THE BEE ; OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1917. Domestics Reasonably Priced Finest American Fancy Out ing Flannel, extra heavy, off the bolt, IE yard loc Fancy Kimono Wrapper Flannels, etc., light- and dark styles, per 1 An yard Mill Remnants, 36-inch Dress Percale Ginghams, etc., while lot lasts, HXg the yard 2C Mill Remnants, -36-inch Bleached Muslin and Cam bric, special sale, Qi yard Fancy Outing Flannel, good Quality, soft, warm 1 f)Xc fleece, sale, yard mzl. Mill Remnants and Rem nants from Stock of Wash Goods, lawns, dimities, voi les, etc.,. while they last, yard Fancy Robe Prints and Comforter Covering, neat styles, off the bolt, Ql. yard, at 2C Beautiful White "Rose" Cotton Batting, pure and sanitary rolls, each, 25c flt . Amoskeag White Outing Flannel, none b e t te r, heavy fleece, 1 C ' yard loc The Genuine Everett Clas sic and Bates Zephyrs, fine colorings, yard, 1 fi at loc- Finest English Long Cloth, 36 inches wide, for fine lingerie, yard . . c 36-inch Unbleached Muslin, while lot lasts, Fri- Q 1 - day, special sale, yd Basement Corsets and Brassieres Big Values at Small Prices WE ARE OFFERING some very unusual values in Corsets and Brassieres in this Basement Department All good styles and well made- just the kind you are seeking at a smaller price than you' expected to pay. Corsets, medium and high bust, long skirt, well dl or boned and, with six garters; sizes 19 to 30, at. . Corsets, odd sizes, in medium bust, long hip; a 7Cr, very extraordinary price on this lot, each. ....... oc Brassieres that every woman should wear and we have , a complete assortment, embroidery and lace trim- lO. med styles ; on sale for one day only, at 1 c Basement L Draperies and Curtain Materials GOOD SUGGESTIONS for those who are contem plating the making of Draperies and Curtains very ( special prices for Friday in the Basement. 3,000 Yards of Scrim, in white, cream and beige, 7 A.,, in good lengths, very special, a yard .' C 2,500 Yards of Marquisette, plain and fancy borders; worth 25c a yard on the bolt; here, in desir- 1 oi able lengths, a yard "2"C 75 Bolts of Curtain Swiss, dotted and ,fancy designs; excellent quality and very specially priced, at, in a yard . . ,r. . ,r 1 7C Basement Handkerchiefs Men's Good Size Japanette Handkerchiefs, initialed and pf plain; slightly imperfect stock of 10c quality, at, each "2 C - Children's School Handkerchiefs, 3 pair for 10c, or, each 3ic Basement Reliable Rug Offerings At Very Low Prices Blackand White Rag Hugs, 27x- 54 inches 79e Hit and Miss Rag Rugs. . . ,$i.l9 Smith's Axminster Rugs, 27-inch, at $2.49 and $2.98 Smith's Axminster Rugs, 36-inch, at ' $4.50 9xl2-feet Axminster Rugs, very special at .. $21.98 Matting and Carpet Sweepers No. 1 Jointlesa China Matting, nice patterns, a yard 29c Carpet Sweepers, good, serviceable style..... $1.39 ' Basement . .. Boys' Two Pair Pants Suits...... Very Special Two' Day Offering NOW, when school days are here and wear and tear upon boys' clothing is a thing to be seriously reckoned with, these , suits, with two pairs of pants that guarantee double wear, are very much to be desired by prudent mothers. One bis bargain sauare of New Fall Suita. AarV and liVKt mixtures; every suit with 2 pair of Pants, sizes jo qp 6 to 17.years, Friday, at p0.i70 Odd Knickerbocker Pants, 75c A table full of splendid wearing Pants, in sizes 6 to 16 years, all suitable for Fall or Winter wear, and a good variety of patterns.. Boys' Raincoats, at $1.10 About 100 Raincoats all told, in sizes 4 to 12 only; good, serviceable school coats, in tan shade. Boys' Overalls, at 85c Boys' Overalls with double seat and knees, all sizes 4 to 17 years; just the thing $or play-time saves his suit. Basement $3.95 DMMiS Stores nnfenn uvu i WW OFFERINGS FOR FRIDAY AND . SATURDAY - . r I Affording opportunities to save on just the merchandise you need. Complete stocks of new crisp wearables, right at the beginning of "the Fall season, at prices which are exceptionally low. All garments have been adapted from high priced styles and service and satisfaction are yours for much less than you would pay ordinarily. ' - New Fall and Winter Wearables For Women, Misses and Children 1 Despite the increased cost of materials and labor, we have been able, by J foresight and active buying to assemble a stock of Fall wearables to of fer at prices which are remarkably low right now. All new, up-to the - minute styles and all at mod- erate prices. Suits, Dresses, Coats, Skirts and all Chil dren's School Wear able in these offer-ings. Newest Style Fall and Winter Suits For women and misses; many 'different styles. The new long coats, down to the knee, made of All Wool Poplin,- Serge, Wipcord, New Burella Cloth, etc. Every Suit a copy of a high priced model. Sizes 14 to 20 for misses; 36 to 44 for women and 41 to 53 for stout women. Prices $10.95, $12.95, : $13.85 and $14.85 Hundreds of Women's and Misses' New Fall and Winter Dresses Made of Silk and Satin in dozens of new styles and with all the new features of the sea son: You will be surprised at the variety and extremely low prices; sizes for everyone. Prices $5.95, $7.95, $9.95, $12.95, $13.85 .r and-$14.85 Do You Want a New Light Weight Fall Coat? We Have Just What You Seek Here-Low Priced, Too. We have grouped together for this new Fall season, a remarkable array of excellent Coats-Stylish, warm and comfortable. ; : ' Fancy White Chinchilla Coats Fancy Plaid Chinchilla Coats Fancy Mixture arid Novelty Cloth Coats All-Wool Serge and Poplin Coats . ' ' Big Plaid and Fancy Check Coats Hundreds to select from dozens of styles all divided into very special lots. One Group In many 'different styles, at, each. ..... $3.00 Another Group In a variety of styles, at, each . $4.95, $5.95 Hundreds of Fine All White Coats, each, $4.95, $6.95, $9.95 i - 4 ,1 l . School and Play Wear for Children ' A splendid opportunity to outfit the younger generation in ex cellent styles and good wearing materials, at very little cost. At 97c and -Girls' Dresses At EQ- Girls' New Fall Washable Dresses, U7C from 2 tq 15 and 6 to 14 years. Many different styles. At the price of materials . per yard today, you will find these are splendid dresses. ' l OC Two very special P1.U as3orttments a t these two prices. Every dress is a new Fall style, ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. They consist of v fancy Plaids, Heavy Dark Wash Materials, Amos- keag Gingham. Dozens of pretty styles of Tub Frocks for the girls, of the' wanted materials and styles for Fall.x Hundreds to choose from. A? $2.95, $3.95 $4.95 Girls' All-Wool and Corduroy Dresses. We have a very extensive line at the prices above mentioned. The new popkets and high belt ef fects, etc. Wonderful dresses at the prices asked. Sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Girls' Fall Weight Coats At d 1 Q C That -were made to sell at $2.50 Pl.7t) to $5.00. Over 400 to choose from. Many are samples. from the purchase just received. Ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. All new and durable styles, made of Corduroy in various colors, fancy mixtures, novelty materials, fancy checks, navy blue serges, etc. Sweater Coats for the Girls At di QC Sweater Coats for girls 6 to 14 - P 1 .7J years, $2.50 and $3.00 values, several styles; colors are, red, white, brown and gray. . . I At Q'7f A very special lot of little girls' V I . Sweater Coats. 2 to 6 vears. in white and different colors. Values $1.00 to $1.60. At AQf k0' of- Infants' Sweaters, many dif V ferent styles, in white and colors; very cheap at the asked price. Girls' New Fall and Winter Coats At $0 Qt to , d C Q C Hundreds of . P.7tJ fHJ.UO giris new Fall and Winter Coats,' ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years of age. Many different styles, plain and fancy jcloths, every coat is a new, right up-to-the-' minute style, and materials of copies of high priced coats, at the small prices of $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95. ' Girls' Eiderdown Cloth Coats At Ok7 g Heavy Cloth Coats for girls from 2 f C to 6 years of age, fancy patterns, patent leather belt and fancy cap to match. Splendid for Fall wear. A very special value. Girls' Bloomers At OC Girls' Black Sateen Bloomers, 2 to wv 8 years, made of a very heavy qual ity, 39c values, special, at 25c. dirls' Drawers, Aprons and Raincoats At Q Girls Muslin Drawers, plain and fan 'v . cy trimmed, sizes 2 to 12 years, for 9c At AQn Girls' light and dark Percale Bun tOC galow Aprons, sizes 6 to 14 years, 75c values, two very pretty styles, 48e. At f1 OQ Girls' Slip-On Style Raincoats, P 1 ZJ in tan color only, sizes 6'to 14 years, $2.00 values, at, $1.29. We advise an early selection of your Girl's Winter Coat, as we can- not duplicate these garments later we ask for them now. Materials Buy NOW and SAVE MONEY. on at anywhere near the prices that are scarce and advancing rapidly! Shoes for Everyone v Men's, Misses' and Children THE PRICE OF LEATHER has taken such a sky, ward movement lately that any news of Shoes at modest prices is greeted by heads of families witth eager interest. These announcements will mean much to fathers and parents of children who are of a school age right now. Men's Work Shoes, $2.93 Made up in Tan, Black and Cream Leathers; Blucher style, cut heavy with double sole and in sizes from 6 to 11. Children's School Shoes, $1.85 In Dull Leather and Russia Calf; lace and button styles, heavy stitch-down sole ; sizes 5 to 8, 8tt to 11 and 11 to 2. Misses Shoes, ! $2.49 . Vici Kid and Dull Leathers, Button Shoes, patent or stock tip, half double sole, mat kid tops, sizes 11 to 2. , Children's Shoes, $1.98 Dull Leather and ,Vici Kid, button style only; patent or dull top; McKay sewed soles, sizes 5 to 8 and 8 to 11, , Baiero.nt Knit Underwear Time now to change from the lightweight V Summer wear to the proper kind for fall."" Woman' Fin Cotton Union Sbitt, lace trimmed, with band OQ and fancy lace yokes, all sizes, each OIC Woman' 'Cotton Ribbed Vt, with fancy lace yokes, sizes 1 C 4, fiand 6, 7 for $1.00, or, each ...................... IOC Children' Cotton S1..T.U. Union Suit, cuff knee, sizes OP. 2 to 18 years, each ...... muv Infant' SampU Shirt, in part wool and cotton, sizes ' OP 2 to 6, each, at ................. .... . ,. SO C Children' Knit Union Suit, in sizes 2 to 13 years, Special PQ. for Friday, a suit OJC j.- ' Bat.m.nt ' '''. A Hosiery Offerings for Men, Women and Children Womon'a. Fibrr Silk Boot Ho. iary, black and white, seconds of the 35c quality, special for ...:;........ 25c Women' Fine Litle Hoiierr, black and white,' with double soles, special lor i rl day, a pair Children' Black Cotton Hosiery, fine and heavy ribbed, all sizes, special for, Friday,. . 1 Q a pair ........... 1IC 15c Men' Black Fiber Silk Sock, seconds of the 25c quality, spe cial for Friday, at, 17 a pair .............. A I C Men' Cotton Sock, in' black and colors, with white feet, spe cial for Friday, C a pair ........... IOC Women' Cotton Feet, tan ribbed top Ho, all sizes, special , for Friday, 1 a pair ............ 1m2v Basement Laces, 5c a Yard . ''.-- - . . . '" . A fine assortment of Val, Torchon and Cotton Filet ' ..Laces and Insertions; raahjr to match, at a yard.. . ,.5c Basement '';"' Men's Furnishings Work Shirts, '50c 125 Dosen Chambrays, Madras and Twill Work Shirt, cut full in all dimensions, in plain blue, light and dark shades, dark and PA. light grey and fancy striped madras and twill. Sale price. ... OUC Negligee and Golf Shirts, 69c 75 Dozen Men' N.f lie and Golf Shirts, in neat patterns in stripes and plain colors, laundered and soft cuffs, neck band or JQ collar attached; some slightly soiled, sale price.:......,. 07C One Lot of Men' Fine Quality Chambray, Khaki Cloth and Black Sateen Work Shirt; plain or military collars. All sizes, 14 7C " .to 17." Regular $L00. values, sale price.....;..... f OC ? ? Men? Underwear' 85 Dosen Men' Lisle and Cotton Ribbed Union Suit, broken lots of all our regular 75c and $1.00 sellers. . ("A ' Sale price, per suit.'..'.,. . ... . .... .... ... . .. . . ,'. OUC 45 Dosen Men' Cotton Ribbed Woo! Mixed Shirt and Drawer, light and medium weight, sizes are somewhat broken. jrv Regular $1.00 values, sale price.....,'.,;.,.,.,,,..,.,.. OajC Baiemen. Hardware Offering Very ' Timely Just Now S Friday Bargains in Omaha's Most Complete Hardware ;: Housefurnishing Department Food Choppers, the "Columbia," it cuts does not crush, all kinds of vegetables, leav ing all the pieces. Three cutters and double, pulverizer with each chopper. mau size, capacity 2 lbs. per minute, reduced to ....98c Medium size, capa city 2 H lbs per min ute, reduced, $1.29 Large size, capacity 3 lbs. per minute, reduced to . .$1.59 Largest size, capa city 4 lbs. per min ute, reduced, $.19 . ' Aluminum Coffee and Tea Pot, three , and four-quart capacity, good grade at less than half price . .98c Waffle Irons, more evenly baked, nice crisp waffles in "Stover" Irons.' 8-lb. size, low frame Irons, special, at. .89c 8-lb. size, high frame Irons, special, at. 98c 14-quart Enamel Dish Pans, one lot, while they last .......;............ 39c Aluminum Tea Kettles, six-quart capa city, very best grade aluminum, heavy and beautiful shape, while they last. . . .$2.19 10-25 or 40-Watt Tungsten Light Globe, at ...21c Basement Continuation of Bath Towel Sale On RSain Floor and Basement