Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1917, Image 14

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Dreis res
4 Remarkable Sale l 'Drugs and
7ne Increasing Volume
of Business
Made necessary many changes in location on our Secondhand
Third Floors We ask the kind indulgence of our patrons while
these changes are benig made.
cnaser oi
perfumes or any
of the following
during this sale
we shall give a
50c phial of per
fume. ,
AA'ir .
A Perfect Cleaning and Massage Cream
Why pay 50c for a cleanser and 50c for a massage
cream when "Melorose" does the work of both and
very superior. At this sale a 50c jar costs AOn
you only r-iC
Perfection Melorose Face Powder used and in
dorsed by more actresses and women of note than
any other powder in the world. 50c size AOg
only t-iC
Perfection Melorose Rouge, in cake and jelly
form, surpasses all others. So true to na- AOr
ture it defies detection. 50c box C
"Lillian Walker" Face Powder or Toilet 7Cr
Water, special at OC
Willard White Co.'s
The wonderful developer, FLESH BUILDER and
TONIC, highly recommended by Health and
Beauty Experts to THIN, undeveloped, ftQ
nervous women, $1 box, this sale only. . . . 017 c
We carry a com
plete line of
Hudnut's Toilet
"Marvelous" Cold Cream, in
fcsssa jars at 5oc an(i $1,00
Peroxide of Hydrogen
This great germacide will be
sold " here on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday at these little
prices. It should be in every
home ' as a precautionary
Mb bottle for '
J-lb. bottle for 13c
-lb. bottle for 7c
We have selected three
from the group of four and
offer them to you at special
prices1 for this event.
Jap Rose Soap 7c
Jap Rose Face Powder, 29c
Jap Rose Cold Cream . . 17c
A special purchase from a wholesale drug house enables us to quote
exceptionally low prices on Drugs and Toilet Needs. These prices are so
unusual that we cannot send any of these items C. O. D. and no 'phone or
ders will be filled. Dealers will not be supplied.
This Sale Will Continue
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
You Should Lay hua Goodly Supply and Save
Considerable Money
Drugs and Patent Medicines
S. S. S. for the Blood, $1 size 69c
Sloan's Liniment, 50c size 29c
Putnam's Dry Cleaner, 25c size.... 16c
Epsom Salts, 1-lb package at.. ...... 8c
Lysol, 50c size at 29c
Pluto Water, 35c bottle, special at. .27c
Mentholatum, 25c size, special at.. 16c
Syrup of Figs, 59c size, special at. .29c
Nujol, special at 59c
Witch Hazel, pint bottle, special at 19c
Hinkle Pills, 100 in bottle, special. . .19c
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, at 69c
Glycothymoline, 50c bottle, at. ....29c
Lapatic Pills, 100 in bottle, special, 26c
White Pine Cough Syrup, 25c bottle, 16c
Phenolax Wafers, 30 in bottle, at. . .24c
Hays' Hair Health, $1 size, at 59c
Glycerine, 4-dunce bottle for 28c
Bay Rum, full pint bottle for 49c
Powdered Boric Acid, 1-lb. box for. .24c
Japanese Crepe Toilet Paper, large
size rolls, very special at 5c
Syrup Hyphosphites Compound, $1.00
size, for 59c
Carbolic Salve, regular 25c value, at 14c
Lavoris, $1 size, at 69c
Laxative Cold Tablets, regular 25c
box, at . 14c
JFreezone Corn Remedy, regular 35c
size, at 23c
Aspirin Tablets, per dozen 10c
Rubber Goods
Two.quart Maroon
Rubber Fountain Syr
inge with three hard
rubber pipes, special.. 49c
White Enameled
Douche Cans, com
plete with tubing and
pipes, special, at 89c
Hospital Cotton, 1-lb.
rolls, special, at 33c
Rubber Gloves, all
sizes, regular 59c
values, at, a pair 29c
Two-quart Hot Water
Bottle, $1.39 value, special, at 89c
Two-quart Combination Water Bot
tle and Fountain Syringe, regular
$2.19 value, at $1.19
Ladies' Spray Syringe, regular $1.98
value, at $1.19
Toilet Goods
Peerless Peroxide Cream, 25c
special at 12c
Djer Kiss Face Powder, 60c box for. 45c
Graves' Tooth Powder, 25c size, at.. 16c
Creme de Meridor, 50c size, at 29c
Powder Puffs, 25c size, at 11c
Mennen's Talcum Powder, special, at.l2c
Java Rice Powder, special, at 33c
Pozzoni's Face Powder, special, at. .29c
Sempre Giovine, special, at 33c
Pinaud's Vegetal Lilac, special, at. .69c
Mary Garden Talcum Powder, spe
cial, at 49c
Djer Kiss Vegetal, special, at 89c
Mavis Talcum Powder, special, at.. 23c
White Rose Lilac, Japanese Honey
Suckle and Violet Perfume; sells reg
ularly at 50c the ounce; your choice
at this sale, the ounce, at .23c
Assorted odors Toilet Water, regular
79c, value, at 39c
One lot of odd? and ends Talcum
Powders; this lot includes talcums
that sold up to 25c; your choice at
this gale 9c
Imported Rice Powder, very special. 16c
The rising prices on Soap should in
duce you to buy liberally at these figures.
Woodbury's Facial Soap, special, at..l8c
Sayman's Soap, special, at 7c
Elder Flower Soap,' at 8c
Essex Peroxide Soap, at 7c
Cocoanut Oil Soap, special, at "4c
Packer's Tar Soap, the cake, at. . . .17c
One-pound bar Castile Soap, Special. 14c
4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap,
special, at 14c
Odd and ends of Toilet Soaps in this
lot are soaps that retail up to 15c.
Your choice at 6c
One lot Toilet Soaps; your choice as
long as they last at, per cake 2J2c
White Ivory
White Ivory Mirrors, $2.19 value.. $1.49
White Ivory Buffers, $1.49
value, at 98c
White Ivory Military
Brushes, $3.98 value, spe
cial, at, pair $2.49
White Ivory Powder Boxes
and Hair Receivers, special,69c
White Ivory Combs, 8 inches long,
98c value, at t .49c
Five-piece White Ivory Manicure
Sets, put up in a neat box; special at 98c
Coors Malted Milk
In preparing Coors at home, use an egg
beater or lemonade shaker. Coors speed
ily dissolves in either hot or cold water or
milk, but cold milk is usually preferred.
Never have liquid boiling.
An Egfe Beater will be given with every
purchase of a package of this Malted Milk.
For This Event
45c, 90c and .$3.25
Pond's Vanishing Cream, Cold Cream
and Face Powder
Test them all try Pond's Vanishing Cream for
chapped, hands. Try Pond's Cold Cream for
cleansing for massage. See for yourself the spe
cial advantages of using two creams each has its
special purpose.
Vanishing Cream 21c and 42c
Cold Cream 21c and 42c
Face Powder 50c
ill btvmrlK III
Changes in Location
The Boys' Clothing is now located on Second
Floor, Men's Bldg.
The Corsets are now on Third Floor.
The Muslin Underwear Department is now on
Third Floor.
All Second Floor departments have been
greatly enlarged.
See year dentut twice yerff i
Uw Sennoa nrie daily
The Tooth Paste that is assisting the
dentists to fight the most general dis
ease in the world, Pyorrhea. Get a
tube today at this special price.
For this sale, a tube 18c
Lilac Rose Talcum
Powder and
Lilac Rose Soap
Lilac Rose Tal
cum Powder, used
after the bath, im
parts a delightful
odor and makes
the skin velvety
and soft.
Lilac Rose Soap
prevents chapped
skin, as it contains
a great amount of
Lilac Rose Tal
cum Powder, 1-lb.
can 18c
Lilac Rose Soap,
at 7c
"Mme. Nazimova" and
"La Tresor"
Toilet Preparations
We have secured the exclusive
agency of these two lines of Face Pow
ders, Creams, Perfumes and Talcums.
Mme. Nazimova Perfumes, ounce . $2.50
Mme. Nazimova Face Powder, 35c,
60c and .$1.50
Mme. Nazimova Talcum Powder. . .60c
"La Tresor" Perfumes, ounce $3.00
"La Tresor" Face Powder, 40c, 85c
and $1.75
"La Tresor" Talcum Powder, at. . .60c
"La Tresor" Toilet Water, at. . . .$1.00
Cutting Ruins
the Cuticle
Don't cut the cuticle cutting
leaves a rough, ragged edee.
makes hangnails.
Use Cutex, the harmless cuticle remover.
Keeps your cuticle smooth and firm makes
your nails noticeably shapely and attractive.
Cutex Cuticle Remover 23c
Cutex Nail White...'. 23c
Cutex Compact Sets 25c