Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12
iZA THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 23. 1917. Brie) City News Platinum Wedding Rlor Edholm. Li(htln( Fixtures Bursssa-Grsrden Co. Ht Boot Fries It New Beaccn Press. , Metal Dlea, Prwork Jubilea Ktg Co. 85e Luncheon at Empress Garden. ' rearl M. De Moulin Gets Divorce Pearl M. De Moulin was freed from Asa O. De Moulin by Judge Leslie, sit ting In divorce court ladies' Auxiliary of Carpenters to Meet Ladles' auxiliary. No. 6, Car penters and Joiners, will meet Wednes day at 2 o'clock In Labor temple. Dedicate New Church The new Central Park Congregational church will be dedicated Sunday, September 24, at 11 a. in. Kev. Benton K. Cleve land, pastor of the church, will have oharge or the services. Go to Bankers' Convention R. C. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McNish, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Head and Will Hughes left Friday for Atlantic City to attend the bankers convention. Buys GUmore Home Ford C. Ho ve y, vies president of the Stock Yards National bank, has purchased the George Gilmore residence at Fifty first and Farnam streets. Mr. GU more was president of the Conserva tive until his death a week ago. Vacant House Catches Fire Fire of unknown origin broke out in a house belonging to William Nestle house at 813 South Thirty-eighth street. It was extinguished before any seriow damage was done. The house had been vacant for some time. Fine Fireplace Goods at Sunderland's. SOUTH SIDE MANY NEW FEATURES AT THE SWINE SHOW Improved" Facilities for Judging and Handling the Hogs That Are Coming Next Month. LA FOLLETTE MAY BE PUT MR ARREST Governor of Wisconsin Orders Investigation Into Senator's Recent Remarks Before ,. ' Nonpartisan League. . (By Assoclato-I Freee.) i , St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 22. Governor Eurnquist announced tonight that if an official investigation of the alleged disloyal statements made, by Senator LaFollctAt ai the closing session of the Non-Partisa.i league high cost of living conference here last night re veal that his remarks were seditious, the Minnesota Public Safety commis sion, of' which the governor is chair man, will ask for the senator's ar rest. , ; , In his remarks before the Non Partisan league Senator LaFdllette attacked the .war tax bill, declaring that he and a handful of others fought valiantly in congress for the conscrip tion of wealth and the financing of the war by taxation. He also declared (that he did not believe our grievances were sufficient for entering the war. These remarks, it is said, brought loud applause. Recommends Million and ' Half in Land Taxes Be Paid Washington, Sept. 22. Payment of land taxes aggregating $1,504,841 to eighteen counties in Oregon and one county Jn Washington was recom mended bv Secretary Lane todav. When the federal government recov ered title to the lands from Oregon & California Railroad company con gress authorized the payment of taxes levied against the properties while in the possession of the road. The amounts due range from $478 in the case of Clark county, Washington, to $300,132 in the case of Douglas county, Oregon. 1 , Y. M. C. A. Launch Campaign To Raise $35,000,000 ' New York, Sept. 22. A campaign to raise $35,000,000 by July 1, 1918, to carry out the vast war work of the Young Men's Christian association, both at home and abroad, was started at a meeting here today of the na tional War Work council of the as sociation. The first big drive to ob tain contributions will be made November 11 to 19, which has been designated as "national campaign week." National, department and state campaign committees will be named to assist in the effort.: , Deny That Wheat Is em . A I 1... . being rea 10 nogs Arkansas City, Kan.. Sept. 22. Careful investigation tails to coiv firm the rumor that farmers in north em Oklahoma and southern Kansas are feeding their wheat to hogs rather than market it under the government fixed price, according to J. A. Hunt, chairman of the Hoover milling board. "Some farmers are feeding a wheat - and rve mixture, known as 'impure wheat.' which is filled with rye and . other foreign particles," said Mr. Hunt Peace, Says Harden, if . ' -Germany Gives Up Belgium Amsterdam, Sept. 22. Maximlian ittrrUn rt;tnr nf r)i Zukunft. lectur ing in! Berlin yestuday, said he was convinced peace was attainaoie ims ur if Hermenv firoinised to waive the -;arh in rnte Delirium. This state ment aroused a hostile demonstration from the audience and many persons lett the tiau. V)ne of the new, and apparently om of the most important features of th coming National Swine show, October 3-10, will ,be the students' judging contest. A sufficient number of col leges have already promised to send teams to compete to insure a large and interesting contest. The prize money -is ample to make it attractive, but the important feature will be the opportunity to .get the college boys and their instructors in touch with the hog business, as never has been the case before. Thursday evening a banquet will be served the competitors in the judging contest, and, unless all signs fail, the whole affair promises to be not only one of importance, but pleasant. Another new departure for this year's show will be tjhe weighing of all animals on exhibition. The rules require that every animal shall be officially weighed, and the age, weight, owner and other information concerning the hog be put on a card, which must be exhibited over the pen occupied by the animal. This will be an educational feature and will answer the many questions which are always asked in regard to age and weight at any swine show. Greatly improved facilities for handling the administrative end of the show are being provided. The two show rings used last year will be sup plemented by another, much larger than either of these, whidh will pro vide ample space for showing the breeds having the largest classes. Grace Methodist Secures Return of Rev. Mr. Wilson The congregation of the Grace Methodist church are pleased because Rev. C. C. Wilson has been assigned as pastor of their church for another year. The congregation petitioned the conference that lie be retained and the request was granted. Fifteen members of the Grace Meth odist church motored to Lincoln last Sunday and attended the conference. The quarterly communion service will be held in the church Sunday morning. In the evening Rtv. Mr. Wilson will preach ' from the text: "Elijah, the Patriot." A business men's class has been NEW BOARD WILL DOMINATE TONNAGE Working With Allied Shipping Agencies, Chartering Body Will Have Tremend ous Power. Washington, Sept. 22. A step toward closer government regulation of all ocean shipping and rates was taken today when the shipping board appointed Welding Ring, New York exporter, chairman of the new char tering board to act as an agent of the shipping board. Two other members have been tentatively selected and may be announced tomorrow. The new hnarrt (""liatrman T-Tnrlv said today, will co-operate with allied snipping control agencies to eirect virtually a domination of the world's fnnnatre The hnrlv cittinor in "Kfui York, will pass on all charters on be half of the shipping board, exercising its control mainly through govern ment export and bunker coal licenses. organized to study Christianity and ethics in present day life. E. R. Leigh will be the leader of this class Sun day. Empties Liquor in Sink As Police Officers Enter Tete Wozniak tried to dump the contents of a bottle in the sink when he saw Detectives Sullivan and Lepin ski enter his soft drink place at Thirty-third and L street, Friday night. The visitors rescued the bottle before the contents had all run out. It con tained an alcohol mixture. In a rear room they found three patrons of the place sitting at a table. They had all been drinking; some of the glasses were empty, but one of them contained some of the same al coholic mixture which was in the bottle. , Wozniak was brought to the police station and charged with the illegal possession of liquor. He was re leased on $500 bonds. South Side Brevities Bav. M. Cybulskl, Llthunanian print of Bloux City, was runt of Revi George Jon atlas, of the South Bid, Lithuanian church, Thursday. DRAFT ARMY BRINGS STRAMEMGGAGE One Man Brings Washboard and Soap; Some Counties . Short on Men; Others Send Surplus. Camp Funston, Kan., Sept 22. (Special Telegram.) Some of the things that the drafted men bring with them to camp are ludicrous, to say the least, and about the only enjoyment Colonel B. Clark and his receiving staff get 'out of the con tinual round of checking men is laughing at some of the peculiar things the men bring with them. A delegation from a Nebraska county brought seven hounds with them. They explained they had heard so much about the size and ferocity of the world famous Kansas jackrab bits, that they determined to protect themselves in advance, bringing their dogs along. "If one of those jackrabbits can whip my dog, he's welcome to git to me," one of the men stated. "My hound has whipped every dog in our county, and he killed three coyotes already this spring, and its going to take a mighty fast jackrabbit to get fhe best of him." Another man from Buffalo county, Nebraska, came into camp with a washboard. He said he had heard that all soldiers had to wash their own clothes, and he didn't know just how long it would be before pay day, so he brought along a washboard and a bat of laundry soap. Many of the districts and counties that are sending men to the Eighty nipth division are not sending the entire quota called for. In some in stances, mostly in isolated cases,, however, the men disappeared be tween the point of entraining and Camp Funston. Out of the sixteen men sent from Ziebach county, South Dakota, only one arrived sa,fe and sound. He' said he did not know what became of the other fifteen men and he did not know whether they left home when he did or whether they disappeared en route. Some Send Surplus. . A great many of the counties are short one or two men. A portion of this shortage is made up from other counties, however, which sent a small REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES FOR STOVES, HEATERS, FURNACES AMD BOILERS PROMPT SERVICE MODERATE PRICES WATER FRONTS AND WATCH HEATING ATTACHMENTS OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1201-1 Douglas St. Phone Tyler 21 llll!l!!ll!I!llll!ii!!!ll!III!BI!l W. Fill Mail Orders From Our Daily Ad. Values Here Will Convince You It Pays to Pay Cash1 i i THE CASH STORE Wo Guarantee Our Customers Satisfaction I or Money Back. Silks, Satins, Velvets and Wool Dress Materials a We believe you'll enthuse with us when you see the wonderful variety and I splendid values that by months of careful preparation we have ' assembled for B .oloAiiiMi nn Vnniila Tlovliflfrir Ttonorfmont H ii j " Alia OUr CUIlipiCIC ttSSUllIUCm. Ul uicoc ucauuiui xauuvo viiub vjvhih vypvi.- I f tunity for satisfying choice. " 1 ! TWO SPECIAL OFFERINGS FOR MONDAY j Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success, YOUR DOLLARS WILL DO DOUBLE DUTY If yow attend ear Great Closing Our Sale el Hayden Brea. ateck at Fianoa, Player Fianoa, Sheet Miulc and Mualcal Mar chaediee bow foinf en at the 'warereena ef the SCHMOLLER MUELLER j PIANO CO., " IStl-1313 Faraaaa Street. Sea Onr Bif Ad ea Page S. lliliiilliliitHllliniiisnlwiliiluiiilii I We Cannot Help Being Enthusiastic Over Our Really 1 I ,. Remarkable Showing of the I I I New Fall' Weaves and Colorings in ! Satins Are in Great Demand 11 50 PIECES OF 36-INCH SATIN IDE LUXE rA fine, heavy, all-silk quality that wecan thoroughly recommend. Ev ery new coldr for fall wear is shown in this assortment. See this wonderful bargain Monday. A (ft "1 ETA regular $2.00 quality at ' JK I QlJ our cash price t .Y 3,000 YARDS OF 36-INCH SATIN DE CHINE and Satin Messaline, in a splen did line of colors, including black. A brilliant, lustrous satin that will give satisfaction. Worth $1.50 per rvQ yard. Our cash price, Mon- )jqQ, uay, at, per jam, Broadcloths Are More Than Ever in Favor .You'll be surprised at the qualities we are offering at these very . low cash PC s prices in Monday's Sale. ; ?3.00 BROADCLOTH, J 1.98 30 PIECES OF 50-INCH CHIFFON BROADCLOTH, a high luster quality, light weight and very dressy, in a good line of new colors. This Broadcloth is worth today $3.00. Our (Ti QQ cash price, Monday ,. .tple tO $6.00 BROADCLOTH, $3.50 15 PIECES OF 66 AND 60-INCH HANDSOME SATIN FINISHED CHIFFON BROADCLOTH, s rich, elegant quality that cannot be duplicated today for $6.00 per yard. This is an excellent opportunity to buy a fine Broad- (TQ ETA cloth suit at a very low price. A .SaS ,0J $6.00 quality at tour low cash price, x inliiiiiliititlliluiiiiMliiliiliilHSusiililiiiliilW surplus. One Nebraska county that was supposed to send' thirty-six men, sent instead seventy-five men. "All the boys wanted to come, so the board told us to go ahead, that General Wood maybe could use us some place in his division," the man in charge told Colonel C. B. Clark, receiving officer. In direct contrast with this county is Blaine county, Nebraska, which turned up seven short. Approximately 10,000 men had been received in camp at noon today. The trains last night and this morning brought in men from the western Kansas counties, western Nebraska and esatern Colo rado. Thjs afternoon and tonight will bring in men from Kansas, Missouri, Colorado and New Mexico. The last train is due in here at 5 o'clock Mon day morning. It will be a special, run ning in two sections, and will bring in more men from South Dakota and Nebraska. Pension! for Weatent People. Washington, Sept. 2!. (Special Telegram.) Nebraska: Sara A. McCoy, Red Cloud, $12; Ella Dudley, Oak, $12; Jennie Copeland, 1)1 Her, SU; Jennie Byar. Omaha, $12; Kate Klrtland, York, $12; Eliza J. Daniels. Blue Springs. $12. Iowa: Roea H. Reed, Pleasan ton, $12; Elizabeth, O. Oakea, Stanley, $20; Elizabeth Herkes, Bellevue, $20; Rachel A. Stader, Des Moines, $12. South Dakota: Mag gie Rule, Conata, $12; Ida M. Wood, Elk Point, $12; Alfona Knopff, Hot Springs, $20. HOME RUILDERS (INCORPORATED) Preferred 0 Shares Are backed by gilt-edge mortgages on properties improved through HOME BUILDERS' own building department, so there is no guess work about the security. Absence of any speculative element in HOME BUILDERS and a fast growing Reserve Fund add to the Security of these Preferred Shares. You mav invest any desired amount, from $1.00 up, in HOME BUILDERS' Preferred Shares for any length of time you like. Home ftuilder INCORPORATED AMERICAN SECURITY CO., Fiscal Agent. 17th and Douglas Sts. Omaha, Neb. DR. F. F. BURHORN CHIROPRACTOR . (Palmer Softool Graduate) Corner 16th and Faraase Sta. Suits 4M-4lV41 Seturltlee (Rose) Building. ' Adjustments are tl.Ot. er 12 adjust meate for 1.0D. Outside calle Wade bx appointment are 12.00. Office Pkeaie Doug. 5347. Rea, Web. 1710 1 Enamelware Sale A big special cash purchase enables us to offer excep tional bargains first quality Enamel-ware. Family Six Food Chopper, cash price. . ...98 Oil Heatera, cash price. ............. .$3.89 Wooden Frame Clothes Wringer, cash pr. 81.89 Gat Iron, cash price .SI. 89 Full Siae Lanterns, cash price.... 59 6-Cup Aluminum Percolator, cash price, 81.19 Regular $1 Articles 8-qt. enamel sauce pan 14-qt. round enam el dish pan .... 10-qt. enamel oval dish pan 18-qt enamel Ber lin kettle. .. .j. . 14-qt. enamel pre serving kettle. .. CASH PRICE 79c EACH I0-q,urt Aluminum Preferring Kettle, cash price . ...... $1.29 1U -quart Aluminum Rice Cooker, cash price $1.10 It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pay. (Final Week of the Great September Clearance Sale -IjTjXjTjTj-ljUTjTjTj AT II Ml AM AIIYFTIYYIftlifi iTflT). THE VIMIVIM Willi I IIMVI, W 0 FOR THE FINAL WEEK OF THIS SALE WE HAVE GATHERED TOGETHER A WON DERFUL ARRAY OF VALUES-INCLUDING ALL THE REMAINING SAMPLE PIECES FROM THE BIG CHICAGO AND GRAND RAPIDS EXPOSITIONS. TOGETHER WITH HUNDREDS OF SAMPLES AND SMALL LOTS FROM OUR OWN IMMENSE STOCKS -i-THE SAVINGS RANGE FROM 25 PER CENT TO 50 PER CENT. Our ABSOLUTE guarantee of future satisfaction goes with EVERY sale. Wo consider no sale COM PLETE until you are THOROUGHLY satisfied with your purchase. Our goods are of a HIGH GRADE standard quality and are offered you at a MUCH lower price, duo to our INEXPENSIVE location, our rery ECONOMICAL management, and to our IMMENSE buying power, which enable us to se cure the Tery LOWEST price from 'the LEADING makers of HIGH QUALITY home furnishings. We extend a cordial invitation to all Ak-Sar-Ben visitors to call and visit this Big Daylight Store. Visitors are always welcome. Chiffonier Like cut and built of solid oak our price $4.75 d 1 A 7 C Fr This Handsome Solid Oak Three-Piece Library Set. Just like illustration and an ex ceptional value in a handsome three-piece library set. Set consists' of a library table, arm rocker and arm chair; backs and seats of arm chair and rocker are upholstered in Moroccoline and the entire suite is finished in a durable Fumed Oak Finish. Dressing Tables Clearance sale of all sample dressing table's. Prices $12.50, $17.50, $24.50, $32.50 r Howard Over-Draft Heat ers. We are now showing a complete line of these w o n d e rful coal-saving heaters. Howard heaters enable you to cut your coal bill in half. You get twice the heat for the same amount of fuel. Many styles to select from all very moderately priced. t Anticipate Your Future Wants and Buy Now While Prices Are Abso lutely the Lowest. Goods Stored Free of Charge and Delivered Later if Desired. 4 Vi Splendid RUG Values For the final week of this sale we qffer you hundreds of sample rugs, both large and small, which we must absolutely close out so as to make room for the big Fall shipments of rugs which are f J5K now in our warenouse' Union guar anteed car pet sweep ers $1.25 Note These Splendid Values: n Seamless Tapestry Rugs, suitable for bedrooms, in sizes 6x 9 feet, C 1 e arance Price ......$9.50 Brussels Rugs, 8-3x 10-6 feet, Clearance Prices $13.95. $16.75. $19.50 Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet sizes, Sale Price, $14.50. $17.50. $24.50. Se'amlcss Axminster Rugs, extra high qual ity, 9x12 feet sizes, Sale Price, $27.50 Hit . and Miss Rag Rugs, 24x36 inches, Sale Price 49 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs, 27x54 inches, Sale Price 984 Oval Rag Rugs, hand braided, 24x36-inch, Sale Price ..$2.59 36xT2-inch sizes, $6.98 Steel Ranges All samples of steel ranges must be closed out during our September Clearance Sale. Sale prices, $26.50, $34.50, $39.50, $45.00, Cook Stoves ' Pj $12.50. $16.50, $19.50, $22.50 Dressers All samples and small lots of dressers must be closed out this week. We offer you a wide range of styles and fin ishes to select from. Prices are $9.75, $12.50, $16.50, $21.50, $27.50, $34.50 You Are Invited to Visit Our GRAF0N0LA Department No one thing gives so much pleasure at so small a cost as a Columbia Graf onola. All the world's music i3 yours if you own a Columbia Graf onola. Select yours now. Prices "oT.......... $15 to $150 We are showing a complete line in all the different sizes , and finishes. Thou sands of Columbia double disc records to select from, in cluding all the latest patriotic pieces and dance music, includ ing the famous Jazz dance records. Prices the same as charged the world over. Free Daily Concerts in Our Columbia Grafonola Department. Home Outfits Three Rooms r- .i i K r urnisnea Complete Make Your Own Terms 79 Dining Room Tables All samples and small lots of dining room' tables must be closed out during this week. Come in Colonial de-, signs and in the Jacobean and Period styles. Finishes are golden and fumed oak. Prices are, $12.50, $17.50, $22.50, $27.50, $37.50 ' The People's Store Opposite Hotel Rome