Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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The Advantages of Cash Buying at n Cash Store Are Clearly Demonstrated by the Superior Values and Assortments Here
rrnnr-r-rn-r inn-rmm- , . . : . ' . - III
Wrist Watches for th Soldier Nothing will
pleas til boy at tb Training Camp better than
ta raceiv wriat watch which la indlspensible to
tba aoldier. W hae jut received a (mail lot
of imported movement with th Kitchener strap
that we eaa durante, in nickel and gunmetai
finish. A Rood time keeper.
Special Cash Prie ,. ,........,,,..$8.00
Jewelry Novelties Are Many ; (
11.00 Beat stone Cameos with sold filled brooch '
mountings, engraved design with beautiful pink
vuu iiKm ............a.
12.09 Tattoo Intermittent Alarm Clock, repeats
the alarm; nickeled finish. really good dock.
Cash Prie , , ,...$1.49
Over 1.000 Pairs
Silk Hose
That Sell Regularly at
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00
Manufacturer's samples and
surplus stock. All new fall
styles; in plain colors and
fancies, plaids, ' drop ' stitch,
stripes, clockedj etc.; the
greatest values shown in
Omaha in years.
, Supply your future Hose
wants Saturday.
In the N.w Fall '
Jona B. Stottoa's, t
$4.00 to $7.50
' and,--
Hayden'a Special at $2
Satisfies your entire desire.
See them. -
.oe (is is
f ............ i...... ....... -nnrrrnn- nn -u- r rj- -L- 1 -
Lowest Prices on Drugs and Toilet Goods
,60e Violet Elite toilet water; our cash pric 25c
60a Face Powders (irfcluding large number
of the most popular brands) ; our cash price. . .29c
80c Liquid Face Powder; our cash price.,. ,.3c
60c Almond Cold Cream; our -cash price,-. . ..28c
60e Bouge (S team's Woodworth's and' others):
our cash Price .....28c
$1.00 Black Draught; our cash prie..,... 48c
JSc Sanitol Face Cream, Cold Cream or Massage
Cream; our cash price .4. ...19c
26 Aristocrat or Luxuria Cream; our cash '
price v, 17c
. A large assortment of Hair Brushes, $1.00 values; .
our cash pric .. ..n ..,,.59
2 So Cutex, Requa or Ton Kail Cake, our cash
prie ......,17e
s most rayored fancies m rail Apparel Here tor belectioh
: No effort or expense has been 'spared to make this season's showing of authentic Fashions iri Women's and Children's outer
has crowned our
Offerings Satur--
apparel the very best of our entire merchandising experience. Weieel that success even beyond our expectations
efforts in range of prices, breadth of assortments and values of the' off erings at each pricei The splendid Special
uajr duuuiu tiuwu uur apparel oecuon at an eany nour.
A Wonderfully Broad Assortment of
Coats for all occasions at $35, $45,
$55, op to $150 ,
Two Saturday Specials ii
with warranted linings,
will be more popular than
ever this season. Several of the very newest
styles, in all sizes, for your selection.
A Big AssortiTent of New
Coats, in fall, medium and
winter weights, including
an exceptional line of Motor Coats, big as
sortment of styles. Values you canno
An Exceptional Display of Exclusive
Styles in Suits at $45, $55,
$65 to $175 r
Two Saturday Specials in
Classy New Suits, in
Broadcloths, B tt r e 1 1 a s,
Poplips, Mannish Serges
and English Suitings, all the newest autumn
shades. Splendid assortment for your selec
tion. '"' ' . '
5Q A remarkable showing of
Fall Suits in Poplins, Serg
. es, Tweeds and Novelties,
in navy blue, browns ' and black: ; all sizes.
Matchless values at this' low price. V
Charming New Dresses)
Scores of Dainty Designs In Dancing Frock just
received. A wide range of the new models in a
big variety o materials and new colorings ex
ceptional, values, ! $25 $35
' , " ' "' ' '
Beautiful Afternoon Dresses, in almost unlimited
assortment, at. . . . JR35. S45. Si55 and 365
dress special; at. .lr..:.i;i c
Hundreds of nobby Dresses,, in r ?
Serges, Satin and Taffeta, Combinations, etc Iii
Navy Blue, French Blue,. Havana Brown, Taupe,
Reindeer, Beet Root, etc., in complete range of
sizes. ' 1
Silk Dresses -A classy new line just received, all sizes 6 to 14
nn finest weaves. You'll find them"
years, beautiful new styles
exceptional values at prices
S12.50, $15.
New Winter Coats- In almost unlimited vtfn'etr nf nur twlo'
and the season's most popular materials and colorings. Sizes
2 to 14 years, at..., 85, 87.50. $10, $12.50 to $25
75 Children's High Class Full
Weight Coats, Including silks
that were made to sell at $10
t and S12.50, Saturday1, choice,
t $8.95
Children's School Dresses, in
. ; plaids, checks and novelties,
just the kind of dresses for
school wear, all sizes, in two
lots, Saturday, , $1, $1.95
200 Children's Fall
Weight Coats just receiv
ed for Saturday's selling, .
in - checks, plaids ' and
plain colors, sizes 2 to $,
worth, $5.00 and $6.00,
for 4. $2.05
6 to 10 worth $7.50, f 12,
worth to at. . . . .84.95
Elegant New Blouses
The most varied and attractive line of
high class Blouses we have ever shown,
now on display, in all new Afcttumn
shades, including the dainty pastels;
remarkable values, at-- )
$10.00, 12.50, 15 00, $19.50
One Splendid Lot of New Blouses, in Georgette,
Crepes, Combinations and Novelties, In the sea
son's mdst popular styles and colors: A A
special r........
Another Splendid Lot of
. Women's French '
Kid and Lambskin
Worth $1.50 and $2.00
, i our uioice
Come in black, whiter-tans
and greens, in , all sizes and
good assortment of styles.
The Greatest Glove Bar
gain .Opportunity Known in
Omaha in Years. . v -
A complete line now shown in
the Men's Hat Department. All
have sterling tips, at - ,
$1.00. $1.50 and $2.00
A complete line' of the- new Fall
' styles in men's and boys' caps.
Sale ot Cm$ell at
' Never Before Have We Offered Such Stunning Hats at Such a Low Pric!
$5.00 Y HV $5.00
$5.00 y .
4 .
Jhe Hats illustrated are all $5.00 and there are hundreds of other styles equally as stunning-These Famous Hats sell throughout the coun
try at much higher :pptes and are equal to hats shtiwn elsewhere at $7.50 and moreYou'll find plenty of black and a full line of colors
Shoe Sale Saturday
Men's Gun Metal English and blucher welt
and McKay sewed shoes. Real $3.60 and
$3.0O-Shoes. Cash Saving Oyg
Women's kid, gun metal and patent leather
shoes, broken sixes, $3.60 and C A
$4.00 Values. Cash Saving SaUVSdU
Women's fine silver gray, kid shoes with
cloth tops to -match. French kid covered
heel with aluminum heel plate, frA AC
$6.00 values. Cash Saving SaleVTT.70
Boys', youths' and little gents' good school
shoes, .$2.25 values. Cash M CO
Saving Sale . u. . .'. r .V7
Misses' gun metal button shoes, sizes 11
to 2, children's of same, $2.50 J 1 QC
values. Cash Saving Sale. , yl w"
Children's shoes in kid with turn soles, 5 to
8. ILEA vain pr. 'C.k Sain" it
sai. . . . . 1 .uu
A Clothing Combination You Can't Beat
Hart Schaf f ner & Marx
Suits and T)vercbats at. ...-
; A wonderful line of snappy styles in all-wool fabrics yes, all wool (guaranteed) and
that means a lot to the man who knows. Slip into one of these Classy new suits or over
.' coats you'll want it. ' , x
Suits and Overcoats at. .
Combines high quality in material and tailoring, at a very low Vice. Big assortment
for selection, , - -
A Special Offering of Boys'
Clothes for Saturday
A wondreful line of 13 oys' n -Suits,
worth $7.50; for Sat- C95:
urday 'only..
Are cleverly jnade in snappy styles and
patterns, trenches, pinch Jacks, plaids,
, stripes and mixtures. Every suit a bar
gain. , ,
Also a large stock O'Coats and
Suits, in blue serges and mixtures
$5.50 to $12
Saturday Specials iii
Corsets, Sweaters; Yarns
Second Floors-Front Room
$4.00 and $5.00 Corsets, in pink or white, low
bust, long; skirt, heavy front stays, four and six
supporters, on sale, Saturday, at....... $1.98
Children's Sweaters -Girls' and misses' sweaters,
in cardinal, rose, Copenhagen, gray, green; roll
collar, with belt, an sues, special, at. . . , 82.93
Boys , Sweaters, ' in cotton and wool mixed, in
gray; 28 to 34, values to $1.50,; at. ...... 9St
Boys Sweaters, in fins soft wool, la gray,
browns and blues j sizes 2$ to 34, at.... 82.50
Boys' Heavy Rope Stitch Sweaters, in gray,
brown and maroon, 28 to 88 la siies, 32.98
and . . .... ........ .v... ... ...... .$4.08
Infants and Children's Sweaters, In red, Copen
hagen, rose, browns; sizes 22 to 28, at 91.50.
$1.75. $1.98. 2.50 and........ $3,98
Ladies' Sweaters, in gray and cardinal, with roll
collar, wide belt, fastened with three buttons,
extra long; our special price, Saturday, $4.98
Ws have the largest assortment of Sweaters in
the city. A splendid line of colors and styles. Be
sure and look them-over before buying. '
Bear Brand Yarn in the newest shades. Our
prices srs less than elsewhere.
Ladies1 , Underwear
Ladies Union Suits, low neck, rio sleeves,
ankle length ; medium, light and heavy
fleece; $1.50 values. Y.........Q8t
Ladies Wool Union ' Suits, gray and
white, fall weight, $2.50 values, cash
priees . , ... . . . . . ... $1.50, $1.98
Odd Lots . of . Medium I Weight Union
Suits, $1.00 values, cash price . . 69
Children's Heavy ' Quality Black Sateen
Bloomers, all sizes. ... , ... , . . .45d
Children's light Fleece Union Suits, 2 to
16, for?. . . ; ... . ... . . . , : .v. . . . 505
Ladies' Gowns, Envelope Chemise and
Skirts, $1.25 values; at..... ...i . . ,69ti
Crepe de Chine and Satin" Gowns and
Envelope Chemise, sold to $6.$0, Satur
day's cash price sT. ... .... $3.29
Silk' and Satin Camisoles, and odd lots
and samples of Muslin Gowns, Skirts and
Combinations, to $2.50, cash price, 98t
$1.00 Silk and Satin Boudoir Caps, 695
Handkerchiefs and
Saturday we are showing a
complete lino of Fall Neckwear
' at very low prices. T" ' t "
Waehabfe. Satin Collars and
Sets in pointed and square ef
fects, ;also Georgette collars
trimmed with very fine ; filet
lace, regular value $1.49, cash
price, Saturday. . ... .'.$125
Organdy and Pique Cottars and
'Cuffs, lace trimmed, in many.
?retty styles, regular values
9c, cashprice, Saturday, 49
A splendid assortment of Or
gandy collars, at, each..25
Women's Pure Linen Handker
chiefs, in colors and white, with
embroidered ' corner, regular
value 25c, oash price,- Saturday,'
at ..190
Women's" Fahcy Swiss Hand-
kerchiefs, with colored initials,
regular value V6c cash price,
Saturday -5f
Hayden s tor Meats l he
Greatest Market in the
West Highest Quality
and a -Saving of 25 to 50
Per Cent on the Cost of
Living. v ......
Frssh Dressed Spring Chicken. Ib."
.at .......J7c
Riadqasrters Sprint Lmb, lb,, 19
FMreqasrters, lb. 17 Vic
First Quality. Steer Pot" Kosst. lb..
at 1S-17H
First Quality Steer Sound Steak, Ilk,
t V...ISV
First Quality Sirloin Steak, lb.. 22 Vie"
First Quality Shoulder Steak. Ib..
at , lTVic
' First Quality Val Roast, per
lb. ...15-17 Vie
First Quality Veal SUak, per lb
. at ..aaVie .
First Quality Veal Chops, per lb.,
at isvie
'First -Quality t Veal Stew, per !K.
at Ytk ,
Fh-t Quality, Kxtra Lean, Breakfast
Bacon, lb. ......35c
Bom Mad Sausage, lb. ....... 10c
Welch's Camoas Pur Fork Sausate, '
Jb. ........ ,..30c
Grocery Prices That Are Interesting. You Sivye
r rpm 25 to 50 on the Cost of Living '
. By Trading at Hayden's.
' 11 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar,
for .................. $i.oq
10 lbs. Pure , Cane,, in sanitary
cloth bags, for. ....... . 92c
48-lb. sack Best High Grade
Diamond H Flour. . . . .$2.85
!No. 2 cans Sweet. Sugar Corn,
, f or , , . , ;-. , . , . , , , 1 2 H e
16-ox. cans Condensed. MilH
' ' for' ............. . 12 ijc
Baker's Shredded Cocoanut, per
; -can 8 He
Advo Jail or Jello, pkg.r. .toe
, The Best Bulk Peanut Butter,
- per lb., at.,.'. ........ .20c
3 lbs. Fancy Japan or Head Rice
for ............. v.. ;.25c
4 lbs. Best Rolled White Break-
: fast Oatmeal, for . . . . . .25c
4 lbs. While or Yellow Cornmealr
for v ......i...25e
K-os. cans Pork and Beans, foT 12 V, e
, bars Beat-'Em-Al! Soap ......25c
. 3 cans Old Dutch Cleanser...... 23c
20-Mule Team Borax, pkg ll -Parowaz,
for sealing fruit Jars, per
pkg... at ....... -.ii
BreaTtfast Cocoa, lb. .,..25
Th Best Sea Sittings, lb. lg '
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb.,
at .....20c
E. C Corn or Maple Wheat Flakes,
rperpkg. . . . . t ay ,c
Vh Best Strktly Fresh Eggs, per
dozen . . 4 43
Best Bulk Creamery Butter, per lb
at 47e
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter,
per lb. A ..'...48 ;
Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb..
IS lb. PoUtoes to th peck ..... ,40c ,
4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots.. Sc
4 bunches fresh Onions. Be
New Cabbage, per lb........2V,e.
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb... 12VtTs
Fancy Large Cucumbers, a 5c, 7',e
Fancy Head Lettuce, bead...... 7 Vi
Colorado or Washington Fancy Elbert
Freestone Peaches, per crate. .SI-IS
Bushel Boxes Bartlett Pears... '.S2JS
4-buket Crates Italian Blue Plums,
lor ,-M.,.IJ5