Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Brief City News
Platinum Wedding Klnr Edholm.
Lighting Future Burgeia-Grandon Co,
Hao Boot Print It New Beacon Press.
Metal Dlca, PreMWork Jubilee XI (c Co.
S3o Luncheon at Empress Garden.
Kountxe Memorial Lutheran Church
Evening services resumed September
9 with a musical service. Everyone
Meet Wednesday Ladies Auxiliary
No. 5. Carpenters and Joiners, will
meet every Wednesday at 2 o'clock In
LAbor Temple.
W. C. Flataa has opened his new
jeweiry ana loan shop at 601 (Rose)
securities Blag., Sixteenth and Far-
nam. Tyler 850.
vorrecuon xne nee was in error
in stating that J. E. Weaver, who was
suing for divorce, lived at 5624 North
Twenty-eighth street
No Support for Eight Years Maud
Oakley, suing Edward C. Oakley for
divorce in district court, alleges he has
not supported her for the last eight
years. They were married In Omaha,
January 3, 1899.
Washington County Farm Sold
Mary j. ranee has sold her tarm of
150 acres in Washington county to
Mary C. Wettengel of Iowa, for
117,250. The sale was made through
J. H. Oumont & Company.
Socialists Will Have Social Social
ists will hold a lawn social at the resi
dence of F. D. Hadley, 1013 South
Thirty-first street, at 2:30 p. m.. Sun
day. A program of speaking will be
neia and refreshments served.
Grocer Goes to Kansas City Joseph
bteinberg, for many years with Stein
berg Brothers, wholesale grocers, has
resigned that business connection to
become secretary-treasurer of the Ad
A-Tire company of Kansas City.
Alien Enemies Held Rudolph Bick
crt and Walter Krohnert, two alien
enemies, are being held by the federal
Authorities until their cases can be in
Vestlgated. Both men were picked up
in Omaha without an alien permit.
Bickert is thought to be Insane.
To Handle Waterproof Clothing,
McKeehan & Co., capitalized at $25,
000, have filed articles of incorpora"
tion in the office of the county clerk
The company will deal in waterproof
clothing. James Atkins, William W.
Atkins and T. W. McKeehan are the
Held on Booze Charge Mike Rireo
South Side, was bound over to the fed
eral grand Jury Saturday on the charge
or transporting liquor into a dry state.
Rireo was arrested by the local police
after having liquor shipped to him
from St. Joseph in a suit case. The
liquor was contained in three Jugs, one
of which broke. ,
Sues Railroad and Pullman. Mrs.
La Villa W. Schindel. widow. 4304
South Twenty-second sfreet, appraises
alleged injuries suffered in a railroad
Journey when she tripped over a por
ter's stool in a Pullman car at $25,000,
She sued the Rock Island railroad and
the Pullman company for that amount
in district court. The accident oc
curred May 6 wnen she was on her
way to Chicago.
Maxwell Visits Here Former Physi
cal Director J. Trultt Maxwell of the
Young Men's Christian association,
stopped here as he passed through the
city to Detroit, to become head pnysl
cal director at .that city. He was en
route from Oakland, Cat., where he
had been director for the past year,
He was succeeded by W. A. Kerns,
physical director at the Omaha asso
ciation for two years past.
Central Pupils, Teachers and
Parents Appear Pleased
With New Order of
Things. -
After a week's trial of the seven
period day at Central High school,
pupils, teachers, parents and ' prin
cipals agree that it is a success. The
pupils are provided with a quiet room
in which to study, the teachers find
that the pupils are better prepared
with their lessons, the parents feel
that the children are getting more
out of their education, and Principa
Masters is an enthusiastic supporter
of the plan.
With this plan it is possible to ac
commodate all the pupils, without
building annexes, ' it is said. The
teachers have two rest hours instead
of one as last year. ,
The enrollment has passed the 1,800
mark. Friday was (he last day on
which pupils were permitted to
change their program and affairs are
settling down to routine.
Prof. Henry Cox will organize the
school orchestra today." The first
practice will be held Tuesday. There
will be two practices a week on
school days -ana one, oaiuraay morn
ings. Pupils taking . orchestra work
wilt have their period schedules
changed so that the, may practice
during seventh' period instead of after
school ,
For the first ,time in ' thirty years
there will be ho beginning Greek
class, only three pupils having signed
up for it. - ,,
Morals Squad Makes Raid
On Station; Finds 'Dead Ones'
Thm nntfr station was raided. Ser.
geant Russell -and officers of .'the
morals squad swooped down on the
station last night at 7 o'clock, and,
oirn'nct ihr vigorous nrntffits of Ser
geant Marshall, searched, the cells of
the jail tor whisky, seven wnisky
bottles were found.: Four, of them
were empty and three were in a con
dition known in ambrosial terms as
"nearly dead.". The whisky bottles
, found disnersed through the
cells, in corners, on top of the iron
caKes and in otner darksome piaces.
O '
... -rn.' i i
j whisKy aiicr iic nu - mauc u in
ventory ot tne : Dooze ceil wnere an
the confiscated liquor is stored, lm-
j:-.1v .srorrant Rnsspll and his
band heard of the missing liquor they
invaded tne peacc.ui domiciles oi me
arid ' finallv riisenvrred all
UII3U"-. - ,
'the misSing bottles with the exception
of. one. No. trace has yet been tound ,v vrriHiallv lead to its an-
orehension. Diligent search is still
being carried on. "
Sergeant Marshall vows that he will
stick to the trail until law and order
are once more established. He says
that the trusties must have procured
the liquor when they were working
around the station.
braskan la Washington.
Washington, 8pt I. (Spaelal Telegram.)
E Z. Ruaaell, editor ol Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer, la Washington on , bual
. connected with food conwrvatlon.
juaK J W. Woodrough of the federal
district court for Nebraska, and W. F.
Gurley of Omaha, returning- from the bar
association meeting at Saratoga, were
among Senator Hitchcock's vtaitora today.
Store Opens
Daily at 8:30 A. M.
Emessi Cwmy
Store) Closes
. at 6 P. M.
Sunday, Sept 9, 1917.-
-Phone Douglas 137.
1 t
Featuring Everything That Will Be Interesting and Helpful to the Professional and Home Dressmaker
Is Quite
The Style
When my lady goes a-shop-ping
she takes a big bright
hued bag along and when she
gets home her purchases are
right along with her. She
proves her patriotism and says
she enjoys it, too.
Just another demonstration
of how the women of these
United States are doing their
"bit" to help win the war for
humanity and democracy.
It has been but a short time
since the average woman had
her spools' of thread, her yard
of ribbon, delivered to her
door by a motor truck and
two men, as much a matter of
course as she did her rolls of
carpets or a heavy winter coat.
Of course Dame Fashion
came to the rescue by produc
ing something just suited to
the particular need at this par
ticular time the njost fetch
ing possible shopping bag
made of silk or flowered cre
tonne and on the arm of the
fair shopper they manage to
lend a sort of Dolly Varden
air to the most sincere of
these new patriots. And pa
triotism of all things must be
cheerily accomplished.
Exceptional Showing of New Laces
And at Very Special Prices, Too
rpHE woman with skillful fingers adds beauty and distinc
JL tion to her garments by the tasteful touches of lace that
she personally applies; you II wonder how such collections
are obtainable, under wartime conditions. We feature for
Monday, in the Home Sewing Week Sale :
Real Filet Laces at Less Than the Cost to Import
. Fortunate indeed were we to secure this bit of real filet laces at
such an under price; the edges are one yard in length, insertions to 12
yards and are from one to four inches wide.
Tassels, Drops and Ornaments
v In braids, jets and metal, also metal ribbon in gold and silver, from
one to three inches wide, metal cloth, real or imitation, at $1.25 to $6.00
the yard.
Silk Nets for Evening Gowns
More than thirty different shades in greens, pinks, blues, yellows,
orchids and purple.
Val Laces fpr Home Made Underwear
Edges, insertions, medallions and points, real Irish laces, edges, in
sertions, especially desirable for hand made underwear, a superb show'
ing. .
Silk Georgettes, Voiles and Chiffons
For blouses and gowns, wide selection of colors. v
Val Lace Flouncings, at 25c
Twelve inches wide, big selections of designs and very special at
25c the yard. '
- Imitation Filet Laces, 10c the Yard
Edges with insertions to match, three inches wide, special for home
sewing week, 10c the yard.
Allover Shadow Lace Nets, 59c to $1.50
18 to 40 inches all over shadow laces, embroidered nets and Nor
mandy val laces, 59c to $1.50 the yard.
BurgeM-Nash Co. Main Floor
For the Boys
Who Are Going
to France
WE have just received a va
riety of gifts that not only
carry sentiment of friendship, but
which will be of actual practical
value to the soldier.
Description is given here of
few of the articles "which may be
given personally or forwarded to
the boys at the concentration
camps or at the front.
Trench Sets
Consisting of trench mirror, un
, breakable, comb and file in water
proof case. Special $1.25.
Soldiers' Sewing Kits
Completely fitted out, $1.00 and
Small Trench Cases
Made of waterproof canvas and
fitted with military brush, comb
and the new unbreakable trench
mirror, $2.98, $5.00 to $6.00 and
$7.50. v
Trench Mirrors, $1.00 "
Large trench mirrors in water
proof cases, $1.00.
Correspondence Kits
Consisting of writing pad, en
velopes, pencil, etc., in separate
compartments, $1.00.
Other Helpful Little Things
Bachelor buttons Garters
, Cigarette cases Safety pins
Playing cards Handkerchiefs
Drinking cups, Safety razors
collapsible, in Socks
cases or without Pencils
Fountain pens Cigars
Prayer books
Smoking tobacco
Cigarette holders
Cigarette paper
Flash lights
Linen Scarfings Specially Priced
In the Sale of Home Sewing Week
T71INE Irish linen scarfing, round thread, for all kinds of
scarfs and runners. .
18-inch linen scarfing, 50c a yard.
2 0-inch' linen scarfing, 55c a yard.
22-inch linen scarfing, 60c a yard.
24-inch linen scarfing, 65c a yard. , x
27-inch linen scarfing, 75c a yard.
Natural Color Art Linen
Heavy natural color linen for embroidery work or to" be lace
18-inch, 50c a yard. 24-inch, 65c a yard. ;
20-inch, 55c a yard. 27-inch, 75c a yard.
22-inch, 60c a yard. 36-inch, $1.00 a yard.
Burgets-Naih Co. Main Floor
Three Special Values In Velvets
Feature for Home Sewing Week
"D ICH, fabrics so much desired for fine costumes.
27-Inch Costume Velvets, $1.25
Fast pile, in new shades of brown, navy blue, plum, Copenhagen
and dark green, also black, 27 inches wide, $1.25 the yard.
36-Inch Costume Velvets, $2.25
For suits and dresses and coats, fast pile,vall the favored shades
represented, $2.25 the yard. '
40-Inch Chiffon Velvet, $5.50
Soft, with a very high finish, light in weight, for gowns, suits and
wraps, new fall shades, $5.50 a yard. . '
. Burge-Nah Co. Main Floor
Standard Outing Flannel 15c Yard
GOOD weight ousting, heavy fleece, in big range of light
or dark patterns ; a big value at 15c the yard.
Imperial Outing Flannel, pOc the Yard
Finest grade outing flannel in large assortment of pretty patterns,
20c the yard.
36-Inch Domet Flannel, 20c a Yard
Heavy snow white cotton flannel, double fleece, for gowns, pa
jamas and general use, 20c a yard. ,,
Shaker Flannel, at 2c a Yard
27-inch .white flannel, good weight, soft and warm, priced low for
sewing week, 12 a yard. .
Burgeu-Naih Co. Down Stair Store
The "NEW ERA" Club Sale
First Payment Five Cents Brings You the Best
This great "New Era" sale gives you advantages that cannot be offered
at any other time. There are no interest charges and no extra expense no
drawing no chance no delay. Instead the plan pays cash dividends in ad
vance to those who will help themselves to the dividends.
Join the Club Now. Don't Wait.
Come, take your choice of any style
or type on "New Era" terms, and prices
ranging from $25.00 to $70.00. It is the
surest, safest and most profitable sav
ing agreement for securing a good ma
chine. . .
Table of Weekly Payments
Cash Dividends
Take advantage of the cash
dividend offer by reversing the
payments by paying the final
payments first, and in advance,
before they are due. For each
final payment you take up in
advance you get 10-cent cash
dividends. In this, way you can
. save $3.80 extra on a . $39.00
Standard Rotary in cash divi
dends. " . -
SurgeM-Nash Co. Fourth Floor
$0.05 I $0.55 I $1.05 $1.55
lit Weelt ltth Week 21t WeeV SUt Wwk
,10 .60 1.10 1.60
ti Weefc 12th WeeV d WwV 82d Weefc
.15 .65 1.15 1.65
ti Wtefc 18th WeV 2tA WeV 83d Weefc
.20 .70 1.20 1.7
4th WwV 14th WV 24th Week 84th Wek
.25 .75 1.25 1.75
8th Wtfc 15th Wwlc 25th WwV 85th Week
JO .80 1.30 1.80
6th Vfttk lth Wwk 2gth Wek 86th Week
.35 .85 1.35 ' 1.85
th Wek 17th Wwk 27th Week 87th Wwk
.40 .90 1.40 1.90
8th Wek 18th Week 28th Wk 88th Weok
.45 .95 '1.45 Fin1 p-
th Wwk 19th Wtek 28th Week ment 118E
.50 1.00 1.50 - 1.95
10th W k 20th Week 80th Week 89th Wwk
Only a Few "Standards" Left
at $39.00 - j :'r-t
The world's best machine, lock
and chain stitch central needle
style ' '
5 Firtt Payment Immediate
C delivery, " then every week
you pay 5c more than the previous
week's payment, .
Home Sewing Week Finds This Big Section of
New Silks
In Perfect Readiness
for the Fall Season
READY with a selection of fine silks that you'll find it
hard to equal, every formed weave, pattern and col
oring effect, has found a place here in this remarkable
Dame Fashion has decreed that this shall be
a silk season, we have prepared accordingly.
It's now for you to take advantage of our preparations.
c.tin n. I 1(t TnK VJiAm. $1.49
Especially favored for one-piece dresses, a rich quality with a high satin finish.
Wide selections of light and dark shades, at $1.49 the yard.
Imperial Satin, 36 Inches Wide, $2.25
A beautiful high finish satin, with a rich luster in all the pretty shades, for one
piece dresses, afternoon and evening gowns, also changeable coloring with two-tone
effects, $2.25 the yard.
Crepe de Chine, 40 Inche Wide, $1.75
Very desirable for pretty soft dressy gowns, oyer fifty different shades, either
light or dark, in a heavy quality, $1.75 the yard. ' , , .
Pretty New Novelty Silks, $1.69 to $3.95
Including smart plaids and stapes, a showing of the most exquisite colorings for
the new fall dresses and skirts, 36 to 40 inches wide, $1.69 to $3.95 the yard.
Satin Fraricaise, an Exclusive Weave, $2.95
A rich high finished satin that is guaranteed to wear and will not rough up, all
the wanted shades for dresses and suits, 38 inches wide, $2.95 the yard.
-Moonglow Satin, 40 Inches Wide, $3.95
' Another much favored fabric which we control the sale of in this territory. Ex
tremely high shiny satin finish. Desirable for tailored suits and dresses, at $3.95 the
yard. '
New Striped and Plaid Silks, $1.69
New colorings, shepherd checks in all sizes, also a complete range of plain shades,
very pretty for dresses, waists and skirts, 36 inches wide, $1.69 the yard. :
40-Inch Silk and Wool Poplin, $1.69
Desirable for dresses and suits, wide selections of the new and favored fall shades,
also black, at $1.69 the yard.
Black Silk Specials
Three exceptional values for Monday:
Black Silk Poplin, $1.69
For Buits and dresses, splendid quality, 40 inches wide, at $1.69 the ysrd.
Black Satin Duchess, $1.59
A fine heavy quality in a rich black, for suits and dresses, 36 inches wide,
$1.59 the yard. .
Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.49
Soft finish in a heavy quality for skirts and suits, 36 inches wide, $1.49 the
r i. " n ? .1 a CO-
m iir ronun s.n inrnpi nme. dsc;
A full line of plain shades. Very desirable for dresses and suits, 24 inches wide,
at 59c the yard. . . .
36-Inch Lanton Crepe, Monday, c
Desirable for one-piece dresses, pretty range of new shades, also black and white,
at 98c the yard.
datin for Lining loats, at roc
Nflw Rhadea of erav. tan. brown, navy, old rose, red, green, white, cream and
black, special at 98c the yard. , ,
1 36-Inch Silk Poplins, Monday at 98c
Silk Donlins. in a full range of pretty dark shades, 36 inches wide, specially priced
at 98c the yard. 1.. f.l.u t,-.
Make an Early Selection of Dress Goods
Home Sewing Week Affords Splendid Advantages
VARIETY will probably be much smaller later on, fpr scarcity threatens in many lines.
Our early ordersmake the present showing possible. You'll appreciate it.
New Tailor Suitings, at $1.50 to $2.75 a Yard
The ranee of selections is extremely wide in both plain and fancy weaves and embracing almost every
possible shade, 48 to 54 inches wide; prices range $1.50 to $2.75 the yard. v
All-Wool Storm Serge, $1.69
New Broadcloths, at $2.75
In the wanted fall shades such as navy, chestnut,
brown, plum, dark green and wine, also black, 60
inches wide, at $2.75 the yard.
Plaids and Checks, $1.95 to $3.00
For one-niece dresses and shirts, soft da'rk color
ings and a very stylish novelty, 42 to 48 inches wide,
at $1.95, $2.25 and $3.00 the yard. ,
riner rench serge, at voc
Verv comnlete ranee of the wanted street shades -
such as navy, plum, brown, wine, gray, green and
Copenhagen 40 inches wide, 98c the yard. .
Especially lavorea lor one-pi
tailored suits, shades of navy, dark green, Copen
hagen, wine, brown, gray, tan and black, $1.69 the
Wool Challie, 27 Inches Wide, 49c
Cream ground with neat colored figures, dots and
stripes, 25 different styles, at 49c the yard. . ,
Pretty Scotch Plaids, at 59c
For children's dresses, wide range of selections, of
the wanted bright shades, 36 inches wide, 59c. , Co. Main Floor
Home Sewing Week Provides
New Ideas in
FOR draperies, slip covers, knit
ting or shopping bags, etc., 36
inches .wide, prices range 25c to
40c a yard.
Colored Edgings
Wide selection of patterns and
colorings, at 3c, 5c, 10c, 12 c and
15c a yard.
Also marquisettes, plain or hem
stitched edges, 36 and 40 inches
wide, 25c and 30c a yard.
Fancy Nets, 30c
Fancy nets for curtains, 36
inches wide, at 30c a yard. ?
Fancy Voiles, 35c
Fancy voiles, 36 inches, wide,
wide selection of designs, 35c and .
40c yard.'
, Burgmt-Naah Co. Third Floor '
A Sale of Notions of Interest
To Every One Who Sews
Thimbles, all kinds, each, 5c
Dress weight tape, yard, 10c
and 12Hc.
! Inside skirt beltings, yard, 10c.
Snap fasteners, dozen, 5c
DeLong hooks and eyes, card, 7c
Basting thread, large spools, 5c.
Sewing silk, all colors, spool, 3c.
Sewing cotton, spool, 2 He
Non-adjustaDie aress
forms with, wire skirt,
$4.25. ,
Machine oil, bottle,
- Art gum, large, 10c'
-lb. box dressmak
er's pins, 25c
. Asbestos iron hold
ers, each, 5c.
Pearl trimming but
tons, dozen. Sc.
-.,? .'' Burjoaa-Naah
- Dress weights," dozen, 10c and
20c A'-fea3.
Silk seam binding, bolt, 18c
Bias seam tape colors, bolt, 10c
Tailor's chalk, Z for 5c
Collar wire, 3 yards,
Satin pin cushions
(for machines), 10c.
Button molds, any
size, 2 dozen for 5c '
Hook and eye tape,
yard, 15c and 25c.
Buckle foundations,
Horse hair braid, 5c
Bust .," forms, good
quality jersey cover
ings, at $1.50 each, j -Iron
stands for dress
forms, at $1.50. .
Co. Main Floor .
' Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
A -