Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1917, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE BEE: OMAHA, SEPTEMBER:"- 1917. Want Ad Rates v (Counting Six Word lo tbe Line I - No ad taken for let than two lines, " Loci CASH WITH ORDER 10 per Hne '. 1 time ' T per Una. ..I or more ronsecullve Insertion CHARGE te tr lino 1 time to per lino... I or more consecutive insertions Te per lino........ IS consecutive Insertions SITUATIONS WANTED tie per line per week CARDS OF THANKS AND , FUNERAL NOTICES ISo per line each Insertion (Minimum chsrgs, 10 cents.) Out-of-Town Rates. Cash With Order. (Count Six Words to Lino.) !o per line 1 time. peril ns 3 or mora. consecutive Insertions. per line 1 time, per line 1 or more consecutive Insertions. USB THE TELEPHONE It you cannot eon. venleatly bring or send In your want ads. Ask fur a Want Ad Teller and yon will receive the ismo good service a wben delivering your went ad at this office. PHONE TYLER 1000 WANT A! COLUMNS CLOSB EVEXIKO BDITIC-NS 12:00 M. MORNING EDITION!) 10:09 P. M. Contract Rates on Application Movie Program FOR SALE Miscellaneous ANNOUNCEMENTS. Oxy-Acetylene Welding, ExDert Weldinsr on All Metal. H. W. LEVERING. It) 8. 12th St. D. 1571. Furniture and Household Goods. FUrnIshur home at practical ly '.OUR OWN PRICE. tage of the remarkable price reductions I latent Attorneys. we have been making for tbe past several patents bought and sold. months on a big 125.000 wsrenouse stocx i INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. of brand new. up-to-date furniture mail g Brandels Blair. Douglas 6611. we were rorcea to oioee ouu ouch iuvuhj- ALL MAKES REPAIRED Auto Service Co. (Former Strahle t Anderson), lit 8. II to 8t Douglas (481. - saving posslblfltles could not be equaled I STURGE8 4 8TURUES. U. 8. and I toreign ' as sr ... ... . . I mat tanta mrtA fir m 13(1 Hi an Ml rt ?. anwhara In in turn cltr SJOrl DUWra I " -..v. " have discovered this and profited by Jt PianOS for Rent XT..... 1 avart MAfrl III than hnnftea ! . . . . included in this big warehouse stock, tl .60 per mo. A. Hospa Co.. 1811 Douglas. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Act today. STATE FURNITURE CO. Doue. 1317. 14th and Dodge Hs Oman. TIRE price wreckers. This la no t In 1 tire. COMBINATION TIRE FACTOKT. 1108H Jackson. Agta. wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUT Lee Punctureproof Pneumatlo Tires and eliminate your tiro troubles. Powell Supply Co.. ZOfil Fsrnam St. Plumbing and Heating. OMAHA PILLOW -CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer than cotton or hair beds. Phone us for sample. 107 Cuming. Douglas MOT BARGAINS In furniture, ice boxes, gas TOPP CO.. 1715 Vinton street. Plumbing and Heating. General Repair Work our specialty. OIL BURNER EXPERTS. ToL Tyler lilt. Theatrical Costumes. and winter aides; cost : less and lut longer THEATRICAlTcowue. full dress suits for rentr SOI N. 17th. John Feldmsn. P. II zs. Printi ik and Office Supplies. CLEVELAND lightweight motorcycles are classy, clean and econominaL Terms to suit the purchaser. Plott Bros.. I2SI Far nam. " lasn Wiin uraer. voun Help Wanted I 15o Agenta Wanted J . Business Chances 1 ,0 Financial c f So stoves, rugs. beds, china and kitchen cabl- Waters-Barnhardt Ptg. Co., 624 B. 13th St. nets, tables, chairs, buffets, dressers, trunks. suitcssM. Full line of poultry net. ttng screen. l3-47 N. 14th. Web. 1607. FOR SALE Bagonm bicycle; price reason. able, call Harney loo. - Towel Supplies. All Other Classiflcatlona ICE CREAM tables, off. fur., chairs, refrig., gard. hoae, porch fur., victroia, pianos. Loyal Fur. Co, 223 . 1. t"y a urn. wo, 107 8. 14th. RUSH right down and get your share of all kinds furniture at asrnnce. . mm. FOR SALE Majeatlo range, almost new. Hnrney 4m , Pianos & Musical Instruments. Omaha Town) Supply. 1"7 S. 11th. t. 428 Trusses. "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The W. G. C eveland Co.. 1410-13 Harney St. Safes. THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines We collect. Wo distribute. Phone Doug. 412S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 1110-1111-1114 Dedge St. ' SAFES BARGAINS. 1211 Farnam. .T. J. Derlght Safe Co. Shoe Cleaners. ELECTRIC treatment; baths; Swedish mas sage. Central Institute, 1506 Harney Douglaa 7097. RAKE OPPORTUNITY For Sale. My J- CT-TTXTt? R WHITE SHOES beautiful $150 Victroia size -.phonograph VV, VkllliU U. a SPECIALTY and records; actually new; will accept iso; AMER. 8HINTNQ PARLOR, 1504 Harney Bt used only ten weeks. Splendid bargain MANICURING, mass, and scalp treatment For appointment call Ty. 1038. 702 8. 24 th. Downtown. PRINCESS, PEARL WHITE IN CHAPTER 11, "THE FATAL RING, ANIMATED WEEKLY. North. Will ship C. O. D., allow examination and trial without one cent deposit. If found unsatisfactory, will pay freight both waya. Write R. Nordln. 123 S. Kedsle Ave., Chicago, III. Store and Office Fixtures. 1J17 DOUGLAS I WK HAVE moved to new location. We buy. Wedding Stationery. MISS FISHER, sulphur, ateam baths and massage, 870 Bran. Thea. Blag, u. 1651. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. ' Tel. Douglaa (44, MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. MISS SMITH, massulst Rlttenbouse sani tarium. 210-214 Balrd Blk. D. 3451. ' BUSINESS CHANCES LUELLA WEBSTER, massage and manl- curing, sis raxion jjik. nea stuv. ALAMO, 24TH AND FORT VIOLA DANA in THE LIGHT OF HAPPINESS." ALHAMBRA. 24TH AND PARKER ANTONIO MORENO and BD1TH STOREY In " ALADDIN FROM BROADWAT.1 GRAND. 1TH AND BINNEY WILFRED LUCAS in "HER EXCELLENCY, THB GOVERNOR," AND COMEDY. ." , ' . SouthT" sell and make desks, safes, showesses. shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co, 8. W. Cor. lltn and Doug, .rnone u. for SALE The bank fixtures of the old . rimaha Nat. bank: a so the aaieiy ooxes, K splendid outfit for a country nan, a. N. Hammond, agent, xio n. mn nt. Sewing Machines. : "SEWING MACHINES Wa fnt renalr. sell needles and parts Of all aewlng machines. . MICKEL'S KEPRARKA ttYCLB CO, 18th and Haney 8ts. tioug. ! NEBRASKA MOVIE SHOW Only movie show In town of 1,100. 'Beats 100. Rent 250. Doing fine business. Owner must sell. Price 11,600. LUND, 420 Securities Bldg. Tyler 751. ALL RIGHT private maternity home. Best careV 2605 Bristol. Webster zsos. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 441t N. 18th St. Phone Colfax 2042. BATH and massage, 1802 Farnam SU Room Phone Douglas 875r. - . SCIENTIFIC massage, 520 Bee Bldg. Pbone Douglas 0272. TOUPE3 clesned dressed. Brandels Stores. Manicuring and mass. 1023 Fsrnam. R It. Typewriters and Supplies. XpeLLO, MTH AND LEAVENWORTH FANNIE WARDE in TYPEWRITERS, sold, rented and repaired. Hani an Oliver tvnewriter I monies lor 15. Central Typewriter jsxensnge, , lu MOVING PICTURE show In modern opera NO SACRIFICE NO BONUS. But will sell for actual value our gro cery and meat business of Mitchell, Neb. New and rapidly developing country and Increasing business. Have 4 months to dispose of same, are called in national draft army. For particulars write or come and see FITCHIR BROS. CO.;. Mitchell, web. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th. E. BROTT. H:sa. 702 S. 18th. D. t52. Farnam. WHPW CTRAMflK WF.DDING." ftNH UulilrraDh In aood condition, a bar- I . . Ii.rJ mHltLrinh .Immt gain, III ' " ..i...'n' new: very cheap. Box 7322, Omaha Bee. Guaranteed Typewriters, 110 and up. Write IoiJlBVARD, 3JD AND LEAVENWORTH JACKIE SAUNDERS in ' "BETTY, BE GOOD." &OHLFT. !5TH AND LEAVENWORTH TUNE CAPRICE in A SMALL TOWN GIRL." house; (00 seats; full stsge equipment; only show In extra good Iowa town 1,600. Sickness compels me to sell. (1,000; terms; or half Interest for 1500 with full management. This Is worth l2,ooo. Be quick If you want a chance. Write Box Y-212, Omaha Bee. ' West. BUNDEBL 61ST AND UNDERWOOD VIOLA DANA in THE GATES OF EDEN." ATTRACTIONS rvtPT.RX MOTION PICTURB MACHINES. Complete line moving Plotr .J0?1'' FOR "BALE One kraut cutterl four ,ad Bwanson at oian ouvi" w, - FOH SALE K-horsepower Gaar-Scott en gine, wood tank, pump and nose; run lour falls; In flrst-plass shape; win consiaar lliht automobile in trade: priced cheap. Chas. Allen, 153 P St.,-Lincoln. Neb. for list Midland Typ. Co, 1404 Dodtei Machinery and Engines ' NO 65 STOVER ALFALFA CUTTER, .$66. 4-HR. WATERLOO UAH KNUINM. MOUNTED. 176. BOTH ALMOST NEW. WILLIAM GORSUCH, GRETNA, NEB. Miscellaneous. - , FIRE ADJUSTER SALE All the damaged gooda of Cady Lir.rer U0. lire naro wra. twlna. nails, scire fencing, wooden and iron posts arid lumber. H. Orosa FOR SALE General stock of merchandise, Lumber and Wrecking Co, 21st and Paul invoicing about $4,000; located In good Bts. Webster 2884. - live town of 600 In central Nebraska. Box Y-tll. Omaha Bee. justable knives all new. Never been need. FOR SALE Quick;-good restaurant, fix- 3 POWERS. 6-A machines, practically new. Your choice at 5105, otner macnines irom $21 up; two Fort Wayne Compensarcs at 136. Come quick If you want ii. aigr, 210 Bromley Bldg, Omaha, Neb. Phone Harney 2740. RESTAURANT for aale, must sell, leaving town. Acroaa front ora motor to- svs N. 16th 8t. DRY KINDLING WOOD. A.CMB BOX COMPAUY. Harney 1137. .' CARD OF THANKS. - , hri h. u'ndaralaned. wish to extend our most hesrtfelt thanks for the eympathy and kindness shown us during the Illness , and death of our ever-beloved daughter and sister, Alice Schneider. Also tor thj many beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider and Family. ' . yViwlsh to thank all frlenda and relatives, WANTED TO BUY Pota toss (either kind), also Union Faclflo employes, xor in. lures, stock and business, on main line of TJ. P.I $460 cash. Cole care, oinnon, weo. MOTION pioture machines (new and re- built): theaters supplied, omana rum Exchange, lot 8. 14th St. WANTED TO BUY MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re- built, all makes; supplies, western sup ply Co, 201 Nat. Bjqfr TO GET In or out of bualness call on OANOF-BTAD. 248 Bee Biqg, Doug, hit. iifni fmr.l nffarlnss during our sad be reavement Mrs J. C Elsasser ana ramuy. FLORISTS. applee er beana, direct from producer. YOUR buslneja or real estate handled for Will pay own freight, a g ooo cnance ior i . - -r. r a small producer to aell direct to con- DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO, 1126 aumer. Give lowest price In first letter, Box 1111, Omaha Bee, National Florists' DESKS DESKS -DESKS W, O. W. Bldg. Red 3286, MEAT market for sale, C. M. Huffman, Naw desks, used desks, bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1107 Farnam. P. 6164. laiiNTi m. member of the Telegraph Delivery aseoclatlon, we are in position to deliver flowers at short notice anywhere in the United States or Canada. VI ess Bwnboda, Florists, IvmeSfelle Klu.-.ts., ."..7. I biHTKn TO TttlT Rllahtlv used lilt na.iriaB xaia. I " - : . , n . n 1 . B com IWUIIHI VW, Staplehurst, Neb, Rooming Houses. ft7nAro(rSS APT. HOUSE BARGAIN i I - 1 I yJmm w TY Bt rAl Anilf f IsJUlCK .OllDD Will UUJ Kptal IHIfJIlk tlVUal' LEE L. LAKMU1N hiohicst prices, pquglab Q3i, 1M4 lloufflas St r.AUOEST assortment C-f t resh flowers, VmttrTTfi hl.haat brlcea for . HENDERSON. 1519 FAKNAM. JJjiNXVilNO elothei shoea.' trunks. South 4360. house tilled with desirable tenants. Owner sell ing on account of poor health. On ear Una. Very desirable location. All modern. Write Box 6237, Omaha, Bee. AUKEll FLOWER SHOP, 411 S. It. P. 1101 TTTB'FKRNERY. $01 B. 14th Bt PyugTtHI, BATH, National Florlat 1804 Farnam Bt " A. DONAGHU& 1622 Harney. Doug. -1001. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. eto. Doug. 9Ht. Ree, Doug. 8011.- CAN use second-hand ateel for concrete work, such aa rails, bars, ete. Appiy A. B. Alplm, 7th and Douglas Bts. WANT to buy No. 4 Multlgraph; must be In good condition and cheap for cash. Ad. dress 221 L. S. Ex. Bldg., South Omaha. AUTOMOBILES STACK & FALCONER " 1 DIAMONDS g0L beromTn Independent UnaartaKora, 14 m nar. !, 1. 1 bouku nougni. ivieser. t,oyai xioiei jaing. Tyler 2826. REO, early Itll model, 4-cy), l-pass. ear, In perfect condition in; every respect: new tires, one extra, electric starter. This car looks fine and has mileage of only 1,000 miles. If yon wish a car that la guaran teed to be right call Hltohcock, Tyler 222. for demonstration. Price $400. -1410 Jackson Bt , - u .-.:.: M. U DODDER CO, Funeral Directors, BOOKS bought, $10 8. 16th F. a Foro, Mgr., ltd and Cuming Bt. Phone Douglas 677. Auto ambulance. UlULSE A R1KPEN, undertakers and em halmera. T01 8. ltth. Douglas 1261. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer, 2524 Leavenwortn. voug. aees. SWAPPERS COLUMN FILMS developed, lOo a roll; one-day arv- Ice. Kaae Kodak Btudlo, Mevllle Blk, ltn and Harney. INTERNATIONAL truck te trade for cow. .thickens, old lumbsr er anything I can The followinf license, to w nave EoT lor ,al. of trtd. tor Ford ctr. Ull MARRIAGE LICENSES. Webster (165. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' ' ( ' TOO NEED TIRES AND TUBES REPAIRED DON'T TOUT -ALL RIGHT. WB DO THB SE8T WORK IN TOWN. TRY US. ' THB TtRB SHOP, 2(1$ FARNAM. , DOUGLAS 47t. TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ," New t4xt N. 8. Firestone. $26.(0: plain. $26. ' ' New 13x4 N. S. Firestone, $2$; plain, 614.50. KAIMAN'S TIRE! SHOP, 1721 Cuming, DOUg. 6828. Issued Name and Res dsnoe. Age. Fletcher M. Slsson, York. Neb.......... 66 Rachel L. Watson, Nebraska City, Neb., 4t George Caspar, Omaha tl Ella Orosa, Omaha 14 Aecordoeon Plearinw. f ill 'L,?f.!rT,A!S,.s0.lnh II ACCORUEON. ald knife, aunburst box mT BCRIPPS-BOOTHj cord tirea with new Bleating T oovered buttons, all alsea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., ioo-ios tsrown ma. uougiss uss. Ruth Miller, Omaha ................... SO Hears' Ball. Springfield, Neb.,.,...,.,, It Lillian PokorakU Asotoa, Neb ,, SO Soy Wlee, Omaha i.. ...... 22 Hattle Pokcrakl, Ashton, Neb............ It extra tire and other extra equipment;, car praotlcally brand new with tirea that have not eyen been punctured." 1867 Farnam Albert Render. Omaha .........i....... iJVaN ARM AN DreM Pleating and Button Marie Balding, Omaha II Joseph Womack, Omaha ...i.... II Hattle Veldon, Omaha II William J. Spteth. Pea Moines, la 40 I Ida Hammer, Dea Molnea, la.,. 10 1 Uoyd S. Lamb, Chicago. III....... , II Alma A. Klsasaer, Omaha 14 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Co, 186-7 Paxton Blk. Douglas tlOt, Accountants. Dworak-Ure Audit Co., IIS Ramga Bldg, Phone Doug. tltt. Baths. MASSEUSE, bathe, manicuring, ' phyalcal cult miss walker, izt Neville Blk. D. 4217, OMAHA BATH INSTITUTE, 22$ Neville Blrlha-Gloramiri Mlcell. 1211 South B.-I . " "rney ms. uoug. ijai. enth. girl; Gulseyre Pftsco, lilt Pierce, boy; Central Bath-ftat, 1606 Harney. Doug. 707. S. H. Westerfleld, 107 North Fiftieth av enue, boy; Oliver A. Beim, ttOI Dodge, boy; Thomas Evans, HI Noth Twenty-eighth av enue, girl; Gila Casclo. 407 Poppleton av, enue, girl; Oliver C. Tlmmons, 2817 Jackson, girl; p. Albert Buber, 1626 Grand avenue, girl; John A, Williams, 1106 South Twenty- ninth, boy; William O'Neill, 2101 Leaven- wor tleth, Harry Phillip Miller, 2441 South Fifteen, girl; A. I TURPIN S School of Dancing, 28th and P. Long. 6611 South Twenty-fourth, girl; I ' Farnam. Phone H. (141, er call personally Arnold Wlrtx, ltll P, boy: Malro Cepuran, for date of classes. Circulars mailed free. ;.V. E KEEP Dancing Academy, private torn . . . ---- " 1 cisu ior atittiTH and nhiMrn. r 9Rr.n Taeaute.uavnBa hnei aa l riaauo iOl I - a. neiiii-sviiiuiii hvii v--ea a wieaeiDQti. iris 1 1 .-- "' 1 ' North Thirty-fourth vnu, ftrl; IIomrl ChirODOdlSt Wkt, 3619 Jaynea. fir: U SU Clfby. Jill r.rri. t nwnr4 . d...ah mi, a ms T ailesa 1 I "T MM.avat w.v eluS Ullt,, , 1VDI, AUTO nt.EARINfl HOUSB. . - 2101 Farnam,. Douglaa 211,' Borlppa-Booth roadster at a aaorlfloe. 16 Chevrolet..... ................... .1825 II Maxwell... .1316 Moon Six ...,.......,,... .Sacrifice SEE this HIT Ford In splendid condition; well equipped. For quick sale. 1117 Far nam, , . .. "'. i; ' ' " Brass and Iron Foundries. 1 . Paxton-Mltvhell Co.. 17th and Martha Sta. Carpenters and Contractors IlksSARP eV SON, 1021 Cuming. Ty. lltl. Dancing Academy CR03STOWN GARAGE. DOUGLAS 4441 216 S. 24TH. 1114 Ford Roadster. 1186: ltll Overland Roadater, perfect condition, new tirea. SJT5. ' rth, boy; Steven Frelbott. 601 South Thlr- T)a TillYP BcnM1' Popular Bat th. girl: Ed Schrleber. hospital, boy; T . . ? Daneee Class Monday rry N. Ferer, 114 South Thirty-fifth, girl; IH B- th. Phone Walnut 1087. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. . 1211-11 Barney Bt Douglaa III. Almost any make at reaaonable prlcea. PoTuTir Ballroom FO AhfZ?!" t!.n9.v!' .!c5 I t a,l4k f - A D.I.. ' Je tit vet witu iuii"r ,uaycat ooai. A 4 iuw 4m a36t ISO Colfax 1711. 1708 Bahler. ALL kinds -of cars for hire with or with- out driver by the mile or by the hour. Forde lOo per mile. Douglas 72e - nrastta Service Oiir GUARANTEE TIRE AND VULCANIZING CO., all kinds of tire repairing work guar anteed. Douglas 7662. 1101 Douglas 8t Deaths Mrs. Jennie Puckett, 111 South Dentists. Z7,?,r;?i 'h.KnU,l,. .1' MdrS Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 521 W. O. W. Bldg, trilrk. 411 Aouth Twentieth IS v&ra ITrank I .1 .rkw hn-nll-l it v-.r. I " Imm, FOR SALE Saxon Six touring. In good condition. Hit model. Must be sold at once. Phone Harney 6167. M. Parker, hospital, (t years. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS 808 Roae Bldg. D. 218. OAKLAND light six, 11S model. Dressmaking- treeemaklnr guaranteed and reaa. Wal. 180. DRESSMAKING work guaranteed. H. 6286. TERRY Dreeamanklng Co.. 20th and Farnam. 1 Detectives INDUSTRIAL GAR AO HI CO, loth and Harney.- - Douglas 6181. TELL BINKLKY. WSJ BUY AND SELL USED FORDS. 9318 Hare Bt Doug. 1540. OMAHA at COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons hsvlng loaf, some article would Aft welt tn rail un th Affte nt th Clvnmh I 'J 1 - 1 ' 1 " ' U Council Bluffs 8treet Railway company 8vL. k..Z:S A.L '"J WANTED FOR SPOT. CASH, 100 USED ",--. .i OIUIl Cinq, nnlflt aKtlnnr .n .1., luff. ., BATTKKlKa CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Everready Battery Station. 110 Farnam. to ascertain whether they left It la the street car. Paul Suttoit; Mar. change Co.; 1107 Farnam Bt Doug. 1016, Many articles each day are turned In OMAHA DETECTIVB ASIATION. tOO gkvKRAL rare at bargain prices. Call nd tbe company is anxloua to restore 1 let Nat. BK. Bldg. Phone Tyler 1510. tnem to the rightful owner. JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Evideaoe IF YOU lose anything and will advertise it I sec tirea in all csees. Tyler lis. here you Will surelr recover It tf found 8 D. JiH.I.Y sil p.imn taeri mi vr an nonest person, u you find anything of value tl.s honest way Is te adverllae ior im errn'.v. Fixtures and Wiring; Carl Chengetrom, Standard Motor Car Co, DOURlns 1716. BRAND new Ford roadster, insured, Yale lock, electric tall light, dimmers and sup piles, walnut J LObT cia Leavenworth car. Wedneedar evenlng, 7:30. tan leather grip. Reward It returned with contenta. T. V. Watter- aon, 503 Uoloa Pacillo Bldg. Phone Doug las tltt. LOST Rug, l-lxlO-S Axmlnlster. between 11th and Leavenworth, and 26th and St Mary. j Return te Union Outfitting Co., mm t iravenwortn ana receive reward. LOST Gold necklace, value only aa gift of aeaa iriena.. jteward. Harney 1281. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. nTTPlTTM Blectrle waahlng maclnes, U U IVlVlil .lectrlo irons and reading lamps. 1122 Cuming Bt. Doug. 15lt. Household Specialties C F. ADAMS, 622 8. 161b, D. 1007. Under new management We want to aee old frlenda and meet new. Open Sat eves. Tour credit Is good. Agents wantea. BARGAINS in used oar. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 10th and Farnam. Harney 414, i USED CAR- DEPT. - WILLY S OYLRLAND. INC, ' 104T Farnam St Doug 3211-L. Insurance. JOS MATHS, patent vulcanlser, manufac turer, experts tire . repairing. 1861 Far- nain. i-none Harney 38, BANKERS' LIFE) OF LINCOLN. 111-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Dong. tSll. Lumber and Building Materials SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and .Wreck Co. Web. 1884. GOOD, slightly used tires, ehean. ' O. A G. Tire co. Repairing Co, 2411 Leavenworth. Tyler 1251-W. BERTSCHY "Kan-Fix-It.? Southeast cor ner 10th and Harney Bts, Douglaa 2851. Massueres 4 BRAND new Baion roadatera. , 17th St. Douglas 070. v 110 8. GOOD bargains in used Fords. 4001 a 14th. Tel. 8oul 4860. ' ' FISHER'S Sulphur Bat It and Swedish Mas sage. Trained attendanta. lit uraaaei i hi. Mii tu leaving city, ao will eeu AVCTION AUCTION Extra Hlgh-Grade Furniture of Aa Eight-Room House wednesyrsepT '.tiu at i:3o &uZ2i. Auto Repairing and Painting. M w, U I... MMI w fnmlttir mwA 1 " ' ' " ' i Theater Bldr. cheap. (114 B. 28th 8t South 2368. high-class. Owner going Into the army. Central Bath. Inat,tH!0 Harney. Doug. 7017. jjon i ran 10 aitena mis sate u you want un halwhan. ii3 j.evnie hiock. extra good furniture. I r..u. ' JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. .. tJStCOpatnS. - For Auction Biles. I Mrs. J. R. Muni.';. ault4iur. le.m tintl eura Call Red 1266 or Harney 4573. J lyptua baths, 401-1 Rose Bldg. Ty. 111. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls reualred. Baysdivrfef. 210 N. 18th, Auto Bodies. SPKC1AL FORD SEDAN BODIES. - WM. PFE1FFER AUTO 4k CARRIAGn WKS ILth Ave. and Leavenworth Bt Tyler 10L AUTOMOBILES Electric Starters and Repairs. Tires and Supplies. Motorcycles and Bicycles A R L a Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Baraalns In used Machines. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." 17th and Leavenworth. J- PERSONAL MEDICAL WHY BUFFER?, Latest and most scientific, treat ment for all diseases. Pr Cbarlea Barnes, (12-624 Rose Bldg. Ex amination and consultation free. He Is curing thousands, WHY NOT TOUT Pelays are dangerous. If yoa can't call, write. Hours I a, m. to C p. m.; 7:30 to 1:10' evenings. Sunday by appointment, . DR. E. R. TARRY, tit BBS BLDG. PILES. FISTULA CURED. 1 ' v Pr. B. R. Tarry cures- piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical op erations. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal dtsesse and testimonials. ' RUPTURE, successfully treated without a surgical operation. "Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 101 Bee Bldg. - Chiropractors. Pre. Johnston, 1325 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6f0, Dr. J. C. Lawrenoe. BalM Bldg. 5. 8461. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. EXPERT carpenter and millwright desires position In faotory where he can do, in side work. Expert on general repairing, South 1171. 6412 8. 42d. WANTED Position driving truck, or tour- Ing car. Box 7254. Omaha Bee. WANTED Odd jobs format ternoon work. Webster 6690. Female. WANTED Position In general store as clerk or cashier; t years' experience. Can furnish best of references. ' Box Y 206, Omaha Bee. ' - HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED SALESLADIES. FOR Jewelry, Silverware and leather Goods Department. Experienced Card Writer. Cabinet Maker and Finisher for ' Furniture Department Apply Superintendent, HAYDEN BROS. HELP WANTED MALE Boys. TWO orS. boys for factory; nice, . clean work and good wages. , Omaha, Box Co, East -Omaha. - i ' WANTED At once, good strong boy aa bus boy Permanent position. Mr. Small- hots. Biackstnne Hotel. WANTED A boy over 16 yeara old to learn trunk -making. Frellng 4t Stelnle, 1803 Farnam. - - - YOtfod driver for Ford delivery; grocery. Kocher Bros, 86th and Farnam, BRIGHT, :nduatrlous boy. with good re! ences: Albrt Edolm. JewAler. fer- WANTED Strong errand boy. lar CorrylK S. 14th St. .Med- WANTED A delivery boy, Kulha Drug Co, 1101 Park Ave. Miscellaneous. WANTED STOCK SALESMEN. ' By one of the leading corporations of ths state for the purpose of placing high class stock security, one which appeals to ths investing public and which bas a splendid future. . ' . Splendid co-operation given by the of fice, . which assures successful business and highly . satisfactory , earnings, from the beginning. Only high-class men with . red blood, pep and punch who are accustomed to doing things need apply. . No attention will be paid :to advance men or curiosity seekers. SEE MR. LAW. ' NO. 2, WEAD BLDG, -OMAHA, NEB. . LABORERS Union Pacific Btore Depart- ment; white or colored: good wsges; steady work. Apply Cass St. gate, 7:20 a. m. and ask for storekeeper. . . . NOTICE V. " Experienced salesman ' who is willing to work and furnish refer ences, can make permanent con nection with large selling organiza tion. City worje.. Call 1217 W. O. W. Bldg. for interview. WB HAVE an opening for several high-class reputable stock salesmen or salesladies of oil atock now on a dividend-paying . basis of 20 per cent Have seven producing wells; mora drilling In world-renowned Cusblng field of Oklahoma. Communicate at once with Midwest Securities Corpora tion, (IS Campbell Bldg., Oklahoma City, OkL ' I - - ; ; ' WANTED. ! 1 . Experienced specialty salesman, one who has ths ambition to earn more money than Just a salary. A chance to enter the adding machine business and secure a thorough training. Ask for Mr. McGovern, ' the Adder Machine Co, 203-206 W. O. W. Bldg. " ' HIGH-GRADE specialty salesman wanted for territory in Iowa and one In South Dakota. A . thorough training given in the adding machine business and a big future for a produoer. Ask for Mr, McGovern, The Adder Machine Co, 201-20$ W. O. W, ORGANIZERS WANTEP. Te organise In Nebraska for good frater nal order; good pay. Nothing but first class men need apply. ' Call Organixlng Pept, 420 Securltlea Bldg. Tyler 761. WANTED Position aa P. B..X. operator. call Web. 5631. - WHITE laundress. Call eve. Red. 1844. Stores and Offices. WANTED A POSITION BY AN EXPERI ENCED STENOGRAPHER. DOUG. 1400. Laundry and Day Work. Exp. lady wants laundry work every other Tuesday. Call early mornings. Wal. 1176. EXPERIENCED whlto woman wishes bun dle washing, reasonable. Tel. Web. ItSI, CLEANING by the day, call at I mornings. or a evenings. Webster (928. ' BUNDLES carefully laundered. Web. 4001. LAUNDRY w'w by exp. col. lady. Web. 7014. EXP. laundreas for laundry work. Web. 2(11.. LAUNDRY or day work wanted. Web. 1734. RELi col lady wants day work. Har. 4044. BUNDLE work or day work. Harney 6187. Bundle waahlng, colored lady. Ty, 2653-J. Col, lady wants day wk, any kind. Ty. 2561. DAY work by white woman. Webstei1 4638. DAY work and bundle washing, Web. 130. Exp. col. lady wants daywork. Red (681. Washing snd Isce curtains done. Ty. 1144. WASHING, ironing and hscleanlng. Ty. 2157. HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices. WHY PAYor a position? Stenographers, register v ns FKEB OF CHARGE and we will place you. -REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 201 South ltth Sf BKKPR, $100; order clerk, $66; collector, $76; hotel elk, $65; lumber yd. mgr., $85; ledger elk, $66; specialty salesman. $200. THE MARTI CO., 1117 'W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, $100-$85-$76-$6(; office clerks, $80-$7(-$7t-$6(-$(0; - shipping clerks, $6O-$4(-$40. WATTS REF. CO, 1131 1st Nat. Bank. 8TENOS Bookkeepers and clerks $50-$60 THB CANO AGENCY, (00 BEE BLPO. .$40-$60-$80 -$7S GENERAL office clerk. $70. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Clerk In gen. mdse. store; must speak German; steady work for good man, H. W. Schmidt, Schleawig, la. CALL on tbe Co-Operattve Reference Co. for drug and commercial positions. 1011 city National B..nK Bldg. YOUNG man atudy law) Eve, downtown ses. UNI, of OM, Secjy. Thomsen, 404 Om. Bat Professions and Trades. WANTED AT ONCE Bright young man to till the position of window trimmer,, card writer and clerk In dry goods depart ment for a department store. SMITH-HULTIN-ANDERSONS. CO, Wahoo, Neb. WANTED Young men between the agea Of It and 21. who are electrically or me chanically Inclined; excellent opportunity for advancement.! Box 7165, umana see.' WANTED A few cabinet makera on ac ' count of Increasing capacity: ateady work. Bring your tools. ' H. Ehrlich eV Done mix. jt., oi. iucjjii, wu. r - WANTED 10 tinners and furnace, men at wagee from too per hour .up to 155 per week, for at lraat two months' work. Re- port to H. is. loivin. zs raraer oi. WANTED Experienced Hotfman machine operator. Dry Cleaning Department, Bluff City Laundry, Council Bluffs, 1. . TAILOR wanted at one to make pants an, vests and do general repair wora, jfeter Olmon. Lexington, Neb. WANTED Men ' to deliver Ice. Apply Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Co, Ith and Jones. . , , - . LEARN barber trade; low ratea now. Call or write Barber College. 1114 Douala 8t YOUNG man atudy law! Eve., downtown sea. UNL of OM, Sec'y. Thomson.? 404 Om. Bk. WANTED Three flrat-claee auto s repair men. . Tell A Blnklev. 1818 Harney fit GLAZIERS, sash and door factory; sleaily work. Box Y-tlO, - Omaha Bee., TWO young men for factory work. Omaha Box Company. East omaia. WANTED UNION MACHINISTS.. APPLY 3H S. 10TH ST. - L WANTED Press feeder. 101 Noith 11th Bt Male or female. ' - Salesmen and Solicitors. . MEN WITH FOKD CAR81 . Will yon be our exclusive territorial rep resentative and make (43 per weex in your community t Answer quick. WHARTNEY SALES CO, 617 Psxten Blk, SALESMEN and agents - for one of tbe greatest selling automobile accessories , ever placed on the market; salesmen inak, -inx lit to ISO per. day: no money. Ad dress C 8. Voorbeea, lilt Marcy SU , WANTED Live f wire deflvery salesman, Sa ary ranging from 170 to tnt mommy. depending on brains and ability. Alamlto Dairy Co, sttn ana Leavonworin, WANTED A-l experienced jelove saleaman fop Nebrasxa rer aaverusea line urianeu Gloves. Must be business producer. Large established trade. State experience and give references. . ; ' ; ' MORRISON-RICKER MFG. CO, . Grlnnell, Iowa. SALESMEN WANTED. PERMANENT PO SITIONS. APPLY O. . KINNBI CO, SOT- N. KTH ST. , . Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED NIGHT COOK WANTED. QUIRE 1101 B. Z4TH ST. IN Trade Schools. MOLER . BARBER COLLEGE. Men. women, learn tbe barber trade: few weeks completes: pay while learning. Catalogue free. Rates now on. Call or write, lift South Hth Bt, Omaha. AUTOMOiiiLE SCHOOL Learn In six weeks; no books; easy to learn: free catalogue. National Auto School, 2114 N. 20th 8t Omaha, Neb. BOTH Men a -n women to learn the barber trade. Special ratea, Call or .write, 1402 Dodge. s ' v TRI-CITY BARBER C0LL2GE. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2061 Farnam. Boys. BOYS. Wanted for government ccntract work; good wages and pleasant work. Apply Id ' . floor. . ; v ,- f SCOTT-OMAHA TENT ft AWNING CO, 16th and Howard, Factory entrance. OFFICE. BOYS 16-years old,' for messenger work', also junior clerks, "17 and . 18 years old; high school boys preferred. Armour ; co, General Ufhce, wta ana y ois South Omaha.; v ' ! ' :. ' WANTED Eight boys, 16 u- over, easy, work,; steady job. Apply Superintendent Skinner Manufac turing Co. WB WANT a bright boy to learn the print-ins- trade. Caod ofmortunltv for advance, ment for a boy who Isn't afraid of work. Etaht-hour day. halt day off Saturday. ' Good wagea to atart United States Print ing Co, Bee Bldg. - WANTED TWO OFFICE BOYS WHO HAVE HAD, GRADE SCHOOL 1 EDUCA TinN! noon OPPORTUNITY AND GOOD PLACE FOR BRIGHT B0Y8. CALL SOUTH 1440. . " ' WE have openings for several bright boys from It to 30, .to learn business. This is an. eiceDtlonal ooDortunity for any boy having hla future In mind. Apply Rlggs Ontlcal Co, 76 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Boy lor pressroom. nVavy work. $10 a week, good chance for advance ment for ode who , can - deliver. Night work. See Mr., Miller, nignt foreman, Omaha Bee. BRIGHT young man. 17 to 18 yeara old; not amid or wor a: 10 learn gooa pay in trale. Bee Compoalnt Room. WANTED Boy for deliveries, etc.: good chance for promotion. 101 Bee Bldg. "WANTED LABORERS Wages, IS cents per hour. Long: Job. Apply Witherstone Engler Co, Chicago ft N. W. Elevator Co., Council Bluffs, la. ! . ATTENTION, farmers! If you went help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Buresu. Ilm W. Broadway. P. 431. WANTED 100 track laborers at once. 30c per boor. , Call. at It Scott -St. Council Bluffs. B. A. Vlckham Co,' - ' WANTED Freight handlera at onc.; Ap ply American Express Co, union biauon. HELP WANTED. Male .and Female.' WANTED Man. to work i on farm and woman to keep house. .. I am not particu lar whether they married or not L. tl. LafHn.- R.M, Crab Orchard, Neb. ' WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer, either man 'or woman, . tor bank in a town of 500. Box Y, 212, Omaha Bee. . ,.., i - - HELP .WANTED FEMALE Stotes and Offices. WANTED Several young women, 18-11 yeara of age to enter LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE work: no -experience neces sary; should have at least grammar school education;' ' Interesting work; congenial surroundings, Liberal salary paid while learning. Rapid advancement, for those; of ability. Sick benefits. Apply to Miss cox, Chief Operator. . 656 Brandela Theater ' Bldg, preferably I to I a. m,' 12 to 1:30 p- m - BOOKKEEPERS. l8l-$80-$76-$65-$50T ate- nographers, $75-$70-$65-60-$5O-4O; office clerks, $66-$0-$60-$40; eteno. and bkkpr, 575;.steno. and bkkpr, $40: bill clerk, .In. i . . L . ..a ,ivi Qivwiinvn. vr, eiv, WATTS REF. CO, 1188 1st Nat. Bank. BOOKKEEPER,,- $7(; stenographer, , $76; -ateno, t5; ledger clerk, 8t; typist, su; comptometer opr.,' $50; asst. bkkpr., $50; ateno, $50. NO FILING FEE. THB MARTI CO, 1317 W..O.;W. Bldg, WANTED Young woinam office work of responsibility. - assist with , light house keeping: country .-town; fair education, perfectly 'reliable;-good offer ready; state age, experience first letter. i3ox 1-216, Omaha Bee. - V WHY PAY tot a position 7 .Stenographers, register wit n us muni ur taAnun ana we wll place you. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. - I0 So. ltth St, City TYPIST and clerk, $40-$60, WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bank Bldg. WE NEED atanorrapbers, bookkeepers and office rlerks. Co-Operatlve Reference uo. Professions and Trades. GIRLiS I GIRLS ! GIRLS ! -10 . girls for steady . pleasant em ployment as packers and labellers in aayugni room, v - ' J ' APPLY . ; SKINNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson . Sts. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A girl for housework,' three grown people. Call at 114 N. totn St v ' not phone. WANTED Competent cook and also house maid. Mrs. S. P. Klruenaau, vizj jaca- , son St. - WANTEi Woman for housework, email family: no laundry. TeL Walnut 1661, RELIABLE white girl wanted. 3 in family. no washing. Mrs. Benner, wainui ziw. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call St 3785 8. 24th St. - WANTED Colored maid for family of 1. Lieutenant Goodale,- Fort Omaha. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 1330 S. 30th Ave. Harney 3468. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambtrmalds at 'once. Apply to housekeeper, . Hotel Fontenelle. . WANTED LADY COOK. White, good wages and first-class place. Write or phone, W. W. HOCKENBERRY, OAKLAND. IA. WHITE WAY CAFE. WANTED A dining room girl and second cook.. Apply Clarkson , Hospital. 3100 Howard St v.'-.' . EDUCATIONAL .. .. . .BOYLESjCOLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL.. . ' NIGHT SCHOOL. . ' Every : day Is enrollment day; - Book keeping;, shorthand, ; stenotypy, typewrit ing, .telegraphy, civil service all .commer cial apd English branches. . Catalog tree. BOYLES COLLEGE, -Douglas "1565. 18th and Harney Stai, PUT driving power into your Ideas and wlp. promotion. Mr. Edwin Puis. Department of Public Speaking. Omaha Y., M. C. A Van Sant School of Business. ' 'Day and Evening Schools, i 220 Omaha. National' Bank .Bldg. . -- i Douglaa 6890. , FOR-RENT ROOMS Hotels.' HARLEY i rl'IA HOTEL;' permanent guests. . STEAM-HEATED rooms i'i wk.; also apts. ; with' kltchenets.. .Qgden Hotel. Co; Bltfrs. Furnished Rooms. , ATTENTION. liOOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find tbe room yon . ' desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete- description ; of vacant rooms In all parts of tbe. city.. New llata issued every week. . ; THE! COCHRANE 170S Jackson St. - Phone Tyler 1541 FOR MEN ONLY . .".Strictly mod, steam heat, hot and cold; water In rooms ; 1 clean, comfortable, quiet. FOR RENT Large sunny east front room, nicely furnished for two In private home; ail modern;-on car line; convenient loca tion for teachers '.or nurses. 1308 N. 40th St. Call Walnut 3886. LARGE beautifully furnished front room. , Field club-dtstrict in private home. Board - optional Harney 4012.' V - : ROOM In Leavenworth Heights, new home, reasonable; ' references. ; Phone WaL 2028. , . . 311 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished, pleasant , room., modern; walking distance or con venient to Farnam car. Reasonable. Har-" ney 4263. . . . . SLEEPING ROOM. $6 each; walking die tance; , unfurnished housekeeping rooms; Hanscom Pari School. Breakfast optional. H. 4810. '' LARGE, comfortable room, Hanscom park , district ; Block to car line. - Twenty-five-minute .walk to :6tb and Farnam. streets, Harney 1461. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room for gentleman In private family. Board next door.; All conveniences, 141 Park Ave. 'H. 4.. r '. - . FOR gentlemen, nicely furnished front room, private home;. Instantaneous water heater In bathroom; Walking distance.. Harney : 3776. IF gentlemen wish front' room In private home, mod, 1 block from street, car, quiet, breakfast if desired. $10 per mo. Wal. 2761 FOR RENT-r-A furnished room in new, mod em apartment Business lady preferred. Breakfast If desired. Harney 6350. BEAUTIFUL front room, suitable for two gentlemen. Close to Crelghton college, ' also car line. Breakfast. Tel. Doug. 7035. VERY attractive room, home comforts, beautiful surroundings. Prefer nurse or gentleman. Harney, line. Walnut 2061. ROOM 'for business gentleman, .all modern, private home: 1 One block from car. Clean, comfortable, convenient. Webster 384. VERY desirable furnished room, private family. 26J7 ' Flbkney - street Phone Web. 6842. ' MODERN, sanitary -furnished rooms, for men, only,- at the Sunshine Apt- 601 N. 17th. 12.60 per week. . GIRLS. GIRLS. WANTED. Twenty-five Girls. Good Wages. ... . Stsady Work. ' - I ITEN BISCUIT CO., Thirteenth St and Capitol Ave-. THE Nebraska Telephone company offers aa exceptional opportunity to young laaies to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions; opportun ities for advancement; good, wages.. A sal ary la paid while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the wo?king conditions or any other details are especially Invited to accompany tbe applicants. Apply to Ct r. Lambert' HOT Douglas etreet '" - 7 rGIRLS. ' Wanted for government, ",t " contract work; good wages, t' " ' . . pleasant work. Apply f. - - ... - t - , SCOTT-OMAHA tent awning. 16th and Howard, Factory entrance! WANTED--At once, flrst-clsas waist and aklrt finishers, also tatloresses. Jesse F. Fox, 321 City National Bank Bldg. GIRLS wanted,' eolored preferred. . OMAHA JAPER STOCK CO, " Jlth and Marcy. Douglaa 161. MASSAGE GIRL WANTED 221 Neville Block. -,-:.;,- : . : - LEARN harbor trade 141 Dodxe 8t . Saleswomen and Solicitors. - r WANTED. - - - Salesladies, F," W. WoOlworth I and 10c a tore. .:. -"' -. '".':'. WANTED SALESLADIES" .FOR SATUR DAYS. APPLY G. R. KINNEY CO, 207-1 N. 16TH 8T. . k i . ; , , ' . WANTED Brieht ' exoerlenced saleswoman for art department. n : accomplished"! needleworker. Apply at once at The John Beno Co.. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED SALESLADIES; PERMANENT. APPLY O. R. KINNtjT at CO., 107-1 . ma. ,. J- Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl te asstat la housework And care of children. Good home, .permanent place to the right party. Reference re, quired. .Walnut 1647. .. ! , WANTED A good girl tor general house- work;, references required; the very best :. of wages. Mrs. E. M. Wellman, 2110 B. ltd. Har.-218. . WANTED Girl, general housework, - but must know how to cook small family; highest wages paid. 206 8. 68th Bt WANTED An experienced cook whlte) $10' a week. References required. Mrs. E.- 8. Westbrook, 2601 Harney street - WANTED Girl for general housework; ref erences required. Mrs.. Buckingham, 3506 Woolworth Ave. Harney 680. WANTED Good girl tor general housework, three In family; good wages. Call Harney 6211. .104 S. 14th Bt WANTED A girl for general housework, no laundry, good wages. Harney lltl. WANTED Girl for genaral housework, 2 In family; plain cooklag. Call Walnut 1710, MODERN, nicely furnished, sleeping rooms. walking distance. Reasonable. 2121 Doug las. Douglas (ltt. ROOM for one or two gentlemen overlook ing Blvd.; private home,, shower bath; walking distance; west Phone Har. 3848. NEATLY ' furnished room with sleeping porch, $12 per month. ' 2812 Jackson St Harney 3851. NICELY furnished front room, mod, rea sonable.' mono Harney 5441. 532 s. 26th Ave. -.'-"-' NICELY furnished room In new mod, steam nested flat Walking distance. Dg. 8618. FURNI8HED room in Dundee home. Break fast If desired. .' Reasonable. , Wal. 2234. TWO east front furnished bedrooms, on East Park car line. Phone' Harney 3833. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, all. con veniences, breakfast optional. Web. 2721. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, private iamuy; reasonable. 1313 8. 21st. Har. 176., ROOM Kountze Place, modern, prlva . home with young couple;- ref. Web. 76S. ; WEBSTER 367 Pleasant room In private home, very reasonable to lady employed. BEDROOM- suite- for employed young ladles; all modern. 3003 Dodge. H. (784. FURNISHED rooms In private .family, walking distance. Pbone Harney 6269. GRAYSTONE, corner 26th and Cass. Nicely furnished rooms. Douglas 7tt4. 1748 FORT Modern.'-reasonable; gentlemen; oreamasi ir aesirea. Col tax 2682. (23 8. 22D ST. Newly furnished, newly dec- orated. No children. ' 1611 HOWARD, at jam heated furn. rooms. Housekeeping Rooms: 2 MOD, well furnished -suite, also sleep ing rm.; walking1 dls.. 1608 Howard, 2d fir. THREE-ROOM suite, complete for house keeping. 2224 Pratt Webster 3111. N7 Board and Rooms. ICE room for two employed people: break- fast and dinnsr If desired; private family; , close to Harney car. . 2426 California. Harney 1385. -;- - ELEGANTLY "furn. rm. for one or two gen tlemen or maft and wife employed. Board If desired. - Webster 4056. , , In , Bemls Park district, room and board i for two young gentlemen., , Private home. , walnut :si3. BOARD and room . for 2 men willing to a share large room.' H. 6164. 604 8. 26th. SOUTHEAST room for two. West Farnam district Private family. Harney 6056.- LARGE south room for 2, West Farnam, Prl- - ate family. Harney g05. . .. . TABLE board, good home cooking. H. 830. Unfurnished Rooms. 546 a 26TH ST.Two connecting rooms; -fireplace, large east and south windows.., Three closets, gas, electricity, steam heat Telephone Douglas 2161. - - - FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. The -Hyland, 18th and Nichoks. 8 team heat , and electric lights, newly furnished apartments, 13.50 to $7 per week, Including lights, heat water, jani tor and maid service. Web. 4067. STRICTLY modern, nicely . furnshed light housekeeping suite, facing east west snd . south, in private, -quiet refined home on car line. ' No children. 2906 N. 24th St Houses. 12-ROOM house, partly furnished, could be used tor light housekeeping or rooming house. Rent, $22. 601 8. 23d. H. 6266. FARM LAND WANTED QUICK selling merchandise to exchange for -clear . Nebraska or South Dakota land. Give numbers of tbe land and full descrip tion' in first letter. - Address John Lewis, Box 716. SlouX atr- la. - t ; . t : .'