Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha postoffleo m eond-class nutter.
I'ttly n Funds? V "jo.
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Htratai uit Bund... m J? -
Kranlnf wilaeut uadr 1' t J "
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-li"oclk V' s'sV ' Irfegulsrltjr la dellt to Omabs
The Aasorfsted Puts, of rti THe Bee if Bmt. Is eieloilfsb'
, bSitwI crdi ll la tb't PP sd site ths local bws rb
2edlSJeiE AU rshti U ntubiluUoa of our special dupefchss
.r. el,o mfusd. T
M t rft. iss or port! order. Ontj -wt rP'J"
lymat of Buall accounts. Psrsoaal chsc. except fca Omaha ana
utm anchsnsa. not sootpted. -
Douia OmsHs-4fi5T 8. tit, it New Yort-SM TO A'
rnrtlBHiff-I4 Mats . . 'fu'-L,;Bif,l,,0NS'
ijncola-LIUlt Building. Wiihlinton 7 ' w-
Address WMamwilcitloof rslstlng to aa4 editorta! MUST tt
UiubBM. lajtortal DpKpaat. -
59,01 1 Daily Sunday 51,912
Atmst dtrolsuwi for the swath whserlbtd and worn to hr DwUht
mill , CtwuUttoa Maastsr. I "
Sufcac-ibore leaving tha elty should have Tho Baa ntaiUe
ta tare. Aadress changed alun as requested.
Uncle Sam's knocking department !i getting
on the job. '
Record state fair crowds vision the prosperity
of the corn belt.
Still altogether too many automobile accidents 1
' Slow up and keep your eye on the road ahead.
, Still, silverjinust still travel some distance to
get on speaking terms with $2.15 wheat or $2 corn.
Observe how warmly and fondly September
caresses the whiskers of King Corn! Some
charmer; . ' -.: -' '.
' Speaking about billions but, what's the use
Let statesmen do the speaking. Our task is to do
the digging. , '
v Corn speeds to the $2 wire with renewed
vigor, You can't hold a good thing down when
the track is clear. ' '
Plotting in Petrograd appears as barren of re
suits as plotting in the United States. In both
cases the principal result is fattened jail registers.
" Put Down she Brakes.
Locking the stable door after the horse is
stolen will not bring back the horse, btU it may
stop another intruder from coming in uninvited.
In the same way, while stricter enforcement of
the rules and regulations for auto driving will not
undo the succession of disastrous mishaps with
which Omaha has been afflicted, it may exert a
measurable effect for preventing further auto
To be blunt, it is up to Omaha authorities to
be$tir themselves for a more drastic enforcement
of the law against speeding, reckless driving,' un
authorized obstruction of the highways, running
without lights, passing street cars and all the
various requirements of law and common sense
to safeguard the occupants of the machines as
well as people afoot.
The truth is that the indifference of our public
officers and the extreme leniency of our police
magistrates when called on to impose penalties
make them in part responsible for the killing and
maiming witnessed on our streets . and thor
oughfares. In no other city that we know of are the laws
and road rules so flagrantly violated with impu
nity as they are right here in Omaha, and we have
a repetition of the case where laxness merely
breeds contempt and recklessness outdoes itself.
It is time to put down the brakes and keep
them down, ,
Harrv Garfield Steadily outpoints Herb Hoover
in picturing a delightful state of expectancy iof finauy determjnei the basic figure for steel and its
Wheat, Coal and Steel Prices.
The Washington correspondent of the New
York Journal of Commerce, commenting on the
price fixation undertaken by the president, calls
attention to what he alleges is a disparity in, treat
ment between the farmer and the coal miner and
expresses some curiosity as to how the steel:
maker will fare. He charges that the price of
wheat is fixed at three times its normal value,
that production may be stimulated, while coal has
been held down to a moderate profit, and from
this argues that steel may be brought low if the
policy m not changed. Facts scarcely justify the
statements made. 'Wheat prices have been sub
ject to artificial control for years, with the great
range between farm and table going to specula
tors, a condition that is. true of neither coal nor
steel Any increase in the selling price of coal
or steel or any of their products has been brought
about by control of the producers, a process im
possible to the farmer. Nor is it true that the
farmer has been unduly favored in other ways.
The proportional value between the bushel of
wheat and the ton of coal or the fon of steel has
been equalized to an extent that may do away with
some of the advantage hitherto enjoyed
by the miners ' and furnace men' at the
expense of the agriculturist, but no injustice
yet has been done any.'1 When the government
fuel consumers. But there's many a slip between 1
the pronjise and the cut.
Let no ribald warbler aggravate the cruel sit
uation by serenading the county building or city
bastile with: "Oh,' How ,Dry I Am." A corking
good serenade might blow up the lids.
The magnitude of the task and the speed of
cantonment building stand , out at a model of
American efficiency. The details deserve a pri
vate message to Potsdam as a foretaste of coming
products we will be better able to determine if
fixation of prices has evinced favoritism or merely
set things on a level.
, Where Danger from Russia Lies. N
Advancing columns of the German rmy along
the Baltic shores do not carry much, dread for
the Allies; the trouble lies in the other direction.
Even should' the kaiser's men. progress to and
occupy Petrograd or dominate the whole of
northern Russia it would be a hollow victory for
them. To maintain an army frozen in in that in
hospitable region would' put a severe tax on the
resources of the Germans and one they will not
lightly incur. On the other side, if they can break
t 1.- .t T .
mrougn itoumania inio souinem Russia iney win
Looks like something rotten over in the court
house back' of those county roads paving con
trarta. Countv commissioners ordinarily do not
go to such length for a favored bidder without J have tapped a store .of, food, jfuel, pil, everything
isome substantial reason. , ( . : , they need for their sustenance.' -Just how mud
; . ' , ' , t k wneai is in storage in Kussia none can say ctoseiy,
'While the different departments of the govern
ment are every .day appealing to the newspapers
for co-operation in promoting their various actm-
ties, congress is trying to burden the newspapers
-with taxes and postage increases so that they j
cannot respond. Co-operation implies reciprocal
helpfulness. ' 1
Rut could anyone have offered more effective
aid and comfort "to a dangerous and formidable
eney than' those , who championed and urged
that embargo on munitions export, which was
exactly what the kaiser wanted, and which would
have kept the United States absolutely unprepared
and at his mercy? V
but the crops of three years have been harvested
iince nc war organ ana airoosi none 01 u nas
been sent out. Consequently there should be a
large quantity held, in addition to the crop of tHc
current season. This is the prize that is: being
played for Just now by Von Falkenhayn and Von
Mackenaen in their push through northern iRou-
mama. It is or importance, although not vital.
to the Allied cause that the lines that separate
the Germans from the wheat bins of Little Russia
hold firm. . ; '' ; ' '
Speaking of the predicament of 'the mayor of
Chicago, the democratic World-Herald says:
"Amazing as it may seem, the one explana
tion offered in Chicago for his strange conduct
is that he is inspired by political ambition. It
. is said that he desires to go to the senate he
was prominently mentioned' a couple of years
ago for the presidency! and that he is count
' ing on his opposition to an 'unpopular war' to
further his political aspirations." I .-;
Well! Weill Weill Just move this back a year
i and see how well it would fit the proprietor of
s our amiable" hyphenated contemporary. The only
visible difference is that with the help of the Wil
son wave the senator managed to "put it over."
Let us get things straight as we hump along.
The coming separation of realtors and real estate
dealers foreshadows not so much a sundering of
old ties, but the transition from primitive shelters
to np-to-date apartments. Prosperity works won.
ders in vocations. ' s .
Public Schools Our Salvation
PhUaJtlyala tadiV " ' . ..
v Sugar Men Enlist With Hoover.
Volunteering to aid in food conservation and
price control, sugar has escaped the conscription
visited on wheat and coal. The whole range of
foodstuffs must eventually be included if the plan
.... l.i i. : i . . 170-..- -e .lJ
government's activity in this direction so far has
been to assure the public that basic prices will not
be established by speculation and will remain
stable. Mr. Hoover admits, in the case of bread,
that the fixing of a rate for, the consumer involved
much that cannst immediately be determined, al
though he holds out an indefinite promise that
eventually a ratio between the loaf and the nickel
may be adjusted. Dr. Garfield promises soon to"
name a retail price for coat, and these two leave
the presumption fair that in good time other costs
40 consumers will be similarly arranged that some
relief may be experienced by the householders of
the land. The application of the theory to actual
practice has been found more difficult in some of
its details than appeared on the surface. The
public patiently waits even for a little relief, and
meanwhile some may wonder if the haste of the
sugar men to enlist with Hoover was not irr some
measure stimulated by the discovery that servcie
under the food controller, is not so onerous
after all. . ,
The Four-Minute Men
By Frederic J. Haskin
, Washington, Sept 4. A new war organization,
known as the Four-Minute Speakers, has re
cently been formed under the auspices of the
government for the purpose of arousing patriotism
throughout the country.
The four-minute men, like the -minute men
of 76, are patriots organized to meet an emer
gency, but they are disciples of Patrick Henry
rather than Ethan Allen. -Their task is to arouse
interest in the war by making.speeches about ia
speeches strictly limited, confined and re
stricted to four minutes.
.- ; y.
Maybe you consider that a simple task. Well,
it seems that it isn't. The organization has had
the greatest difficulty in procuring men who
could make a speech in four minutes. Many men
who are splendid speakers, if they have plenty of
time to tell stories and get up steam, cannot
make good on a four-minute speech at all. And
yet the four-minute feature is absolutely essen
tial to the success of the organization.
For the four-minute men speak in moving pic
ture theaters. At the end of the big featurean
American flag is thrown on the screen to attract
the attention of the audience. Immediately fol
lows a large-lettered announcement that Mr. So-and-So
"will speak for four minutes on a subject
of national importance. He speaks under the
authority of the committee on public information,
Washington-, D. C." This saves time in introduc
tions, which the organization dislikes for the
reason that the introducer is always tempted to
make a speech himself that is apt to string itself
out and tire the audience. And the audience must
not be tired. This is the basic principle of the
tour-minute idea. .
So strict are the four-minute men regarding
this principle that a visiting committee, appointed
by the organization, visits the moving picture
theaters and times the speakers. If a man allows
his speech to run one second over four minutes
he is severely called down by the visiting commit
tee. And if on a second occasion he repeats the
offense he is asked for his resignation. The visit
ing committee is not lenient, in this matter. It
is made up of deposed, speakers.
As a further check upon the time in which a
four-minute man speaks the organization has en
listed the aid of the moving picture theater mana
gers, too. . If at the end of tour minutes a man
goes on speaking they are requested to stop him
either by ringing a bell, blowing a horn or, as
one member said, shooting him if necessary.
This, of course, means' that the' four-minute
men are really most excellent speakers. They
come from all walks of life. The organization
will accept anybody from a policeman to a cabi
net officer just, as long as he can make a good
speech. Mr. McAdoo and Mr. Lane are both
four-minute men, although in view 6f their pres
ent heavy duties they will doubtless be infrequent
speakers. In Washington the chairman of the
local committee of four-minute men is Ira N. Ben
nett, a lawyer, and the other forty or more speak
ers who make up the rest of the committee are
mechanics and professional men, government
clerks and enlisted men, the two' cabinet officers
already mentioned, the assistant secretary of the
treasury, Byron S. Newton, and the treasurer of
he United States, John Burke.
The soeeches of the four-minute men are
confined exclusively to the war,. Each moving
picture theater on the list gets two speakers a
week. The first night the subject is the "Need
of Food Conservation; the second night it is
"Why We Are Fighting and the next week an
other speaker gives a four-minute talk on "What
Our Enemy Really Is the German Government
Rather Than the German People." In this way
all the facts about the war are presented to the
moving picture audiences by different speakers
who keep the interest ot the people oy ceasing
10 taiK jusi as nicy arc auuui 10 iusc iv.
The subiect of the soeeches are siven out each
week by the national headquarters at Washing
ton, which mails the data, as well as a sample
speech, to every : four-minute man throughout
the country. He can either use .the sample speech
or invent one of his own from the information
given, with, the assistance of the outline mapped
out for him. ' ' v ? ''.
The moving oieture theaters are co-operating
with the four-minute men in every way possible.
They offer their theaters and their audiences to
the four-minute men tree ot criargp simply to
show that they are patriotic citizens anxious to
further the cause of the war as far as they are
able. Very few movie men have refused the
courtesy, although perhaps those tew are to be
excused, on the grounds that they have suffered
from the effects of former generosity. -,
When the Liberty loan was being floated mov
ing picture men offered their theaters to govern
ment campaigners wno nao noi oecn irooucu whh
the four-minute idea. They made long speeches
to the people in their , zeal for inspiring subscrip
tions and as a result the people yawned, figeted
and finally made their escape, never to return.
It was the Red Cross campaigners who first dis
covered the efficacy of being brief. One of them
had heard the story concerning the late Samuel
Clemens, who, tupon going to cnurcn, was so
oleased with the minister's sermon that he put
a $5 bill in the collection plate. The sermon went
on, and Mr. Clemens Began to regret nis nasty
act. It 'was still going on when the collection
plates passed him the second time, at which Mr.
Clemens is said to have reached out and taken
his $S bill back. ..--y; -A-.-i
The American public school system is the sal
vation of a republic that must be based not on
the immoderate ideas ot those without any train
tnsr that fits them for citizenship, but on the com
mon sense of all who have been put through sound
educational processes. That everywhere efforts
are making to improve the system is no indict
ment of it: these are the efforts of its friends, who
would make it, year by year, take on a higher
efficiency and realize in every way its nossibilities.
That the years of war will test the system goes I present great undertakings.
without saying, though the readiness of alt con
cerned to meet the formidable conditions created
by the war has been one of the fine things in the
ready response of the leaders of the educational
world generally to the demands made upon them.
As a result of all this preliminary work the
United States commissioner of education has
issued an appeal to all in the secondary grades, as
well as in the upper, and in the colleges and tech-
; Cleaning Up the Traitors.
The sweeping movement of the Department
of Justice to seize I. W. W. records and arrest
some of the more impetuous of the figureheads
of that organization of anarchy and treason is
part of a general plan to head off the!anti-war
agitation. Alt our people, are concerned in this,
for it involves the life of the nation and will do
much to determine the success or failure of its
Wt respectfully
submit, however, that the I. W, W.does not com
prise the worst of the offenders against the gov
ernment at present "BilP Haywood and his de
luded or desperate followers are indefensible.
but in themselves would not constitute a grave
danger. The government is confronted by a far
more serious situation, which must be cleaned
riicil schools, to keep at school. The very nature h Arrest and sequestration of hobo spouters
of the war agitation, even where it in nowise asks will not end our trouble so long as former min-
any specific duty of those at school, gives so many j,teri 0f th, Unite(1 Suteg- ortntr Unite4 St4tes
i . ;u. ,mni;fiM rn.. I ntors, ministers of the gospel, college profes
ouently. all educators have joined to fight this ,6r nd otheri who r supposed to be leaders of
tendency. Whatever else may be true, it is cer- I thought are permitted to spread seditious falla.
tain that In tha immediate future we shall need I cies among the people. Whoever is not for his
better educated and better trained citizenry to
meet the issues ot the war and the issues of peace.
For when peace cornea then the silent war will '
begin, the war of industries and commerce, and
the United States will need all the technicians.
all the trained brains and the trained hands it j
can develoo to save for it that leadership in the :
world's affairs which its interests and its impor
tance call for. And in this conflict the attendance
in the schools of today means success in the
w orld's work of tomorrow, .. . . ; .
country' in this war is against it, and this alone
should be made the test forsuppression.
Various measures of the patience of Job. which
have come down the ages leave much room
for guesswork. In the absence of ancient accu
racy a fair working model of JoVs talent may
be had by watching consumers patiently waiting
for the promised comedown in prices.
Our Fightng Men
Arthur Murray .'' '
Major General Arthur Murray, who has been
called from retirement to take command of the
Southeastern department of the army, possesses
attainments that are exceeded by few officers in
the service. He is the author of many military
textbooks and his career has been along such con
structive lines of military endeavor as to leave a
marked impression upon military development,
both in this country and abroad.: General Murray
was born in Missouri sixtv-six years ago and
graduated from West Point in 1874, second in his
class. In the bpanish war he served as judge
advocate of the First army corps, and later he
made a big name for himself by suppressing tne
rihpino insurrection in Samar and i-eytc. uur-
ing the latter years of his active career he served
as chief of artillery of the United States army and
as commander ot the western department, ,
One Tear Ago Today In the War.
Roumania announced the capture
of the Bulgarian city of Orsova.
Germans surrendered ports of Kilwa,
Kivinio and Wlelwanl, East Africa.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
A delightful lunch was spread in the
tenta of Quartermaster Clarkson by
Mrs, J. T. Clarkson, Mrs. Holdrege and
Mrs. Captain Allen, which was appre
ciatively masticate by the following
gentlemen: Governor Thayer. Senator
Manderson, General Wheaton, Com
mander Russell, General Cole, Major
Boyls, Major Clarkson, Adjutant Bur
mester. Major Franklin. General Al
exander, Colonel Warner and Captain
A. J. Simpson, the carriage builder,
gave hfs employes a holiday and sent
them to the fair and reunion in one of
Jim Stevenson's recently ; returned
Edward Burr. , - , ,
, Edward Burr, one of the new brigadier gen
erals of the United States armv. has a splendid
record of military service covering a period of
nearly forty years. General Burr was born at
Boonville, Mo. in 1859. After graduating from
Washington university in 1878 he entered the
T ' . . f . . . If!!', 1 k , T7 .L- . m
unnea oiaies Military acaaeray. upon iuo iuih
taction of his course at West Point he was com
missioned a second lieutenant of engineers and in
the years that followed he had a prominent part
in carrying out manv important engineering proj
ects undertaken by the government In the war
with Spain he sewed as lieutenant colonel of
the Second United States engineers. , He reached
the rank of major in 1903 and was made a colonel
in ioi- ' . '
Beniamin D. Foulois. v '
Major Benjamin D. Foulpis, one of tha pioneer
aviator of the signal corns.' has had an excep
tional career in the United States army. Enter
ing the service as an enlisted man, he rose rapidly
through the noncommissioned ranks and received
his commission as a second lieutenant in 1901.
As'an infantry officer he made a highly creditable
record in th Philinninea. but it was not until
he became attached to th signal corps in J907
that he attracted attention outside the service. He
commanded the aero sauadron with General Per
shing in Mexico and more recently he has been
in charge of the organization of the aerial forces
of the army in Washington. Major Foulois comes
from Connecticut, in which state he was born
,in 1879. j . - - - . - ' -
"Deadwood stages,' the motive power
of which was six spirited bays, the
reins of which were freely handled by
Jim Pike.
Judge Neville was seen promenading
around the fair grounds and scanning
everything with a pleased expression
on his benign countenance.
Dr. J. 8. Chambers, the well known
veterinarian, was bitten in the right
hand by a sick horse which he was at
tending. Oscar Groshell, salesman in Rich
ardson's wholesale drug house, was the
lucky holder of ticket 46858, which
drew one-tenth $2,000 of the S20,
000 capital prize in the Louisiana state
F. F. De Laby, who has been the
guest of his former partner, Daniel
Delaney, 1730 South Fourteenth, is so
pleased with the Gate City that be has
decided to locate here next spring.
Catching the enthusiasm of the New
Tork firemen's visit, the members of
the old volunteer fire department of
Omaha formed an association amone-
themselves, Senator Manderson and
Messrs. Kennedy. Miner and others
being at the head of the project.
This, Day in History.
1781 American force under La
fayette cut off Cornwallis from retreat
ing into North Carolina.
1815 Howell Cobb, governor of
Georgia and secretary of the treasury
under Buchanan, born at Cherry Hill,
Ga. Died in New York City,, October
9, 1868. 1 .
1817 Queen Louise , of Denmark.
who was called the "mother-in-law of
half of Europe," born in Hesse-CasseJ.
Died in Copenhagen, September 29,
1863 A federal expedition under
General Banks, to restore the flag in
Texas, arrived at Sabine Pass.
1877 The Russians beean the sieee
ui novua, which was neia oy me
Turks under the redoubtable Osman
Pasha, i
1889 The largest natural gas well
in the world was drilled at Upper Sani
dusky, O. .
1914 Extreme German ris:ht besran
the retreat back across the Marne. v
1915 Emperor Nicholas announced
that he had taken command, of the
Russian armies. 1 ,
1916 United States senate ratified
the treaty between the. United States
and Denmark for the purchase of the
Danish West Indian islands.
People Who Sate or
Have Life Insurance
CaUler'a Weekly
It must be that the persons who
read these lines, that great group of
average Americans who live in town
or village and try to order their lives
for the betterment of their children,
have, in probably ninety-nine cases
out of a hundred, policies of life In
surant or deposits in savings banks.
And we are troubled to wonder if
these serious persons realize how their
stores of provision against the future
are affected by the- present situation
of the. railroads in the United States.
We don't want to cause a panic among
them. There Is no need for panic, but
there is need for knowledge, for re
flection upon that knowledge, and for
some sort of common action v as the
fruit of it The real, ultimate owners
of the -railroads in the United States
owners, not in the technical
sense of - the stock which rep
resents a varying' equity, but own
ers in the more fundamental and
primary meaning of mortgages
include, as a large factor, life insur
ance companies and savings banksK to
gether with fire, marine and other In
surance companies, benevolent insti
tutions with invested funds and col
leges, school and charities with in
vested funds. At a recent conference
of life insurance officials, savings bank
directors and others this assertion was
reduced to figures in the following
classification of owners of railroad se
curities: By individuals outright, numbering
over 1,000,000, owning $10,000,000,
000. ..;
By life insurance companies, with
4,000,000 of policies in force, rep
resenting a total of $1,550,000,000.
By savings banks, with 10,000.800
depositors, representing $840,000,000.
By fire and marine insurance com
panies, casuallty and surety companies,
representing a total of $649,000,000.
By benevolent associations, colleges,
schools, charitable institutions, etc.,
By trust companies, state and na
tional banks. $865,000,000.
Balance held fn channels not enu
merated, mostly abroad.
What these figures mean is that the
actual owners of the railroads include
the man, typical of the mass of the
public, who has a savings bank ac
count, the man who has a life insur
ance policy or Is the beneflelary of
one, and the others who have an inter
est, in one sort or another of savings
institutions. They fall to realize It
merely because the thing they have
in their desks is not a railroad bond.
The thing they have is a pass book
or a policy, but the pass book or pol
icy fundamentally is merely evidence
of an interest in railroad and other
The Day We Celebrate.
"Charles E. ("HattieV) Black is cele
brating his fifty-fifth birthday. He
commenced as a printer, was then
twelve years in the wholesale Hour
siness.and seventeen years in the
hat business.
Robert F. Bacon, department man
ager for McCord-Brady company, was
born September 7, 1855, at Sandy
Hill, N. Y. He began as salesman in
1885 and has been for the last sixteen
years in his present position.
' fVtat"loa TP Wnntr fnpmAn Van on a rtcvr
gressman, who Is to become a candi
date for the United States senate, born
in Allen county. Kansas, fifty-seven
years ago today. ; " , ,
f letro juascagni, tne composer ' or
"Cavallerta. Rustlcana." born at Lee-
horn, Italy, fifty-four years ago today.
Mario G. Menocal, president of
Cuba, born in the province of Matan
cas, Cuba, fifty-one years ago today.
Ceciie Sorol, one of the most famous
Actresses of the French stage, born
forty-five years ago today.
popularity in America as a musical
comedy star, born in Budapest, Hun
gary, twenty-five years ago today. ' .
William F. Murray, former congress
man, now postmaster of Boston, born
in Boston thlrty-slx years ago today.
Rear Admiral Alfred Reynolds, u. S.
N. retired, born at Hampton, Vs.,
Bixty-four years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Today is the twenty-fifth anniver
sary of the death of the poet Whittier.
Followers of pugilism will recall to
day as the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the memorable contest at New Orleans,
in which James J. Corbett won the
world's heavyweight championship
from John L. Sullivan. . .
War and other problems of vital
importance to the lumber industry in
the United States are to be considered
at the first annual convention ot tho
National Retail Lumber Dealers' asso
ciation, scheduled to open today at
Chicago. 1
In the federal court in New Tork
City today arguments are to be heard
on the ' application of Speyer St Co,
New. York bankers, for the appoint
ment of an additional receiver for the
Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad.
. . . -.
Storyette of tho Day.
He was a lion tamer. But the man
who ruled the king of the forest was
in turn ruled by his wife.
One night he was entertained by
his friends, who refused to allow him
to depart until the small hours of the
morning." As a result, on his home
ward way, thinking that his wife
Would not receive him as cordially as
he deserved, he spent the night else
where. On the morning he tried to slip into
the house unobserved, but, alas! a
voice from the top of the stairs greet
ed him coldly; J
"Where have you been' all night.
"Well, my dear. I was afraid of dis
turbing you, so I slept in the lion's
There was a moment's pause, a grit
ting of teeth, then down theetairs
floated one word: ,
"Coward!" Minneapolis Tribune.
Ferdinand of Bulgaria is tha only Euro
pean ovcrcitn "who can apeak Yiddish. v
' Tha lata Lord Strathcona, who ttvad until
tia waa over 90, saver ata mora than two
meali a day. . . .
Tha favorite talisman of the soldiqre ot
tha allies is a bullet with which a man has
been killed or wounded.
' Experts declare that telegraph wires are
'better conductors on Monday than Satur
day, on account of their Sunday rest.
A ton of steel mad into hair-springs for
watches is worth more than twelve times the
value of th ssme welcht in pure gold.
The knitting mills of Cohoes. N. Y, are
making 1,000,000 piecea of heavyweight un.
- derwaar for Uncle Sam's soldiers and sailors.
Now, the fact is that the investment
of these men is already impaired by
Hhe situation of the railroads, and is
in danger of being more seriously af
fected. For proof of this we cite the
statement made by Mr.-J. W. Stedman
of the Prudential Life Insurance com
pany in his plea to the Interstate
Commerce commission for higher
"I want to say at the outset that I
represent the Prudential " Insurance
Company of America, which is a mu
tual eoncern, and is owned by over
11,009,000 policyholders scattered all
over the United ' States. Ten million
of these policyholders are members
of hard-working families of moderate
means; over 40 per cent of the assets
representing their good money con
sists of railroad securities, recognised
by the various states in which we do
business as legal investments for life
insurance companies, having a par
value of $184,000,000. Feeling myself
U as one of the future trustees for these
peopie wno, an unconsciously, may
face a large financial loss, I am glad
to see this opportunity. This
state xf affairs cannot continue,' much
longer without forcing some of the
systems into receivership. The 'crisis
ia acute, and if this continues it will
spell calamity to the policyholders.
One of the solutions, to my mind, is to
get the Interstate Commerce commis
sion to recognize the fact that the
railroads cannot go .On adding to their
debt. We want to get them to real
ize that improvements and additions
and betterments must be made, to
some extent at least, out of earnings,
and to a larger extent as the years
go on, and that in order to make this
possible and to pay necessary divi
dends larger profits must be had."
The railroad problem Is a larger one
than can be covered In this space.
What we should like to do is to make
the average American Wake up. His
habit of mind is to put his money in
the savings bank or pay his premium
and then forget It, feeling that some
omnipotent and benevolent George; will
do the rest. As a matter of fact, it
As not too much t say .that a man
who has occasion to withdraw1 his
money from the life insurance com
pany today will get less than he would
have gotten but for the many railroad
bankruptcies . which have - occurred
during the last few years bankrupt
cies which destroyed the value of rail
road bonds held by the insurance com
panies, and in many cases caused the
companies to pay assessments. And
things are headed for the worse rather
than for the better. The average man
must wake up and become self-con
scious. He must feel himself a rail
road security holder, just as he feels
himself the owner of a farm or a
shop. And he must be as vigilant about
the one as the other. What to do is
a large Question with debatable an
swers. That question can wait for the
future. What is important ror the in
stant present is forvthe individual to
wake up.
"Here's a doctor says you shouldn't est
when you're worried."
"But suppose you are continually wor
ried for fear you won't be able to get any
thing to eat!" Boston Transcript.
lira. Smith Sam. are you going to get
married, like some other people I've heard
of. to ke-p from going to war.
Sam No'm; I ain't goin1 to git married.
If I has to fight, I want to tight a man!
"Let's get the butrtier for a referee."
"Why the butcher?"
"Because he's used t handling steak
money." Baltimore American. v
M.jor Who will take charge of our ma
chine gun?
Private Smith Corporal Higgins was one
of the best machine men In our ward; let
htm do it Puck.
Patience He said he'd bet he'd be mar
ried In six months.
Patrice And did be win the bet?
"No. He couldn't find anyone to taka
him." Tonkers j
: The nesr-sighted homorist nappenea 10
bump Into a pedestrian who bad a grouch.
The pedestrian grew pugnacious. "Take oft
thorn glasses and I'll punch your face for
you," he cried.
"But mv dear sir," said the humorist
calmly. "It ia quite, against the custom, you
know. Who ever heard of ordering off the
glasses before the punch Is served T'V-Bostop
Transcript. -
Prison Heformer We're Inaugurating a
circulating library for the use of the in
mates. Is there any particular book you'd
like to make use of?
No. 3333 Sure. , If I could only use It
right, I'd like to have a railway guide.
Everybody's Magazine.
"Phew, but It's hot!" said Mr. Sissle, mop
ping his brow. "Where's Bobby V'
"Out flying hs kite," said Mrs. Slszle.
"Tell htm to ston it at once, roared Mr.
Slszte. "The idea of using up what little
braese thers is on such nonsense.'' Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
"I heitr you are going to marry an operario
, 'Tes.
"My dear girl, don't' you know that oper
atic singers are proverbially hard to get
along with?" ..
".Never mind, I'll make him sing small.' ,
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Nora has been guilty of what was con
sidered an Indiscretion, so the mistress of
tbs house had her 'on the carpet. ,
"If such a thing occurs again, Nora," said
the lady, "I shall have to get another ser
vant." 1 ,
1 Whereupon Nora, with a grin, responded:
"1 wish you would, mum there's easily
enough work lor two 01 ns!' ---iiveryooay s
"Where are you going this summer?" '
"Oh, to one of the liberal beaches.1'
"What is a liberal beach?"
"A place where feminine bathers are not
required to wear more clothes than they do
on tho street." Birmingham Ago-Herald. ,
Awake! my countrymen, awake!
Your country's peril know; ' -Ail
meaner thoughts forsake
And realize our woe.
In apathy grave danger lurkt
And serves but to deceive;
The leaven of lndlff rence works J
In ways we'd scarps believe.
The menace of autocracy
O'ershadows our fair land,
. An threatens our democracy
With the assassin's hand.
Our wife, our child, our home
Will ne'er again be free
tJntll the day shall come -;
When we crush autocracy. '
Barbarity we ne'er believed
But suits the kaiser's part: ,
No cruelty by mind conceived
Congeals tho Prussian heart. ,
So Join democracy's noble throng
And fight with all your might
Against unrighteousness and wrong
And for tho eternal right.
Fremont, Nebraska.
Yeu who
tire easily;
are pale hag
gard and
worn;, nervous
or Irritable;
who are sub
ject to fits of
melancholy or
the "blues,"
gat your blood
examined for
Iron defici
ency. ' '
.IIOI taken
times a
if Mr
Is will Increase your'streng
ranee juo per cent In tw
many cases. Ferdi
1 vs
lets u esim
oe ODUlned 1
fusrsntee or
ntusiif 1
three tl
flvtrii tab
Every woman should know the comfort, and experi
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During tha past sixty yean, minions of women have found them
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lating the stomach, liver and bowels. These famous pills are entirely
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Sold Vy druggista throughout tha world. In boxoa, 10c, 25c
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Enclosed find .a 2-cent stamp, for which you will please, eend me,
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