Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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Brie) City News
Platinum Wedding Blngs Edholra.
Lighting Xtxtarct Burgeaa-Granden Co.
Hare Boot Print It New Beacca Praaa.
MetaV Dies, rreaswork Jubilee Mfg Co.
Sac Luncheon at Empress Garden.
RIno Bock from Honeymoon City
Attorney John Rine is back at his
desk: He has just returned from his
Sunday School Picnic The Sunday
school of St Mark's Lutheran church
will picnic in Elmwood park Satur
day afternoon, the children and teach
ers going out on two street cars.
Collects $500 Damages A jury in
law court, Judge Troup presiding, re
turned a verdict of $500 in favor of
George Calnon, who sued the Union
Pacific for $5,000. Calnon alleged per
manent injuries suffered when a piece
of ice fell on him.
Few Indian Cases The federal
strand jury will begin its sessions Sep
tember 24. An unusual feature of its
sitting this fall will be the absence cf
Indian cases. Ordinarily there are
many cases against individuals for
selling liquor to the Indians, but this
year, on account of prohibition, there
are few of these on the docket.
Fine Fireplace Goods at Sunderland',
Funeral of Mrs. Carnaby Saturday
The funeral of Airs. Sarah Carnaby
will be held from the residence of
Henry B. Payne, 1516 North Forty
first avenue, Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock, with interment in Prospect
Hill cemetery. Dr. A. F. Ernst, pas
tor of the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian
church, will have charge of the serv
ices, which will be private. Friends
are requested to omit flowers.
"Boy in Wartime" Conference
At Lincoln September 24-25
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion will hold a "Boy in Wartime"
conference at Lincoln, September 24
and 25. They will have with them
ministers, school men and others in
terested in the boy movements. This
meeting was called to speed up its
program and meet the demands made
by the war.
The main speaker at the conference
will be Louis Penningroth of the In
ternational committee. Mr. Penning
roth has spent a great deal of time
in the Teen-age boys prison camps
in Austria since the beginning of the
war and he will bring a message from
the war zone that will be gripping.
Mr. Penningroth is making a tour of
this country and will speak in almost
every state in the interest of the
Young Men's Christian association
boy in wartime program. Other speak
ers of importance are: Mr. Leonard
Paulson of the boys divisidn of the
International committee and Mr. C.
C. Hatfield of the county work depart
ment of the International committee,
both are men of long and vital expe
rience in their different lines of work
and will bring strong messages. Mr.
C. A. Musselman, state secretary of
the Young Men's Christian associa
tions of Nebraska and Mr. Paul H.
McKee, state boys' work secretary for
the Young Men's Christian associa
tions of Nebraska will also be present
at this conference. i
Petit Jury Drawn for
United States District Court
The United States district court
convenes next Monday for the Sep
tember term. The jury will report
at 10 a. m. September 26. As drawn
the petit jury is conposed of the fol
lowing: John C. Byrnta, Columbui.
I. C. Corey, Fordyee.
A. H. Campbell, Waterloo. "
' John P. Cameron. Tekamah.
Fred B. Dale, Omaha.
Al Davis, Fonca.
Herman Drager, Pon.
Robert W. Douglae, Elkhora.
8am Daviaon, Blair.
James Drurle, Laurel.
J. L. Dodd, Columbus.
C. C. Ellington, Omaha.
H. B. Fernandea. Omaha.
Jamea W. Flnnell, Jackaoa. .
John Halllgan. Albion.
Peter Holleldt, Elk horn.
Gus Kull, Oakland. i
Frank B. Karten, Bartlett
: Robert Le Oro, Ponca.
William Lonnergan, Florence.
John Newell, Blair.
H. H. Pilgrim, South Sioux City.
A. B. Peden, Oakland.
IX C. Mitten, Tekamah,
William Rabin, Laurel.
A. B. Scannell, Petersburg.
Fred Schreiber, WIsner.
James Slnamark, Fremont
Lee Slncenbaugh, Fonca.
Sheriff Clark Sues for
Additional Feeding Money
Attorneys for Sheriff Clark have
filed transcripts of appeal in district
court for additional jail feeding
money. When the county board re
cently allowed claims totaling about
$7,000 for jail feeding from January
to July, inclusive, it was on the basis
of 32 cents a day for each prisoner.
The law provides for 50 cents a
day whenvthe monthly average of
prisoners is less than 100. Sheriff
Clark is asking for the difference be
tween 32 cents and SO cents for May,
June and July. About $1,200 is in
volved. When the county board let
the claims for $7,000 it was agreed
Sheriff Clark could appeal to district
court for the additional money he
says he is entitled to. The court will
decide on the legality of the law pro
viding 50 cents a day when the aver
age in prisoners is less than 100.
Oil Case Hearing is On
Now in the Police Court
The hearing in the case against Don
De Bow, C. B. Hollingesford and
Jacob Habcinell, accused of issuing
false advertising relating to the sale
of land owned by the Farmer's Oil
and Gas Co., began what promises
to be an interesting legal battle be
fore Judge Fitzgerald in police court.
D. E. Wilson of Lincoln, a mem
ber of the State Railawy commission,
testified that De Bow gave him, at
the company's office, 222 South Four
teenth street, Omaha, a highly deco
rated advertising sheet and told him
that the company was drilling ten oil
wells in Butler county, Kansas, and
owned or leased property in Okla
homa which were to be used for the
same fortune-making purposes. De
Bow is charged on another complaint
with unlawful selling of securities.
Prettv Soft for Man
Who Will Deliver Bonds
It's going to be pretty soft for Dan
Butler, city commissioner, or Otto
Bauman, chief clerk in the treasurer's
Between October 1 and OctoberlO
the recently approved public improve
ment bonds must be taken to New
York. Either Butler or Bauman must
personally conduct the bonds.
By leaving Omaha October 5 the
bond, carrier can stop in Chicago for
the world's series games October 6
and 7, then leave for New York to
deliver the bonds and lamp the clash
in Gotham October 9 r.nd 10. On the
return trip he can stop off at Chicago
for the game" October 12.
Ho, hum!
Friday, September 21, 1917-
Ster Open
'At 8:30 A. M.
Store Open
Saturday Till P.
Phone D. 137
Another Sale of Trimmed
Hats of Utmost Importance
- n . ..... ...
I Digger variety, better values man
any previous offering, at
WE do not recall when
we have assembled
such a really wonderful col
lection of high grade milli
nery as this, arrayed for Sat
urday at the ridiculous price
of $5.00.
There's a best style to
please every fancy, large be
coming sailor effects, small
chic turban styles; medium
rolling brim sailor, the brims
are made of Lyons velvet
while the tops are hatters'
plush or panne velvet. '
There is practically every wanted color, as well as
black, and there is almost no end of the variety of styles,
or there areno two alike, we claim for the offer the very
biggest values of the season.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
Women's Cotton and Lisle Hose
Offered for Saturday at) 21c
A PRICE far below the present wholesale figure, but
as we bought, that is the way we offer it, sharing
the advantages with you, the offering includes :
Women's black fibre silk boot " rt
Women's white or colored mercerized boot. - I IrQlt
Women's black mercerized lisle hose fat JL V v dlX
Women's black lisle thread hose J
all full seamless, garter top, all sizes in the lot and extreme values
Saturday, at 21c pair.
Burgete-Nash Co. Main Floor '
More Than a Thousand Pairs of
French Kid Gloves at
$1.50 the Pair
ND the woman who se
cures one or more pair
at this price, may count her
self lucky indeed, fortune fa
vored us and we received
from an importer his entire
stock of samples and broken
lnts. inr.liirlinir sur.ri well-
11 """ ,0f& known makes as E. Perrin;
ttHimttlliy arui whi hft offered at
25 to 35 Below the
Present Day Market Price
The offering consists of finest quality French kid also wash leather
gloves in black, white and colors. There are all sizes represented, and
basing our prediction on past offerings, we venture to say the gloves
offered Saturday will be snapped up in a "jiffy," at $1.50 the pair.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Here's a Sale of New Fall Crepe de
Chine Blouses You Can't Afford
to Overlook at $3.95 and $5.95
TWO of the very biggest possible values a fact you'll
agree to when you see the blouses, Saturday.
Early last spring a manufacturer of good waists bought
tremendous quantities of fine silk.
We, together .with other
merchants in other cities,
placed open orders for the
blouses, to be delivered at
periodic intervals during the
fall and winter, to be made up
in the new and wanted styles.
The first allotment has just
come in, and will go on sale
As was expected, they are
most unusual ini value, for in
addition to the saving on the
material, the arrangement
effected many other savings;
such as eliminating selling ex
pense and lower making cost.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
Women's New Fall Footwear
Showing the Smartest Lasts and
Mo$t Fashionable Leathers
NEVER before have we shown such a splendid collec
tion of smart footwear for women, so varied in style,
and, when everything is considered, such reasonable val
ues. .
With ivory kid, brown, silver gray, taupe
grayj cloth quarters to match, full Louis cov
ered heels, light welt and turned soles, very
special, $8.50.
Tan and black Russian calf with buckskin
tops, low heels, lace, in several styles, $10.00
and $12.00.
We Are Exclusive' Distributors for Omaha and Vicinity
, of the famous
Kidskin, dull calf, patent colt.
Educator shoes are designed to conform to nature's
plan of the foot. ( .
Educator shoes let the child's feet grow as they should
and a new pair if they prove unsatisfactory,
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
Fresh Caramels
That Taste Like
More, 29c Lb.
TWO flavors for Saturday, fresh
made of pure, wholesome in
gredients, very special at 29c lb.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Fresh Cut
Roses, at 3c
HOME grown, assorted col
ors, special, Saturday, at
3c each, '
Potted ferns, 5 inch, at 39c
Potted ferns, 6 inch, at 49c
Burgua-Naah Co. Mala Floor
Pearl Beads, More
Popular Than Ever
BEAUTIFUL French wax filled
pearl beads with solid gold
clasp; special at $1.50.
Earrings, at 29c
Pearl button, pierceless style,
very special at 29c pair
Hat Pins, 25c
An assorted group of small
heads, with short stems, at 25c pair
Bead Necklaces, 29c
Assorted group, new popular
color combinations, at 29c.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Variety, Distinction and Youthfulness the
Key Note of Burgess-Nash Tailored Suits
At $25.00
WHETHER for street, for afternoon, or the
manifold requirements of the business woman,
these models are marked by a smartness that is char
acteristic of Burgess-Nash specially selected suits.
In anticipation of the 'great- demand which will
be accorded our assortments, we have provided ex
tensively, and now awaiting you are suits of all the
most favored materials and smartest colors, as well
as black.
The New Coats
At $19.50 to $125.00
THE collar and cuffs, new sleeve designs, new
belts and pockets, are the noticeable innovations
in the correct fashions for autumn and winter.
Plain fabrics are style leaders for general wear
and as the trend is toward liberal use of fur, es
pecially on collar and cuffs, many of these garments
will be worn as well for semi-formal as for formal
The coatsections hold a special exposition of the
new season's coat fashions Saturday. Priced,
$19.50 to $125.00.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor
i V '
Every Well Dressed Woman Will
Want to Carry a Swagger Stick, 50q
AJSTYLE borrowed from one
ri of our allies, "The English
Tommy" and approved by U.
S. commanding officers. Sfid
your soldier boy one and carry
one yourself.
A big assortment of styles
offered Saturday at one price,
50c. Sterling silver cap, French
ivory caps and ferrule, cart
ridge cap and ferrule, etc.,
all on highly finished light and
dark sticks:
These underpriced values at,
each, 50c.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
A Woman's Size 7-Jeweled Bracelet
Watch, Guaranteed, at $10.00
THIS is the most unusual value of its kind we know of,
when quality of movement, which is the all-impertant
part, is considered.
A seven (7) jeweled, 10 ligne, Swiss movement, fully guaranteed
by the importer, and a guarantee slip is given with the sale of each
watch. The case is 20 year gold filled and you may have choice of an
expansion or silk ribbon bracelet.
The price, Saturday, is $10.00.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor
Boy's Wool School Suits
With Two Pair Pants, Featured at $5.95
TAUPVTQ with a hav nr fwn tn ref. ronrlv
-L for school will welcome this announce
ment,. for the values are really extreme.
The suits are late fall models in pinch
back, or three-piece belt, single-breasted,
patch or plain pockets. The colors are
grays, browns and fancy mixtures. Each
suit has two pairs of full lined pants, for
$5.95. (
Boys' Sweaters, $1.50 to $2.50
Jersey sweaters, in gray, maroon and navy; all
sizes, special values.
Jumbo Sweaters, $4.50 to $4.95
Boys' heavy Jumbo wool sweaters, good selection
of colors, at $4.50 to $4.95.
XJUJTO UlVU)C0t IV. - vv v J v-. J T
flova nirts. sizes 12 to 14 Years. $1.00 to $3.50
Boys' ties, 4-in-band style, 25c, 39c and 50c
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
Men's Hand Tailored Suits
At $15.00 to $40.00
EMBRACING a remarkably well selected collection,
introducing many new style features that will appeal
' to the man who gives a thought to -
his clothes.
Every garment is strictly hand
tailored throughout, built to con
form rigidly to our specifications,
StaAdard of Quality
Which means the very best pos
sible at the price. The range of
selection is so large that you will
have no 'trouble in choosing a suit
that will please and satisfy you.
The materials are the best of
wool fabrics in fcoth domestic and ,
imported weaves, homespuns, Q
worsteds, ' flannels and cheviots,
made up in plain models, semi
fitted pinch back or with belt;
double or single-breasted, two or
three-button soft roll lapel. ...
. -Men's Overcoats for Fall "
Splendid showing, including trench coats,' belt all
around, with cuff; slash or; patch pockets, self-convertible
collar; pinch back or plain box coat in different lengths,,
self or velvet collar, single or double-breasted, $15.00 to
$40.00. . a .r
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor A', y A ft
The Men's and Boys9-.-.' Shoes - Are
on the Fourth Floor
SHOES that will wear. They are built
of fine, sturdy calfskin. The soles
arc oak tan leather, heels, solid leather.
Th Leatheri include tan Russian,
black velour calf, ko ko tan, black kid
skin and patent calf.
Th LaaU English, modified Eng
lish, medium round toe, wide toe last and
there's a saving on every pair, at $5.00 s
to $8.00.
The Jamea A. Banister Shoea For
men are the best in quality, fitting and
wear, we are the exclusive selling agents
for Omaha and vicinity.
'Burgeaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
Get Your New
Fall Hat Here
Saturday, $2 to $10
THE very style, shape and
shade that is best suited
to you, and the price (is the
right sort, too.
The collec
t i o n i n -eludes
styles as
soft hats in
the famous
Stetson and
Greens, tans
grays and black, with fancy puga
ree, whipcord or plain braids.
Derbys in all the different
shapes and dimensions, at $2.00 to
' Burgeaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor
You'll Do Well to Buy Your Season's -Furnishing
Supply Here Saturday
WE feel justified in s'tatnigihat nowhere else in town will you find a better selected
line of furnishings, the sort of "fixin's" men like than right here at Burgess-Nash,
just inside the Harney street door. v
Men s Union Suits, '
Men's Shirts, $1.50 to $2.50
"Star" and "Ideal" brands, all
new Fall patterns with French or
stiff cuffs, the materials are ma
dras, fine percale and silk mixed,
splendid assortments to select from,
at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50.
Men's Neckwear,
65c to $2.50
Fall arrivals in extra largei flow
ing end shapes, splendid quality
silks, slip easy brands, pinned and
tacked at 65c, $1, $1.50 to $2.50.
Men's Hosiery,
at 33 l-3c to 60c
Men's "Holeproof" and "Inter
woven" hosiery, all colors and
styles, priced at 33 He. 50c and
60c for silk
$1.25 to $5.00
Either wool, cotton or lisle, the
"Richmond Mesco" line which in-
sures comfort and satisfaction
prices at $1.25 to $5.00 per suit.
"Harvard" Sweater Coats,
$8.50 to $12.00
Wanted colors, including white,
hand finished and made of pure
wool shaker knit, a real sweater
coat, $8.50, $10.00 and $12.00.
Men's Outing Garments,
$1.00 to $2.50
and pajamas, "Faultless" brand, in
suring the best make and most com
fortable garments to be had, price
$1.00 to $2.50 for gowns, and $2.00
and lor pajamas.
irvii ii iujii ia vVNn
BurfMi-Nash Co. Main Floor
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