THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1917. 9 SCOTT OF OMAHA 'IN BAD' IN CHICAGO Easy for Lothario to Get Women and Forget Bills, But When House Detective Comes Oh, My. unen "v. K. Scott of Omaha" went to the Hotel La Salle, Chicago, to retrieve "Mrs. Scott's" suitcase he erred. He should have remained I away, because he was arrested on a charge of beating the hotel out of $47.50. "Scott and wife" registered in rh Hotel August 30. Monday they de fied quue unostentatiously, forget ting the "wife's" bag and the hotel rccKoning. mat is where the male member of the sketch began getting m bad and every new whirling min ute thereafter seemed to overwhelm mm witn new indiscretions. , "Well," said he to Jay Abrams, the nyusc aeieciive, ;i n nave to admit it. My name isn't Scott; it's R. S. Orr. 1 1 Jive in another city; it isn't Omaha; s a mistaKe. "Who was the lady?f demanded .vorams. Lost One, but Got Another. . !'uyes sure that's r'nt. the lady," Orr sparred. "Well, you've got it on me there, too. Say, I met her in the lobby of the Hotet Sherman." "Met her in the lobby?" 'Sure, you see, I had a beautiful girl with me and I lost her in the crowd," Orr explained, "so I went into the Votel and got another one: she had alluring eyes." Abrams took Orr by the arm and they walked over to the Hotel Sher man to verify the story. Abrams spoke to a clerk. He's an Easy Forgetter. Ever see this man before?" asked, indicating Orr. Doctors This Time. Guess 'Em. They Have Been Practising on Patients in Omaha Many Years 1 THIRD IOWA SOON GOING TO FRONT men wacldng: for Trip and Expect Order to Move at Any Time; First Volunteers to France. Group will be printed again in Sunday's Bee with names and present-day photos. spir the (From a Staff Correepondent.) Des Moines, la., Sept. 7. (Special leiegram.) The Third Iowa is ex pected to break camp late Saturday k"xv UlUIVUUUt Will I a . "Sure," said the clerk. "He Jumped an.a entr' fr Camp Mills, Mfneol a hotel bill of $50. Glad youVe got all'a Wen have been packing; uo th he packing up the past few days. The Third will be a part of the Rainbow division which will be the first volunteer army to go to France. Round Up Slackers. Rounding up of more than 1,000 slackers who failed to report for serv ice in the national army under the call from their local boards was start- him." "By Gosh," said Orr, "I must have forgot that one. It's one on me." "Say," said Abrams, "where did you leave your baggage?" "Oh, I left it in the Hotel Washing ton," replied the trouble gatherer. They walked over to that hostelry. "His baggage is here," said the manager of the Washington. "He jumoed out leaving a bill of $30" "I aruess that's rieht." said Orr. ed by Adjutant General Ln "But it's funny how I forgot all those The men are given notice through the things, now ain't it?" , mails to appear before General A Busy Man, All Right. Logan at once. If within five days It seemed as if all the tough luck "Ln" 0"n. mai,M d about happened and he was taken " v P " DC reatea aj the detective bureau. A letter from So ? ft7, A rCwar1 i wife was found in his pocket It ?f lMfcd hy .th.? vernment i a siacucr to me man's five davs of grace are up. The first notices to these men were sent out today. Ten in Each District Reports from the local boards to the supreme exemption board show that there is an average of ten in each district who have failed to re spond to the board's notices to re port for duty. There are 112 local districts in the state. NAtira will a a , la . W. W.! Hfi Wants UamafjeS be sent to each man today who failed ... ---J a . i 41 i. il .... c- i? it c r c l i c . I . ll,al iey re in me service 1UUA t-uS, u., cpt. .toil- ot tne united States army and that cial.) M. E. Nelson, a transient they must report to Adjutant General claiming to be a member of the In- Logan at once. If within five days dustrial Workers of the World, they have not reported officials will threatens to institute a $10,000 dam- majce every errort to round tnem up. age suit against the city authorities The $50 reward for their capture and of Garretson because they refused to delivery to the officials is in effect had about happened and he was taken to MA.AlZ.uA:m the delivery of "TSf after the one nau iiiu vi in Bilivaiiiiug Willi other women. But Mr. Orr had not been down-hearted, for in another pocket was an answering note to his wife. "No, dearie," he had written, "I am faithful to you, but awfully busy on a big deal. Honey." City Wouldn't Give Bed to ' orovide him with free lodging. As the result of this alleged refusal he claims he was compelled to sleep in a box car in the Garretson yards of the Great Northern Railway com pany. During his slumbers he evi dently had bad dreams of farmers chasing him with shotguns or blood hounds and fell out of the, car, sus taining numerous bruises and cuts. He alleges he would not have been injured had it not been for the "neg lect" of the city authorities in pro viding him with a comfortable bed. Nelson could not produce papers showing he had registered under the selective draft aft, he claiming he was tinder the age of 21. He further demands that the city pay him at the rate of $3.50 per day for the time he was detained by the chief ot police. Farewell Dinner to Recruits. Plattsmouth. Neb.. Sect 7. (St cial.) Seven persons volunteered to so in the first call for men. They were Leo H. Tighe of Manley, Os wald T. Miller of Weeping Water, Hall A. Pollard of Nehawka. Elex F. Monger and Carl, both of Platts-j mouth, who were selected as the men. to go, while Albert J. uodwin ana Samuel H. Rhotten were selected as alternates. A farewell dinner, at the 7 hotel was served before1 they departed, Dunbar Host to S&oftjM. . Dunbar, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) Company B, Fifth regiment, located at Nebraska City, with Captain Jay M. Holmes at their head, "Hiked" to Dunbar yesterday, a distanoe of ten miles, and were the guests of Dunbar and community at a big fried chicken dinner served to them in the Walker city park. There were 150 in the company, eighteen of these be ing soldier sons from Dunbar homes. Obituary Notice RUSSELL L. JOHNSON of Clifton Hill died yesterday at 10 o'clock at his home, 4327 Grant street, follow In? sickness of nearly a year, although he did not give up his work until July. He had lived in Omaha about eight years, coming from Indiana. Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife and one daughter, two brothers and a sis tor. The funeral will be held from the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30. MRS. LENA CREIGHTON, 2480 Cass street, died Thursday at the Ford hospital. Mrs. Creighton was 38 years of age and is survived by her hus iiswid, C. R. Creighton; one daughter, Hazel, and three sons, George Creigh ton of Spokane, William of Baltimore r nd Ray Creighton of Omaha. Funeral services will be held from Dodder'a chapel Saturday at 2 p. m. Interment at West Lawn cemetery. J. P. BOYER, 87, 1120 Farnam street, died Thursday at a local hos pital of typhoid fever. He is survived by his wife, living at Lamonl, la. Fu neral services will be at Johnson & Swanson's chapel at 4 p. m. Friday. MRS. EMMA CHILDS, aged 34, died Thursday at the St Joseph hospital, The body has been sent to Julian, Neb., for burial. FRED G. BECKMAN" of Tecumseh died at a Beatrice hospital Wednesday night. Death was caused from bowel trouble! Mr. Beckman is survived by his widow and three children. The Remains wert tn to Tecumseh lor rial, 1 after their five days of grace. adoui mty roik county men are numbered among the 1,000 who have failed, to report for duty. Patriotic Meeting. Governor Hardin?. Senator Cum mins. Frank O'Connor of New Hirhb ton and Claude Porter of Centerville will speak at the big patriotic meet ing to be held at the state house Sep, tember 10, which is to attended by sheriffs, county attorneys, members of the boards of supervisors and mayors of cities, rred W. Lehman of St. Louis, who was to speak, will not be able to attend. Lafayette Young, sr., chairman of the State Council of De fense, will preside. Vigorous stamp ing out oi an seuiuuua scnumcm in the communities of Iowa will be ad vocated by Governor Harding. In fact, the governor has it in mind to' remove public officials from office who are lax in the use of measures against disloyalty or persons guilty of se ditious acts. , Tne governor will also advocate he most energetic njethodsj in inc proscpjiuon oi inc worn, per taining to me war. Harding Writes Officials "During the period of the war we cannot countenance disloyalty in an form," Governor Harding declares in a letter sent out to county officials' urging their attendance at the meet ing. "So far our state has a splendid record and it is mv hooe that the record may continue good until the end. In order to bring this about it is going to require active, ener getic work on the par of evepy offi cial." More than 1,000 county offi cials and others interested in the, war wok of the state are eapeeted to attend th'is meeSag. , To Appoint (fowity Agents. Tinder the food bYll j-eeertflypassed by congress Iowa will icgiye $2W,- 500 for agriaukwal extension wprk tr he rarriett on under the direction of the ewtensten department of the State Agricultural college at Ames. Of this amount JMt2,000 will go to the placing of county agents in counties which wHl organise a local organiza tion and put up $5J(,500; $43,500 will go to home demonstration work and $8,000 to boars' ad g'ifls' club work. The government has appropriated in all for agricultural evasion work throughout the eSire;country"for the next year frt'P. Cotm'ties whicnare to have these county agents mst put in a request through the ekiepn department at Ames. Agent assigned to the coun ties for the cjouny agent work will receive from $1,200 to $1,800 per year. Want Telegraphy Taught. Lieutenant Colonel L. W. Weid- man ot tne signal corps, united States reserves, is sending out re quests to the colleges and schools of Iowa to put in courses in telegraphy. He declares the country is in great need of telegraphic operators. Out of more than 100 Iowa schooU writ ten to ten have thus far promised to put in a course in telegraphy. To Observe Constitution Day. Constitution day, September 17, should be observed by every school in Iowa, State Superintendent of Schools A. M. Deyoe declares in a letter being mailed to all of the schools. "It is vital that our public schools endeavor - to instill in the minds of our young people a spirit of loyaity ana appreciation of the op portunities and privileges which they enjoy unaer our government, buper mienaent ueyoe declares. Perfect Capitol Extension Plans. Plans perfected the last few days f... i.U - ..... . ' . uj uic siaic executive council con temorate comnletincr mttrh nf tU, work on the capitoi extension tract wnnin anotner year, ihis fall the council plans to take up the sidewalks apout tne state nouse, remove the re taining walls about the old grounds and grade down the present grounds to coniorm to the rest of the tract, Eleventh street, just east of the cap iui ouiiaing, is to oe ciosea. A new winding drive, starting in at about Eighth and Cour avenue and extend ing around the rimof the bluff near the south line of the erounds. will be laid out. This is to be oaved next season. Restores Train Service. The Minneaoolis & St. Louis rail road, which recently took off a oas senger train between Fort Dodge and Angus on a branch line, has informed the state railroad commission that it will restore this service. Complaint was niea with tne railroad nairnis- sion by the towns aloni the Mine against the removal of the train. The commission had fixed a date for hearing, and the citizens albng the line were nreoarinsr to makea fiirht for the restoration of the service. The action on the part of the railroad com pany in restoring the tram was vol untary. Rate Meeting. The state board of railroad commix, sioners will hold its semi-annual rate and classification hearing at the state house October 2. AH applications for changes in rates or classification of freight will be considered at that time. Webster City Schools Abolish Study of German Webster City, la., Sept. 7. (Spe cial.) By unanimous action the Web ster City school board has banished Oerman from the public schools. Seniors will be allowed to complete any German work begun last year, but upon the completion of this no more uerman will be taught here. It is planned later to replace it with Spanish, which is almost the univer sal language of Central and South America. Farewell to Geneva Recruits. Geneva. Neb.. SeoK' 7. ( Special.) J. he picnic dinner served by the Com munity club and Red Cross in honor of the five soldiers who left vester- day, in the court house park, was well attended. The speaker of the even ing was Judge H. H. Wilson of Lin coln. The recruits are Leslie A. Wil son, Geneva: Frank F. Fields. Gen eva; John W. Eckwall, Shickley; Fred J. Houzvida, Exeter; M. Francis, Hourigan. Leslie Wilson is the son of the Postmaster Mrs. H. P. Wil son and leaves a splendid position to go to tne tront. New County Superintendent. Plattsmouth. Neb.. Seot. 7. fSoe- oial.) Miss Ada Marquardt, who was cieca county superintendent, recent ly married A. L. Cockel of Omaha. .and since has tendered her resigna tion as county superintendent. Miss 'Aloha Petersen of this citv ha heen appointed her successor.- Persistent Advertising la the Road to Success. DISTILLERIES STOP MAKING OF WHISKY 1 i Federal Law Closing Down Manufacture of Distilled Spirits for War Will Make Big Change in Conditions. Washington, D. C, Sept. 8. Manu facture of whisky will cease through out the nation at 11 o'clock tomorrow night when the prohibitive clause of the food control act becomes effee tive. Millions of bushels of grain which food officials say would otherwise be ground up for whisky will thus be re leased for food. How many millions, no one knows, for the manufacture of alcohol for beverage purposes is so slosely blended with the production of alcohol for industrial and' medici nal purposes that there is no way of determining the exact amount. Of the 100,000,000 bushels of grain, or thereabouts, which goes into the distilleries each year, about 40 per cent, experts estimate, comes out in the form of whisky and other distilled beverages. The remainder, made into alcohol of exactly the same charac teristics as that I used for whiskv. eventually finds its way Into per tumea, toilet waters, bay rum, medi cities and to industries where dena tured alcohol is used in evtr increas ing quantities. Approximately 116.000.000 Brillom of whisky are produced each year by American distilleries. Production of alcohol by the same distilleries for commercial and medicinal uses othtr than beverasres aooroximatei Mri.flftfl . 000 gallons. The manufacture of al cohol for the latter purposes will con tinue as usual, probably in greater volume, and few of the lararer distil leries, if any. will have to shut down. according to government authorities. I he class of distilleries which will be put out of business is composed almost wholly of small olants op erated by from one man to half a dozen men, located in California, Ohio and New Jersey and producing brandy from grapes, apples and peaches. These produce approximate ly ,wu,uuu gallons a year. those in New Jersey and Oh o. officials believe, will suspend opera tions entirely. Ihe California plants, it is thought will contiue to operate, in part, for the manufacture of spirits for forti fying sweet winu. Stopping whisky manufacture, in stead of curtailing the government's revenues, will increase them for the next two years, officials believe. Coupled with the pending revenue bill, the withdrawal of whisky frdm bond will probably treble the reve nues within the next twelve months, as the present law imooses a tax of $1.10 and the revenue bill content-" plates a tax o $3.20 a gallon. A stock of approximately 230,000,000 gallons as accumulated in the bonded ware houses and on the shelves of whole sale and retail liquor dealers. Approx imately 190,000,000 gallons are in warehouses and upon that quantity the government will collect taxes upon alcohol for commercial pur poses,- except alcohol for denaturiza tion, the revenue bill imposing a tax of $2.20, doubling the present income. There are approximately 700 dis tilleries in the country, of which more than half are small fruit brandy plants. The amount of capital in vested in the latter class is not great in the aggregate. The capital invested in the hig producing plants amounts high into millions. Officials here be lieve that losses will be more than wiped out by the prices distillers will obtain for product already manufac tured. In the opinion of some officials whisky will be selling at $15 a gallon within twelve months, affording dis tillers enormous profits. A tremendous growth in the use ol commercial alcohol is anticipated which in time may result in the de mand for quantity of alcohnt t 1af as large as the present output for all purposes. Favors Education for Men Under Draft Age Lincoln. Neb.. Snt 7 The school year of 1917-1918 will give men who are under the age limit of the draft and those whn will nt called immediately an excellent onnnr- tunity to get a year or two of special training in agriculture, according to E. A. Burnett, dean of the Tnlloir Agriculture. 'If the war continues for some time, many men who are in a position to eni icr tne university mav have tn on tn the army," said Dean Burnett. "In all probability these men will never have so good a chance to set an atm. cultural education." Infantile Paralysis at Wahoo; School Is Closed Wahoo. Neb.. Sent 7. r'Snwian The Northward school was closed to day and the building fumigated on ac count of what appears to be an epi demic of infantile paralysis in this city. Three cases have been reported to the authorities. Meet Wednesday LftdU AtiTlK&rv No. 6, Carpentera and Joiner, will maet every Wednesday at 2 o'clock in Labor Temple. CHILDREN HAVE ESCAPEjROM GAS Escaping Fumes From Stove Overcome Two Children, Who Are Found Uncon scious bj Playmate. Just as they were on the verge of being overcome by escaping gas at 8 o'clock Friday morning Reinhold Cehlers, aged 12 years, and his sister, Ellen Cehlers, aged 16 yars, 1924 South Eleventh street, were discov ered by Arthur Case, 15 yiars old, Of 1924 South Eleventh street, who called his mother and then carried the stricken children from the house. Police Surgeon Callaghan respond ed to a rush call and, with the aid of the pulmotor, revived the almost un conscious girl. Kemhold Lehlers did not inhale as much gas as his sitter, and sustained no ill effects bevond a solittinsr head ache. Mrs. Mary Cehlers is in the coun try with another daughter, Mary, who is afflicted with yellow jaundice, and, left the boy and girl to take care of the house while she was gone. j Brushes Against Stove. Just before going to bed last nighty mien happened to orusn Dy tne gas stove in the kitchen and accidentally turned on one of the jets. The win dows of the house were all open and. were it not for this the escaping gas would have completely accomplished its wdrk long before morning. Arthur Case was getting ttiiy to go to scnooi at central tiign, wnere Ellen also attends, and went in to see if ihe was about ready to start, ' when he smeled gas and immediately 1 became aware that all was not right, f Ellen is in her second year at the ! High school and Reinhold is a pupil j at the Lincoln school. - i Marietta Minister Killed - .: When Motor Car Upsets! Wahoo. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.) I Rev. F. C.' Bingham, pastorsof the Marietta Presbyterian church, was ? killed in an automobile accident last j night. The accident happened six miles northeast of Wahoo while he I was taking his first lesson on how to ; drive the car. His son Vance was in- . structiiig him. The car went into a j ditch and turned over." ; Fall's First Showing of MEN'S High-Grade Walk-Over Shoes There is a style to suit every man, either young or old, and at a price that suits as well. The popular Eng lish lasts are shown in black and tan calf or black or tan with colored up pers. Here, too. there are the staple, conservative styles such as have made Walk-Over Shoes famous. $4.50 to $10 We are sole agents in Omaha for "Ground-Gripped Surgical Shoes for men and women. Genuine cow hide Puttees, splendidly Made; Specially priced at IT.SO. Regulation Army Shoes, the tame kind the Walkover Shoe Company are making for the United States government' at the raU of 5,000 pairs a day. Phoenix Hosiery in AH Colors for Men nd Women. 1M . I:i i PY I Li I; ill I' ill VI Walk-Over Boot Shop 317 South 16th Street CI I PATRIOTIC RALLY and RiCRUITING MEETING m i Saturday Night, September 8, 1917 BOYD'S THEATER Good Music Rousing Speeches Men between ages of 18 and 45 especially invited. Come and hear yoilr Country's appeal. Men of draft-age will be particularly benefited. Nebraska Nat'l Guard Reserve Omaha Battalion I i I Noveltjr, Quality and Style in Men's Apparel for Fall There has never been a time so important as right now for you to be sure of what you're getting for your clothes money more than ever your satisfaction depends on WHERE you buy, and upon what the goods look like and the price you pay. It ia at a time like this that our experience of yeara in serving the men of Omahaof buying and selling none but merchandise of known reliability ani our unqualified guarantee of your satisfaction count in your favor. Safe guard your clothes buying,' therefore, by coming to this store for all your clothes needs. j .' ! Style, Quality and Variety for the young man in single-breasted, double-breasted, belter backs, pinch backs, with flap pockets, patch pockets, vertical pockets and cross pockets; Snd for the man of conservative taste we offer an unexcelled variety in gray clays, blue serges and neat worsted effects in sizes ranging from 36 to 48, at only Men's Pure Wool Fall Suits The smartest array of Fall models evtr presented. An exquisite selection of luxurious Fall woolens in handsome stripes, mixtures and novelties. Clothes that will suit the most fastidious. Don't fail to see our immense line of patch or slash-pocket, two- button, single and double-breasted models for the young fellows. Also see our great assortment of conservative styles. SATURDAY special suit val ues offer to you men and young men who appreciate opportunity the chance to choose a suit at less than these same suits cost today whole sale, at v jocket, two- m ARTICLES OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO ECONOMICAL MOTHERS Mothwf whs hvt boys that arc untuuallr hard on their elothti will find that hr ia plac that aelU elothtt that will fttand all the hard knoeki of tha youngiUr at lesi than they can ba bought alttwher. ) . Boys' School Suits that ar tha aort of values that pro claim thla department to be tha moat lacteal plate for boya' elothee. Durable wearing 'eatilmeree, Fall Norfolk!, In tannine patterns, with two pairs of knlckerborker pants. Sites S to If. .S.4S Boys' School Shoes Most durable leathers) button, blucher or English shapes. Sites 1 to 84 Sl 5 Boya' Durable Suits Matchless for wear and service. Made in a thorough manner and wear resisting. Classily designed Norfolk s in nest Fall patterns. Slits S to 17 . .$3.40 Boys' High Grade) Suits Superfine qualities In ALL WOOL Caani meres and Seoteh Mixtures and extra serviceable all wool blue aerges. Nobby Norfolk variations. Elegant fall fabric. Sizes 6 to IS Bays' School Caps Splendid wearing fall Caps; lota of heat dark patterns; extra well made; great values, at .25 Boya' School Waists . Mothers, you'll appreciate the fine qual ity and excellent make of these blonses. Siio f to 16....,.,.,.... BSC Boya' School Stockings The kind that gives almost unlimited wsar; fast black. Sites 6 to t. ...... ,12a SOUVENIR We will give beautiful souvenir to every waman that makes visit to our star Saturday, accompanied by her bey. CLOTHING COMPAAT CORi & DOUGLAS