Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Boys in Khaki Send Money
Home After Pay Day at
Camp Cody; -Company B
Thanks Girls for Postals.
Headquarters Co. B, Fourth Ne
braska Infantry, Camp Cody, Dent
ing, N. M., Sept. 14. (Special.) I'm
a little bit under. the weather, this
morning, but in great trim to reel off
enough news to till the Sunday maga
zine section if necessary. There is
so much to write about that it's a
' toss-up on what subject to start
The "main event" in this big arena
happened Tuesday,1 September 11,
191. when the boys from the home
, state lined up in front of the officers' !
mess shact: and received their thirty
per. 7 ., .,
When the "pay call" sounded
immediately - after- reveille, wild
shrieks, hoarse and ear-splitting yells
rent the air and the confusion of
voices gave the "layman" the impres
sion that the fall of Babylon was be
ing re-enacted.
There was a rush for the company
street to get through with the set
ting up exercises, and immediately
upon its demise came a general clean
ing up of rifles, quarters and per
sons. Shining faces and shining shoes
emerged from out the dust, and from
out the very . atmosphere came
pressed trousers, O. D. shirts, clean
leggings and black ties. When some
one yelled, "Line up for chow," all
entered the mess hall, but few par
took of the wholesome ; breakfast
spread out before them, Appetites
wer gone for oatmeal,, canteloupe.
v coffee, bread, butter, etc. In its stead
came visions of "steaks, potatoes
" (French fried), pies, ice cream and
other delicacies.
About 9:30 a. m. the heaping piles
of yellow and greenbacks, silver and
' half dollars began their swift descent
and at noontime approximately 2,000
men were treading on air and all that
remained was a bare pine board table
that seemed to carry a sad and de
. jected look. " ' ' &
Then followed a rush to the post
office and registered letters, money
; orders and deposits became the gen
eral order of the day, for it's the folks
at home that the khaki-clad -boy
thinks of first, especially those with
dependents. . '
Suffice 'tis to say that at least for
the next fifteen days or more
"Sammy" will be living "the lift of
Riley, which is a pet phrase, tnealn
ing a life of solid contentment. .
Now to divulge.' Relative to our
sporting department, Captain T. R.
Kirschner has promised to give me
the lineup shortly of the men who
have managed to make the regimental
base ball team and I feel safe in say
ing that Private Charles R. Korb of
Company B will undoubtedly land in
the pitching department. , Company
H has five applicants, four out of
s whom are "noncoms" the rivals being
Corporals Ogan, , Jones, Weston,
Smith and Private Hershberger.
we assp nope to rorwara tne lineup
KNIFE Peeling spuds for the evening meal at the training
camp at Deming, N. M., officially known as. Camp Cody.
Thousands of the spuds go under the knife every day.
J J 5I.I.U...1M Ut 1 JWi naanm
: If N'f
fen u
m ft x . v
! YiP
of our regimental foot ball team in
conjunction with the other and Lieu
tenant Major insists that his outfit
will turn in the most enviable record
of the camp. However, time will tell.
Now a ivord for the sanitation and
the boys of the sanitary corps. A
word of approval will not be amiss.
Under the supervision of Major J: M.
Birkner the boys are sure hustlers
and Lieutenants Parks and Reeves
certainly deserve all the credit that
can be given to them for the manner
in which they handle their alloted
tasks. , - ' , .
, The incinerators fronting the regi
mental streets dispose of the garbage
quickly and cleanly. The mess halls,
kitchen utensils, pots, pans and quart
ers are inspected daily in a way that
denotes thoroughness and everything
is kept spick and span. ,,
To the Hebrew folks at home let
me State that during the holy days'
period, their boys will be provided
with a suitable house of worship and
they will receive their furloughs for
a period of three days. . ; .
I am forwarding few original
photographs to give the folks an idea.
that it s ' not an work ana no piay.
Use your own ju!Jf ment and see
where the fun comes in.
Company B, ISO men strong, has
done , duty on the Union . Pacific
bridge since March and in view cf
that fact I'm getting up enough nerve
to ask some kind donatoV for a com
fort kit for the boys.
; In closing, I want to thank the
girls of the Beaton Drug company
for getting the post card shower to
gether and making the boys of Com
pany B.the recipients. We certainly
appreciate it and we take this means
of letting them know it
Americanization Meeting to
Be Held at City Hall Tonight
The first of a series of meetings ar
ranged by the Bureau of Information
on Americanism will be held in the
city library at 7:30 o'clock tonight
The Commercial club's Americaniza
tion committee, co-operating with the
State Council of Defense, Public-Welfare
board and other organizations,
will conduct these, meetings to give to
the foreign-born reliable answers
to questions on naturalization, conser
vation and education. ' Interpreters
will be present to answer inquirers in
their own languages. The chairman
of the committee is John W. Gamble.
Dr. Olga Stasnejr of the Americani
zation committee'of the State Coun
cil of Defense will be present.
Says Sha Was Deserted ,
14 Days After Wedding
Daisy Ruggenberg, suing Roy.Rug.
genberg for divorce in district court,
lieges he deserted her fourteen days
after their marriage at Peoria, Ilk,
March "9, 1916. ( ' , "
Rev. W. H. Spence Comes to
Hanscom Methodist Church
Highly Recommended by i
Former Congregation.
Rev. W. H. Spence, newly elected
pastor of the Hanscom Park Meth
odist church, corner to Omaha with
the most enthusiastic praise, from all
who have been associated with him
during his nine years of service with
the First, Methodist church at Fort
He is known as one of the most
sifted and promising young, members
of the ministerial fraternity, not only
in that state, but in the country. ,
Extraordinary inducements were
held out to persuade him to leave
the Fort Dodge church, where he had
been stationed for nine years. This
is of itself an indication of his abili
ties, being far beyond the average
stay of a Methodist minister at one
He was induced to leave the Fort
Dodgl church so endeared ' to him
only by the fact that the Omaha pas
torate offers a far wider field of use
fulness. When he went to Fort Dodge nine
years ago, a youthful clergyman with
small experience, the' First Methodist
church there was a small, out-grown
building. In a short time he "infused
such vitality and enthusiasm into his
parish that a. beautiful new building
and parsonage was planned, and these,
which called for an outlay of $120,000,
now stand as a monument to his
vision and executive ability.
He is singularly gifted spiritually,
is an eloquent speaker as well as a
splendid executive. -.His personality
attracts friends wherever he goes and
his unselfish spirit of patriotism has
made him a leading figure in war work
at Fort Dodge.
In Harmony With Labor.
If his Work in Fort Dodge be taken
as an example, Rev. Mr. Spence soon
will become a dominant figure in the
philanthropic and patriotic activities
Obituary Notice
widow of the late- William Carnaby
and a resident of Omaha for forty
seven years, died Wednesday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry B.
Payne. .151 North Forty-nrst street
Mrs. Carnaby was born In Yorkshine,
England, and came to the United
States when a Bmall child, her parents
settling, In the east. She was married
in Reading, Pa., and lived In atern
states for some years, then came wasl
with her husband to Omaha,, where
she was one of the early pioneers. Her
husband, who was in the railroad busl
ness, died thirty-flve years ago ana
since then she has made her home
with her children. 4 She is survived
by two Sons Joseph Carnaby of
Omaha and John J. Carnaby of Ta
coma, Wash. Three daughters, all
residents of Omaha, survive her, in
cluding Mrs. Henry B. Payne, Mrs.
Charles Knecht and Mrs. Alfred Jef
ferson. The funeral arrangements are
In the hands of Stack. & Falconer,
undertakers. The time of the funeral,
which will be from the home of Mrs.
Payne. Is not yet decided. Interment
will be In Prospect Hill cemetery.
of - Omaha. He is a naturalized
American of the unhyphenated kind
and has given largely of his strength
and brain in fostering the war spirit
J V fx p'
' x 7 1 -
wronf ii jj Jmmmmmn n III
and war belief work in the city from
which he comes. , He has also been
singularly fortunate and useful in re
lations with, the organized labor move
ment. . . ;
Last Sunday he preached his final
sermon at the First Methodist church
in Fort Dodge,' the leave-taking be
ing attended with a large demonstra
tion from not only the people of his
church, but from most of the promi
nent citizens of the city. In the time
he was at Fort Dodge his church
membership increased from 400 to
1,000 and the Sunday school enroll
ment from 32S to 1,225. His succes
sor. Rev. A. A. Brooks, from Hast
ings, will find the church supplied
with acquired momentum that will de
light him. i ' '
Qontract Let for
' Home of Nebraska
Telephone Company
The new Nebraska Telephone com-
any building at Nineteenth ' and
(ouglas s'treets, to be built by Lan
quist & Illsley of Chicago, according
Jo the announcement of Vice Presi
dent and General Manager W. B. T.
Belt following opening of bids yester-
Mr. Belt announced that work
would be pushed ahead as rapidly as
possible by the contractors, who were
also the successful bidders 'on, the
contract for sinking the caissons for
the new building. v :
.The Chicago firm was the success
ful bidder on the contract for con
structing the.; First National Bank
building work on' which was com
pleted last year. , ; V
Creighton Orators Elect New
Set of Officers lor Year
Creighton Oratorical society met
last night This year, contrary to
the rule of previous years, member
ship is compulsory, and is part of the
.English course., .Officers elected for
the coming year are: Emmett Ran
dolph, president; Emmett Hoctor,
vice president; Lyle Doran, secretary;
Ralph Kastner, treasurer. Committee
on programs, Paul Kennebeck, Wayne
Keitges and Elias Camel.
Committee Plans Live Cam
paign, With - Posters "and
" Stickers;. Boy Scouts J
Receive Medals. II. '
, The committee in, charge of selling
the second issue of Liberty bonds in
Omaha held a . preliminary ; meeting
at the ' Commercial club and took
steps itpportant "' toward boosting
Omaha's subscription to this issue.
. O. T. Eastman, umanager of the
Omaha branch of -the Federal Re
serve bank, brought word that ( the
government is preparing to give much
greater assistance, to the bond solici
tors than it did in the first campaign.
"Ten posters of various sizes wil!
be shipped out' next week from, the
printing .offices, he said. "All are
boosters for the bonds. Another ad
vertising feature - will be; 1,000,000
stickers - for Nebraska, each- SH6
inches in size, intended. sarlicularijf
for automobile windshields. Libert
bond buttons of a, new design will be
given to buyers of the second issue
of bonds. A number of speeches on
the bonds Will be sent out. v ..
' To Bear 4 Per Cent - .
The second issue of bonds is to be
for $3,000,000,000, and is' to bear 4
per cent, according to the most reli
able advices received by the commit;
tee. There is this difference, however,
that the percent bonds are non
taxable, while the 4 per cent bonds
will be subject to income taxes. iThe
reason for the delay in supplying the
first issue bonds to subscribers was
mentioned; namely, the colossal work
of Sprinting them. - Most of these
bonds were for small amounts. It
was stated that the bonds for this
federal reserve district alone would
amount to twenty-six big truck loads.
W. E. Rhoades is chaiimah of the
committee, succeeding T. C Byrne,
who was chairman of the Omaha
committee, but is now chairman of. the
state Liberty bond committee. John
L. Kennedy , was elected vice chair
man. Most of -the members of the
first committee will serve on the sec
ond also. v v
To Place Subscriptions Here.
It was voted to appoint a commit
tee to Tall on' the corporations and
get them to place their Liberty bond
subscriptions in Omaha instead of in
the east, as many of them did on the
first bond campaign. On 'suggestion
of Scoutmaster English,-$100 was
voted to buy medals for Boy Scouts
who distinguish themelves in selling
bonds. It was decided also tb'getan,
officer from each bank, if possible to
serve on the committee.
The first Liberty bonds are to be
delivered to subscribers September
26 and the drive for the second issue
is to begin October 1..
Report of Light Frosts ,
Does Not Affect Market
- -Reports of light frosts over por
tions of, the corn belt of Iowa and
Illinois reached the Omaha Grain ex
change, but it was asserted that they
were not responsible for the advance
of 4 tov6 cents a bushel. It was attrib
uted to the strong demand and the
fact that there were buyers for all
the cash offerings. Prices were $1.97
to $2.03 a bushel, with forty-six car
loads on the market.
Blanks Now Being Printed to
v AUow Sailors .to .Wrto of
Experiences Cruising in
. the War Zone. ' ;
' If 'Ihe plan of nsign Condfct is
approved by the Navy department
there soon will be many interesting -letters
sent home from the Omaha
boys in. the navy. . . :
Blanks are now being printed for
the' boys to fill in, telling of their
experiences fighting on the sea. They
will tell of the" strange lands they,,
visit, of the success, of the United f
States sailors in the war and of their
daily life on land and sea. - " .
These 'will be censored. by their
commanding .officers and sent to the
naval recruiting office here and the
most interesting .ones will be pub
lished in The Bee...,;.".. . .,
invntiA vk knows a cook or
baker, would be doing his country a
service to -send, his. name in to the
naval recruiting office in the Paxton
block, Omaha," said Ensign Condict
He is sending personal letters to
every cook "and baker in Iowa and
Nebraska- whose " name ' and address
he can . learn, explaining the advan
tages of joining the navy., .-'
There arc now fourteen lawyers in
the Omaha battalion of, the "Lucky
i " Cantain Hieeinson. in the
recruiting office,- says he v has an
original plan to- maKe way wun uic
kaiser that instead of shooting mm
to death there should be a delegation
of lawyers sent over to talk him to
death. ' .
Two prominent young attorneys ot
Omaha who-joined Wednesday, are,
Arthur C. Thomsen and William A.
-Horton.- ' : ' -
For a Corn-Peeling
Pienie, U "Gets-It"
-, v'-
Pain Eases at Once, Cora Jutt Dim!
Do your eorn-rldding- easily, with smile
the banana-peel way. That's the "Gets-It"
way the only way your corn of callus
come off complete as though it were laJ
to ,jret off. ;
Don't TWwel .
Aran nil tk .
World In Com Asoay,
Use "ucw-".
- r
' "Gets-It" has cured more corns than ak
other remedies combined. It's as sure as the
unriae. and as- safe as water. Used by mil
lions. Pon't take chance with your feet,
you can't; afford to experiment with unknown
mixtures when you ' know "Gets-It" Bever
fails. . ' . ' '
"Gets-It" will remove any corn or calms.
Wear, those new, stylish shoes or pumps if
you want' to so ahead and dance. Demand
"GeU-lt" thow substitutes Jack . oa the
counter! 2So is all you need pay at any drug
store, or ft will be sent direct by E. Lawrence
ft Co., Chicago, 111.
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world's best corn remedy by Sherman Mo
Connell Drug Co. Stores. - -. -
I I .1. ...Ml..... !! 1 .1 I I " 11 A
t . "' ' .
First Entertainment ofits km& ever produced
i si i i i iin lujiw
t '
. If
v Proaaced Under Direction si Mucus Ford
Te) h stagtc! la tho now open air Creek Theatre bdh oaipecially for tkis production at Electric Park. Over
a thousand people in the cast Special costume. . Lighting effects, - Orchestra, of fifty. Ballet of on hundred.
Cost of production $25,000. The most pretentions outdoor dramatic event ever attempted in the West. ,
VerdTs famous Egyptian Opera Will be produced Tuesday end Thursday oTeninrs, September 2Stk and 27th,
at Coatrentioa Hell, under direction of W. A. Fritschy. Louis Homer, Mori RappoLd, Morgan King ston end
Clarence WbitehiU, of the Metropolitan Grand Opera Company, in the principal roles, supported by o trained
cost of on hundred fifty and On orchestra of eixty-fhr. Special scenery is being built in Kansas City for th
production. Seal of price! Boxes $3.00j Arena Boor, front rows $2.00, balance $1.50 First Balcony $10,
$1.00, 75c Upper Balcony 50c
'. " r-
. : -J '. - r
. . .. . ... n
A H -
A. ItW "fK .7fA
All Profit derived from Entire Week'
Entertainment for Benefit of Allied War Charities
t First time shown oottid of New York, r Six carload of official exhibits, including all war equipment used
by the oiliest uniforms, shells, guns, aeroplanes, etc. Also captured German equipment.
. September 25A and 271b, shown la lbs open air tb eater at Electric Park. Positively greatest firework dl
play vr produced in tb West. Over ninety-fiv numbers ou eacb profram. Luting over an bour. ' ' '
050,000.00 ; cooo
Ajtendaaco 250,000 People Qectric Park Open from Noon to Midni(bt
General Admission t Grounds, 25e
niHWllL.T,. .,..'...,..!.' 'Illy JT', .
tt Irlp illl Mliiid 1'''
a!S!nT r' (Y J l. A Patriotic Address :
'y' JA ELEcnuc I
it., m y 7 v wMiur
1 ImfhmimrsP'M SmH
Asm ifti: a , Mi
-rrur,.T ji m nil lo il. iiiiik ni f a hi ml ami a yi i iiimi einni ihfl i b ji rrni
atWWlaWaT' J T.. HWiytfQVWffPt'aiB'JlWlll I : '
- - Ta9LaekeVe si AdLtaSBUO
ret rvnMi isWOTfMieWn mnsWmi .
E. E. PEAKE. General Manacer. "Old Glory Weelr
Beeosjowrten. lit Wort Uta SC. Betel