Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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or First Time in History of
Exposition It Goes Beyond
, " Two Hundred Thou
sand Mark.-
' 1 1917.
f-unday ;Vf?.-:;-T;i'.v. 9,651
Monday ....22,598
Tuesday -.".".V; .T. i r. .33,446
jfVednesday w.. 60,3 16
friday ........ '....v.24,568
200,543 193,176
. (Prom a"af Correpondn.) .
LincoinSipt (Special.) When
fie Nebraska state fair ended its
pl7 program at 4 o'clock this after
noon, the grea,fan most success-
ji wir in me nisiwry-oi ine associa
,on was a Xhmg'Oi'Shc? pasUThe
btal The
f " - -
. fcord attendance of last year was
U76 .
This h eeii 'i-'great Jain," .said
ecretary Dc4iwfl.Ever?thing'has
assed off nicely. With, the war sit-
ation confortning us"we"took great
hances in making, some of. the deals
;-e made filbrdertb give the people
i tun lor tneir money, out, wc nave
ron.out and everybody seems to be
'ell pleased. , " u ,
( "The 4 Wallace shows
ave pleased' the people. It cost tis
ome monev to sret them here, hut
: iwas wortfi the'ehartee w1 tonic.
he are a mighty fine bunch of peo-
le. sNot a single kick of any kind
as come from any of them and their
mployes havWmade on trouble for
nybody. ....
j ; Ollis Well Pleased.
J President. T.,!A. Ollis of the assoct-
: . 1 ' 1. I
: nun ws iceiing migniy goou wncn
I representative for The See called on
im for a statement. ".You may say,"
aid senator Ullisy ' that we ace well
iatisfied with the , 1917 show. , The
Exhibits in alt lilies have been better
ban ever before, except horses. The
. 'ar has nut the imnorteri our of nusi
ess to ag reaf extent- and the fair
laturally had to. suffer some. The
Irowda iiave; been orderly and we
,iave had o .trouble -with anybody.
iVe feel that in spite of conditions
hit we have made a success or the
air 'this year- and that the '.visitors
iave gone home well pleased with
heir reception."' i" 4 ( " .',,
, Ed BallardJ owner and general
nanager.f 4he Hagenback & Wallace
hows, was seen by a representative
or The Bee at his private 'car on the
; ail wy spur running i intOt the
rrounds. When asked how he liked
he reception he received" from the
air people and,,hisjdea of the, fair,
it said:-- " ' . ". '
ij "It; is great. '"We bave- been -trated
inely, never raiire so in oar existence.
The .Nebraska state fair is a great
Institution and its officials are a fine
uunch of fellows. Of course from a
jinanejal standpoint, comparing our
, j eceipts from what we would have
tot had we gone to the coast', we jire
tot ahead very much, but eratside'of
hat we are might well pleased with
jwr week here in. Lincoln
'' ' 1 " 1 ' '-;
Finest Babies in Nebraska,
Judges at the Fair Said So
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Sept. 7. (Special.) The grand champion in the better baby
contest this year at the state fair is a girl and she comes from Eagle, Neb.
Therefore, it is perfectly right that the motto of the babies should be "Let
the Eagle Scream.
The prizes were awarded at the auditorium at 10 o'clock this morning
by Chief Justice Andrew M. Morrissey, acting as dispenser of ribbons. Gov
ernor Neville had been selected to make the presentations, but because of
the war complications he did not leel able to take on greater responsibilities
and turned over the job to the chief justice, who is a great judge of babies
and more competent to officiate in that capacity because he is a bachelor and
has none of his own, while the governor hat three. .''.'
c -
I Baldwin-Walker.
fi Ethel Walker ind Francis Baldwin
vere .married by Rev. Charles. W.
Savidge at'Wf '.residence Thursday
evening at 8. , r.: and Mrs. C. L,
uustason accompanied mem.
Mttla MIm TVil M. Fairer, with prr-
wntx or 99.1, brad the babie who eom
IMted for the bonora. Hrr parrata are Mr.
and Mm. John Forrvr, Earle.
Harold F. ZwoitMheck, von of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold F. Zwonceheck.' Do Witt. In
tha champion rural boy, with a (landing
of St per cent.
Km ETorett Martin, I7JJ T atreet, I.ln
eola, aoa of -Mr aad Mri. Winiam Martin,
Id tha rhamploa city bojt ;wlth a pr
centago of 99,
Margaret Jeanetto Baker, alao a IJneota
bahr, . danghter of Mr. and Mr. Lewta W.
Baker.: 1626 B street, won la the city girl
lUt with m rating of 98.8.
Following Is the but of priie winners
complete j
Boy 18 Months and Coder J7.
Clas 8101.. Score.
Donald Duane CaMaTeikr, 4043 Q... 88.5
Arthnr I'anl De Hbayes, Baymond.,. S7.0
Barton Olffont, Howe.. ...... .,....; 85.0
brorer AVIUlani Wllklmi. Blair ...... 94.S
i. RnMeU Henneney, Fllnlew,. . ... 84.0
Boy 17 Months and lender St.
aaas SIDJ
Harold T. ' Zwonerheek, De Wltt'.v .,: 99.9
Andrew Meyer, Nebraska CHy...... 9S.5
Roy William 'lry, Tainora . . . . , , 87.S
Engene Francis Clnre,' Cortland..,.. .
Edward Dvorak, Wllbr. ........... . 06.5
iirl 18 Months and I'nder 27.
cism xios-i .;.
Twlla M. Fnrrer, Eagle ' 9ft. 1
Nellie Alhena leTtland. Ilubbrll . . . . 07.
l4ls Maurlne Xelson, Htromabnrg. . . . 95.S
Ruth 8arls Ward, 1187 Kelson tit.... 9S.0
Edna Cramer, Orleans. , 64.5
filrl 27 Menttu and Under SB. '
Class S!0t- .
llle 8.; Knight, Walton 87.S
Rose Ada Lurkhardt, Denton... ,,,
Marjnrle Eileen Capwel, Elm wood. ,
Ella Yvonne- Rybia. Spencer........
Ines fitory, Warerly
lr 18 Months and Tader ST.
Class S105
Rex Everett Martin. 2732 F St...
Amos Orkney Eager, 8244 Q 8t
George Richard Haysel, 651 . 17th.
Donald H. Wymore, 455 8. SOth t.
'orman James Shaw, 3009 8. 23d.,
Boy 27 Months and Coder 88.
Class noe
Francis Wlllard Rannm, Havelock.;
Frederick William Burr, Aororaw..
John Modlln, Beaver City.. 96.8
Panl Ellis Ward, ?1 8. 16th........ 96.0
Jones H. Areen, Elmwood... 95 A
: lrt 18 Month aad Cnder 27.
Class 8107
Hope Collier Probates, 1710 D St.... 96.S
Janet E. Dlehl, 1824 8. 18th St..... 96.0
Dorothy May Boles, 1719 Ji, 83d..... 95.5
Arlene Hampton, 1125 D 8t
Vivian Torell, 616 N. 80th
ftlrl 27 Mentha and Inder 38.
Class 8108
Margaret Jeanette Baker,. 1626 D.
Ruth Lneile Rtahl, 1622 Locust ...
' Blanche Harlan Bishop, Lincoln..'.
Mary Mildred Warner, 160S X. 33d
Emma Jane 8padt. Crete...,.,...
Champion Rural Boy
Harold F. Zwoneeheck, De Witt..
Champion Rnral Girl
Twlla M. Furrer, Eagle
Champion City Boy
Rex Everett Martin, 2728 F St....
rnnmploo city Girl
Margaret Jeanette Baker, 1626 B 84. 98.S
Grand Champion Girl
Twlla M. Fnrrer, Eagle..,; 99.1
. 97.0
. 96.0
Department of ; Agriculture
.Crop Forecast Promises
Big Production in All
. :',V. . '- Grain! '
JWashington,Sept. 7. Forecast of
production of the principal crops,
based oh conditions existing Septem
ber 1, were announced today by the
Department of Agriculture as fol
Spring wheat
All wheat .-.I.
corn .
Oats .
so son ima
Whits potatoes in nnn nnn
Sweet potatoes RS.aao.000
Tobacco, (sounds) 1 ?i nnn nnn
Flax ii.oan.AAn
Rlcs ........ X3 inn Ann
Hay (tana) 81,700,000
Sugar beats (tons) 7,940,000
Apples.., , , 177,000,000
Peaches ....... ......... 15 nnn nnn
Kaffirs , ,. 101.000.000
Other details of the report follow:
Spring Wheat Condition. 71.2 ner
cent of a normal: indicated vield.
13.1 bushels per acre. i
All Wheat, Acre Yield 14.3 per
Corn Condition. 76.7 ner cent;
yield, 26.8 bushelj. ' ' 'f
Uats Condition; 90.4 ner cent?
yield, 35.5 buihels. ( U. ' - ,s
Barley Condition. 76.3.
"Buckwheat-Condition, -90.2.
vimc. rowtoes connirion, :..
Sweet Potatoes Condition, 85.7,
Tobacco-i-Condition, 84.5. . '
Flax Condition, 50.2. '
Ice Condition, 78.4. ,
Sugar Beets Condition, 91.7. "
In a summar" of cron condition.
tne crop reporting board said:
Iht great corn crop of three and
a quarter billions of bushels promised
on September 1, which is 153,000,000
bushels above any previous year, will
be realized fully m the form of sound
corn only provided frost holds off un
usually late. A good big crop of
sound corn is promised if killing frost
in the main belt does not come ear
lier than usual. The indicated out
come results from a big acreage rath
er than exceptional promise of yield
per acre.
"The oats crop for 1917, promised
and largely realized on September 1,
is 1,553,000,000 bushels, within 6,000,
000 bushels of the greatest previous
crop. Conditions are reported 10 per
cent above normal in Iowa and Mis
souri. In North Dakota, however, the
crop only two-fifths, and in
Montana less than half of a normal
yield, while it is less than two-thirds
in Washington and Oregon.
"The spring wheat report on Sep
tember 1 promises 250,000,000 bushels.
I4,OOU,000 bushels more than on Au-
fust 1, early threshings having shown
eavier yield than anticipated in many
sections, particularly in Minnesota,
South Dakota and Iowa. The condi
tions in North Dakota, as well as
Montana, Washington and Oregon,
remain poor from the effect of
Humans and Hogs
At State Fair ! Are
Washed From Beds
(From a Staff Correspondent) ' ' Ji
Lincoln, Neb., Sent. 7. (Special.)
Campers on the fair grounds did not
have to go to Capital Beach last night
for a bath for, in the middle of ib
night, "the rains descended,: and the
floods came. and thv vm.'Mm.
pelled to seek higher grounds.
. That the hog pens will have to be
set higherwas demonstrated also for
people and swufe were ereatlv incon
venienced by the high water. The pto-
pic iounametr tents in some in
stances inthret feet of water while
the swine wire not much better off.
ims morning the fair directors and
officials made an inspection of the
grounds-with the idea of discopering
wherein the . faults of the present
grounds with' the' idea of discovering
Beatrice News Notes.
Beatrice, Neb.,' Sept "7. (Special.)
Word was received here yesterday
from Camp Cody, N. M., that Clar
ence Billings, bugler of Company C
of this city, had been run down by
a cavalry horse at camp and badly
hurt. The cavalryman riding the
horse sustained a broken jaw and
rib and other injuries.
Virgil Long of Nebraska City has
been elected head of the manual
training department of the Beatrice
High school and also coach of the
foot ball team. He will be here Sat
urday to assume his new duties.
, The special train over the Union
Pacific carrying Nebraska's first quota
of draft men passed through here last
night enroute to Fort Riley, Kan.
Trains arriving in this city brought
men from Holdrege, Nebraska City,
Fairbury, Tecumseh, Auburn and
other towns, and they were enter
tained at the Commercial club rooms
until the train arrived. They were
escorted to the train by a number of
citizens headed by the Beatrice band.
A veritable cloudburst visited Beat
rice and vicinity last evening. Rain
fell in torrents for several hours,
flooding the streets and the lowlands.
The storm was accompanied by vivid
lightning and heavy thunder. The
ground is thoroughly soaked and is
now in fine condition for the seeding
of winter wheat,
Clarence Kilpatrick and Floyd Bott,
two well known young men of this
city, have joined the navy and left for
Omaha today to report at the recruit
ing station there. Both were members
of the Beatrice High school foot ball
team, Kilpatrick acting as captain for
two years. . ;
Nebraska Men Called to
; the Colors
The following men,' whose appeals
have been . taken up by the district
boarct -are .refused exemption, .and
have ,beeh certified for service in the
draft army: ' ' ; J '
. . . Arthur County. .
Sibls, John Edw.' : iWaterman, 15... 5 -
v Banner County.
f Grubbs, ' THUas B.- W ilk arson,. Oscar S.
Dlehl, :; v,m.. ,-.s. Frostronv Arthur ,w.
Cross,. Fred T.t : 4 Van Pslt, Aloaro J. '.
Shafer,. WUher -T.: Oregg,', Arthur PJxon
'Madison County.'
Fnerat, George A.1" Hofmann, Charles W,
Anderson. K. E. Johnson, Carl J. C. -;
Bueper, Bernard Fatoaroi, E.
Johnson, Victor Z. Kritzlnger. Boy M.
Long, Robert B. , Tegeler, T. 'J. ' .
Boone County. :
Becker, Herman - Blaokney, James B.
Andereon, Carl, A. -Wlegard, M. E.
Harris, Thomas, Jr. '
Horn, ,J; . ,
Jouronat, Charles Vj. '
Nichols, Raymond:
Smoyer, Lawrence I.
Jochurn, Arthur J. .
Temme, Henry
Clark, George.. A,
Nelaon, Fred C,
Halpln, Albert . ;
Arand. Martin S.
Klnnler, Thomas S
Atwood. 'Fred A.
Paulson, Sever
Gardner, Clyde
Hansen. Lloyd C. -Suhr,
Henry R.
Peters, WUhelm
Wulf. Frank F.
Mahood, George A.
Sewall, J. Franklin
McCampbell, H. B.
Enlf, John
Nelson, Ed D.
McNally, Myron
Beckman, Henry B.
Gold, Harvey E.
Helter, Clarence A.
Hoofer, Linus
Marcellus, Alva
Caldwell, Marion C.
Antelope County.
Kragh, Arthur L,
Christiansen, Carl
Voorhies, Wilson A.
C'armichael, John J.
Hemingway, Carl W,
Klnne, Cyrus C.
Thorln. Oscar O.
Bebenlck, Ben
Reete, John J.
Schroeder, Joseph
Bruce, Ernest
Beckman, Joseph A.
Schlecht, Henry W. .
McDonald, Henry P.
Holm, George W.
Grant, L. J.
May, William
Basse, Elmer R.
Schowalter, John W. Switzer, O. M.
Beckley, Walter L. Billings, Earl C.
Michaelson, A. Edw. Arehart, Ernest
Beckman, Anton A. Hoffmeister, Henry
Jasper, Joseph C.
Galley, Elmer E.
Pruas, John
Starmann, John H.
Allen. Arthur
Mauck, Allen T.
Kinney, Walter L.
Milllken, Ara L. -Stuve,
Fred Carson
Ofe, George
Allen, Willet T.
Beckley, Rutus E.
Lorenzen, Carl
Nllson, Axel
Bliss, R. Harry
Ellerbusrh, H. J.
Blnger, H.
Stewart, G. R.
Beal, C. E.
Caldwell, Albert A.
Anderson, Carl A.
Kammerfield, H, A.
Kinney, Ray H.
Clair, Joseph H.
Remmereld, Ole
Thompson, Wm,
Hopkins, E. J.
Miss West at Headquarters Miss
Elizabeth West, secretary of tne Goth
enburg chapter, is spending a few days
In the city visiting the Red Cross head
quarters and getting pointers for the
work in surgical dressings and knitting.
Wisher arid Pilger Now
' ' Have Pair of War Brides
Wisner, Neb, 7.(Special.)
sorporal Robert' Patterson and Ser
leant 'Homtrt .Loyett o Pilgar with
Miss 'Helen Newbigging of Wisner
tnd Misi.JJ.dUt.Derley8.of Pilger
I stole a march, on their relatives and .
i friends whert-hey motored to Stan-
jton last Sptyrday, where they were
married by ttj Rev. E. F. Eberly, '
I pastor of the Baptist church at that
l Corporal- Patterson and Sergeant
5 Lovett belong, to the Nebraska Na
tional Guard reserve, now stationed'
with, the Fifth Nebraska machine
gun tompany', at Twenty-fifth and.
. Farnara streets, Omaha. "
j Mrs. Patterson wijl make her home
'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Newbigging near Wisner. r
:'j Mrs. Lovett will teach school in
i Wayne county.
Schools Closed Due
Infantile Paralysis
j Dawenport, la., Sept 7.The
schools of Rockingham, a suburb of
this city, were closed today owing to
the appearance of infantile paralysis
Ijthere. Davenport , .schools were
closed two days. ago. At the. last re
port there were nineteen 'cases in
Davenport, with nine deaths, within
two weeks. A number of cases are
reported in, Rock. Island, 1,11.. .
B, .- f . T, (I I , 'j V
Absolutely; Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.
New Fall Footwear
A tempting array of new fall
footwear, for feminine needs
is now' ready for your inspec
tion. All the desirable ma
terials for evening' dress and
street wear. A style, last and
"size for every type of feet.
Come and look them over
Specially Priced
From j)g Up
rrr h
iyt 'ISU,
... m. niiiii.iii.iinWili.i i .
. 4
ffA5 5hre of n'JwiduatJkcpfi
Authentic Fashions for Fall
New Modes! New. Materials! Variety!
ALL thC'fiet lines, the new lengths, the new colorings, the accepted trim- s
mingg; the true trend of fashions for the coming season now shown in "
! our Individual Shops. . - , :'
Tailored and dressy models of Valerie cloth, Bilver wool 1 1
velpnr, Duvet de laine,. glove-skin velour, broadcloth, burella
and Oxford mixtures. Skirts plain, jackets in long, graceful
lines, all new colbrings c 25.00 to 165.00
, Graceful simplicity describes our collection of new
dresses for Falk It seems as if the word "simplicity" has
become the watchword in the latest dictates of fashion,' so
naturally this influence is felt in the new one-piece dresses.
Serge, taffeta, satin, broadcloth, georgette crepe and other
, novelty cloths are presented in straight line.'belted and button-to-chin
effects 1 9 7K f n IK HA
Madam, your new coat is here." New stunning coati ara
being unpacked daily afresh from manufacturers who know
what is correct' A wide range of styles, colors and materials
together with prices to fit all purses, makes it imperative
that you visit our Coat Shop before purchasing your new Fall
or Winter coat- , 19.75 to 575.00 ,
. v ... . ...
Never before has Benson & Thorne offered such notable
millinery creations and such unusual values. A bewildering
assortment of small hats large hats medium size hats-
dress hats semi-dress hats and tailored hats. A striking
feature of the majority of new Fall hats is the soft adapt- -'-.
able-to-any-face brims ' QQ 35 OQ
The Women's Blouse Shop is showing an exceptionally attractive selection of blouses, favored so
emphatically-for immediate and late-in-the-Fall wear. These blouses are evolved ef an extra heavy
quality f georgette crepe trilled embroidered beaded and lace trimmed. To fit every purse
;. " -.; 5.75 to 27.50
A Separate Shop "For the Younger Set"
? "QENSON & THORNE'S shops are . acknowledged leading specialists . in school,
XJ acaaemy ana conege apparel lor Miss 12 to 16. Ave invite you to visit our
showings of correct Fall clothes for the betwixt and between girl. You may naturally
expect, only the individual, exclusive and ultra-fashionable.
Directing Y our ' Mention to '
Wool Middy Skirts
Just received, clever pleated and plain models in mohair and
serge. Attached waists
- ' 5.00 to 7.95
Middy skirts made of a firm, washable galatea or Luna cloth.L
Pleated style with waist attached. Dark colorings only ' '
v 2.50 and 2.95 .y
Separate skirts in striking plaids and smart serges. These i
are made without the waists and are for the larger girls ;
' '.;:v';-ifr:;3.95.to8.50 1"
Pongee Mouses for school wear. Very attractive and dressy
I , : . 2.50 and 2.75
Smart and becoming dresses for the "in-between-age" girls.
Straightline," belted and semi-dress models, all typical of youth.
! Very serviceable for school and college wear '
v ,f , . 8.95 to 25.00
Just Received
Moderately Priced for Saturday
New Fall Middies long sleeves.- f "
New Fall Cotton Dresses long sleeves.
New Fall Hats for the school and college miss.
- New Fall Coats wonderful variety.
f6o SQirrii 16 St
If You Haven't a
You owe it to yourself to come and see
and hear, style VI enclosed in the new
special cabinet it's wonderful. You'll
want it right away. The price for
the "Combination" yt jfr. C A
style VI machine and t$ il II iDJ
record cabinet is jTflLr
- v -
Soundproof Private Concert Room, Fifth Floor
Every Woman Has a
' Perfect Right to a
Hoosier lab
Our Club Plan Points the Way
Noted kitchen science experts,
who have spent years in finding
ways to lighten your kitchen
labors now transmit their ideas
to you. Some of them are built
right into the Hoosier Cabinets,
others come to you in the form
of practical suggestions.
The Hoosier embodies the most valuable kitchen helps and
short-cuts that are known. Its 40 work-reducing, time-saving
features save you miles of steps and hours of work. It enables
you to sit restfully at your work.
Hoosier low prices range from $22.50 to $43.00 made possible
by quantity production. These low prices put a Hoosier within
the means of every woman.
And You Can Pay for Your Cabinet As You U It.
Child's Crib
That can be easily wheeled
about, that is light in weight
and beauti
fully finished
in white en
amel. Of very
simple, sani
t a r y con
struct ion,
with sliding
drop side and
non-rustable steel spring. Price, com-d 7 Ef
plete, as illustrated. V f OVJ
Sanitary All-Steel
This combination pleases and develops baby in
perfect safety; it is made with restful C A
.back, as illustrated; price. "wv
Very Special
This" is a really well-built rocker
golden oak with Spanish leather auto spring
seat; designed for lifetime serv
ice. The Extra Value consti
tutes a very big saving. See it
and you will recognize' this at
Fiber Rugs
For Bedroom, Sun
Parlor or Nursery
These Rugs are both sanitary and reversible; they can be washed:
with soap and water in the same way as you wash linoleum; this
maKes tnem laeai lor toe nursery or bedroom. T saa Q C
The light, cheerful patterns are esneciallv arood . . D 1 J O
for this nunose. too. Tha nrica of the 8x12
aivA iltr fcF
. UIBU .V... ..................,.,...,,
Other Sism fat Proportion.
Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs
The new Oriental and small allover . designs
are here in pleasing assortment. You will find
them suitable- for any room in your home.
fnce ui uic size. . , ..
Other Sizes in Proportion.
Bissell's Vacuum Sweeper
This sweeper not , only dis
lodges the dust and threads
with the brush, but automat-
icallv Bucks tin nil Ar in
the same way as the electric.
k is very effective for house-
noia purposes
without being
expensive. Our
ive for house-
Now Is the Time to Redrape Your Windows
PUia Marquisette Curtains,, hemstitched, 2M yards tfjl CA
long, ivory and ecru. Extra value, per pair ' V OU
Filet Net Curtains, plain and small figured centers, laco edge,
. $2.50, $5.25, $4.75, $6.50 Pair.
Superior Voile Curtains, exclusive and unusual styles, especial
ly priced. Shown in ivory and beige:
$4.00 values... $2.75
$5.60 values $3,75
6.50 values ...$4.50
7.25 values $5.00
Inexpensive Drapery Materials, in plain two-tone and verdure
effect, rose, mulberry, blue, brown, etc.
4.25 values .$3.00
4.75 values... $3.50
Pried at 40S 651, 85 Y,rd-
When Buying Advertised Goods
Say You Read of Them in The Bee