I Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Cloudy; Warmer , VOL. XLVII- NO. 73. J V" ? OMAHA, TUESDAY . MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1917 TEN PAGES. D Trslsfc it H.ttli. Km Statist. It U. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. LABORERS AT STOCK YARDS WALK OUT IN FACE OF HUGE ...... , . ' v . OF LIVE STOCK MONDAY RU If . r ........ - Demand Raise of $10 a Month Commission Men and V Their Employes Go Into the Pens to Take Care of Stock Shipments; Federal Conciliator Feick Meets Packers. ' Laborers in the South Side stock yards walked out yester day jpvornirig. Strikers claim that 300 men. quit . work,' but Everett Buckingham, general manager of 'the yards, says that not more than 150 have left. -. . - - - off men, keymcn, cart, delivery and ;, conttruction employes, ask for a raise of $10 per month. A committee Called upon the manager of the yards and made known their demands. They then organized rapidly and left for "Strike Hill," where they held a meet- jjing at the Schlitz hall. W. D. Patter-' son and X. P. Reynolds addressed ' them. - ( Not Expected So Soon. Everett Buckingham, when ques tioned in regard to the situation, said: "We are now paying our help more than any other yard on the Missouri river. JLast May we voluntarily gave the men a bonus of 10 per cent. I have heard that the men planned a strike," for next week, but thought nothing of it. After seeing the heavy run today I expect they thought it better to call it earlier." With a heavy run the employes of ' the commission firms rushed into the ' yards to take care of the stock ship ' ments of their customers. All are unanimous in stating that they will take care of all stock shipped to them, v Yard werk'is being bandied smoothly by the office men and sales '. men.-' - ' ' ' ' ' :' Strikers are cheertd in the after noon when they inarched up to the meeting of the striking packing house workmen ar.d declared themselves as being in the strike to stay with the packing house laborers. They march ed in a body to the hall at Twentieth and Q streets: ' 1,'-Vi .; The 30,0Q(Lhead of sheep, which ar rived at the yards" made some hus tling for the commission men, who were obliged to handle the stock with the aid of their office men. It crip pled the-jnarket because of the delay in sorting out the stuff. Feick Meets Packers. Uncle Sam's conciliator, Fred L. t Feick, in the afternoon met with pro resehtatives of the packers in the of fice of Manager Howe of Armour s. The packers presented their side of the irgument and then outlined the propo sition they were willing to make with the strikers. . ' ' The packers pointed out that, the wage scale for unskilled laborers had advanced 52:8 per cent since April, and that the increase in wages of skilled labor had increased even more. Following his conference with the packers, Mr. Feick left for the meet ing of the strikers. ; ,'. r Conciliator Optimistic. Fred L. Feick, specially assigned rovernment conciliator, arrived in Omaha yesterday - to- take care of , (Continued on Pse Two, Column Two.) Italian Warship Sunk by a fx Mine; Fifty Sailors Drowned " An? Atlantic Port, Sept'. 10. News of the sinking bf the Italian warship Umberto I by striking 4 mine while convoying merchant vessels through the Mediterranean sea' wa brought .- to an Atlantic port, by a Norwegian in ,todav. - Fiftv of the crew , perished, according -tp.the-story told! The Umberto I was a converted 'J nerchantman. ' The Weather . ' Fur Nebraifca Cloudy; warnier. Temperatures at Oman Yesterday. B. III............ . t I nt... it 10 a. m. 68 11 a.m.. 56 l nt. ... " - 1 p. m .' 63 1- 3 p. m.... t 2 p. m...T........ t ,4 p. m. ........... ST S p. m (K ( p. m.. (4 7 p. m.. 3 8 p. m. 61 Comparative Loral Beeord. . ' ' 191T. 11."H1S. 1914. Highest yesterday.-... 67 84 78 74 LKtt yesterday 61 - (0 64 24 MWuiHemperature.... S 1i 71 61 Prestation .05 1.26 T. .23 Temperature and precipitation departure . from the normal at Omaha:. x Normal temperature. . . . . . ............. 6S " Deficiency for tbe day... Total deficiency since March 1, 1917.... 210 Normal precipitation .14 Inch Deficiency for the dry...... 09 Inch Total rainfall since March i... .29.07 inches Deficiency since March 1, 1917... -1.8! Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1916.. 10.33 Inches - Deficiency for cor. period 191S. . ,30 Inch 4 Keports From Stations at 7 P. U. ' Station and State f "Temp. ; Hlgh-Baln-of Weather. Jp.ni , eet fall Cheyenne, cloudy........ 70 ;70 ',. .00 Davenport, clear 54 68 ' .04 Denver, cloudy.......... 70 v. 7J .00 Des Moines, pt cloudy.. 68 . 68 , ,00 Dodare City, cloudy..,. 66 70 .08 lender, cloudy 74 78 .0QH Aoni i iaie, ciuuuy .... . ,vi . Omaha, clear (S - 67 .96 Pueblo, cloudy 74 74 ,00 Rapid City, pt. cloudy.. 68 70 ' .00 Salt Lake City, eloudy.. 62 74 . .10 Santa Fa, pt. cloudy...-. 66 - 70 ,02" Sheridan, cloudy "... 72 84 ' ,00 Sioux City, pt cloudy.. 68 , 63 ' .00 Valentine, cloddy....... 68 68 .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation, v ' 4 'I A. WELSH, Meteoroloslst Ask Shippers Hold Stock Until the Strike Is Over Commission men on the Omaha market, at a meeting yesterday aft ernoon, decided to request shippers to refrain from shipping as much as possible until such time as the strike is settled. They stated that they would be able to take care of the run coming intoday They said they did not want to place an embargo, but simply make this as a request. CAPTURE OF RIGA ENDANGERS RUSSIAN BALTIC FLEET The German war office hat officially announced the occupation of the Rusip'-irlSea port of Riga by the armies of t'ruici' JJhe Russian evacuation. The capture of I ; the safety of the Rus sian Baltic fleet CONCILIATOR "WHO COMES TO SETTLE STRIKE. ' : '-- V FRED FEICK.1 SEWATE PASSES TV0 AND A HALF BILLION WAR TAX Largest Single Taxation Meas-;lure'Eye'r;Eassd-by. Con-, v gress Goes'Thrbughr . . (By Vsoclated rreu.) Wsahingtont"Sept. 10. The war tax bill the largest single taxation meas ure in American history-flWas passed tonight by the senate. ' It provides for a levy somewhat under $2,400,000,000 as compared with $1,867,870,000 pro posed in the "bill as it passed the house May 23. . . ' - - - The vote was 69 to 4, Senators Bo rah', Gronna, LaFoUette and Norris being recordedlin opposition. 11 The senate adopted, 40 to 34, Sena tor Smoot's motion to strike out the McKellar amendment providing a zone increase in second-class postage rates beyond 300 miles and designed to se cure $12,600,000. The house zone pro vision and the finance committee's special publishers' profits provision already had been eliminated. WYOMING BANKS FIFTH AND SIXTH READY TO LEAVE FOR CAMP CODY Fifth taBfcPnitsJMayJues day Night and the Sixth -( Probably Wilt Leave t Wednesday. ; : Soldiers of the Fifth Nebraska; liv ing along the lines of. the Northwest ern , and Burlington today will en train at their home towns and arrive in Omaha some time during the after noon or flighty Here they will be joined by, the Omaha contingent and on special trains be carried to Union, where Wednesday morning they will be joined by that portion of the Fifth now in camp in Lincoln. ; , At Union trams will .be "consoli dated and proceed over; the. Missouri Pacific to ? Kansas, where . they will be turned over to-the Santa Fe to be carried to Deming, ,'N. M. Yesterday .there; were 1,500 sol diers of the National Guard of Min nesota and Wisconsin in the city, en route to Deming The . men came in over the Omaha road and go out over the Missouri Pacific" S They' Remain in Omaha only long enough to per mit of the four trains being; switched I from the Omaha to the Missouri. Pa cific tracks and to ice; the cars. - The .four companies -of 'the Sixth Nebraska in. Omaha, which Saturday night received sudden orders itc-be readv for entrainment to Deming, are now all on hand expeqtjng; orders to move Wednesday. :."'.'? V, J Colonel. Hall -"says now that it is uncertain just' when the Sixth ; will move. He said that afthough the' or ders were received Saturday night to prepare the companies of "the state that it is now a matter, of transporta tion, but that it is hoped, to have the equipment by Wednesday. ' - German SNb Damaged . .JnWned In "Spain Cadiz, Spain, Sept 10. A (Sermon submarine, seriously damaged," has arrived at this port convoyed by a Spanish torpedo boat. The sub marine will be interned in La Carraca harbor. ' ' V TRANSFERRED TO OMAHA RESERVE iVotfr on Referendum thai They t. Prefer to Do Business With Oamha Rather Than: ' With Denver. " ' Wyoming banks of the federal' re serve system have beehvtransferred, effective September 30, to tHe direct jurisdiction of the ; new .Omaha branch of the Kansai City . Reserve bank .' j 1 K ! Wyomingf .banks .were asked .'to take a "referendum as to. which , they preferrei, Omaha.; or. .Denver, and they voted for Omaha. Change to Omaha. Y : The national banks of Wyoming will now do, their federal reserve busi ness, with the. branch bank at Omaha, instead of with"" the! parent; bank at Kansas Cityi ' 'Their reserv, which has for two years been deposited in the Federal Reserve bank at Kansas City, will now be transferred to the vaults of -the branch bank in Omaha at Thirteenth and Farnam streets.- The ledger accounts of the Kansas City bank, recording' the business with the Wyoming national banks. will be immediately shipped to Oma ha by express,' and the loose leaves will be - inserted in the new ledgers here. Wyoming notes will be. sent to the Omaha branch for rediscount, and Wyoming checks will be cleared here for . credit in the" Federal Reserve Omaha "branch. y '.' ," Outline of German Pecice Terms , A Circulated at Washington Washington. Sent 10. What pur ported to be an outline of Germany's peace terms has been circulated among diplomats here, but has been regarded by the entente embassies and most of the neutrals as a "feeler." The origin of the so-called terms was not disclosed, but they are said to have been written by Foreign Sec retary von Kuhlmann before his visit to Vienna, which since has. been pointed to as strengthening the prob ability that they bear evidences of authenticity. . Briefly, the soalled terms were as follows: ' Restoration of Belgium and north ern France to be paid for out of the sale of Germany's colonies to Great Britain. v , " ' Alsace and Lorraine to be inde pendent states (high French officials recently have stated anew the de termination of France to be satisfied with nothing less than the recovery of its lost provinces.) - ' ; Triest to be a "free port." ' . Serbia and Roumania to be restored, and Serbia to have a port on the Adri atic. . ; ; . i ,, i , The Balkan question and the status of Turkey to be subjects for negotia tion. Disarmament and interna tionar po lice. - - ' r Freedom of the seas -with Great Britain in control of the English chan nel until the projected tunnel is built between Dover and Calais. , '-i'r This outline , of terms circulated without definite stamp of any official authority, it will be' noted, bears in many respects avrtsemblance to the general tenor of jUie peace proposals of Pope Benedict By some diplomats such an outline it regarded as presenting something susceptible of discussion. It is dis cussed merely as a possibility, with out having yef advanced fully into the range of probability Rock Island Unskilled- . Lajio ! pairbury," Nebept W. (Special Telegram.) Thirty Rock Island em ployes in the Nebraska division shops here, struck this morning , for higher and better working conditions. , The employes involved engine wipers, laborers, ".hre builders' and hostler helpers.; , They demanded an increase of 7, cents an hour with time and a half, for Sundays' and' holidays, and after ten hours service.- The men, who are now paid 24 cents an hour', assert they are unable to live on these wages. Recently op erating officials granted skilled, me chanics an' increase of 9 cents an hour. 1 . . . . . Senate to Consider Opening Oil Lands Washington, . Sept.' '10. Favorable report on Senator Walsh's bill to open for use 4,000,000 acres of oil and min eral land, including about 8,000 acres in naval reserve No. 2 'in California, was made today by the senite public lands committee. It proposes the operation by-the government or the leasing of the lands containing coal, oil, potash and sodium. Suffrage Is Doomed T ' To Defeat in Maine . iPortland, Me, Sept 10. Women suffrage in Maines was defeated, 2 to 1, at the special election today of the voting ratio,' indicated by newspaper returns from , approxi mately oncthird ot the state pre vailed in the remaining districts. ' Returns from 275 election pre cincts out of 635 in the state gave: Yes. 11,161; no, 22,296. - , ' ;The tabulation included complete returns from the principal cities. , MAYCOMPLETE JURY IN KELLY CASE BYNIGHT Eighty Veniremen Have Been Examined and Twenty-Four More' Ordered for Today; .Addresses Wednesday. By JdWARD BLACK. (Staff Cormpvndrni for, .The Bf.) ". t Red Oak; la. Sept 10Opecial Telegram.S Completion Tuesday: of the jury that is to hear the trial of the Rey Lynn George J.- Kelly, charged with the murder of one of the eight persons slain with an ax at Villisca, la, in 1912, was expected when ad journment was taken late Monday. If every peremptry . challenge is used, six more juror! must be passed for cause if the final jury is deter mined, and with fifty-four of the spe. ciai venire ot seventy-nve already ex amined. Judge W. D. Boise, nresid. ing, ordered an extra veniue of twenty-six drawn for tomorrow. Eighty already have been called and of that number sexenty-slx have been examined. One was absent and three were excused because of infirm ities or age. -.. ... - With rhe addition , jurors Sum moned, there : will have een 130 Montgomery county citizens on hand from which to select the jury. ' Better headway was made todav than on any previous day in the pass ing of prospective jurors. Twenty nine were called during the day and seven of those were passed. - VENIREMEN ARE EXAMINED. James Edwards. 65 vears of are. farmer, thlrty-two years in Mont gomery county, was one of the first who aterred he had ho ooinion ort th case, or had he expressed any opin- iuu iu uny one, n ucciarea nis mina was quite free of bais of any kind, an unusual statement duriwr this lontr grind of jury selection. Edwards was born in Wales. .".V . : Hal Hausen of Villisca, director of Villisca National bank: nf which formtf- State Senator F. F. Tones is te neaty irankiy admitted he did not consider; jhimself art acceptable can didate for jury service. He did not think he would be. the kind of juror he would wshr; were he in Keltv'i placej He was excused in short order. L. : E. Wolfe . said : his siter ' is -the wife of W..HtFinlayson. cashier of the Villisca Nafional bank, and for obvious reasonsVljfc too, was excused. Jurors are examined closely by the defense regarding, any possible as sociation,; wiin-vr. r. jones, or his son, Albert, t both of whom . fisTure prominently in the local situation. Opening Address .Wednesday. 1 Heliner' 'Walsrrea'n-. of Frankfort township,' 26 years old, farmer, plead ed that he would rather, be home where he, belonged, tjian" serve on the jury. He has crops which need attention, V but he was SO' franklin his statements that both sides oassed him. without much questioning. -He admitted he had an opinion, but de clared that his, opinion would yield readily to any evidence which might discredit that opinion. When the final twelve men are se lected they will be' sworn in imme- diately, but if.' the jury" is not com pleted until late Tuesday, it is likely adjournment will be ! taken and the opening statements of counsel will be gin as soon as ine opening addresses are made. , t -r . -r Interest throuehout the countv has become increased over 'the probability of the opening statements in the casei being made" as early as Wednesday morning, with a . possibility of the real beginning of the case being made Tuesday afternoon. Attorney: Hess for the state; and Attorney .Mitchell for the defense; are expected tolnrtake openig 'statements, but that is . not definite. - -' . - Who Are Men o( Mystery. ; Attorney Suttorf frequently referred to "men of mystery " - He explained that he had a suspicion that 'state agents not generally known might be at work, but there seemed t6 be nothing to prove jury interference from that source.: . s- C. E. Peterson and C. I. Miller, of ficers of the Kelly defense committee, recivd postal cards from Kelly sym pathizers I he cards are addressed to them as Industrial Workers of the World members audi they , were asked foolish questions, evidently intended to be satirical references of the 100 questions, which have loomed up dur ing the last week. . Attorney Sutton received letters from persons who have ideals and who believe they have theories. One letter from an Omaha medium who does not sign his or her name, stated that "voiced can be. heard;" that "perhaps he might save an innocent man's life; that he has received .spiritual mani festations, and that these wer defi nite." He hints that it Kelly did commit the Villisca crime he may have been guided by art evil spirit, or even may have been guided by an evil spirit to confess to a crime which he did.not commit.' This al leged medium wants to come to Red Oak and demonstrate ' in the court room by means' of a piano just how its possible to hear spirit manifesta tions. : , " MARTIAL LAW NOW RULES PETR0GR AD; FORM NEW CABINET Premier Kerensky Removes Korniloff, Who Demands J Supreme Power, and Appoint General Klembovsky . . Commander in Chief of Armies; Proclamation Declares Dangerous Situation Exists. " (Continued on Pt Twa Coining Four.) ' Grain Elevators Operating Under Government Orders Washington, Sept. 10. Grain ele viitors began operating Hv mw(.f license restrictions. - , GERMANY'S MOVE TOWARD PEACt s BUT FIRST STEP Expected to Insist on Status Quo as Means of Preparing for Concessions r to Come. " People i London, Sept. 10. Throughout of cial London the belief is held that a very ;defmite peace offer will come from Germany1 before winter and that the offer Will tuggest immediate ces sation, of hostilities on a status quo basis. .'"'::,. r' . , ' , Entente statesmen have fuhy indi cated that they will refuse such terms, and no doubt Germany is aware of this, but German leaders tegard a status quo offer , from the Uerman side as an indispensable step in the f reparation of German public opinion or further concessions. . ..... . A high official authority gave th ing, statement ot tne, situation in Geffiian art-regards peace: , ; .:.:'.'There'iJ-no doubt that the Ger- man government is anxious to get out ot the war at the, earliest possi ble moment on any terms which will insure it against revolution at home and national collapse. ' , , "Great numbers of people in Ger many today would welcome a peace on a status quo basis, this meaning practically a draw) in which no bel ligerent would occupy any territory Wcyond which it possessed in July, 1914, and in which, moreover, each side, would bear its own burden in respect . of the material losses in curred during the course of the war. Germany Exhausted. . "Since. Germany's so-called peace offer a year ago, the continued pressure-of the entente and the entry of the United States has completely changed the situation. The question is now, in. fact, not what are the war aims which Germany will impose be fore it grants peace, but what terms she, itself, will be willing to accept. That is a very simple statement of the greatest fact in the war situation today.- -i-' "The entry of the United States and many of the South American re publics has put, economic matters into the foreground. The German gov ernment must view with extreme ap- i i prcucusion mc situation at nome in the months immediately succeeding the declaration of peace. The physi cal exhaustion of the people and of the country, combined with the want of food, which cannot be immediately remedied,- and the nd ofi raw mate rial for starting manufacturers, will create a most serious, situation. If, when the troops come back from the front, it is not possible immediately to start again the industrial life of the country and provide food and work there will inevitably be a very dangerous revolutionary movement. "This would be started by the mi nority socialists .and . if Germany comes out of the. war without a defi- Petrograd, Sept 10. General Kortiiloff: commanderin chief of the Russian armies, has started" revolt He hat de manded that he be placed in supreme power. " - Premier Kerensky hat declared that a state of war exists in the town and district, of Petrograd. ! .; ORDERS RESIGNATION. The premier has ordered General Korniloff to resign as commander-in-chief in consequence of Korniloff's de mand for supreme power. J General Klembovsky has Veen ap pointed commander-in-chief. Membera of the cabinet today told the Associated Press that the pro visional government regarded Gen eral Korniloff's pronunciamento as an act of "rebellion which must be ruth lessly suppressed; The government, it was added, be lieved it had enough loyal troops and the support of the Russian people to enable it to put down the Korniloff movement. . , When M. Lvoff saw JPremier Ker ensky Saturday and presented Gen eral Korniloff's demands, it developed today, he told the premier that an organisation of Duma members, Mos cow industrial interests and other con servatives who played the role of the opposition at the recent Moscow con ference, were supporting General Kor niloff. , ' , ' x . These interests, said M. Lvou, were not against. Premier Kerensky, who was invited to general headquarters to meet General Korniloff. 1 The premier refused the demands of JM. Lvoff, who was then (arrested, and, under exami nation, gave the details of the con spiracy. , . . " LOKOMSKY ALSO TRAITOR. ; An official statement-says that Gen eral Lokomsky v "also . proved S traitor," refusing to take command of the Russian armies in succession to General Korniloff. , , - ' ' ' The soldiers' and workmen's body, the statement aUds,' has ordered all the army organizations to obey the provisional government against the conspiracy, stating that General Kor niloff will be punished for treachery and that General . Klembovsky. will provisionally succeed to the chief command. Eleven cabinet ministers were in continuous session in the winter rial- ace all day Sunday considering meas ures to face General Korniloff's re volt, which, in conversations with the Associated Press correspondent, the ministers admit is the gravest event since tne revolution. s So far, except for the deposition of General Korniloff. which the s-eneral is apparently determined to defy, no measure have been decided upon, but the discussion is oroceedina- on a plan to constitute a directory of five men vested with full power. . ine names so tar submitted for membership in this bodv are Pre- mier Kerensky, Vice Premier Nek rasoff, M. Skobeleff, the minister of labor; M. Terestchenko, the minister of foreign affairs, and M. Savinloff, the assistant minister of war. REVOLT NOT DANGEROUS.' In a talk with the correanondent Foreign Minister Terestchenko said: "The plan for the directory is un der discussion and may be decided to night... So far the government is un able to make, any statement - "At , 12 o'clock we, expect the ar rival of General Alexieff. with whom we will confer. - My personal opinion is that General Korniloff's revolt is not dangerous and is partly due to a misunderstanding, which will be cleared up." , V: ' , .', Regarding ., the rumors ' of ' wide- . spread arrests in Petrograd today in connection with the revolt,1 the Asso ciated Press correspondent is author ized to declare that no arrests have ) Continued n Face Two, Column Three.) , (Continaeil One.) The Bee Leads Over All . The Sunday Score Advertising in The Bee . (Wnrfisld Agency Measurements) First in Totals -i First in Gains , . First in Favor SUNDAY, SEPT. 91917. IN INCHES. Local Display. .1,266 ' Foreign Display...... ...,100 Automobile 822 ' Classified 736ft ' Total. . . . .2.924H SAME SUNDAY LAST YEAR. IN INCHES.' Local Display. . . 751 Foreign Display..,......;.,.,.,.,.. 93 Automobile s. ............ 309 ' CJassjtied .'...'.;'." 685 ' ' Tdtal... ..vV.V.V:.. 1,838ft : Bee Gains 1,086 Inches. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BEE Improving Every Day. 1