I ts THE OMAh SUNDAY BEE; SEPTEMBER 9, 1917. 1 -vMj;r-m-CT-, OT T ( s 1 JL kaiJ Ills. iiiWWIIIWI IIH II What is Going On in Society Circles Girls Go Away This Month ' (Centlnoed from Pag Oat.) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mack and their daughter, Miss Harriet Mack, who will be entertained at the Charles Meta home. Undoubtedly their pres ence will be inspiration for many in teresting social functions. Mrs. E. J. Street of Kansas City and her daughter, Miss Louise Street, are also expected for Ak-Sar-Ben season. They will be the guests of Miss Hen rietta Rees and he father, Mr. Samuel Rees. For this week entertainments for visiting girls in the school set are of principal social interest. Miss Bessie Ritchie of Idaho Falls, St. Mary'i schoolmate of Miss Marion Weller; Miss Florence Robertson of Peters burg, Va., Washington, school friend of Miss Jayne-Clarke; Miss Helen Lanze of Worcester, Mass., who is visiting the Misses Robertson; Miss Adelaide Moore, guest of Miss Evelyn Ledwich; Miss Helen Shepard, who is visiting Miss Caroline Holm quist, these, are but a few of the out of-town young women for whom luncheons and dinners in profusion mark the calendar. ' For their parents and the younger married set, the cabaret dinner of Happy Hollow club Tuesday evening promises to be full of enjoyment, as the three or four events of the kind which preceded it have most certainly been. Tables will be set in the ball- ; room where the privilege of dancing between courses will be extended, din ner to be served at 7 o'clock. In ad dition, the entertainment committee. which includes Mrs. t. J. jumper, Miss Henrietta Rees and Mr. Frank Builta, has arranged for short pro- irram of 'songs by Mrs. Lena &ns worth Dale, soprano, during the courses. Vernon C Bennett will ac company Mrs. Dale. This will be the final cabaret dinner of the season. When the summer Clubs have closed society will look to the danc ing clubs to furnish the occasion for seeking the enjoyments of the dance. To this end the Week-End Dancing . club, of which Mr. Robert S. Trim ble is president and Mr. Allan B. Hamilton secretary, announces a series of dancing parties to be given in the Fontenelle ballroom. The ball room has been engaged for the fol lowing evenings: October 20, Novem ber 10, December 8 and 22, January 5 and 19, February 2 and 16 and March 2. . , ' ' In addition to these parties a dinner-dance will be given on the even ing of November 28, in the ballroom of the Blackstone. ' Mrs. Will Coad and children came ack Sunday from a summer at Clear Water Lake, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. John Redick returned Friday from a month at Prior Lake. Ralph Peters and Sam Burns went to Prior Lake Wednesday and will motor back with their families, leav ing there Monday. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lyman have returned from Christmas Lake. Mrs. D. M. Vinsonhaler returns today from the east, where she has been for a month or six weeks. . . Thompson Wakeley has returned from Eaton's ranch and, with his father, Lucius Wakeley, will go on a fishing trip in Wisconsin before going back to Cornell. Denman Kountze and Edward Daugherty arrived home Tuesday evening from Minnetonka in the former s car,. They stopped over one night at Okoboji on their way down. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson and children-arrived home Monday from seven weeks in California. While there they saw Mr. and Mrs. C C Rosewater and family, who are at Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hosford are expected home today from Watch Hill, R. I. Mrs. J. J. Brown is expected home today from visiting her niece, Mrs. John Patrick, and Mr.' Patrick, at their ranch in Wyoming. Mr. and MrsPatrick have just completed their new home on the ranch and moved into it this week.' "; Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Klausner and sons, Jack and Robert, have returned after spending the summer on the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Weill have re turned from , the automobile trip through Yellowstone park they took after spending the early part of the summer at their summer home at Moose Lodge, Minn., Winnipeg and White Bear Lake. After returning from the north they left tot Buffalo, Wyo., from whence they toured over the Big Horn mountains to Basin and Cody. The return trip was made by train. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott and fam ily came home Saturday from a sum mer spent near Norwalk, Conn., at Silver Mine, News of Visitors. , ' Dr. Frances H. Turner of Fort Wayne, Ind,, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph C Lawrence in Dundee. v Miss May B. Evans of Salt Lake City is visiting her sister, Mrs. Pearl E. Houston. ." ' Mrs. B. B. Wood has her grand children, Henry and Robert Cranmer of Denver, with her while their mother, Mrs. W. H. Cranmer, is m the hospital in Denver for an appen dicitis oDeration. Mrs. Frederick V. Krug was here for a few days the guest of Mrs. John F. Coad. on her way from l"!!!l:i!llllpHIH!lIIIIHIIllll!llllIIllllllll!llllllIIIHI)l Pretty School a M "Z0 t ,; ri ' T hY-A :,,, , I - J I v - if 'I i UsietthepfSy t ?t " x V " it A - il mmm ill ' 6, r ' n - T IVMIlHt PH6TO Miss Kathrvn Ostenberff deoarts September 20 for the east to enter Mount Ida. a finishing school near Boston, where she will specialize in music. Miss Dorothy Hippie is a pretty member of the Omaha con tingent who will go down to the state university. ' ' ,. ' Montana to join her husband. Major Krug. in Washington. Miss Kath arine Krug is still with Miss Luetla Petersen and later will be with Miss Alice Coad. , , Mrs.' Timothv Dver of Berkelev. Cal., arrived Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Coad, jr. Mr. T.vnn ewA rf T .inrAln ai. rived Sunday for a visft with her sister, Mrs. Chester Nieman. " Mr. C W. Simoson of Hduston. Tex., is the guest for several weeks of Mr. Frank Boyd and is being en tertained at .the field club by Mr. Boyd. Mrs. A. K, Billings of New1 York and her son, Kenny Billings, who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Billings', left Saturday. Kenny Billings has been an Andover student since his return last year from Bar celona, Spain, where his father was engaged in building an irrigation plant. ' . . , . . , Miss Alice Wood, who is the euest of Miss Mildred Todd, returns to Springfield, 111., Tuesday. Mrs. Charles S. Breed of New York .City, formerly of Omaha, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonoff. Notes at Random. ; . . Mile. Andre, who was instructor of French at Brownell Hall for two or three years, has accepted a position in a college at Santa Barbara, Cal. Mile. Andre spent the summer in JP?n- . .... . ' . Miss Eugenie whitmore and cur- dette Kirkendall recently won a sil ver cup and a medal ' for the best 4 dancing at the Vernon Country club at Los Angeles. Last week Mrs. Hopkins of Pasadena gave a dinner for her, wjien the guests included Mr. Ordynski;;whp has charge of the pro duction of opera at the Metropolitan in New York; Miss Vivian Martin, the movie star, and her husband, Wil liam Jefferson, son of the late Joseph Jefferson. . . Burdette Kirkendall has-been with his parents at Hollywood while wait ing orders to go to some aviation training camp. Miss Marion Funkhouser has gone to Tacoma, Wa$h., where she will teach school this winter. Mrs. Catherine Buell has gone for a month's trip to Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Lucile Robinson has gone to ExccLfloa Sprjngt MtrouriyN&tion&l Rfiort Ftmoui , for th vsrUty and valut of Its tpringi. Splendid hotcli and lghtn-hol totf count, tennis, honobtck riding, dine ini, btht, tto. Beached by "St. Paul" and Wabaih ratlwayt, and only an hour rid by hourly elcetrte traint from Kancai City. Send for illustrated booklet Secretary Com mereial Club, Excelilor Sprlnai, Mo. ijlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .PALMER 1 A ART OF SINGING f Puaila Prepared for Opera g y. Church and Concert Peaition g STUDIOi 1807 FARNAM ST. i Omaha, Neb. Voice Heerlngt Free. Doug. 8S34. - riiii!i(iiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiitii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii!inii,T F L O R E N C E Drugs may be good drugs may be badNo body knows but the druggist So trust the druggist whom you know you can trust Bring your prescriptions to us: . , - . MS a M. HARVKV CJtEEN. Pru. . ONE GOOD DRUG STORE ; If th and Howard. Denslaa M iauiiiluiiiiJuiiiIuiiwitiiiuiiiiHliiliiliiluiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 The epeclala ehown ere only a few ol the many beautiful selection marked for clearance before fall inventory. There's a handaom diamond or watch waiting for you, and you have the privilefe of wearing while paying. You can exchange any diamond purchased from us at the full price paid for a larger ones pay balance monthly. You'U agrea that our values are supreme and eur guarantee ie your aafeguard -it haa aver half a century of aucceeeful hueiaeet back of it. An evening la pleasantly spent inspecting our beautiful Stocks. Our store is open daily till t p. m. Saturday till S:30. 11M L Valllere. pink and vhite Shell Cameo: fin solid cold; 1 fin Diamond j real pearls and pearl drop: IS. inch Neck Chain spring ring CC catch trSOaMonth ' S80 Ladies' Diamond Ring, 14k solid gold, Lofti.' "Ftrfte- (ie tion" mounting. . . .wJJ USO a Month 833 - Men'a Diamond Ring, 8-prong Tooth mounting. Kk solid gold, Roman , or vol f'nUh........$5 $1.60 Week Cass 484 Men's Wstch, hunting ease, II site plain polished, engraved or en gine turned; guaranteed SS year fit ted with IT Jewel Elgin, Waltham or Illinois movement; epe- 0" eiel, at....... Termsi $JJO a Month . Open Dti y Till 9 P. M.tSaturday Till 30 1 ttLroX&MJZZ s wiU call. The NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS I I IMr HI1 WJ MAIN FLOOR CITY NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. I Vrirw.Yri i 409 19th S1". Center 16th and Haraey Sts, Omaha. I 1 onvsjm v. if uppoeit Burgess-Nasa .bo. ilepartasent Stor Chicago, where she has accepted a position in the federal reserve bank. Lena Ellsworth Dale has been made director of music at Lowe Ave nue Presbyterian church. Kleitz-Gillette. An out-of-town wedding of interest to Omaha took place in Sheridan, Wyo., August 23, when Miss Harriet 6elby Gillette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gillette, became the bride of Lieutenant William Lambert Kleitz. The ceremony was performed by Bishop Thomas of Wyoming. Mrs. Kleitz has visited Miss Meliora Da vis and Mrs. Austin Gaily, formerly Miss Eleanor Mackay. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Horn an nounce the betrothal of their daugh ter, Lottie, and Mr. Abram Starrels of Philadelphia, Pa. No date has yet been set for the wedding. Mr. Star rels is visiting at the home of his fiancee. POPULAR MEMBER OF THE BRANDEIS PLAYERS. At Seymour Lake Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Roth enter tained at dinner-dance Friday evening, having with them Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Barfield of Palm Beach, Fla. Julius Steinberg, who was granted t short furlough from the marine corps, departed last night for Quan tico, Va., to join his regiment. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parratt are soendinz the week end with Sevmour Lake friends, having arrived from Fre mont r nday. - Mr., and Mrs. T. L. Combs enter tained at dinner last evening, when covers were laid for sixteen. - The annual birthday party will be held next Friday evening. Diners will be seated at twelve tables, represent ing the months of the year. At the Field Club. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Buckingham entertained at dinner at the Field club last evening when covers were laid for fourteen. Asters arranged in baskets formed the table decora tions and the guests were as follows: Messrs and Mesdaroes- J. D. Poster, - R. J. Dinning, George Kelly, W. 0. Wllktns. Miss Margaret McLaughlin. Mrs. Blecker. Messrs Messrs- Robert Buckingham, Loui Doup. Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Foote cave a dinner party at the Field club last evening, baskets of golden rod formed the centerpiece and the fol lowing guests were present: "Messrs and Meadamea W. A. Jonson. of Council Bluffs. C E. Hunter. P. C. Hyson. C, 8. Andrew At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Caldwell entertained at the dinner-dance last evening complimentary to their guest, Miss Helen Kurt of bt. Paul. Others in the party were: Messrs. ana Mesasmss 8, Carlisle, E. 8. Westbrook. Harry Doorly, Messrs. Messrs. Frank Pollard, Wallace Lyman, Mr. Mary Mora. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Tudson had Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Head in their party. What Society Has in Prospect. Mrs. Wilson Low is giving a small luncheon at the Country club Mon day for Mrs. Albert Brogan of Aus tin, Tex. Several informal affairs have been, arranged for Mrs. Brogan and her husband, Prof. Brogan, be fore their departure for Colorado some time this week, their visit cut short by Prof. Brogan's hay fever. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Weller will give .a. dinner for the Davidson Weller bridal Dartv the evening: ore- ceding the wedding, September 18. ) Mrs. J. f. Load. sr.. will entertain a party of twelve at luncheon at the ft sff5iH mer. Her mother, Mrs. Edgar Mors man, is east now to accompany her home. The Misses Helen Nieman, Arlene Abbott, and Virginia Lowe leave Tuesday for Lincoln, where they will enter the state university. Miss Elizabeth Barker, and her sis- TEAT tfl "figV5 THE BEST TlHlHftU.U (Continued on Page Three, Column One.) HlfiffeVj11 tv tuiy e-ri ... KTTTHoi "Branoeis Players Country club Monday, honoring Mrs, Timothy Dyer of Berkeley, Cal., who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Coad, jr. The Comus club will meet at the home of Mrs. P. M. Jennings Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Brogan have reservations for a box party at the Brandeis theater Saturday even ing. Reservations for six have been made by E. H. Howland, George A. Roberts, E.P. Boyer and N. S. Young of Macedonia, la. Many smaller par ties will attend. School Set News. Charles Allison and Edward Daugherty and Miss Claire Daugh erty expect to leave early next week, the boys for Andover and Miss Daugherty for Miss Spence's in New York. Mrs. C. C. Allison and Mrs. J. M. Daugherty will go east with them. Miss Katherine Squier and her mother, Mrs. Waite Squier, will leave about the 20th for the east, where Miss Katharine is to enter Miss Laucas' school at Providence, R, I. Miss Mary Morsman will enter St Timothy's school at Baltimore this autumn, but is coming home first from the girls' camp in New Hamp shire, where she has been all sum- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR WHY IT INCREASES It has been proven by the world's great est authorities that so-called hair removers stimulate and increase hair growth after each removal, because they only remove hair trom the surface ot the skin, just lik a rasor. The only common-sense way to Temove hair it to attack it under the skin. De Miracle, the original sanitary liquid, op erates on this principle. It alone contains cer tain ingredients which give it the power to, rob hair of ita vitality. It doe this by ab sorption. - DeMlracle work equally well for remov ing hair 'from face, neck, arme, under arms or limbs to prevent it from showing through itockings. Insist on the genuine DeMiracle. It is th only depilatory that has a money-bsck guarantee in each package. In 60c, (1 and $2 bottles at all toilet counters,, or direct from us in plain wrapper on receipt of price. FREE booklet) mailed in plain sealed en velope n request. Write for it today and read it before you make another applica tion of any depilatory. DeMiracle Chemical Co., Dept. A, Park Av. and 189th St., New York. a si i m i. x t a ti l.'! ,.er- - a. . HiiniisTir. I I III V I 111 " MJ jM: mm 9SS Advance Showing MY as ru... cji ciuU V: VI ItOW I an WIJICO One week has elapsed since the opening: of this shop and during; this week we have en joyed a very satisfactory patron age. Both our old friends who. have bought from us for years in our former location, and many new custo mers as well, have favorably commented upon the attractiveness of this new. store and of the merchandise we are offering. . To acquaint the public with our new lo cation and popular prices we offer the fol lowing, specials for Monday: ; $35 Sample Suits and Coats Poplins, Broadcloths and wool velour in all the most popular shades. Special for Monday . - ' ' '-' ;-$22.50v ;; $22.50 Serge and Silk Dresses $14.50 LOWEST PRICES OUR CHIEF ATTRACTIONS All new embroidered effects. All shades and sizes. Special for Monday Open . Saturday Evenings 1409 Dbuglai Street Wekl SienATaTS. I .III. I II III. II- I f-1 IIOSPPS REErlARKA SALE OF HIOH GOAOE mm mi mmwi The Holiday season is fast ap proaching and the prices on Grand Pianos are steadily ad vancing. If you wait until the last moment before making your purchase you will find that your delay has been a costly one, in ' deed. There is no need for you to lose money. Order your piano NOW and have it put aside for Holiday delivery. MASON & HAMLIN, $900 UP KfiAillCII & BACH, $650 UP vose & sons $650 UP BRA M BACH, $485 UP Our reputation a dealers in High Grade Grand and Upright Piano is well established and our guarantee of Satisfaction goes with every sale. If you cannot afford to pay cash, our liberal term of credit will make payments of no hardship for you. 1 S...H September Sale of Upright Pianos Is Meeting With Approval $250, $275, $300, $325, $350 and up will buy a High Grade Piano during our low cash offer during September. mvmm Kranich & Bach Is Tasa-iffcQ . , Lane III afef8 Hender- Mason & Hamlin Vose 5c Sons Cable & N Nelson Hospe Kimball HERE ARE A FEW BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS TIANY MORE AT OUR STORE $50 Lyon & Healy (Walnut) ...... A. B. Chase 1 O E (Ebony)....... plCO Kimball fcl QC (Ebony)..;... D100 Mclntyre St Good tell (Walnut) . . $175 Hinze (Walnut) . . . Macey it Camp (Oak) Kimball (Walnut) ... Crowd (Walnut) . . . $185 $225 $225 $225 A, HOSPE CO. ' "The Victor. Store" 1513-15 DOUGLAS STREET -J tKH,mwufrmwut& tim Don'l MISS This! SALE of RARE Furniture Values Beaeewtre wanttnc te bay oeld aleee er entire eatfit ef furnltare shenld lnTcatiirate the bartralns we are offering before bnTlii;. Newly i married couples preparing- t furnish aa entire home will find this aale solution to their problem ef making their money s;e aa far aa possible. We don't bellere any store In Omaha offers yen the opportunities te aaT money that wo are doing In thle aale. The reaaon la that we mnat dispose ef a $25,000 warehouse etoek ef brand new furniture la the anlckest possible time. Com down and aee for yourself. Hero are seat ef the prleeoi . IBJtO S-lnek Teraw Hart hi Bed. . for .$5.80 1.0 Braaa Bade. ..... . . . . S9.7S 35, 120 Dinlas Tables, 22.50 . and ......12.75 138, 923 Walnut Dresner, 822.50 i 11 K 920.00 Buffet 89.7 aas.00 China Closet S13.5i 919.00 Ladle' Writing- Deak.S6.90 120 Leather Rockers til. 25 Library Table, all finishes, low as , 84.75 Dining Chair 65 te 8200 Velvet Ruga, room stae, mm low aa 80.75 Large heavy fumed Oak Tabour- 290 PBHiKiry oiiinai ,, ..ff $13 Hatin 8toT $55 RanffM lor 35 OtT-Oir-TOWN ORDBRS C1VEW PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION STATE FURNITURE COMPANY Phone Douglas 1317. Corner 14th and Dodge 9ta Omaha. Neb., $25 Reward For the recovery of 1915 model Ford Runabout. I License No. 9558-Neb.. Engine No. 788904. Stolen from Manawa Park on the night of September . I The car had a complete set of practically new Fire- J stone Non-Skid tires; demountable rims; lower I wind shield broken; brass radiator painted black. ! Telephone or communicate with C. I. Palm, - ( Manager, - Manawa Park, . Council Bluffs, Iowa. Omaha phone, Douglas 1365, Council Bluffs, 947. J Omaha Council Bluffs I Street Railway Co i i i i