Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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    - , ' - TJf . 1
' ' '."
). . International Committee ia
f; -Named to Arrange for Dis
tribution to United
States and Allies.
(By AuoalaUd Fru.)
Washington, Sept. 21. Beet sugar
producer! in conference with the food
administration, today reached mn
unanimous agreement under whjch
the stable retail price of sugar will
be about 8 cents a pound. They will
sell to wholesalers at eastern refining
points at 7 cents a pound, cane
basis, and. the retail price, it was
stated, would normally be not more
than $4 -cent higher.
At the same time the food adminis
tration announced that an interna
tional , committee of five had been
named to arrange for the purchase
and distribution of the vast quantities
of sugar needed by the United
States and allied countries. This
committee, acting through the food
administration under - authority of
President Wilson's proclamation plac
ing the sugar industry in this coun
try under license, will control a large
proportion of the world's sugar out
put. ,
Americans and British On Committee.
George M. Rolph, head of the food
administration's sugar division; Earl
D. Babst, president of the American
Sugar Refining company, and William
A. Jamison, of Arbuckle Brothers, are
the American members of the commit
te. The allied nations are repre
sented by Sir Joseph, White-Todd and
James V, Drake, sr., British sugar
Details of the sugar distributing
panl will be worked out by a food
administration committee, consisting
of H. A. Douglas, Detroit; E. C.
Howe, Denver; W. H. Hannam, San
Francisco; S. H. Love, Salt Lake
City; W, S. Petriken, Denver: S. W.
Sinehemer, Huntington Beach, Cal.,
and W. P. Turner, Detroit.
Cuban Is Consulted.
Inclusion -of the Wff Cuban cane
sugar producing interests in the allied
distributing scheme will be discussed
with the food administration tomor
row by the Cuban minister, Dr.
Manuel De Cespedes. Cuba's partici
pation in the plan is expected, particu
larly in view of the government's
power, to prevent importation by re
fusing licenses to producers not agree
ing to the uniform price.
American cane sugar representatives,
it is believed, will take action 'similar
to that of the beet sugar men within
a week. Most cane producers already
have agreed to a 7J4-cnt price or its
equivalent, but this is not regarded
as final until the decision is unani
mous. The objections of about 10 per
cent of the best sugar men to the low
price were composed at final confer
ence today.
Effective October 1 in, West.
The new sugar price will become
effective in the west, October 1, when
the 1917- crop reaches the refineries
and in the east about two weeks later
The present price of beet sugar to
wholesalers is ' about 8.4 senta a
pound. r; .
"This patriotic acilon on the part
of the beet sugar producers of the
United States," said a food adminis
tration statement tonight, "demon
strates conclusively the value of this,
industry to the country in coming
fprward with lowpri-ts at a time
when sugar naturally-would be sell
ing at much higher levels."
Casual Camp Established
For Men at Camp Cody
' Camp Cody, Deming, N. M., Sept.
21. In order to protect more closely
th general good health of the Ne
braskans, Minnesotans, lowans and
Dakotjtns, as well as the. regular army
men in Camp Cody, Deming's citizens
and school children, Lieutenant Col
onel J. M. Coffin, division surgeon,
willl establish a "casual camp" for all
detached enlisted men sent as reeruits
to be! assigned to the organizations
here, in which place all new men will
be examined to see they are free from
communicable - disease,. 'before' they
take their assignments.
AH the troops are being checked to
determine if they have received the
typhoid, paratyphoid and smallpox
preventive serums. None will be sent
to the battle fields until they have
been made immune from these dis
eases. '''..
The health of the .troops here is re
ported to be excellent. There are less
than one per cent of them sick at any
time, which-is said to be lower than
the usual minimum. Captain O. A.
Davis, commanding at the base hos
pital said none are seriously jll. Ma
jor General A. P. Blocksom and other
officer! are, gratified at the absence
of disorder' among the men since the
Deming. saloons were closed. The
closing of the saloons here has helped
greatly in abolishing the social evil.
Enrollment Figures, at ?'Y. M."
Night School Show Increase
More students have been enrolled
in the Young. Men's Christian associa
tion night school this year than for
the corresponding period last, year,
despite the fact that attendance at
the leading colleges has been consid
erably decreased, because of the war.
According to-figures compiled by
the educational 'secretary, the enroll
ment for the fall term is. 356, com-
- pared to 220 last year. It" is expected
that the number of boys and busi
ness men registering for physical
training will be considerably increased
. this year, while the classes for young
b,men will be decreased. -Physical
training classes for boys
begin next Monday, and. during the
week following between 500 and 600
boys will be examined by the physical
. director. '
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
$10,000 for German. Who
Put Price on "Sammie"
Fort Worth Tex., Sept 21-Citi-
zens of Gerard, Kent county, have
raised a $10,000 fund to be offered
as a reward for the taking dead or
alive of the German commander of
the Eleventh division. It was this
commander who recently was re
ported in Associated - Press dis
patches to have offered a reward of
400 marks or approximately $100
for the first American soldier dead
or alive brought behind the Ger
nan lines. ,
Omaha Soldiers Will Have Home Doctors to Look
After Them if They are Taken Sick at Camp Funston
A l -V 41
I ... l : n , . , , . ,.,-3! sIvl
MMMamtiMllMMmMiaaiWSSJtttS ' , n ifiiwpw wwi mill ai timm m,wmmi i.mwiwuimiPisjwi inwwyn an t. -t
Creighton University Graduates in Medical Reserve Corps Stationed at Fort Riled Training Camp.
Top row, left to rifht Dr. H- M. Fitzgibbbn, 1908; Dr. W. G. Finley, 1903; G. W. Pugsley, 19,07; H. E. King, 1903; C. C.
Johnson, 1907; Lucien Stark, 1903; E. T, Fitzgerald, 1907; R. E. Hall, 1914.
Second row, left to right: R. T. Jones, 1911; Marion Sigler, 1916; R. W. Henry, 1901; H. A. Johnson, 1912; F. D. Ryder,
1915; J. M. Young, 1898; J. P. Rosenwald, 1910; J). Hibbard, 1913; O. P. Morganthaler, 1915; C S. Molseed, 1915.
Third row, reading left to right: J. P. Sheehy, 1915; G. D. Whitcomb, 1910; C M. Swab, 1916; C. T. Noedham, 1912;
C. A. Cumminga, 1916; Edgar Cline, 1913; L. H. Fochtman, 1914; R. T. Jelliion, 1914. . s
Bottom row, left to right j L. F. Egan, 1916 H. L. Akin, 1901 ; vj. McAllister, 1914; H. L. WelU, 1902; C. O. Moore, 1914;
Guy Van Scoyac, 1914; C, F, Shook, 1916; J. T. Loosbrock, 1911; Geoi. Mattison, 1913.
Session Which Gave Franchise
to Female Relatives of Over
Seas Troops Ends Eight
. Months 'Activity.
l (By Asuocluted Press.)
Ottawa, Sept. 21. The last season
of the twelfth Parliament of Canada
ended late today when the governor
general, the duke of Devonshire, gave
assent to legislation enacted and de
clared Parliament prorogued.
, The session had lasted eight
months, during which many impor
tant matters have been decided. To
meet the expenses f Canadian war
operations $350,000,000 was voted.
Conscription was enacted to provide
100,000 reinforcements for Canadian
troops in the 6eld.
Prime Minister Borden unsuccess
fully endeavored to induce Sir Wilfrid
Lauder to join with him in the for
mation of a coalition government.
This failing, and application "ioc ex
tension of the term? of Parliament
having been rejected, arrangements
were made for election by enacting a
bill providing votes for soldiers over
seas aid in Canada.
A wartime elections act was passed
extending the franchise to wives,
mothers; sisters and daughters of
Canadian soldiers overseas, while the
right to vote was j withdrawn from
aliens from enemy! countries whose
Canadian naturalization, is of less
than fifteen years' standing. These
measures, it is calculated, will give a
military vote of not less than 1.000,-
000. , The election is to be held before
It was announced that the first
class of conscripts, comprising un
married men between 20 and 34 years
of age, will be called immediately to
the colors. ' ' -
Pope's Second Peace .
t Note Now Forthcoming
Paris, Sept. 21. A Rome dispatch
to the Temps says that it seems to be
confirmed that Pope Benedict will
send another note containing peace
proposals to the belligerent powers
toward the end of September. The
newspaper's advice adds that the note
will be more specific and enter into
greater details than the recent one,-
Three Years to Paint
Giant Quebec Bridge
Quebec, Sept. 21. The central
span of the Quebec cantilever
bridge was successfully bolted into
place this afternoon, linking to
gether the arms of the largest
bridge of its kind in the world. The
hoisting operation began last Mon
day and the span, which weighs 5,
000 tons, was lifted by hydraulic
jacks a distance of 150 feet from
pontoons on the St. Lawrence
An effort last year to raise a
similar span in place resulted in dis
aster when the link slipped from its
supports, causing fourteen deaths,
and in 1907 a bridge in the same
place collapsed when it was prac
tically complete, killing seventy.
The successful completion of the
bridge will mean fulfillment of a
fifty year engineering dream. It
will be some months before trains
can be run over the structure as
there is much detail work to be car
ried out. The running time between
Halifax and Winnipeg will then be
reduced half a day, One detail is
the painting of the bridge which, it
is estimated, wiU take three years
and cost $35,000,
Puts Stamp of Approval on
Mayor's Action Regarding Re.
cent Permission for Meet
ing Given Pacifists.
(Br AMlatod Preas.)
Chicago, Sept. 21. The city's legal
department, in an opinion published
tonight, justified Mayor Thompson in
permitting the public meeting here re
cently of the Peoples' Council of
America for Democracy" and Terms
of Peace, after Governor Lowden had
forbidden the organization to hold
meetings in the state.
The opiniqn was approved by Sam
uel A. Ettelson, corporation counsel,
and was rendered, ft was stated, at
the request of Mayor Thompson. Its
essence was that the mayor would
act illegally in prohibiting any public
meeting, on the assumption that it
was going to be an- illegal one. The
constitution of the United States was
quoted at length to insure members of
the council right of free speech.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Long-Anticipated Question Put
to Ferguson Is Unanswered;
Believes Has Right to With
hold Information,
, (Br Awoclated Preit.)
Austin, Tex., Sept. 21. Despite a
large affirmative vote that he disclose
to the senate high court of impeach
ment all the circumstances surround
ing his borrowing of $156,000 in cur
rency this year, Governor James E,
Ferguson this evening refused to
do so.
The governor said he intended no
disrespect to the court, jvhich had
voted, 23 to 7, that he should answer
a long series of questions propounded
by M. M, Crane, counsel for the house
board of managers.
"But," he added, "I believe honest
ly and candidly that I have the con
stitutional right to decline to fur
nish this information. I don't believe
any court invthe land will hold me
guilty of contempt."
Following the governor's state
ment, Mr. Crane turned him over to
W. A. Hanger, for redirect examina
tion. After a few questions concern
ing the state university matter and
the Temple State oank, recess was
taken until morning, with the pros
pect that all evidence will be in some
time tomorrow. .
Holland Bids Shipowners
Hang on to Dutch Vessels
,t Rotterdam, Sept. 21. In shipping
circles today it was said the owners
of all Dutdh vessels now in New
York harbor had received offers to
purchase the ships and that the own
ers had consulted with the Nether
lands government, The latter, it is
asserted, replied that the owners
should sell their yessels under no cir
cumstances, because the Holland gov
ernment had requisitioned the ships
for the transportation of food.
Dutch ship owners are said to feaf
the American government may con-,
fiscate the vessels.
Proclaim Liberty Day to
Boost Second Liberty Loan
Washington, Sept, 21. The second
Liberty loan campaign will last four
life Irugf He
Then come to one of the five Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores, where you really
and truly can "ave time and money" Prpmpt service; fresh and genuine goods.
Toilet Goods Prices
Pive kinds Colgate's Talcum Pow
1 der, per can . . i, . .15
Big, long ' green - bottlsT Violet
Water, bottle 19
25c Vantlne's. Geisha; Perfumed
Soap, for, ..14
15c Pear's Soap, vnscented, per
;cake, at...'. ...,9tf
60c Java Rice Powder, . . .V.34
50c Melorose Toilet Powder, 4
shades, box. . ...... . . . . .34d
25c Mavis talc, the tall Redbox,
for .19
30c Kolynos Tooth Paste, Satur
day i9
25c Palmolive week-end set and
any. 50c Palmolive article, all
Ask us for rare Drugs and
ChmicU "r sew Toilet or
Medicinal Preparation.
Proprietary Medicines
At Cut Prices !
Bromo Seltzer, 10-19-39-79
Llsterine, 15j 19 43d 79
75c Jad Salts 54
35c Limestone Phosphate. . .24
50c Pape's Diapepsin. , . . . .34
$1 Horlick's Malted Milk .".69
Allcock's Porous Plasters, each
t ; 12
Sal Hepatica..23. 48. 94
$1 Pinkham's Compound .., 74
Kilmer's Swamp Root, 48, 98
35c Castoria for .21
S. S. . . . . . .89 and $1.39
Eaf I Brand Condensed Milk,
per can,., ..19
Coors Malted Milk, rich In butter
fat 43. 89. 83.25
Cigars For Smoking
We handle the kind of cigars
you can give your friends or
smoke yourself. Standard brands
you know about:
TOM MOORE, Club House size,
10c straight, box of 60. .83.75
TOM MOORE, Invincible size, 10c
straight, box of 60. . . .83.75
TOM MOQRE, Con Grande size,
10c; 3 for 25c; box of 60
at 83.50
LITTLE TOM. 6c straight, box of
50 ................ 82.25
Fresh Mineral Waters
Wkobtaln these direct from the
5-gallon Jug Excelsior Springs
Crystal Lithia Water 82
5-gal. jug Waukesha Water, 82
5- gallon jug Excelsior Springs Salt
Sea Water for.. 82.25
6- gallon jug Colfax Water... 82
Case of 60 quarts ; Ballard vale
Water for ........88
Case of 60 quarts Manitou Water
for ......88
Alloues Water, case 12 -gallons
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
. ...... - , . .... . . .....
5-Good Drug Stores and all in Prominent Location
American Engineers in
Charge of Strategic Lines
American Training Camp in
France, Sept. 21. An American
regiment of engineers has taken
over an important Hne of French
strategic railways. While they have
not been under shell fire, the Ger
mans have attempted to bomb the
trains. The regiment is entirely
under the French and is handling
supplies of ammunition to French
Live Stock Given Precious
Grain as Substitute for
Corn, Which Brings
Higher Price.
weeks, opening October 1 and closing
October 27. f
Wednesday, October 24, will be
celebrated as Liberty Day throughout
the country and arrangements will
be made to hold patriotic meetings in
every city, town and village,
t Details of the second Liberty loan,
it was officially announced tonight,
will be made public as soon as possi
ble after congress disposes of the
$11,000,000.000 tond bill. "
One Dead, Several Injured
In Headon Collision in East
Benton Harbor, Mich., Sept 21.
One man is dead, several others are
believed to have been killed and at
least fifteen persons were injured in
a headon collision of a passenger and
freight train on; the Pere Marquette
railroad at Riverside, seven miles
northeast of here, tonight. 1
(Br AMOfflated Frewi.)
Oklahoma, City, Okl.. Sept. 21.
Wheaf is being fed to live stock as a
substitute for corn in many counties
of northeastern Oklahoma and pend
ing governmental action, very little
additional wheat will -be marketed
from these counties at the price fixed
by the food administration, according
to a statement tonight by the state
board of agriculture.
The action of the farmers is due
to a number of causes, chief of which
is the scarcity ot corn for feeding
purposes, coupled with 'the fact that
the farmer feels the government has
placed an arbitrary price upon his
product at a time when the law of sup
ply and demand is in his favor, with
out at the same time fixing the prices
of other articles for his consumption,
the statement ssys,
Little Corn Raised.
"First hand information of wheat
being fed to stock in Blaine and
Woods counties has been received at
this office," the statement continues,
"in the form of reports from county
agents. Very little eorn has been
raised in northwestern Oklahoma,
with one county reporting a 3, per
cent crop,
"With corn worth $2.25 'a bushel,
and wheat bringing from $1.80 to
$1.95 at the elevator, the farmers are
using wheat for fattening hogs, their
relative food values being almost
"In Woods county farmers are feed
ing wheat as the cheapest food they
have. Little wheat will be sold until
the price is raised, the county agents
report. The government has not fixed
the price of corn.
Farmer Treated Unfairly.
"According to( these' reports, the
farmer who, be it understood, is as
loyal as any other citizen and as anx
ious torhclp win the war, feels that
he is being deprived of a righteous
profit from his product while others
are allowed to insist on 'war profits'
without governmental interference."
The situation was brought to the
attention of J.'M. Aydelotte, chair
man of the State Council of Defense.
"While there is an apparent fal
lacy," Mr. Aydelt'tte said, in feeding
hogs wheat in Blaine county and
holding 'wheatless days' in Oklahoma
City, 100 miles away, I see no chance
of relieving the situation. That is a
matter clearly within Mr Hoover's
While no reliable statistics are
available, agricultural authorities
agree that approximately 60 per cent
or 18,000,000 bushels of the 1917 wheat
crop remains on Oklahoma farms.
American Schooner
Sunk by U'Boat or Mine
Washington, Sept. 21. News of
the sinking of the Ann J, Trainer,
unarmed American achooner, on
September 16, was announced today
in a consular telegram to the .State i
department. The crew of . seven
men were saved. Whether the ves
sel was sunk by a mine or a sub
marine was not stated.
These Are Busy Days at
SchmollerS Mueller's
Havden Broa.' Entire Piano
Stock Being Offered at a
Fraction of IU Real
Buying Enthusiasm ia Great
It was a fortunate circumstance
for music lovers when Haydep
Brothers decided to retire from the
piano business.. Schmoller & Muel
ler were on the spot with sufficient
cash to buy their entire stock at a
price low enough to enable them to
offer savings of an unprecedented
nature to people who are contem
plating the purchase of pianos,
piano-players and organs.
Hundred of PUnos Sacrificed
Sacrificed is really not the word.
Slaughtered is more appropriate,
for the prices at which they are
offered are establishing a new low
price record in retail piano Belling.
The savinga range from $233.00 to
$865.00 on a single piano. Every
instrument is - guaranteed as to
quality. Schmoller & Mueller as
sume all responsibility of the in
strument giving entire satisfaction.
Piano May B Exchanged
Instead of all sales being final,
as is usually the case, in sales of
this kind, Schmoller & Mueller are
giving purchasers the privilege of
returning any time within . two
years the piano purchased now,
and full amount paid will be al
lowed toward any new Steinway or
Schmoller & Mueller piano of
higher price in their stock.
With each piano a scarf and a
stool are given free. Pianos bought
during this sale can be paid for in
easy payments.
Partial List of Bargains.
This list will give you an idea of
the wonderful savings offered: A
$300 Kohler & Chase piano goes
for $67.00; a $600 Mahlin piano is
offered at $348.00: an $800 Soh-
mer Grand Piano is marked at
$537.(0; $79.00 buys a beautiful
$360.00 Cable Nelson Piano; a
$500.00 Chlckering Piano will be
sold for only $124.00; a $450.00
Behr Bros. Piano bears a $242.00
price tag; a $500.00 Fisher Piano
is being sacrificed for $U$.0Qi
$268.00 is the, small price asked
for a $460.00 Price & Teepla
Piano; a $500.00 National Player
Piano goes for $126.00, and to cap
the climax, a $1,000.00 Chickerinp
& Sons Concert Grand Piano will
be sold for $135.00. There are
many other bargains equally as
Don't delay, because the very
instrument you want may be
spoken for if you put off coming.
Extraordinary Display of
Men's Fall Suits
Saturday and Monday,
We have just received another large shipment of
Men's New Fall Suits from our New York buyer, which
enables us to place them before the men of Omaha at
this unusually low price. v ;
Among these splendid suits are double-breasted, single
breasted, belter backs, pinch backs, staple models and con-4
servative - models, in different fabrics, such as serges,
worsteds, , stripes, checks
and cassjmeret. SATURDAY
fl I 75
With Two Pair of Knicker Pants
Here's a sale that fits
right in with the spirit
of the tlmes for it
spells ECONOMY and
most decided manner.
Parentfl.thiS is the best
opportunity , you ever
had of saving money on.
a smart, serviceable
School Suit for your
boy. We invite every
mother who is blessed
with a real, live, red-
blooded lad to come and see them, for they are gar
ments he will be proud, to wear. They are in a va
riety of hobby models, some finished plain; some
belted all around and some half belted. Remember,
for Saturday and Monday we make this special of
fer, an extra pair of knicker pants with MO
every suit., y0a4U
Boys' Caps '
All wool 'fabrics, smart fall
patterns and 4 O
shapes. tOC
Boys' Shoes
Unequaled money-saving val
ues in button or djo
lace styles... J.. DttO
Boys Stockings
For strenuous school service
heavy black ribbed in.
quality l&C
Boys' Waists
Remarkable offering Boys'
Waists, sizes 6 to
'Autumn Styles in
' For Man and Young Men
It s Impossible to
' equal them because
we bought an extra
large allotment, and
we are giving you
the advantage., of
our vast buying
power. ' There are
many styles that
will interest the
young man and the
conservative middle
aged man. Many of
the models lean to
ward the conserva
tive rather than the
radical. In fact, a
splendid, complete
assortment of suits
including the suit
you want to wear
Men's Hose
We admn mat It is rather unusual to
nter Men's Hose at such a low price,
especially when they are of such good
quality; but nevertheless we are of
fering them In different shade
black, tan, navy and helio, for
Saturday and Monday, at ,
$10 I
't riniJtszni i