. ' ' THE BEE; OMAHA. SEPTEMBER .,1917. . ' - I Want Ad Rates FOR SALEMisccllancou. ANNOUNCEMENTS , BUSINESS CHANCES MEDICAL HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE f tcounting sit wards to tb L;n) Furniture and Household Goods. ' Accountants. your business or real estate handled for rjp p p TAPRY Salesmen and Solicitors. Stores and Officers. ' - sale. F. V. Knleet. Be. Bldg.. Omaha. AVAV. . 1W AXVA'A . N ad taken for left thai two lines UWOraK-Ure AUdlt CO., DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO, 1126 140 BEB BLDO. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, experienced. Phon 638 R.mge Bid,. - Phon. Doug. 3162. W. O. W. Bldg. Red 8285. . pi, rmRIl Pram ' Douglas 38$. Evenings. Webster 1370. 1 Local rnr MEAT market for ,aal.. C. M. Huffman, PILES, FISTULA CURED. QAT.FMAN I CASH WITH Atnr itrnminit n t t-i m. . Staplehurst. Neb. th, v n T. , ,i, . . iJ-J'u.-.l WANTED Experienced stenographer or f r.r Hnar..f......, m. AUCTION SALE TwS," u Nevl'ik Wo? RrHStSS: f" "her 2, S"t.T.2i Capable of following system by bookkeeper ; '"SS"" S pwlln ...I or moroeonsocatlv. Insertions cult. Hiss Walker. tiJ Ncylllo Blk. D. 4207. P oration. Cure guaranteed and no money sales made every day. Must be Hospe Co.. 407 W. Bway. Council Bluff., Jf- " , OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 222 Nevlll. Apf WflTTQ- APflATW paid until cured. Write for book on rec- aM. tn at. ar i't W) a month . f?' CHARGE Block, 11th and Harney St.. Doug- 7211. AtM. ttUUO- UAKUA1IN tal disesso and testimonial.. able tO make at least ? ar montn. STENOOraPHER and clerk. $S$. . t - Vr Una time Central Bath Inat.. 160 Harney Doug 7027 Qulk etlon will boy apartment bouaa rt,Sr-.e Ve naVC nlen tunning1 8S nigtl as WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN., K r Una...! or mora conaecutlva Inaertlona S TV j. ' ' filled with desirable tenants. Owner aell. k,niropr-ctorB. $1,200 per montll. No advance, COm- 738 First National Bank Bldg. 4 U P" Un ...0 consecntlv. Inaertlona SatUrdaV Sentember 22 . ?"! f."; n F0Undne'.- v?e, !Sr.h iVZnb?n ,?vhi. l-ton. Il W. O. W. Bldg. D. 4622. minion basis. Call 1217, W. O. W. WANTED Girls for aod. room. : lTttATirv ti, 0tUIU,y, OeL-lCIIlUtl , p.ton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bta Very desl r.bl. location. All modern. Writ. Dr j. & Lawrence. Bali Old a. - 14(1. RlrlcFriHav SHERMAN & M'CONNELL DRUG CO. i SITUATIONS WANTED Carpentert and Contractora " ' pm""'Bee- ; 1 ciog. rnaay. nth and Dodge st. V "IL-TTaS-T"- AuTOM0B,US - SITUATIONS WANTED ( r'XSaS s FUNERAL notices , . r f.?5iini? L M.!jg; . - Professions and Trades. 1a- ru""uu-nuutM A M DP T,nYPf,ch001' Popular, Ballroom . . FIRST-CLASS office man past draft age : - i 10 r Una ,.cb InaerUon OV ii. LC UAC Dancea-Clasa Monday Eva. RARfrATNS "nt Plttn with firm where expert- i , I (M Imam charge. 10 cents.) 111 8. th. Phone Walnut 1027. Ai,kJ enca and efforts are appreciated. Long WANTED-!-Llve wire delivery aalesman. f " ft Jl T p.. TURPIN'S School of Dancing. 28th and nnn r- i mimn i eaperience and can hold down good Job. Salary ranging from 27 to II2S monthly. J J Farnam. Phone H. 143, or call personally X OK SATUKDAY Box 7387. Omaha Bee. depending on brains and ability. Altmito j Caak Witt Order. (Count Six Words to Line.) for date of classes. Circulars mailed free. . YOUNO man holding a responsible position. Dairy Co., 26th and Leavenworth, fJTRT I GIRLS' GIRLS' a'lLl.rw'l . f o per Uno 1 Uma. Goods anU for ntnnvr rhzrcn KEEP Dancing Academy, private lessonsT 1117 Ford touring 2359 jhM regular employment In oveninga. ' AAVl . jaavu . ; Agenta Wanted J " OOOaS SOia IOr Storage CnargCS. classes for adults and children. D. 7860. JllT Ford taurine: 150 bookkeeping, typewriting, caanler or cler- . J ln'r.ChCe,i 'P "n''M,DOr- AU rt,. t J a i .4 rhirnnnrlUt " Ford roadster ! i"! MV. tll J?' work. Address J, Bee Office, South 10 girls for Steady pleasant em- V 'rinmciAi I eoncuUv. lnMrtion About 40 lots of goods to be sold Chiropodist JtJ Fo tr0UX .. . o m?!-- - ,ra .,.- m. r ployment as packers and labellen f 0 par Una 1 tW - s Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk.. R. 4687. l Ford touring 236 CIVIL ENGINEER, age 24. wishes position. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR SILK jn davliKht TOOm f Another J. """ On this day. Dentists 121 S Ford touring 225 Four yeara' experience In field. Can fur. AND DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. AP- ' 8 1 ApoTV ''. CllMtDnUoDi 1 11 UM ' " B0" tt ' HI Ford roadster 225 nlsh my own instruments. Address 22 N. pt.t TO SUPERINTENDENT HATDEN Arfl1 I ctiv. insertions Each item put up separately and p7' n p""- .w. o. wTmZj: Kord chaMl .I.":..: 200 27th st.. counc. Bluff,, a. plt to superintendent hatden x V, CSB THB TELEPHONE If you cannot enn- Tsffs Denf Rma.. 303 Rose Bldg. D. 218 These cara are all In perfect shape and ACCOUNTANT. 3126; shipping clerk. 286; bKINWK Mf (i. CU.t 4 , ranlently bring or send la your want ada snlrl in thr rilohest WiAArr nrtu-iUni are ready to place right into service. collector, 265; bookkeeper, $75; office elk., - ' V Aak for . Wt Ad Tak."and you wui 8 " D S O yregSmakini , 1917 Elc.r Chummy roadster, brand 50; hotel clerk, 306: offlce'c.erk. 165. WANTED-A-! experienced gloy. aalesman ,4 TUnB c(. reoeivo the same good eervice as when Xi:U - j. u2t. a Dressmaking guaranteed and reas. Wal. 880. new $675 THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. Q. W. Bldg. tor Nebraska for advertised line Grlnnell 14th and Jackson MS. , -.Uvarm, your want ad at thl. offc. U dr- SHMAK.NO work anteed. , tn6, 1,17 BH un J e .than ,6.0 mile. 650 EXPERT carpenter and millwright desire, I itu Crocker, dining room outfit, T "T- raw.:::::::::::: 8S SHi"1 "S o. c, MOWSINO DITIONsllV.y.V.r.ii:00:p. Oriental rugs, dished, linen, bed- SUTTON DUv. Agency ISLZ hou,.. WILL you b. lucent for Iowa. U Movie Program . ' bbwi. pon Tvier 251s. . JTZSSS C' m wanted01 Downtown. GORDON FIREPROOF ;eT'y?3.Evld"- Trawver Auto Salvage and waed-po,. -, 0f t,Ur. Twenty.,, cn, oood wa... !; "aCSSB. 131J DOUGLAS 8. P. JOLLY. 513 Paxton. Red 1124. EXChanfiTe Co . Ing car. Box 7264. Omaha Bee. good salary. A. Hospa A Co., 1613 Doug- Twenty-v. OlrUi. Oood Wagea. ft BEN WTL80N and : t fVj " O v lM gt steady Work. 4 neva oerber. in v . Junk Dealers. Female. L "THE SPINDLE OF LIFE" WAREHOUSE ffr VAN TO 8T--LOU'8 JUNK-CO. Call Web. 0 after 4. 17th gt- t , Ph0" Pout- ,07- tWANTEp-Po,ltlon as P. ,B. X. operator. SALESMEN' WANTED. PERMANENT PP. ITEN BISCUIT CO : North. WAKrlUUbb & VAIM LU. fixture, and Wirin. need tires andbes repaired white ilnwi Can .v. Bed 44 fo3!. a R" K1NNET C' Av. , f. ALAMO. TWENTY-FOURTH AND FORT DIIRTCTN anlng maclnes. DON'T TOO vvrtiim laundress. Call ave.. . i oi. ; . . , . 1 ' art-drama dat 11TH AND DAVENPORT STS vxvm eiectno irons and reading all RIGHT, wh do thb best work . Laundry and Day Work. lt...-.,r,, : . , I with JEAN SOTHERN. In IHH nflU UAVtflrUKl MS, lamps. 2223 Cuming gt. Doug. 2812. IN TOWN. CLEANING bv the d.v n' at a m0rntn- WANTED-Experlenced accident and health THE Nebraska Telephone company off era an 1 "A MOTHER'S ORDFA.L" Hr.uaj.rmM" gn-Tialri,. TRY US. , lynliim Weh-Tir mornln' man at once, apecial agency work. Call exceptional opportunity to young ladlM to I . Kr "Kft- 1 Household Specialties THE TIRB SHOP. S7?.Jn w,b,t" . In person. Omaha Health and Accident e.rn local jnd long distance telephone I ALHAMBRA, 24TH AND PARKER . , C, F. ADAMS, (23 8, 16th. D. 2007. Under 261S FARNAM. BUNDLES carefully laundered. W'ab. 4002. Co., 658 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., operating. Permanent positions; oppoftun- 4 . EMMY WEHLEN, in liKt "Oogt or rarnam car, get new management. Wo want to aee old DOUGLAS 4878. LAUNDRY w w by exp. col, lady. Web. iWi. WANTED Experienced clothing" aalesman, Itlea for advancement; good wagea, A ar.l- I "THE PRETENDERS" , , friends and meet now. Open Sat eves. REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS EXP laundresa for laun drV work w.h ' Shirley Clothes Shop. ary la paid while learning. 5RAXD' PElii T SU "rth- YUr C"dU ''iZranT S"! SUNDRY .y tZZZZ '.S WANTED-Coupou photo soUCtor. 228 Bee I .J$M?RL',. F.B. STEPHENSON, Auct. J TZuhcous. hS STJT.' 7 ?T ffi d-two solicitorspTq-box STS ZT'1 to" J THE FATAL RING" 313-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug.' t81(. l-"nll,' ' P n. y " d,y Wrk- 44i' T. OMAHA. Apply to a F. Lambert. 1107 Douglaa j South. rhbTTaliTBu i nt' iT:;od WrV litti;:::: -LE..,w:kor.day r:": H-nw!.!."!- ' Hotel, and Restaurants. : APOLLO; iiTH b LEAVENWORTH - AVEHALF on beams, column., brick. H 'aTbaRd MOTORCAR CO 300 U l.dv wan , d.v ,w . r 1 GIRLS wanted colored preferred " MARC MACDERMOTT in FuKNIBH YOUR HOBAT'prTctIcal: ann "btr and Wreck Co. Web. 2884. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. Col, lady want, day wk.. any kind. Ty. 268. OMAHA PAPER wrm' ''THFCnKFlrT' LT ToUR Owl PRICE. Oxv-Acetvlene W5di: AUTO CLEARING, HOUSa DAT work by whlto woman. Wbner4'T2. WANTED NIGHT COOK WANTED. IN- jfth and Marcy DougI 152 j 3 IHb CONFLICT Hundreda of people have taken adven- 7-Acctync Welding. 2J0 Farnam. e . Douglaa 2310. DAT work and bundle washing' Web 230" QUIRE 3205 8 24TH ST. nth ana Marcy. Dougla. 151. : BOULS VARD, HU AND LEAVENWORTH tag. of th. remark.bl. prlc. reduction. , Expert Welding on All MetaTT ifr!2ut r'd"f,r " ' "CriflC., Exp' coL lad, wnta dlvwork Red till' Yot,,n T ,nT , - -- LOUISE GLAUM, in w. havo been making for tb. past ..v.ral H. W. LEVERING. 30 8. 12th St 0 2573 W h..V ?l !?? Z.. . .y ""' Jarorlc-, R,d ,".: , YOUNG LADY of good appearance, pianist. H mVP n lIKTirS" ' montba on a big 225,000 warehous. atock as " J Maxwell 326 Washing and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144. : rA- g",. with some business experlenc... First class . s kU y1, UK JUMl Cb of brand new. up-to-date furniture that MaSBUerCS Mo" Sl y -8c-'o WASHING. Ironing and hscleanlng Ty 3257"' Trade Schools. references required. Box 7271. Omaha Bee. . ROHLFF, 26TH AND LEAVENWORTH w. w.ro forced to close out Such money. FISHER'S SulphurBath and Swedish Ma's- TIRES AT HALF PRICE. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. WANTED Experienced wrapper In shipping V DOROTHY DALTON, in aavlng posalbllttle. could not bo equaled sage. Trained attendants. 272 Brandels New 24x4 N. S. Firestone. 328.60; plain, . .. ... . m Men, women, learn tb. barber trade: room. Apply Dreaher Bros., 2217 Farnara. I,; - "THE FLAM B OF THE YUKON" anywhere elao In the city-alert buyers Theater Bldg. $22. New 33x4 N. S. Firestone, 226; plain, HELP WANTED MALE few week, completes; pay whilo learning WANTED-A skirt mnW'.t ,,; faW. . LAND COMEDY have discovered this and profited by It. MA88AOE chlronodv Ait Miii KAIMAN'S TIRB SHOP. 1721 1 "' Catalogue free. Ratea low on. Call or rHolns bL w. bm. ' - : Furnltur. for er.ry room In th. bom. Is Belrd Bid. Cuming. Douglas 8838. Stores and Offices. write. IIP South 14tb St.. Omaha. Holmgren. Room 6, Wead Bldg. DUNDEE. TgAND UNDERWOOD '"OfVw'A ""oR" ' ON K2t&iZ. TOWN GARAGE POUGLA8 444, THE .ale. manager of a larg. Omaha man- AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. ZZZlnZ Tu " j MARIE mVE?fFT ARt0yAND CARKrUI ATTEN0N- mSSrnnSimSSi i.u Ford i llJi.r' im ov.n.nd MS &"JA"Xlri& Saleswomen and Solicitors. "TEARS AND SMILES" statb furniturb co.. Osteopaths. mV1"1"' p,r,ect cfDdltlon' r.u.1".hTniledhucfted' 5"""y " school, 2814 y. 20th st. om.ha Neb wanted-salesladies for satur- U Po- 121T. 14th and Dodg. m... Omaha. Mrs. J. R. MuaLk. sulfur, ste.m and eu... r' W FPAVrrg All-rr m "is b .wlfllng to glva a'trfcVattention BOTH Men 1 women to learn the barber S G' R KINNET CO.. 207-3 4 A TTD A TTIAMC OMAHA PILLOW CO-Feather m.t.r...,. ?ti bath. 402-3 Rose Bldg. Ty. 2262. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. bugtaiU inS trade. Special r.tefc Call or -rltM402 N. 16TH ST. g ATTRACTIONS mad, from your own, feathery summer T.Xi67tiTjriiiir' iti H""d J? Peptr)n,.. ,K. ' borough and conscfent TDi'rTTV 1BI1M ,-- . SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHiNTa "d winter .Idee; eost les. and la.t longer n2 rrr: 1211-11 Harney Bt. Douglas 25$. Th. head of th. department will glv. the TRI-CITY BARBER COLL2GE. ' 5 Mlc!X0ZSZAX2i&. .nlnnl!0tt;,CumLbed,nP.!10n4.,, 'r .y?8"" RKQ-.Tt : '..Tr Pr'"- 2S T,",hta ' "d '! "AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. WANTED SALESLADIES; PERMANENT. Bwanson Nolan Supply Co.. 10$ 8. 14th. ""'' "? Cuming. Douglas 2467. PATENTS bought and aold. REO Lata model 4-cyllnder, 6-passenger portunlty to make good. 306$ Farnam. APPLY G. R. KINNEY A CO.. 207-3 N - ' STOVES, all makes, heater., range, and INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., car In perfect condition. Look. fine. Eleo- . Reply In own handwriting, stating age, p 16TH. V ' cook stoves, furnltur., vlctrola. or pianos, 382 Brands!. Bldg. Dotlgla. $6$1. tr' trt.r, new tires. Call Hitchcock, experience, extent of education and ref. .POy, - DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. Country trade a .pecialty. Wo pack goods ST URGES A 8TUROES, V. S. and forelg-; T7, 8t e,r ' M1 J'tc't"n- erenccs. Address Box 7402, Omaha Bee. HousehnlH anrl r-'.,-; BAUM Gladys G.. for several y.ar. I Jr" '" Cs" N- Wt?Jtsnd trademarks. 230 Be. Bid,. FOR SALE 1817 Stearns-Knlght 7-passen- , ' . WANTED Eight boys, 16 y- Over. "OUSenOiq anO UomeStlC .': ther In Edward Rosew.ter Khool. -l"h' Clly-yw Ca- 107 ' "th- PianOl for Rent 1, t0Uiln JUlIy.e.?UlPP,;dV RuP ''fS0 WANTED. , ' WANTED A romn.font hit . patsed away Friday morning, September CALL F. B. STEPHSON- rm I ' . . - mlle Best of oondltlon. A bargain. Ad- eral Thotor ent hlt 'or gen- , -41, at a hoaaltal lit Pueblo, Colo., after an HIOH CLASS MERCHANDI8B $3.60 per mo. A. Hospe Co.. 1612 Douglas. Box 7367, Omaha Bee. y0u r. an experienced grocery man ey Wrk, Steady job. Apply m 1 wi s?e: good wase"- i ( lllnea. of two year. duration. ' - Auotloneer. Plumbinc and Heitino- ALL kind, of cara for hire with or with- or a clerk with ability to manage, good "a"' vval- i Funeral will be held at Osceola, Neb., Licensed and Bonded. Phone Web. 4471. . lh . .. ... " - ' - out drlvM by tb. mil. or by th. hour. reputation and clean habits, call c j r , r-x.r , ) I at ber childhood home, Sunday, Bept.m- FOR SALE Good ga. stove. $12 60. no aeo" T0Pi $ C?'' 1T1i vlnton tret Plumbing Ford. lOo per mile. Douglaa T2 yr. I5ASKET STORES OFFITF buperintendent Skinner Manufac- WANTED A good girl for general house- I ber 3$. 1217. ond-handnai i mi awS. Cl a? 1$1 . ""'ting. General Repair, Work our braaka Service parage 108 N iih st ' work; references required; the very best j ' - IS,. St. C" " Wm BURNER K,XPERTS- TL GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING ' St tUring Co. JfdH.r S t We"man' 2" 8' I 3 . FLORISTS. ZZXX: Mg f .fig ' Theatric,: Costume.. g? - J-gj-J. &h.r. vv'K want a bright boy to learn the print "&'&Mttr , position to deliver flower, at short notice tii.l',. a. tur ,.i It'; . p-ini ..J rK. o..i'; Call Webster 4421. 202 South l$th St Eight-hour day. half day off Saturday. . P-G,rL' general housework, but 1 any where In th. United State, or Canada. ?LJB.i nd ffice SuJPEH!r WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED ARE YOU COMPETENT TO HOLD A Good wage, to start United Statea Print- ft"!?0" h" '? C0.: D"ma" famlI,: , ""b""- Worlsts, RARE OPPORTUNITY-Fo7 Sali My Waters-Banhardt Ptg. Co., 624 8. 12th St CARS; Quick action; no delay. Auto Ex- HIGH CLASS OFFICE OR SALES PO- Co - Be Mehett wascg Pald' 305 S. 38th St. eonteaello . Tr7V?T. TiAPMllM beautiful $180 Vlctrola site phonograph Towel Sunnllra change Co..ei07 Farnam St. Doug. 6036. SITIONT If so, se. us at one. We WK "ave openings for several bright boys WANTED An experienced maid for gen Florist JJ . AJlXVm and records; actually new; will accept $60; . ..... c , OAKLAND light alx. 1916 modeL have lafe ' of openings. from 16 to !0. to learn business. Thi. Is f1 housework; no laundry work, wages, , 1214 Dougla. St. Do.la 3244, used only ten weeks. Splendid bargain. Omaha Towl Supply. , 207 8. Uth. P. 628 INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO . THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. n exceptional opportunity for any boy $: mall family. Call Harney 667. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers; ' . W'! !?. 01 D" "W mltlon and Trusses. 20th and Harney. Douglaa 8251. BOOKKEEPER, Al futur 380 aY!n', hX' fu,ufJn mlnd- Appl' WANTED Girl for general housework; "ref ' L HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. ".,uTf,ct0ry J ilt bo ' "cleco- comfort trusses. tell a binkley, - burRoughs opr o ?pJt'c' c!" 7" Br"""" : wnn?tV,lQUired- -rMrs-Br.l5'ngham' S50" ?ARkFRToWBiTt7irniliia is n iTnY Writs r N,dTn i5J Perfect Fit Guaranteed WB BUY AND BELL USED FORDS. OFFICE CLERKS... 7S-lfiB.si.ti;n WANTED Boy for pressroom, heavy work. Woolworth Ave. Harney 680. jilgWjOPj11 ? D-'; . R. Nordln, 1233 8. Kedsl. Av. Th. W, Q.CMciSu'llmnvT 8t Harney Bt. Doug 164.; WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 1st Nafl. Bank. -0 week, good ch.nc. for advance- WANTED-Experienced . . chamber maid. . i mK yfcRNKRY. 601 8. 16th St Doug. 2386. .Chicago, III ; ' " T " BARGAINS In used cara 5 WANTED-Manager lumber yard two-yard m,n,t ioJ on! whft ca0 ov.r. Night white or colored. Claremont Inn, 17th and ', ATIL National Florl.t. 1804 FarnanrsTr Billiard and Pocket Tables. , Sa- ORR MOTOR BALES CO.. wn. .astern ? Nebraska. Batary $T?0 p.? S' ' ' toT'm"j Jacltson- P"'" -"5. i. DONAOHUE. 2623 Harney. Doug? 1001. FOR BALE A barber chairs. 2 pool table." S AFES u BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. in,th- Qorman-Catholie preferred. Box s-TrlI, ?: . WANTED Experienced second girl." Small: i --- nd fixture, oomplet. at a bargain. Call OACM'' J. J. Derlght 8af. Co. USED CAR DEPT. 7414. Om.ha Bee. J?7 'TSt't" f " 0,d; f0' Jam."L H1het wage, paid. $05 s i m-.rftr,o ' Christ Paulson,, 1701 Cuming. Shoe Cleanerg. Wn,M'BVER4D( INC.. NOS $40-$50-$80 B'J LS--'T" d pay,nf r--- f FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Store and Office Fixtures Kn OmMiTE: whitb shoK ,e4T r"n'im st- Do" l&SS ,'-M ComPoa'" WANTUD-competent cook and .1,0 house- OmVnTr C nitnAMnn ' wmce fixture. OnlNL OC . a in??ri?J jTiangATHB n.t.n't ' v..1r.nlr ' m.n.,,.r THB CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. WANTED Boy for deliveries, etc.; good maid. Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall 377 Jack. I STACK & FALCONER WBHAVH, moved SSZ PARLOR, l1,48H,yLStT ..Ptlr7;::rrrr: LEDGER clerk by larg. wbole.al. hou,7 ln-I Tm0t''n- "" B" 1 Independent Undertakers, 24 A Har. P.3$T. XiviV. T ate! Omaha Fl.tu A Run wTa Ji gXHv nam. Phone Harney 4380. Good pay and chance for advancement. WANTED At once, good atrong boy as WANTED White girl for general house- ktl L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director.. &?Ut&ft!TnZ 5EnS?-' FOR quick sale, 1.15 Ford t.xlc.b, In excel-' -V"""' maha SSXrtX",lM- "'" MtA- . . T. E. Foro. Mgr.. 31d and Cuming Bta. Foil SALE Th. bank fixtures ' of 'tnoid iiiit..,tf.V0UlViem5.t an , Pf'tlng. lent condition, $300; C, H, Rice, Spencer, WANTED--Young man to run small genera -"A Ho:.'!!: WANTED -Girl for general housework, 2 in ' Phon. Douglaa 677. Auto ambulance. o.h h.nW , thlL fit. Dou'" Printing Co. Tel. Dougla. 644. Iowa. "ore. Writ, giving detail, and salary .x. TWO or 3 boys for factory; nice, clean family; plain cooking. Call Walnut 1740 I ILLSffl A RIKPEN, undertaker, and .m- aSir. t for I country S.SS?'!' BERTBCHY -K.n-Flx.lt." Southeast .or. . 0. J. Brown, B.rtl.tt, Neb. E Om Omaha Box Co.. VVAN'TED A girl for general housework! balmers, T01 8. 16th. Dougla. 1262. . N. Hammond, agent,' 210 8. 13th Bt BUSINESS rHANiFQ I ner 20th and Harney 8t. Dougla. 2553. 8,S"5. clerk- 5-$75. ,. " j : no laundry, good wages. Harney 3102. OHN A. GENTLEMAN. " undeTukTnd fBALETnowcase. and on. w.U Dln CHAIN Lt5 ltlS MAXWELL, leaving city. .0 will a.U WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., TrellnVTV.fnu! UoS LIABLE whlto girl wanted. 2 ,n famllyj . - embalmer. 2624 Leavenworth. Doug. 1662. ease; your own price. Doug. H56. HfTTCT cttt t cheap. 6224 8. 28th St. South 2268. " Nat'Q"a' Bank Bldg. Farnam Frellng A Stelnlo. ,1802 no washing. Mrs. Benner. Walnut 2112. ' 1 wA..nW.' fegjin MUST SELL AT ONCE. bakeries charged amp repaired WS-J, ight, w y wuh good refer- "Id1! 5tf-? lte!m JlyjjT 3. tcook. Cair.T- ! :e.rc ,ttH I-2ss, aiSHSsSSS my-d g?g . ..-. Hote, and .n J j ISrVK Typewriter, and Supplies. :!5.t?ZtofM Auto Repairing and Painting. Profession, and Trades. ; wanted Porter at Savoy Hotel. APply at WANTED-ch.mberm.id. ,t one. I Jugust 3. Llehr, Omaha.....,,.,..,.... 38 TYPEWRITERS, sold, rented and repaired. rms to responsible party. Hurry if $100 reward for magneto w. can t repair. one "t office, 15th and Jackson Sts. Apply to housekeeper Betel j ecella Ryan. Omaha 29 n Oliver typewriter t month, for you want a snap. For particular, address Coll. repaired. Baysdorfer. 210 N. 18th. v , ' t Fr,nt...n. 1 I -.j. 1 'iin $1. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1206 M. C. Stenson. Owner,- Olenwood, Minn. AutO Bodie. ' ! ' " ' ' ' ' ontea.ll. I BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Guaranteed Typewrltera, 310 and up. Writ. " ' M17TIP A Of A SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. tir A XTrn T teady1";" Voo' wlgwmuat bo!! WANTED A dining room girl and second ? Births Carl J. Reber.Tjls NorThwent for list Midland TypV Co.. 1404 Dodgei IN11KAblA WM. PFEIFFER AUTO CARRIAGB WK8 WANTED censed englnee" and "Srntoh reference. Joolt- vvly Clark.on Hospital. 2108 jurlh. boy; Lester J. Lincoln, 2602 Jones. "Machin- and P-D-ir... ' 25th Av. and Iavenworth St. Tyler T01. t Address Rev. T. J. Mackay, 506 South Howard St- ,.y;C,r. Connolly. 71B Titus avenue, girl; Machinery and Engine. , MflVTl? 3UmW Electric Starters and Ren.irs 26th St. y. ooutn -- 1 .eorgo H. Perry, 4207 Farnam, boy; Julius NO 66 STOVER ALFALFA CUTTER, .. ... WlU.V lEi btiU VV - ,...f,leCtnC "I8"6" "a eP' .. ' P A TJT,TrPITT5Cl LA rorkrr .rfninii r., , S T -,,... i .r!ltb, 4307 S, boys John Huebsclier. 6004 4-HR. WATERLOO OAS FNOINB. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Servlo. Co. Kj AKrNTiRS LABORERS Union Paciflo Store Depart- EDUCATIONAL ' .orby, boy; Earnest Wiggins. 8510 South MOUNTED, $16. BOTH ALMOST NEW. . Only movl, .how In towa of l.$00 Seats Form.r Strahle Anderson), 11$ a ltb ,k ii.Mr i. w".a W,,!e,! nlrly-thlrd. boy; Edward 1). Patton. Ben. WILLIAM OOR9UCH. GRETNA. NEB. $00. Rest $50. Dolna fin. .ln. Dougla. 8488. .JiTfcPP, ''L?" " " BOYLES COLLFP.F j n. girl; Ouisepp. Munltto, 1113 Bouth Thlr- "Mi.r.ll,-',: " Owner must aelt Price $1 600 Tir.. .- .,.. " Wage. 60s ner heur , - for ,torelc"P" mv crunnr L j ,Vnth. boy. " . Miscellaneous. uNr), 4S(j Tsecurltle. Bdg Tyler 763 Tire 1 and Supplies. W e P hour. Bonu. of I extra WANTED-A man that understand. Ford DAY SCHOOL. , Deaths Richard 8. Ijilrd, Buperior, Neb.; FIRE ADJUSTER SALK--Airtfie damaged " NOSACwi-trv'"M7--rM.Ta UNUSUAL bargalna In allghtly used tires; bou on 10 hour, dally. Long job. Apply repair, thoroughly; top wages to the NIGHT SCHOOL. ; ' montho; Fred J. Kahlban. Alldland hotel, good, of Cady Lumber Co. fire hard- But will ..ii foe Z,.i f:.. . - "P4rt tlr PWr n retreading. G. Wltherston.-Engler Co., Chicago A N. W. rl'ht man. Washington Market, 1407 Every day is enrollment day BoeV. !,M,ary,M 'd. Fourteenth and Cap- ware, twine, nails, wire fencing, wooden eery and melt busln. ? o M itJhiS v k "d O. Tlr. Co.. $418 Iavenworth. Ty. Elevator Co.. Council Bluff. Ia. Douglas. keeping, .horthand, .tenotypy. typfwrit )1. II: John J. Coudon. Jr.. 1601 1 Blnney. and iron posts and lumber. H. Gross n,w and ranldiv .Sli n N?b- 1261-W. 116 8. 17th St Ty. 2164. r v.o., touncu murr., Ia, ATTENTION farmers! if vm, n. 1. lel'graphy, civil aervici-ill coml.. ! 'th Md Ha ' - to dispose of same, are called In national , " COMBINATION TIRB FACTORY, v i ment Bureau. 216 H W. Broadway. P. 431. BOYLES COLLEGE, Upltrt, 4i Rupbart Valdr. kMpttat, li p?R,llt"0.B BCHNOB-Ono Mt HI. ' "" PTtlcular. writ, or MHt J.ckson. Agt.. wanted. Omaha, Neb. . WANTED-100 track laborer, .t 1 Dougln. 1665. isth and Harner St. j ; X v; "-wj i - - ssss-rSs r-: : - asrAv-- utiK"" i BUILDING permits. .MtTSiSi msssss -'-"- SSSS jS!KS ' ;ThTfollowlng building permlU were U- . " I v Nebraaka town of 8.000; well M. ged preferred i must have references. 8U""'- Commercial Law. Penmanship, $3p?Uln. d today: ELLIOTT Addressograph machine, also El- UbM'hed, Mlea av.rag. over $1,000 per MotorCVclei and Bicycles APP' t office SaYoy llpt.lHth and urt B tiriMTPr. Civil Service .abject., course, by profes- Wtlll.ra Hoist, 120$ North Forty-aecond, "ott Stencil cutter and cabinet for 20,000 month; everything In good condition; "iuwivjubs iuiu uivyut. Jackson St.. HELP WANTED. or. from th. Unlver.lty School of Com- ; L. Kelly. 1602 North Twenty-ninth. itencll.. Call and se. same at 460 Omaha J" ndies and to. cream. Will H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES ' J i 1 T"B 5 merce, and Domestlo Science. Ask : for j ,"-; W. H. White, 2722' Hamilton. $100; National Bank Building. - he mo. t rigid investigation, beat Bargain. In used Machines. Victor H. WANTED Young men 18-21 year, ol Male and Female. bulletin. 220 Omaha Nat Bank Blgl j I H. KaU. 1414 Bouth Twenty-fourth, $60. ONE South Bend lath, with cotnpl.t. ..t of '"di reas B T?U ' Omeb.' f00 Bltl"1' traln.ifo 1 Tresponsrhl. po. Moll ' Omaha. Dougls. 6890. f'd- 1 . cutting tools. H. 618. - . ttTry . ?, iL-- ' T-aY"w'rtB- . In lrg. public servle. corporatlo Rapid , rUT driving power 4ato your Idea, and win ' rOT FDIIVn nrWADnO DR'T KINDLING WOOD. ACMW m.rk.t r?. l,r? i.a '1 -s'ie! THE Cleveland Lightweight Motorcycle ndvancement. Box 7374, Omaha Bee. I P;"i"on- win Puis, Department .OSTe.FOUND..REWARDS . box compauy, H.r,.y . XJX AgtSTS !,r ftg &g a HELP WANTED --- a 1 w LOST WANTED TO BUY ffrM".ChV,- ppma, . w-et AT FONTFNFT T P FOR RENT ROOMS . downtown section; $100 SlH,,"?? HSR'ffi?ffl T JKsF .rUr,. reward. Har. 3703, ,U t .- TJSSITST -"" "-An e,ev.tor man Eperlnceu STEADY WORK ikrPerm.nen,.ueat:,a '"MAaiL0wAyLcoAlPWET" DESKSDESKS jDESKS ZXT llLXT rSSt W" ,M onth- CMt" GOOD WAGES -. A11, LgJL! .rf ayagrgJ 5. ' PJTL U FurrshejURo . fa-U? BVu.hr..VRV,Vyh:om'p:n; WANTED Good second-hand barber cbaly 1, ' m""- N- or .pp.nt.clll Tv" a'S?.'''.; lgghg. oolP1151": j r --a -h.th.r they n U ,n ,b. ; ..r Call ro Invoke. 1 meoertanS" T' (SFt f'"' i m to h. rightful owner. HIGHEST PRICES. DOUOLAS 6021. b.th 202 K.rbach Blk. Red 2727. CH.M.I3;:.a.mJaT ""V1 Waiters, bus boys. ' city. New ll.u .u,d y'""-?:., NTED-Typewrlter. .maTlaCT JtjV LfST! Ztiv$T " ' , N1CEL1C furnished rooms with use of d,nlng ' ffiB5tCSHS55 YHer' 1 w,rtgS, ".nrmani: b FEMALE-Chambermaids clean- ;nddk:T . n.eU bX no' qumion ed JENKINS eioyhe'ih.roteaPr'Ctre:ni0: WANTED A good Uv. Implement and JJl'TSs? , man atudy law, Ev.. downtown "j,.?" d'hwashers, or Sunday.. 115 N. 26th St. Doug- J"3'" , , DouT 68,1. nfffc,,! rca'Vmr Cn' "& Brtot "webs'.? 2 rfl- 404 m" Bk" ' gI"S WaShe"' k,tChCn ! VrV?Rm22 uV found nd-hand-aleirioTlolr. W' C",M0''' 81""M- PRIVATE license m.t.rn.t, hom mt N wrkERo:"Yh.3'oa 0 8 U,dy ROOM In Leavenworth Heights, new homo, ; r&SPJZXtfZrnli HJZS r:r'lJle:. APP'y " R "-PTAt. ,t 1 t Phono Clf.. 2042. X T y,un. uu M LT'.' 1 7 An,! T- t, ...; references Phon. W.L fOt I valu. the honit w.y t. .aLI Alplrn, Tth and Dougla. St.. ern and fully equipped; town 2.000 people, BATH and massage. 1802 Farnam St Room Box'compa? East Omlh Apply to Timekeeper, . V the 4v n- ' - i WANTED AT ONCE Second-hand cash Address Rasmus Anderson, Broken Bow 2. Phon. Douglas 8T5t. , wliTlSS ' 312 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished, pleasa" lT-A amaU pur eonteim,- . m A p'u,tb', "?d working order. - Neb. SCIENTIFIC masaaga. 820 Be. Bldg. Phon. srH ST MACHINISTS. APPLY HOTEL FONTENELLE 'oom. modern, walking distance or con- 1 , ter pin on 34th ear on "Monday after- Call State T. M. C. A. Tyler 1400. FOR SALE My one-halt interest In Excel- Doul 6372. wlPVl . , Ai rnam car. Reasonable. Har- I ?.. Liberal reward. WaL 3l4. Ask DIAMONDS 8. th St .lor Bath InatUuta. O. 8. Jonnon, 623 TOUPES cleaned A dreeeed. Brandela Storea. mVi. T7I1! Kmih 13th Bt i : - Mf Prtt- UlAMUNUHtOU BERGMAN A CO. . Grille. Bldg. Manicuring and m.M. 1633 Farnam. RTT tf m""' jn 1 "ESFinESI' f"hj mt" dl , jT SUver-backed halrbrasa with Initials WANTED , TO BUY Slightly used 1812 MOTION piolur. machines (new and re- giaaWEST manicure m..,. .,m Salesmen and Solicitor.. WANTED Men wm.n if.n ?ou,"ekeP'n- rooms , y. B. R." nfr Situ and Farnsin. Re- Ford touring ear. South 4840. built); theater, .upplled. Omaha Film " ' "9 N" "ta- : " .rn.n.J,nHm! "J;d' V S ,m Park Scbo?1- Breakfaat optional .Cl-,m. BOOKS bouht K.r, Loy., Hotel Bid..' Exchange. 108 a Hth St B. BROTT. tjiia. 703 S. 18th, P. $626. WANTED J-StKr'' j' L-- ; sT-Oa Baturday dress lu Brandels BOOKS bought 610 8. 16th Tyler 2826. FOR SALE Cafe, doing a good business; ' . w .. Franklin InlUtuto. Dept 237-H, Roche.- private i familv cin, JrL.0.2 gent' lB ; fir., a birthday present Csll Webster m i good reasons for selling. For further in- - wpniriii 4 1 TOTV CT T.'QTTV ter, N. T. "f a.ml lo?, t0 Crlghton college, j j2. Reward. formation write Box 113,, Oakland. Neb. ' MfcDICAL . , -lUCXi. aALfiiMEN. WANTED Immediately "n alao car line. Breakfaat Tel Don:7MS. i , lT.pytpl "'"L w,,tr' lost be- SWAPPERS COLUMN FOR JIALE-Clg.r and confectionery store; ; ; By on. of t ho leading corporation, of lr. to become government SSSfin nUbXXSfl!?' " modera' j ;;'r,' uthandr 8tttd10-"' itoiSwi5 sis-y w sss?" rr - help "wantefemale 'f-r S f Brindl. ' bull budL 4 ' month. PM ' Ply Co,, 201 Nat Bldg. , Barnea, tl$-$24 Rom Bids- Ex. Splendid co-operation given by th. of- - . tlemen. private family. Call Harney 6835. ' VpT Pour$m ANNOUNCEMENTS. A ?NA1-0,U grocery business ammlTlo. and cn.ut,.. r Ho IS? XS&ZTS&X: PJT" l"' "Zy'TZ SSSTuS , 1 i ... , Accordoeon Pieadn.. : VV - -g .h.Mnd. - why not , CT7wnr bT roV I3 ' S5- Ag rO-l SALEMlBCeUaHeOU rceuitPEON. side, knife, sunburst box FORTiALH.ndTpower dry cloning mal TOUT Playa aro djingeroua, It wmnSLSLSTil r'emSqtONTYPEWRITER COMPANY "to? mZV? t,W overlook: - r r--sj L-uVj Pleating covered buttons, all sixes and tn. "d separate .xtractor. Box 7401. you can t call, wTlta. Hour. 3 a. m. doing .things need apply. No attention REMUaT0N T TPBW RtT ER COMPANY. J""-..' Plrat. home. sh,wer bath; ! ' imitare and Household Goods. .tytes; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye- . Omaha Bee. to i p. m.; T:3 to $:S. .vralnga. will bo paid to advance men or curiosity 202 So. 12th St. Ctty. walking distance; west Phone Har. 34 I OAINS U furniture, ire boxes, g.s I'tt work, buttonhole, penn.nta RESTAURANT for sale." must selL leaving Sunday by appointment v seekers. BOOKKEEPER, $76; office clerk. $.; Ill- FURNISHto room, for rent, modernD7i: , v rum. beds. chloiTand kitchen eabl. JDKaL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO.. town. Aeroe. from Ford Motor Co, 202 J . M Appointment SEE MR. LAW. thf' abVi'"'.?' 1 '"1 vato home, close In, convenient to Crelgh- ! m, .tables, chairs, buffet., drewen. .300-20 Brown Bldg. Dougla. 1236. N. 14th St. V" arpTiiRfa v.ft.il. t.. -.k i ' NO. J. WEAD BLDO.. THE MARTI CO.. 1217 W. O. W. Bldx ton college. H.mey 6212. MS V "!. I'.. r.ira. suitcase. Full Hoe of poultry net. VAN ARM AN Dress Pleating and Button TlToliTln or' out " of businees call on .irglcm I ooStmn C.?l or .hi. r,,' OMAHA. NEB. STENOGRAPHERS, $75; $70; $5; 360; $50; NICELY furnished front room, mod r..-' t l$2t-T . Uth. W.b. 1607 Co., $24-7 Paxton Blk. Douglaa $101. ( OANUESTAp" 23 Be. Blog. Doug 2477? K Jnh Tr? 10$ bS'bM V j XTS 'ref' CO..aa 1ST NAt'.'bK.