Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Villisca Beal Estate Dealer
Springs Sensation in Az Mar
der Case, Involving Son.
: v of Senator Jones.
(CnttoiMd from Page One.)
Red Oak jroa thought Fenn Moore
committed the murder?"
"I did not"
. "You knew and recognized hirnthat
night?" v :
"I did." ,.
, "When before the coroner's jury,
under oath, did you not reply that
you saw rothing around the Moore
Douse but the house r
-"I may have made that answer."
The introduction of Witness Lan
ders confirms the early declaration
of the defense that they would at
tempt to fasten the crime on others
in addition to clearing Kelly.;
Mansfield May Yet Appear.
Just how far they will go in this
matter, they will not divulge, but the
appearance 01 Dili juansneia ai inc
trial is among the possibilities. If he
comes, it wouia dc in connection wun
rebuttal testimony by the state.
The prospective -dramatic entry of
the nam of -Mansfield, into the case
Minister Says He Obeyed God's
Commands and Slew Ax Victims
In the course of his examination by Attorney General Havner in the
Logan county jail, previous to his confession, Kelly made these highly
sensational statements, according to the sworn testimony of the ste
nographer: "My mother said when I was IS I was unbalanced.".
"When God tells me to slay, I have to do it; when He tells me to
burn a barn, I have to do it"
"Children, you know, have always bothered me."
"God told me there would be a light in the house, and there was
a light They made no outcries that I can remember."
"I heard a voice say 'Go there,' and I have heard that voice ever
since. I preached my sermon, 'Slay Utterly,' at Macedonia and have
preached it since. I speak seven languages."
"When the Lord said 'Burn,' I thought I was Christ; that ia why I
burned those barns and the jaiL" . -
"If the Lord said 'Clear the way for Christ' I would have to do that.
If the Lord said 'Slay utterly,' I would have to kill again."
"I am a part of Christ I was on fire with the . Holy Ghost and had
to work., ine old testament tells about the sacrifice of blood."
(Continued from Pag One.)
bones, reddish complexion, an un
usual type of man."
Thorpe is manager of a business
house at Jefferson.
Opening up this phase of the case
caused quite a stir in the court room
and is the subject of much gossip on
the streets. Jacob S. Detwflcr, Kan
sas City, Kan., attorney, for Mans
field, was here Monday and Tuesday
at the trial. Mansfield is a packing
nouse employe at A-ansas City.
Fannie R. Longman of Logan was
the stenographer who reported the
conference at the Logan jail on the
night of 'August -31. She worked
a a . .a ar I V UKWHt Va
was knocked gai(ey west when judge untij 2-J0 a. n, when J. J. Ferguson
, I "". uia" i0t Louncu uiutls relieved her. fergu
a motion of the . state by throwing
out all testimony of R. H. Thorpe of
Jefferson, Ia. Attorney. Faville moved
that this testimony be stricken from
the record because it was incompetent
and no foundation had been laid by
the defense.
Thorpe was on the stand shortly
before the morning adjournment and
for a short time after 2 o'clock. He
had t( gotten far beyond identifying
son read his transcript yesterday
Miss Longman, the first witness to
aay, reaa ner notes, whicn, m many
respects, were repetitions of fergu
son s readings.
Incoherencies of Kelly's remarks
as in the Ferguson transcript, were
noted also in Miss Longman s report,
"I want vou to tell me voluntarily
and freely how that family was killed:
a ohotofiraoh of Mansfield as the man how you got into the house -without
he saw on the train the morning after arousing the people. I want only the
the ax murder and the same man he 1 truth, without promise of reward,"
; met in Red Oak during July last year,
; wncn selective wiikerson orougni
, Mansfield back from Kansas City, -
- otter Thrown out.
The defense prepared a typewritten
; offer, covering what they intended
to show by the testimony of Thorpe,
the offer being objected to by the
state, The court perused the offer
and sustained the : objection. That
placed a quietus on the Mansfield
phase of the case for the present.
; The defense, however, maintains,
it will come back on another tack.
C. J. Norris. Sioux Falls attorney,
: the last witness today, declared Kelly
to have been of unsound mind during
; the minister's residence and detention
.at Sioux Falls and Winner, S. D.
Norris was assistant United States
; attorney when Kelly was idicted on
. a.charg.of sending obscene letters
5 through the mails to girls who
- answered his ads in an Omaha news
? paper. l -As ,.-'
' Said He Was President.
; "During ' one ; conversation with
Kelly he told me he was president
. Wilson and intended to appoint a cer-
tain bioux fans man Postmaster. On
: another occasion he told me he was
? not sure his name was Kelly, but that
1. . i.. i t W - .... .
ii migni nave oeen jonest: testinea
! Morris., .. -- v '.
t "He was apparently In earnest,
J when he said he was president," Mor.
ris added. '' . v.
."Kelly's eyes , occasions would
; Dotage, nis muscular system showed
: encct ot agitation, and he was talks
tive. . He told me of a set of books
hs lost in the Omaha tornado and
showed me a letter of recommends-
- tton from the president of the Omaha
; i treoiogical seminary.
' Frothed at Mouth.
; ""He was so excitable at times his
mouth frothed. He told me during
a 'visit that if hed a v revolver he
would shoot .himself and end it all.
He referred to his mother saying
that if he did not restrain his overr
; study he would get into trouble. He
asked me to write to a man in Kan
sas for him, to help him set third de
gree Masonry , He said he was not
sure, of the man s name because he
' might have married again and changed
his name.--.. t
; "On another occasion he attempted
t address Judge Elliott in federal
; court relative to -a charge against
' him. ;...", v-. ; . .
"He said if he wrote letters to girls
lie oid not remember it. tie was
. charged in Sioux Falls with having
were navneri opening remarks at
the Logan jail session, according to
the Longman record.
Kelly was quoted as saving that
on the night of June 9, 1912, he was
preparing a sermon on "Slay Ut
terly." '? 'V-- - ;,
His head was hot and felt sick,
Studied ' hard and walked at night
time. He believed he killed the chil
dren first. V ; r;..i .
k : Know You Killed Them.
Havner: "I know you killed those
people and you owe it to yourself and
others to tell the truth." -,
Kelly: "Hadn't L better send for
Sutton or McKefltier . ; ; ; ti
Havner: - ' You arrived at Macedo
nia at 7:10 Monday morning and
talked about the murder before it had
been discovered.
Kelly: "Will you send me to a hos
pital? i ! irHr?' -': ; , ; .
As Miss Longman read the Logan
conversation she indicated that Kelly
sobbed occasionally and asked. for his
attorneys. : ; ;, ' ,,s
Havner repeated that he had been
sent for by Kelly and merely wahted
to hear what the prisoner had to say
and would not obligate himself to art
swer Kelly's questions. ; Havner re
peated that he would offer no hope of
reward. . .;- i h; l i:
A few more excerpts: !
f Havner: "What difference does It
make who goes back on you or who
is for you jf you tell "thertruth?" t
Kelly: "All I know1 it that! was
out of my head and went and did it"
Kelly referred to Havner belonging
to Methodist conference and added he
did not think a member of the Metho
dist conference would hang an insane
man.. ,;. - ,: -;
t Those Burned Buildings: J
Kelly: "Mr. Havner. you be fair
with me. Judge Sutton said he thought
I was crazy. ) did what the Lord
told me and he told me to do these
things.",;); ;;t .;. j,-v. .j ' ,h ; ,
Havneri "I am not responsible for
what Sutton may say.' r ; ;
.Havner referred to having evidence
that Kelly referred to the ax murders
on the train before the crime was dis
covered and Kelly asked why those
witnesses ' should have kept that in
formation a secret five years.
Kelly:. "Are you sure that this is
not something you are framing up on
me?" is.'.- ', -.- 'i
Havner: Take him back to the jail.
You told these men to send for me
didn t you, Kelly? I have all this evi
light in the house and there was
"They made no outcries that I can
"I heard a voice say, 'Go there and
I have heard that voice ever since. I
preached my sermon, 'Slay utterly,' at
Maceaonia ana nave preacnea it since,
i speak seven languages.
"When the Lord said 'burn,'
thought I was Christ: that is whv
burned those barns and 'the jail.
"If you will take me to a hosoita
I will tell you a story on Wiikerson
Are you going to let the doctors ex
amine me? i
"If the Lord said 'dear the way for
Christ,' I would have to do that. If
the Lord said 'Slay utterly, I would
nave to kill again.
"I am a part of Christ. 1 1 was on
fire with the Holy Ghost and had to
work. The Old Ttstament tells about
sacrifices of blood.
. "I did not think the Lord wanted
me to do that until I got to the house
I wonder what the Lord will have
next for me to do. I killed the chil
dren first because the Lord said so.
tried to do what he said."
Havner: "I have known for a long
nme you were the man who did this
Kelly: "When I sret those snell
there is no telline what I mav do. If
I go to the grand jury, will they hang
me?" . .
Judge Threatens Delinquents.
"We are srettinir tired of witnesses
failing to respond when their names
are called. I hey had better be here
or it may cost them something," an
nounced iuage Boies when aamuel
Barnett of Macedonia did not respond
to his name. He was summoned
Wednesday flight. Sheriff Dunn went
to Macedonia for him this morning.
The court had made a previous an-
nouncement of like tenor and he has
instructed the bailiff, to eject those
who laugh. , - ,
The court room is sacked to the
walls each session. Old men sat on
the stepa at 6:30 waiting to get in.
At 7 ciclock Scores of earlv arrival
occupieif the front room.
Women attendants for afternoon
sessions arrive soon after morninar
djournment with sewinr and cro.
chet work. Some bring folding chairs
and occupy space around the walls.
John Montgomery, father of Mrs.
be Moore, a constant attendant at
the trial, said the state's evidence
did not change his opinion that Kelly
is innocent j "
Examination1 6f the Ferguson trans
cript of the Logan jail meeting with
jrveuy shows that the prisoner waf
rged twentv-four times to tell the
truth and only the truth. , , :
Telle of Kelly'i Movements. "
Henry and LouEnnarson of Vik
isca, la., testified as to the move
ments of Kelly when he arrived in
Villisca. Lou met Kelly at the depot
Saturday evening. June 8. 1912. and
drove the minister to the home of
enry Ennarson, where he remained
oyer night Kelly preached at Pilot
Grove and Erlington churches on
Sunday and he accompanied him to
the Ewing home early Sunday even
ing. Henry Ennarson testified he had
seven children, all at home the night
Kelly was his guest The oldest child
was 14. - .-v
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
written to girls asking them to pose dence without saying a word. If you
in the nude. He told me his father I don't remember killing those people,
was found dead in the mountains of
Scotland." ;
f M. D. Myers, sheriff of Logan, was
on the stand a few minutes and of
fered nothing materially new in con
nection with the alleged third degree
on Kelly. . I -
e W. P, Dinwidie, former postmaster
at Macedonia reitifieit that at A
o'clock in the afternoon of the Mon
day following the murder, be delivered
a Utter to Kelly who then and there
referred to the missive as containing
information of the Villisca crime,
. Claim Kelly Didn't Talk,
The defense intends to show, that
Kelly received information of the Vil
lisca crime as Quickly as anybody else
and did not impart the information
before the crime was discovered,
Milton Osier of Macedonia said
Samuel Barnett told him last summer
that he (Barnett) met Kelly up town
on Monday after the crime and not at
the depot as testified to by Barnett,
who was a state's witness.
1 The defense offered this as impeach
ment ot Harnett s testimony.
R. W. Beeson, attorney for F. F.
Jones in the Jones-Wiikerson slander
suit is taking keen interest in the
trial- '". "'. ' - ...
. , Thorpe Takes Stand. ; -
Thorpe, who took the stand short.
ly before the noon adjournment, tes
titiea that on the morning of June
10, 1912, he was traveling from Shen-
anaoan to mwmarket At Uarinda
two men entered the train. Thome
being the only passenger who did not
get on for lunch.
Thorpe said:. "I noticed the man
who entered the front door of the car
appeared nervous and there was a pe
culiar look ia his eyes, I was inclined
to believe he was an escaoed lunatic.
His shoes were muddy and his trou
sers were muddy half way to his
knees. He asked me for a match. He
rode as far as Newmarket, and sat be
side me.": V.. ; , v.jv,, y;i-,!
Ia Packing House Employe.' '
Mitchell handed Thorpe a photo
graph of Mansfield, which the witness
identified. Witness further identified
this as the likeness of the same man
he later saw at Red Oak by the scar
. on his neck.' .'' . '
The other man who 'got on "the
train on this occasion fixed by Thorpe
will be considered late this afternoom
The second man is described as "35 to
40 years of age, reddish brown mous
tache, conspicuous nose and cheek
then don t sav so.
Kelly: "Oh. Mr. Havner fwrineintr
his hands and sobbing) I know God
wanted me to do these things.", '
Havner: "Did God tell you to burn
buildings at Sutton?" ,--.
Kelly: "They say I burned them."
Will They Hang Me?
Kelly said during the session at the
Logan jail: -,': r
"My mother said when I was 15 I
was unbalanced. ;S - ? ,
"When God tells me to slay I have
to do it: when he tells me to burn a
barn I have to do it
"Children, you know, have always
bothered me. , . ,r;
"God told me there would be a
Limited.) Sharp outpost actions oc
curred west of Lens yesterday and
today, in which the enemy were the
aggressors. Ihe objective of today s
skirmish was a house in the western
part of Lens, occupied by us as an out
post Last night a strong party of Ger
mans attacked the- house but were
driven off. They returned to the at
tack in stronger force and captured
the house. The Canadians who had
held it at once organized a counter-attack,
driving out the Germans.
Artillery activity has been greater
today, aided by brilliant sunshine,
than for several days. The tendency
of the enemy already noted to devote
more attention to shelling our back
areas with long range, high velocity
guns increases, as does his use of
gas shells in sections ; where non-
combatants live. The object apparent
ly is to terrorize mine workers and
their families and make more difficult
the work of Taising coal.
"City of Dead," .
In company with a Canadian artil
lery officer who took part in the battle
of St. Julien in April, 1915, the cor
respondent visited the scene of that
splendid victory, when the Canadians
saved the situation and barred the
road to Calais.
Standing on the bank of the Yser
canal and looking northeaserly up the
slope of Pilkem ridge, there is little
change in the landscape. The ruins
of farm houses in the foreground, set
on tire during the battle of St. Julien
nave been smashed into heaps of rub
bish: but the shelter trenches on the
upward slope from the canal still are
plainly visible. The enemy has been
driven over the ridge and beyond
Steenbeke, but although there is no
longer a Ypres, and the .highland,
both north and south of the citv. is
tormajiy neia by us, the enemy still
answers gun tor gun.
Ueyond a doubt in no oart of the
western front, not even at Verdun it
self, has there been so prolonged and
steady a gunfire maintained during
the last three years as around Ypres.
TL' i ! .. . ...
inis tragic city 01 me aeaa iooks
hideous, out it doubtless is true that
n the moonlight when the shadows
of pinnacles and mounds of crumb
ing stone that mark the site of the
Cloth hall, one of the chief architec
tural glories of the middle ages, fall
upon the grand place, Ypres has a
beauty that not all the malevolence of
the people can destroy.
'resident Pardons
' Two In San Quentin
San Francisco, Cat, Sept. 20.
resident Wilson has oardoned
James B. Smith and Frederick Mills,
former president and dock superin
tendent, respectively, of the Western
Fuel company, who are serving "sen
tences of eighteen months each' in
San Quentin penitentiary for defraud
ing the government according to a
telegram from United States Senator
ames v. Fhelan to John S. Irby, sur
veyor of the port here. Irbv an
nounced today.
Has Confidence There Will Be
Amicable Settlement of the .
Shipyard Troubles
Pacific Coast.
San Francisco, Sept 20. Confi
dence of an amicable settlement of
the wage grievances that led to a
strike here last Monday of 25,000 iron
workers, including a large number en
gaged x on the government's ship
building program, was ' expressed bv
James L. Ackerson, United States
shipping board member, one of the
government mediators attending the
joint conference of strikers and em
ployers, which terminated early today
with the dawning of the first hope for
settlement basis.
In Ackerson's belief the proposal
of the government to assume half the
burden of wage increases to allevi
ate strike trouble from ship yard em
ployes were advancing factors in the
progress of yesterday's events.
W. T. Boyce, with whom Ackerson
is associated in treating with the
workmen's and employers' commit
tees, was to be in attendance again
when the conference assembles for
further consideration today. . '
-Yesterday's events elapsed without
any evidences of unruhness among
the workers. .
(Conttnned from Pate One.)
towns in the German rear along a
wide stretch on this front
Todays offensive is known as the
battle of the Menin road. Fair
weather has improved "the ground,
but the mud still was deep and the
wnuic territory covcrcu wun
,, , i ' . t-j i i j :
and shattered trees. The German de-,-fenses
were composed largely of con-'
crete redoubts. - ,
. Germans, Repulsed. y
Canadian Headquarters in France,
Sept . '20. (By the Canadian Press,
profits," said Mr. Munro. s "Often
people stop at the grocery store in
an automobile and order a few things
and then leave them to be delivered
instead of taking them along home in
the car. YouTiardly ever see anyone
carrying home groceries on the street
car here. In Minneapolis half the peo
ple on the cars have packages of gro
ceries. ' They are learning to carry
things home there. .We must learn,
too. This business of letting them
deliver everything is a habitfand noth
ing more. Ana tne peopie nave xo
pay for it. If everybody would carry
home their supplies grocers' expenses
would be reduced and the price of
groceries would go down." ,
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
That trunki cm
tody the bwt faa
turaa of trnak
conitructlon, la.
eluding paddtd In
Idas, which pre
vail I tha hanftra
from falling, and
lift top. Tha
keeps clothes fres
of wrinklest all clothmg Is ready to '
wear at the and of tha trip.
Freling & Steinle
Omaha's Bast Baggage Builders
1803 Farnam St.
: W LOca Small Repair Jobs.
. Will Quickly
Cough or Cold
Also recommended for Whoop-.
ing Cough, Bronchial Troubles,
Catarrh, etc. Get the little "in.
haler" and carry it with you
no trouble nothing to spill
no disagreeable odor or effects.
Just quick, pleasant relief. Try
it (.uuay i ' .".
lahalatum, $1.00 a Boltl :
Inhaler lOe ,Each
Fer Sale ly
Unitt-Docekal Drug Co..
sOr by Mail From
The Irihalatum
Chemical Co.
1602 Colorado Ave.
Colorado Spring:, Colo. - '
Most Unusual! Don't Overlook This Chance! i
HI!" ! II . 3
But Get Your , Selections Put Aside Friday 1
and Saturday It Will Certainly Pay You. I
J A Good Guaranteed . a
lV Carpet' 5
v v .Sweeper.. ..-:"
1 1 Eight different patterns, 9x12 Brussels Rugs. . .$12.50
One lot of 7-6x9 (bedroom size) in Brussels. . . $10.50
Six different designs, 9x12 Seamless Velvets f. . $14.50
5 3x12 Wool Fibre Rugs, pretty patterns and good weaves,
price, now.
. .$8,75 i
liThcre are a number of very rare values in fine Wiltons,
" room sizes from 7-6x9 to 9x12, at $29 to $49.50
250 White Bed Spreads, at.... .....95
; weYWiY-THlAIXASONS ill.,
ii it- ' trvi ii nw si
ITth a4 Hewanl, ConeolMated W'U
"rmond'a, 1S1S-1S Howard.
mi V :
CJhe fashion Confer Jor, WomeiY
A Perfect la jf lew Things for ' Antamii
Fine Furs,
Correctly Priced.
A Special Showing
Of Beautiful Fox .
Scarfs is Attracting
Favorable Attention.
Second Floor
All Linen Huck
Toweling by the
Yard. Extra Values
Plain and Figured Huck in
all -widths from 15 to 24 in
ches. In these days of scar
city you'll be surprised to
find such qualities and
Figured Huck. Toweling
15-inch, 40ct 50c, 65c a yard.
18-inch, 50c, 65c, 75c a yard.
20-inch, 65c and 75c a yard.
22-inch, 85c. 24:inch, 85c
Plain Huck Toweling
15-inch, 50c and 75c a yard.
18-inch, 75c. 20-inch, $1.00.
22-inch, $1.00 a yard. .
Linen Section .
aaBamBBMBtasi - jf
The Family Hose '
In order to avoid confusion, these
hose are made with colored heels; "
toes and tops,' each one in the fam
ily having a distinctive color. They
also save marking Made of fine,
black lisle and wonderfully good
wearing. 59c. '
Attractive Fall Coats
And New Serge Dresses
Priced $25
Fine materials and careful work
manship distinguish these fashions
styles that ; are in accord ; with
the season's latest tendencies.
Alterations without extra charge.
Learn to Do .
Of All Kinds
Lessons in all branches of
needleworking are given daily
under competent . instructors.
There is no extra charge when
materials are purchased here.
Children's classes every Satur
day morning from 9 to 12. In
this class -special attention 'is
.given to knitting.; ; - v . ...
WeTeach Ybu to
Make Lamp Shades
which offers much diversion,
and pleasure in the making of
these useful articles. This n a .
new department and is filled '
with new ideas and materials.
Art Needlework Third Floor
The Blouse Store
Latd arrivals of Georgette
1 Blouses of fine quality and
exquisite workmanship.
Very attractive models, $7.50.
Sleeping Garments
for Men f
Night Shirts of Mudin, Nain- -Book,,
Pongee and luting Flan-;
i nel Bell, shapes , and hotel .
sizes,' fifteen' to twenty. Price's
that-please. " ;----. " : '
Pajamas of Madras, Nainsook,
Fongee, Silk and Outing Flan-n.-
Comfortable sizes, well
-Faultless, Universal,
- . and Brighton Makes. I
World's BegtBev;era9e
Has that good, old, familiar taste of
hops. And is nonintoxicating.
' ' . '.
No more alcohol than there is in a loaf
of bread.
This is what you have been looking for.
Now it's here ready for you, at
. places where good drinks are sold.
f af ' - t . I
shows you the genuine. When ybu see it
you know you are getting CERVA
and See Ibrourself
No words can really describe CERVA But
that taste will tell you what it's like. Just
try a bottle satisfy yourself.
LEMP, Manufacturers,' ST. LOUIS '
1S17 Nkhelaa St.
H. A, STEINWENDER, Distributor.
Oouflaa SS42.
Omaha. Nab.
Thi$lsth Cap i I I I
. L
- jo mm -
Ii ISiiii iiiiifn 1