Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1917, Page 3, Image 3
"XT - THE BEE; OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1917. I I I II I I IN HI. ' """" "" " WIIIWII II Mill . ' S lr i unit m jinn I'-: i""niii 1 It V Veilings in Variety The newest Veils are the large plain mesh, with the big velvet dots and the cluster designs and motif patterns. Just about all styles are good this season giving great range for choice. A very wide range of colorings and designs here at popular prices. Veilings, a yard . . . 59c, 75c, 85c and 98c. Main Floor mint TfV 01WTO SETS THE PACE Use the New Elevators IP' ..rtlll !!!,. Mtr .11 J FORCROWINC OMAHA Use the New Elevators New Neckwear for Fall Satin Collars, also collar and cuff sets and vestees, In high and low neck styles, are exceedingly pretty when worn with the new Suits and Dresses, Dainty Nat Collars, a most beautiful display, also collar and cuff sets, and Organdie with the fluffy net trimmings, which make a most becoming accessory to the Fall costume. Especially interesting are u, M"UuSierf Jnd cPe early Fall, in natural and black, ostnch-trimmed, also plain Marabou $5.00 upward. . Main Floor I r 7 - , mm mmmmmmmmmm II I he b ashion Show Has Defined Style i 4 Fall Suits in Fascinating Styles And a Wide Range of Prices It is indeed a wide range for choice that Fashion has Suits for this Fall season,' 1917 not only in variety of styles, but in prices as well so that every woman, no matter what her preference, may find what she seeks at a price that will be extremely satifactory. Suits of Wool Velour, at $35.&0 In new nut brown, trimmed with taupe fur; large fur collar and cuffs; slot pockets; belted model and straight line, belted skirt with tailored pockets. We are also showing these Suits in Taupe, Blue, Beet Root; Green, Gray, Brown, Burgundy and Black. More Elaborate Suits In a wide variety of the best of this season's soft materials. ; Large fur collars and fur pockets. Military modifications in style. Double-breasted Coats, plain tailored, braid and fcutton-trimmed; all new shades. At $45.00, $52.50, $65.00 to $98.00 v ' Second Floor 1 Now we offer Adapta- I ! ' j v tions and Modifica- j 1 tions. at prices which 1 1 " I I are extremely modest. i el E f Blouses for Fall In a Season When Tail ored Suits Triumph THIS BIDS FAIR to be one of the biggest Blouse seasons in many yearsThe Tailored Suit has a .vogue greater than ever and as a consequence, Blouges for ! wear with them are more varied and wider in price scope than ever. - ' v. . : The new Fall Blouses have recently arrived from New York, and as we unpack them, we are more than pleased with their exceptional dainti ness and charm. " Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine are leaders, in semf-tailored models, lace frill models, some with Jabots and high or low neck styles. The Enlarged And Beautiful Apparel Departments give broader scope for bigger and bettor dis plays. Women's Coats, Suits, Skirts and Dresses, as well ' as Furs, occupy the entire 16th Street Side of the Second Floorjust a little farther down, along the south side, and right ad joining the new elevators comes the Specialty Shop for Small Women and Misses ; and adjoining this, the Specialty Shop for Girls Millinery and All. Apparel, take up the Jen tire vast space on this sec ond floor. . Every Woman may ! obtain just the style she most admires, and j pay a very moderate sum for it. This is the service a big store offers right at the begin ning of the season, and helps every woman to make the right choice, with the assurance v of service and per fect satisfaction. Three New ' Passenger Elevators are now running from Basement to Third Floor, on the south-east side of the. building. These are three of the latest and most beautiful elevators ever operated in' this western country. They will afford ample service to the immense throngs which are daily increasing in this store. This is another evidence of the growth of this great establishment, and also of the desire to take the best of care of our patrons. 3 a Street and Afternoon Frocks In Newest Fall Styles It's a season of splendid styles in Frocks and the wide variety gives ample scope for choice. ' Tailored Dresses in Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Serge and Coverts; tailored styles, braid-bound and embroidered; satin combinations. Draped Tunics or Pleated Skirts; all lend a distinct charm to the season's favorites. A most complete showing of these fascinating styles At $35.00, $45.00, $65.00 to $90.00 'Afternoon Dresses of Silk Crepe Meteor, Moonglo Satins and Georgette Crepes are ' the beautiful materials employed. Embroidered with metallic threads and beautifully trimmed with ornamental collars, cuffs, sashes and belts. New shades of Taupe, Wood Brown, Joffre Blue, Navy : and Black. At $35.00, $55.00, $65.00 upward . . , Second Floor u u irrt i f niti i hii ii umri rfti n i nmnrrmmi imnirriTTmnmrn n ntumin i m i rmtru t n nui mi mi nm rittt The Third Floor Is Re-Arranged J And Corsets, Muslin Un- derwear, Kimonos, Dress ing .Sacques and Baby Wear have moved into spacious quarters; while, the space given over to Art Embroidery, Draper ies and Rugs, has been greatly increased. The Third Floor pres ents a very inviting ap-. pearance, and with in creased facilities, will af ford best of service in the various departments. s a a 0 You will be pleased with the variety, and the modest prices as well. $3.98 and $5.00 ( Second Floor " Dainty Silk Underwear As an accessory, in this Fall Fashion season of 1917, we offer some exceptionally dainty Silk Underwear at very low prices. ' Venetian Silk Vests, with band tops, trimmed with dainty silk ribbon ................. . . .$1.59 Silk Embroidered Vests, in regular sizes only, at t ....... $1,79 Silk Bloomers, reinforced and in regular and' ex- . tra sizes ......$1.79 Silk Top Union Suits, with lisle body; reinforced and in regular and extra sizes $1.19 Main Floor . Bon-Ton The Gloves for Fall Are Here In Broad and Comprehensive Display We are particularly proud of our Glove Department this season, for notwith standing the unprecedent ed difficulties in the way of production, we have been able to assemble one of the most attractive and complete stocks we have ever shown. All the desirable styles and the best colorings in finest qualities are to be found here in ample as sortment, because we pur chased them months and months aero and conRA. Jquently we are able to sell them At 25 to 40 Below Today's Market Values the 'lrih:Xl bUJ,,31MS n,y fr0m x Among the Many New Colorings we desire to make special mention of silver and pearl grays, gold and champagne shades, new tans and grays either plain or with beautifully stitched black backs: ex quisitely embroidered and in a variation of designs. f v. Prices $1.25 to $3.00 a pair. i Main Floor V 1 Direct From Paris To Be Sold in Original Wooden Boxes Because of the extreme difficulty of transportation, , comparatively few European buyers are making their ac customed trips abroad, consequently we feel that we were extremely fortunate in being: able to secure limited number of Paris Hats indeed we regard it as the most important part of this early Fall showing-. ' The Ostrich Hat from Marguerite, Coque Regimental Hat from Marie Lancret, Wing-Trimmed Turban from Louison, Military Pom-Bon from Lewis and large Pom Pon Hat from Evelyn Varon are all exceedingly beautiful. , From American Milliners And Our Own Workroom We are showing a smart display of Inexpensive Hats each one quite Individual and distinctive. A Very, Very Pleasing Array of Hats. Second! Floor. Hosiery Offerings This is a season of novelties, and the two that we mention are exceedingly interesting and attractive. It will be your privilege to be well Hosed at a very moder ate outlay if you come to this Store. The latest Fad is the "Bird" Hosiery Has blue birds, goldfinches, meadow larks, wrens, etc., daintily embroidered on the instep very pretty indeed, a pair .$1,75 Embroidered Silk Hose, a complete stock, in plain black, with dainty handwork in many designs, a Pair $3.00 Alto Checked Stockings, a very timely offering. . 81.75 ' Main Floor . ( Corsets They Mold the Figure to Fashionable Lines IN OUR NEW DEPARTMENT on the Third Floor, we have added a number of fitting rooms and can give better service than ever. We always advise Corset Fittings and have expert corsetiers here ready to render you this service. These Corsets Give Style, Comfort and Service Bon-Ton Corset are made of handsome pink and white broches, also imported coutil. Scientifically designed and come in a variety of models so that each individual type of figure can be corseted properly. New Fall Models Bon-Ton Corsets Model 964, for the average figure, is made with a very low top nnri A vprv Inns alrfrf nnfk alof.' . ' j w"e.j ui " w nBoLit gujeo uvejr valgus 10 give comfort and make th5 Corset fit closely to the figure, at " $8.50 Model 808, for the average slender figure, with free hip space; particu larly adapted to Misses. The front and back are well boned and it has a very long hip with four garters attached 83.50 Model 871, for the average figure, made in a very handsome silk , broche; long hip, new curve at waist line and straight back. Graceful lines and correct proportions will result from wearing this Corset. at...... fftnn Other Models, from $3.00 to $10.00 Hair Goods i . ' We have one of the best equipped Hair Goods De partments hereabouts and offer the best of service. , Marcel Waving by an expert Women who have used this service all agree that it is ac complished in the very . best manner. Moder ate charges. Hair Bobbing for Chil dren a service that' has been received so I well that it has be come necessary for us to enlarge this particu lar branch of our Hair Goods Department. Men's Toupees cleaned and repaired. We also make these Toupees to order to match any color hair. Second Floor. I The Specialty Shop for Misses and bmall Women Shows Stunning Styles in TAILORED SUITS PARTICULARLY INTERESTING is the "youth ful" note which stands out prominently in every one of these Suits. The real art of the designer and true interpretation of the maker is shown in the holding of this intangible charm and making it a bir factor. Every woman seeks to have and to hold "vouth." and these Suits are. stvled feoffor that very desirable factor. These Suits are shown in Silvertone, Broadcloth, Serge, ' Tricotine, Velour and Gunnyburl. Semi-tailored models, fur trimmed models, belted models and pocketed models. $25.00 to $65.00 Smart Serge Dresses- Are Here in a very wide assortment of styles Navy Blue, Brown and Green are the prevailing color tones. , $19.75 to $45.00 Sacond Floor. Special Mention The Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women now occupies a greatly enlarged and most conveniently arranged space adjoining the new elevators on the southeast side of the Second Floor. 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