvpt at ins jiuwc.
: Ak-Sar-Ben Visilbts
Miss Laura Hilliard corrtef from
Pittsburgh Octobef t to visit Mils
-Virginia Offutt and Mis -Fraheel
- Hibbard comes from Yonkers, N. Y-
;o De wirn aiiss nazei up
' Cerofittion ballot which botM Host
- ;sses wn em as special maldsThe
first two ybuh wcrhrt itlnd!d Mils
bpence l in Nw York and th latter
were claslfhatei at Bennetl ichool,
Mi I jiii! Td!i Af n V,lk tu
, Will crtrtie -tftalrf lib ' hi With Ml J
Helen Clarke irid Ml I Ctafa M bf
tisadjni is xpeefed to visit the Isaac
LohgdortJ. Both these young womet
tlate tlMd ai 6Ut-6f-t6wn maids o
the court it nrtvlbu KtlU.
, Arhdrlfr dthtti visits ktready
fclrried to iefVl it the ball All Miss
Blanche Burke of r&rthtnd, Ore. whd
s vilitin Mf.knfi Mfs, John A. Mt.
hint! Mill Ltifritfci Af Thl
sgOiMDIIl hi t ttuest f MftMj
r.WrII..M;Cotd Miss Kithehinl
tUtti of .Philadelohla formeflV r,f
ha, fbd. will Jioni With hf
hen Mrh I. F.. Riiini A ttw 4l
. 1 . . " " J V
v v w tut, WBMi lily call miu
. pftQthy Luke, Tarrytowh.N, Y wftd
WH M estl 6f tfi C M. Wilheltfil
Miss" ffarrief Waltersl retuf tie" tSofr
day. to school at 3Cen!if Hall, Keno
Tfte Miss f fizafietlf aflf trgiHi
Barfce will rmairf at home? tin wirt
Mr" bnttttd of g6n to thtf Bishop'i
school at La Jolla, La!., as pianneTl.
Miss Vfrnell- Hat left Wednestfa
tit Chielnro ttf spend a f" day wit'
school frierrld 6ti tiff jeturrt 46
ichoal at RdseTnafy Kail, Greenwrchi
Uti. Jofstt It. DBUghei'ty irid Wiss
CIarr Daugliert expect to leave to
day tot New York- if thffjattef is
well enough to travel. Mis Baugh-
trty expects to ntrMiss Spnce
cho6t, but Ha been" confined to the
House for sfvera! day with t col.
Uti. C. C. Allison h expected home
folt or Monday from the .east,
where she cJompanied hef son
Charles', and nedhew", Edward Daugh
erty, to- Andovir, stopping in New
York i wek of so ort th way.
Mr. H. S. Clarkl, with her daugh
tef Louise, and son. John, left Mon
dy; for Michigan to visit Mr. Clarke's
fafne"r fof fev days on their way
eastwhere Mis Louise ertters Miss
Soence' ichool in New York and
John enters the Hill school at Pott'
tdwn, Pa, . . . .." d .
Miss Elizabeth Bertsch left last
week fof CrttA wher her many bish
scho6l credits admit hit to the sopho
rrt6r year t Doafie tfollege'. j, -;
Willdrd Miliara leave Mdftdiy to
tfttrft t the Tom ichridl it Pott
mpMt.M, M '
... - . . a .
Artice Carter left last evertin for
Net York City wher they will matte
I Short Visit httdtt ehferin? ichool
it Moiirit Id semirtar? in Bofort'
Mlsi Ddrofhf Kipfingef left fart
wefc tot St., Mary!,, Notre Dame,
sf6pointf enrbnte in chicaao fof i few
day, Miss Willow O'Briert alsd at
tends this school.
, Mis! Matt B!oorrt leave tonight
fof Afirl Arbor Id enter her inn of
ytaf at the Vnlvtriity ef Michigan.
H th Blamtofie diifliltt thtif sta
mi$i Hiei Riein fit HastiHg
t inn. Mis rjllel Ffink of Niwmin
- ur.ov,,neb. ;
UtV AlbeA Franlt Af fiiA Prih
Hit m irrivi td visit het diuhtef,
Mr!. -Ejdnn Branded during the
AK-Slr-Befl festivities.
. -Uhi lister, YUt. UU
Rouse of Baltimore, wai orte oi Ar
-.sar.Bth'i lovriiest oiieeni and Miss
. Kathlrml Wa . herself ' i fjueenl
pair at r3fie tif .th eotdnatldh balls
Mr.lndlir. BahfR nd tfttir QAuih
tef will (la at tha RUktAn
Milt . iUrintU lTAlKtl. ikf VT.U.
fbfkL.whd ,fi WitKMr. CB. rUi
in, Miss Alma Baldwin hi Ne Of
leans,. Misl,, Leonl Oberfelder .tnd
m Rideliff bf IBklneyj Misi
Miss A
i if l m.
.WP'f ?x tH'xint$rt' Miss
Fflhctl Gbpdejt of Lfldi, 111., Who
Wtl M flth Mis! .lni Cornell,
Mf. iftd .Mfs. Joseph Gint efBett
tie, who win .visit Colonel Ifid Mts,
. . Mmu m imoBg the flthSr guests,
. th ladlei of which iist will El attend
. 4t it thl totift t
" Mrl. Nbrmah Mik ot Buftilft,
.ijiitk her diiiRhteh Mill Harriet
Wifk, and Mis;Mifgery Ellin f
-' Buffalo, went Jhe , mt wtek-ltid
here with. Mr. Chkrlei Mtl itid le
.. companied the latter And Misi Gtfi
UudevMtt Meta tinch at
Mrs. Philip Mete Norman Mack Is
. jJtei to frive soon 16 enoyrth
, rmntinf tor weeK or ioneiore they
r III return td Orhahi fof Ak-SaKBen.
Full Dresi Suits
F6f th
ftttw hum II t si
Varf tatfct t.Bt ,fl i f 6
fal. Evkhiiti tlian t taaufc.
ikrl J t your
; lilt Ktttlk! b.for ' ,
, , ! ft" ; . Htlk. ati ft. - , K , .
. U.t ka D)u hit, .
What Society Kai In Prospect
The Dundee Bridae-Luncheoft etuB.
which ha! iiveh fan the card fstfca in
favor of knitting fof ouf soldier! ddf-
iflf the war will meet Monday, Oc
tober 1, with Mi!! Isabel Milrcy.
Omaha wbmerl feolferl Witt hold
their last mdrtthly tdnrnafhertt Mon-
qay morning on the Miller park
coutie, ifrer which they wilt havl
uhehe6fl kt. the Prettiest Mile chib.
On Friday at 1 o'clock the Omaha
Womati's Golf association will tlrrt
officer! it the Field club, after which
lhwmefi will enjoy, another foil
garhei -. y . . .
Two bridge parties tre planned thle
we for Mis! Marie" Woodard. whose
marriage to Mr. Kremer Bain takes
lae next month. Mr!, Charles D.
Beaton wilt entertain informally
Thesday ifid Mr!, J, Frank Coad,-jr.
givei i bridg! .party Wednesday, f J
Mis! Mary Colt will give a dancing
fiarty for all the children of her
etasse! October? It Tarpin't leadlmy
Kii9u cinnj nener win giva a Knii'
ting party Friday at her homf .
Mrs. N. R. Bryson of South fiiit
will entertain at Jurtcheon Wednes
day t sSeyW6ur Lake C6Uhtfy club, i
.Siidttish Rite Womarf'l tltiB .Willi
live a luncheon it the Prettiest Mile ,
ci aeiegaica 10 ine national Aiasonic
Kenet esidcjation fdnventioft,
Mtl. Le! Muff Will give runch46n
it her.htiwe Tutidiy tri.hondf 61
MU! Nell Hlynes -of lSprlhgfield.
ue$t of Mrs. A. M.,Longwell, j.Mrl.
1. H. Conint and Mrl. wVm Giller
iri filinnirii parties for the end 6f
the wiek Mrs. Chiriei Poucher tftd
Ml!! Ctafi Thomai-gaVI lurtthedti!
fdf her Ust week. r '
A fihi XI Delta Alutrlhii 4!s6c i-
Hon will meet Thurida evening with
Miss Delia Kich. tw Florence boule-
vird, . - -
. Comrhenctiit wedneiniy, Oetobtr
17. the Elks' Formal Dancinir club
Will give dancing ftiHifi lit thl club
rooms every two weeks, The Elk!
in charge ire Charles Ei Reese, thiln
mlA) T. T. Brnnner, leeritafy-treil-
urert En H. wira. Dh u A. Der-
tribdy, Ben Li Brdn, Albert J, SIsfeK,
wr. -a. Wk utrsimoni, uttd Nieison,
"- , lrri I,,, ' r . (,T tW UtfUlt -.- - ..-n.w-..-j
r 1 s
Two Attractive Brides of October
llcyn Photo.
x . 1 j ( rt
koilund Photo.
Paul A. Themanson, W. it Platner.
ur. urant W. William, Oscar G.
Homann, W. H. Ddrrance, W. H,
Baumer. Henrv PL Kruarer. Oti
Smith, Lee Huff ind Dr. O. D, Ship
nera. '
Masque af Seymoaf tak.
Seymdur Lake Countr- elub mem
br! and friends enjoyed the annual
costum party Friday. ChsVmifig la
die! itid pirates bold whirled away in
the dreamy wait, while Indian brave!
looked ;6n with !eming disgust is
thd ola colored tnammy crooned a
ulfaiy td her hofiey ehiljj.
Mfs. fohn tlrirtfl ind rtn
daughter, Mis! Marguerite UrSon, ap-
J eared in the ballroom costumed is
apaneie ladie!. Intimate friends
wire guzzled to know which wai
mother i;M which wa! daughter.
though they wrjre no masks.
A costume part is never du te com
plete without its colonial characters.
Mesdames T. L Comb. O. H. Perr
ind C. I. Vollmer interpreted thts
period irt I graceful manner.
Mr! George - Mickel and Mri.
Ienry Co, as rvmnasiurn kiddie.
were followed by admiring eyei.
Mf. ind Mri. George Franeii en
tertained if dinner Friday evenifl.
complirnentary to Mri. Emory Stan
e of Coronado. Cal. Mrs. Startler is
Ort hef Way eist to join her husband,
irt. officer or) the United States ship
rueoio, which i! oni of the fleet of
fdur veiseli South America
recently Ort official business. Mr.
Stanley hopes to land on the eilt
coast in the near future.
Spanish dattciiiff firls weri DOr
traved bv Mrs. W. R. Overmire and
Mri. Ben Roth. Mr. William Berry,
prominent clubwomen, made a itiD
itantial looking iouthern colored
mammy and a large doll served the
purpose of a well-behaved white child,
Mrs. Julius Lyon was the little school
girl with skipping rope and sliti.
The character of the kaisef Wi!
most conspicuous by his absence. Jf
former years German military Offl
ettg, etc., added td the variety of coi
turtle, but the nearest approach td
invthing of the kind this vear wii
couple of little Holland vgirls with
laced bodice and wooden shoes.
Among thdi entertaining parties
were lit. iftd Mr. Tv L. Combs, who
Make Your Old ;
Clpthes Last tpnger
. by having them thbrotigbly cleaned, pressed
and repaired. .
Only a small percentage of the people
: realize the value the up-to-date cleaning
establishment i3 in the Conservation of cloth-
ing. " ' -
; . Garments sent id ni occasionally will
vjast at least a Half longer, and you will al
ways apfie&r neat and well dressed,
The added wear more than offsets the
cleaning charge.
Sena your winter suits, overcoats,
dresses,- jackets, etc., now before cold
weather arrives. v
f;.; t6 ti f eday Ue the PKone.
The Pantoriutn
v 1513-lSlt Jwii StPkoiii Donglai Hi
' ' : ' Branch Offletv-2018 Farnam Street.
South Sid4?da South 24th St.-fhon Seutll lldS.
K N. B. Ak-Sar-Bon Fall jubilee : Sept. 26th to Oct. 6th. Ont-or1.
town customer Bring your Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing with
', you and we will do the work while you enjoy the carnival.
I mmwmmmmwmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBemmmmmmammm
had twenty-five guests: John Urion,
ten guests; Mr. and Mri. Kenneth
Phillips, six; Mrs. George Mickel,
five; . Mr. tad Mrs. Grant Parsons,
ten, and Roy H. Dennis, six.
Mesdames R. E, Schindel, N. R.
Brysoa and Claud Orchard hare ts
tned invitations fof a luncheon next
Wednesday, when they will have
eighty gneiti.
Reservations are now being made
for the annual harvest home dinner,
which will be given Friday eveninc.
This will be the closing party of the
season. . .
Misses Geraldin Johnson : and
Gertrude Donovan are spending the
week-end with Lincoln friends.
Events el the Day.
'Mri. Byron W. Hart and Mre. 1 T.
Helgren give i large bridge-luncheon
at the Blackstone, honoring Miss
Miade Dennii of Billings, Mont, a
iisier of Mre. Helgren, and Mrs. F. It
Hilsteid, who leaves Omaha soon to
make her home in Kansas City.
Daltiei ind flag! were used in the
decoritiofii. Coveri were placed for
twentyiix. . ;
Rke-Kelly Wedding. -X-...
. Mli Mirie Kiily, daughter of Mri.
Miry; Kelly, ind Mr. Jeramlih Rice,
both of the South Side, were' quietly
mirrled at St. Mars church Tues
day morning tt i o'clock. ' The eere
mony wee performed By Rev. Father
Hallinait Before a few relative and
close friend. Mr. Roger Kelly
played the wedding march and Miss
Marceffa Noon iang the Ava Mari
during the ceremony. 1 'J
Tht lride was attended by her si
ter, Mis Agnes Kelly, and Mr. Mau
rice Diggena acted ii best man. '
The bride waa married in her trav
eling suit of dark btite.
After a short eastern honeymoon
they will be a? home on the South
Side. 1
Among the Visitor.
Mr. and MriLeott Callahan are
expected this week-end to spend a
week with hi mother. Mrs. T. C
Callahan. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan
were married at Okoboji last month
and are just returning from their
wedding trip to make their home in
Kan la City.
Mrs. H. M. Powell, who was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Keller for ten daya, left Tuesday for
Chicago to visit her aunt, Mrs. Os
born, before returning to Fort Mc
Dowell, Cat
, Mis M-try Wood,who wa visiting
Mf. and Utt. W. & Wood, has re
turned to her home in Chicago.
-Mis Nell iHavne of SorinefieW.
Mo ii visiting her lister, Mrs. A. M.
umgwerr. , -
sMr. and Mr. W. K: McCord ftvi
their mice, Mis! Mary McCord of
Denver, with them. Her brother,
George McCord, is at Fort Crook in
the field transportation service. He
and hia sister are tiie children of a
former Omaha girl, Miss Emma
CrandalL , ...
Mrs. Wayne Hemphill of Worland,
(Continued on Vf Three CtrtnmB One) Jf
Til. mat wowli lol.t th ufrnuous hail
r.'uciH If morely remoTin bsir quickly
i were all that st required of depilatory.
WfrHber i v se nur or qaenionaoi
depilatories the mult ia the smi ou only
emove hair from the itirface of the skin,
(rh:ch enusei it to grow out again cosjset
i . ....
uu aiuier.
The only common-sense way to remove
hair ts te attack, it under the skin. DeMiraole,
tike er'anal sanitary liquid, operates on this
prnei))e. It alone contains certain ingredient
whieh gire it the power to rob hair of it
sitaiity. It dee this by absorption.
. DeMlraele work equally well for remov
ing nh? from face, aeek, arms, under arm
or limb to prevent It from showing' through
eteeklnt. v
Inshit on the teniine DeMiracle. it is the
only depilatory that as a money-back guar
antee fM oaeb package. Ia SOe. $1 and it
bottles at ail toilet counter or direct from
ia plaia wrapoer receipt of price.
FREB booklet maned ia plain seated en.
veiepo- an rootM. Write fdr it today and
read it before ym make another application
of any depilatory. DfMirael Chemical Co,
Dept e. Park Ave. and 12tb 81, Now York.
Night and Day
1603 Leavenworth Street
- I Douglas 9513
i it ema La t TM OfMtBlllty of . tht EtcrtriMri tu.u
wro wwrn w Become aottte offers a great emx.
taattt far tie wider inWeduetion of tlri.ntf JlI
.tefakiea, wtdeh' depead far ihmt iopMea on nowtr
wveawircw uj vaer OIBBe m 1UC4, OF Water powir
1) ekeirle vahkle la by no naaea aa tmAm, J
fl Las rrforsMd most eatlafactorUy for a' nnmfw
year for both pleasure and eommerdaJ
aae proved itaatf eminently praetlcali This th. ruiKiii.
SJ fMU PP ta b. gederaJly aware of, as the raws
r Vnril aeiatlar or aenAatkmaJ faiin-M rj .t,. ..
rklowed eaough hava fao&osoSMd attAntinn yn
eaiix! ....wMigld-ilaasrfc
VV not palliate ( , M
J VUAfWearavifar
auy verrKaeibl
a. V imtipHot ot mhd
Js war
3d n
g r
i f i
. i ... i
I I ' A
I Del
I We
m. .a.
aatner our gover
office, ar
0. WOeoa,
peient an a
lane wit
Selectlnl i tWver. Aa English automoBle pubUca
fioa, in diMuaalng the qualificationa of a driver, for
either pleasure ears or trucks, quotes the experience of a
large employer who said thai, other thing being equal
at alwayi gave the preferenee ta lbs man wha bad
owned a motorcycle Among his retsoaa for this were
that a motorcycle owner understood something about the
Vied fof economy gasoline s&d tires. Moreover, ha
had experience id driving aa engine that requires more
aarsful apftrauoa tain the water-oooled auto engine,
aael ddfaequenyy was snore eentitivi to any bad running1 "
of ia engine bdee having a good idea of adjustment :
and repair r '
Whkh la It-lJJ
the body and
wadstar, tts
trlt WMtekrl
wheels, atoaatadl
to support the ;
under way
two wheels
A MagsiL
magaslne rtflAV
Louisville, Cy V
n oomuj
A fM
Mary I f
, w sasa? asa
The mo
pAa one-third J bocka
; foreign
Ti irerate eott per tdtma for power,
ton eaa run 4 Detroit mttih t m,
lghiy miles on a tingle chafes. ' .
fTlri mileage ii
ld,m miles, .
MuittMty high, i,m to
, I Car tharges while you sleep.
f Simplicity of operation. Every mettW fa
year cafl drlr lfEveryday la the
11918 Models on diepiay. ireUphbae Mr
Bottom, Hkrney 800, for demonstration, &
pointmenta. . .. .
- ' 1
Electric Car Co.
1 open Bvmraros
Street Car Patrons
eSitlltmtna RthKi.
14k Solid told, Loftis
Perfection ttn
Rin. t Prone Tooth
Btsantih. 141 solid
old. ' Rattan or
til i Week
' 1 -- --
Utt U ValiteH
fin ioHdield, on
brilliant 0 1 a tnond.
one ml. Peart, IS
inch solid Sold netk
i a month
t will help- you in your business.
It Will help you in a social way.
Ii will give you itantllhg in "you
lit." , .
tt wii! give you 4 sensd ot Eocilrity.
11 till plici )rdtt in the ''proiperoul
It will Cpeh the dodr to opportuhity.
It i a eilt-edred investment, beeans H
fievtt ro old It never beeoinet Second,
okhdf-it U altratl in style. A teniine die
bond will he Worth nior avary year yen
own It its increase in valae paS a
' ttrentet fttl ot interest than t tavint
Tea (annei decide any toil joon ro la i
I imohd. Their ire cheaper today than tny
wiU probably ever be asain. Money invested
in diamond M SAFE, it i not aa e-
i' or laxdry-Mt U i WISE IN
VKSTMENT. Remember, a Stbr U pen
iverV evening antU t oveloek.
sis 5SJT'
A Monti
id4i doavartiiie Braeetet Witen, fhv
K grade Fall Jeweled indvemeht: Silt ai
Guaranteed ? years. .1.5.a Mont
Tht Old -RcliaMe, Original
14 Men'l tl
tin, , Wallhain of
trateh, IJ
ii riit
Hed doa
ble tttata
soli ruled
A MentS
DiarjnfJ aflrj Watth Credit House
M t , bor City National Bank Bledr.
40S Seutb Sixteeath St, Sixteenth and HarVrv SU Omah.
, )ppalU Burg eea-Maaa O. JMkrtot Morel
Phone Dbuglat 14i4 and On Saleatnaa
, , WiU Call. .
Call or Write (or Catalog SOS.
Open Daily Until 9 P. M.
' Saturdays Until 9:30
' : . .- . , . . hit , .
'a , J thd rfecuest of the AWaf-Ben Governor and
f-M&fcffe'ft6 i all card on the
BHNCARNjVAt m be changed in the downtown
diurictij and eat- wjll run as folows.
. TFfdm 17th and Gummg east to 16th, south to
Webster, east to lSth arid south to Howard. On
north i bound trfe from 15th and Howard to Wet
ster to, 16th, to Cuming, to 17th. x
Also' the cars on the BENSON-ALBRIGHT LINE,
during thi same period, will to ruri as follows
From lSth and Davenport to 15th and How
ard, east toim and Hdward On northbound
trips, from 13th and Howard jrvest to 15th and
Howard west to 15th and Howard, north to 15th
and Davenport . . '
; This change is effective September 25, 1917.
i X6 none dilr Patrons will be eri
ously inednvehienced on account of this temporary
change m routing. ; ,
Omaha & Gouncil Bluffs
Street Railway Co.