Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 15

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Mrs. Dwight Porter, with Dwight, jr., and Jean
Louise, make up the pretty little family group of the
new principal of High School of Commerce. The
Porters come to Omaha from Shawnee, Okl., but
originally their home was New Harmony, Ind. Mrs.
Porter is a member of the Collegiate Alumnae and
a graduate of the University of Indiana.
Mrs. Percy Hall and Robert are the charming
guests of the parents of Mr. Hall, the Matthew A.
Halls. Their home is in Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Albert Brogan of Austin Tex, with her
husband, Prof. Albert Brogan,. are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Francis A. Brogan. This is their first visit home
since their wedding, which took place last fall.
Rvm?r-STcsFHS Photo
Cool Autumn Days Hasten Home
Coming of Many Summer Travelers
COOL autumn days, with the pros
pect of as brilliant an Ak-Sar-Ben
season as war-time exigen
cies will permit, is bringing home the
biggest part of the' summer wayfaring
contingent. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and daugh
ters, Elizabeth, Erna and Thede, ar
rived home Saturday from a summer
spent at Osterville, Mass.
Miss Grtfchen McConnell, who ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ham
ilton to Atlantic City, returns today.
Mrs. Henry Wyman and daughter,
Margaret, have returned from the
east, where they visited Mrs. Charles
H. Brown at Great Barrington, Mass.
Mrs. Brown has a house there for
the season and 'wilt 'remain' until the
first of November.
Edward A. Creighton and son, John
D., 2d, have returned from Atlantic
City. Mrs. Creighton and the other
children will stay at the seashore un
til October 1 with her pareihs, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Connell.
Mrs. A'fred C. Kennedy is home
from a summer sojourn at West
Point, Lake Minnetonka. ' Mrs.W.
W. Grigor, who was with her, is still
there, but expects to go east soon
-and return to Omaha for Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraser and
family, who have been in northern
Minnesota for several weeks, have re
turned. Mrs. T. E. Stevens and her daugh
:er, Mrs. Ben Wood, jr., returned
Monday from Elkhart Lake, Wis. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fitzgerald and
daughter, Miss Gertrude Marsh, re
turned Monday from a month at Port
Huron and a few days in Chicago and
Clinton on their way home. At the
latter place they visited Mrs. Fitzger
ild's sister, Mrs. Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell, ac
companied by Miss Helen Ruff of St
Paul, motored down from Prior Lake,
reaching here Tuesday: Miss Ruff is
he guest of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meyer and Mr.
ind Mrs. C. Louis Meyer and baby
returned last Saturday, the former
from a trip to California and Mrs.
louis Meyer form a summer in Salt
Lake City and on her parents' ranch
at Big Piney, Wyo. .
Mrs. Harvey Jackson and niece,
Ella Marie Atkins, have returned
from Los Angeles and San Diego.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cameron re
turned last Saturday from Okoboji,
where they spent the summer.
- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cameron are
back from a motor trip to Minne
apolis. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Carlisle and
children came down Sunday from
Prior Lake, accompanied by Miss
Julia Caldwell. ;
Mrs. , W. H, Head and daughter,
Miss Lillian Head have returned
from Chicago Lake, Minn., where
they spent four weeki.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Redick are
expected, back today from Wyoming.
. Mrs. S. D. Barkalow and Miss
Barkalow . returned Monday from
Estes park and are at the Fontenelle.
They had expected to have Mrs. B.
B. Wood's apartment at Highland
Court for three months, but Mrs.
Wood's plans to spend that time in
California have been changed owing
to the illness of her daughter, Mrs.
Cranmer of Denver.
Mrs. Charles H. Marple and Miss
Josephine Marple have returned from
Stead's ranch in Moraine park.
Mrs. T. J. O'Brien and family have
returned from their ranch in Ne
braska. Mrs. J. A. Spence returned Satur
day morning from a seven weeks' visit
in northern Wisconsin and Chicago.
Mrs. Martin Harris returned Fri
day from Great Neck, Long Island,
where she spent the summer with her
sister, Mrs. Louis Calder. Mr. and
Mrs. Harris will be at the Blackstone
for a monthi after which they will
take an apartment at the Birchwood
in Dundee.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wood and
daughters, Mrs. Harvey Milliken,
Mrs. Beghtol of Lincoln "and Miss
Adelyn Wood, have returned from a
month at Okoboji.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C Patterson have
returned from Okoboji, and their
daughters, Mrs. Miriam Boyce and
Miss Eugenie Patterson, are expect
ed back the middle of the week. ,
Social Calendar
New Dundee bridge-luncheon club,
Mrs. Paul Wadsworth, hostess.
Orpheum party for -Miss Bess
Ritchie of Idaho Falls, Miss
Marion Weller, hostess.
Luncheon at Country club-'for
Mrs. Timothy Dyer of Berkeley,
Cal., Mrs.- J. F. Coad, sr.,
. hostess.
Tuesday t
McDonald-Scobie wedding.
Omaha Whist club at the Fonte-
nelle. ; . ',,','.'. '.':"',' ' , .' '
Women golfers luncheon at Pret
tiest Mile club. .-,'
Luncheon parties and bridge tour
nament at Field club.
Dinner-dance at Happy Hollow
Afternoon party for Miss Ritchie,
Miss Margaretha Grimmel, host
ess. ....,.'.,
Ritlough-Carruthers wedding.
Dinner-dance at Field and Country
Dinner-dance at Prettiest Mile
Cottagers' dinner at Carter Lake
Comus club meets with Mrs.' P.
M. Jennings.
Luncheon at Blackstone for Miss
Ritchie, Miss Margaret Gamble,
Pre-nuptial affair for Miss Virginia
Weller, ; Mrs. Verne Benedict,
hostess .
Luncheon parties at Happy Hol
low club.
Shower for Miss Virginia Weller,
given by Misses Dorothy and
Marian Weller.
Dinner-dance at Seymour Lake
Country club.
Week-end picnic for Miss Ritchie,
given by the Misses Weller.
Dinner-dance at Country, Field,
Happy Hollow, Prettiest Mile
and Carter Lake clubs.
Children's matinee dansant at
Prettiest Mile club. Box party
at Brandeis theater given by Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Brogan. I
Society Assumes Brighter Aspect
With the Approach of Ak-Sar-Ben
SEPTEMBER, precursor of the
social season, is dotted with
more social events than has
preceded it the summer long:
Despite the departure of our boys to
training camps, society is having its
last fling at country clubs before their
closing dinner-dances the last Satur
day evening of the month. Luncheons
and dinners, chiefly for visitors and
girls of the school set soon to de
part for eastern institutions of learn
ing, dot the social calendar and a new
afternoon of amusement, knitting par
ties when one busily plies the needle
(and as busily the tongue) for and
about one's soldier boy friends.
Weddings, too, there are in which
society is interested. Miss Helen
Scobie's marriage to Mr. Alan Mcr
Donald, Tuesday, a quiet ceremony
at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scobie; Miss Vir
ginia Weller's wedding to Mr. O.
Dean Davidson next wek, Wednes
day, at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles K. Weller; and the
marriage- of Miss Lenore Younpr,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Young of Macedonia, la., to Mr.
Eldred Schuyler Hart, son of Mrs.
Ernest Eldred Hart of Council Bluffs,
scheduled for. September 22, are.
among the interesting ceremonies of
the month.
There is another of which Mellificia
can only hint. "She" is a well known
pianist who lives in Dundee. Her en
gagement to an out-of-town man
dates back several years, but, though
few are in the secret, the marriage is
sure to take place this fall, possibly
before the month is out. Her mar
riage will take this popular young
musiciart out of Omaha for, needless
to say, she will take up her residence
in the bridegroom's home city. It
will be a very (JUiet home wedding.
Ak-Sar-Ben season is, of course, first
in interest and already the visitors
for the big coronation ball are begin
ning to flock t'o the city. The military
idea which will be carried out in all
arrangements for the big annual ball,
in keeping with the spirit of the time,
gives promise of making the ball
room a particularly brilliant spectacle.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metz, whose en
gagement was announced exclusively
by The Bee last Ak-Sar-Ben week,
liave already arrived from Buffalo, but
will spend two weeks on the Metz
ranch in the western part of the state
before the ball. For this event they
will be joined by Mrs. Metz's parents,
(Continued on rage Two, Column One.) -
Omaha Men Serve Uncle Sam .
In Posts All Over the Country
R. WILL Ross, jr.. s6n of Dr,
and Mrs. W. L. Ross, of Flor
ence, left Cincinnati, where he
has been for the last year left Sun
day for Camp Upton, Mineola, Long
Island, where' he was assigned to
duty in the medical reserve corps.
Dr. Ross received the commission of
first lieutenant. '
Mr. Kenneth Norton, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank J. Norton, who is sta
tioned at CJemmons, Mich., with the
aviation corps, arrived home Satur
day morning for a week's furlough.
Arthur Loomis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Loomis; will be home
today on a sixteen days' leave from
the naval training station at Newport,
R. I., where he has been with the
mosquito fleet all summer. This will
be his first visit home since last
Christmas, as he joined the service
while at Cornell and did not come
home. -
Mr. Harold C.' Linihan, a senior in
Creighton college, is at Monmouth
Park, N. J., where he is a member of
Company D of the Seventh telegraph
battalion of the signal reserve corps.
Clifford Wolfe and his . brother,
Dudley, sons of Mrs. Joseph M. Bal
dridge and grandsons of Benjamin F.
Smith of New York, have applied for
the American field service abroad
and hope to leave shortly for France.
The field service is the ammunition
transportation service in the field and
includes driving of the great ammu
nition trucks to and from the firing
lines. " -'',,, ,
Clifford Wolfe went east early in
the summer to 1 join - the mosquito
fleet, offering h$ boat to the govern
ment, but returned to Council Bluffs
two or three weeks aeo to see his
wife, who was Miss Marion Macrae,
preparatory to joining the field serv-
Give Smart Function
At the Country Club
Undoubtedly the largest, perhaps
the most enjoyable, function which
graced the Country club this summer
was the dinner-dance given lat even
ing by Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward
George, honoring their guests, Miss
Irene Grosse and her father, Mr. John
E. Grosse,, of Pasadena, Cal. The
Grosses are spending the week-end
in Omaha enroute to New York.
Six tables, seating ten guests each,
were arranged for, the dinner, each
table bearing a large basket of pink,
lavender and white, asters, tied with
fluffy tulle bows in the same shades
with the addition of green. Place
cards and other appointments carried
out the same pastel color scheme.
Asked to renew acquaintance with
Miss Grosse, who visited the Georges
about this time last year and was one
of the attendants at the Coronation
ball, were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hess,
Mr. and Mrs. John Melhop, Mr. and
Mrs. William Coppick, Mr. and Mrs.
George Mayne arid Mr. George
Wright of Council Bluffs, and the fol
lowing membes of the local social
set: Messrs. and Mesdames Ross B.
Towle, Barton Millard, Luther Drake,
A. L. Reed, C. A. Keller, George B.
Prjnz, Henry F. Wyman, Chat Red
ick, J. E. Fitzgerald, A. G. Beeson, E.
T. Swobe,. M. C. Peters, Harley G.
Moorhead, , Herbert Wheeler, C. C.
George, George Tunnicliff, Harry Tu
key, O. T. Eastman, David A. Baum,
Francis H. Gaines, E. W. Dixon,
Robert Dempster, Joseph Barker, Dr.
arid Mrs. Charles A. Hull, Mrs. Han
lin, mpther of Mrs. C. C. George; Mr.
Raymond Welch of California, Ran
dall Brown and W. Farnam Smith.
ice. He goes east again next week.
Dudley Wolfe is-at Rockland, Me.;
at his grandfather's summer place.
Philip Downs,' who enlisted last
March in the mosquito fleet while he
was still at Union college, only re
ceived orders last week to report at
the Brooklyn navy yard and left Sun
day. Just what duty he was to be
assigned to he did not know when he
left, but since the mosquito fleet is to
be disbanded, according to all re
ports, the men in it will probably bi
transferred to other branches of th
Mrs. John C. Cowin, who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie Clark at
Belevdere, N. Y., is now at Battle
Creek, Mich., where her son,. Lieu
tenant Colonel Will Cowin, is on
duty at Camp Custer. His wife has
taken a house in Battle Creek.
Robert Wood, son of Mrs. B. B.
Wood, was among the signal corps
men from the Nebraska Telephone
company who left last Saturday for
Chicago, where they get their equip
ment and then go into training, prob
ably at a New Jersey camp., v.
Major Charles C Allen is at Camp
Logan, at Houston; Tex., as chief-of-staff
of one of the brigades under
General George Bell, jr. Mrs. Allen,
formerly Miss . Bessie Yates of this
city, ia at present' at Atlantic City,
but will go to Houston later.
Lieutenant Colonel John R.- Han
nay and Major W. N. Haskell, both of
whom were once stationed here, the
former at Fort Crook and the. latter
at Fort Omaha, are now at Camp Up
ton, Yaphank, L, I., as staff officers.
Francis , Gains, jr., left Sunday for
Washington to enter the civil service
department of the government until
he receives his commission as first
lieutenant in the aviation supply de
partment. ' ."'.') "
Casper Offutt, who passed his ex
amination for the diplomatic service
early in the summer and then applied
for entrance at the second training
camp at Snelling, was ordered two
weeks ago to Washington for prelim
inary instruction, and is with Francis
Gaines at the Grafton. He expects
n assignment to a post within a short
Jarvis Offutt, who has been at the
Canadian flying fields taking instruc
tion for nearly two motnhs, has com
pleted the required" thirty-five hours
in the air alone and is now taking
work at the Toronto university be
fore going on to the next field at
Camp Borden, Ontario,' to finish the
course. One of his fellow flying stu
dents is Montague Tancock, son of
Dean and Mrs. Tancock, who has
joined the Canadian Royal Flying
corps. -
Residence Changes. v- .! ; .
D. E. Bradshaw, the new attorney
for the Woodmen of the World, who
came here from Little Rock, is at
the Blackstone with his wife and
daughters, preparatory to taking a
house in Omaha. Mrs. Bradshaw, a
musician of ability, sings as well as'
plays the pipe organ, and her daugh
ters, Miss Melba and Miss Frances
Bradshaw, are attractive young
girls, the former out in society and
the latter still a school girl.-
Mrs. Mabel Ogden has taken an
apartment at the Benbow which will
be ready about the first of October.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Creighton
and Miss Ellen Creighton have taken
f . , a n t. , .
a iiuusc ai tou uougias street and
will move October 1.- At present they
me ambling i yjc nuinc 01 Mr, aa
Mrs. Edward A. Creighton . . ,