THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1917. 11 FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. U-KUO.M bouse, partly furnished, could be' uned for light housekeeping or rooming nous. Rent. i:s. oi s. 339. H. FOH RENT t-rooin, all modern, furnished or unxurmsnea. jus jjinney. i MOVING AND STORAGE I ROOMS partly furnished; walking die fmnce; easy termi to reap, people. D. 30)3, FOR RENT HOUSES West. COTTAGE for rent at 64th and Military Ave., $7 a month. Call Benson 335. SIX ROOMS All modern, adulla only; walking distance. Harney 304. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 1615 Dewey Ave. Harney 8189. North. FOR REtfT KOUNTZE PLACE HOME, 4 BEDROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH WITH HEAT. Full south front lot, lawn, flowers, fruit trees, and grape arbor. Has garage In rear built so It can be heated. All floor oak and v oak. stairway; very elaborate lighting fix tures; all walla are of high grade decora tlona; only on block from Lothrop cnooi. Children do not have to cross car line. ' Basement la finished with coal bin and vegetable room. House has A No. 1 heating plant. Built for a home. For further in formation or appointment call Traver Brothers, 819 First National Bank Bldg., Phone Douglas 6886. (ROOM house, 2-story, all modern, (26, vacant October 1, 2824 Buggies St) 6 rooms modern, but heat, 115, newly dec orated, 2706 Beward St. s 1618 SHERMAN AVE., 12 rooms, SSI. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 854. 35 7-r. modern double house, shade and lawn. Bemls park. WiKlJti. (338 N. 38TH ST., 7-room, strictly modern. Call Colfax 110. South. FOR RENT tOOl MASON St., I rooms, strictly modern; . very comfortable house and easy to heat. Bent 126. - 664 8. 28th St., 10 rooms, strictly mod ern; Ideal for a rooming house. Rent 130. 2223 Locust St., 7 rooms, strictly mod. rn; good location; large yard, Rent 325. Gilbert C. Loomis, 108 McCague Bldg. Douglas 170. I ROOMS and den, all modern house, with" garage, 330, 1541 S. 25th St.; 6 -room bungalow and sun room, with garage, 330, vacant October 1, 1210 8. 26th Ave. Tyler .1813. FOR RENT Beautiful modern 6-room bungalow. Call Harnef 6350. Miscellaneous. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. C-R. 614 South 19th St 315-50 7-R. 2505 Pierce 8t 26.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. B-R. 1811 North 29th St.., 15 00 6-R. 680 South 24th Ave .. 16.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 6- R. 922 South 31st Av ,...325.00 7- R. 917 South 26th St 15.00 6-R. 4129 North 18th St. 27.60 6-R. 3016 Dewey Ave 37.50 8-R. 3901 North 17th St 30.00 g-R. 625 South 36th St..... 40.00 8- R. 1919 Chicago St.... 25.00 lOR-2221 Dodge St..., 40.00 FLATS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 10-R. 706 South 13th St 348.00 PORTER A SHOTWELL, S02 South 17th St. Doug. 6013. Office with HOME BUILDERS. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or six-room mod ern, up-tordato apartments? - Preference will be given to those In better district! of the city. Want to deal direct, with own ers; no agents'. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1018. lis S. 3lst, 6-rooms . ..320.00 817 N. 25th, 6-r. cottage...........: 27.60 ' 2511 Ksrnam, 7-r 47-60 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. '.- Tyler 1638.. - 933 Securities Bldg. v. JTo Nice modern home, close In. . 360 Fine modern home, close In. ' Five nice 6-room cottages, close In, 321 and 322.60. . JOSEPH O'DOHERTY BON, 711 Keellne. . WALKING distance 2644 Dodge;. l-room modern house, good condition; ready' to ' move Into. Cheap aS 325. Keys first door ' cast, w- Mitchell; Webster' 4876. ' Homes in all parts of the city. -CHr"OH, SONS A CO.. (Off Be Bldg. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Packing, storage and moving 319 N. 11th St Phone Doug. las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. " Expert services; prompt attention. Tow moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Central Furn'tur Store, I7in ana Mowara. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIDELITY &kvlicr FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart menta. Also tor storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sta. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 8. 16th. Douglas 4168, Globe Van and Storage Co. For real servlca tu moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 130 or Douglas 4538. JP WPTTTi Express Co., Moving . Kj. IXLiEjU packing and Storage. 1807 Farnam 8t Web. 3748. Dug. (148. OUR BUSINESS IS MOVING. Large van, two men, 81.60 per hour. MAGGARD'S STORAGE CO.. Doug. 1498 REAL ESTATEIMPROVED West West Farnam District Residence, seven rooms, three on first floor oak, four on second white enamel, hot water heat, tiled vestibule and bath. Reasonable terms If desired, ALFRED THOMAS. 303 Farnam Bldg. HOME BARGIN In West Farnam district, ( rooms, strictly modern, hot water heat; lot 48x111, fruit trees and shrubbery. Owner leaving city and offers thla for Quick sale, at 34,000. Terms. Owner, Harney (734. TWO houses and one store -at 4123 Hamilton St. Make ma an offer. Harney. 4306. North. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN Located high and sightly, 32d, near De catur street. Wa sold seven In thla loca tion last season. Has five rooms, closets and bath, full basement, large, roomy porch. All decorated with high-grade pa per, tile In kitchen and bath. Shades and electric fixtures. Oak finish In living and dining rooms, pedestal opening with bookcases. Price 32,(26, Substantial first payment, balance monthly like rent This is 33,260 value. Call for appointment THAVER BROS., Phone D. 6886. 819 First Nat. Bank. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. '. ANGELUS APARTMENT, - . -" " 25TH AVE. -AND DOUGLAS. t- or 4-room apartment, fireproof and .sjou'ndproof. - Two.- disappearing- Murphy beds, automatlo alevatoB. Roof , garden. l Strictly modem Harney. 3074.- - V fcLOSB In rooms, ayltable for studio, office, ' J....-, ......v.. .. with livlnar mi UCI1 6JafL Je f wywi. w adjoining. T. F. Hall. 434 Ramg. D. 7406. .niTiKlirMTfl -II alvaa Bflrfl .TirlflB. . allien- did location. 34th and Farnam. D. i471. f J 1 North. tEN-ROOM brick flat near Crelghton col lcge; newly papered; new furnace. Har ney 4141 or Walnut 3257. 1-RQOM and alcove,' all ; modern, second floor, ateam heat, 820 winter. 1821 Maple. Douglas Z80Z. 8-ROOM. modern flat, walking .distance. (14 N". 21st St.- ' ' - - Miscellaneous. " ' T-R.r APARTMENT. 326; winter rate, 385; steam heat. Others 318 and up. O. P. Stebblns, -1610 Chicago. BEAUTIFUL 4-room ' apartment; walking distance, janitor, neai. ev uuuuo, . (4&50 winter. Douglas 8393. tSTABROOK apt., or office, facing 16th St., 326. month. G. P. 8tebblns. 1618 Chicago. South. - I HEATED flats, 19th and Leavenworth, ( and 7 rooms, strictly modern, (28 ura- mer, (40 winter, Doug. sa 'nfTC-ua thttht COMPANY. , Specialist In Apartment Management FOR RENT Business Prop'ty . .. :. . Stores. FOR 1 AhInT The entire first floor of the - Bromley Bldg., formerly occupied by tha ' Omaha National bank; also the entire fifth ' floor, formerly occupied by the Western Union Telegraph .Co. ? both fine light rooms. We also have some very .. good office rooms; all will be rented on very reasonable terms. We are now . installing a modern heating plant. Ten i nrfts will now be assured of comfortable, warm.' rooms. :: I. N. HAMMOND, AGENT, 210 S. 13th St ' NEW, modern store on Leavenworth, be - - tween 24th and 26th Sts. Low rent. ' " JOHN W..ROBB1NS, 1803 FARNAM. BTOitEROOM for rent. Sun Theater Bidg. WORLD REALTY COMPANY (Realtors). . Douglas 6343. Sun Theater Bldg. , MODERN store, cor. 16th and Cass. Choice .location.: O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 4718 8t 24TH ST., So. Side -Near P. O. E. H. Banner Co. Doug. 8406. $ I MO'DERN store, 16th St., near postofflce, 376. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. LOW-PRICED mod. offices, Farnam Bldg., 18 & Farnam. (Old 1st Nat Bank Bldg. FIRST TRUST CO., (Realtors.) Tyler 600. .. . Miscellaneous. FIREPROOF building 22x100, with trackage In front. Call Douglas 722. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Apartments. WANTED At onc3, two or three nnfur , nlshed rooms or small apartment, for family-of two; must be good location. Ad - dress Box .7140. Omaha Bee, WANTED ( OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. If you are willing to sell your 6 or ' (-room cottage on monthly payments, we can dispose of them to reliable custo mers. ALLEN tt BARRETT, (13 Bee. Doug. '7768. WE have clients for houses of all klnda to rent Call us up and list with us. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., (29-30 City Nat. Douglas 8863. Furnished Apartments and Houses. ft WANTED 8 OR (-ROOM APARTMENT ABOUT OCTOBER L ADDRESS BOX (131, BEE. WANTED To rent, five-room urnlshed ap artment References furnished. Will lease. ' 355 Castle Hotel. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property.' A BEAUTIFUL ; BUNGALOW Situated northwest. In splendid locality. Half block to car line. High and alghtly lot. .Well-built, attractive borne. Can be bought for 33,800, on very easy tanas. (300 cash and balance ltk rent PHONE DOUGLAS 2926 MILLER PARK just listed a nearly new 6-room, strlotly . ; modern bungalow. ; Oak 'finish and oik floors. Built-in bookcase; colonnade open ings, built-in buffet and kitchen features? Half block to car line, .. rtwo blocks to school. All rooms, extra large. Full base- toent, 'furnace' heat One of the niftiest bungalows oh the ' North ' Side. ' Payne Investment Company, (Realtors) (37 Omaha Nat:i Bk. Bldg. D. 181.- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. BUILDINGS FOR SALE TO BE REMOVED We will receive sealed bids up until Tuesday noon. September 18, 1917, for the following described buildings. Same to be removed from premises occupied on or before November 13, 1917: NO. 1. 7-room frame dwelling at KM Tumlnr aireei; nam. toilet lavatory; barn and cnicaen snea. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. 10 ACRES FINE GARDEN LAND. Haa a rood 7-room houi. barn, chicken nousea and v&rda. Untri rich h and can all be uaed. Fine level road to cuy. oniy miles, near achool and about 1 mile from rallroail titlnn Prix tu 31,760 cash, balance long term. Address -r i'mna uee. council Bluffs. NO. 2. :PAUING CREIGHTON. COLLEGE .'Very attraeti v h"oriiV 'nearly new, Just listed, with' large living room, dining room and kitchen first floor, finished in oak; two bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch 2d floor; east front lot, on paved street, near California St. Price for quick sale 33,800; (700 cash, balance . same as rent, .i ' GLOVER & SPAIN, . - , ' (Realtors) ' Douglaf 8962. 919-20 'City National. , SACRIFICE SALE ' Will sell' below cost 6-room all-modern except heat cottage, almost pew; south front; has some fruit; chicken yard In rear. This is located at 3110 Burdotte, close to car. Price (1,200. Can give terms, . - TRAVER BROTHERS Dooglaa (888, (19 First Nat Bank. 6 ROOMS ALL ON ONE FLOOR. Frame and stucco bungalow, Just com pleted, stairway to floored attic, full ce ment basement, oak finish in living rooms, nicely decorated east front lot, splendid location, south of Fontenelle Park and one block west of Boulevard, price (3,800, (100 down, balance terms. . C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor, 310-312 Brandela Theater Bldg. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW Ona floor; -quarter-sawed oak and fir finish, oak floors. south front, brand new; front porch' screened; elegant decorations. Will take in lot or auto, or make terms to a responsible party. Colfax 4193. FOR SALE 5-rm. modern cottage, hot water heat, Vt block from car; party leaving city; easy terms. Colfax 1307. South. $100 CASH $15 MONTHLY. Nice little cottage on .Booth ilth St. bouelvard, rented for 813 per month; will sell to reliable man for (1,300 on these terms. ' .' EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., 803-4 Omatia Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 430. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO HOME. '. . 602 SOUTH 41ST ST. i 8-room house just completed; the latest in architecture; corner lot, east front; garage. Call us for,; price- and terms. Small payment down. -- HIATT COMPANT, 245 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 60, ONE 6-room and one 4-room cottage, both . on one lot; fine condition; live in ona and rent the other. Price for both, 32,7(0. Very easy terms. No. 2433 8. 20th Bt NORRI3 NORRIS. ' 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. Miscellaneous. Foreclosure Bargains FINE HOME. 3128 Cass St., 9 rooms, strictly modern, south front, paved streets, high-class neighborhood; one block from car line. This Is a' very well built house, having oak floors and oak finish and an excellent heating plant. 2204 N. 61st. St., practically new (. room cottage In Benson. This Is a very well built house and In a good neighbor hood; fronts east on a full lot; has bath, sewer, electric light and gas. Price 31.660. Attractive sale terms can be- arranged. 4731 Hamilton St. Would you' pay 3600 for a four-room home on a lot 80x76 feet? This la a real bargain. Gilbert C, Loomis, 108 McCague Bldg. Douglas 870. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, strictly mod., oak finish, built-in buffet and cupboards, high grade fixtures, furnace heat, dandy lot 1 block to car- and sohool. Terms can be arranged or would consider auto as first payment RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. R. & TRUMBULL, 1309 1st Nat Bk. Bldg.. D. 1784. (room frame dwelling at 2687 Cuming ireei; louri ana sina; coal shed. NO. 3. 4-room frame dwelling at 2569 Cuming street; (no sheds included with, this house.) NO. 4. ' A two-story frame dwelling at 3561 Cuming street with one (.room atiart. ment on the first floor and a .J-room apartment above. Also a one-story brick store building 12x18, being No. 26(3 Cum lng street NO. 5. A 6-room frame dwelling at 1566 Cum ing street NO. 6. A 3-room frame dwelling at 2567 Cum ing street Also large barn and small shed. NO. 7. . . A two-story frame dwelling at 2601 2603 Cuming street. Two stores below and two six-room apartments above. NO. 8. Two 3-room frame dwellings at 3506-07 Cuming street. NO. 9. A (-room frame dwelling at 3609 Cum ing street; toilet, lavatory, sink; hard pine finish. Also a 3-room frame ahop and frame garage. Write out your bid and specify exactly what building or buildings you art bid ding on. Also writ on envelop "Re moval Bids." No. bids will be opened until Tuesday, September 18, 1917, at 3 p. m. Buildings will positively be sold to highest bidder in each ease. In event two or more bids for one property are Identically th same the first bid received will b given pref erence. Terms, 25 per cent cash on ac ceptance of bid, balance before house or houses are removed. Mail or bring your bldi to THE BYRON REED CO., V Phone Douglas 2(7. M2 South 17th Bt 6-R. STUCCO home, nearly new, inside fine ly decorated, downstairs, all oak, beam celling, stairs, built-in book cases, man tel and sideboard; upstairs; white enamel, sleeping porch; full basement, best fur. Tiace, gas heater attached; cement porch and walks; fine combination gaaand elec tric fixtures; corner lot street paved, all specials paid; near Kountse park. Rents (30 per mo. Price (4,600 cash or good western land; mortgage $1,300. C H. Eckcry, Cedar Rapid a. Neb. ""CLASSY BUNGALOW Five-room bungalow, classy outside And Inside. "'' ' ' v 1 '' i- Prlc 38.850, reasonable terms.. BENSON &: C ARMICH AEL . -. . . i. f (42 Paxton Block- Douglas 1723. Minnesota Lands MINNESOTA FARM R APflATM Fin 200-acre Improved farm, with o-ruuni nouse, gooa oarn lor to head of cattle a n H a V. -u .4 n,hAHI. i , , - - v. .-"-or., 1.1,. chicken house, hog house, tea house, two ...i. ni. m jooa water, new windmill; all fenced and croji-fenced, hog-tight; 165 acres under cultivation, balance pas ture, and not one acre of waste land. This Is a bargain and a good Investment; only 3 miles from the city of Sauk Con or. Price 375 per acre; no trades. A. J. DUBEAU, Owner, BauK center, Minn W. FARNAM SMITH CO., Real Kitat and Insurance, ' 13l irarnam Bt PouT- tO'- REAL ESTATE Investment. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE -PROPERTT. A. P. TUKET SON. - REALTORS. (20 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE Fine site on B. & it. R. R.; also (6x166; can be bought cheap. C A. Ortmmel, phone Douglas 1615. .. REAL ESTATE-rTo Exchange (40 ACRES, Sioux County, Nebraska. Owner will take Omaha residence property as part pay. - This land Is nearly all good farm land. No sand or rock; price 317.60 per acre, . E. P.. Bnowden Bon, 423 8. lDtn. '4ei, uougiaa . vol i. t SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rock and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, -clear, for gala or ax change. S. 8. B. B. MONTGOMERY, Douglas 4810. (27 City Nat Bank Bldg. I HAVE (40 acres of land In Brown Co., - Neb., for trade for furnished hotel in country town. 3116 8. 22d St, Omaha. Paul Sydon, agent. FINE Lucaa Co., Ia., grain farm for clear Canada land. Give full description In first letter with price. Walter J. Good, Charlton, la. ' INVESTIGATE my system; Omaha Realty Trading Co- 1 Patterson Blk. Tyler 365. FOR exchange, (66.000 flat clear. 815, Ridge Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. REAL ESTATE -Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINI'S LU8A 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was th best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will understand T hy the others ar buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. Miscellaneous, BEAUTIFUL 60. foot lot. Price 3220, only 82 cash and (0 cant per week. Doug. (3(3. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. FOR SALE IN BENSON GARDENS. ONE acre, lot No. 197, with soma useful Im provements; very cheap If bought this fall. Inquire at the Bank of Benson. Phone B. 163 or at (8th and Grant St. A. F. Ahlatrom. Dundee. THREE CHOICE ACRES JUST WEST OF DUNDEE HIGH AND SIGHTLY Call Douglas 2696 and ask for complete description of thla beautiful piece of ground. H. H. HARPER CO., 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. WMl located lot on easy terms. Mod rn. attractive borne. Before buying be sure and ses GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home site In Dundee. 8HUER ft CART. 204 Keellno. D. (074. Miscellaneous. FIVE, ten fifteen or twenty acres, close In; 3375 per acre and np. Tel. Wal. 3466. TEN acres, close In, lay fine, 34,000. Tel. WaL (468. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have several good reliable buyer for ( and (-room house and bungalow with (300 to (500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co., Tyler 496. 701 Omaba Nat, Bank Bldg. . LISTING houses to rsnt or sell on small cash payments; have parties watting. Western Reel Estate. 418 Karbacb Blk. D. 8607. IF you want quick action on your prop erty, list It with m. LUND, 430 ROSE BLDOt TYLER 7(8. WE have a customer for handsome brick residence In desirable district T. D. Wesd. 316 8. 18th Bt ' ARNDT A TAYLOR can assist you. 182( Laird St Webster 2089. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WANTEO Fox terrier or Boston hull male pup. Will pay up to i. Address Bos (132. Boe. 120 acres, heavy soil. 60 miles west of Minneapolis; 76 acrea cultivated, balance timber, pasture; good (-room houae, barn and other outbuildings; ( horses, 6 cows. ( head of young stock, ( hogs, chickens, turkeys and all thia year's crop, consist ing of 25 acre extra good corn and small grain; all goea at (66 per acre; 34.000 cash, balance ( per cent. McMICHAEL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 600 Wllmao Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE Choice Farms Near Omaha Desirable farm homes at reasonable prices, ' easy terms. You can have the choice of six differ. ent 80-acre farms 1 have listed. Prices (135 to (ISO per acre. 130-acre level well Improved farm, (185 per acre. 120 acres rolling upland r big Improve- roenis. rnce Jiuo per acre. (1(0 acres well Improved, near Elkhorn, 1176 per acre. 320-acre stock farm 20 miles from Oma ha; haa Some timber; good alfalfa and corn land. Price 390 per acre. Two good well improved 40-acre farms. Priced at 3200 pur acre. 320 acres, elf-Kant Improvements, fine location. Price 5200 per acre. If Interested write, phone or call at tny office. , PAUL PETERSON, 363-364 Brandela Theater Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Office, Doug.. 1380; Res. Wal. 8106. (20 ACRES, unimproved, Perkins county, wheat land, god soil, 1 mile to station; will sell on easy terms or take clear prop arty for one-half of value and carry bal anc tor term of years. 480 acres, unim proved, Perkins county, wheat land, good oil, ( miles from station; will exchange for Improved quarter in central Nebraska or sell on easy terms. Miner & Bradley, Box (36, Grand Island, Neb. (20 ACRES Near Overton, Dawson coun ty; 130 A. alfalfa, all cultivated, fair bldg., fenced and cross-fenced. Price, 880 per acre. Best of terms. A. A. Pata man, (28 Securities Bldg. SMALL Nebraaka farm o neasy payment 6 aores up. We farm the farm we sell you. Th Hungerford Potato Grower' association.! 6th and Howard Bt.. Omaba. Dougla (871. A FIRST-CLASS 320-acr farm 4Vi mile from Hartlngton, Neb. Well Improved and all good land; will sell or exchange Be O. A. Hull. Oakland. Neb. FOR BALE Cheap, jny Improved 166-acr farm near Ponoa, Neb. ; easy terms, If desired. Address Dr. C. W. Glllln, (16 V. L. & T. Bldg.. Sioux City, Ia. FOR SALE Best large body high grade, medium priced land tn Nebraska; very little money required, C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. BCOTTSBLUFF Irrigated farm. Bargain. It Is on of th best Box 117 Grand Island, Neb. FOR SALE Imp. farm, V mil to modern - town. Peter Rock. Mason City. Neb. LlST1 your land for quick, results with C 3. Canan. 810 McCafue Bldg., Omaha. Oregon Lands. OREGON "Heart of the Range." Jordan valley project, 44,000 acre Irri gated land. Free map. Next excursion Sep tember 18. HARLEY 3. HOOKER. 40 First Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, east -Texas, (26 an acre. Get my free book. . W, S. FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omaha. FARM LAND WANTED QUICK selling merchandise to exchange for clear Nebraska or South Dakota land. Give numbers of the land and full descrip tion In first letter. Address John Lewis, Bos 718, Sioux City. Ia. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. FARM and blty loans, running from five to twenty year. . Interest, ( per cent, 6M per cent and ( per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. CITY and farm loana promptly mad. Ratea (, (tt and 6 per cent Reasonably com mission, UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 Bouth 17th, Omaha, Neb. (1,800 M'TGE. beaiuig ( pet. aeml-annually secured by property valued at 35,4(0. Tal- mage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loan City National Bank Bldg. , ; SHOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONEY. ( PER CENT Mortgagee secured by Omaha residence property, for sale by E. H. Lou gee. Inc., 63J Keellno Bldg. FARM and city loans, 6, & M and 6 per cent , W. H. Thomas. Kelllne Bldg. Doug. 1646. (100 to (10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. weaq, weaa Bldg., 18th and Farnam, St. MONEY to loan on mproved farm and rancnes. Kloks Inveatment Co., Omaha. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB R. B. CO., 1018 Omaha Nat'l. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. :V7n . MONEY HARRISON & MORTON. ' lO . 91 Omaha Nat. Bank Blda-. 5 CI CITY GARVIN BROS., IP LOANS Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 813 Bran deia Theater Bldg. D. 686. Stocks and Bonds. OIL STOCKS. A. L. WRIGHT, Flatlron Hotel. Dong 377. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, piano and notes as security (40, ( mo.. H, goods, total cost (3.50. (40, ( mo. endorsed notes, total cost, (2.(0. Smaller, large am'ta proportionate rat. PROVinjCVT T.nAW BfWIOTV 492 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam, Ty. 666. LEGAL RATES LOANS (24.00 (240.00 or more. Easy payments. Utmost privacy (40 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. 22(5. OMAHA LOAN COMPANT. DIAMONDS and jewelry loans at IV, and ltt per cent; private booths. W. C. Flatau, (01 Securities (Rose) Bldg. Tyler (60. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. SEVERAL light truck delivery, wagons at your price. Haarman Vinegar A Pickle Co.. 1914 8. 20th St. For Sale. - FOR SALE One bay horse and rubber tire buggy; very reasonable If taken at once. Dr. H. H. Kaufman, Ralston, Neb. Phone Ralston 83. FOR 8ALE 6 delivery wagons at , your price. Haarman Vinegar A Plckl Co., 1914 8. 20th St. FOR SALE Good 1,200-pound horse. Call at 1716 Vinton St. or phone Ty 1118. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bankers Mortgage Loan company to Joseph M. MrFayden, Thirty-second avenue, 240 feet north of Leaven- wnpth BtPMAt. wt aMa . Thirty-second avenue, 200 feet north 40x180; Barker avenue, ninety feet west of Forty-third street north Id. 46x108 ( 1 Thomas A. Golden and wife to Ben Handler, Twenty-fifth street, 104 'feet south of Chicago street, west Ids, 28x66 1.(00 Michael L. Clark, aherlff, to E.'H. Howland umber and Coal com pany. Dominion street ninety-six feet east of Ten"-, street, south side, 126x144 275 Wilson T. .Graham and wife to Mar garet J. Cunningham, northeast corner Twenty-fourth and Mander on, 124x136; northwest corner Twenty-third and Lal.d, 100x124; Davenport street, forty-flv feet cast of Thirty-eighth s'reet, south side, 132x150. 29,500 Earl Rager and wife to Charles C. Bushncll, southwest corner Thir teenth and Gust streets 40x128..., 1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Ordinary Eun of Beef Cattle a Dime Lower; Hot Prices 10 Cents Up; Sheep and Lambs Higher. Omaha, September 17, 1917. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoga Sheep. Estimate Monday ....11,000 3.800 27.606 Same day last week.. 7,443 1,347 30,870 Same day 3 weeks ago. 10.761 3.334 16.668 Same day 3 weeka ago. 14.441 9.339 33.033 Same day 4 weeks ago. 30,100 3.365 16.138 Same day last year... 3,683 3.867 3,067 Cattle Recelpta were very liberal for the opening day of th week, about 17.000 head. Offerings Included nothing at all dealrable In the way of cornfed ateera, but the quality oi me western rangera was good as a rule. Demand from all sources waa fair and on the fleahy cattle that had competition from feeder buyers prices ruled fully steady. On the medium and common stuff It was a rather uneven trade, with the trend of val ues downward. Slow to lOo lower would about cover the situation on the ordinary run oi neei cattle. Inquiry for cows and heifers waa broad and prices about on a par with the latter part or last week. Veal calves, bulls, stags, etc., ruled steady to perhaps a shade strong. Quotations on cattle. Prime heavy beeves. 815.0016.60; good to choice beeves, 313.60 CP15.00; fair to good beves. - 313.36013.26 common to fair beeves, 89.00013.00; good to choice yearlings, 814.00016.60: fair to aood yearlings, 3lt.00frl3.00; common to fair yearnngs. 87.00 011.00; prime heavy grass beeves, 3U. 00614.(10; good to choice grass beeves, 310.60011.50; fair to good grass beeves, 39.35010.36; common to fair grass oeeves, i7.SQ09.2S; good to choice heifers, 38.6009.60; good to choice cows, 68.60 .uv, ir in gooa cows, ts.Tt0T.1t; com mon to fair cows, 15.1504,60; prime feed er. (10.00013.35; good to choice feeder, 88.6009.60; fair to good feeder. 97.(008.60: common to fair feeders. 85.i607.36; good to choice Blockers. 38.0009.00; stock heifers, 36.5008.00; stock cows, 96.0007.60; stock calves, 36.0009.00; veal calves, (8.(0013.36; uun, stags, eic., 9.0UV-2t. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A v. Pr. No. 1, Pe i 390 (7 75 . 18 1069 98 75 19. ...... .1027 (0 16 ;1045 T (( William N. Campbell Neb. 34 feeders. (30 10 40 L H. Robinson Wyo, 13 fe.ders.1085 12 ig i feeder. 11(0 11 (0 J. S. H. A Sons Neb. 110 feeders 118 13 60 BOUTH DAKOTA. ( feeders. (93 10 60 9 feeder. 1(40 1 (( 13 feeders.1163 13 75 NEBRASKA. , 2 cows.. .1000 7 30 7 heifer (14 T (( T steers.. 748 ( (0 t Hogs Receipt of hogs, whll larasr than for most recent Mondays, were rather mod erate, and trade was fairly active at price tnat were steady to lOo higher than Satur day' packer market Bulk of th offering went to killer. Sales were made largely at iT.tuoi7.TO, ana ine top waa III. JO. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 8h. No. Ay. Pr. Sh. 29. .202 40 (17 20 (0..206 160 (17 90 (0..260 40 17 40 86. .306 140 17 46 61. .380 80 17 (0 48. .341 ... 17 (0 84. .248 ... 17 66 63. .366 140 17 70 71. .287 110 17 75 70. .231 160 17 (0 66. .240 70 18 00 69.. 178 (! 18 10 so. .it ... it to Sheep and Lambs Pretty liberal receipts of aheep and lambs fayed to check the ad vance in tne market and movement started fairly early at prices that were from 15a to In most case 26o higher than last week' close. Killing lambs reached 118.40, whll desirable feeders sold at 318.00018.15, th latter pries being the highest ever paid any where. Yearling ewes for breeding pur poses set a new record et 318.00. Quotation on sheep and lambs t Lamb. fair to choice, (17.86018.(6; lambs, feed er, (17.50018.86; lambs, cull, (14.000 17.00: yearlings, fair to choice. (18.000 13.25; yearlings, feeders, 3HOO011.U; wethers, fair to choice, (11.(0013.(0; ewes, fair to choice, (10.00011.25; ewes, culls and feeders, (7.60010.(0; ewes, , breeders, all ages. 111.00018.00. Kansas City Uv Stack Market. Kansas City, Sept 17. Cattle Receipts, 85,000 head; market, higher; prim fed steers, (16-00016.80; dressed beef stefre, 310.00011.60; western steers, 99.00013.36; southern steers, 36.76011,00; cows. (6.760 10.00; heifer, (7.00013.00; etockers and feeders, 36 75018.00; .bulls, 34.0008.00; calves. 16.50013.35. Hogs Receipt, (,000 head; market high er; bulk of sale;' 317.60018.76; packer and butchers, 117.80016.40; light, I17.4O018.SCU pigs, (16.QO0I7.28. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, (.000 headi market strong) Iambi, (17.3(013.35; year lings, tu.oofj)i9 to; wethers, (11.00011.(0; ewes, $10.00011.60. . . Chicago Uti Stock Market Chicago, . Sept. 17. Cattle Receipt, 23,000 head; market strong; native beef cat tle, (7.(0017.85; western ateera, ((.700 16.60; atockers and feeder, (6.(0011.00; cows and heifers, (6.15012. SO; calves, (11.60 016.00. Hogs Receipt, 17,000 head; market weak at Saturday' average; bulk of sale, 317.3BW18.40: lights, (18.30O1S.35; mixed, 816.95018.66; heavy, 316.80018.65; rough. $16.80017.05; pigs, (13.00017.38. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 30,600 head; market flrmf wethers, 69,00013.76; awe, IS. 26011.76; lambs, 312. 60018.86. St. Louis Live Stock Market, St Louts, Sept 17. Cattle Receipts. 11,900 head; market steady; native beef steers, (8.00 0 17.(0; yearling steers and heif ers, (7.OO0K.OO; cows, ((.00 0 10.00; atocker and feeders, (8.3006.60; Texas quarantine steers, (6.76O10.60; fair to prim southern beef steers, (9.00O13.76; beef cow and heif ers, (6.00010.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, (7.(0010.00; native calve, ((.760 16.76. Hois Receipts, (,700 head; market high er; lights, (18.00018.40; pigs, (14.00 0 17.(0; mixed and butchers, (18.00018.70: goed heavy, (18.60018.76; bulk of sale, (K.000 18.70. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, (,400. head; market strong; lambs, (11.00018.21; ewes, (16.60011.00; wethers, (10.(0013.(0; can ners and choppers, 15.0007.00. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, Ia., Sept. 17. Cattle Receipt, 8,600; market 10 and 16o higher; beef steers, (7.00017.00; fat cows and heifer, (6.600 9.60; canners, (5.2506.36; etockers and feed er, 38.00013.60; calve, 37.60012.60; bull, stags, etc., 36 0008.60; feeding cow and heifers, (6.OO08.2. Hogs Receipts, 2,500; market steady; lights, $17.40018.00; mixed, 17.36017.65; heavy, (17.10017.76; pis, $16.00015.60; bulk, (17.26017.60. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 1,000; mar ket 10 to 15 cent higher. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Sept. 17. Cattle Receipts, (, 000 head; market lower; steers, (8.00017.00; cows and heifers, $5.60 014.60. Hogs Receipts, 8,600 head; market steady; top. 1(8.(0; bulk of sales, (17.60 O18.10; heavy packers, 117.76018.00; mixed packer, (18 25017.60. Sheep and' Lambs Receipts, 1,700 head; market strong; lambs, 811.00018.00; ewes, (6.00011.00. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, Sept. 17. Flour Market un changed. Rye 31.3201.83. , . . Barley (1.1801.42. Bran 329.00029.(0. Corn No. t yell., 92.0803.10. Oats No. 3 white, 6644 067 Ke. Flaxaed-r-$3.38KQ3,38. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Sept. 17. Evaporated Apples Market firm; choice, 16016Mc; prim, 14c. Dried Fruits Prunes Market firm; Cali fornia. 301264c: Oregon, 12tt014o. Apricot Market firm; fancy, 20c. Peaches Strong; standard, 10Ho; choice, lOHc; fancy, 12c Raisins Farm: loose muscatels, 7 y 09c; choice to fancy seeded, 201OHc; seedless, 1014c; London layers, 91-80, Kanaas City Produce Market. Kansas City, Sept. 17. Butter Creamery, 31c; firsts, 39ttc; seconds, 38c; packing, 36c. Eggs Firsts, 38c-. seconds, 81a Poultry Hens, 21c; roosters, 14c; broilers, 31013c. fit. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis, Sept 17. Corn No. 2, $2.08; No. 2 white, $2.08; Beptember, $1.17; Decem ber, $1.14H01.14H. Oats No. 3. 67 0 (7ttc; No. 3 white, (9ft 060c; September, 68c;. December, 67 c. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS John B. Haakell to Mina Whitney, Brown street, 41.8 feet east of Twentieth tret, north side, (2x 102.4 406 Augustus A. Myers and wife to Pe ter Hartvlg, Twentieth street, 40.1 feet north of Castelar, west ld, (9.7x109 11,000 Nell P. Munteferlng to Clyde U. Mlckel, Thirty-fourth (treat, 149.9 feet north of Francl street west side. 60x136.. 1,(00 Anna Anderson and husband to Mon ica Osborne, Erskln street 1(8 feet east of Twenty-fifth street, north side, 45x68........ (86 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Corn Declines Sharply With Large Arrivals; Sells Eleven to Sixteen Cents Below Saturday's Close. Omaha, Sept. 17, 1(17. Receipt of grain war much heavier, 216 ears arriving In ever Sunday, half ef these being corn. Wheat receipt were more lib eral, thirty-three can of thl cereal being In the market. One hundred and twenty. three car of corn ware reported tn and thla cereal suffered a very sharp decline, selling off from 11 to l(c, although the bulk of the sales were made at generally a llo to llo decline. Sellers did not let go of their offerlnga very freely and many of these samplea were carried over. No. 1 yellow brought $1.86, and the No. 3 sold at 31 85 and (1.86, the bulk of these sales bringing (1.86 and the No. 2 whlto aold for (1.30, lOo below Satur day's prices. No. 1 mixed sold at (1.81 and $1.85. and the No. 3 aold at the same price, whll th No. 3 mixed sold at (1.80 ad (1.86. There waa a good demand for cash oats at figures ranging from le to lHo lower than Saturday's quotations. No. 3 white sold 6714c. and the No. 3 sold at 66ic. The standard grade of white eata sold at 67c and the sample grade brought (6c. Receipts were fifty-four cars. Arrivals of rye and barley were more lib eral. Eight car of rye were reported In, but th domand for thl cereal wa very slow, only one sale being made, this being a car of No, 3 and went for 31-78. about a cent lower. Receipts of barley were aeven car and price on thl cereal quoted lo higher. Tb demand waa fairly good and sale ot th No. 3 were male at (1.87. whll the No. 8 aold at (1.15 and (1.36. No. 4 barley brought 31-30, and one car ot sample grade, wheat mixed, went for $1.36. Clearancea were; Wheat and flour equal to 314.000 bushels; oats, 319,000 bushel. Primary ' wheat receipts were 1,431,000 bushels and shipments 364,00 bushels, against receipts of 2,780,000 bushels and shipments of 1,OC9,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts war 499,009 bushels and shipments 129,000 bushels, against receipts of 891,000 bushel and shipment ot 739,000 bushel last year. Primary oats receipts were 3,111,009 bushel and shipments 1,581,000 bushels, sgalnat receipts ot 1,(88,000 bushels and shipment of 826,000 bushel last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oat. Chicago 16 (( 138 Minneapolis ...699 .... ... Duluth 210 ... ... Omaha ............... 33 113 (4 Hansa City 118 14 79 St. Loul 100 (( 123 Winnipeg ........... .4(7 ... ' ... These tale were reported today) Corn No. t white: 3 8-6 car. (1.(0; S car, (1.(9. No. 1 yellow; 1 car, (1.86. No. 3 yellowt ( can, (1.(6; 1 3-6 car. $1.11. No. ( yellow: 1 car, 31.66. No, ( yellow: ( car, (l.S3Vi. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, (1,(6; 1 car, (1.(1. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white) (1.88; 1 car (near yellow) $1.8614: ( $-( cars, (1.(5; 1 ear, (1.(4; 1 car, (1.(3; 1 ear, (1,(1. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (near white), (1.(7; 4, ears. (l.((; ( cars, (1.(1) Itt car. $1.80. No. 4 mixed: 1 ear, $1.11. No. ( mixed: 1 car. $1.83. Oat No. I whit: I can, 67Ue. Stand ard: $ cars, 67c. No, 3 white: 14 car, 640. No. 4 white: (3-6 car. 661401 1 car, ((tie. Sample white: 4 ears, (6c: 1 car (black), (6o. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, (6 Ho. Wheat No. ( dark hard winter! I car, (3.13. No. 4 dark hard winter: - 1 car, 33.09. No. I hard winter: 1 ear, 33 13: 1 ear (smutty), (3.11. No. I bard winter: 1 ear, (3.09. No. ( hard winter: 1 car, $3.04. No. 3 yellow hard winter) I ear, $3.06. No. ( yellow hard winter; 1 car (smutty), 31.(8. No. 1 amber durum) licar, 83.19. No. t amber durum: 1 car, $1.18, No. I amber durum: I car, $1.13. No.' I red durum) 1 car; $3.06,. No. t red durum t I car, 82 03. No. t durum) 1 ear, $8.1$. No. 1 northern spring; t ear, 33.16. No. I northern spring: 1 ear (smutty), $11$. No. ( northern spring: 1 car (smutty), (3.01. No. 1 soft whit spring: 1 car, (1,13. No. t common mixed and red durum 1 1 car, $3.08. Ry No. tt' 1 oar, $1.78. Barley No. I: 1 oar. $1.87. No, It 1 car. $1.38; 1 ears, $1.15. No. 4i 1 car, (1.10. Sample; 1 car (wheat mixed). 11.(0, Omaha 'Cash Prices! Corn No. 1 white. $1 8801.90; No. I yellow, $1.1601.16 No., 8 yellow, (1.(401.851 No. 1 -mixed, 11.810 1.88; No. 1 mixed. (1.8001.86. Oats No, 3 white, 670574401 standard, (64 067c: No. 8 wnite, 6HCei fo. 4 wnite, img-iiite, Barter Malting. (1.30 01.17; No. 1 feed. $1:9801.80. Rye No, 3. $1,7701.78; No. I, $1.7(01.77, Chicago closing prices, furnished Th Be by Logan Bryan, stock and grain Droker. 81( Bouth Sixteenth street, Omaha) Art. Open. I High. Low. Close. Bat Corn, I I Deo. Ill IK 11(14 1 im 116 May I 13H 1 1314 til 14 1 J 11414 Oat. . Sop. 6814 IIU $T 18 Deo. 67H 67 V 8($4 66 14 (7 May 60)4 0H lH t Pork. 1 Sep. 41 1$ 41 40 43 35 43 40 41 45 Oot 43 70 41 70 43 40 43 10 41 30 Jan. " 41 II 41 1( 43 (1 43 91 41 30 Lard. Sep. II 90 II 91 II II II (0 II 17 Oct 11 II II II 33 70 II 71 (3 (( Jan. II 10 13 II 21 10 II 17 II It Ribs. Sep. 14 II 14 II 14 17 14 II 14 IT Oct 14 II 14 II 14 00 14 07 14 91 Jan. t II 12 15 21 IS II (9 II II . CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn Slips Downward, Influenced' y Pre vailing Ideal Weather. - Chicago, Bept 17. Corn alld downward In value today,' Influenced mainly by th prevailing Ideal weather for maturing th season's crops, Price although ateady at th close war 1140 to !T4o lewtr at $1.184- 01.16H December, na tl.lJ! to 11.1740 1,1181 May. Oat finished He to lHo aft In provision th outcome ranged from $50 declln to an ad vane of 6' cent. General selling of corn started as son a trading began. Clear' skies and warm temperature formed the rule In every di rection and beside there were advice at hand distinctly minimising th amount ot damage ald to have been injuctea last week by frost. Th feeling of optimism In regard to th crop outlook left little room for other factors, but trader were alio on th alert for any developments concerning peace. Meanwhile th fact that country ffering were liberal formed a hindrance to rallies and so too, did weakness in th New York stock market Nevertheless, profit taking on tha part of short assumed con. slderabl voluma and brought about a fair upturn from th low point at th day a th session reached an end. Oat sympathised with th weakness of corn. Bom support, howvsr, was given In th last halt ot th day alter th fact became apparent that exporters were pick ing up supplies. New oats ar coming for ward freely and receipt her today totaled nearly (00 car loads. Arrival of wheat shewed a notabl en largement, especially In the northweat, Du luth and Minneapolis getting III carload, a against III a week ago. Gossip wa cur rent that neutral would obtain no more American wheat for aom tlm and that no foreign shipments would b mad ex cept on th strictest rationing basis. Provisions showed much firmness for a while, but finally fell tinder the Influence ot the decline In corn. Decreasing tocka and bullish Liverpool advices wr mere or less responsible for the initial strength. Chicago Cash Prices Cornt No. I yellow, $1.1901.02; No. $ yellow, li.OO02.O9H: No. 4 yellow nominal. Oats: No. I whit, 67 H 69c; standard, r)HH4e. Rye: No. I, $1.I1H01- Barley: Jl.ttOl- Seeds: Timothy. 16.0001.00; clover, llT.00OI2.00. Provisions: Fork, I42.40O42.II; lard, $21-83 022.87; ribs. 321-87034.37. Butter Market steady; creamery, II H Eggs Market steady; receipt, 1,761 esses; firsts, 37037HC! ordinary first, 38 036 He; at market case Included, 160 87c. Potatoes Market lower; receipt, 40. cri Minnesota and Dakota. 31.3601.30; Wis- consln and Michigan, 31.1001.27. Poultry Alive, unsettled; xowis, c; springs, 30 He, New York Cotton Market. V..I, Knt 17 4nttnn Future opened teady; October, 80.30c; December, 30.17c; January, lO.lOo; March, 20.28c; May, v.t sunt 1 7 Cnttnn Futures closed steady; October, 20.24c; December, 20.18c; January, 20.11c ; Marcn, 20.10; way, 20.40; spot, quiet; middling, 31.80c. Tk. .AttAn market tnrinV Closed tdy net I point higher to 1 point lower. New York Sugar Market. New York. Bent 17. Sugar Raw. market steady; centrifugal, 6.90c; molasses, (.02c; refined sugar ateady; cut loaf, 9.90c; crush ed. .(5c: mould "A." 8.90e; cubes. (.160 9 26; XXXX powdered, 9.6008.70c; powder ed, 1.6608.70; fin granulated, 8.408.60o; diamond "A," (40c; confectioner "A," 8.3O03.6OO; NO. I, (.1008.150. Unseed Oil Quotation. Duluth. Minn.. Sent 17. Linseed Oil On track, arrive, Beptember, ((.((Hi Octo ber, (8.8 bid; November, 83.96 bid; Decem ber, (3.31 bid. , , NEW . YORK STOCKS ' -Sharp Break Be suits From Be sumption of Selling Opera tions on Bather Large Scale. New York, Sept 17. Another (harp break! in stocks resulted today from a resumption ot selling operations, which at time were conducted on a rather large scale. The re cent marking down of prices, extensive as It haa been, attracted no Inveatment buying of consequence; on the other hand, re newal of liquidation waa evident among ' high grade issues. Professional operator were distinctly bearish. Traders on tha -short side met with little opposition and the downward aweep was carried In many Instance to new low prices. Toward th doss th movement wa reversed on short " covering and losses of 1 to 3 point were reduced considerably In th late dealings. Total aalea were (16,000 shares. Thar was no general change of offi ciant consequence to account for the reces sion, which seemed to be due to the con tinuing Influence of condition with which the market has been confronted for some time. The unsettlement In Russia, uncer tainty a to th effect on securities of gov ernmental price fixing and of financial leg islation and th firmness ef money rate tended to prevent a revival .of buying. The spreading of labor troubles In the shipbuild ing Industry attracted a good deal of atten tion In the stocks, but Its effect wa dis counted largely by expectations of a speedy adjustment Some of th heavleat professional eelllng wa In th steel group. Bethlehem Steel broke badly to a new low figure with a decline ot 7 point to (1. New low point also were reached by United State SteeL which wa depressed 1 to 1014 and by Mldvale. Th coppers slso yielded readily to pressure and Utah, Inspiration and Smelting were forced down I point or more. Furthermore marked weakness appeared In the ahipplng share. In th railroad list Bt Pant was again conspicuously weak, selling off 114 to a new low quotation of 6614. Reading gave way under bearish pressure to 77 and Norfolk alao reached th lowest price ot th move ment Bond were heavy. Total ales, par value, 13,260,000. Liberty bond sold at 11.91 to 100. United States coupon I loat H and United State coupon 4 advanced 14 en call. Panama coupon I rose 4 point. Number of sales and quotation on tending stocks: Bale. High. Low. Close. Am. B.t Sugar.. 1,40 14 11 11 American Can .. 909 49 39 H H Am. Car rndry ( , Am. Locomotive ., 1,001 I0H Am. Bmelt ss Bf. 1.900 86 H M Am. Bugar Rf.... 1.700 109 107 III Am. Tel. Tel.. 1,101 11IH HI 1"U Am t L. A 8..... 13 Anaconda Copper . 14,401 70 J Atchison ........ 100 IIH A. O. A WIS 8 L 1.(00 IIH ., " Baltimore A Ohio 1.800 II . IIH IIH Butt and Sup. Cop ,7(0 11 17 It California Oetroleum If Canadian plolflo.. 1.600 151 111 153 H Cen. Leather .... 1,300 II 71 30 Chesapeake A Ohio 799 16 IIH "tt ' C. M. A 8. P.... 1,101 H H1i . Chicago A No. W 104 c" R. I A P MOO 15 14 .M Chlno Copper.... 1.101 II 41 H Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 101 44 11 43 H Corn Prod. Ret..,. I.IOI 16 Crucible Steel.... 10,100 IIH 66 67 . Cub Can Sugar.. 1,900 II 19 10., Distiller' Sec.... 11,606 10 Erl A. ....... 701 11 .ION ilO General Eleo trio .. 1.164 139 137 139 Oeneral Motor.... 10.300 11 10 11 Or. Northern Ptd.. 101 101 111 101 Or. No. Or Ctf... 1,300 II II IS Illinois Central 100 H Inspiration Cop... 11,001 II 47 49 Int. M. M. Pfd.. 19.009 14 10 10 Inter. Nickel 1.401 IIH II II Inter. Paper $ K. C. Southern.. ,: 17 Kennerot Cop.... 9,300 40 It 31 Louisville A Naah 1,400 117 111 117., Maxwell Motor .. 100 11 II 11 Mexican Petroleum 1,109 II II' 36 Miami Copper .... 100 14 14 14 Missouri Pacific. 1,101 17 II 16 Montana Power 10 Nevada Copper ... 101 10 10 10 N. Y. Central .... 1,100 71 71 (7 N. Y N. H. A H.. 1,(00 16 13 14 Norfolk A Western 1,000 111 110 110 Northern Pacific. 1,100 100 19 99 Pacific Mail 101 11 11 16 Paclflo Tal. A Tel..... II Pennsylvania ..... 101 11 11 61 Pittsburgh Coal 41 Rsy Con. Copper.. 1.800 31 14 14 Reading 1.919 II 77 78 V Rep. Iron A Steel 1,401 10 71 71 Shattxick Art. Cop. 100 13 13 11 Studsbakcr Cor... 4.401 48 48 41 Southern Psciflc. 1,401 11 10 90 Southern Railway 1.000 17 II 16 Texas Co 1,80 166 183 163 Union Paclflo 1,80 131 117 187 U. B. Ind. Alcohol 4,300 136 133 133 U. S. Steel ..114.100 107 193 104 V. 8. Steel Pfd.... 1.700 116 113118 Utah Copper 11.100 18 81 II Wabash Pfd. "B".. 400 II 14 14 Western Union .... 400 II . II II ' Westlnghous Elec 44 Total tale for the day. 190,001' (hare. . . New York Money Market. New Yerk, Bept. IT, Mercantile Paper--106 par cent Starling Exchange Slxty-day bills. $4 73; commercial sixty-day bills on bands, $4.71; commercial slxty-day bills, $4 711 demand, $4,711-11; cable, $4,78 7-16.. liver Bar, $1.11; Mexican dollar. 13a. Bonds Oovemment, Irregular; railroad, heavy.- , Time Loan Firm? lxty ay. - ntneti day and stx month. lOI Tr eent. Call Money Firmer; high, 1 per cent; low, I per cent; ruling rate, I per cent; closing bid. I per cent; offered at I Pr eent; last loan, I per cent TT, B. Is, reg.. 16 lnt M. M. Is... 10 ' U. 8. Is, coupon 94 HK. a So. ret. I 10 U. 8. Is, rg... 11 la. A If. un.. 4s 11 U. B. Is, coupon 19 M K ATI 4st (9 U. 8. 4i, reg.. 106 M. Pea gen. 4.. 11 U. 8. 4s, coup..l06Mont Pow. I 11 Pan. 81 coupon 34 N. Y. C. deb, I 98 Am. For. Bee I 16 No. Pan. 4a.... 14 Am. T A T e 6 llNo. Pae. Is... 11 Anglo-French I 11 O. 0. L. ret. 4 16 Arm. A Co. 4a 39P. T. ft T. 81.. 14 Atchlnson g. 4. llPnn. eon. 4a 100 Bait. (I Ohio 4.. 83Penn. gen. 4 II Cen. Leather I 71 'Reading gen. 4 11 Cen. Pao. lit.. I08. L. A S. F. a 6 13 Ches. A O. ov. I 11 80. Pae. ev. Is.. 16 C, B. A Q. J 4 96 So. Pao. ret 4.. 11 ' C M B P 4a 16 80. Railway I II C R I P r 4 61 gg'Tex. tt Pao. lit 16 C R. I, A P r 4 17 Union Pao. 4.. 11 C. A 8. rsf. 4s 76 'Union P. ov. 4a 17 D. A R. O. r ( (( V. 8. Rubber la 11 D. of C 6 (1911) 91 U. 8. Steel I. .108 Erl gen. 4.... 11 Wabash lit.... 11 Oeneral Eleo. I 100W. Union 4l. II 111. Cen. rf 4.. II New York Oeneral Market. New York. Bept 17. Flonr, quiet; spring patent, 111.50011.90: winter patent 119.61 10.10; winter straight, lO.li01O.II. Kan sas straight, 11.16011.40. Cqrnmeal Steady; fine whit and yellow, 11.2601.16; coarse, 16.1(06.11; kiln dried, 110.10. Rye Xay; No. I weitarn, $1.11, . L tt New York. Barley Firm, feeding, $1.11; malting. $1.40; California, $1.40; all new, a. L t. New . York. Wheat Snot, quiet; No. I red and No, I hard, $1.17 No. 1, northern, Duluth. $3.30, government price, elevator; No. 1, northern, Manitoba, $1.41, government price,, f. o. b., New York. Corn Spot, weak; No. t yellow, $1.01; No. I hard, $3.03, c 1. f New York Oat Spot, weak; standard. II o. ' Hay Firm; No. I,; hlpptng. 10c 011.00. Hops Firm; state, medium to choice, 1117, 81012c; 1111, nominal; Pacific coast, 1117. II04OO. Hide Quiet; Bogota, 4le; Central America, 41 He. Leather Firm; hemlock tint, 17c; e Onds, 66c, Pork Firm; mesa, 147.10; family, 147.001. short Clear, 144.00048.00. Lard Quiet, mlddl west. $33.40 011.11. Tallow Qulat I city ipeclal. loo. 1$0. Wool Firm; domeitle fleece XX, Ohio? 660. Butter Market, firm; receipt, I III tub; creamery, higher than extras, 4404(c; creamery, extra (81 score), 44044ei firsts, 43044c; second, 41 0 42c. Egg Market Irregular; receipt, 1,814 eases; fresh gathered, extras, 46 0 41c; ex tra firsts, 41044c; firsts, 40O42c; ee finds, 11040c. Cheese Market, firm receipts, 1,051 boxes; state, fresh, specials, I5016c; lame, average run, 24 026c. Poultry Live, market, quiet; no price -quoted. Dressed, market, quiet; chicken. HOIle; fowl. IIQUHo; turkey, 10 Olio. Kansas City Grain Mark!. Xansa City, Mo., Sept 17. Corn No. I mixed, 11.810114: No. 1 -white, $1.0102.01; No. 1 yellow, 11.1001.91; Beptember, ILI7j December, 11.14. Oat No. 3 white, (0o; No. I mixed, IlO '. ' , Liverpool Cotton Market, Liverpool, Sept 17 Cotton, spot tn mod erate Inquiry; prices 10 point higher: goed middling, 11.4(01 middling, 17.00c; low nld dltng. It.lOo; good ordinary, 1(,C( ardU nary, te.voo; sales, i.vuv gate- 4' I