THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 191Y sieto 0 Jy MELL1F1C A-Sept. 11 Women Wish to Hear Business Not Parties. "These women-folks aren't the same as they used to be," exclaimed "one bewildered member of the en tertainment committee, for the big building owners and managers con vention now meeting in Omaha. "For merly we only used to plan how we could entertain the women who ac companied their husbands to the con ventions. We would arrange lunch eons and teas and theater parties and were satisfied the women were hav ing a good time. "This year the women don't care so much for the entertainments we have planned for them. They'd rath er attend the business sessions of the conventions. Why, we almost have tto 'shoo' them out of the convention hail to go' and have a good timet "And such an intelligent interest as they have in building management! You neer saw the equal," and the busy committeeman hurried along. Whether the change is a reflex of the war or merely an indication of the development of the feminist move ment it is hard to say. Perhaps wom en are becoming seriously interested in the business of their husbands, with a view to taking over its management if the men are called to the colors. tained at an elaborate reception at the Blackstone this afternoon. Tea was served in the Oriental room, which was decorated in brilliant autumn flowers. Pouring tea at different ta bles were the following Omaha hos tesses: Mesdames Ernest Sweet, Dean Glover, Edwin Jewell. Howard Loom is, Byron Hastings, E. M. Slater and W. R. McFarland. Tonight the visiting women will accompany the men on a tour of of fice buildings, when candies and flow ers will be dispensed at several build ings. Wednesday an automobile drive in the afternoon and a djnner dance at Kappy Hollow club are planned for them. A large movie party at the Sun and box parties at the Orpheum in the evening occu pied Monday. Ritlog-Carruthers Wedding. The marriage of Miss Mildred Car ruthers and Mr. Peter A. Ritlog will take place Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Bernard's church in BenSon, Rev, Father Buckley officiat ing. The ceremony will be followed by a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Carruthers. Miss Stella Krupski and Mr. Louis Chappell will be the only attendants. The bride will wear her go-away suit of dark blue with a purple hat and will carry brides' roses. Miss Krupski will wear a brown suit, pur ple' hat and carry sweet peas. The young couple will go ,on a wedding trip to St. Paul and Minne apolis and on their return will be at home with the bride's parents. Wedding Indefinite. Whether the wedding of Miss Helen Scobie, daaghter. of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scobie and Mr. Alan Mc Donald would take place today as planned was undecided, depending on Mr. McDonald's health, this after noon. . The wedding of these prominent young people was to be a very quiet ceremony, this afternoon, but Mr. Mc Donald has been ill this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. At Happy Hollow Club. Happy Hollow club will be gay to night for the special event, the cab aret dinner-dance which promises to be one of the most enjoyable parties of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodrich will have as their guests: Messrs and Mesdames A. C. Hartman, J. L. Hlatt, L. M. Platner. Dr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Putnam. At one table will be Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dale, Mrs. Nancy Moore, Miss Henrietta Rees, Miss Edith Hamilton, Captain James Prentice, Mr. . V. C. Bennett and Mr. J. J. Boucher. Kilar ney roses arranged is a low bowl will be the decoration. Other large parties will be enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Belden, who will have twelve guests, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Joseph Polcar ten. Parties of six will be entertained by Lee Huff, J. W. Elwood and W. E. Rhoades. Harold Johnson, Guy Lig gett, I. A. Medlar, W. W. Hoye. L. C. Gibson, Halleck Rose, E. H. Link hart, L. V. Nicholas, F. C. Aldous, W. C. Ross, Charles Sherman, Dr. Quig- ley, M. D. Cameron, Don Lee and J. A. Linderholm. ' Mrs. W. C. Ramsey entertained her bridge luncheon club at the club today. Mrs. E. H. Ward has reservations for twelve and Mrs. T. F. Paulsen for, . live on Thursday, i , Members are looking forward to the " married folk's dinner-dance Thurs day evening. Heretofore only old-fashioned dances have been the rule, waltzes and two-steps on this night, but the younger married couples have protested against this arrangement, so the management promises one-half of the evening to be given over to the newest dances as well. WILL ENTER SMITH COL- LEGE THIS FALL. Events of the Day. Miss Margaretha Grimmel enter tained twenty-five girls of the school set at a knitting party in honor of Miss Adelaide Moore of Chicago, guest of Miss Evelyn Ledwich; Miss Dorothy Balbach, who leaves soon for Principia, and Miss Ruth McCoy, uJio enters Smith college. Miss Bess Ritchie of Idaho Falls, guest of Miss Marion Weller, another honor guest, was suddenly called to Galesburg this morning, but will probably return be fore srrmnl nnens. The functions at vhich Miss Ritchie was to be anj if ft .':': :::;::x::':':':;:t:::-:o&S;"::: -y'y'': RED CROSS CANTEEN OPEN AT FORT OMAHA New Instructions Issued to Lo cal Chapters Regarding the Making of Surgical Dress . ings and Suplies. ' The Canteen at Fort Omaha, the Red Cross refreshment unit, will be j ready to serve soldiers and govern ment employes Wednesday, according to Mrs. Luther Kountze, chairman of the committee. It will be man aged along the Harney restaurant plan and food will be sold at cost. The building is a frame structure 25x40 feet and has been paid for by the donations from the following men: E. M. Andreesen, Frank Jud son, Gould Dietz, Contractor Wick ham and the Damon Electrical company. Uiome Sconomics department fiJlioJ it Irmn TH Gross SDomestic (Science departments OMed by lrma Jl. UrOSS Central 0(ih cfekool RUTH M'COY. honor guest will be given as pUnned for the other visiting girls. Mrs. Sol Degen and Mr?. Henry Rosenthal gave a luncheon at the Blackstone in honor of Mrs. G. Becker of Sioux City, Miss Julia Hirsch of Cincinnati and Mrs. Gold of Milwaukee. On the Calendar. Mrs. Dwight Williams will enter tain in honor of Mrs. F. H. Crooks of New-ark, N. J., who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. II. Head, Thursday at Happy Hollow club. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Roberts will give a dinner at the Country club Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. W. Richardson entertained a party of six at luncheon at the club. Mrs. C. B. Brown will entertain at luncheon at the Blackstone Friday. Calls Off Party to Register. Mrs. Joseph Duffy's luncheon at the Commercial club for her guest, Miss Helen Duffy of Los Angeles has been postponed because the hostess is too busy with her duties as Eighth ward chairman for woman's registration day. Mrs. Duffy's precinct captains in clude Mrs. Max Moshier, Mrs. Wil son, Mrs. Rouse,' Miss Minnie Arkin, Mrs. Samuel Nathan, Mrs. J. L. Pax ton, Mrs. A. H. Bigelow, Mrs. Sidney Smith, Mrs. H. W. Lloyd. Mrs. Willis Crosby and Mrs. S. Ravitz.- Here and There. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Weller have returned from Weller, Colo., where they spent the" 6ummer, and are now at the Blackstone. They stopped at Colorado Springs, Mani tou and Glen . Erie before coming home. The Weller expect to go east the 1st of Cjctober. Mrs. Harry Sunfield of Clarinda, la., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ber tha Bernstein, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Reed are pass ing the month of September at Santa Monica, Cal, a seaside suburb of Los Angeles. Mrs. Mark A. Pollack and three children, who have been visiting Mr. Pollack's mother and sister, Mrs. Charles S. Elgutter, for the past five months, left Tuesday for New York, where Mr. Pollack will meet them. They will place their eldest son, Mark, jr.; in the Tome school, Fort Deposit, Maryland, before returning to their home in Havana, Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bacon have re turned from a five weeks' automobile tour through the east, where they vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Walter S. Penfield, in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Penfield accompanied them on a trip to Pittsburgh. They are now at the Wentworth hotel, Portsmouth, N. H., but earlier in the summer were the guests of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Ingraham and Mrs. Ingra ham at Portland, Me. Make Bandages In Factory. More than 100 letters were sent out in the state today to chapters making surgical dressings, stating- that gauze, muslin, crinoline and flannel roller bandages are not to he made In the workrooms after the material for those bandages on hand is exhausted. This is In accord with instructions from national Red Cross headquarters, I which say that all of these can be manuracturea more oneapiy ana rap idly at the mills. They can also be shipped direct from the mills to the warehouses, thus saving the labor of handling and the duplication of freight charges. Chapters and auxiliaries are also asked to discontinue making fracture pillows, oakum pads, laparotomy pads, drains, sponges, small sponges and one-yard gauze rolls until further no tice, since they have been eliminated from the list of standard dressings of the American Red Cross. If any of the above mentioned articles are on hahd they may be sent to the Omaha chapter unwrapped. Xew Dressings Manual. A standard surgical dressings man ual Is now being prepared and 600, 000 will be sent out from national headquarters soon. Dr. JohrrA. Hart well and a committee of surgeons, nurses and lay workers are preparing the manual on the basis of the most recent hospital experiences here and in the war zone. It is being written with the design of reducing, the Red Cross worker's movements to a mini mum. Miss Rose on Vacation. Miss Abbie Rose, secretary of the Red Cross hospital department, is on a two weeks' vacation at her home in Earlham, la. Belgian Division. A special department . under the American Red Cross commission to France to direct all Red Cross activi ties in Belgium has just been an nounced in a cable from Major Gray son M. P. Murphy, head of the com mission, to II. P. Davison, chairman of the Red Cross war council. Dr. Ernest P. Bicknell, formerly director general of the civilian relief of the American Red Cross and now deputy commissioner to Europe, is to be placed in charge of the work in Bel gium. Headquarters for the work will be in Havre, now serving as the seat of the Belgian government Complete Hospital at Bligny. A cablegram from Red Cross head quarters in France just received by the Red Cross war council states that the American Red Cross will proceed at once to complete the unfinished building of the tuberculosis sanitorium at Bligny, twenty miles from Paris. The completion of the building will cost $36,000 and the plan is to have it ready by winter. It will be used by military authorities during thft war and revert to the sanitorium associa tion afterwards. National Pledge Card Week to Be Observed Here "There are 292,000 families in the state of Nebraska, and our task is to register 250,000 of these in the na tional food conservation pledge," said G. W. Wattles, state food administra tor, today. The national pledge-card week will be the week of October 14. Under Supervisor of Perishables Monroe a committee will canvass Omaha and the state thoroughly during that week from house to house to get the house wives and others to sign the pledge to reduce as far as possible all un necessary waste in the home and conserve foods in every possible way. "This will give every housewife something definite to do," said Mr. Wattles. ' The women have all indi cated their desire to do something to he,lp win the war. The war will be won by the nation that can hold out longest in the matter of food supply. It will be lost by the side that can not furnish food for its soldiers." Butler Would Close Up The Muny Auditorium The muny Auditorium is troubling the city commissioners again. Commissioner Butler at the morn ing session of the city council made the announcement that the Auditor ium's debt had reached $15,000. He suggested the salary roll be trimmed. Among other instances, he pointed out that a stage carpenter was receiving $110 per month, for which he was doing practically no work. "I believe we ought to close the Auditorium up except for some con ventions that are coming," said But ler. "We haven't anything coming and the only money we caT take ir is a few dollars we might get from roller skating." Butler also suggested the basement of the Auditorium be turned into a city garage, where the motor vehicles of all departments could be stored. After some discussion the matte was laid over for a week. Monroe Names Committee On Perishable Produce George Monroe, supervisor of per ishable produce for Omaha under the Nebraska food administration, has named his committee, the members of which will work with him in the program of reducing waste in the line of perishables. The committee consists of T. F. Sturgess of the Commercial club food administration committee; J. H. Bev eridge, superintendent of the Omaha schools; Mrs. Rose Ohaus qthe Pub lic Welfare board; Mrs. Harriett Mac Murphy, student of food conserva tion; J. J. Cameron, secretary of the Retail Grocers' association of Omaha, and Mrs. A. C. Anderson, hca . the municipal dryinjr work in Omaha. The committee held a preliminary meeting and Mr. Monroe went over the outline of the work that is to be done. Arthur Wakeley Lieutenant In U. S. Ordnance Section Arthur W. Wakeley, son of Gen eral Passenger Agent L. W. Wakeley, of the Burlington, has received ap pointment as first lieutenant, ordnance department. He was well fitted for this scientific department of the army by his training, having been four years in the engineering school at Cornell, graduating in 1911; five years in the technical industrial work; now a member of the financial firm of Pa! Davis & Co., of Chicago; an Omaha High school graduate. He is unmar ried and 27 years old, and now a resi dent of Chicago. This appointment to the ordnancec department is one of the highest received by any Omaha youth! This will give Mr. Wakeley two sons in the army, as the second son, Morton Wakeley, is now at the officers' training school at Camp Snelling. Foot Specialist is Here from Chicago The Douglas shoe store, 117 North Sixteenth street, has made arrange ments to have a foot specialist from Chicago at that store all this week to examine feet and give advice on the correction of foot troubles with out charge. This specialist, who was trained under the personal direction of Dr. William M. Scholl, has been loaned to this store by the Scholl Manu facturing company of Chicago for this occasion. One of the important duties of the specialist will be to instruct the salespeople in practipedics, the sci ence of giving foot comfort and cor recting the cause of foot troubles. Divorcees Decide to Take Up the Reins Once More George Scheller, 40 years old, and Mary Scheller, 38 years old, obtained a license to wed in county court. They had been divorced two years ago. The couple told "Cupid" Stub bendorf, marriage license clerk, "they couldn't live without each other any longer." The Schellers will make their home in Sarpy county The "Whys" of Preserving Foods. Long before people understood the reasons for the spoiling of foods and the theory of preserving them, they had stumbled upon very satisfactory methods of keeping these same foods. Dried food has been known to many barbaric tribes; and among civilized peoples, jams, preserves and pickles have graced the table for generations. It remained, however, for the scien tists ot the last halt century to ex plain the reasons underlying the age old processes. The science of bac teriology has cleared up for the house wife many things which she has heretofore taken blindly. We know now that one of three tiny forms of plant life may cause our foods to spoil. Mold spores, or seeds, may fall upon the food and develop into tiny plants visible to the naked eye. So far as health is concerned, mold is harmless; but the little plant is an enemy to conservation because that which it fastens upon is de stroyed to furnish its food. We know, though, that bread, or meat, or jelly that has molded is unharmed below the layer that is directlv affected. The next form of piant life that attacks food is not quite so harm less. If a yeast spore, or seed, gets into food and is allowed to develop, the food works or ferments. The visible sign of this fermenting is bub bles of gas rising in the jar of food. The yeast plant attacks only foods containing sugar. The third form of plant life is varied as to kind and food desired. One variety of bacteria attacks meat, another milk, etc. Some of the species of bacteria are friendly to the house wife's interests, for the souring ofl milk is due to bacteria, also the "rip ening" of cheese, and the making of vinegar. The little bacteria plants, which are visible only under a high power microscope, may float in the air and thus get to our foods, or the plants may produce spores or seeds under unfavorable conditions, and the spores float in the air. The plant is much more easily controlled than the spore. Control of Spoiling. As scientists have studied the va rious causes of spoiling, they have also investigated the ways of controll ing these causes. In general, all three fons of plant life respond to the same control. They prefer dark ness, for direct sunlight will actually kill bacteria. We disregard this fact in the planning of our fruit cellars because light fades the colors of canned goods, and we forego the germ-killing effect of light for aesthetic reasons. These tiny forms of life called collectively "micro-organisms," demand food and moisture in order to live and grow. The dry ing of food is a direct application of this fact. "When moisture is removed, bacteria cannot grow, or even live for indefinite periods of time. A third way of controlling growth of micro-organisms is through tem perature. This method is probably the most important from the standpoint of scope and satisfactory results, for it is the basis of all canning processes, as well as cold storage. The cold temperatures retard the growth of micro-organisms, though they do not kill. Hence cold storage is not ef fective indefinitely. A high derree of heat is a sure method of ki.Jing bacteria if the heat is continued for a long enough period of time. The boiling temperature for twenty min utes, or a higer temperature for less time is sure death. This statement is true only for bacteria plants, not for Hence in vegetable canning, where spores are frequent longer periods of time of sterlization are necsssary. i Sealing of Importance. The presence or absence of air is of minor importance, though some kinds of micro-organisms ,are sensi tive to its presence. The main reason for sealing canned foods effectively is to avoid the entrance of bacteria after the food is sterilized. In has been definitely shown that perfectly sterile air that is, air free from germs Advice to Lovelorn By Beatrice Fairfax Too Much "Eo." Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 17, attractive and well-educated, but It seems hard for me to make acquaintances. I don't know what the trouble la. When I have a chance of getting acquainted with a nice young man I am speechless. My mother says she can't understand me and thinks I am not friendly, but I am, and when I do meet a nice young man X go out with him once or twice and then I don't care to go out again with him. The same thing Is the trouble with me In the office where I am employed. My employer Is a single man and I like him very much, but 1 can't In any way show him that I do. When he Is around I am friendly, etc., but In a Very cool way, but because of my coolness to ward him he la the same toward me. O. K. The first part of your letter has "I I I," one "I" after another. Sd I am afraid that all this coolness and Indifference of which you speak is Just a matter of too much ego In your nature. No girl who la always thinking about herself and her effect on people can expect to be particularly Inter esting or charming or likable. What sur prises me Is that people take you out. Of course you are bored because you never get outside of yourself and think about the other person. Why don't you plant a little garden or take up some useful work which will help your country a bit and give you a really worthwhile interest ouslde gf your self 7 iooW Has a deliciouslv "smooth flavor." We remove "the sting of the malt" by our special process. COORS leaves no disagreeable after-taste and is retained by the most delicate stom achs. Ask for it. Recommended by Physicians 1 I .1 Co-Operation Readers are cordially invited to ask Miss Gross any questions about household economy upon which she may possibly give help ful advice; they are also invited to give suggestions from their expe rience that may be helpful to others meeting the same problems. may reach canned food without caus ing it to spoil. The last method of control of micro organisms is by the use of preserva tives. The word "preservatives" sug gests unpleasant substances with bad effects upon health. Strictly speak ing, though, salt, sugar, vinegar, spices and smoke are just ts much "preserva tives" as the objectionable benzoate of soda and the sulphates. We have no right to object to preservatives on principle, but should let each one stand or fall on its own-merits. Still, any of the home preservatives is of doubtful benefit to the human system if taken in large quantities. Vigilance Is Imperative. In thinking of the various preserv ing processes which carry out the principle of control, it is easy to draw certain conclusions. When we rely on pseservatives we need be only moderately careful, yet the food will keep. Very few women have any difficulty with their jams, preserves or pickles. With the canning pro cesses nothing but the greatest vigi lance will give satisfactory products. In those processes we rely upon tem perature control, which is a much more delicate device. Here all jars and utensils should be sterilized as well as the food. Here, especially in vegetable cold pack canning, the time element is of great importance be cause some vegetables have on them certain bacteria spores which require varying length of time to kill. The woman wfrb relies on "guess" as to the time of sterilization may come out successfully and she may not! What ever process of preserving food one is following, the real thing you are doing b to check the growth or kill the micro-organisms present, if you do either of these things, you are suc cessful. Picking Out Protein Foods Proteus was an old gentleman who, according to ancient mythology, could transform himself at will into a lion, a snake, a tree, water or whatever else struck his fancy. Hence the term "protein," which modern food experts use for describ ing the substance in foods that goes to make muscle and blood and which assumes a great variety of ostensible forms. Thus; for example, eggs, meat, fish, milk, cheese and the seeds of legumes (such as beans,, peas, cow peas, soypeas and peanuts) are largely composed of protein. Suppose that you want an ounce of protein. You can find it in a quart of milk or in four eggs or in seven ounces of medium fat meat or in four ounces of dried navy beans or in a twelve-ounce loaf of bread. The government office of home eco nomics says so and it further states that three and one-half ounces, of pro tein a day is a reasonable allowance for a man doing moderate - work a carpenter, for instance. The carpenter coukl get this much protein from one egg at breakfast, half a pound of pork chops or mutton chops at dinner and three-fourths of a teaeupful of baked beans at sup per. It is to be presumed that he would eat other things, such as bread and butter, which contain protein, but if he ate nothing else he would get all the stuff he needed for the building and repair of his body. Fuel supply for the body engine is a wholly different matter and is not here considered. Potatoes, cereals and fats are typical fuel foods. The average woman, being smaller than th eman, requires less protein. She can get along very nicely with two and four-fifths ounces of this es sential per diem. A child three or four years old will be adequately sup plied with it by a quart of milk every twenty-four hours, or a pint and a half of milk and one egg. To get enough protein, a family of five persons father, mother and three children should have, weekly, an equivalent of fourteen quarts of milk and ten and one-half pounds of nieat (or fish, or poultry, or eggs, or cheese). Every extra quart of milk used in cooking or otherwise makes it possible to reduce the allowance of meat by half a pound and every extra dozen eggs by one and one-half pounds. But it should be clearly understood that what is spoken of here is merely the body-building contribution to the diet. For fuel supply there must be fuel foods in addition. Among the latter, fats, sugar in one form or an other and potatoes and cereals to fur nish starch are most valuable. The prime essential, however, fs Superfluous Hair i)9Hiracfe The original liquid never dlsap- points. Only depilatory with money usck guarantee in earn package. Milk Can Help You Do Your Bit Two pounds of wholesome nutrition in a quart of milk. Compare the price with other foods. No shrinkage or peelings one of the few foods that doesn't require fuel. Richer in food value. Hoover says: "Yes, use milk-a-plenty." ALAMITO Milk is produced on the best farms. Pure and safe through scientific pasteurizing. Delivered "before breakfast" from our sanitary plant in thoroughly sterilized bottles. Phone us or ask your grocer. ALAMITO DAIRY CO. Doug. 409. Council Bluffs, 205. protein, and the housewife who is anxious to reduce the cost of living for her domestic establishment will choose the kinds of food supplies that furnish at lowest cost and with least waste what of this necessary her fam ily needs. Philadelphia Ledger. Bailiff Hulbert Better After Ptomaine Poisoning John H. Hulbert, veteran bailiff in district court, who suffered an attack of serious illness Saturday night, be lieved to ave been ptomaine poison ing, is out of danger. Mr. Hulberl is 78 years old and lives at the Carl ton hotel. Judge Estelle appointed Mr. Hulbert bailiff in January, 1900 and he has served with the oldest judge in district court in point oi service ever since. The combine1 ages of Judge Estelle and Bailifl Hulbert is nearly 150 years. Important Display and Sale of Wonderful New Fall Coats The coats, themselves, are the attraction yet they're sold so differently on a cash basis, in return for which we refund you one-half the usual profit. Coats of Velours, Broadcloths, Pompoms, Cheviots, Kerseys, Bolivias and Plushes. $25.00 "Thoroey" Coats at S19.75 $30.00 "Thorney" Coats at S24.75 $35.00 "Thorney" Coats at $27.50 $38.00 "Thorney" Coats at 29.75 $40.00 "Thorney" Coats at 32.50 $45.00 "Thorney" Coats at $34.50 $50.00 "Thorney" Coats at $38.50 $60.00 "Thorney" Coats at $49.50 $175.00 Fur Coats at $135.00 $200.00 Fur Coats at 9155.00 Your Early Inspection Invited 1 Join the "Good Scouts" they carry their own. packages put them in the tonneau of their own motor cars. -kT AT WELCOME JLECH. .1812 FARNAM :J LAST CHANCE OF THE SEASON Old Fashioned Basket Picnic Given by th GROCERS AND BUTCHERS AT. LAKE VIEW PARK THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1917 'AMUSEMENTS AND GAMES OF ALL KINDS Store Clot at 12:30 P. M. EVERYBODY WELCOME 6 mwm h Sold Only in Special Waxed Wrapp To Preserve Its Qufy Parity arid Freshi I I u u LI LT Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater, Had a wife and couldn't keep her; Put Washington Crisps in the pumpkin shell Then he kept her very well. THE picture showing the Pumpkin A Eater's wife in the Pumpkin shell, is one of the many beautifully colored toys given away free with Washington Crisps. Mother Goose, and her friends, Humpty Dumpty, Cinderella, Little Jack Horner and all the others have always been great favorites with the children, and thousands of them all over the country are now playing the new Mother, Goose game. Order Washington Crisps from your grocer and start your children today. Once Father tries these delicious Corn Flakes he will join in with the children and demand Washing ton Crisps. Washington NEW If I (process' THE PERFECT TOASTED CORN FLAKES n n n n n n n n mm