Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 13

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    PART TWO -
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Social Calendar
Monday .
Omaha Woman's Golf association,
last tournament on. Miller Park
" course, followed by' luncheon at
Prettiest Mile club.
Orpheum party for Mf s.' George
E. Hamlin, given-by Miss Ade-
lyn Wood. .
Golfffs' dinner and stockholders'
rrtlcting at. Happy Hollow club.
Tuesday 0
Women's luncheon and dinner
dance at Happy Hollow club.
Omaha Whist club at the Fonte
nelle. Bridge party- ror Miss Marie
Woodard, Mrs. Charles . D.
Beaton, hostess.
Luncheon for Miss Nell Haynes of
Springfield, Mo., Mrs. Lee Huff,
hostess. ,
Luncheon at Blackstohe given by
r t: : c ui
f Luncheon at Prettiest Mile club,
1 given by Mrs. rranjt Porter.
party for Miss Marie
Woodard, Mrs. J. F. Coad, Jr.,
Ak-Sar-Ben festival opens.
Card party and dance at Holy
Name parish hall.
Last cottagers' dinner dance at
Carter Lake club. , v
Creighton University Mixers' club
'"dance at Fonfcenelley
Luncheon at Seymour Lake Coun
try club, Mrs. N. R. Bryson, hos
tess. - - - 1
luncheon .'and dinner
dance at Happy Hollow, club; 1
Comus club, Mrs. B. F. Marti, hos
' tess.
Bridge-whist club -luncheon at
Prettiest Mile club, Mrs.- Fred
Crane, hostess. ,
Luncheon at Prettiest Mile .club
Mrs. Frank Holmes, hostess.
Alpha Xi Delta sorority, Miss
Delia Rich, hostess.
Friday - " ; "
Scottish Rite Woman's club at ca
thedral, 2:30 p. m.
Closing dinner-dance at Seymour'
I L Lake Country club.
Ve Mar club dance at Keep's
academy. .
Omaha Woman's Golf association
election at Field club, 1 p. m., fol
lowed by golf game.
Song recital by Mrs. Frederick J.
Clark at Happy Hollow club.
Knitting party. Miss Emily Keller,
- hostess. , ,
Country, Happy Hollow and Car
' ter Lake clubs closing , dinner
Prettiest Mile club matinee dance
and evening party.
Prairie Park elub opens.
Pre-nuptial affair for Miss
Georginz Davis, Mrs. Oscar M
J berry, hostess.
1 Rlnchnrt-Surfen Thot
D D?tv. 7(earyT.C!arh
Fidd Club Closes; Other1 Summer
' ni 7 . ttt . 7 n v . ttt t
r Kjiuos thna season uommg.weeic
TJORMAL ending of the summer
H 1 season is recognized bv sorietv
in the closing of thesumttef
clubs, the first of which, the Field
club, held its jast dinner-dance 'Saturday-
evening. The club house.held
the largest'representation of.its mem
bership, since the opening night. 'The
largest dinner party was 1 a Dutch
tfeat affair, whichincluded the follow
ing couples who often, dine together:
Messrs and Mesdames L. M; Pegau,
H. S. Weller, W." M. Giller, H. M:
Goulding, T. W. Mikesell, Lee 'Huff,
Dr." and Mrs. E. C. Henry,' Dr. and
Mrs. E. H. Bruening, Mrs. Madeline
Krug, Mrs. Mabel Ellick, Mr. Albert
Krug and Mrs. George Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele enter
tained atsjheir table Messrs and Mes
dames John -Harvey, Lee Hamlin,
Robert Trimble, Guy L. Smith,. Mrs.
Inez Waite, Miss Maude Davies, Mr.
Harry , Haywood and-Sergeant Falk
of Fort Omaha. '
Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Wahl enter
tained Mr.. and.Mrs. F..AWood and
a party of people from Council Bluffs
including Mr. and Mrs. C F. . An
drews, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Andrews,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Martin and Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Gale. '
Mr. and Mrs. J.; W. Battin had in
the'r party Mr. and Mrs. C. X.
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. C. APratt,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fowler, Miss
Kathryn Robinson and Mr. Arthur
Smith. " '
The guests of Mr. and -Mrs.. C. F.
Schwager included Mr.and Mrs
Clfiftra Pftnnincrfiam. fr anrl Wra
Brower McCague, Mrs.' Anna Couch
man Rnbpfts Mr PJnrci Dvbatl and
-Mr.: John Wellman.
Mr. and Mrs.- Paul Burleigh made
reservations for a ' Dutch treat party
.which included -Messrs and Mesdames
E. .P.. Boyer, W. R. Wood, W.
Righter Wood. H. E. Milliken, Robert
Manley and Jack Sharp.
Mr. and Mrsi O.'D. Kiplinger had
in their party, two soldiers from Fort
Omaha, Mr. George Hays and Mr.
Frank , Garrison of the engineering
corps, the Misses Edna and Florence
Riley and Miss Shirley Moore of
Council Bluffs, Mr. Nichols and Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wilson had as
their guests Mr. arid Mrs. J. B. Fra
denburg, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Anson
and Mr. and Mrs. Jantes A. Allen.
Dr.' and Mrs. 'E.. W. Powell, Mr.
and Mrs.. Johnson and M. and Mrs.
F. .S. Martin" were the guests of Mr.
and. Mrs. - R. 'C. Goddard. Many
smaller 'parties were entertained.
- Country, Happy Hollow and Carter,
Lake clubs hold their closing dinner
dance Saturday - evening. Seymour
Lake Country club will have a harvest
home dinner Friday evening, which
will mark the end of the season at this
club house.
J Mr.-and Mrs. Everett Buckingham
entertained in honor of their daugh
ter, Mrs.. Wayne HempbiU- of Wor
tandWy 1 - -
MRS. FRED HAMILTON, mentioned as Omaha's prettiest young
matron, and her lovely little son, Fred, jr., are expected home in
ibout a week from Atlantic City, where they went after spending
most of the summer at Narragaqsett Bay.
With Ak-Sar-Ben season drawine near. Omaha welcomes the return
of Quivera's fourth queen, Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, who as Miss Grace Allen,
served as one of the early queens of the realm. The Clarkes arrived Tues-
J 1 T j 1. 1 r . r .. .
uay irom juincoin 10 mase mcir nomc in umana, ana are tor tne present
with Mr. and Mrs. James L. Paxton.
Mr. nd Mrs. Charles W. Pearsall announce the engagement of their
daughter, Marion, to Joel Emerson Goodrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. (E.
Goodrich.' The wedding will be a quiet home affair in the near future and
the young couple will make theiir home here. Miss Pearsall is a graduate
of Central High school and the University of Omaha. Mr. Goodrich also
attended Central High school, where the romance began. ' '
Mrs. Eldred Schuyler Hart was, before her marriage Saturday, W 1
Lenore Young, daughter of Mrs. Thomas J. Young of MacHonia, la. Ihe
young people will make their home on a large farm near Centralia, Mo.,
after their eastern wedding trip.
October Weddings
Cards have been issued for the mar
riage of Miss Marie Woodard, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James I. Wood
ard, to Mr. Charles Kremer Bain of
Butte, Mont , which will take place
October 10 at 11 o'clock at St. Ce
cilia's pro-cathedral. Archbishop J.
J. Harty will perform the ceremony.
Miss Claire Helene Woodard will
be maid of honor. Miss Nanette Mur
phy and Miss Ophelia Hayden will
stretch the ribbons, and Mr. James
Woodward of Lewiston, Mont., will
be best man. Will Coad and Adolph
Storz will be ushers. Mr. Bain will
arrive about October 4, after which
date several evening affairs are plan
ned. Bisbee, Arir., October IS, is the
time and place setfor the wedding
of Miss Helen Laurance, former edu
cational secretary of the local Young
Women's Christian association, and
Dr. E. L. Bennett of Fresno, Cal. The
wedding will take place at the home
of Miss Laurance's sister, Mrs. Mc
Henry Mosier, after which the young
couple will leave for their home in
Fresno. Miss Laurance leaves for
west October I. J
; Of great interest in musical circles
is the betrothal of Hiss Edythe Ma
haffey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Mahaffey, pianist, and Mr. Lynn
Sackett, " tenor, announcement of
which is made today. The wedding
will take place very, quietly early in
October. An engagement with the
Keith circuit has hastened the wed
ding, which was planned for a large
church affair in the early winter. Mr.'
Sack,ett is director in the conserva-
Continued n Ff Two, Column One.)
Twelve Lovely and Versatile Girh
' ' TTT Tf' J "a m i ' -
WMjr Attem Ak-Sar-Ben Queen
OVELY, ersatie, serious-mind-
attend Queen A k-S a r-B e n
XXIII. War has dispelled a 1 1 p devoted. Miss Kinsler.. who is th
wuuuia mji uuucrny me irom ineir "auKmer 01 me a. v.. Kinslers at
minds, Not one of them will make her tended St: Mary's at Notre Dame' and
debut 'this winter, but after the ball, then finished at Mrs. Somers' school
each charming maid 'will . take
some wortn-wnile work.-
The twelve vniincr cirla rfineen tn
wait upon the queen are Miss Eleanor
Austin, miss Marion Coad, Miss
Helen Eastman, Miss Ruth Kinsler,
Miss Henrietta MrArfhiir - nnt.
othy , Myers, Miss Florence Neville,',
miss Virginia unutt, miss Florence
Rahm, Miss Mildred Todd,' Miss
Hazel Uodile and Miss F.sthrr Wit.
Never before has ' an
QUeen had go talented anrf nrnomxciv
a group of attendants.. A majority of
mem nave cnosen a "career tn pref
erence to the social whirl raroora
ljvhich range from art, teaching, teleg-
lai'uy, nursing, 10 U1CICUCS. I nose
who have not specialized in training
are planning to devote their time to
Red Cross work and knittinu fnr nur
O - " - WM.
boys. , . .
Miss Helen Eastman, rlano-htor nf
Mr. and Mrs. Oscond T. -Eastman i
the h artistic young woman of the
group, since finishing at Brownell
Hall. Miss Eastman has Urm stnrlvinir
at the Chicago Art' Institute, .where
she has done .some very creditable
worK. one noes to prepare -nerself
for work m illustrating.
Miss Either Willlplm whn is tUa
only daughter of the C. M. AVilhelms,
inougn nerseit just put ot school, is
Luotiniis una 1411 ai Dcucvue couegc.
She COCS out" three times a vueeb tn
give instruction in Latin yes, Latin!
miss wnneim nnishea at tashionable
Miss Spence's in New York Jast
June, but before that had demon
strated her individuality by assisting
in her father's store.
Miss Eleanor Austin ie thr r1itfio
expert. kAfter being graduated 'from
central nign scnooi Miss Austin took
the dietetical' course at Wheaton col
leee.' Norton.' Mass.' She mav rnntinni"
this work further. Miss Austin is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Austin. i
Miss Dorothv Mvers has rhncn
nursing for her work and hopes to
A. r e r . . . .
prepare nerseu :or loreign service. Di
rectly after the hall. Miss XI v.n en
ters the training school of -the new
TT:......'... r xt 1 t r
viiivEiBii ui iscurasKa Meaicai
school. Last year Miss Myers attend
ed the Sargent school at Cambridge,
Mass., and before that Central High
and the Sacred Heart convent. Her
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Myers. . , ,
Wireless telegraphy has fascina
tions for Miss Florence Rahm,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rahm,
who expects to take ud the studv after
Christmas; Until then Miss Rahm
fit-v and Pnt-f DM... .k. U.ll
Miss Rahm is a Rrnwnrtt Hall mrl
and finished last Jirne at Monticello.
near St. Lnuis.
ed beyond theirVears, are the ,n "s'
twelve special maids who will f. nff ,tnePoor Italian children. W
. worli
the work to which Miss Ruth Kinstei
in Washington. D. C.'
Miss Marion Coad, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Frank, is a uni- s
versity girl. Upon her graduation
from Central High Miss Coad took
up special work at the University of
California at Berkeley. She- gives
threVdays each week tq Red Cross '
work., -
- When she isn't riding her wonder-
tul new horse, John Davis., which her
father bought her after the . mount
had won the blue ribbon at the state
fair, Miss Hazel Updike ' is knitting v
sweaters for the soldiers. -She .has '
quite a reputation among the girls for
her deft work. Miss Updike, who is
the daughter of the N. B." Updikes,'
attended the Bennett school at Mill-f
brook, N. ,Y.'
Miss Florence . Neville .specialized ., -m
French: when she attended the
Coates-Weaver school in New : York
last year.' Before that, she spent three
years at Ogontz, 'near Philadelphia,
after her schooling; at Brownell Hall.
Miss Neville, is the daughter of Mr. '
and Mrs.' Elmer J. Neville; '
Miss Mildred Todd, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Todd, will direct her
efforts toward Red Cross work. She
is a Brownell Hall rir1 an1 i-imj..
ate of, the Bristol school, Washing-
Red CrossTwork will also occupy
MissYirginia Offutt, daughter of Mrs.
Charles Offutt. Miss Offutt attended
Rosemary-, school at Greenwich,
Conn., before gojng to Miss Spence's
in. New York, from which school she "
finished last June.- Miss Offutt is the
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cas- '
per Y6st . - " .
' Miss Henrietta McArthur is a new
comer in Quivera's court. She is the
nieo of Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dietz,
who came from Los Angeles early in
the year id live with her uncle and
aunt. Mr.' and Mrs. Gould-Dietz. Her -lovely
blonde beauty.delights the eyes -of
all uhn
-Arthur devotes all her time to Re3
cross work and has been named as
sistant to Mrs. O. C. Redick.
Sings Mrs. Hartmann's Songs.
"Somewhere in France," by Mrs. .
Carl -Hartmann, wife. of Lieutenant
Colonel Hartmann, who was stationed
at Fort Omaha a few years ago, has-just-been
published. - The premier of
the song will be; given by -Madame
Frances Alda. of the . Metropolitan
opera, at Carnegie hair on November n '
2. 'Another snntr tn annrar lat 'n
POctober, is "If the World Should
... ...v.. iui93 iuiu 1 vwvuii, ,3 . xi me worm onouiu
will spend the time visiting in Kansas I Erid Tomorrow," words and musie
by Mrs. Hartmann. Madame Loretta
del ;Valle sang this song from thev
manuscript at the Lafayette, New
York, August?, 3 1 at the concert given
e 7 . .t ,. : 1 n.uKUBi.idi mc concert given
Social service, especially, with- the I for the benefiVo:Americaa. aviation-
' it: