Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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One Man Wanted to Be Let Off
Until He Could Harvest His
Half Acre of Potatoes.
The certification of men to the draft
boards is made in the smaller towns
by the country clerks and other offi
cials. Some of then have not a very
clear conception of the working of
the draft system, and some very in
teresting mixups occur.
E. C itton, at the court house,
says a man has a serial number com
monly known as his red ink number
and also a number which lpdicates
his position on the call list. This lat
t"r r.unrber controls the order in
which a man shall appear before the
board to be examined.
Some of the county officials have
been sending in just the red ink num
ber and when Mr. Sutton wrote one
of them telling him the serial number
meant nothing to the board and they
would require the order number, the
county clerk wrote back that he was
a good friend of Sutton's and he had
his permission to put on any order
number; -whatever they did was all
right with him.
Among the claims received for ex
emption last week was that of a
grocery clerk who pleaded exemp
tion" on the grounds that he was, the
owner of a one-half acre farm of
potatoes, saying he understood ex
emption was granted those engaged
in agricultural pursuits. His claim was
The exemption boards receive a
'number of anonymous letters refer
ring to men who have filed exemp
tion claims. These letters are usually
6igned "Hero" or "Patriot," and say
that the writer knows such and such
a man and that his wife is capable of
supporting herself. The board of
course takes rio cognizance of these
letters in allowing or denying claims.
A deaf mute came into the office of
the exemption board in the court
house and wanted the board to pass
him into the army over the rejection
of the physical examiner. In explain
ing his case to the board he said he
was a landscape artist and was par
ticularly interested in the new cam
ouflage warfare, thinking he would
be particularly adapted for that
branch of the service, in painting
scenery to look like something else
and fool the Germans.
S. H. Lynch of Neligh was a visitor
to the city last week. Lynch was cer
tified to appear before the Neligh ex
amining board for examination.
Somebody called him on the tele
phone at the farm whert he is work
ing near Neligh and told him that
unless he appeared before the board
at Omaha next day he would be listed
as a deserter. Rounding up some
friends with an automobile, Mr, Lynch
drove all night, getting into Omaha
next day at 1:30 p. m., only to find
that a practical joke had been played
on him.
Smith is Grilled by
Special Iowa Agent
Charles Smith, the negro charged
with the murder of Mrs. C. L. Neth
away, was closely questioned con
cerning his whereabouts on the night
that Alta Braun, the 12-year-old Le
mars (la.) girl was choked to death.
The examination was made by T. E.
Risden, special state agent of Iowa,
who secured the alleged confession of
Rev. Lyn Kelly to the Villisca ax
"I believe the same man who hacked
the Omaha women to death choked
the Lemars girl," said Risden.
He denied the report that the child
had been assaulted and made a com
parison of the Anderson and Neth
away murders here. He stated that
to his knowledge no motive could be
found for any of the crimes.
Omaha police are of the opinion
that the fact that none of the women
were assaulted strengthens the case
against Smith.
While in Omaha Risden told police
of the grilling he had given Kelly
in regard to the murder of Ada Swan
son, who was killed with a hatchet
May 21, 1913. He stated that Kelly
. denied -committing the murder.
Welfare Board Has No
Kicks on Dance Halls
Members of the Public Welfare
board are delighted with the change
that has been brought about in the
conduct of the public dance halls
since they took charge of their su
pervision. Up to September twenty public
dance halls had been licensed in the
city, and, according to Mrs. Ohaus,
superintendent of the Welfare board,
no complaints of any character had
been filed against them. In prac
tically all cases owners of the dance
halls have announced that they are
desirous of , co-operating with Wel
fare board, ' making their places or
derly and well behaved.
' Parks Says He Has Money
5 To Run His Department
City Commissioner Parks is of the
opinion that by practicing the closest
economy there is enough money in
the street cleaning fund to run his
department until the next levy is
available. The money will permit of
a continuance of the present plans in
the business section of the city, with
a cleanup of the residence sections oc
casionally. I a(r in cfjtnn rnnsiilprahle
expense1 will have to be incurred by
the department jn removing leaves
from the streets. This, however, is
something that is annually anticipated
and provisions will be made for carr
' rying on the work.
Fanning Has Big Auction
Of UnclaimedPackages
Omaha citizens will be given a
chance to buy something valuable at
their own price next Monday, when
all of the unclaimed packages at the
' postoffice will be sola to the highest
There is nothing secret about the
auction, as every package has been
opened and is on display, so that
everyone can see just what they are
buying. Each package has been
listed, tne nignest numDer Deing yo.
Some valuable articles are in the mix-
ture and it will be to everyone's in
terest to be present. Auctioneer
- Dowd will be in charge.'
Boys' Clothing
Dept. Now on 2d
Floor, Men
Special Sale High Grade Envelopes
5c a Package, or 250 for 39c
A fine offering from the Stationery Store for
Main Floor
Long-Stemmed Roses, 3c Each
Assorted colors, special for Saturday.
Main Floor, Entrance to Pompeian Room
Boy' Clothing
Dept. Now on 2d
Floor; Men's
Ladies' Fall Neckwear
We are showing some fascinating
styles in the new Fall Neckwear for
Women and the prices are extremely
Washable Satin Collars and Col
lar and Cuff Sets in the new
Tuxedo effects, plain and lace
trimmed ..$1.25 and upward
A most remarkable showing of
Swiss Collars, large new effects, also
Tuxedo styles.... 50c and upward
Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets,
in plain and embroidered Swiss,
also very special lot of large
Georgette Collars, to sell for. . .29c
Marabou Capes
A very fine line of this desirable
Neckwear .$5.00 upward
Main Floor, Center
The New Wool and Silk Skirts
Are Ready for Fall Wear
,A SEPARATE SKIRT is a very important part of every
woman's wardrobe and this season Dame Fashion has been
very liberal in the bestowal of time and thought upon this
very necessary article of apparel.
We Are Showing Wool Skirts in Prunella Cloth, plain
and plaid Velours,' Wool Gabardines and Poplins, Scotch
Plaids in Cheviots, Gunnyburl, Burella Cloth and Broad
cloth with black and brown fur trimming. Plain tailored
Serges in blue and black, are prime favorites as well.
-Smart pleated styles, full shirred, braid and button
trimmed; large, wide belts and tailored pockets.
Silk Skirts in black and blue Crepe Meteor, draped
fancy styles. Fancy Black Satins that are extremely good
and Fancy Striped Accordion Crepe.
Shirred, with gathered belts, yoke effects and trim
med with handsome buttons.
This is but a hintcome and see.
Second Floor
New Georgette ,t
Crepe Blouses
can be, yet, withal
pimple in style and
Wifor wear with the new"
'Fall Wool and Silk
v Skirts.1 " Y:'"--V
This lot has just arrived and is on an
excellent quality Georgette.
. New full models, "witli large collars',
also collarless styles ; and semi-tailored
effects and beaded styles.
Crepe de Chine, striped and plaid
Silks, in another lot at this same price.
Second Floor
Frocks for
The "Flapper"
are hard to fit
and that is
quite an ac
complishment, as every moth
er of a grow
ing girl knows
but we have
specialized on this feature of service,
and have brought it up to quite perfec
tion. "Flapper" Dresses of fine Serge, Silk, Crepe
de Chine and Combination Silk and Serge. New
straight lines, detachable waist of plaid silk,
trimmed with braid and buttons and very
"classy" pockets. (
$8.95, $10, $12.50n$15, $19 and $25
Dresses for School and College Wear
One-piece Regulation Dresses, of real fine
Men's Wear Serge, pleated from yoke down;
Navy Handkerchief Tie, trimmed with white,
red and .black braid ; made in many other good
$10, $12.50, $15, $19, $22.50
Girls' New Fall Tub Dresses
Large Plaids, Striped Ginghams, Chambrays,
etc., high waisted and normal waist line, with
pockets that are just whaf the girl wants; sizes
6 to 14 years. " 1
$1.50, $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95
Girl' Shop, Second Floor
Fascinating Fall Styles in Suits
In the
in Every
for Their
' Smartness.
THE NEW SEASON holds forth with beautiful styles and this Specialty Shop is
displaying some of the most charming Suits ever shown here in the Fall season.
We could go on and enthuse over these almost without end but as the old adage says,
"the proof, etc.," and so we invite you to come and see these garments.
Materials employed are Gabardines, Serge, Tricotine, Silvertone, Gunnyburl,
Tweed, Oxford Cloth, etc.
All the new models, Belted, Braided, Pocketed and elaborately Button trimmed.
All the little niceties that you would expect in high priced French models A
Fine Styles in
, Women's Fall
Saturday We Show Six
New Models
One of the features is
the new color tones for
example, Quicksilver Gray,
Field Mouse, Field Mouse
with Fawn top, Quicksil
ver Gray with Gray, Cork-
1 1 At. A I 1
screw worn top; oai
Black Kid. , Coal Black
Kid Vamp with Pearl
Gray Corkscrew Cloth
They all have , light hand turned soles,
wood covered heels of same, with aluminum heel
plate. Different perforations on the vamps and
uppers, every one a different pattern; all lace
style and have 9 -inch tops.
Prices are $8, $8.85 and $10
Second Floor
$25.00 to $65.00
Second Floor
Women's Silk Hosiery,, in all shades
and styles, fancy boot effects, lace stripes, elas
tic tops, reinforced heels, toes and 1 O C
soles, worth $1.50, at i..... pleeOt
Women's Fiber Silk Hote, in colors and blacV
and white, seamless, double heels and toes, ir-.
regulars, at, 3 pair for $1.00, or, ,
pair, at ;.,,,,,OOC ,
- Children's Lisle Hose, in black and white, O C
also some colors, sizes '6 to 8, at. eCOC
Larger sizes, at . . i ...... , .......... , .35K
Or, 3 pair for . . .. ... . i . . . .. . . .$1.00 ,
taln Floor
Important Boys' Clothing Department Now on Second Floor, Men's Buildinj
Sizes 2 to 8 Years
Hundreds of Sample Suits, together with a large pur
chase of short lots of the newest styles, at these modest
A particularly advantageous purchase right now at
the change of the seasons, when every boy needs a new
suit for dress and school wear. An excellent choice of
materials and all good styles. s
Two Lots for Saturday's Selling:
All Wool Serge Suits, Velvets and Corduroys," Cassi'meres and
Cheviotsi the best materials obtainable.
Plain or tastefully trimmed styles; many unlined light weight
wools, all with extra white collars and some with extra cuffs also.
Boys' Blouses at 65c
Excellent quality Blouses, in the best wash fabrics obtainable;
this is a good chance to buy for the season; all sizes. ,
Two Pair Pants Suits Double Seat and Knees
This is one of the best offerings we haveto make a Suit with two pairs of Pants, and in addition,
these Pants are so made that they will wear twice as long as the ordinary. This is the BIG FEATURE
in the Boys' Store.
Priced from $6.50 to $15.00
Second Floor Men's Bulldinj.
Special Basement Offering, Two Pair Pant Suits, $3.95
Have Your Corset Fitted Tomorrow
You cannot expect your new Fall wardrobe to fit well over an old corset. The
new lines for Fall mean careful corseting; whether you, prefer the fitted basque
effect, the new princess lines or frocks with more flowing lines, the corset beneath
is the determining factor. .
Our corsetiers are skilled and Interested. 1 Every fitting is guaranteed. Nemo
Corsets are designed thoughtfully, to be of greatest service to American women in
fit, comfort and wear. We have here models in " V"
to fit every figure. Be sure to get the corset made for your in
dividual type of figure.
A Stout Women's Corier that
molds the figure and distributes
the flesh so you ate comfort
able and look smaller than your
actual size. This Corset is me
dium low top, long over hip,
with rubber gores set In over
thighs, elastic band at bottom
of Corset in back, holding the
Corset close to figure so there
is no ugly Corset line to show.
Nemo Corteta for slender fig
ures, made of light weight
broche, lightly boned, very low
top with1 rubber gore set in at
waist line, sizes 20 d Q EA
to1 26, price ...... pOOU
A New Fail Model in Nemo
Corseti. low ton with lone hin.
The Nelno self-reducing strap'
on this Corset gives splendid
abdominal support (to Art
Price ...VJiUU
A fashionable and good wearing Corset for Stout Women, (J AA
sizes 24 to 36, at ...... JO.UlJ
Extra sizes, 38 to 44, at .k . 87.50
Nemo Cort, Style No. 320, is a low top Corset for medium and stout
figures.This model has two Nemo special features. The lasti- GA AA .
curve back and the self-reducing strap. Sizes 23 to 36, price. . v vfU
. Ask to be fitted, no matter whet price Nemo Corset you with to buy our fitting service i free. .
,. Second Floor .-.
i 1
ir i n)i
if II n
You Owe It
To Your
To put one of
these remarkable
music making
machines in your
home. When the
LVictrola came it
opened to the
entire world the
best that musi
cians everywhere had to offer.
Those who could never afford
to hear "all the exquisite and
ear-charming music that the
greatest artists render had
them all brought right into
their own home and upon the
payment of a moderate sum
were permitted to acquire this
wonderful machine without tax
ing the purse too much.
- Victrola, at $75
Which We Feature Today
produces the best tonal quali
ties and is a boon to any fam
ily that; possesses it.
We are ready to demonstrate
this remarkable music-making
device in our Sound Proof Par
lors, Main Floor, Pompeian
Room. .
Popular Priced Trimmed Hats and Smart Shapes
A very wide range is afforded every woman for choice this season so it is a foegone con
clusion that the Fall season, 1917, will go down in Millinery history as most liberal in its style
interpretations every woman will like the Hats we are showing right now and the prices
are extremely moderate. N
Trimmed Hats, at $5.00
Just arrived for Saturday's selling, a new shipment
of Black, Brown, Taupe, Purple, Navy, Artillery Red,
Bordeaux Sailors, Tricorns, Soft Draped Turbans and
irregular shapes of all kinds, made of Lyons, Niagara
and Salts' Velvets, in the best colorings and PRACTIC
Untrimmed Hats, at $1.95
Untrirsmed Hats, made of All Silk Cheney Vel
vets, blocked on Buckram frames, in all the best colors
of the season.
. Velvet Hat Shapes, $3.93 and $5.98
Full line of All Silk Velvet Shapes, blocked on Rice
Net and in Taupe, Purple, Maryland Brown and Coxal,
Artillery Red, etc. Large Sailors, Breton effects,
Cloche effects and stiff and soft crowns.
Misses' and Junior Hats, $1.00 and $1.50
Cleafaway of all Sample Hats from a manufacturer,
including Silk Velvets. Ziheline Plush. Mole Plush.
Corduroy, etc., in all colors; sizes 4 to 15 years.
Second Floor'
1,200 Hand Bags and Pocketbooks on Sale Saturday (JM AO
Fancy JL o U
Real Pin Seal, Real Crepe Seal, also Paisley Pesignt,
Colored Leathers. r
Conservative prices, if these were bought in the regular way and sold from regular
stock, would be $3.00 to $6.00 each -but, because of a fine concession of the manu
facturers, we are able to offer these at the price we quote $1.98
450 Bags of Real Seal, Heal Pin Seal
and Real Crepe Seal, in newest shapes and
styles. Bags only in this lot.
800 Bags of Paisley Design, fancy col
ored leathers in Bags and Pocket Books;
dozens of shapes and styles.
Every one is a very wonderful value.
Main Floor
J Drugs
and Toilet Articles
Sloan's Liniment. 25c size.
at . .......... W:
Hay's Hair Health, 60c size,
, at 29e
1-lb. bottle Peroxide-of Hy
drogen, at ........ 24c
Walnutta Hair Stain, 60c
size, at ...39c
Red Wing Grape Juice, pint
bottle, at 19c
Graves' Tooth Powder, 25c
size, at ....... 16c
Williams' ' Shaving' Cream, -25c
tube, at . ... iV. .16c
Madame Isebell's Exquisite J
Face Powder, 50c size, at. .29c ')
Locust Blossom Perfume, T
- the ounce, at ,29c .
Lotus Hair Color, $1.00 size, v i
at '.. ' '. , y. m 69c '
tysoV 25c size, at .V.'...'16c'
Wine of Cardui, $1.00 size", ''r
at .,.V.69c
- Putnam "Dry Cleaner, . 25c ,
size, at.... 16c ,
Non Spi, 50c size, at...... 33c
Amolin Powder, special at. 16c
Glycothymoline, $1.00 size," "
at ............ 69c;
Lilac Rose Soap, at ......7c
Essex Peroxide Soap, at ..7c
; Williams' Talciyn ; Powder,
at..........,;. ...Y..12e
Main Floor 'j ' '
- -. . ,i . -