THE BEE : OMAHA, V p V.V,f .. V SEPTEMBER 1911 : : Want Ad Rates Counting 8I Wotot In tn .,! I No nd taken for last than two line. V ' Local f.x- CASH VJTH oncER ; le perNlne I time 7e per line..! or more consecutive Insertion CHARGE to ptr Un . .i t time He per lire... I or more eonneeutlv liireriiors 7 per line... 30 consecutH Insertion. LOT-FOUKD-REVARDS, LOST On HatVrti'y a il-rss ',i " Brsndeis or. blr.Nlay prcs-nt. Call Webster ISC, Reward. FOl SALT!: Miccc'Ianeous SITUATIONS WANTED lie per lino.. . . per weak CASDS OF THANKS AND ; FUNERAL NOTICES lOo par line...... each Insertion (Minimum charge. 10 cenla.1 , Out-of-Towa Ratea. ' Cash With Order. (Count Six Worda to Lino.) Help Wanted Agents Wanted Business Cbances ' Klnanclal l!o per lino 1 time, to perllno t or more, consecutive Inaerttona All Other Classification to per lino 1 time, lo per lino I or more . consecutive Itiaortiona USB THE TELEPHONE It you cannot , venlantly bring or aend In your want ada. Ask tor a Want Ad Taker and you will recetra the same rood service aa when delivering your want ad at this office. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMN'S CLOSE EVENINO EDITIONS 11:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS, 19:00 P. It Contract Ratsa oa Application Movie Program v Downtown. PRINCESS, 1317 DOUGLAS RUPERT JULIAN, and -RUTH CLIFFORD, in THE MYSTERIOUS MR. TILLER North. ALAMO. TWENTY-FOURTH AND FORT LENA BASKETTE, in "A DREAM OF EGYPT" ALHAMBRA, 24TK AND PARKER HELEN HOLMES, iri No. II 'THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG TRIANGLE COMEDT GRAND, 1TH AND BIN'NET VIRGINIA PEARSON, in ' "THE WRATH OF LOVE" South. ISTH AND LEAVENWORTH APOLLO. WALLACE REED, ana ' KATHLYN WILLIAMS, la v "BIG TIMBER" BOULEVARD. I3D AND- LEAVENWORTH GEORGE WALSH, in "BLUE BLOOD AND RED" BOHLFF, 2661 LEAVENWORTH . , WILLIAM FARNUM, in . "A TALE OF TWO CITIES" West DUNDEE, UST AND UNDERWOOD BABY MARIE OSBORNE, in TEARS AND SMILES" ATTRACTIONS SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. , Complete lino moving picture supplies. "' Swanson A Nolan Supply Co., ,06 8. 14th, DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. CONLIN John J., sr.; aged 61 years, lie la survived besides his widow by t sons, John J., Jr., and Martin, and 1 daughters, the Mlaaea Nan and Molly. Puberal Friday morning from residence, 1507 Blnney, at 1:10 a. m. to Saernd Heart church I a. m. Interment St- wary cemetery. ANDERSON Samuel O., at local hospital, Tuesday, Sept. rt. HIT, aged IT year. Funeral from Crosby'a parlors,' till N. 14th St., Friday. Sept. 11, HIT, at I p. m. Interment West Lawn cemetery. FLORISTS. BEING a member of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, wa are In position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere In the United State or Canada, Ilese A Bwoboda, nonst. VSHS. LEE L. LARMON 1U Donglaa St Do-3l 1144. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. L HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP, 411 B. 1. D. 1101. THE FERNERY. 601 8. 16th 8t Doug. 1136. Furnitvre and Household Goods. eHiRNlSrl'TuOu'' fl'lilKAT I'll ACT U." AL LY i,urr hwn I'liicB Hundreds of teo;ls have taken advan taje of the remarkable price ndiK'tlons we hare Ixrn making for the past several ; mnntlis on a big 32M" warehouse slix k nf brand new. up-to-date furniture the! we wre forced In close nut. Such money saving puitalbllltles could not be equsled anywhere else In the Hty-slerf buyers have discovered 4hla and profited by tt. Furniture for .very room In the borne la included In this big warrhouso stork. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDSflS GIVEN ' PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Act today. STATE FURNITURE CO.. "Doug. HIT. 14th. and Dooire "tr . Omaha. fiARGAINS in furniture, ke boxes, gaa stoves, rugs. beds, china and i'tcben eabl x nets, tables, chairs, buffeiY dressers, trunka. aultcasea. Full line of poultry net-tine- screen 1K3I-47" N 24th. Web. MOT OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer nd winter aides: cost less and last longer than cotton or hair beds. Phone us tor sample. HOT Cuming. Douglas 246T, STOVES, all make, beaters, rangea and cook atovea, furniture, vlctrolas or pianos. Country trade a specialty. W pack goods free of charge. Loyal Farn. Co.. 323 N. Hth. City Furn. Co., 107 S. 14th. ANNOUNCEMENTS. AUTOMOBILES Massuere K1HMLK 8 Kuiphur Bath and Swedish Mas sage. Trained attendants. 371 Iirandds Theater Dldtr. 1IAS8A0K; chiropody. Alia Head. 208-14 Balrd Hldcr, I'th and Douglas.) D. 341. Central Hath Inst., I50C Harney Doug. 7087. MT8S H ALlORAN, 231 Neville Block. Osteopaths. Mrs. J. K. sulphur, steam and euce lyntus hatha. 402-3-Roee Bldg.Ty. mi. DR. O. B. LORD73208 Biirt St H. 4061. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS bought and sold.' INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., 683 Brandela Bldg. Douglas 6681. STURUKS ST URGES. U. S. and foreign patent and trademarks y Bee Bldg. Pianos for Rent. 13.10 per mo. A. Hoapo Co., 1513 Douglas. Plumbingnd Heating. "'. TOPP A CO.. Hit Vinton street. Plumbing and Heating. General Repair Work our specialty. OIL BURNER EXPERTS. TeL Tyler 1111. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL 3ow..s, full dress suits for rent 300 N. 17th. John Feldmam, P. 3128. Printi m and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhardt Ptg. Co., 624 8. 13th Bt Towel Supplies. Omaha Towjl Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. (2 CALL F. B. STEPHSON. -HIGH, CLASS MERCHANDISE Auctioneer. ' Licensed and Bonded. Phone Web. 4472. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W. O. C eveland Co.. 1410-13 Harney Bt. FOR SALE Good gas stove. ,13.50, no sec-ond-hand man need apply. Call at 1810 Chicago Bt O A ITPQ , BARGAINS, 1213 Farnam. UfXi: AJtj r J, J, Derlght Safe Co. RUSH right down and get your ahara of all kinds furniture st sacrifice, 508 N.'IOtb. FURNITURE of four-room flat cheap. Har ney 240. 121 8. 80th St. 5c SHINE 5c WHITE SHOES A 8PECIALTT AMER. SHININO PARLOR. H04 Harney St FOR SALE Majeatlo range, almost new. Harney 4330. - Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE 3 barber cbalra, 2 pool tables ana fixtures complete a osrgain. van Christ Paulson, 17U1 cuming. WEDDING announcemente . and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 844. Srora and Office Fixtures. WE HAVE moved to new location. Wa buy. sell and make desks, safes, showcase, shelving, ate. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Doug, mono v. sue. FOR SALE The bank fixtures of the old Omaha Nat bank; also the aafety boxes, A splendid outfit for a country bank. L N. Hammond, agent, 210 a. mn Bt. FOR SALE Two showcases and on wall case: your own price. iouir. f Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES" W rent, repair, sell needle and part of all sewing mschlne. MICKEI8 NEPRABKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Haney Sts. - Dong. 1063. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, sold, rerted and repaired. Rant an Oliver tvoewrltar 1 months for 41. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1101' Farnam. Guaranteed Typewriters. 110 and up. Writ for list Midland Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge: FOR SALE Half interest in the leading market -here; doing 335,000 to 840,000 yearly, strictly cash. Owner must sell on account of other business. For further particular and term address O. L. H., 117 Thomas Bt, Rock Springs, Wyo. Machinery and Engines NO (t STOVER ALFALFA CUTTER, (65.' 4-HR. WATERLOO OAS ENGINE, MOUNTED, 175. BOTH ALMOST NEW. WILLIAM OORStlfH, GRETNA, NEB. ) Miscellaneous. FIRE ADJUSTER SALE All the damaged goods or caoy l.umoer wo. lire naro. ware, twine, nails, wire fencing, wooden and Iron posts and lumber. H. Oroea Lumber and Wrecking Co., 21st and Paul Sts. Webster 884. - - - - FOR SALE General stock of merchandise. invoicing about 14.000; located In good live town of 600 In central Nebraska, . Box T-211, Omaha Bea. ... - ' FOR BALE My ona-half Interest In Excel sior Bath Institute. O. 8. Johnaon, 131 Securities Bldg. ' ELLIOTT Addressogrsph machine, also El liott Stencil cutter and cabinet for. 20,000 1 stencils. Call and sea same at 450 Omaha National Bank Building. - ' FOR BALE Quick ; good restaurant fix tures, stock and business, on main line ol V. P.: 1460 cash. Cole Cafe, Gibbon, Neb. MOTION picture machines (new and re built); theater supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 8. 14th St ONE South Bend lathe with complete aet ot cutting tool. - H. 518. . S- DUX , BOX KINDLING COMPAUT. WOOD. ACMU Harney 188T. FOR BALE Cafe, doing a good business; good reason for selling, for further in formation wrlta Bog 118, Oakland, Neb. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT Potatoes (either kind), , apple or beans, dlract from producer. - Will pay own freight, A good chance for . a small producer to aell direct to eon eumer. Olva loweat price la first letter, ' Bog- 1111, Omaha Bea. 1 FOR BALE Cigar and confectionery store; a big buy for soma one., Address w w. Adamaon, Iceland, Colo.- " ' ' - MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all make; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 201 Nat Bldg. DESKS DESKS . DESKS New desks, need desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, HOT Farnam. D. 5114 toATH. National Florist. 1J04 Farnam St. A. DONAOHUE. 1623 Harney. Doug. 1001. OLD CLOTHING wSfTSS WANTED TO BUT Slightly used 1817 Ford touring ear, South 43(0. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER - Independent Undertaken, It Har. D.I8T. ENK1NS eta. Doog. 8881 CAN 13. L. DODDER CCv Funeral Directors. P. E. Foro. Mgr., 23d and Cuming Sts. Phene tvtuglas 6TT. Auto ambulance. HULSE RIEPEN, undertaken and em balmers. T01 8. 18th. Douglas 1183. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. undertakar and embelmer. 8824 Leavenworth. Doug. 1(58. WANTED AT ONCE Second-hand cash registers must be In good working order. Cell State Y. M. C A. Tyler H00. ' 408 8. 16th St SOL BERGMAN A CO. DIAMONDS BOOKS bought Kleeer, Loyal Hotel Bid. MARRIAGE LICENSES. BOOKS bought. 510 8. 16th Tyler 8S16. . . The following ltcensea to wed have been 'Issued! ( Name and Residence. Age. Willi Sweet, Persia, la..,,...,,. , II Jennie Robinson, Omaha .............. 20 Ferdinand Janousek, Omaha..,, ......... 22 Rosa Tambor, Omaha ................... 21 Harold C. Kempendorf, Havre, Mont..,; 28 Paulina Fox, Chicago, 111....... , 28 Oscar Bolaen. Benson, Neb..,....,,..,,, 15 Laura M. Williams, Benson, Neb 21 Charle B. Ttllotson, Battle Creek, Neb, . 31 Ethel Ives, Tllden, Neb,..,.,........,., 23 Jess Senders, Nemaha, la....,,,..-;.,. IT Bell Smith, Denver, Colo.,..,,......., 15 Mary B. Snyder, Omaha. ...over i KUiabeth J. Sheets, Omaha .....over II O'Dean Davidson, Omaha. ...... ........ 18 Virginia Waller, Omaha.. II Joel A. Icelander, Omaha IT Myrtle A. Swanson, Omaba .11 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Sol Nogg, 504 Hamilton, boy; F, E. Btrawn. 1211 St Mary'a avenue, girl; Earl Graham, 4033 S, girl; Walter D. Sea man, 146T Spencer, boy; Bonnie Henor man. till North Twenty-second, girl; Mer lin 3, Tlepke. 4401 Bouth Nineteenth, girl; Roy F. Baker, 6001 North Forty-eecond, girl; William Rodak, 4605 South Twenty eighth, girl; Goorge A- Btelner, 2011 Caa- later, girt. : Deaths Mary Shult. 4621 Bouth Forty second, noma; Baby Johnson, 2103 Wirt, 1 deya; ElviraT A. Bayden, 2153 Larimorc, 81 years: Mrs. Henrietta Reynolds. ?'U -. nam. 43 years; Baby Long, 1611 Bouth Twenty-fourth. 1 day, 4 ... BUILDING PERMITS. Building permit have been Issued to the following: 'Roy Stearns, Flfty-nlnth and Jones, 81.000: William Bnyder. 171 Pratt, 1600 Bemls-Carlberg company, 3006 South Thir ty-fourth. 12,500; Bemia-Carlbarg com- nanv. 2002 South Thirty-fourth. t!.500 Bemts-Carlberg company, 2846 Bouth Thtr tv-fourth. 82.600: Berals-Carlberg com nnr. 2082 South Thirty-fourth, 11.600 Bemls-Carlberg company, 1080 South Thir ty-fourth, 32.500; Bemls-Carlberg com' pany, 3052 South Thirty-third. 12.600 Bemls-Carlberg company, 3010 South Thtr ty-thlrd. 12.500. ... . LOST-FOUND-REWARDS LOST " LOST Diamond lavalliere downtown section; libera! reward Har. 3703. OMAHA A COUN'CIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having loaf some article would do well to cell up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It la the atreet car. Many articlea each day ar turned In and tho company la anxloua to restore them to the rightful owner. HIGHEST PRICES. WE PAT THE DOUGLAS 6021. Pay highest prices for elothea, shoes, trunk. Res., Doug. 8038. : uso second-hand steel for concrete work, such as rail, bare, etc. Apply A. B, Alplrn, Tth and Douglas Sts. SWAPPERS COLUMN. FILMS developed, lOo a roll; one-day serv ice, Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., Hth and Harney, LOT for sale or trade for Ford car. Call Webster 6165. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordoeon Pleating. Ttnlfa, ACCORUEON, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating? covered buttons, all slits and styles; hemstitching, picot edging,; eys- lei cut worn, outtonnoies, pennants, IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO, 100-803 Brown Bldg. - : Dougla 1836. VAN ARMAN Drees Pleating and Button ro., l-T Pax ton Blk. Douglas 5101. Accountants.. Dworak-Ure Audit Co.. 688 Ramg Bldg. Phone Doog. IHI. Baths. MASSEUSE, baths, manicuring, physical cult. Mlaa Walker, 134 Neville Blk. D. KWA OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE. 323 Neville Block, nth and Harney Sta. tou. TS81. Central Bath Inst. 1606 Harney. Doug. TOOT. Brass and Iron Foundries. 'axton-MIK hell Co., 87th and Martha Sta Carpenters and Contractors LE89ARI) A SON, 3031 Cumin. Ty. 1883. be Luxe!2 Dancing Academy in Pooular Ballroom Wancea C ass Monda Kva p. ntn. Phone Walnut 103T. TURPIN'S School of Danclna. . lath an Farnam. Phone H. 1143, Or call personally "' ot classes, circulars mailed tree. w dancing Acaaemy, private lessons. ciaaee xor aquit and children. ' D. TS60, Chiropodist Carrie J. Burford, 630 Paxton Blk., R. 4687 Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bldg. Teft'e Pent. Km.., 308 Roee Bldg. D. 316 Dressmaking Dreesmaklng guaranteed and rcaa. Wal. 680, DRESSMAKING work guaranteed. H. 6324. TERRY Dresamanklng Co.. 30th and Farnam. Detectives SUTTON Detective Agency Una). "We uei jieeuita," gig world-Herald Bldg. ram puiion, aigr. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 100 let war. UK. Bldg. Fhon Tyler 3510. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evidence securer! in all case. Tyler 1111, ste; JOLLY. 611 Paxton. Red 1136. junk Dealers. ST. LOUIS JUNK CO. Call Web. 605T after 4, Fixtures and Wiring i? YOU lose any thine and will advertise It her, you wlU surely recover ft If fcund by aa honest person. If you find anything of trains tie honest way la to advertise for tho on -en- LOST A small purs containing a diamond eluattr pin on 14th car on Monday after noon. Liberal reward. Wat 156. Ask for Mr. Pratt LOST A purple silk ajveater; lost be tween f 2d and 24th. on Cuming. Re ward. Douglas 4543. ' LOST iold necklace, value only as gift of dead friend. Reward. Harney 3382. TiTTPlVTM Sleetrlo washing macinea, JJUAVXa.Ail eiectrio Irons and reading lampa. nil coming ot. poug. JUS, ' Household Specialties & t. ADAMS. 621 8. 16th. D. 01." Under new management we want to see old friend and meet sow. Open fiat. eve. Your credit le good. Agent wanted. 1 i Insurance. BANKERS' UFB OF LINCOLN. 111-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug, lilt Lumber and Building; Materials 8AVE HALF on bea ma, columns, brick. Grow Lumber and Wreck Co. Web 14. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert Welding1 on All Metal. W, L&VKRINfi, 18 8. Hth Bt V. ISTI Trusses. Safes. Shoe Cleaners. Wedding Stationery. BUSINESS CHANCES r NEBRASKA MOVIE SHOW Only movlo show In town of 1,800. Beat 100. Rent 160. Doing fine business. Owner must sell. Price 11,600. LUND. 430 Securities Bldg. Tyler T61. NO SACRIFICE NO BONUS. But will sell for actual value our gro cery and meat business "f Mitchell, Neb, New and rapidly , developing country and Increasing business. Have 4 months to dispose of aame, a re. celled tn national draft army. For particular writ or come and see FITCHIB BROS. A CO., Mitchell, Neb. ' POWERS, 6-A machines, practically new, Tqur choice at 1166, other machines from 121 up; two Fort Wayne Compensarc at 835, Come quick if you want It Mgr., 110 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RESTAURANT for aale. must sell, leaving town. Across from rora Motor co iu N. 16th St. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. ' 1212-16 Harney Bt " Dougla 151. Almost any make at rcasonaoio prices. FOR SALE Ruttenber engine with Bosoh mag. and carbureter; good shape; 150;' I tires wlth-Jnner- tubes 36x4. Price for set, 330 Colfax 1722. 1708 Sahler. REO Late model 4 -cylinder, 6-passenger car in perfect condition. Looks fine. Elec tric starter, new tires. Call Hitchcock, Ty. 22a. See car at 1410 Jackson. FOR SALE 181T Steams-Knight T-pessen-ger touring, fully equipped. Run 4.500 miles. Best of condition. A bargain. Ad dress Box 7367, Omsha Be. ALL kinds of csra for hire with or with out driver by the mile or by be hour. Forda 10c per mile. D'iglaa 73a, Ne braska Service uinf GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZINO CO.. all kind of tire repairing work guar anteed. Dougla T652. HOP Dougla 8t WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Anto Ex change Co.. 2107 Farnam SU uong. sm. mvi ivn lltvk .1- ISIS tnnAmi. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE COv 20th and Harney. Douglaa 6261. tri.i. a BiMirt.icY. . . . WE BUT AND SELL USED FORDS. 2218 Harney Bt. Doug. 1540. SEVERAL used cara at bargain prices. Call Carl Changstrom, Standard Motor Car Co., Douglaa 1706. - ' BARGAINS In uaed car. ORR MOTOR 8 ALES CO., J 10th and Farnam. - - Harney 414. : Tjsed CAR DEPT. I WILLY'8-OVERLAND. INC.. 204T Farnam Bt Doug 3282-U JOB MATHE, patent vulcanlser. manufac turer, expert tiro repairing. 1851 Far nam. Phone Harney 4380. - GOOD, slightly used tires, cheap. O. A O. Tire Co. Repairing Co., 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 12S1-W. BERTSCHT "Kan-Fix-It." Southeaat cor ner 20th and Harney St. Douglas 2663. 1815 MAXWELL, leaving city,- ao will sell cheap, 6224 8. 28th St. South 1268. ' 4 B "".AND new Saxon roadster. 110 S. 17th St. Douglas 1070. ' BUY and sell old cars. 1527 N. 21st Web. 6067 after 4 p. m. - GOOD bargalna lo used Fords. 4001 & 14th. Tel. South 4360. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto w can't repair. Coll repaired. Bayadorfer, 110' N. 18th. Auto Bodies. SPECIAL FORD SEDAN BODIES. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO m CARRIAGE) WKS 16th Ave. end Leavenworth 8t. Tyler T01. Electric Starters and Repairs. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Service Co. (Former Strahle Anderson), 111 8. 18th 6t Douglas 6486. - Tires and Supplies. TIRE pries wreckers. This Is no 1 In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTORY, 1103 H Jackson. Agt. wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee Punctureproof Pneumatlo Tlrea and eliminate your tire trouble, Powell Supply Co., 2061 Farnam Bt , , Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVID80N MOTORCYCLES Bargains tn used Machines, Victor H. Rooa, "The . Motorcycle Man." 27th and Leavenworth. THE Cleveland Lightweight Motorcycle 1 the last word In motorcycle conatructlon. Easy terms. Plott Bros., 1261 Farnam.. PERSONAL THE Salvation ArrqY Industrial Homo so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sine W collect. We distribute; - Phone Doug. 4121 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge Bt ' ELECTRIC treatment; baths; Swedish mas sage. - Central Institute, 1604 Harney Douglaa T06T. - MANICURING, maea. and scalp treatment For appointment call Ty. 1038. T01 8. 34th 41183 FISHER, sulphur, (team bath and massage. 170 Bran. Then. Bldg. D. 156. MAE BKUOMAN, acientltio masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 1727. MISS SMITH, massulst Rlttenbouae sani tarium. 110-214 Balrd Blk. D. 1456, LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and man!- curing. 618 -Paxton Blk. Red 1400. TO GET in or out of business call on OANQESTAD, 148 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477 YOUR buslnesa or real eatate handled for aale. r. V, Knlest Be Bldg.. Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION. CO., 1126 w. u. w. utag. nea MEAT market for sale. C. M. Huffman, Btaplehurst Neb. Rooming Houses. APT. HOUSE BARGAIN Quick action will buy apartment house filled with desirable tenants. Owner sell ing on account ot poor health. 0n car line. Very desirable location. All modern. Write Box 6JV, Omaha Bee. EIGHT rooma furnished complete; brick naij sou, iwaiion, . ioa oujr enui jrou ee this. Red 4784. AUTOMOBILES SAVE A WHOLE YEAR'S COST 0$ OPERATION BUYING NOW! livery maker of motor car ha already advanced price on new ear. It new ear price hold blah and ao hltrher. anv USED CAR Hated below ahould bring next season, aa mujejx as you pay for It now. In other wofils, you save a whole eaaon'a cost by BUYING NOW. HIT BCRIPP8-BOOTH Three passen ger roadster patnted gray with whits wire wheels, one extra tire that has never been used, four extra tube, complete - equip ment Tht la a car that any person might be proud to drive. Price 1626. ' HIT APPERSON In service about ft v. weeks, ' . Motor I of the - eight-cylinder , typ ana is in perfect condition. Car la equtppea witn tne pest make of tlrea, with one extra Ooodrlch cord that haa never been on. Thla car la our best buy of the season and will satiety the person that fihlooklng for power, easy riding and atylo, , , , v CHALMERS BIX A large easy riding aeven-passenger car. It takes the- roads and hill with the ease of a 15,000 car. This car la in tin condition. Price 1550. ' , v . ' " CADILLAC EIGHT In fine condition. I good tlrea. It ride ss smoothly and runs aa easily aa a new Cadillac at 12.600. We are only asking 5950 for this tine car. , OVERLAND EIGHTY-THREE, 1116 A fin small car, easy en tire and gas. Lot of pep and hard to beat It aa a road car. Frlc 1380. , . PACKARD ' TTc1 Car Dent Phone, Harney 414. 40th and Farnam TOO NEED TIRES AND TUBES "REPAIRED 1WWT TOUT ALL RIGHT. WE DO THE BEST WORK i in iu w w. . - TRY US. THE TIRE SHOP, 2611 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 4878. HIT SCRIFP8-BOOTH; cord tire with new extra tire and other extra equipment; ear practically brand new with Urea that have not even been punctured. 186T Farnam. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. . 1201 Farnam. Dougla 111. Bcrlppa-Booth roadster t a sacrifice. II Chevrolet 3315 aiaxwsii...... ...... ....... .., 8326 Moon Six ,. Sacrifice SEE this HIT Ford tn splendid condition; well equipped. For quick sale. 2817 Far nam. .', . . ,- ',- TIRES AT HALF PHICK ' New 14x4 N. B. Firestone. 116.60; plain, 135. New 13x4 N. 8. Firestone. I2S- nlatn. 124.60. KAIMSl S TIRS SHOP, 1T21 ;umtng. lmugias 183. - CROSSTQWN GARAGE. DOUGLAS 4441. 116 8. 14TH. 1314 rerd Roadster, 1185: 1116 Overland Roadster, perfect condition, new tlrea. 8375. . BATTER1K8 CHARGED AND REPAIRED, . Errrrtady Battery Station, 1291 Faraaa. ALL RIGHT prlvata maternity horn. Beat car. 1605 Bristol. Webster 2801. PRIVATE licensed maternity home, 4411 N. 18th Bt Phono Colfax 1041. - BATH and massage, 1803 Farnam St Boons I. Phone Douglaa 8751. SCIENTIFIC massage. 610 Bee Bldg. Phone Dougla 1172. - TOUPES cleaned A dressed, Brandel Stores. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 11. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 310 N. 17th, E. BROTT. M. T02 & 18th. D. 1521. MEDICAL - , WH;T SUFFER! ' . Latest and moat sclentlflo treat ment tor all' disease. . Dr Charles Barnes, : 111-524 Rose Bldg.' Ex amination and consultation free. Bo I eurlng thousanda. WHT NOT TOUT Delay ar dangerous. If you can't call, write,' Hour 1 a. m, to I p. m.; T:30 to 1:10 evening. - Sunday by appointment, ' HELP WANTED MALE Stores and OfHcet, WHY PAY tor a position I bteaographera. register t " us FREE OF CHARGE and wa will place you. - REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 106 South llth 8t. BOOKKEEPERS, 136. $75, 170, 66; office clerks. 176, 1 70. S, 150, 40; shipping clerks. 366 to 180; ledger clerk, 176. WATTS REF. CO., 1133 1st Nat'l Bank. STENOS... .140, 66. 186 f R. R. CLERKS ,....60, 160. 881 THE CANO AGENCY. 800 BEE BLDw.- LEDGER clerk. 870. . WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN T36 First National Bank Bldg. ' WANTED Clerk in gen.-mdse. store; must speak German; ateady work tor good man. H. W. Schmidt, Schleawlg, la. CALL o- ths Co-operative Reference Co. for drug and commercial poaltlona 1816 City National B.i.k Bldg. YOUNG man atudy law! Eve., downtown sea. UNI. of OM.. 8ec. Thomsen, 404 Om. Bk. Professions and Trades. WANTED r CARPENTERS ' Wages 60e per hour. . Bonn of 1 extra hour en 10 hour dally.'- Long job. Apply Wjtherstone-Engler Co., Chicago A N. W. Elevator Co, Council Bluff, la. WANTED AT ONCE Bright young man to fill the position of window trimmer, card writer and .clerk In dry good depart ment for a department store. SMITH-HULTIN-ANDERSONS CO., Wahoo, Neb. WANTED Young men lt-ll yeara of age to be. trained to fill responsible positions . in large public service corporation. Rapid advancement Bos T376, Omaha Bee. WANTED Teamsters for hauling coal and - building material. - Updike - Lumber and Coal Co., 45th and Dodge. Walnut 100. WANTED Experienced Hoffman machine operator. Dry Cleaning Department, Bluff vJCIty Laundry, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Experienced shipping clerk, good salary to right man. . Dreaher Bros., 2217 Farnam. WANTED Men to deliver ice. Apply Omaba Ice and Cold Storage Cow tth and Jnnee. WANTED An . elevator .man.. Eperienceo preferred. Wage 160 a month. Castle hotel. . ' " WANTED Gordon press feeder. EGGERSS-O'FLTNO CO., 15th and Leavenworth Sta. FLOUR PACKERS WANTED II. for eight hours' ' work. -, Wells-Abbott-Nleman Co., Schuyler, Neb. LEARN barber trade; low ratea now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglaa St. YOUNG man atudy lawl Eve., downtown ses. UNL of OM.) Sec'y. Thomsen. 404 Om, Bk. GLAZIERS, sash and door factory; ateady work. Box T-110, Omaha Bee. TWO young men for factory work; Omaha Box Company, Eaat Omaha. WANTED Painter and paper hanger, . 2238 Ohio 8t Phono Webster 111. WANTED UNION MACHINISTS. APPLT MIK 8. 0TH 8T. WANTED Press feeder. 101 Nouth 13th 8t Male or female.1 ' Salesmen and Solicitors. --WANTED SALESLADIES FOR i ' Jewelry,' Silverware and Leather . Goods Department ' ' ..s . .... B - Experienced Card Writer.' Cabinet .Maker and Finisher for, " Furniture Department. Apply Superintendent, HAYDEN BROS. DR. E. R. TARRY, i t!0 BED BLDG. 1 ' PILES,; FISTUTJaCUREa ..: . ( , Dr. E. R. Tarry eure piles, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical op erations.' Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured, - write for book on rec tal disease and testimonial - RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ Or. Frank H. Wray. 106 Beo Bldg. Chiropractors. Dr. Johnston, 1325 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6621. Dr. J. wrence. Bair4 Bide. 3. 1461. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. FIRST-CLASS office man paat draft age wants position with firm where experi ence and efforts - are appreciated. Long experience and can hold down food job. Box T38T, Omaha Bee. : .' - ; YOUNO man holding a responsible position. wishes regular employment In avenlnga, bookkeeping, typewriting, oashler or cler ical work. Address J, Be Office, South Omaha. - r EXPERT carpenter and millwright desires position In factory where he can do In side work. Expert on general repairing. 8outh 1171. 6411 a 42d. TOUNO colored boy wants position aa house keeper la bachelor apartments. Harney 6846. f - - YOUNG man wanta employment evenlnga, 7 to 11:30. Call Webster 4711. Good refer ences. " , WANTED Position driving track or tour- ng car. Box 7364, Omaha Bee. Female. WANTED Position In general ator aa . clerk or cashier; I years' experience. Can furnish best of references. Box T 105, Omaha Bee. WANTED Poeltlon aa P. B. X. operator. ' Call Web. 6611. , WHITE laundress. Call eve., Red. 3844. Stores and Offices. WANTED A POSITION BY AN EXPERI ENCED STENOGRAPHER. DOUG. 3600, Laundry and Da Work. Exp. lady wanta laundry work every other Tuesday. Call early mornings. Wat 3176. EXPERIENCED, white woman wishes bun- die weshlng, reasonable. Tel. Web. 5135, CLEANING by the day, call at mornings, or s evenings, weoster BUNDLES carefully laundered. Web. 4008 LAUNDRY w'w by exp. coL ledy. Web. 70J4. EXP, laundress for laundry work. Web. 36 3 3, LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. 1734. Waahlng and Ironing wanted. Harney 1606. REL, col lady wanta day work. Har. 4044. BUNDLE w,urk Or day work.- Harney 6117. Bundle waahlng, colored lady. Ty, 1663-J. CoL lady wanta day wk., any kind. Ty. 1568, DAT work by white woman. Webster 4631. DAT work and bundlewashlng. Web. 130. Exp. col. lady wanta daywork. Red 6630. Washtn and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144. WASHING. IronTng and hscltanlng. Ty. 39ST" POULTRY AND PET STOCK WANTED Fox terrier or Boston bull male pup. Will pay a to 14. Address Box 1113. WANTED- " - ; 't': ' STOCK SALESMEN. , ' By one of the leading corporations of the state for the purpose Of placing hlgh- , class stock security, one which appeals to the Investing public and which has a splendid future, . Splendid co-operation given by the of fice, which , assures successful buslnesa and. highly ,, satisfactory earning from the beginning, - 1 f Only hlgh-clas men with red blood, pep aneV punch who are - accuatomed to doing things need apply. : No attention . will be paid to advance men or curiosity seeker. . , ! r -, - - .- ' 'BEE MR. - LAW, NO. 1. WEAD BLDG . . . t ... OMAHANEB. A . s WE can use . three high-grade men with selling ability, permanent. Big paying positions with ' company ol wide reputation, an be had by men of the right stamp.' References re tiuired. Call at , 1217 W. O. W. Bldg., for interview. ... , .- l. .- ' ' v -,l ' WANTED.' T . ' " ' Experienced specialty aaleaman, one who haa-the ambition to earn . mora money than Just a salary. A chane to enter the adding machine business and secure 'a thorough training. Ask for Mr. McQovern; the Adder Machine Co., 202-206 W. O. W, Bidg.vs;.,,, ;;t. HELP WANTEDMALE Boys, OFFICE. BOYS 16 years old. for . messenger work; also junior cjerks, 17 and 18 years old; high school boys preferred. Armour & Co., ' General -Office, 30th and Q Sts., South Omaha. s WANTED Eight boys, 16 o- over, easy work, steady job. Apply Superintendent " Skinner - Manufac turing Co. i : I" . . WE WANT a bright boy to learn the print ing trade. Good opportunity for advance- . ment for a boy who Isn't afraid ot work Eight-hour day. half day off Saturday. Oood wagea to etart United States Print ing Co., Bee Bldg. . - - - WANTED Boy for pressroom, heavy work. 110 a week, good chance tor advance ment for one who can deliver. Night . work. See Mr. Miller, night foreman, Omaha Bee. BRIGHT young man, IT to It yeara old; not afrsld of work; to learn good paying traae. Bee Composing Room. WANTED Boy tor deliveries, etc.; good chance Tor promotion. 103 Bea Bldg. WANTED At once, good strong boy as bus boy Permanent position. Mr. Small hols, Blsckstnne Hotel. wXNTED Live ' wire delivery salesman. Salary ranging from 170 to 1125 -monthly, depending on bralna and ability. All ml to Dairy Co., 16th and Leavenworth, WILL you be our State Agent for Iowa. Big money making proposition on xaai seller. Call and see us or write at once. Whartney Sales Co., HT Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb, a - . SALESMEN WANTED. PERMANENT PO SITIONS. APPLY U. R. KINNEY CO. I0T-I N. 16TH ST. , ; sii.hs;:n and aranta lor . oae of the , greatest soiling . auiomooiiv - iwwwirc, ever placed on tne market; salesmen max Ing 826 to 130 per day; no money. Ad dress C. 8. Voorhees, 3T1S Marcy St. WANTED Experienced clothing aaleaman, Shirley Clothea Shop. f WANTED TWO SOLICITORS. P. 6.' BOX 6T, OMAHA - ' - - Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED NIGHT COOK WANTED. IN' QUIRE 1106 a 14TH ST. Trade Schools." MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Man. women. I ears the barber trade . few weeks eomoletee: nay whllo learning Catalog free. Ratee now on. - Call or writ. 11 South 14th St.. Omaba. AUTOMOiiiLE SCHOOLT L.ara In six week; no books; easy to learn; free catalogue, . National Auto School, 2814 Noieth St.. omaha. Neb, BOTH Men e "i women to learn the barber trade. Special ratea. Call or writ. 146Y Dodge, - TRI-CITY BARBER COLL2GE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEUE. x 1051 Farnam. Boys. WE have openings for several bright boy 1 from II to 20, to learn business. This la an exceptional opportunity for any boy having hie future In mind. ' Apply Biggs optical vo if I .Jiranael Bldg. TWO or 1 boys for factory; nice, clean work and good wage. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. - WANTED A boy over II years old to learn trunk making. . Frellng ,4 Stelnle, 1803 Farnam. TOUNO driver for Ford delivery; grocery. Kocner Broa., 16th and Farnam. BRIGHT, industrious boy, with good refer ence. Albert Edolm, Jeweler, i HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades, THE Nebraaka Telepbont company otters an . xceptlonal opportunltv to young laaies 10 learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions; opportun ities for advancement; good wagea A srj ary la paid while learnings Parenta desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details era especially Invited to accompany the applicant Apply to a F. Lambert. 180T . Douglas street YOUNG LADY of good appearance, pianist' . . . i : .. T'lra, r-l.c Willi eOIJlO uuiiicb c.jiwiouww - .... - . references required. Box T371, Omaha Bee. I, BARN hrr-r trsde 1403 Dodr bt Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED S neat appearing young lady solicitors, must be able to meet the public, experience not nectssary. Our demonstra tor will teach you. crew Is going south for tho winter. Apply before 10 a. m. or after I p. m. 312 Balrd Bldg., Ask for Hr. Hatfield- . WANTED SALESLADIES FOR " SATUR DAYS. APPLY O. R. KINNEY CO., 10T-1 N. 16TH ST. - WANTED SALESLADIES; PERMANENT. APPLY O. R. KINNEY A CO.. 107-1 N. 16TIC V. Household and Domestic. WANTED A good girl for general house work; references required; the very beet of wages. Mrs. E. AI. Wellman, 2110 8. 33d. Har. 3289. WANTED a good girl for light lUJuaework, good wages to the right partyv Mrs. D. 8teln, 1523 Capitol Ave.. Douglas 1787. WANTED Girl, general housework, but -1 must know how to cook; small family; highest wages paid. 206 B. 38th St WANTED An experienced maid for gen eral housework; no laundry work, wages, 68: small family Call Harney 667. - WANTED Girl for general housework; ref erencea required. Mrs. Buckingham, 1501 Woolworth Ave. Harney 680 ; WANTED Strong errand boy. I. A. Med lar Co., 41 8. Hth Bt. Miscellaneous. WANTED Janitor for All Salnta' church; steady work; good wages: must be li censed engineer and furnish references. Address Bar. T. J. Mackay, 101 South llth St LABORERS Union Paclfte Store Depart ment: -white or colored: good wages; steady work. Apply Cass Bt gats, 7:30 a, m. and ask for storekeeper. - ATTENTION, farmers 1 If you want help wo can supply you. Blurr city Kmploy ment Bureaus llHj W. Broadway. P. 431. WANTED 100 track laborers at once, SOc per nour. can at ll Scott St. Council Bluffs. B. A. Ickham A Co. WANTED Freight handlera . at once. Ap ply American .Express Co.. Union Station. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. HELP WANTED AT FQNTENELLE STEAlWORK GOOD WAGES MALE Cooks, kitchen men, yard men, oyster man, dishwashers, sil ver cleaners, elevator operators, waiters, bus boys. : , FEMALE Chambermaids', clean ing and scrub women, dishwashers, glass washers, kitchen women. - Apply to Timekeeper, HOTEL FONTENELLE WANTED Men, women. Thousanda gov. eminent war positions open; ioo month, Examination everywhere, f List free. Franklin Institute, Dept 137-H. Roches ter, N. T. . . ,. .. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Office STENOGRAPHERS, .886, 76, SS. 60; book- mvnynrm. ev, ov, .13, BienOS. and Bkkpr., 180; Bteno. and Bkkpr., 76; Steno. and clerk. 840; typlat, 40; Compt "tnt. IKA 4a tsA WATTS REF. CO.. 1131 1st Nat'l Bank WHY PAY for a position T Stenographers, register with as FREE OF CHARGE and we will place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 101 Bo. 18th St.. City. ARE TOU COMPETENT - TO HOLD A HIGH CLASS OFFICE OR SALES PO SITION 7 . If so, see us at once. We have a large list of openings. THE MARTI CO., HIT W. O. W. Bldg. TOUNO lady bookkeeper, experienced. Phone jjougiaa- uvenings, Webster 1370. WANTED Experienced . stenographer or oooxKoeper who can use typewriter. A. Hospe Co., 407 W. Bway. Council Bluffs, xa. BOOKKEEPER and Steno.. 85; Bkpr., 176; ledger clerk, 166; typist, bank, 150: office clerk, 35; filing clerk, 350; Steno., be ginner, aixteen atenos., 50-i7fc. THE MARTI CO., 1S1T W. O. W. Bldg. GEN. office elk., experience unnecessary, 140 WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N T36 First National Bank Bldg. WE NEED atenograpbers. bookkeepers and office clerks O-Operarlve Reference Co. -Professions and Trades. BIG WAGES Earned by girls experienced In packing cracker; Beginner' ar taken at good wages and advanced as they etconia ex perienced.' We can take in akitut twenty flv more girls. . . LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT C.r 12TH AND DAVENPORT. GIRLS!; GIRLS! GIRLS! 10 girls for steady pleasant em : ploymcnt as packers and labellers m daylight room . AFFLY : Jl ( SKINNER MFG. CO., '( - -.- 14th and Jackson Sts. GIRLS. GIRLS. , , . WANTED: . .. . . . " - 'r V " - ' Twenty-five Girl. Good Wage. 8teady Work. - : TTEN BISCUIT CO., Thirteenth Bt and Capitol Ave. GIRLS wanted, colored preferred. ' OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., . 18th and Marcy. . Douglaa 151. WANTED Experienced wrapper in shipping room. Apply Sresher Bros., HIT Farnam. WANTED Experienced chamber maid. white or colored. Claremont mn, mn ana Jackson. Douglas 2736. WANTED Experienced second girl. Small family. Highest wages paid. 305 8. 38th St. WANTED Competent cook and also hoe- mald. Mrs. I. P. Klrkendall, 3727 JJtV son St. , - WANTED White girl for general house ....... i . VAeAnMn. . . I - . t i . . 1 1 oJ WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 In family; plain cooking. Call Walnut 1740.. WANTED A girl for general housework. no laundry, good wages. Harney 3182.; . RELIABLE white girl wanted, 3 in family, no washing. Mrs. Benner, Walnut 2112. SETTLED woman to help with housework and care of children. 1034 Park Ave. WANTED Coored maid for family of 3. Lieutenant Goodale, Fort Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call at 3736 S. 24th Nt. WANTED A competent cook. Harney. - Call at 2420 Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaids at once. x Apply to 1 housekeeper. Hotel Fontenelle. . - , WANTED LADY COOK. i Whlte, good wages and first-class place. Write or phone, W. W. HOCKENBERRY, OAKLAND. IA. WHITE WAY CAFE. f WANTED Girl in diet kitchen: also dining 1 room girl at Wise Memorial Hospital. Call Tyler 1S71. WANTED A dining room girl and second cook. Apply Clarkson Hospital, zioo Howard St EDUCATIONAL : BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIfiHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE, - Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. PUT driving power Into your ideas and win promotion. Mr. Edwin Puis, Department of Public Speaking. Omaha Y. M. C. A. Van Sant School of Business. Day and, Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. 1 FOR RENT ROOMS Hotels. HARLEY HOTEL 20TH AND FARNAM, Special low rate to permanent guests. STEAM-HEATED rooms 12 vk., also apt. with hitcheneta. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. Furnished Rooms. ' ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS1 If you fail to find the room yon -desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of-vacant rooms is ' all parts ot tho city. New Hats Issued every week. THE COCHRANE 1708 Jackson St Phone Tyler" 1541, FOR MEN ONLY Strictly mod., steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; clean, comfortable, quiet NICELY furnished rooms with use of dining room and kitchen, reasonable; modern . house; good location; close in. Call eve. nlngs or Sundays, 116 N. 26th St . Doug las Mllf .' - S. ... ROOM In Leavenworth Heights, new home reasonable; references. Phone WaL 2021. 311 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished, pleasant room,, modern, walking distance or con venient to Farnam car. ' Reasonable. Bvir ney 4953. 'T BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room for gentleman In private family. Board next door. All conveniences. ,141 park Ave. . H. 463S. ; SLEEPING ROOM. II each; walking dis tance; unfurnished housekeeping rooms; Hanscom Park School. Breakfast optional, H. 4810. ' FOR gentlemen, nicely, furnished front room, private home; instantaneoua water heater ' in bathroom; walking distance, ; Harney 1778. . . BEAUTIFUL front room, suitable for two gentlemen. Close to Creighton college. aljo car line. Breakfast. Tel. Doug. 7035. ROOM for business gentleman, all modern, private home Ono block from car. Clean, comfortable, convenient Webster 384. MODERN, sanitary furnished rooms, for men only, at the Sunshine. Apt 601 N. 17th. 12.60 per week. MODERN, nicely furnished sleeping rooms. Walking distance. Reasonable. 2121 Doug las. Douglas 6183. . ROOM for one or two gentleman overlook ing Blvd.; private home, shower bath; walking distance; west. Phone Har. 8848. FURNISHED- rooma for rent, modern, pri vate home, close in, convenient to Creigh ton college. Harney 6212. 835 N. 28th Ave. NICELY furnished front room, mod., rea sonable. Phone Harney 5441. 633 S. 26ttt Ave. . - NICELY furnished room In new mod., steam, heated flat. Walking distance. Dg. 8688. FURNISHED room In Dundee home. Break fast It desired. Reasonable. WaL 2234. TWO east front furnished bedrooms, on East Park car line,' Phone Harney 38j; NICELY furnished rooms, modern, all CoTT venlences. breakfast optional. Web. 273S. WEBSTER 36? Pleasant room In prlvata home, very reasonable to lady employed. BEDROOM suite for - employed young. ladles rail modern. 3001 Dodge. H. 6784. VERY desirable room for one or two nurses, hospital neighborhood. Douglas 6686. VERT desirable room for one or two nurse. Hospital neighborhood. Dooglss 6636. 633 S. 22D ST. Newly furnished, newly dec orated. No children. HEATED room. 2 per week and up. lilt Capitol Ave. ' ' 1611 HOWARD, stjam heated turn, room. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO light housekeeping rooma, on single, bath floor, good furniture - and electrlo light Mrs. J. K. Johnson, 1311 Douglaa. 1 MOD., well furnished suite, also sleep ing rm.; walking die.. 1608 Howard. Id fir. T15 NORTH 17th St., room for light house keeping. Red 4324. 1 FURNISHED or unfurnished rms, for light housekeeping. Harney 6261. Board and Rooms. ELEGANTLT furn. rm. for one or two gen . tlemen or man and wife employed. Board U desired. Webster 4056