THE JKKrJ: OMAHA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1917. ft Ribbons for Millinery Uses Grot Grain Ribbon- Good Line of Colors Particularly good for hat trimming this season narrow and wide , widths to match- No. 7, per ydl, 10 No.. 12, per yd., 15 No. 22, per yd, 25 Basement Friday and Saturday DOVS Clothing $395 98 TWO-PAIR PANT SUITS. Made of most durable fabrics that will stand all kinds of wear and tear. Neat patterns made in the newest Fall style.- Two pairs of pants with each. suit, some are fully lined. BOYS' SWEATERS Fancy C colors in nlain or trimmed for little fellows, ages 3 to 6 years. Plain gray and plain red sweaters for big boys, 7 to 15 years. , These sweaters are well made, heavy and have the large school collars. V . BOYS' KNICKERBOCKERS I DC great values at this price. , Many- are odd pants out of suits and ' are worth double this price. One big table full in sizes 5 to 16 years. JUVENILE SWEATER SETS, ages 2 to 5 Tears. Complete outfit of Jacket, Leggins and loque, complete at ? 1.45. Come in white and cardinal and are a real bar gain at this low price. BOYS' BLOUSES, all extra values, at 29c $1.45 29c QC BOYS' RAINCOATS. ywC This is an exceptional bargain of real rainproof coats in tan color, . Sizes 4 to 10 years only. 1 C ' BOYS' TIES ALL IOC SILK. Four-in-hand styles, plain colors only. Save money by buying the boys' sup ply from this lot. Basament Men's Suits, Trousers and Raincoats $10 HA MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NEW FALL SUITS aVV y -wonderful values. Fabrics are Worsteds. Xlassi- meres, Tweeds and Cheviots. Also one big lot of Blue Serges ?re in cluded in this price. These consist of a fine selection of patterns conservative models for Men and pinch and patch pocket models for Young Men. v TWO BIG LOTS OF MEN'S TROUSERS at $1.98, and $2.98, consisting of a great variety of patterns and fabrics. All of these trousers are worth from 11.00 to JjO QO $2.00 more a pair than the price asked and they are Pit70 , suitable for work or dress wear. They come in sizes 36 to 46 waist. ; , . . - dJO OC MEN'S KHAKI ONE-PIECE OVERALLS, one of the pitiJ best work garments made and a ereat dirt renellin suit. They are exceedingly well made throughout and are durable. Sizes 36 to 44. . ' GO QO TWO-BIG LOTS OF MEN'S RAIN COATS Olive, P70 Drab, Tan, Blue and dark shades. These raincoats are made for service and are good looking, cither for dress wear or work. All sizes, . y Basement. $1.98 and and $3.98 Men's Furnishings 7 45d nd- 95200 Dozen Men's Shirt Samples and Seconds in Madras, Percales and Flannels. A few of these are slightly flam aged, but they are wonderful bargains for the' money. A clean up from a" large Eastern Factory enables, us to give our customers ad vantage of these splendid shirts for a fraction of their true value.' All the Madras, Percale and Flannel shirts, worth $1.00, at 46c. All the samples and slightly soiled flannel shirts worth up to $2.00 at 96c $1.95 and $2.45 Doxen Sample of Wool and Worsted Sweater Coats UV" and Ruff Neck Style. Almost every shade and weave shown for this year are represented in this lot. You will find $3.00 $4.00 and $6.00 values In this lot. Sale price $1.95 and $2.46. Domestics Specially Priced for This v Great Sale Genuine Serpentine Crepe, Mill Shorts all desirable styles, sale price, per . . .1 Q yard .............. lC 32-inch Beautiful Fancy Gab ardine Cloth mill lengths, val ues to 60c a yard. Sale 1 Q' price, per yard . . , . . . 1 iv C Fine English Longcloth, sheer, clingy. For fine Lingerie and Children's wear. Sale lyf, price, per yard C White Amoskeag Outing Flan nel, none better, extra heavy. Off the bolt, sale price, 1 E n per yard .......... vC Everett Classic and -Utility - Dress Zephyrs. AH desirable stripes and checks. Sale IP price, per yard C ' 27-inch American and Lawrence Fancy Outing Flannel All neat styles. Sale . 1 ft-J-t -price, per yard , . ; . 1 v 2 C Mill Remnants, highly mercer ized. Fancy Dress Poplins all shades. Special 1 C n ' sale price, per yard ... IOC 36-inch Dress ; and Wrapper , Percale-light and dark grounds, ' best grade lengths to 20 yards. Sale price, - " 1 C per yard ............ I AJl ,, - 36-inch Bleached Muslin. Fine 1 quality. Lengths to 20 yards. - Extra value, sale price, Qi per: yard ...... .s 2 2 C r Komono and Wrapper Flannel-' ette mostly dark, fancy andv serviceable styles. Mill shorts flale price, ' 1 Oi per yard ......... . 2v .Mill Remnants 36-inch, fancy, printed Silkaline. Lengths to 15 yards. Special 1 O 1 sale price, per yard . . 1 m 2 C Fancy Comforter Covering Kobe Prints and Challies all . neat styles. Sale QJL price, per yard ,.... wJC ,- Basement Hosiery y Offerings Women's - Fine Lisle ; Hosiery, - black, tan and split soles, all ribbed tops, worth to og BOcpair at ......... eOC Men's Cotton Socks, in black, white and colors, with double . soles, pair . i p at IOC Women's Black Cotton Seam less Hosiery, . -m t pair at ...... ...... I 1 C " Men's Cotton Black Seamless 1 Socks, pair i at ..... ........... -JC Children's Black Hosiery, fine and heavy ribbed, all ig sizes, pair at ........IOC , ' , Basement" '.."A , Dress Goods 36-Inch Pure All Wool Gran ite and Check effects. A fa bric that will wear well, comes in Navy Blue, Brown, Gray and Black. Just the thing for Misses' Suits and Dresses. Very spe cial, per HQ yard 01 C' 42-Inch Checks-Stripes and 36-inch Whipcords, Granite Weaves and fancy Brocade Dress Goods, in a full range of new colors. Special for our S.ptr 59c J.., 49c . 64-Inch Plain and Novelty Suit- , ings and Coatings and 40-inch Pure All Wool Poplins. A very large collection of desirable -.weaves Jor. Suit- Coats and Dresses. A full range of all the new and staple colors. Special, ? d11 ft per yard . . . P X 1 J7 Hundreds of pieces of 36 and 40-inch Wool Plaids, in a very large assortment of all size Plaids and new combinations of colorings. Just the material to make attractive school dresses for the Misses, and at very spe cial prices, per yard- 49c, 59c . nd 69c 6 eases more of those fine Mill Ends and Travelers' Samples of' All Wool Dress Goods in al-. most every wanted weave and color. Useful for Children's and Misses',, Frocks, Ladies' Skirts and many other purposes. These are sold by the piece only, Special, ; s O C" each piece .a&OC Basement ' '- Soaps and Washing r Powders - 9 bars Diamond C Soap.'. .25c 10 bars, Pearl White Soap. .35c 10 - bars -White Borax r s Naphtha Soap ......... .35 10 bars Fels Naphtha Soap, 56c 6 bars Ivory Soap ......29c 5 bars Wool Soap .....,29c t Lux- 3 packages for ....35c Borax Soap Chips, large package for 22c "Golden- Rod" Naphtha wasptng Powder, per pack age .................. "Sunbrite" Scouring Pnvr. der, 3 packages for ...... 10c uia uuicn Cleanser, a packages for ........... .21c Steri Foam, cleans toilet bowl, per package, includ ing a long handle bowl brush 22c Sani Flush :' ... 1 Toilikleen ....I ...... N... 19c Softone Ammo Britts' Powdered Ammonia, - Basement Be 7c 8c ' BiaMeis Stores ' s I V I Handkerchief Offerings Children's School Handkerchiefs, at....... 'i.. .ls" Women's and Children's Handkerchiefs, at 3He each, or 3 for. 10 Men's good size soft bleached Handkerchiefs, at 10c each, or 12 for $1.00 September Sales That Mean Exceptional Savings for Everyone With stocks that are complete and styles that are sure to please, in practical wear, this Big Basement offers savings right at the beginning of the Fall season that every woman should take advantage of. ' It is another evidence of the magical influence of the big buying power , of this immense establishment This is the Biggest and Best Basement west of Chicago, and offerings like these enable it to maintain supremacy. Friday and All Day Saturday Until 9 P. M. Ready-to- Wear for Fail Women's, Misses' and Children's Wearables 1 at Very Modest Prices to Start the Fall Season. Dresses, at $3.95 Silk Poplin, All-Wool Serge, Novelty Cloths, etc. Dresses for women and miss- 1 9 -W W tm mm . es ana juniors. Many cnnerent styles. These are all excellent values. Coats, at $3.00 A lot of women's and misses' and junior vCoats, made of corduroy, in var ious colors. All-Wool Poplin, Serges, Fancy Cloths, etc. Coats, at $4.95 At this price we have grouped hun dreds of splendid" coats for immediate wear. All White and Fancy Plaid, All Wool Chinchyia Coats, Fancy Mixture and Novelty Cloth Coats, Ail-Wool Serge and Poplin Coats, long Satin Coats. Women's House Dresses, 69c A big lot of women's House Dresses arid fancy summer Wash Dresses, that are suit able for house dresses. All grouped CQn into one big lot, at i OS7C Sweater Coats for the Girls A very special lot of little girls' Sweater Coats, 2 to 6 years, in white and Blouses In Variety Blouses, at 39c Women's white and cotton blouses, thousands to choose from, every kind of wanted style, fancy neW white and color ed styles, materials, etc. N , Blouses, at $1.69 ' Over 1,000 Tub Silk; heavy Jap Silk, Crepe de Chine, Fancy Lace and Net Blouses, etc. Dozens of styles, all are new, right up-to-date styles. Petticoats at 69c A big lot of women's Sateen and Fancy Cotton Petticoats. Many are samples: Special lot of many different, kinds of girls', misses', and women's J1 AC. Sweater Coats, at, each . . . . : . V. Girl3' Tennis Flannel Night Gowns, 97r sizes 2 to 6 years, at, each T ' c Women's and Misses' heavy, fancy pattern , Bath Robes,all sizes, Women's, Misses' and Junior Suits, $3 These are not this season's styles, but all are good, practical styles and mater- ials for wear on many occasions. Good for immediate early wear and ordinary service. Many different styles, many different materials. Do You Want a GoodSkirt for S Two Big Special Lots at $2 and $3 Over 1,200 Women's and Misses' Skirts of every description have'been divfd- ed up intoithese two wonderful bargain lots. All-Wool Poplin, Serge, Fancy Cloths, Taffeta Silk, Plaids, Fancy Stripe, '. etc. -Many samples, others in all colors and sizes. All good, up-to-date styles. Girls' Dresses at 49c and 97c At 49 c Girls' 'New Fall Washable Dresses, from 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Many different styles. At the price of materials per yard today, you will find these are splendid dresses. At 97cTEvery dress is a new Fa y ' style, ages 2 to 6 to 14 years. They consist of Fancy Plaids,. Heavy Dark Wash Materials, Amoskeag Gingham. Knit Underwear Women's Cfitton lightly Fleeced Union Suits, in high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, C Q sizes 34 to 44, each at. OS'C Cotton Sleeveless Union Suits, in fancy lace trimmed, some yokes and silk taped, on all sizes, each at. ..... f Women's Gauze Sleeveless Vests, extra sizes, worth 12 c, each at ... , Children's Lightly Fleeced Un ion Suits, peeler color, Cri size 2 to 12, each t..-,D"C Misses' Sleeveless Tight Knee Union Suits, sizes 4 to or 18, each at ,...,OC Infant's Sample Shirts, In wool, part wool and silk and wool mixed, sizes 2 to 6, on -many worth 75c,,"each, 3JC BaMtnent 10c Draperies 5,000 yards of Scrim, Marqui settes, plain 1 and fancy edges, special at this sale, Ol yard OC 3 cases of Voiles and Marqui settes, plain and hemstitched, slight mill imperfections, worth on the bolt up to 25c the yard, 2 to 10-yard lengths, 1 1 -special, per yard .... C 3,000 - yards of Curtain . Swiss, fancy bordered Voiles and Mar-" quisettes, inan endless variety of pretty patterns, sells on the bolt up to 29c the yard, de sirable lengths, special at this sale, per 1CM vard . , X U U Wash Dress Goods Mixed lots of heavy Wash Dress Goods for Fall. .Rem nants and full 'bolts, splendid qualities for School Frocks, House Dresses,, Waists, Drap eries, etc. , - Very Special 27-inch Poplin and Ottoman. 36-inch Plain Satin Stripe Beach Cloth. , , 45-inch Black Linen.. 36 and 45-inch Brown Linen. 36-inch White Poplin. , 36-inch Silk ; and Cotton Jacquards. Very special, yery on of tbeie item. 1 A Sal prica, yard ...... L C 2 cases of Cretonnes, in a range of pretty designs and colorings, good length's for draperies and shopping bags, special, 17. the yard ............. 1 C Hare it a Big Bargain : 20-inch Brown Art Linen, worth 50c; for this sale only, special,-at a nrv yard .............ZSfC Economy Offerings White D and broken checks, for infants' wear; aprons, undermuslins, etc., 27 inches wide, a yard, 10c Baiament Trimmed Hats for Fall Special, at $2.45 Hundreds of new trimmed Hats, made of silk velvets, in all new colors and shapes, trimmed very plauf and neat ly, also many banded sailors, special at le45 $2. Special, at 49c Big lot of children's Hats, in many different styles, made of corduroy and flannel plaids, in plenty of colors, special at 49c I I I o- f I I I I "V Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes Wnmm'i .Shnat ?Kl QH . Y' Women's high grade footwear, mat kid or pat colt cloth, and mat kid top, hand sewed sole and McKay. This line of shoes are without doubt as good as any $4.00 shoes on the market. Sizes from VA to 4 onJy. One big table full of these. ', Boy' Shoes; $2.75 - These come in heavy Box Calf or Dull Velvet Calf.. Button, and blucher cut. nglish welt- sole, , , Btncwy soua. Bizes isy2 to by Men'i Work'SH oes, $1.50 ; 4 ; Made out of heavy Mule Skin, heavy double sole, no seams. All sizes from 6 to 11. Same in boys' sizes from 2to6, ' , .'. ': :.)..:, V-'-K; Men's Work Shoes, $2.98 .These come in black and tan, blucher cut, two soles, heavy uppers. All sizes from 6 to 11. Good Styles Corsets that lace jn front. Pink and, white coutil, made to wear and fit well; two styles, low and medium top, long over hip with elastic band in back, This is a good, comfortable Corset for any . woman who does her own house-7 work ; sizes 20 to 30, 1 n a Corsets for stout figures ; medium top with medium length skirt; heavy broad front steel,, 71; very special ........... . oc V Corsets at 49c Remarkable values, because we bought them before the.recent rise in price and are giving you the benefit. Guar anteed rustproof and at this price you should buy several pairs, Children's Muslin Panty-Waists, ai . .......,,.., m't 25c Baiament 'Blankets COTTON BLANKETS Size i 64x80 inches. Fine quality, extra. heavy.; Tan with. beau tiful pink and blue borders. Absolutely fast colors. Special sale price. 1 a 1 t r t per pair ........ 1 a0 BEAUTIFUL PLAID WOOL. NAP BLANKETS All color ' combinations. Fast dyes, size, 66x80 inches. Warm, perman ent nap. Well finished. Sale price, per: do no pair ........ ... V&uO EXTRA HEAVY SILKOLINE COVERED COMFORTERS Filled with pure white, sanitary cotton. Extra large size spe cially stitched. Sale d 1 nn price, each ... J 1 aJO tiua BLANKETS -Fine quali ty, double, white with pink and blue borders. Size 30x40 : inches. , Sale price, Af per, pair. .......... rJC FINE WOOL FILLER BLANK ETS Very fine grade. Best obtainable in all tho wanted fancy plaids, tan and white, -blue and white, pink and white, gray ana wmte. Warm and durable. Special sale price, per pair ' Batamewt Floor Coverings ' No. 1 Jointless China Matting, regular 60c quality, oq per yard ..... . . ... aaC 9x12 All Wool Scotch Art Rugs Plain colors, brown, blue, green and pink; regular .r.'.s: $7.98 9x12 Congoleum Rugs regu lar price f 12.60, $79$ 6x9 Congoleum Rugs regular 'price $6.50, Inlaid Linoleum Remnants op to 185 Tarda ni per yard OC Batamaat iui aim $4.75 Notion Specials O. N. T.'Crochet Cotton, all- numbers, ball at , . . . . . ... ,8a American Maid Crochet ' Cotton, ball ' at 6c - Good Shell Hair Pins, 6 ) in box, each at ........ . .3,e Large pieces of Elastic, ; worth to 20c .yard, each at. ,Sc Notion Boxes, each at .... 10c 9-yard bolts of Bias Tape, each at 9c Large bolts of Wash Edg- ing, each at .9. ' English Twilled Tape, 19c values, each at. . ; , . ,',9a ; , Finishing Braids, all extra fine quality, bolt, at 9e Kust-Droof DreiM .rianna card at ;. ...... i;..-.":.'. 4o Rust-proof Hooks and Eyes, card at ...e Shoe Laces for low and high shoes, pair at .4c Hose Supporters for ladies and children, pair, at. . , . , ,10c Fast colored Darning Cot- ; ton, each at t Jfe 12-yard bolts of imported. Rick-Rack, bolt at .lSc Rust-proof Safety Pins, all - sizes, card at . . . 4e Skeleton Waists, with gar ters, 2 . to 14 years, each at ...... ............. 25c Dressing Combs, each, at 9c 50-yard spool of JSewing Silk, spool at ,4e Dust Caps, all good light colors, each at .......... 10c Stocking Feet, ' black and . white, all sizes, pair at.... 10c Extra t heavy Button. Thread, spool at . . . . ... .T .5c Fast colored, Wash Middy ' Laces, each at ......... . Sc Scissors and Shears, pair at24c One big lot of Kid Curl ers, 1 dozen to bunch, doz- " en .................... 10c Extra heavy Wire Hair Pins, package; at . . . . 2c Large pieces ' of inside . Skirt Belting, each, at. . .-..".So Red Cross Knitting Cot- ; v, ton, white only, ball at ... . Sc ..;,-,,. Baaament '- ' ,