THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER at. my. BERNSTORFF HAND SHOWN IN INTRIGUE Vniied States' Makes Public Cablegram Sent by Him Show. tag Plan to Influence . Congress. , ' ChUim4 from rf Oa. of propaganda and for purposes of espionage. Prominent Men Implicated. Information in the possession of the government, but not yet revealed, is said to show conclusively a more direct connection of the German ma chine in America with the Irish ques tion than that indicated in Count von BernstorfFs message. The records at the Department of Justice are said to contain the names of men implica ted in that phase of Germanic in trigues well known In America. Today's announcement by the State department is the first official utter ance of the government in reference to the German ambassador's actual participation in the mare of plots and intrigues conducted for Germany's benefit in this country since the be ginning of the European war. The evidence of Count von Berns torff's personal activities in connec tion with the German propaganda here bears the 4it of President Wil soh's'address to congress January 22, reciting his appeal to the warring na tions to enter into peace negotiations. At the same time the president was addressing congress, apparently Count von Bernstorff was appealing to his government for funds with which to influence congressional ac tion, s It was not the first time, appar ently, that Count von Bernstorff had sought to influence congressional ae tidn, this being eloquently proclaimed ho till rrfrrfnrr " tft 'former OC- casions." ' - ' , Washington Well Informed, , Th nima of - the r, organisation through which the -German govern ment had sought to .influence con-. - gressional action, the j manner in which the money, used for this pur pose was expended, the previous in- i stances and -the individuals carrying on the propaganda, although not dis closed, presumably are known to the State department and to the Depart- . ment of Justice, whose bureau of in vestigation for mf re than three years has been conducting a rigid surveil lance of German activities in tnis ' country. . ' l. " , . Record of'the Department of Jus tice are overflowing with reports from hundreds of agents concerning Ger man intrigues here, many of which led to the German embassy'and some rt uhi-h r(u!tH in the r call, at President Wilson's request,- of. Cap tains Boy-Ed and Von Papen, the German mlitary and naval aides. - Tin tn ViU titn Rnv.Fit and Von 1 Papen had appeared as the master spirits of German propaganda here. Intimations that German plots and intrigues were directed not by them but by Count von Bernstorff, with the full approval of Berlin, with 4he had been met bv officials with silence. For months past, however, there have been many indications that the Amer ican government had established Bernstorff's direct connection with much of the German secret work eon ducted here, and that there was am ple basis for a request for his recall months before the diplomatic break with Germany. Bernstorff Directed Boy-Ed. Up to the time of Boy-Ed's and Von Papen's recall. Von t Bernstorff apparently, for diplomatic reasons, had sought to remain clear personally nf Innn,l'tini1 with th BTeit Volume of pro-German activities conducted here by his attaches. From disclosures concerning Boy-Ed's and Von Papen's manifold activities, officials apparent ly obtained the impression that Von Bernstorff in most instances had left the conduct of German propaganda In the hands of his subordinates, with only casual supervision of their ac tivities, if any. Intimationts have been mora or less frequent, however, at trials and other proceedings instituted against pro German agents in this country that Von Bernstorff had at least a general knowledge of the work they were con ducting. In most instances this. knowl edge would appear to be only of a general nature. In a few cases leads pointing towatd American neutrality were not publicly developed. The government's purpose in not following these leads with public dis closure was to permit of closer ex amination into th'. ambassador's ac tual participation in them.. The text of the message was given out without comment in the same manner as was the message of Count Luxburgl German minister to Argen tina, which has disrupted relations between Argentina and uermany, ana the letter of German Minister von Eckhardt, in Mexico City, recently made public. , , Casts Suspicions at Congress. . On the floor of the house, Repre sentative Heflin of Alabama, asserted that he could name thirteen or four teen members of the two branches of congress who had acted suspiciously, and expressed th opinion that they should be investigated. Generally, hnwrvrr. the disposition was to re gard, as absurd any suggestion that' any part ot tne sau.wu sougnt Dy von Bernstorff was intended for members of congress. i ':. v Kothlng to Foreshadow Trouble, , This message was sent' nine days before the German'government pro? claimed its undestricted submarine warfaer. When he wrote it, Count von Bernstorff wa assuring the Amer ican government and press that under no circumstances would Germany vio late her pledges of the Sussex case or do anything that might draw the United States into( .the list of her enemies. With - the Lusitania and other cases' in abeyance, the Ameri- 1613 Farnam StreeL V THE STORE FOR GENTLEWOMEN OUR FOURTH" ANNIVERSARY Saturday, Sept 22 The : House of Menagh cordially invites your inspection of the beautiful new - Autumn Models Just Received Only the superlative of language can adequately 4 . describe this superlative showing of " ' Suits; Coats, Dresses .Fashions that are authoritative and original. ' Attractively Priced 1 "5 $35 to $100 7- can government, had made no move since the Sussex pledge, and there was nothing on the surface to fore shadow impending trouble. Two weeks later, when von Bern storff was handed his oassoorts. he professed ignorance of prior knowl edge of his 'government s intentions to throw its promises to the winds. Bernstorff Directed Personally. Evidence hat been accumulating to prove that the ambassador was not only cognizant or, out actuany di rected the activities of 'Boy-Ed and von Papen, the military and naval at taches, who were sent some long De fore the United States broke relations with Germany, because of their con nection with bomb plots, passport frauds, spying and other pases ol the almost unlimited operations in this country of the German secret service. Echoes of Suspicion. How complete is the evidence of German diolomatie duplicity remain ing in possession of the United States government is only conjectural,! but that it is far more than has been gen erally supposed is now certain. It was intimated by government officials today that the series of revelations is not nearly complete. From the out side there are reaching the State de partment schoes of the apprehension sounded by friends , of men towards whom suspicion long has pointed. Official repudiation was given a sug gestion that a diplomat now in Wash ington is about to be placed under the spotlight. , . The coordinated intelligence forces of the government are known to be continuing their investigations, how ever, and it is pointed put that the government has not lost sight of the necessity ot watching tor uerman in trigue and espionage. Recommends Million and Half in Land Taxes Be Paid Washington, Sept. 21. Payment of land taxes aggregating $1,504,841 to eighteen counties in Oregon and one county in Washington was recom mended by Secretary Lane today. When the federal government recov ered title to the lands from Oregon & California Railroad company con gress authorized the payment of taxes levied against the properties while In the possession of the road. The amounts due range from $478 in the case of Clark county, Washington, to $300,132 in the case of Douglas county, Oregon. - - . Hundreds Injured in Riot Following Ohio Meeting Cleveland. 0., Sept. 21. In a riot which followed a soliciting meeting here last night one man was stabbed, perhaps fatally, and 'several hundred persons suffered minor injuries. Eight automobile .loads of federal agents, more than a score of police reserves and military police armed with clubs charged the crowd repeat edly before 'it was scattered. IwNT MY ClOMS" WHSTV ABOUT ' YOURS? SjjK Or THE TOWN, Clothes to Command Respect Dignity and tone elegance are always a part of Brown ing-King Clothes. . In spite of ' unfavorable market con ditions, we shall continue to make and sell nothing but GUARANTEED ALL WOOL GARMENTS. .V.':A;;Mcn V--' V- i And Young Men's ISUITS 4 . and v'p.' OVERCOATS V ; $15 to $60 MENJSHATS and . FURNISHINGS Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Phoenix Hosiery Mallory Hats Vassar Union Suits Borsalino'Hata Exclusive Neckwear Berg Hats Our Exclusive Second Floor CHILDREN'S DEPT. Boys' Hats and Caps . Suits, and Overcoats Exclusive Furnishings Paul Jones Middy Blouses ; Misses Sweater Coats r Browning, King & Company I CEO. T.WILSON, Mgr. liiirtr i THOMPSON,! Qhe Hraskwii Center jor - r ELPEN & LO. WometV? The New Blouses $7.50 is the price of a new series of Georgette Blouses ; fine in quality and delight ful in design. A Gallerie of Exquisite Blouses, showing the beau ties of hand work, fine ma terials and lovely designs. These for women who de sire the extraordinary, $25, $29,50, $35. Fine Furs Blended Rat ' Throws, $30, $35, Muffs, $30, Blue Wolf Sets, ' $45 to $65. l Black Wolf Sets, $45 to $65. Fischer Racoon Sets for $45. Second Floor, Swagger Sticks Decidedly :Smart A variety of styles, sterling trims, $1.50 and $2. Umbrella Section Fall Laces and Trimmings Ready Beautiful patterns that will add materially to the at tractiveness of your' new costumes. St, Gall Laces,- Novelties in gold and silver, Filets, Venise, Vals, Clunies, Tor chons and Net Tops.N A dis play that is wonderfully complete and full of sug gestions. Unique Beaded Trimmings in Egyptian and Indian col orings; are originations that you'll like to see. Trefousse Gloves The finest gloves from France. Made of the best kid skins. Correctly sized and beautifully finished ; one and two-clasp styles In Fall shades., $2, $2.25, $2.75 a pair. Topless Corsets Women of slender and medium figure will appreciate this com fortable style. - We have a num ber of new models in brocaded materials, batiste, and coutil; wide elastic - bands at the top. $1.50 to $8. Third Floor Fashionable Suits - Coats Dresses In a Group Priced $25 SERGE DRESSESU-The popular dress of the season, is i shown in a. variety of new models. Made of fine serge, beautifully styled and trimmed. A special showing at $25. ' ' v SERVICE COATS For stormy days, motor wear and street wear, are those likeable coats made of serviceable fabrics, in modish styles, An unusual value for $25. ' TAILORED SUITS--Belted effects, cor rectly tailored of seasonable mate rials. Suits that are way above the average ga r m e n t one expects j for $25. I No extra charge for alterations Select Your New Hat From the Best Displays Of the Whole Season Saturday you are invited to see a group of charming new. Hats, Priced $10 We are sure that such a selection is ' out of the ordinary in variety of . shapes, colors, trimmings and dis tinctiveness.; You can have a new Fall Hat that . is, obviously in good f taste without exceeding the expenditures planned a hat that will be admired and commented upon in any gathering. l. jibe Thompson-Belden Ideal; lis, a .hat that . is distinctively,' and exclusively your own. Short Lines of High Shoes Chosen From Regular Stock ;-v . ' Go Saturday for $5 High Shoes of the best sort styles that are really fashionable, Made of the finest materials. Sorosis throughout in quality of " workmanship.' . In thlsTlot are Black Kid Shoes with White Kid Tops, Patent Leather Shoes with Black, Buck Tops, Black Kid, tfrown wa--au o alrable styles, selling, as you know, ordi narily for much more than asked in this sale, Both high and low heeled styles. It's only because they represent short lines that we can offer; them at the absurdly low price of 1 . $5 a pair The Newest of Neckwear Finishing touches mean so much to one's appearance and happy is the woman who has time (or takes It) to bestow real care on the choice of neck fixings. Notice the smartest dress er you know and you will usually discover that her neck is clothed with care. At present Jabot collars of lovely lace are prominently dis played. ' Chimssettes-with jabots and stock collar are very fetching, Collars for coats and dresses are made of Crepe and Satin. Georgette and Organdie Edges are plain or lace trimmed- . Attractive collars especially de signed for Serge and Satin dresses. Beautiful Scarfs of Velvet and Plush. North Aisle, Main Floor Woolens and Silks -Price Worth Taking Advantage Of Good fabrics are con stantly rising in price.. Materials of good quality are scarce. To see our present stocks and . to know, that every yard was purchased months ago when prices were very much lower, then one realizes the truth of the statement that we are in' a position to save you money. An excellent range of fins wool coatings, suitings and dress-weight fabrics in fash ionable weaves and colors These are materials of the best grade, Haskell's fine black silks are , to be had exclusively . at Thomuson-Beldens They are rich, lustrous and beautiful 11,7505.00. NoveRy silks, taffetas and satins, at $1.75 to $3.50. One hundred new pieces of Georgette. In all probability , we can 'match your difficult shades, at $2 to $3. Devoted To Men Ultra Smart Shirt Indeed a fitting description of the season's new arrivals. Manhattans. Eagles and Ar rows. Good looking patterns aplenty .from which to choose. French or stiff cuffs, whichever you prefer. , -. ;. l - New Soft Cellars For fall wear we offer heavy piques and madras, in a va riety of suitable shapes. Ar row, Delpark, Manhattan, Earl and Wilson and Triangle . makes, . New Form-Fit Arrew Collar, Rich Neckweer Colors that go well with your shirts; patterns that are a bit "different" from ordinary' an exceptionally large show ing, SOe to $3 All made with slip-easy bands, for service. Silk Headkerchiefs Plain colors or fancy border ed effects, in Crepe do Chios and Jsp Silk, Several good qualities. f , THE; MEN'S SHOP To the Left ae You Eater ,1 ( WE ARE THIRTY YEARS OLD AND STILL GROWING ' ASSETS, $12,000,000.00, ' r'- ' ; , ,r . Bertrand, Nebraska, June 20, 1917. 1 Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Nebraska, . v Lincoln, Nebraska. . Gentlemen Your general agent, Mr. A, B. Olson,' has today Y handed me draft in the amount of $715.92, which represents the 1 cash surrender value on policy No. 10373, which Khave carried with your companion a fifteen payment basis, having paid an annual premium of $35.75, being a total of $536.25. Now, after having had the full fifteen yearsr protection you pay me back all ' I have paid in and $179.67 interest I am very much pleased with mis settlement ana am giving ivir. uisun ray appucauun lur an other policy on the same basis. Y Y I can surely recommend your company to any one contemplat ing buying Life Insurance. . I am, :.' - Yours very truly, ' Y Y- REUBEN W. RISBERG. ' FIFTEEN PAYMENT LIFE POLICY , Matured in the OLD LINE BANKERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Lincoln, Nebraska Name of insured . .Reuben W, Risberg Residence. ..... .Bertrand, Nebraska Amount of policy. . . .$1,000.00 Total premiums'paid company $536.23 SETTLEMENT. Total cash paid Mr. Risberg. ,$715.92 And 15 years' Insurance for Nothing. 4; s4 Our contracts guarantee equal protection and investment for all policy holders. We hrnve a position to offer a wide-eweke life beurenee nua. Addrese Heme Office, Lincoln, Neb., Dept. H. , .v. - . .