Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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After Fifty-Four Years of Con
tinuous Service, Rev. Leon
ard Groh Retires From
. M iniitry.
Rev. Leonard Groh, for twenty
one-years pastor of St Mark's Lu
, theran church and fifty-four years
: actively engaged in the ministry, has
retired, but during the remainder of
his life will continue in church work
As pastor of St. Mark's church, he
is succeeded by Rev. S. dcFreese, who
, preaches his first sermon hers Sunday
Rev. Mr. deFreese, the new pastor
at St Mark's Lutheran church, is
about 40 years of age, married and
has a family of three boys. He comes
here from Vernon, Neb., was the pas
tor ot the Lutheran church for a
number of years. His family arrived
in Omaha this week, coming overland
in an automobile. ,
Rev. Mr. Groh entered the ministry
in 1863, his first charge having been
in Germantown, Pa. He preached
there for many years before coming
west. Since becoming the pastor of
St Mark's church, through his efforts,
a brick and stone church building at
Twentieth and Burdette streets has
been erected and paid for. He was in
strumental in securing the erection of
a manse, t fine building that he
has occupied some years, but which
will now be turned over to the new
pastor. rri-l:, - i -
The retirement of Rev. Mr. Groh
came before the congregation of St.
Mark's church some weeks ago. it
having , been suggested by Rev.
Mr. Groh that on account of hit ad
' vanced age, a younger man would
have to be found to direct the spiritual
affairs of the church. Members would
not listen to the proposition, but Rev.
Mr. Groh was insistent and conse
quently ReV. Mr. deFreese was called
to the pastorate. ... .
Rev. Mr. Groh is east 85 years of
age, but he is still vigorous and
active. . ,; .. '
, Sunday will be generally observed
throughout the country as a day of
prayer for schools. Sermons and ad
dresses will be delivered on various
phases of public education and on the
importance 01 mo insirutuuii ui uc
youth of America in morality. In
pulpits and nomes prayers win dc oi
fered for the children and youth of
These Pretty Nebraska Babies Were Prize Winners in the Baby Show
At Lincoln in Competition With Winsome Tots From Many Counties
the land as they begin their school
work. Local clergymen will observe
the day by appropriate sermon and
. At B'Nai Israel synagogue Sunday
evening there will be held a mass
meeting, to which all Jewish people of
Omaha are invited. The purpose is to
take action looking to uniting all the
Hebrew schools of Omaha under one
board o( directors. At the meeting
there will be a discussion of "De
tails of a United School," "Kinder
garten for Children from ' 4 to o
years and "Evening Classes for
Adults." -
The milliliter of the First Baptist
church. Rev. Atonzo A. DeLarme,
announces that Sunday night he will
preach a special sermon dealing with
- the city schools. He will compare
the rapid growth o Omaha's schools
during th last year with schools of
other cities and make a plea for the
abolishing of all church schools in
the interests of religous unity and
patriotism. ' The service will open at
7:45. and th public is invited, espe
cially all those interested in common
schools. "Bargain Counter Religion;
is the topic of the morning discourse.
A jubilee service will be held at
Pearl Memorial church Sunday ft 11
o'clock. Final payment on notes
given two and one-half years ago
has been made. The debt -of $3,500
on the building hit been paid.
At the Benson Presbyterian church
Sunday evening t there will be
. sacred musical service. . .
Trinity, Twnty-f!f th and H, Rv, Charlea
F. Holler, PMtriJ, Sunly eehool; U.
"H the Great World War Proof That Our
ChriaUan Civlllaation I a Fallurr ito,
Junior Bapttat Youne People union i :36,
Senior Baptist Toum Peopif union: t.l,
"On th Voyaf ot J.lf Tiuet In G4." Mia
T Barne of Hot Springs, S. .. wUl alnf
at both aervlcea. .-
Tint, Park . n4 Hrniy, Aton Alvln
rLrm. Mlnlitir 1:4$, Sunday ochool) 11,
"Bra!n ConnUf lliom" :4, younf
popli tnMttnf! t:4, "Our Publlo
BchooU;" T:it Wodnnday, ' th church's
midweek horn (attiartag. .
Calvary, : Twnty-tinh and - Hamilton,
Ha. W. A. Andrion, Paator Praachlns at
l:t an St I, younf paapla'i maatlns:
Wadneaday pfayar aorvloa, S.
i Immantiet. 5 Twanty-fourth and Plnknay,
Arthur i. Morrta, Pantor 1!. "Tha Bu.
pram Cjutntion ;" Bllile achaol at noon,
- Oharln W. Simon, wpaftntandant; ?, younc
paople'a maatlast S, a foaptl maaac and
(oapel alnglnfi prayer and prataa aervtce
Vt'adnaaday, S.
Ora, Tnth an Arbor, . B, Tatt, Pas
tor "Th Blbia, Th Word Ot Ood" at 11.
ChrlaUau Cfawna" at .
Sanaon, Itaty.llrat and; Main, T. AAdr
boa, Paator U. Blbla achooli 11, worahtp
and aarmon; 1, in irvic, with apaclal
mualeal procram by chotr, aaalstad by tut
aid UlenL
. . ChrtntUn.
Flrat. Twnty-iixth and Rarnay,. Charlaa
E. cobbay, Paatoi-At 1, anrmon by Rav,
a. Mc Daniel: :S, Jlav. t, B. Malln, mla-
' alonary to Japan, wlll apaak) )Bndaavor
aenrlcta, :S0.
Chrtitlaa Salfttea.
j 8cond, Dundea Thtr, I01S Underwood
. Avanue At 11, "Man.' Sunday achooU ;t;
Wadneaday Tenn( mtatint, I.
Third, DntWI Hall, 2414 Ama Avenue
At H. "Man;" Sunday acboel. and 11:
wodneaday mat ting, I.
Hlllalde. v Thirtieth and Ohio. W. I
Hampton, Paator Praathlnc, 10;H and S;
Sunday achool at noon; wentsr ispdeavor, T.
Central Park, Forty-aecond and Saratoga.
Penton E. Cleveland, Paator Sunday achooL
10; apeelal church opening aervlc and aer.
roan, 11: Christian Endeavor, 7 pHwehing,
S; prayer meeting Wadneaday at the ettureh.
St Soy Scout meeting at th church Mon
day, J:45. ;;f,;,;v. , .v v,i m,-:- ?
tint. Nlnateenttt and Davenport'" ff4
T. Clark, Paator At It:!, "Th Iteaur
.' retloB tit Uod;" Sunday echool at noon
wdnday. . t "Mr. Settling 8 It
Through," ky C, 0. McDonald, followed by
upea diacuastoa ot affect f th war on
.. . religion. , y , t ,
PtyrooejtH. Elrhteaiith and Imm(. . F. W,
Leavltt, Minlater Church achool, 10 1 tan
sallatle aarvteea,' 11 and It Rev, J. w,
rifleld. Kanau atywlll preaeh..
kt. John1. Twanty.flfth ana firown. Rev
' O. K. Cleveland, Rector Sunday achool at
Ctl, lervw At li.
Good ghapherd. Twentieth and Ohio, Sav,
Thomaa J. Collar. Roc tor Holy communion,
' 7:10: ehureh mhooU holy communion
" and . aermoa, 1 1. ... , . ' -.
ft Paul', Thlrty-aecond and California,
. Bav, Arthur H. Maran, naewr noiy com
nuniOB. Sunday school (Rally-, day)
l:4: morning prayer and er3. 11.
St Andrwi, Party -eawtid and RamlUon,
Jr It. rkK-ithart. Reetor Holy communion.
; S: Blbl Mfeooi, M- at .11, 'Th Way of
rtrat Twehileth and Maon, Rev. TItua
Tn. Paatar Germaa aervlca with eeiehra
tios of holy communion, lo: confeaaloual
i "r?C:" l Ci - -y . - r Erf'-- . xf " ;'4
.;' . ttJ-J : -frf 7.. . X :
Lf I v
t-r;i. If ;m i I f 7 I
Work for Appraisal ;
Committee Increases
The appraisal -committee of the
Omaha Real Estate board finds itself
increasingly called . upon for ap
praisals. The past week a real estate
firm of Wisconsin engaged the serv
ices of the tommittee, preferring to
pay for an expert appraisal rather
than to take for nothing the hit and
miss opinion of min who have not
given the property careful considera
tion, -
In this connection one of the dis
cussions that will come before the
Real Estate board in the near future
is "what constitutes real estate val
ues?" The bearing of location, char
acter of property, the rental value, di
rection of the city's growth, public
conveniences, character of improve
ments and a number of other factors
enter into the scientific valuation of a
piece of real estate.
Many men will base their opinion
on some one or two of a score of
factors that gd to make a valuation,
whil those who give scientific in
vestigation will attempt to consider
the value of all the conditions. It is
because of its unscientific appraise
ment under Judicial proceedings, as,
for example, sheriff's sales or partition
or referee's sales.
Top Row, Left to Right, Ruth Lucille Stahl,: Role Ada Luckhardt, Mary Janet Baker,
Frances Willard, Amo Eager, Arlene Hampton.
Middle row, left to right, Donald Caslavsky, Rex Everett Martin, Lucille S. Knight and
Nellie Cleveland (double), George Richard Haysel, James Russell Sansenui.
Bottom Row, Left to Right, Eugene Francis Clare, Janet E. Diehl, Hope Collier Probosco,
Frederick William Burr, Harold Zucnechek.
ftervlce, tttOt EnglUH rvtc. I, "The
Lutheran Church and the Pop." ,
Flrat MlMlon. Fifty-third and Centur
Sunday achool, 1:10. ,
Danish, lit South Twenty.ieoond, Alfred
Soreneen, Paator 1:10, Sunday achool:
preaching at 10:10 and I; 1:10, Blbl claia;
evening aervloas S:l. Toung Paoole'a
meeting. .
tudden Memorial. Nineteenth and Pa.
telar. RV. 0. W. Snvder. Paetor 11. "Our
Meeagt" 10. Sundav achnol. "Total Ah.
atinenoa." Tha Ladlea Aid and Woman'
Mtealonary aoclaty will meat Thursday from
i to a at the residence of Mrs. Hattl
Haueer, 8161 Fowler avenuo. .,
Zlon. Thlrtv.elxth ann a n
torlmtr. Paator: Sve Nnl.nn. nrit
Blrgar Kdqutat, Choir Director S:4S, Bun
day achooli aarvtoe at 11 and I. Th
Junior Luther league will meet at tha horn
Ot Rosco Anderson, 411 Nicholas. Tuday
avnlngt midweek rvlc Wednesday even-
war.' n iaaiea- Aia wm meet at th horn
of Mrs. Frank Swaneon, 3513 Seward,
Thursday afternoon; choir rehearsal Friday
evening. ,
uraca. Twentv.eUlh. ,um
Rv. Luthar M. Kuhna, Paator Ir, Charge
10. Sunday aohool, J, F. Smith, siiperln-
jenuenii n, aermon ny Alexander Br,
weetarn Theological seminary, -Atchison,
Kaa.t T, Luther league, "Tha Deacon In
th Congregation leadar, Miss Mildred
fnltld. At thla aervlca Miss Mary LMd
Of th Methodist hospital wilt speak.
Jennlnaa. Flftv-fint mn uinirM tt
Chenoweth, Faster Sunday aahool, 10, P. U
Edgar, auperlntertdsnti at 11. burrini r th.
mortgage. "Why Are Church Debtai" Bp.
worth leagde. 7. Mis Surah Given, nnxi.
' , w. .uu iuv rurpoiff OS ma
A. L. H'heeler Memorial, Twenty-thlrd and
Rev. A. U Wheeler, Paator Bible School,
t:4B; 10:55, "Tha Significance Ot tha Open
ing ot tha Schools," public prayers from
congregation) young reopiss society or.
Chriatian Endeavor, 7.
Covenant. Twenty-esventh and Pratt,
Charlea H. Fleming, Paator At 10:10, "Th
Vital Need!" Bible School at noon; junior
Endeavor, I! senior, i; at s. 'Th second
ot Thre Keys ot Propheuyi" Wednesday
evening, 'third chapter of Daniel.
Falrview, Fortieth and Pratt Bible school,
Hi Endeavor, T; evening service, I; Rev.
Mr.- Luc will preach; Wednesday evening
th midweek aervlc of prayer and Bible
atudy.- ,. ........
ki5ut,L1d,r' . Albert Dowllng; at S,
MoCabe. Pnrtv.flMt nrt v.ra.m t ir
Binoumo, Pastor . -45, Sunday achool; 11,
. nhubl Supply i 1, Bpworth leagua;
i, "Judgm.ent Hall." . -
Ulrat Memorial. Thirty-fourth and tart.
more, Joseph Stopford, Pastor Sunday
10; at 11, "On of Christ Last
Boworth lriiu S(1. mt f.en "i
rrsftcnera rurpoaa. "
Pearl. Tvrentv.fnurth and T .trlmAM. Vait
. jjowen, raator At :S, Sunday achooli
11, review of year and burning of mortgag;
7, Bpworth league; preaching at I.
Trlhity. Twen(v-flr 11,4 mnnv Tnhn V
Ppuoher, Pastor Th pastor returned from"
ms vacation ana will preach morning and
vnlng; musto by the choir, B. F. WH.
llama, chorister : Mr. Flora Sear Nelson.
arvanlsL 8untv .hni a. is niik,,n
M, Tyson, uperintendnt; Epworth league, 7,
nn vianey, preaiaent. ,. -.. -
Norwailan and Donf.h. Twiv.fif(K n
Decatur, Jamea SanaUer, Paator Sunday
aohool in Engllah, 10) prrachtng la mother
(rogue, ii la xngiiah, ; prayer meeting
luiimsr, a.....
Oak Street, Twentieth and Oak. H. C.
Burrows, Minlater Sunday achool. S:4i
preaching it 11 and I: Junior Epworth
league, 1; teacher' training class, 4; Ep
wdVth leagu. 7; Blbl atudy .and praytr
muni, , weoaHday.
vHanaeotn Parh, WoolwortH and Oaorgla,
Emory D. Hull, Minlater At 11. "Lifa, th
uut oi uoa;- i;t&, -ueiievlng uod."
Tenth and Plerc. C N. Dawson,
Paator Sunday achool at 4:41: Dr. J. I
Frans, Mpertntandent Subjeot at 11, "Look
ing Forward." Epworth leagu rally day
at 7. Subject at 1, "What Shall tha Mar-
vest : prayr muting Wednesday at S,
'''?' lC Presbytrla. ;T;f ,:;
Dundee. Fiftieth and Underwood. Harry
B. Foater. Minlater At 11, Th Tt That
Binds." communion! S, "What , Rltgloa
. Low Avanue, Fortieth and Nlehola. A
F. Emit, Mtnlatar At lt:lt. "Maaaar of
Lift Worthy of tha Gospel;" Sabbath achool
ai noon, Dr. J. M. Patten, superintendent
i, junior Endeavor aoclety; 7. Senior En
nearer aoctety; S, "Our PnbHo School
course.- The Lord' Supper , will be ad'
minlater! ia connection with th morning
fourth and FarnaM. Ed
win Hart Jenks, Ptor Preaching at 10:30)
Sunday achool at noon, Frank . Clark, 4u
perinttndant; Christian Endeavor, 7.
Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason. 3.
Franklin Toung, Pastor Blbl school, 1:48;
at 11, "The Slngl Source of Glorying;"
Toung People' Society of Christian En
deavor meeting. 6:30; at 7:10, "Being Fals
to On' Inmost Convictions."
Benson. A. J. McClung, Pastor Sunday
achool, 8:45; at 11, "Revlv Thy Work!"
Christian Endeavor, (:4t; at S, a aervlo ot
special music; pray ar meeting Wednesday
at S. '.'.. f ...
North, Twenty-fourth ahd Wirt Dr. D,
M, Jankilta, prldnt University of 6maha,
will preach morning and tvnlng ttrvlce.
Sabbath school, S;4i; junior Christian Kn
dcavor. 1:80; Senior Christian Endeavor, jjjfl.
Musical Soldiers Swell Mess Fund
By Singing at Nebraska State Fair
There are five voiceless but happy
"Llttls Tommy Tuckers' tip at the
armory. Armed with $19.55 and fifty
Bees in which there was s story tell
ing how they had collected this sum
to take them to the fair by sinning
at the Union station Wednesday, the
five boarded s train, for Lincoln.
They returned minus their voices.
but with the fat sum ot $132.
"And, we saw everything st the
fair, too," horsely whispered Corpo
ral Mevens, manager of the tilth
machine gun quintet. "We sang on
the train, we sang for our entrance
to the grounds, we sang for our din
ner and supper", - v ,.
As soon as the train moved out of
the station the singers raised, their
voices. At once applause began
"Who are you? Where are you
going?" was put to the boys from all
sides. For answer they passed around
copies of The Bee, which toM the
story, while they continued singing.
Coins rained into the hat and the ap
plause increased. . -"
They were invited into other
coaches, where they, reaped a rich
harvest. 4 When they reached Lin
coin their treasury Contained $40.
At the fair they simply "woke them
up,", as one of them expressed it.
When they began to sing they passed
Bees out to the crowd. Alt this was
a new stunt for Lincoln and the jolly
fair crowds gave the singing soldiers
a big welcome. After s happy day
the boys returned hoarse as crows,
but with about seven times as much
money as they had on leaving. When
they recover their voices , they will
sing in Omaha for the company fund.
Twenty-six hospital ,, apprentices
will be sent from the navy recruiting
station in Omaha to San Francisco
next Tuesday. The duties of thes
men will include first aid work, field
work and general hospital duties.
Most of these men are licensed phar
macists and well educated in general
lines: ? They were examined by Dr.
F. A. Cochran of the recruiting sta
tion. This is a popular branch of the
service, but has high requirements,
making entrance not an easy
matter. (
Twenty-four apprentice seamen will
be sent from Omaha to the Great
Lakes training school September 17.
Men enlisting in the navy now are
no longer required to wait a while for
a call, but are sent at once to the
training school.
The navy is the proud possessor of
twelve new cooks, due to the efforts
of the Omaha recruiting station last
week. Practically all of the newspa
pers in Nebraska and Iowa have do
nated space to the call for cooks and
bakers sent out by the Omaha station
and in one week the above number
applied. - , , i
An extensive knowledge of cooking
Is not necessary for a man wishing to
enlist as a cook in the navy. At the
Great Lakes training station s scien
tific cooking school is maintained and
anyone wishing to learn to cook can
enlist and be sent, there for training.
He will draw a good salary while
cooking for Uncle Sam's tars and
after the war he will have a trade
with which he may earn s good liv
ing anywhere, 1
A" military hop will be given Fri
day, September 14, by the machine
gun "company of the Fifth Nebraska.
W. L. Keep, proprietor of the Keep
dancing academy st Twenty-fourth
and Farnam, will donate hall and or
chestra for the occasion, so all the
proceeds will go to swell the com
pany mess fund. Tickets Can be ob
tained at the Armory and at leading
drug-stores. t: .' - ,
I fjeutenant Gonyo of. the Fort.Oma
ha balloon school took his solo flight
Saturday. This is the last of the
seven flights b a free balloon required
of s student at the school, the suc
cessful completion of these entitling
the student to a pilot's license from
the Aero Club of America. .
If Thera Isn't a
in your homo you should Investi
gate th special offer of style VI.
machine enclosed in thia aw
sabinet, for
MAW ta tha tim to buy. Wauta
H all fall and winter venlng ar
befor you.
Prices have not advaned and
you can purchas at thla ator
on aay trm If you wish.
Phono ua today to plac thla
machin and cabinet in your homo
on approval. , '
I Orchard fflelmg
II Company Ii
1513 International Motor Trucks
were sold in theUnited States in July
one month for commercial purposes
We have now been selling motor trucks for ten years.
During that ten years our sales have shown a constant increase
a steady, conservative growth built entirely upon the' quality of the
product. . " ' - ; ' , . .y'.
Every one of the 1513 sales was made because the
purchaser knew of ' some other International Motor
Truck that had made v a satisfactory record with its
owner. Many, of course, were repeat orders.
. What better proof of satisfactory performance could any motor
truck purchaser ask? What better guarantee that money paid for an
International is wisely invested? ;
There is a size and style for your business -1,500, 2,000, 3,000
or 4,000 pounds capacity, at $1,450 to $2,550 for the chassis (f. o. b.
factory). . ... v " '
Owners know Avhat International Service meant. Men who use
these trucks speak in the highest terms of the way we care for our
customers. ,
.-Ask us to show you. A line to the nearest Company branch list
ed below will bring to you the whole story. .
; International Harvester Company of America
801-807 Capitol Ave.
Aberdeen, S. D.
Crawford, Neb.
Kansaa City, Mo.
St. Joseph, Mo.
Branch Houa.a Alao at
Cedar Falls, Ia.
Denver, Colo. . V
Lincoln, Neb. .
Salina, Kana. '
Topeka, Kana.
Concordia, Kans.
Dcs Moines, Ia.
Mankato, Minn.
Sioux City, Ia. .
: Omaha, Neb.
Council Bluffs, Ia.
Ft. Dodge, Ia.
Mason City, Ia.
Sioux Falls, S. D.
X f