THE BEE: OMAHA, i'RIUAY. ricium V. 11)17. I Brie) City Wots- it Platinum Wedding Rln Edholrp. Dlhtiof FUturea Borceu-Grandeo' Co. Ht Root Print It New Beacon Press. Metal Diet, Presiwork-rJubllet iltt Co. 35c Luncheon at Empress Garden Auction Sale Holstetn cows and heifers, Newmeyer barn, Council biuhs. ia.. Thursday. September 6 1:30 d. m. bids for Motor TruckBids have been invited for a new motor dump truck for the use of the sewer depart ment of the city council. PhUlp's Store Incorporates Philip Greenberfc and Celia Greenberg are the incorporators of the Philips de . partment store. Articles of incorpora tion showing a capital of 975,000 have Been filed with the county olerk. Storage Company Incorporates The A-A Transfer and Storage com pany has filed articles of incomoration with the county clerk. The capital is ,vu. tsamuei uiorr, Tony Mnarfll and David W. Swarr are the incor porators. s' Manslaughter Complaint " Against Johnson County Attorney, Magney filed a complaint charging manslaugh ter against William Johnson, negro, who shot Ely Archer, also a negro, to death in a quarrel last Monday night. Johnson will be tried in criminal court at an early date. ! New Serum Company The "Liberty Laboratories," which will manufacture anti-hog cholera serum, have filed arti cles of incorporation with the county clerk. The caplUl is 20,000 and the incorporators are John H. Copenhaver and Dora H. Copenhaver. The plant win oe located at Kaiston. , Cancel Pool Hall License Ferk ' Habik. who conducted a nnol hall at 25)3 N street and was convicted of permitting gambling in his establish ment, appealed to the city council. The council heard testimony and sus tained the finding of the police couft oy ordering tne cancellation of the license. Judge Day Grants 51ve Divorces judge oay, sitting m divorce court, granted the following decrees: Mary .Marsnau irom James Marshall; Beu lah H.' Green from Lester H, Green; Nellie Wates from Clarence Wates; -Bessie Taylor from Hubert Taylor: Mary B. MacEae from Gustavus F. .uacttae. Resigns Because of Flat Fee W. C. Curry, police officer, has tendered his resignation, his reason for wanting to go back into private life is on account or having fiat feet and that he can not stand- It to walk a beat and per ' form such other duties as are required of an officer.- The council has accepted ine resignation. . .,. , Two .Allege Xonsnpport Louise Wyna is suing James F. Wynn for divorce in district court on grounds of alleged nonsupport. They were married in Birmingham, Ala., August 19, 1911. Nonsupport is also alleged by Addle B. Muhshaw, suing Bert ! Aiunsnaw. They were .married in lt ... A A ' yiuaiiM, viiy it, asud. , ' Going to Missouri Valley Fair The machine gun company of the Fifth regimenfnow at the army has bean v' invited to attend the fair at Missouri Valley Tuesday. This is military day at the fair and a number of companies will be present and will drill for the public. The fair association will pay all . the expenses oP the machine gun company and railroad fare there and ialr I """" - S Japanese Missionary to Speak An Interesting address on Japan will be given at the First Christian church, Twenty-sixth and Harney streets, next Sunday evening by Rev. F. E. Hagin. Mr. Hagin is a missionary under the foreign board of the Christian church and has been in Japan for seventeen years. He has just returned on a fur lough. He is the author of several notable books on Japan and the Japa- ' nese,,and Just at this time when the I Japanese commission is visiting Amer I ica his talk will be especially Interest ing. He will speak at 7:30 in the evening. '"' DEMAND UQUOR WHICH POLICE HOLD Chif Dunn Served With " Writ of Replevin for Wet Goods 1 Confiscated in Kahout'sV H Home. v J. Constable M. J. Roach served a writ of, replevin on Chief of Police Dunn and Captain Andrew Pattullo yesterday, charging them wtthwrong , .ful detainment' of a large quantity of 1 intoxicating Itauor confiscated in the , home of James. Kahout on August 17, Chief, of Police Dunn refused io give' , ; up the liquor on account of the fact that Kahout held the liquor illegally in his possession and also was sell ing it illegally. : ' It is said that Kahout had sold li ' quor to Viola Smith, who shot and IP killed Louis McCarthy on the night of August 16. Kahout was arraigned . in police court for the illegal sale of intoxicating liquor and his attorney, - James F. Moriarity, appealed the case. , . ' , The quantity of liquor held by the , police consists of the 'following: Six ' " ty quarts of yarious brands of whisky, twenty-one 'quarts of , wine, seven . ' quarts of gin, seventeen pints of rum and 512 quarts of Metz, beer. Woman Struck By Motor Car; iJ Skull Fractured; Likely to Die Miss Anna Larsen,- 1321 South .Thirty-first' steet, was struck by an automobile i at Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets driven by Miss Katie Parker, 2224 Howard, and suffered a - fracture of the skull from which she probably will die. She was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, where she was attended by Doctors Brown and Dun , .can. -.: : She was crossing the street at the intersection of Twenty-eighth and Farnam when she was struck by the automobile in which were Miss Katie Parker and her mother, Mrs. H. D. Parker. Miss Parker, who was driv ,'iar east on Farnam street, says she vi:d not see the woman until she had come close to her. She swerved the " automobile to the left, and in the con , fusion, struck Miss Larsen, knocking ' ' her to the pavement. Miss Parker's car also struck an automobile driven by John Motinkh, 1521 "North 'Broad street. Fremont, who was on his way home. It is said that Miss Parker was drtv ' ing on the wrong side of the street when' the accident occurred. She left the scene of the accident. A warrant for her arrest will be sworn out this morning. - Drive for Funds for the Council of Defense Postponed - The drive fgr funds for the Doug las County CounciLof Defense has been postponed. The drive was to have started at once, but at a meet ing of the Council last night it was decided, that too many other drives tad been on lately." ADVICE TO WOMEN IS filVEN BYMRS. WOOD Advised to Register and Be Ready to Do Their Bit in Helping Daring Times of War. "Don't stuff your husbands, but husband your stuff," "Order ahead and save your bread," and "Women, tell your age, September 12, when you register" The foregoing was the advice given by Mrs. Ira Couch Wood, executive secretary of the woman's committee of the National Council of Defense, to about 190 Omaha women Wed nesday afternoon. "The nation having the last pound of fonrf will he tln virtnr in this jar. It is up to' the housewife who has put the T can' in American to learn how to save systematically and make her susbtttutes palatable, so the Euro pean allies will not starve until our soldiers get there," said Mrs. Wood. Art appeal wa$ made by Mrs. Wood that every patriotic woman in Oma ha register. "It is the first time that the' gov ernment has ever asked the women of the country to put their talent and training at the disposal of the nation. It is simolv a nriviW- nff-riM to patriotic women and is in no sense a aratt. .Because you cannot do some biz Service. Ho not et tliar linmner you from registering for some small tdBK inre are oppoi tunnies ior women to serve in every capacity," said . Mrs. Wood. 1 . "If. however, vm arf tint (m in do any voluntary service, sign any way. Theffovernment wants a rnm. plete census of what every woman .(. o uuui(j. riiy gin over 16 years of age is eligible to register." "Don't be afraid of any dire conse quence or hidden menace," urged Mrs. Wood. ''If von liiorn nnur aH circumstances chance, vmi will iint be pledged in any way to fulfill your agreement. "I hope every woman will stand up and tell her aflre. There ia tin law to compcMier to do so, but there are many positions which are now open in the civil service department for women between Certain bcpc anrl matters will be simplified if they will b,e specific. "Record of Woman Power. "With a . unifortn registration in every state in the union. Uncle Sam will have a complete record of the woman power of the nation and it can pe easily summarized at any time." The registration cards will be sent first to the county chairman and then returned, to ths cities in which the signers live. , ' Mrs. Wood naiH a hiorh trihut. tn war work in, Nebraska. "You have aone marvelous things and you have the best systei.i of drying that I have seen any place in the country," she said. "We should fl1 crratofnl tho't , Q.....WU, iiini n American women hvi natinmit ganizations. If we did nbe have itxA we wouia not yet be ready to work through the National. Council of De fense. France and ar nnl. now beginning-to talk of such an or ganization. It is an inspiring story our women are writing in history." Mrs. Wood left laj?t. nirt,t u. Washington. ,,' New Little Princess Is Born to German Crown Prince Amsterdam. Sent, n Tb T.,rin crown princess today gave fcirth -to a daughter. arcnrHinar in Rr1,i, A.,: This is the sixth child born td Crown Prince Frederick William and the crown-princess. '. . I . SOUTH OMAHA BOY IS CALLED TO CAPITAL ' . John Orchard Is Selected as an Assistant to Do Spe cial Work for Govern- ment. John Orchard, son of V. J. Orch ard, 4437 South Nineteenth street, has been chosen assistant to help with special government ,work at Wash ington, ht will work with Pro,". J. Russell Smith, formerly head ofr the department of economics of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, investigating the effect of the war upon shipping. Young Orchard was graduated from the South flmaha High school and later attended Swarthinorc college, Germautowh,. Pa., where he won high honors. He has accepted the offer to aid Prof. Smith in hisinvestiga- tions. v . ' G. R. Orchard. 4425 Soutli Nine teenth street, assistant superintendent at Armour & Co., is a brother of John Orchard. .. Maria CHy Gosnlp. ' For Rent Two 6-room all modern cot tages. Till. South 803. All-moderrt cottaK vith-'heat for rent 1125 8. ttlh Ava. Taj. S. 1TX, , . Telephone South J0 and order a of Oma or Lavtoitade. th healthful, rtjfrndilng Horn Bevoragea, delivered t your rasldence. Omah Beverage Cb. War. Work for Boys Cuts Down High" School Attendance Doing their bit to aid in war work is affecting the attendance at the Cen tral High school, many or the boys being out at work. ? The attendance- is 1,771, fifty-one having- been' enrolled Wednesday. Last year it was 1,864 at a corres- fonding date. The Eleventh sind welfth grades of the Florence High school are expected to register to morrow at Central High. At the High School of Commerce 800 are enrolled as against 750 last year. Today will be the- first drill day for the cadet regiment. There are 675 boys in the battalion, seventy-five more than last year. , . 1 f Rabbis and Christians To Work in War Camps Washington, Sept. fj; A bill to au thorize the appointment of twenty chaplams-at-large for; the army from Jewish as well as Christianvmmisters was favorably reported ,'today by a house committee. ., . Press Bureau for Each Department of Germany Amsterdam,. Sept.! 6.-:-Hereafter ev ery government department in Ger many is to have its own press bureau. Red Cross Makes Additional rtfjpiupnauon iqr Syrians Washinffnti Snt TU B.J LrOSS war COtmril tnliv annmmJ that it had madda second appropria tion. of $300,00a for relief work in the near east, through the American committee tor Armenian and Syrian Red Cross Activities t The flrftt momhapsViln vannnt Richardson, county chapter, which has its headquarters at Falls City and branches 'at Sa lem, Rulo and Verdon, has been received by state Director Frank J u d son. Accom panying the same was a draft 1 for $7,639.60, wilch is one of Hhe best records in the state, accord ing to Mr. Judson. . . . . ,0 auucu to the appearance of the women in mo nca UT08S noepiiai supply depart ment In the Baird building by the new l-eilS Which hVA tllftt arrival In. structors in. the surgical dressings de partment now wear whita veils with tha Rflrl Onaa nn hm on4 Via tains, lieutenants and corps of work ers wear navy oitie veils ana navy bill arm Vianrta Tho voita i ihi, Red Cross and the arm bands the norn or pienty ana tne-insignia. The twenty-six women who took the 6&.th of A.llpflrta.rirA nrA tl-ta unlu' mab allowed to wear the veils, but more wm xaite n next weeK. f Twenty Millinery Saleswomen Wanted By Burgess - Nash Co. This offers a splendid opportunity . for women, especially married wom en, to earn a few extra dol lars bydomg' pleasant work in congenial sur roundings, on Saturdays. Apply SupC Balcony. 0 71 Knlttinir School Onona PHlnv Tli Red Cross knitting scliool will open Friday morning In room 211 of the' are desired byMr. A. W. Jefferls, who is in charge of the Red Cross knit ting department. People wishing to iane yarn nomo 10 Knit ior the Red Cross will be asked to give satisfactory reference, apo.ordtnar to Mr .TetTeris The knitting station will remain in jne ea ur.oss neaaquarters in the court hosue. To Attend FairMrs. 6. C. Redlck and Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dletz and Miss Henrietta MacArthur went to the State fair at Lincoln today, which is Omaha day, In behalf of the Omaha chapter. The Red Cross booth at the fair la attracting , a great deal of Interest, according to Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey, who visited It yesterday. Memberships are not taken, as the officials wish people to join in their own chapters, but women work in the booth and demon strate how to make hospital garments. "The work in the state will receive great Impetus from the educaonal work accomplished this week," said Mrs. Lindsey. ; . ' Makes Twelve Speeches Judge Cur tis L. Day of Pender, Neb., chair man of the Thurston county chapter, mad twelve speeches throughout the county the last two weeks and as sisted in the organization of chapters at all points in the county, besides or ganizing arr active chapter at Fender. One Dollar Week buy a $40 Diamond, any ityle, 14 karat lolfd gold mounting. Special lot bow on tale. 278 Diamond Ring, lik solid told, Loftls Per. fection Mount- $40 a Week; inr t . 739 Round Belcher Cluster Ring, 14k aolid gold, ieven fine Dia mond! eet in platinum, look like a tlSO lingl J75 tone , " JN& txWeek. MILITARY WRIST WATCH $1.50 Mm A MONTH Radium Dial The most useful frif for soldier, sailor and nure serving With The Colors. 280 Military Wriet Watch, leather trap, unbreakable glatg: high grade full Jewel movement; ill Solid f 4 m Nickel Case. Specially priced. .rK I T $1J0 a Month K 4 V Open Daily Till P. M. Saturday TU7 Ji30. Call or Write lor illustrated Catalog No. 903. Phone Douglas 1444 and aalea man will call. n jfc fan THE national II0FTI5 CREDIT JEWELERS WHY SUFFER ri?0M STMMA Af-HO-lfOll mm -Try m m Urn Im bawl UrVt--Bt) n Mva aflMMtM. TsMMMI Of tl I ns)sH IW w nm am wwy -in mWm tflml IWtTlO-aM HM-IKU MM IBU 1. AorM O-MOR OOMPANV '. 109. n 'IX 1 r." 5) Don't Use Any Other Than Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin .-. ' . ... Store Closes at 6 P. M. URGESS-ta fe Store Opens 8:30 A. M. EVERYBODY STORE" . - - i Thursday, September 6, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone D. 137. Make It Your Duty to Do Your Shopping FRIDAY IN THE DOWN STAIRS STORE Extra Values That Will Interest Everyone Are Offered by Every Department. Big Clearaway of Women's Pumps and Oxfords Choice of Several Hundred Pairs, at ONE DOLLAR 7 ALL the short lines and odd pairs of women's pumps and oxfords from our Second Floor department have been transferred to thd Down Stairs Store, put in one big lot and priced at $1.00 a pair. The lot also includes the balance of our last purchase of pumps and low shoes, sizes 3, 3Vfc, 4 and 4,s. Your choice Friday, $1.00 a pair. V Twelve Big Bargain Tables of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Shoes Infant s and child s ankle ties, in sizes i to 5, the choice or lot at 99c. Little boys' school shoes with aolid leather soles and heels, spe cial for P'riday, $2.45. Big boys' school shoes with solid leather soles and 4ieels, priced at $2.69. t Child's school shoes, either button or lace, in size 8 to 11. For Friday, $2.45. Misses' school shoes, sites 11 to 2, choice of button or lace, spe-; cially priced at $2.69. Burgeas-Nath Co. Down Stairs Store Stamped Pieces, 25c Pillow tops and library table scarfs, of burlap and linen, also needle weave; stamped to em broidery in new designs, each, 25c. , - Soldier's Kit, 59c Soldiers' companion, fitted with, white and khaki colored thread, buttons, safety pins, etc. Special, at, 59c. Embroidery Silk, 2VjtC Colored embroidery silk in all shades, specially priced for Fri day, at, a skein, 2 lie. Crochet Books, 10c " Large selection of crochet b'boks, showing yokes, edging, bed spreads, caps, etc., all new designs, each, 10c. Wash Goods, 5c Voiles, batistes, lawns, dimi ties, etc., in pretty stripes and floral patterns, Friday, a yard, 5c. Dress Gingham, 13 Vic Plaids, ' striped and fancy checked dress ginghams, 27 inches wide, splendid value, at, a yard, 13Je. , t Percale Remnants, 6c Thousands of yards of fac tory ends of percales, shirting prints, etc., in light and dark colors, your choice a yard, 6 Jic Colored Voiles, 12 He 40-inch voiles in dainty stripes and flowered designs, splendid range of colors, Fri day, a yard, 12c Filet Laces, 10c Edges of filet lace with bands to match, four inches wide, special for Friday, at, a yard, 10. , Silk Braids, 2 c A large asortment of silk braids in varied colors, for Friday in the' Down Stairs Store, a yard, 2 Uc. Fancy Braids, 10c Wool, silk and cotton braids,' 12 and 24 yards pn a bolt, spe cial at, a bolt, 10c. Embroideries, Yard, 10c Edges, headings and bands of embroidery, specially priced for Friday, at, a yard, 10c. Val. Laces, Yard, 5c One big table of val and linen laces, edges and insertions to match,, Friday, at, a yard, 5c. Children's Hose, 15c School hose, either fine or wide rib, black cotton, seamless, "seconds.", Mostly large sizes, very special at, a pair, 15c Girls' Black Hose, 23c Fine ribbed girls hose of black mercerized, seamless, "seconds," splendid values, at, a pair, 23c. Union Suits, at 39c Women's union suita, low neck and sleevless, made of fine white cotton, knee length, regular and extra sizes, each, 39e. Coronation Cord, 12 c Blue, pink, brown, lavender, red and white coronation braid, specially priced for Friday, a bolt, 12Uc. Burfess-Naah Co. Down Stairs Ston A Special Friday Sale of "Miita Taylor" House ' Dresses At $1.13 Afaau -fni iVta nro M iral lltll ca. a a. va a, v Ja? 4. v . asMw.vvas at v v w. . keeper, made of dainty materials, A lljn. . ,.1t o. ..,!,. M, I Many pretty models in pink, blue, also stripe and checks, to select from. Every woman should own sev eral of these "Mina Taylor" house dresses. "Seconds" that have been specially priced for Friday, at $1.13. Clearaway of Women's Dressed, at $1.95 A big cleanup of women's dresses of every description. In this sale are dresses of gingham, silks, also even ing dresses of chiffon and taffeta. You must see these wonderful values to appreciate them. Many different styles to select from. On Friday the entire lot will be placed on sale at the ridiculously low price of $1.95. Burfess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store A Sale of New arid Stylish Untrimmed Velvet Shapes 98c, $1.50 and $1.98 A LARGE and varied as sortment of smart' new shapes, including the Large Sailors Chin-Chin Mushroom and all the other new, up-to-date styles. ' - ; The colors include black, gold, purple grayV navy and own. ., We have placed these hats three ctouds and Driced them at 98c, $1.50 and $1.98 Burgets-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store TTRIDAY Cleaning Specials DIAMOND G soap, 8 for 25c. White borax naphtha soap, 10 for 35c. S Fels' naphtha soap, 6c. , Britt's powdered ammonia, 2 for 15c. - Star naphtha soap, 6c. Old dutch cleanser, Sc. 20-mule team borax, 5-lb. ' package, 45c. Saniflush, 18c. Gold dust, 6c. Softone, 3 for 25c. ; Barftn-Ntik Ce. Dewa Stairs Sters, Special Sale of Men Furnishings Friday in the Down Stairs Store MEN'S two-piece, medium weight, underwear of raaco yarn, ecru color, splendidly trimmed. "Springtex" is the brand which insures quality and satisfaction, the price is extremely cheap and warrants you giving it con sideration. Price 75c the garment. Men's Shirts, 75c Khaki and blue shirts, collar attached, two pockets .with flaps, button down; very military looking," extra value for Friday, 75e. Men's Hosiery, 15c Black and all good colors. Two cases will be placed on sale Friday; year around weight, very extreme values, at 15c. Sample Belts, 25c Men's sample belts, tan, gray and black, also some fancy colors. No two alike; used on the road for samples and sold at a fraction of the ' price they were intended to retail ior; price, Z5c. Men's Neck weir, 33VsC All solid colors, new fall silks, large shapes, slip band. ' Sale price, Friday, 33 c. , Men's Shirts, 50c Soiled and mussed neckband shirts, good pat terns and extra quality, if you can see through tne dirt, priced Friday, at 50c Burg ess-Nasii Co Down Stairs Store Wool Blankets, $4.98 Fine plaid blankets, in blue,, gray and tan, , good weight, double bed size, small amount of cotton carded in the chain, which prevents shrinking bsdly, this price Friday only, a pair, $4.98. Whit Blankets, $1.59 White cotton blankets with blue border, good weight and nap. Fine to use as sheets dur ing winter, Friday only, at, $1.59 a pair. Plaid Blankets, $3.98 Large plaid blankets, wool nap, in blue, gray and tan, or pink, size 70x80-inch. Special for Friday only, pair, $3.98. Standard Flannel, 15c Outing flannel will be mu:h in demand soon for gowns and pajamas, etc., a big selection of light garments with stripes and checks, some dark pat terns, underpriced at 15c. Scalloped Bed Spreads, $1.89 Crocheted bed spreads, scal loped with cut corners, good weight, large size, price Friday ' only, $1.89. ( Roller Towels, 29c Good weight, absorbent, crash, blue border, 2 H yards long, i Friday, only, 29c. Lunch Cloths, 85c Japanese blue print lunch cloths, hemstitched, assorted de signs, 48x48-inch, at, 85c. , 72x72-inch, at, $1.50. , , Table Cloths, $2.19 Hemstitched table cloths, 64x72-inch, of mercerized da mask, with colored border in blue, pink and gold, each, $2.49. Wool Remnants, 59c , ( Dress goods remnants in lengths from 2 to 5 yards in a piece, suitable for children's dresses, waists, skirts and coats. Plaids, checks, stripes, mixtures and plain colors. 36 to 54 inches wide, on sale Fri day, at, 9Sc and 59e a yard. . Wool Goods, 39c A big lot of wool dress goods for children's school dresses, in plain colors, mixtures, stripes and shepherd checks, 36 to 40 inches wide, on sale Friday, a yard, 39c 1 Storm Serge, 98c , Very special, 62-inch storm serge, in a good shade of dark navy blue, just the thing, for one-piece dresses, ' on special sale Friday, a yard, 98c. Silk Poplin, 59c V A full range of all the new dark shades. Gray, -plum freen, Copenhagen, navy, wine lack and white, on sale Friday, a yard, 89e. 1 Silk Gloves, 25c Pair Women's pure silk gloves, with double finger tips, mostly blacks, a few dozen white, Fri day, at, 25c Burttu-Niih Ce. Dw Stairs Store m ii hit ! Notions for Friday DE LONG hooks and eyes, card, 7c. Sewing silk, all colors, spool, 3c Fancy buttons, dozen, 5c Darning- cotton, 3 spools . Tor Vc. . . Linen tape, 6 bolts for lOe. K Hand scrubs, each, 10c, Hair, nets -with elastic, 3 , . for 5c , ' ; . Hair brushes, each, 10c J Sewing cotton, spool, 2 J4c ' Tape measure, each, lc . Bone hair pins, box, 5c Skirt belting, yard, 8c Men's shirt bands, 2 for 5c. - Pearl buttons; each, ljc ' Ironing wax, piece, 2c . Dress shields, pair, 5c "Silk finish crochet cotton, i spool, 4c. BsretM-Naih Co. Dews stain Stare