Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Problem Is to Increase Produc
tion, Says Hoover; Arbitrary
Price Fixing Has Failed
in Europe
(By AsKociated Prrtw.)
Washington, Sept. 7. Price fixing
for meat and dairy products has no
place in the government's food con
trol plans, Herbert Hoover, the food
administrator, today told the Nation
al Live Stock conference. Not only
would it be inadvisable to institute
price fixing in these industries, he de
clared, but the food administration
has been given no such power.
As long as there is a heavy de
mand for meat with a decreased pro
duction, Mr. Hoover said, meat prices
will continue to soar. The hope of
the food administration is that it can
stabilize quotations and thus eliminate
"I cannot believe there is a panacea
for a situation of this kind," said Mr.
Hoover. "Our problem is to increase
production. The best we may expect
is a slow development toward the
ends we seek. Drastic control of pack
ing plants, witn government opera
' tion an alternative, will not work.
We can administer food control only
through the co-operation of all in
terests concerned.
Price Fixing Failed in Europe.
"There is no power in the food bill
to fix prices and we never-have asked
that power. Everywhere in Europe,
price fixing that is, the naming of
maximum prices has failed. We had
the fixing of wheat prices thrust upon
us, as it is our duty to purchase 30
per cent of the crop for export and
we had the wheat committee name a
price as a guarantee to producers and
to stop speculation.
I he meat situation is such that a
high price to producers is guaran
teed for many years, if war were to
end suddenly,-or if the submarines
were to be overcome, however, great
stores of wheat would be released in
Argentina, Australia and India, and
the bottom -would have dropped out
of the market in this country. These
three nations will soon have on hand
enough wheat to feed the world, but
shipping cannot be had to trans
port it.
Over Exporting Pork.
"Beef and pork present different
situations. We export a small amount
of beef, relatively, but now we are
over exporting pork and it may be
become necessary to take measures
to keep a proper relation between the
price t)l com and hogs. We w'ant
your advice as to how this may be
done. ' v
"There is nothing that can be done
to stop the rise in meat prices if the
shortage continues, but if we" stabil
ize prices the rise will move at a con
tinual level. . Producers must have a
price that will stimulate production
and must get the price .though there
can be no government guarantee, and
I see no way to bring about a volun
tary agreement as to the prices that
should be paid.
Minimum Price Unwise. '
"I doubt if legislation to guarantee
producers a minimum price is wise
and in meat I believe it is impossible
to aqcomplish this." '
Many of those attending the con
ference expressed the opinion that
prices might be stabilized through
centralization of the allies' purchas
ing. The evening session was devoted
to a general discussion of means to
be" employed in improving cattle
breeds. Speakers urged that the pro
posed expansion of the industry be
accompanied' by an elimination, of in
ferior 'stock in both meat producing
and dairy herds. Attention was called
to the fact that in Holland milch cows
have been producing 8,000 pounds of
milk annually, while the correspond
ing figure for this country is in the
neighborhood of 4,000 pounds.
Ogden Jury Says Possession
Of Liquor Is Not Unlawful
Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 7.
Those ho before August 1 laid in sup
plies of intoxicating liquor for their
own personal use and who do not sell
it or gjve it away are acting within
the'r rights, according to a jury ver
dict today at Ogden. Eli Rukuavina
was found not guilty of having liquor
in his possession unlawfully. The ver
dict prdvies the thought that Utah's
prohibition act is unconstitutional in
declaring that anybody having liquor
in his possession can be convicted,
lawyers declare. ' , -
Prior to prohibition becoming ef
fective August 1, hundreds of persons
bought liquor to store in their homes.
The attorney general says that even
if it is decided by the supreme court
that the act is unconstitutional in this
regard the other provisions in the
act may be enforced and the whole
act not be declared unconstitutional,
there being a conditional paragraph.
Five Billions Asked for
U. S. War Expenditures
Washington, Sept. 7. Appropria
tions and authorizations totalling
$4,810,000,000 are proposed in a general
deficiency bill embracing chiefly war
expenditures reported favorably to
day to the house by the appropriations,
committee. Actual appropriations pro
posed total $3,775,000,000 and the other
$1,035,000,000 would be authorized
now and appropriated at the next ses
ion ot congress. The bill probably
will be passed within two weeks.
Spain Increases U-Boat
" Flotilla to Ten Ships
Madrid, Sept. 7. Three submarines,
which Spain ordered in Italy before
Italy entered the war and which re
cently were completed, have arrived
at the port of Tarragona after a forty-eight-hour
voyage from Genoa.
It is stated that six more subma
rines are under ' construction, which
will raise the total of the Spanish, sub
marine fleet to ten. Up to this time
the Isaac Peral, constructed in the
United States, was the only subma
rine Spain possessed.
Former French Panama Canal
Man Given Legion of Honor
Bar de Luc, France, Sept. 7. Gen
eral Guillaumat, commander of the
French armies at Verdun, visited the
hospital heie today and bestowed the
decoration of the Legion of Honor
with rank of commander on Major
Philippe Bunau-Varilla, the former di
rector general of the old French
. Panama Canal company, who was
wounded on September 3.
government of Lloyd George, the
LEARN -THAT WORD" The speech which made the
British premier: secure. The ohotosraDh shows the
famous English statesman delivering his war address in Queen's Hall, London.
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Mrs. Ohaus Issues Statement
On the Drying of Fruits
and Vegetables at the
School Houses.
Brussels Greets Kaiser
With 'National Mourning
London, Sept. 7. It is related by
the Amsterdam correspondent of
the Exchange Telegraph comapny
that when Emperor William visited
Brussels last week on his way to
the Flanders front, the populace
refused to comply with a request of
the authorities to display flags. In
stead they remained indoots and
drew the window blinds, on which
they inscribed: "Closed for national
Award Contract for ,
Cadet Uniforms at $16.50
The contract for the High school
cadet suits has been awarded to Bur
gess Nash company, who submitted
a bid of $16.50. The appearance' of the
new uniforms will be the same as last
year, the only change being in the
weight of the cloth which is lighter.
Bids on suits having the cloth used
last year ranged from $25 to $37 and
were rejected.
The eleventh and twelfth grades of
the Florence High school are now
attending the Central High school.
The twelve students of the eleventh
grade enrolled today. The tenth
grade is expected tomorrow.
The girls of the Central, "High
school who are 16 years old or over
will rreet in the school auditorium
tomorrow to receive instructions how
to register for service to their coun
try next Wednesday. About 700 girls
are expected to attend.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Shorty" Hensel Starts On 27th
Year as Constable in Gtite City
Alvin Roberts Hensel, one of Doug
las county's best known and most
picturesque characters, entered upon
his twenty-seventh year as constable
in county court Friday. "Shorty",
as he is known to thousands of
Omahans, particularly the lawyers,
lays claim to being the oldest con
stable in the United States who has
been in office continuously for twenty-six
He is 78 years old, but is as chip
per and as full of pep as the average
40-year-old man. "Shorty" has been
elected county "constable" twelve
terms and has been appointed two
terms. Under the new law he will
come up for election again a year
from this fill.
In his tumultuous career "Shorty"
has demonstrated he is afraid of
neither man nor the devil. He has
served writs of attachment, writs of
replevin and other lefal papers on
property worth millions of dollars.
His fees have totaled more than
He has been in hundreds of fights
and can still wield his heavy cane in
a deadly way. Whenever a lawyer
wants a paper served on a particular
ly "hard customer," he always
chooses "Shorty" Hensel, for ninety
nine times out of a hundred "Shorty"
will come back with the "goods."
The veteran constable is crippled
as a result of injuries suffered during
the civil war, in which he served on
the union side four years and a half.
He was in the battle of Bull Run and
admits he "ran like h
"I want to serve as constable until
I am 80 years old; then I'll be satis
fied to see a younger man get the
job," said "Shorty." He is "death"
on newspaper reporters and in his
time has chased hundreds of them
who pestered him out of his office.
"Consarn that reporter; where's
that cigar I left on my desk this
morning," is "Shorty's" stock phrase.
Mrs. -J?ose Ohaus, superintendent
of the Public Welfare board, has an
nounced a change of dates for parties
who desire to patronize the munici
pal drying plants. Beginning next
week the Central Park and South
Side plants will be in operation from
9 to 11 in the morning and from 2
to 4:30 in the afternoon.
Each municipal drying plant has a
capacity for 100 trays and for drying
purposes the Central Park will be
open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days.' The South Side plant will be
in operation Tuesdays, Thursdays and
For the benefit of the public Mrs.
Ohaus desires to call attention to the
fact that directions for preparing all
drying can be secured at any of the
public schools or at the office of the
Public Welfare board in the cityvhall.
These directions are prepared by and
have the approval of the United States
Department of Agriculture.
. If these directions are closely fol
lowed, according to Mrs.' Ohaus.
houeewives will not have any trouble
with their dried products.
Irishmen in Jail for Irish
Freedom Demonstration
New York, Sept. 7.Thirty days in
the workhouse was the sentence. im
nosed here todav bv a Police maris
trate on two Irishmen who tore down
a British recruiting poster showing
the Union Jack and the words ' Bnt
.vi tr-i:, t.i.. tu. t-,:,t
lands, Animal xuuav. au iiitit aaivj
they destroyed the poster "in th in
terest of Irfeh freedom."
In passing sentence the court said:
Men like you have no right to
come to this country and avail your
selves of American privileges and
American institutions if you attempt
to embarrass one of America's allies
in this war."
No Americans Lost When
Argalia Was Torpedoed
Newport News, Va., Sept. ".Pri
vate dispatches from Glasgow say
that neither Captain Morris of the
British steamer Argalia, nor any
Americans of the crew were lost, as
previously reported, when the ship
was submarined a few weeks ago.
Two men of the crew, not Ameri
cans, were lost, the .dispatches say.
Berlin and Austria Confer
, On Peace Reply to Pope
London. Sept. 7. The reply of the
central powers tc Pope Benedict's
peace note will be dispatched in two
or three days, sav afl Exchange tele
graph dispatch from Amsterdam to
day. Count Czernin, the Austro-Hun-garian
foreign minister, has arrived i't
Berlin to engage in discussions over
the reply, adds the dispatch. The
Polish question is also to be discussed
during his visit, it is stated. ,
Expel Viennese Who Go to
Budapest "Solely to EaV
Zurich, Sept. 7. A report that the
Hungarian minister of the interior in
tends to expel foreign residents from
Budapest, including Viennese who are
unable to furnish reasons for remain
ing there, has caused intense irrita
tion in Vienna.
Salary $65 to $75 Per MontK
Apply Between 1 and 4 O'clock
Saturday Afternoon
500 Brandeis Bldg. '
1508-1510 Douglas St.
nteresting Blouse News
Announcing Complete Displays of New Fall Models
Our buyers for the patt - month have been in
the New York market, choosing from the world's
foremost manufacturers these hundreds of stunning
Blouses, which will greet you here Saturday.
Clever new creations, including the hy-lo collar
.effects, in Georgettes and Crepe de Chines all are
trimmed, of course, as this is a season of elaborate
ly trimmed Blouses. .New suit shades aplenty.
Smart tailored and . embroidered
Blouses. of Georgette and Crepe de
Chines, white and flesh; these are
truly remarkable values at.
We've grouped together hosts of
beautiful Blouses in all the new
fall colorings, new styles, new fab
rics, and offer them as a leading
feature at. . . ,
Rich colorings, beautiful trimmed
Blouses, of, Georgette, Crepe de
Chine and Taffetas; styles that are
fascinating, and we're confident
you'll pronounce them values extraordinary
The New Fall Apparel is Strikingly Attractive
Fashion favors Satins and
Serges for the present Fall
season and our immense
stocks ' hold taany such
dresses you'll delight in
, All indications point to a
most unusual Dress season.
Omaha women are taking the
cue and making selections
early while assortments are
Here youl encounter
smart models for street
wear, afternoon and dinner
frocks all the new Fall col
ors are strongly represented.
Whether you seek an in
expensive or an elaborate
dress, this store is best pre-,
pared to serve your needs.
VVe've aimed at best values
at each price. .
Satin $1Q50And
Dresses t. Up
Our Mr. Orkin has selected
these suits with a critical
regard for the dictates of
fashions and fabrics'.
These new Suits fault
lessly tailored and developed
in Silver Tones, Velours,
Duret de Laine, Oxfords,
Tricotines, Broadcloths and
Rich are the new colors
Beet Root, Grays, Reindeer,
Blues, Leather Shades, Rus
sian Green and Plum.
Strictly tailored Suits for
now, wonderful fur-trimmed
Suits for later Autumn arid
Winter. '
The Season's
ost Pleasing
Mi Suits
ill Ma. m. vw
Mrjs are
Society Brand
exclusive creations ...
or men ot Mil Mffes
And lbe most pleasing
colors are:
VShaddow Lawn
Cocoannt Browns
Coffee Browns
Flash Bines
Plain Shades-
In the very hew and popular fabrics:
Tillcns, Sparlan Stripes, Clydes, Rough
Wale Blues and Fine Serges
$18, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50,
$30, $35, $40, $45
Plain backs, military styles, high waist effects, full
belted, .big buckle, adjustable belt, pleated and
gathered back, taped seams or full lined, slash, patch,
verticle or bellows pockets. . '
and sizes to fit all comers
We Have a Great Assortment
of Clolhes f dp Less Money-- ,
$10, 12.50 and 815
Nothing to equal them in town,' but it's economy to pay x
more if you can. -
America's Most
Popular Hats
soft and stiff
Stetson's Crofut Koapp
Mallory Berg & Co.
Every new color and block, Bearer,
Scratch and Smooth Felts.
$3 to $5
Imported Borsalinos, Feather
and medium weights .......
New fall Caps, $1.00.
Complete Lines
ot Choice
Shirts, Neckwear,
. Gloves, .
Hosiery and
New sweater coata for
early wear. -
The New Skirts
r .. .
Surely will hold you spellbound.
Fancy Velours, beautiful Satins
in plain as well as striking fancy
patterns new style kinks at
every' tunwpriced moderately
at from
$6.95 to $29.50
New Autumn Coat Styles
Style and utility hara been combined by the deiivnera
or these new ioats
"Bolivia," "Duret de Laine.'
"Pom-Pom," Plush and Velvets
Velour, "GritiHe.,1
Velvet. Beaver, Nutrea. Hudson Seal. Raceoom Wolf
and Kolinsky
pockets. .
fur trimmed are the collars, cuffs and
Fea'.uring Most Ex'reme Values, at
$25 --$35 --$45
Silk Underwear
Fascinating new styles fashioned -of
Crepo de Chine, Satin, Jersey
and Sunbeam Tub Silks, daintily
embroidered and lace trimmed
Ceimtolet $1M to $3 J&0
Envtlope Chtmittt . $2J5 to $4 JO
Sitk Vests - - -; . ' $2J0 to $U5
Silk Bloomers $2.95 to SSM
,ri,.L,i....'i.l.,i.l .1.
See This Beautiful
It's Just (the) Victrola
Only $79.59
With 12 beautiful
10-in.. selections. On
Saturday we will
sel 1 ten of these
Victrolas,f or special
terms of , $5 per
Every one wants
one. Get yours now.
Remember, more
joy and pleasure in
a Victrola than in
any other single ar
ticle -tn the world.
, Come in Saturday and hear the new Au
gust Records. Glad to play any you wish' to
hear. s ' -:'v.;
' V:"''.
Open Saturday Night Till 9.
Fifteenth and Harney D. 1662.
717 IT O. TLT TT