Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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Brie City News
rutinam Wedding Blnft Edholm.
" Uthtlos Fixtures Burgesa-Granden Co.
Have Root Trlnt It New Beaccn Fress.
Metal Diet, Premwork Jubilee XI fg Co.
33c Luncheon at Empress Garden.
fine Fireplace Goods at Sunderland's.
Buvs Home in Rountze Plaoc
Geoi-Ro H. Doherty, traveling sales
man for the Byrne-Duft Jewelry com
pany of Omaha, has purchased a
handsome home on Binney street. Mr.
Doherty came here from Milwaukee.
Burglar Loots Clarity's tfrunk A
iiurplar entered the room of John
Clarity, 1 909 Douglas street; Wednes
day afternoon and ransacked his
trunk. Seventy dollars in money were
missing. The burglar gained entrance
liy means of a skeleton key.
St. Paul's Vicar Moves Rev. A. H.
Marsh, vicar oi St. Paul's church, has
moved during the last week to 405
North Thirtieth street, The Altar
Guild plans to give an entertainment
at the parish house next Thursday
(September 20). Refreshments will
be served.
Goes on His Vacutlun Eorl Jones,
manager of the Co-operative Free Em
ployment bureau in the court house,
has gone to Kansas City for a two
weeks' "vacation." He wii4 spend his
vacation studying the methods em
ployed by the Kansas City free em
ployment bureau.
Gift to the Library Miss Leone
Dellone, chief librarian in the law
library in the court house, announces
the gift of all state supreme court
briefs from the first one filed to the
ninety-eight Nebraska, to date, from
C. W. Sears, an Omaha lawyer. The
briefs are alphabetically arranged in
filing cases. It is a valuable addition
to the law library, according to Miss
Dellone. '
Wants Mistake Collected Suit for
the recovery of $27.30 was filed by
Benjamin F. Bush, receiver of the
lulssouri Pacific railroad, against the
C. W. Hull company, Omaha. The
anwunt is alleged to be due the plain
tiff because of a mistake in figuring
freight charges on a car of coal
shipped from Green Bay, Wis., to
Wabash, Neb., consigned to the de
Federal Officials Return Federal
Judge Woodrough, United States Mar
shal Flynn, Deputy Marshal Nickerson
and Clerk of the Court Hoyt returned
from North Platte, where they held
sessions of federal court. They will
go to Norfolk Monday to hold court.
Carter Lake Club Has Two
Very Busy Weeks Ahead
The closing two weeks of Carter
Lake club will be a period of special
Saturday evening, September 15, a
rube dance will be given. A real iarm
dinner will be served at 7 p. m. and
pumpkin pie, country ham sandwiches,
pickles and hot cortce will be served
during the intermission. Only rubes
will le permitted on the dance floor
until 9:30 p. m.
Tuesday evening will be Council
Bluffs night. Mayor Snyder will lead
tli errand march and a large delega'
tion will be over to hear City Attor
ney Peterson handle the drums during
the dance. Chief Vicn has promised
the best of order and Ted Riepen will
act as guide.
Wednesday evening, September 19,
a military dinner-dance will be given
by Companies D and E, Fort Omaha,
and the soldier boys invite all club
members to participate, lhese sol
dier boys assert' that Carter Lake club
has the world beaten tor hospitality.
Saturday, September 22, will be offi
cers' night, on which many of the offi
cers of Fort Omaha will participate.
This will be a rare treat for club mem
bers, as officers from, the post have
the world beaten when it .comes to
military etiauet.
The following and last week of the
open season will be a week of con
tinuous activities, closing with a har
vest home dinner and dance Saturday
evening, September 29. The last cot
tagers' dinner, Wednesday evening,
September 26, will be followed by an
evening of sports.
Juggles Tenpins Onto
Head of Other Pinboy
Oliver Black, pin boy at the Far
nam alleys, is all black.
Hit one delight consists in jug
gling tenpins. In fact, "Olivah" is
proficient in the art of tossing the
pins about with neither regard nor
respect for bystanders. His fellow
worker, Tonie Osborne, also colored,
chanced to be a "bystander" last night
when gentle Olivah preceded his
"juggling" act with a personal re
mark to Tonie:
"Now yo all pay me dat whole two
bits yo owe me, or yo'll see yoah
name on de list ah means de hospi
tal list."
T . hk liter arlr waC
- X UHlb oavY mob in. j "fin "
red for the worst, ..u f i ;
to come.
"An ef yo expects dat two bits,
yoah cxpexashuns is travlin' high,"
replied Tonie.
Oliver grew exceedingly angry. He
seems to have lost all his "puhsonal"
honor and respect, for suddenly,
without warning, he picked up two
tenpins and "juggled" them in Tonie's
direction. One of them took effect
on Tonie's head, inflicting two serious
scalp wounds. He was rushed to St.
Joseph's hospital where Dr. Romonek
attended his wounds.
"Ah ducked when ah saw 'era
comin,' but ah knows now ah didn't
duck soon enuf," said Tonie.
"Gentle" Oliver lost no time in
making his escape through the back
Council Boosts Interest
Rate to Sell the Bonds
The city council will receive bids
on $400,000 of public improvement
bond until 10 o'clock this morning.
The commissioners recently adver
tised for bids on these bonds at A'A
per cent interest, but all of the bids
received were below par. This morn
ing the city dads had a conference
i with Omaha bankers and were ad
j tiscd the condition of the bond mar
' ket was such that it would be impos
sible to sell AYt pe.- cent bonds at par.
So the council passed a motion
boosting the interest rate, which it is
believed will make a sale at par pos
sible. Bids will be received on two issues.
One issue is for twenty-year bonds at
par, the interest not to exceed 5 per
cent. The ther issue is for five-year
bonds at par, the interest not to ex
ceed 5 per cent.
Thus bidders for the bonds will
make their percentage of interest
their bid. The council believes it
will beat the 5 per cet mark, as an
oral bid of 4)4 per cent has already
been made.
The bonds to be sold consist of
$200,000 sewer, $109,000 police. $50,000
park and $50,000 public comfort sta
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Friday, September 14, 1917-
Store Opn Saturday
Till 0 P. M.
5tor Open Daily,
at 8:30 A. M.
Telephone Douglas 137.
afaraav II ill 9
M. at Eiarffess-Naslhi
It Is Doubtful Indeed if There Is Any Other News in This Paper of More Importance to You Than This
New arrivalsJust out of the tissue paper
The most approved and exclusive styles for Fall in
Another Collection of
Showroom Sample
Representing the Newest and Cleverest Ideas for
Fall, at
RECEIVED, sorted and
marked in time for anoth
er big trimmed-hat offering for
Saturday; smartly trimmed,
new Fall creations at a price
decidedly lower than usual.
The hats are in creat variety of
styles and shapes, no two alike,
made of very fine velvet com
bined with hatter's plush, eith
er small or medium sizes, a
shape to suit every fancy.
An offering of more than ordinary
importance to the woman who wants
a new fall hat and limits herself to
the expenditure of five dollars.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
Annual Sale of Sample
Winter UNDERWEAR for Women
And Children, at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.50
ONCE every season, about this time, we secure the
entire sampie line of women's and children's win
ter underwear at a tremendous price reduction, and
we offer it to you the same way.
The lot includes vests, pants and union suits, in cotton, wool
and part wool; four groups, at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.50.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Women's New Fall Boots
Exclusive, Pretty Models to Be Found Only at
NINE-INCH lace boots with all the new colored kid
vamps, imported English whipcord quarters, light
welted soles, covered, two-inch Louis quinze heels. We
can match your gown or a pretty contrasting color, at
$10.00 and $12.00 the pair.
Special, Women's Boots, $8.50
Four new models, mouse brown, sil
ver gray kid, taupe gray kid. Turn and
welt soles, covered heels, at $8.50.
and the best display of all black kid
lace and button boots we have ever
shown, $4.50 to $10.00.
"Educator" Shoes for Children
We are sole selling agents for this famous
make of shoes and recommend them to our
lifflo fripnHs! shops that were made esnecially
for little growing feet; good looking, health
ful, comfortable, suitable because specialists
designed them to "let the feet grow as they
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
The New French Gloves to
Match Your Fall Gowns
EVERY woman knows the finest quality and best wear
ing gloves come from France. Recjent shipments from
France brings us an unusually large and well assorted
selection of these new hand coverings, including many
pretty novelty gloves and exclusive colors not to be found
elsewhere; prices range, $1.50 to $3.50 the pair.
Washable Leather Gloves, $1.75 to $2.50
Splendid selection of shades; a glove much in demand, at $1.75
to $2.50 the pair.
Kayser Chamoisette Gloves, $1.00
Real chamoisette, plain white or with black stitching; exceptional
quality, guaranteed washable, at $1 the pair.
Two-Clasp Chamoisette Gloves, 75c
In white, gray, pearl, black and ivory; special, 75c a pair.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
That New Tailored Suit Demands One
Of These Pretty Silk Petticoats, at $5
A BEAUTIFUL range of selections, all taffeta or jersey top,
with taffeta silk flounce petticoats, in a charming line of
shades to match the new tailored suit, at $5.00.
Burfett-Nash Co. Second Floor
Don't forget! We're
Closing Out Our Entire
At 40 to 60 Per Cent Under
the Regular Price
SATURDAY will be a very op
portune time to select those
pieces of furniture you have been
waiting for so long to carry out
your scheme of home rejuvena
tion for the coming Fall and Win
ter. Opportune, because right at a
time when you can best take ad
vantage of it, comes this oppor
tunity to buy furniture of the
very highest standard at an av
erage saving of better than half
the regular price.
A price far below what the same furniture, if bought
today, would cost you at wholesale. Owing to the fact
that we are closing out the stock and that it consists most
ly of odd pieces or sets, th sale must be absolute no
returns or exchanges accepted.
Burfess-Nash Co. Third Floor
For Your Sweet Tooth
TV IT ADE of the very best ingred
icnts, in assorted flavors, the
kind that taste like more; take a
box home with you, 29c lb.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Silk Boot Hose
Quality, at 75c
"ITTOMEN will appreciate this an
nouncement for it tells them
of an exceptionally pretty line of
silk boot hose, in "Burnasco" qual
ity at 75c pair. Plain black and
shades to match and tailored suit
colors, full fashioned, regular
made foot, double garter top.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
The New Gillette
Army Razor
A REAL safety razor for the boys
at the front or training
camps. Complete with metal mir
ror, in neat box, for $5.00.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Drugs and Toilet
A GOOD time to replenish your
medicine cabinet and dressing
Daggett and Ramsdells cold
cream, 28c.
Djer Kiss powder at 60c and $1.
Jardine De Rose powder at 39c.
Colgate's tooth paste at 10c and
Mennen's talcum powder at 12c
1- lb. Lilac Rose powder, at 19c.
Page talcum powder, special,
at 12c.
Burgess-Nash cold cream, 16c.
Burgess-Nash vanishing cream,
at 16c.
Jergen's violet glycerine soap
at 10c.
Peroxide, bottle, at 10c.
Palmolive shampoo, bottle, 36c.
Household rubber gloves, 39c
2- quart hot water bottle for 89c.
2-quart combination fountain
syringe and hot water bottle
for $1.39.
Ammonia, pint size, at 9c.
Ammonia, quart size, at 12c.
Liquid veneer, can, at 38c.
Hughes' Ideal hair brush,
waterproof, 89c
1-lb. hospital cotton for 48c.
Large automobile sponge, $1.25.
Large size automobile chamois,
em's Apparel
INDIVIDUALITY is the keynote the assemblage embraces everything that is most correct
to the minutest detail. It is a display of the newest ideas for Fall and Winter of which
we are justly proud and we believe you will appreciate it most thoroughly.
The Tailored Suits
At $19.50 to $75.00
HANDSOMER than ever and more varied.
The "style" of the suits center very
largely in the coat, for the reason that the
suit jackets vary in length from the finger
tips to below the knees.
The coats of the suits are designed to suit
all figures and are frequently cut in uneven
lengths, shorter in front than in the back, or
longer in the front and back and shorter on
the sides.
The most favored materials have been em
ployed in the making and the newest shades,
as well as black, are represented.
Straight Lines in Coats
But Full Enough to Insure Grace
ful Swinging Character
At $19.50 to $125.00
THE collar and cuffs, new sleeve designs,
new belts and pockets are the noticeable
innovations in the correct fashions for Autumn
and Winter.
Plain fabrics are style leaders for gener
al wear and as the trend is toward liberal use
of fur, especially on collars and cuffs, many of these garments will be worn as well for semi
formal and formal occasions.
The coat sections hold a special exposition of the new season's coat fashions Saturday.
Priced, $19.50 to $125.00. Co.- Second Floor
Particular Attention Is Called to This Splendid Showing
Of Smart Dresses for Saturday at $18.50 to $39.50
AN exceptionally large and varied display embracing all the most favored models for
afternoon and street wear, dresses of serge and satin and georgette, the colors are
navy, taupe, brown and black, also some smart models in crepe de chine, in taupe and black.
The serge models arc in advance styles, some are in the combination of serge and satin, and others are
beautifully trimmed with silk braid ; also some cleverly cut dresses in navy serge with patent leather belts.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
An Unusual Offering Saturday
Fancy Back Combs, Casque Combs,
Barrettes and Fancy Pins, 79c
PRICE that is but a fraction of
the real worth. It's a manufac
turer's discontinued sample line. Dis
continued because it was almost im
possible to get the raw material.
Beautiful new fancy back combs,
casque combs, barrettes and fancy
pins, set with rhinestones and gold in
laid; also some inlaid with silver.
It is really next to impossible to de
scribe a collection like this, as there
are hardly two alike, all we can do is to
iuvite you to come and see the best values we have offered
for a long time, if ever so good.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
More Surprises in New Blouses
Simplicity Is the Keynote
DID ever fashion make such
radical changes? Every
express brings new creations
and ideas so different from the
blouses of yesterday, featur
ing: Georgette crepe suit blouses.
Fancy net combination
Plain tailored silk blouses
with hylo collars.
Fancy Roman stripe blouses.
Plain georgette crepe blouses
in all the light shades with
large collars, trimmed with fil
et lace and beaded in beautiful
All in a pretty range of new
suit shades, at $6.50 to $18.50.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor
It's Stove Time; With Old Jack Frost Creeping 'Round
tttITH the mercury in the thermometer hovering around 50 and the weather man forecasting that it will be cooler, one
W is sharply reminded that it's time to start the stove or heater going. Our line of stoves and heaters represents the
very best makes, every stove is put up by our expert stove man and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded.
We Feature "Bucks" Stoves and Heaters Saturday
Bucks India Range
For coal or wood, made of cast iron:
15-inch oven, with T-shelf $35.00
17-inch oven, with high closet. .$45.00
Bucks Home Pride Steel Range
Full size, 6-hole top, complete with warm
ing closets, special $37.50
Bucks Ranger Cook Stoves
For coal or wood, made of cast iron:
15-inch oven $21.50
18-inch oven $29.50
Bucks Vienna Cast Iron Stove
For coal or wood, sanitary white enam
eled trimmed, large warming closet, full
size $65.00
Bucks Combination Ranges
For coal, gas or wood, absolutely safe and guaranteed to do the work:
Cast combination stove ...$85.00 Steel combination stove $65.00
Cast combination stove, full nickel trimmed and white sanitary oven door and drip pan,
$95.00; polished top.
Oil Heaters, at $4.50.
Perfection oil heaters, new 1917 model,
smokeless and odorless $4.50
Blued steel stove pipe, 6-inch size, per joint,
at 15c
Coal Hods, at 48c
Galvanized iron coal hods, 16-inch sixe. .48c
Galvanized iron ash cans with steel rein
forced sides $2.25
Furnace scoops, long handle steel blade, 95c
Androck toasters, special at 5c