THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1917, 11 FOR RENT ROOMS Housekeeping Rooms, 2957 HARNEY Room and board for two persons; also tame .board. Harney 5076. TWO large, modern housekeeping rooms. I6')J Maple street. Call Webster 661S. CASS ST., 30202 furn. housekeeping rooms. not water Best, mod. home. H. 267P. i LARGE rooms, modern i icep furnace. wenster Jjoa. m N. 34th St WANTED Two refined gentlemen to board and room. Webster 5545. TABLE board, good home cooking. H. 830. Board and Rooms. WANTED Room, and board, walking dis tance, 46th and Dodge, In private family. Box 6994, Omaha Bee. References ex changed, a . LARGE, strictly modern rooms, beautiful furniture, single or connecting; excellent board. H. 1T9S. BEMIS park district, room and board for two young men: private home, wai. zsis, FURNISHED steam-heated rooms, with or without board. 3728 So. S7th. S. 2553. 144 S. 23D ST. Room and board. 17 per wees; close in; gooa uerman Doaru. FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. MODERN home, 8 rooms. Call owner. Har ney 3800. FOR RENT HOUSES West 138 S. 35TH ST. 350. Sun parlor and aleep Ing porch. Phone owner. Douglas 3321. GOOD 6-roora mod. cottage, 25th and Dav enport 331 per moih. Tel. Harney 1549. North. 6-ROOM bungalow, all modern, 29th and Fort Sts Vacant Oct 1. 335. Doug. 1803. STRICTLY modern 6-room house. 2405 Em met Tel. Webster 1089. South. NINE-ROOM modern bouse, 514 S. 20th St 245. E. H. Lougee Inc. 583 Keellne Bldg. 172 S. 28TH ST. Six rooms, mouern, 325. K. H. Benner Co., Douglas 8406. 813 S. 1ITH ST. Close In, nicely furnished room, modern, 33 week. Miscellaneous. . HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. l-r., 1813 Carter Lake Blvd 318.00 J-r.t 2505 Pierce St 335-00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5-r., 530 S. 24th Ave 315.00 7-r., 1909 California St 330.00 STRICTLY MODERN, 6-r 3314 Corby St 5-r., 912 S. 81st Ave , 5-r., 3901 Florence Blvd.,.., 5- r.. 2412 Seward St 6- r.. 3016 Dewey Ave 7-r.. 207 IN. . 23d St MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 302 a 16th. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4S38. J C REED SxprM Co Movln el. J. XXlliUU Packing and Storage. ISOT Farnam St Web. 2748. Dour 6144. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West CATHEDRAL DISTRICT BUNGALOW Price Only $3,800 Five rooms and bath, hot water heat two additional rnnma. finfaii re in attic, nice lot, owner leaving city. Terms 10 sun purcnaser, OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om, Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 493 REAL ESTATE Investment SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY ft SON. REALTORS, 630 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'ncs Pr'pty a. A. WOLF, Realtor. Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have several good reliable buyers for 6 and (-room houses and bungalows with 3300 to 3500 down. Call Osborne Reslty Co.. Tyler 498. 701 Oman. Nat Bank Bldr. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cssh payments; have parties wilting. Western Real Estate, 413 Karbacn Blk. D. 8807. West Farnam District Residence, seven-rooms, three on first floor oak, four on second whit enamel, noi water neat, mea vestibule ana bath. iteaaonaDi terms u desired. ALFRED THOMAS. 308 Farnam Bide. mitst nr. Km.n Cathedral Hintrlrt hnm., new nA date; 7-r., sleeping porch, oak finish, best material and workmanship; south front; wuaq-iui uargain price, uougias I bz. WERT 1TARVAU T31 OT-UV It (Ajt 6-r. modern house, oak finish and oak noor, nrsi iioor; furnace, electrio light, full lot, east front, one-half block to car. r. u. Tveaq, aip a. jstn St. North. 325.00 335.00 337.60 320.00 337.60 $25.00 BEMIS PARK 3103 Lincoln Boulevard. 7-room. full 2-atorv hnma In fin renalr large corner lot 56x180, facing Boulevard ana s street, all specials in and paid for. Price 35,750. Look this over aud make an offer. Must be sold at once. Easy terms. , HIATT COMPANY, 345-7-3 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ty. 80. 8-r.. 3901 N. 17th St 130.00 K9K B 9Rh h 340.00 9-r!' 1919 Chcago 8t a... 335.00 10-r., 588 a. zstn st ('"'" 10-r., 2231 Dodge St ..340.00 15-r., 4319 N. 24th St 330.00 FLATS. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 10-r 705 S. 13th St $.00 PORTER ft SHOTWELL. . 203 S. 17th St. Douglas 5013. Office with HOME BlULUEKa. EXCELLENT HOMES FOR RENT AT 652 South 26th avenue, f rooms, east front corner, brick, 337.50. 664 South 26th avenue, ( rooms, $35.00. 2120 Emmet street, 10 rooms and .garage. 345.00. All of these In A-lNo. 1 condition. TRAVER BROTHERS, Douglas 6889. 819 First Nat Bk. Bldg. PAN YOU BEAT THESE VALUES? 4-r., part mod., 837 S. 24th, 310; 6-r.. mod. ex. heat 4125 Grant, 316; 8-r., mod. ex. heat, 2238 S. 12th, 215; 3 good flats, 7 and rooms, mod. ex. heat, close in, good repair, 1647-49 N. 17th, $20 each; also several cottages, $7 to $10; 5-r., mod. ex. heat. 1014 N. 29th, $18. McKltrick R. E. Co.. 316 Ramge Bldg. Douglas m. 18 S. 81ST 6-R V0.00 2301 Dewey Ave., 3-r 26.60 2556 Harney. 10-r .' 00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. ' Tyler 1536. ' 233 Securities Bldg. LIBERTY bond will pay rent on 5-r. bunga ' lows; north and southwest; modern and part modern; garden ground aplenty. walnut ZBSfr. evenings. Houses in sll parts of the olty. CRF'GH. SONS CO.. 50$ Be Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. ANGELES APARTMENT, 25TH ATE. AND DOUGLAS. 4-r. apartment fireproof and sound proof. 3 disappearing Murphy beds. Au tomatic elevator. Root garden. Strictly modem. - H. tali. STRATFORD Terrace, Park Ave. and Jack . son Stsl, 6 rooms, steam heated, $50 sum mer, 360 winter; no children. C. B. Moser. Walnut 1756. WILL rent my completely furnished apt. in Drake Court for 1 month. Call at Apt. 4, uraice court, CLOSE iu rooms, suitable for studio, office, dentist, dressmaker, ate., with living rms, adjoining. T. F. Hall, 434 Bamge. D. 7406. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen dld location. 24th and Farnam. D. 1473. V North. . VERY nice 4-roo mflat, furnace heat elec trio light, white enamel bath and prac tlcally walking distance on N. 18th fit, only 320; no children and lease required. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO.. Realtors. 803-4 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 420. 7-R. APARTMENT, $26; winter rate $35; steam heat Others $18 and up. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. ESTABROOK apt or office, facing 16th St., $35 month. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago, 9-ROOM, modern flat, walking distance. 614 N. 21 St St. South. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Specialists in Apartment Management FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. DESIRABLE store room, modern front, metal - ceiling, steam heat, 634-636 So. ltith fit: size 32x60: can be subdivided; low rent Conrad Young, 323 Brand! Theater Bide. Douglas 1571. HERE IS A BARGAIN 2418LARIMORE $50 CASH BALANCE $25 MONTH Monthly payments Include interest. House has 6 rooms, modern except heat in good repair on full south front lot,, close to car line. Some fruit. Price 32,400. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors), 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler .60. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. In Waverly Park, one block west of Fontenelle Blvd. on 47th Ave., 6 rooms, all modern, exterior frame and stucco, stairway to floored attic, oak finish in living rooms, nicely decorated, brand new, all ready for occupancy; furnace, full ce tnented basenftnt, east front lot, nicely sodded. Price 33,800, 3100 down, balance terms. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor, 310-313 Brandeis Theater Bldg. BRGMN ON CHICAGO ST. 8 rms., modern, S. front, between 31st and 83d, full lot, garage and drive, oak finish and polished floors. 35,000, on terms, ALLEN & BARRETT, 618 See Bldg. Doug. 1768. ORAB THI8 BARGAIN. 3500 EQUITY FOR 4875. 4room house, 4119 N. 25th Ave. Price, $1,250. Balance 312.60 monthly Including interest This place must be sold In two weeks. Owner has to change climate. Call Colfax 4166". FIVE-ROOM bungalow, strictly mod., oak finish, built-in buffet and cupboards, high grade fixtures, furnace heat, dandy lot, 1 block to car and school; price for quick sale, $2,950; terms can be arranged, or would consider auto as first payment. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. r GRAB IT NOW! 4-room house. North Omaha; fine yard; 2 blocks from car line; nearly new. Must be sold stance. A bargain at 31,800. LUND, 420 Securities Bldg, South. ONE 5-room and one 4-room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition;' live In one and rent the other. Price for both, 32,750. Very easy terms. No. 2433 S. 20th St NORRI3 ft NORRIS. 406 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. SEVEN-ROOM modern home, two lots and garage, 33,200. 3008 8. 17th St. ' R. & TRUMBULL. 1305 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1734. Miscellaneous. $300 DOWN AND $20 A MONTH. WHY PAY RENT? ? (room, strictly modern bungalow, all on one floor, 3 rooms finished in oak full cement basement, furnace heat, dandy lot surrounded by hedge, hi block from car Una, Priced at $3,200. A snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS- IF you want quick action on your prop erty, list It with me. LUND, 430 ROSE BLDG., TYLER 768. WE have a customer for a handsome brick residence In desirable district F. D. Wead. 310 S. 18th St ARNDT ft TAYLOR can assist you. 1326 Laird St Webster 2039. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 10 ACRES joining town of Lexington, Neb. Equipped and used for a chicken farm, fair Improvements, 6 blocks from court house. Price 33,000 Easy terms. A. A. PATZMAN, 528 Securities Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farm o neasy payments & acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' association. 16tb aud Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas 9371. LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Prices Continue to Slump, With Oood Demand for Stock Cattle and Feed ers ; Hogs Are Lower. FOR SALE Cheap, my Improved 166-acre farm near Ponoa, Neb.; easy terms. If desired. Address Dr. C. W. Glllln, 515 K. 1.. A T. Bldg.. Sioux City. Ia. A FIRST-CLASS 330-acr farm 4 miles from Hartlngton, Neb. Well improved and all good land; will sell or exchange. see Q. A. Kull, Oakland. Neb. FOR SALE Improved 40-acre frara three miles southwest of Leshsra, Neb. Write owner. C. L. Tlmmons. Yulan, Neb. FOR SALE Imp. farm, mile to modern town. Peter Rook, Mason City, Neb. LIST your lands for quick results with C J. lanan. no McCague Hldg.. Omaha. Oregon Lands. OREGON Heart of thi ninp. " ! Jordan valley project. 44.000 acres Irri KfcAL E5TATE SUBURBAN I tMl """ " p Next excursion sep. lemoer is. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Dundee. BEST VALUE IN DUNDEE A. practically new house with first floor arrangement of large living room, sun room, dining room, kitchen and den on the first floor: 2d floor, 4 nice bedrooms; large attic; oak floors throughout Full lot on nigh ground with garage and drive way. Price 35,750; 1-3 cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtor) Douglas 3963. 919-20 City National. DUNDER PROPF.RTIRS Wtt tnraat Iatss wt ... If .J vu vas (vliUA aUUU m, attractive bomea. Befora buying ttt urj ana see GEORGE & CO. HOMES and home sites In Dundee. SHULER A CARY. 204 Keellno. D. 5074. South Side. THREE CHOICE ACRES" Fine Shade Trees East Slope Easy Monthly Payments These three acres have both east and weBt fronts, are located' one-half block from car line and store; 6-cent fare to town: adjourns new Catholic school and church site and the location affords a beautiful view of surrounding country. Al adjoining land sold. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors), 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. Acreage. TEN acres, close in. laya fine. $4,000. TeL wai. 8466. FIVE, ten fifteen or twenty acres, close in; nit per acre ana up. 'let wai. 8466. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WANTED Fox terrier or Boston bull male pup. Will pay tip to $5. Address Box 6133, Bee. FOR SALE One thoroughbred New Zea- iana raooit. i oirnx szos THREE French poodle puppies for sale, Douglas 8957. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. TO INVESTORS. The best known Investment la a well eleoted first mortgage an farm or elty residence property. We negotiate tbla class of securities)? woicn wo oner lor sale to net the In veator ift and 6 per cent E H. LOUGEE, INC., $38 Keellne Bldg., Omaha. LOOK THIS UP! Let us tell you the dis count and see how quick you do business: 25,000. second mtge. on 3-story brick apartment, due in 3 years, 6 per cent S. O. NORDQUIST, 322 Neville Blk. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Kates t.. 6 and 6 per cent Reasonably com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO- 212 South 17th. Omaha, Neb. FARM and city loans, running from five to twenty years, interest 6 per cent, I ft per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1629 Farnam St., Omaha; Neb. $2,000 MTGE. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually; securea ny property valued at 36,800. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for 'mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. SHOPEN & CO., PRIVATE MONET. FARM and city loans, 6, 6Vd and 6 per cent v. a. inomas, Keuina. Bldg. Doug. 1648, $100 to 310,000 MADE promptly. F. D. yveau. wead Bldg,, lth and Farnam Sts, NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM. 604 Bee Bldg. 637 Omaha Nat Bank. Doug. 1781. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH $2,300 $20 Per Month Corner lot with splendid lawn and shade, in good neighborhood. The house is In first-class condition, nicely decorated, has 6 good-sized rooms and bath, has a full cemented basement with guaranteed fur nace. This Is a first-class home and a bargain. Walnut 677. LOW-PRICED modern offices, Farnam Bank Bldg.) ' FIRST TRUST CO.. Tyler $00. STOREROOM for rent Sun Theater Bldg. WORLD REALTX COMPANY. (Realtors). Douglas 6343. Sua Theater Bldg. SMALL modern store room, steam heat '1513 Capitol Ave. Conrad Young. 323 ' Brandeis Theater. Douglas 1671. MODERN store, cor. 16th and Cass. Choice location. O. P. 8tebblns, 1610 Chicago. Ill S. 16TH St., steam heat. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 664. 4718 S. 24TH St., South Side. Near P. O. E. H. Benner Co. Douglas 8406. MODERN store, 16th St., near postoffice, . 375. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and Apartments. WHAT HAVE TOU FOR RENT . in the way of four, flv or six-room mod- em. up-to-date apaufments? Preference will be given to those tn better districts of the city.- Want to deal direct with own ers, no agents. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED 6 or 6-room apartment about October 1. Address Bot 8IS1. Bee. Miscellaneous. HAVE client (lady teacher and mother) who want 4-room flat or small house N. W. part of cltyt $26 mo. INTERSTATE REALTT CO., - call today, Douglas 3862. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Packing, storage and moving 319 N. 11th St Phone Doug las 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., 1 Expert services; prompt attention. Tour moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Central Furniture Btore, 17tn and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIDELITY service FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete . list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving, ltith and Jackson sts. CLASSY BUNGALOW Five room bungalow, classy outside and inside. Price $3,850, reasonable terms. BENSON & QARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block, Douglas 1723. 325 CASH and your Liberty bond or lot will buy 6-r. bungalow. Also rental prop erty down tows, 3,750; rents near $500. Evenings. Walnut 2587. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., Real Estate and Insurance, 1320 Farnam 6t . Doug. 1064. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. STIRLING PARK Goes on sale Saturday, Sept 8. Best homesites in Omaha. Prices $480 to $600. H of these lots front on new boulevard. All overlooking FONTENELLE PARK. Terms 310 cash, balance $10 per month. Take Orand Ave. car, get off at 42d and Grand Ave. and walk on block west to addition. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1044. Evenings Colfax 1078. AFTER looking at M1?"NE LUSA 300 dlf ferent buyers decided that It waa the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota. IF TOU will come out today you will . understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL 60-foot lota. Price $220, only $2 cash and 50 cents per week. Doug. 3392. REAL ESTATE To Exchange WILL trade for city Improved property. 720 seres of farm land, modern house, fenc. ing and improvements; one mile river bottom land, abundant water, 6 acres timber, 650 acres tillable. Price, 326 . per acre, and will trade for city improved property of equal talue. If necessary I will assume mortgage. Address F. W. Todr, Msson. 8. D, SHERIDAN, Dawes, Rock and Dundy Co. Improved ranches, clear, for sale or ex change. 8. 8. A R, E. MONTGOMERY Douglas 4610. 627 City Nat. Dank Bldg. INVESTIGATE my system; Omsha Reslty Trsdfna Co.. 1 Psttprsnn Blk Tvlr 156. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. MONEY to loan on. mproved farms and rancnes. Kioka Investment Co., Omaha. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE R. E. CO 1016 Omaha Nafl. LOW RATES -C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 885. 5V7 MONET HARRISON & MORTON, iO 916 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. C Of CITT LOANS GARVIN BROS.. Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. OIL STOCKS. A. U WRIGHT, Flatlron Hotel. Doug. 1787. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Minnesota Lands. Texas Lands. GOOD corn land, vast Texsi$:5-an'acre Get my free book. W. a FRANK. 201 Neville Block. Omsha. HorsesLive Stock Vehicles. SEVERAL light truck delivery "wagons at your price, naarman Vinegar As Pickle w, in s. join et. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mary 4,. Uritfth and hunband to unco a. noinsn. California street. 300 feet weat of Fiftieth atr. ...,. wl1?!!-' .?J" ',: W.MQ ic, io naroiine stare sews k I, Polk street, 1U0 feet weat of Fifteenth street, north side, 60x140 400 Katherlne Jansen to Raymond Knut son. Twenty-flfth street, 180 feet south of N street, west side, 30x160. 6,000 Frank B. Burford.and wife to John T. Wolf, Marlnda street, 832 feet we,t of Fifty-first street, north side, 80x136 w m George T. Morton and wife to John T. Wolf, Marlnda street. 285 feet west of Fifty-first street, north side, 60xl!6 ; U5 Clara G. Larsen and husband to Crelgli, Sons & Co., Seward street, 69 feet east of Thirty-ninth street, south side, 60x137.5 400 Crelgh. Sons A Co. to Harry B. Jones, southeast corner Twenty-ninth and Seward streets, 120x127.6 1,300 Carl Johnson and wife to George W. Lorens et al Thirty-seventh street, 252 feet north of Fowler avenue, east side, 50x130 4,500 Barbara Salda to Margaret M. Burke, Twelfth street, 176 feet south of Brlggs street east side, 25x140.... 1,500 Sally W. Dorsey and husband to Net tie R. Mason, Park avenue, 40 feet north of Mason street, east side, 40x 100, S.OOO Washington JJ. Perclval and wife to, Henry Millar, northeast corner Twenty-first and Wirt streets, 100x134.. 8,000 Home Terrace company to Axel Fors, northwest corner Hawley and Effie streets, 800x597 8,000 Charles E. Cowan and wife to Hy man Miller, Charles street, 80 feet east of Twenty-fifth street, north side, 80x127.5 1,260 Nathan Somberg and wife to Christ Orotmak, Fort street, 165 feet esst of Eleventh street east side, 4 Ox '183 10$ Nathan Somberg and wife to Conserva tive Bavlngs and Loan association, Thirty-second avenue, (3 feet south of Jackson street, east side, 100x130. 1,600 D. Hunt to John Hunt, Titus avenue, 105 feet west of Thirtieth street, I south side. 45x140 3,650 Christ Grotmak and wife to William W. Doten, Twenty-third street, 113 feet south of Leavenworth street, east side, 66x138 4,000 120 acres, heavy soil, 60 miles west of Minneapolis; 76 acres cultivated, balance timber, pasture; good t-room house, barn and other outbuildings; 6 horses, f cows, ' 8 head of young stock, 6 hogs, chickens, turkeys and all this year's crop, consist ing of 25 acres extra good corn and small grain; all goes at $65 per acre; $4,000 cash, balance 6 per cent. McMICHAEL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 600 Wllmaot Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE -Easy terms; good farms In the famous corn and alfalfa belt of southwest ern Minnesota, near Iowa; best smooth tiled land, well Improved, near towns. In fine country; 160, 320. 480 and 640 acres. Also farms for share rent Owner, Calvin Young. Hadley, Murray Co., Southwest ern Minn. Missouri Lands. "HOWDY, FOLKS," 80 acres smooth land, 76 cultivation, well Improved, near town, 32,000. Many others. Scott, Mountain View, Mo. Montana Lands. MONTANA LANDS. Rich level lands, irrigated and unlrrlgated, very productive. Prices 525 to $40 per. acre; easy terms and crop paymsnt plan if you will improve. Round trip rate any day, $37. Come with me. E. D. PRATT, Tekamah, Neb. Nebraska Lands. NEBRASKA CORN LANDS. 211 acres, level, improved, $138 per acre. 160 acres, rolling, improved, $110 per acre. 120 acres, level, Improved, $120 per acre, 280 acres, level, Improved $106 per acre. Thess and many other farms In BUrt county, Neb., most producttcs county In eastern Neb., where crop failure Is un known. Tske train at 16th and Webster Sts., for Tekamah, and let me show you. Fars only 85 cents. E. D, PRATT. Tekamah, Neb.' $110 PER aero buys 320-acr well improved hard land farm, four miles meadow Grove. Best of terms. For description, write A. C. WILLIAMS A CO.. MEADOW GROVE, NEB. " READ THIS, MR. FARMER. ' Ws have just received from non resident owner 160-acr farm close to Omaha, Improved, at actual farm land prices; worth $325 per acre, our price $213 per acre. Act quick. If being close to Omaha cuts any figure, which you know It does, why look further than GRAHAM-PETERS REALTT CO.. 819 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE 160-acre farm ty, miles from Clarks; no Improvements; about 110 acres farm land; about 60 acres pasture, with Kood creek running through It; finest kind of Platte valley farm;. 390 per ncre If taken at once before lime to put In wheat. f'on nil r- It. AbI. for P. W. Craw turd, CltirlkS, Neb St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louie, Sept. 6. Cattle Becelpts, 6,400 head: market steady; native beef steers, 38.00(3)18.00; yearling steers and heifers, 37.O014.00: cows, 35.00010.00; Blockers and feeders, $6.6009.50; southern steers, 36.73 12.60; beef cows and heifers, 38.000 10.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.60(3110.00; native calves, 35.7641) 15.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,400 hesd; market steady; lights, 317.75018.15; pigs. $13,000 17.25; mixed and butchers, 317.90018.16; good heavy, $18.15018.25; bulk of sales, $17.86018.20. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,500 head; market cheaper, steady; lambs, lower. 311.00 16.25; ewes, 39.0009.60; wethsrs, $10.00012.00. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Sept. 3. Cattle Receipts, 6,000 head: market slow; native beef cattle, $7.50 017.00: western steers. $6.60013.25; stock- em and feeders. $6.0009.36: cows and heif ers. 34.65W12.I5: calves. 313.00016.00. Hoas Receipts, 11,000 head: mantel unsettled, mostly 10c to 16o under yester- lay's averaae: bulk of sales, 8t6.S0dtl7.90; light. $16.40iB18 00; mixed, 816.409ri3.15; heavy. $16.25iSl.20; rough, lo.Z50i.ti; pigs, 311.256)15,73. Sheep and Lambs ReeMpt. 7,000 head: market strong: wethers, 37.86011.36; ewes, $7.50011.00; lambs. 311.5O017.6O. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Sept. 6. Cattle Receipts, 7.000 head: market steady; prims steers. 315.606H6.75: dressed beef steers, 312.00 15.00: western steers, 39.251S.6B: soutnern steers. $6.75011.50; cows, 35.5009.50; heif ers, 37.00018.50; stnekers and feeders. $6.60 013.00; bulls, 36.OO08.BO; calves, n.wff 13 00. . . Hon Receipts. 4,000 bead: marKei lower: bulk of sules, 817.00018.20; heavy. 317.60018.25; packers and butchers, 317.100 JS.20; light. 31T.OO017.8O; pigs, $14,000 16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3.500 head; market hleher: lambs, 816.50if17.40; year lings, $11.00fl13.00; wethers. $10.0013.00: ewes," 39.0011.0; stockers and feeders, $7.00017.75. Omaba, September 6, 1917. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoga Sheen, Official Monday ,...10.76r 2,3:4 16.668 Official Tuesday 13.4HO 6,366 33.667 Offl.lal Wednesday .. 10.343 6.661 34,380 Estimate Thursday .. 4,750 4.690 38,350 Four days this week. 39,333 19.030 92,536 Same days last week. 36.415 10,649 90,343 Same days 3 wks. ago. 42,341 26.934 46.3S4 Same days 3 wks. ago. 33,151 13,669 33.943 Same days ( wks. ago. 17,791 37,173 38,670 Sams days last year.. 16.608 6.346 83.486 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Vnlon stock yards for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o elork yesterday afternoon: RECEITTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C M. ft St. P 2 4 Wabash 1 Missouri Psclflc... 89 10 66 2 C. ft N. W east... 37 2 1 C, ft N. W.. west... 4 J 11 11 C, St. T., M. ft O.. 3 2 C, B. A Q., east... 1 1 C, B. A Q west.. 51 14 41 1 C, R. I. ft p., esst. 2 4 Illinois Central 3 Chicago Gt. West.. 1 .. .. 1 Totals 200 65 114 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co Swift ft Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co ,. Schwarts ft Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.,,, South Omaha Pack. Co Wilson Morrell W. B. Vansant Co Benton ft Vanssnt F. B. Lewis J. B. Root & Co Rosonstork Bros F. O. Kellogg Werthelmer ft Degen... H. F. Hamilton 750 ..1,731 .. 749 ..1.436 39 84 24 2 "4 161 ,308 383 133 84 217 67 686 802 673 1,173 727 94 .... 331 .... u:i Sullivan Bros. 82 .... Rothschild ft Kreba.. Missouri ft Kaa. Calf Co. Christie Hlgatns Huffmsn Roth Meyers Olsssberg Baker, Jones ft Smith.. Banner Bros. John Harvey Jensen ft Lungren Other buyers 43 200 4 23 10 4 18 104 46 457 674 1,137 16.073 Totals 3,923 4.100 18.773 Cattle Receipts were rather liberal for a Thursday, about 4,700 bead, and the four days, supply has been fully 3,00 heavier than a week ago, and 23,000 heavier than a year ago. Fat cattle were In very limited demand owing to the fact that moat of the packing houses reported labor troubles and buyera were Inclined to buy at decidedly lower prices where they did bid at all. Ship ping demand was slack and what few cattle had changed hands up to noon wsnt at prices anywhere from lOe to 3 60 lower than Wednesday and all of 6O0 iowsr than Mon day. This was also true as to cows and heifers, in fact outslds of the strictly de sirable beef steers and butcher stock there wss no very reliable market, and the trade was in a very unsettled condition. Notwithstanding the sharp slump in fat cattle this week the demand for stock cattle and feeding steers holds up wall and anything with weight and quality la In ac tive demand at fully steady, and ia soma cases strong prices. On the ordinary Itxht and medium weight stuff that lacks com petition from the killers the market has ocen very uncertain for 4 day or two and prices ar In the neighborhood of 16o to 15c lower for tha week. Quotations on cattle: Good to chains beeves, $13.60016.65; fair to good beeves, $13.26013.26; common to fair beeves, 39.00 (Suj.uo; good to cholcs yearllnas. S13.00A 16.00; fair to good yearlings, $13.00 0 18.00; common to fair yearlings, 69.00011.60; prime heavy grass beeves, $12.60019.60; good to cholca grass beeves, $11.00012.60; fair to good grass beeves, $9.60010.76; com mon to fair grass beeves, 37.6009.35; good to choice heifers, 37.6009.00; good to choice cows, $7.2608.36; fair to good eows, $6,600 i.u; common to fair; eows, 85.0006.60; prima feeders, $9.60011,80; good to choice feeders. $8.0009.00; fair to good (seders, $7.0008.00; common to fair feeders, 36.60 06.50; good to choice stockers. 37.76AI.7K stock heifers, $6.5001.00; stook cows, $6.00 wi.svj siock caivei, 66.OO09.OO; veal calves, $8.00013.26; bulls, stags, etc., $5.5006.25. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. AT. Pr. 930 $5 76 864 ( 25 No, 1 16 20 23 11...... 17 7 3 16 t 19 1 No. 12 10 .. 643 8 76 8 ,. 860 Hi 7 00 40.,.,,,,. 719 7 30 11 710 7 60 9 767 65 28,. 706 S 10 9 980 .1119 t 00 2 1090 .1806 9 76 17 1188 1$ $73 10 60 Av. Pr. 610 $6 16 460 6 36 90 7 1$ 7 25 7 60 8 00 3 60 I 36 96 683 881 773 889 7 60 7 25 $ 66 .1315 10 00 .1300 11 00 NEBRASKA. 33 steers.. 1009 9 76 16 cows, . ,.1001 17 steers.. 1208 11 76 WYOMING. 9 steers.. 923 8 00 9 heifers. 412 Icalf 118 3 00 46 steers.. 1073 HogS Hog Prices Suffered inntlla, ahaen decline this morning though receipts were reai moaerate. (snippers bought what few hogs they wanted at prices that wera 160 S5o lower, while tha earlier sacklna- hn were 26060c lower. Only a partial elar- ancs had been mads at 11 o'clock. Bniir was selling around $16.30016.70, whllo shippers paid up to $17.75 for best kinds. representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 17. .262 40 IS 25 78. .245 Sioux City Wve Stock Market. Sioux City, la., Sept. 6. Cattle Reeelnts. 1.500 head: market weak; beef steers. 37.50 016.00; fat cows and heifers. S6.5O09.OO; oanners. 35.0006.25; stockers and feeders. $7.50 011.00; calves. $8.0012.60; bulls, stags, etc., f8.O0A8.00; feeding cows and heifers. 36.0003.25. Hoas Receipts. 2,000 head: market 60075c lower; lights, $16.25fi17.00; mixed, 816.017.25; heavy. 816.00ifl18.60: pigs. $13.00014.00; bulk of sales, 816.10ifil6.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,000 head! market steady. St. Joseph Mve Ktoek Market. St. Joseph. Sept. 6. Cattle Receipts. 3.700 head; market lower: steess. $8,000 15.60: eows andlieifers. 35.25014.50; calves, 36.00013.60. Hogs Receipts. 4.200 hitd: market lower: top, 31S.25; bulk of salfs. $17.00018.00; heavy packers, 817.00017.15;, mixed pack ers. 115.00017.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3.000 head; market steady; lambs, $10.60017.50; ewes, 36.00011.00. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, Sept. 6. Flour Market un changed. 1 Barley $l.01. 19. Rye $1.78(5 1.80. Bran 828.00(529.00. Corn No. 3 yellow, S2.0S ffi 2.10. Oats No. 3 white. 551$ 66c. Flaxseed 33.21ft 3.33',4. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Sept. 6. Evaporated Annies Quiet; choice. 134 014c; prime. 13H013O. Dried Fruits Prunes, firm; Callfornlas. 01H4c: Oregons. 10g10Uc. Apricots, firm; fancy, 20c. Peaches, firm; standard, lOVic; choice, lOftc: fancy, 12c. Raialns, steady; loose muscatel, 74 0 9c; choice to fancy, seeded. 7HVic; seedless, 901Oc; Lon don layers, $1.80. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. On., Sept. 6. Turpentine Flrmi 4c; sales, 104 barrels; receipts, 242; shlomentn. 179; stock, 34.669. Rosin Firm: ssles. 1.131 barrels: re relnts. 972 barrels; shipments, 200; stock, 94.222. Ouote: B. P. E F, O, $5.85; H. $5.40; I $5.46; K, 35.5506 60; M. 86.85; N, $6,760 6.80; WO. 37.06; WW, $7.26. Kansas City Grain Market. Kansas City. Sept 6. Corn No. t mixed, $1.9802.00; No. 2 white, $2.1003.12; No. 2 yellow, 32.08; September, $1.62; December, $1.11. Oats Oats No. 3 white, 68M0684ie; No. 2 mixed, 57063c. New Tork Dry Goods Market, New York, Sept, 6. Cotton goods wece ouiet foday and bsrely steady on print cloths and other gray goods. Yarns were "'t dull. Jieii' wear were very quiet; raw ...Ik barclj ttcttOy. I 76. .238 91. .189 67. .328 71.. 847 42. .281 66. .262 60. .231 70 16 40 80 16 60 $0 16 60 ... 16 76 ... 16 85 70 17 00 80 17 36 64. .281 34. .284 26. .291 69. .283 71. .194 71. .249 73. .828 Sh. Pr. 150 IS 3D 80 16 45 40 16 66 110 16 65 150 If 80 160 16 90 40 17 36 ... 17 76 Sheep Sheep and lamb receipts were by far tha largest of tha season and with a less urgent feeder demand prlcea took a lower turn. Offerings wero not as desir able as they have been and real good feed ing lambs were not overly plentiful despite the slzs of the total run. A few early sales looked 10 0 25a lower, soms of the llghest lambs here bringing $17.90. Packers were talking sharply lower and bad not made many bids. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, fair to choice, $16.26016.75; lambs, culls. $14.00016.25; lambs, feeders $16.76017.90; yearlings, fair to choice, $11.60012.60; year lings, feedors, $11.60013.00; wethers, fair to choice, 310.6001200: ewes, fair to choice, $9.76 010.76; ewes, culls and feeders, 37.000 10.00; awes, breeders, all ages, $10.60017,00. Representative sales; No. Av, 80 Wyoming breeding ewes. 103 1,600 Idsho feeder Iambs 126 cull feeder lambs 123 native feeder lambs... 103 Idaho lambs 1,968 Wyoming feeder lambs, 114 Idaho feeder lambs 231 S. D, feeding ewes ... 63 65 63 80 65 73 Pr. $13 00 18 00 16 50 17 00 17 00 18 00 17 85 95 t 10 00 Bay Market. Receipts, fair; demand, very quiet on both prairie hay and alfalfa; market lower on prairie hay. . Prairie, cholca upland, $19.66020.60; No. 1. $17.60019.60; No. 2, $13.600 16.60; No. 8. 38.00011.50. Alfalfa, choice. $22.00023.00; No. 1, $20.00 021.00; standard. $17.00019.00; No. i, $16.00 017.00; No. 3, fll.00 013.00. Midland, No. 1. $16.60018.60; No. 2, $12.60 015.60. Lowland, No. 1, 39.50011.60; No. !, $7.00 08.60; No. 3, $6.0006.00. Straw, oat, $8.0008.60; wheat, $7,000 7.60. New Tork Metal Market New York, Sept. 6. Metal Exchange quotes lead steady; spot,39.624. 010.12. Spelter, steady; spot East St. Louis deliv ery, f7.87'A8.00. New Tork, Sept. f. Copper Dull; elec trolytic, spot, nominal; fourth quarter, $34.60026.60, Iron Market ateady and unchanged. Metal exchange quotes tin easy at 861.00. At London: Lead, spot, 30 10s; futures, 129 10s. Spelter, spot, 54; futures, 50. At London Copper: Spot, 120 ; fntures, 119 10s; electrolytic, 6137. Tin: Spot, 1241; futures, 240. St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis, Sept t. Wheat No. t hard, 32.18. Corn No. t. $2.0$; No. 1 yellow, 32.10; September. 31.67: December. 81.11. Oats No. 2, S6U0S7Vc; No. I white, $S4C. London Sliver Market. London, Sept. .Silver Bar, 48ftd per ounce. Money 8 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, 4?i per cent; thrus-inonth bills, 4 13-16 per cont GRAIN AHHRODOCE Corn Market Strong, Advanc ing from Five to Eight Cents Over Wednes day's Prices. Omaha. Sept. 6, 1917. Receipts today amounted to twelve ears of wheat, thirty-five cars of eorn, thirty, nine cars of oats and four cars of barley. Buyers and sellers In corn wsre uncertain and did not gt together till about noon, up to this time not a sale being mads. The market on corn waa very strong, advancing from 60 to 3c over yesterday's prices, ths white and ysllow varieties being quoted at the higher prices. The No. 3 yellow sold at 33.10, while the mixed corn of the same grade brought 83.00 and $3.03. and a part car No. 3 mixed new white sold for 33.10. The oats market waa very active and there waa a good demand for this cereal at generally unchanged prices, while sales of the No. 3 white were made at a 4o de cline, this grade selling at 66 o and ths No. 1 white at the same price. The commer cial grade of No. 3 white waa unchanged and sold at 61 Mo and 56 He, the bulk selling at the lower price. The No. 4 grade brought 56c, while the sample grade ranged In price from 66c to ilc. There were no arrivals of rye reported in, but a part car of No. 3 sold at $1.74, this quotation being unchanged from yesterday's price. Barley had a firm tone and sales of ths No. 3 were made at 31.21. There were twelve cars of wheat In the market and these wsre taken by Charles Neal, district agent of the government's food control corporation. Local millers bought soms of these, while those not dis posed of will go Into storsge. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 391.000 bu.; corn, none; oats, 644,000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 616,000 bu. and shipments 401,000 bu., sgalnsti receipts of 1.618,000 bu. and shipments of 1,334,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 287,000 bu. and shipments 260,000 bu., against receipts of 838,000 bu. and shipments of 374,000 bu. last yoar. ' Primary oats receipts wsre 3.137,000 bu. and shipments 1,189,000 bu., against receipts of 1,841,000 bu. and shipments of 1,089,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. .. 88 41 199 ..383 Chicago Minneapolis Puluth 17 omaha , 13 86 39 Kansas City 41 f 69 St. Louis 97 16 It Winnipeg 318 ... ... These ssles were reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter; 1 backhead, $3.13; 1 car seed. 33.13; 1 ear (yellow), 33.08. No. 4 hard winter: t cars, 81.01. No. 6 hard winter: t car (smutty with $Vt per cent rye), $1.97. Sample hard winter. 1 car (live weevil). $3.03, No. 3 red spring! 2 cars. $3.10. No. I red spring: 1 ear, $3.07; 1 car (smutty), $2.07. No. t north ern spring: 1 csr, $3.13. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (common and red durum), 33.13. No. 8 mixed: 1 car (hard and red spring), $3.0$. Sample mixed: 1 car (hard and red spring, smutty), $8.03. Rye No. 3: 3-6 car, $1.74. Barley No. $: 2 cars, 31.31; 3-8 ear, $1.17. Corn No, 3 white: tt car, $3.10. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 32.10 j 3 3-6 ears, 33.10. No. 3 yellow- 3 3-6 cars, $3.16. No. 3 mlxsdi H car (near White), $3.10; S cars, $3.04; 4 ears, $3.0$; $ cars, 32.03; 1 ear, $2.00. No. $ mixed: car (near white), $2.09; 1 ear, (near white), $3.07 Hi H car, (near yel low), $3.06; 1 3-1 cars, $2.03. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $3.01. Sample mixed: t car, $1.98, Oats No. 1 whltet 1 car, 56 "to. No. 3 white; 4 can, 66. Standard 1 t ears, 64c. No. i white; 1 car, 66ei II 3-6 ears, 66 Ho. No. 4 whltet $ cars, 64c Sam ple white 1 t 3-6 ears, 66 e; I ears, 16 e; 2 cars, 65 He; t car, 66c. No. 4 mixed! 1 car, 68 Ho. Sample mixed. 1 ear, 530. Omaha Cssh Prices: Corn: No. t white. $3.t9H0llO; No. t whits, $2.O8V10J.O9; No. 3 ysllow, 31.1003.10; No. 3 ysllow, 32.01 02.10; No. 3 mixed, $3.0203.04; No, 3 mixed. 8J.02 02.03. Oats No. a white. 66UA64Vc: standard. 6066e: No. $ white. 6ftt066Hc: No. 4 white, 66 HO 660. Barley Malting,; wo.. 1 rasa, $1.1301.13. Rye No. i, $1.7101.71; No. I, 31.7101.74. Local rangs of optional "Xft. Open.' High. I Low.j Close. Tee Corn. I Dec. I 1 06 J 0 IOC 1 06 lOt May. I 1 04 1 04 104 1 04 104 Oats. I ' . Sept i 86 IS II 65 II Dee. I5H 66H 16 86 H H Chicago oloslng prices, furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 316 South Sixteenth street, Omsha: , Tea, Art. Corn. Deo. May Oats. Sep. Deo. May Pork. Sep. Oct. Lard. Sep. Oct Jan. Ribs. Sep. Oct. Jan. Open. 03 , 08 I8U! 66H 61 High. I Lew. 13U 08!. $$ 66 $$ 42 71 43 66 33 41 33 37 31 07 33 47 33 87 30 15 43 90 42 17 8! If I 31 46 1 7 23 17 $3 II St 10 1U 107 II 66 18 U 43 76 41 60 23 37 23 37 21 07 3$ 47 33 37 30 96 Close. 13 0865 60S 66 68 113T4 103 $ $6 US. 20 II CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. , Higher Temperatures and Absence of Frosts Brings Cera Decline. Chicago, Hi.. Sept. I. Higher tern peratures and absence of frosts that had been expected brought about a decline to day In the value of eorn. Prloee elossd stsady at a nst decline of to e, with December at $1.13 to $1.11 and May at $1.08. Oats ftnished unchanged to c lower. In provisions the outcome was an advance of 7010c to 32c. Corn traders found themsslvsa confronted by conditions exactly opposite to what had been looked for. Instsad of a southward sprsad of unseasonably cold wsatbsr, re ports from Kansas, Missouri and Nsbraake told of rising temperatures and of prospects that the mercury would In some section ascsnd to 100 dsgresa. Besides, the only frost -heard of was a right touch In North western Minnesota. A general return of warmth and molatnrd seemsd likely to hasten the maturity of the erop, and there fore led to general selliog. Scantiness of receipts here and Increased demand from distillers who hold government oontraets wsre mainly responsible for subsequent rallies. Offerings from southern states aeted as offset, however, and ths bears apparently had the market well under control as the Metalon cAtne to an end. Oats sympathised with the decline et corn. Buying on th part of seaooara ex porters, though, and the factMhat receipts from the country were somewhat light pre. vented any radical weakness. Arrivals of wheat proved to be little In excess of local milling requirements. Slmilsr conditions were said to prevail at Minna noli. Omaha and Kansas City. Ths evt dent slowness of the movement of supplies was said to be largely due to country deal ers, unfamlllarlty with the government grades. Psckers buying rallied the provision mar it from sllsht setbacks due to lower quota tions on hogs. Most of the purchasing waa of lard and ribs. Corn No. 2 yellow. 32.1703.13; No. I yellow, $2.10: No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats No. $ white. S7i0t8e; standard, 6806tc. 1 Rye No. 3, $1.8201.82. Barley $1.1601.3!. Timothy $6.0007.75. Clover $15.00020.00. Pork 343.90. v Lard $28.65. Ribs $23.S:0!3.82. Butter Market firm; creamery. 51 0 42c. Eggs Receipts, 6,761 eases; market un changed. Potatoes Msrket unsettled; receipts. 20 cars; Jersey, bulk, fl. 1601.30; Minnesota, bulk, 110.601.10; Wlsoonsln, 90c&$1.10. Poultry Alive, market unsettled; fowls, 23c; springs, 24c. HEW YORK STOCKS Senate's Rejection of- Drastic War Tax Measure Leads to Improvement in Indus trial Division. New Tork. Sent., t. Stocks pursued a contrary course during the sctlve periods, of today's market. Industrials evincing a stronger tone, while rails, a few represen tative Issues excepted, dropped to lower levels. Improvement In the Industrial division was eommonly ascribed to the aeaste's re jection of the drastic war tax meauure. Fur ther weakness of secondary rails wss sgaln traceable to recognised conditions, chiefly of a flnsnclal character. New Tork Central registered tne new minimum of 74 and New Haven fell grad ually to the low record of 25, while St. Paul made Its minimum price of many years at 621. Union Paelflc and a few other investment Blocks scored extreme gains or I to 3 points, most of which was relin quished later. United states gteei was extremely irreg ular, opening at an extreme gain of 1 to 169, reacting almost two points, then rallying to 108. Its final quotation of 108 represented a net gain of of a point. Other equipments were In fair demand and extteme gains of 1 to 3 points, but these. too, were surrendered. Crucible Steel, how ever, making a net advance of 3 points. Coppers . were temporarily stimulated by reports of home and foreign government contracts and other war supply Issues strengthened in sympathy. These gains were' materially reduced or altogether lost toward the end, when rails were at lowest prices and motors developed acute weak ness. Oeneral Motors dropping I point. Sales amounted to 490,000 shares. Easier rail money waa counterbalanced by sailer time funds. Bonds wsre heavy, the Liberty issue re maining stsady. however, at 99.8t to 99.93. Total bond sales (par value) aggregated $3,871,000. United States bonds (old Issues) were un changed on call. Number of sales and range of prices of the leading stocks: Salea. High. Low. Close. Amer. Beet Sugar. 1,400 86 33 84 American Can 3,300 41 40 41 Amer. C, ft F.... 8,100 70 70 Amer. Locomotive 3,100 61 60 61 Amer. ff. ft R... 4,300 95 93 94 Amer. Sugar Rsf. 3,400 116 109 110. Amer. T. ft T.... 300 117 117 117 Amer. Z. L. ft 8. 300 16 17 18 Anaconda Copper.. 11.300 70 48 49 Atchison 3.800 97 96 96 A.. O. Sb W. I. S.. 1.300 Mi 98V 93 Baltimore ft Ohio. 1,900 67 16 66 Butte ft Sup. Cop. 4.000 29 26 26 Cal. Petroleum..... 300 17 14 17 Canadian Pacific, 1,000 157 166 165 Central Leather .. 1.40 84 13 83 Ches. ft Ohio 1,000 18 16 16 Chi., Mil, ft St P. 6,000 64 63 42 Cht. ft N. W 600 lOt 106 106 C. R. I. A P. etfs. tl Chlno Copper 1,300 63 13 63 Colo. F. ft I...... 600 46 45 44 Corn Products Ref. 12,000 28 17 -17 Crucible Steel .... 54,300 69 64 68 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 3.000 29 28 38 Distillers' Sec 3,300 26 26 25 Erie 14,200'- 31 2t 20 General Electric .; 300 147 147 141 General Motor ... 13,100 108 101 103 Ot No. pfd ...... 700 104 103 102 Gt No. Ore ctfs... 3,200 34 33 84 Illinois central...., 460 103 103 101 Inspiration Cop.,,1 1.100 14 63 63 Int M. M. pfd.,,.. 13,300 90 89 89 Intsr. Nickel .... 1,100 36 36 - 36 Inter. Paper 1.900 17 2i 28' K. C Southern ... 300 18 18 13 Btenneooii topper, a.suo 41 fi i Louis. A Nash.,.. ....; .... ....130 Maxwell Motors .. 900 33 83 21 Msx. Petroleum... 4,106 11 19 90 I Ml 4K Missouri Facino., '1,700 .31 38 28 Montana Power 490 86 16 85 Nevada Copper .. 800 38 23 23 New Tork Ctral. $1,900 77 74 74 N. T N, H. A H. 13,100 80 25 20 Norfolk A West. 600 114 114 114 Northern Pacific. 1,800 100 99 99 Paclflo. Mall .... 100 37 !I6 26 racine t. s t. -. 13 Pennsylvania .1... 4,600 11 11 lit; Pittsburgh-Coal . .. .... 10 Ray Cons. Copper. .... .... 26 Reading ..... .... 12 Republic I. A 8... ., v. 11 Bhattuck Art. Cop. 700 28 23 23 Southern Pacific. 3,300 91 90 90 Southern Ry .... 3,600 36 26 26 Studebaker Corp,, 1,600 44 43 42 Texas Co 2.200 167 163 163 Union Paclflo .... 10.300 139 127 127 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 1,900 184 131 112 U. 8. St) $18,400 109 107 108 U. 8. Steel pfd..,. 1,800 116 114 114 Utah Copper 7,200 19 96 97 Wabash pfd "B".. 700 34 24 24 Western Union .. 600 90 t9 90 West. ' Electric... t 1,800 46 46 46 Total, sale for the day, 690.000 share. v New York Moaey Market. Nw Tork, Sept I. Mercantile Paper 106' per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, 34.7:'; commercial, . sixty-day bills en - banks, 34.71; commercial, sixty-day bills, $4.71: demand, 34.76; cables, 64 76 7-16; francs demand, $1.77; cable. fS.76; guilders, demand, 41 o; cables, 480. . Government Bonds Steady, . Railroad Bond Irregular. L Tim Loan Firm; fO days, 101' per oem; so asys, w per cent; six months, $0$H Per1 cent Call Money Easter; high, 4 per cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; oloslng bid,' I per cent; of farad. per cent; last loan, Hi per cent, U. S. 8s, rg.,.. 16 Kan. C. So. r. Is 83 U. S. Is, coupon 87 L. A N. un. 4s 86 i U. S. 3s, ret.... ttM K ft T 1st 4 66 V. S. 4s, rg...,105Mo. Pao, gen. 467 U. 8. 4s. coupon J05Mont Power 6s.. 93 Pan. 3 coupon 80 N. T. Cn. deb. 6 98 Am. For. 80. I II No. Pacific 4s. i 18 Am. T. A T. e. I $8 No. Paolfio Is. . 61 Anglo-French 6 93 Ore. 8. L. ref. 4 86 Arm. A Co. 4s 89 P, T. A T. Is. . 95 Atchinson gen. 4 88Pnn. eon 4.. 11 Bait A Ohio 4a.. 64Penn. gen. 4.. flu Ctn. Leather I 91 'Reading gen. 4 88 Cen. Paclflo 1st 30 8. L. A 8. F. a. 6s 14 Ches. A O. cv. Is 13 80. Pae. ov. Is.. 96 C. B. A Q., J. 4a 91 "So. Pes. ref. 4a 10 C M A S P g 4s 10 80. Railway I.. 16 C. R. I. A P. r 4s ffTsx. A Pac. 1st 14 Colo A So r 4s 76 Union Paclflo 4s 10 D. A R. Q. ref. I 67 Union Pao. cv. 4 17 D. of C. Is (1931) 95 U. 8. Rubber I 18 Erie gen. 4s 61 U. 8. Stesl I.. 103 Gen. Else. is.. ..101 Wabash 1st 100 Ot. NO. 1st 4s 40 West Union 4 s 93 111. Csn, ref. 4s 14 'West Union 4s II Int. M, M. ... $1 'Bid. Coffee Market, New Tork, Sept. I. Coffee The market for coffee futures sagged off again today under small offerings, which came partly from trade source and were accompanied by talk of slightly easier offers In the cost snd freight market. Otherwise ther was little feature, and, after opening I to f points lower, prlcss held within a range ef 2 or $ points, or between $.07e and 8.06c for May. The close wa I to 4 point net lower. 'Bales, 16,260 bags. Closing bids: September, 7.48c; October, 7.62c; December, 7.71e; March, 7.82c; May. 1.06c; July, 8.10c Spot coffee, easier; Rio 7s, Ic; Santos 4s, lOo. It was reported in the cost and irelght market that well described Santos 4s sold late yesterday at 9.26c and undeacrlbed at t.Olo, London credit. Today' offers includ ed 4s at 9.10c Private advice say that soms opposition ha dvlopsd In Bras!! to the proposed plan for government pur chases ot dally receipts at Santos In exeess of 80,004 bats. The official cables reported a decline ef 71 rels at Rio. Santos spots were unchanged and futures unchanged at 25 rels lower. New Tork General Market. New Tork, Sept. 4. Flour Unsettled; spring patents, IU.16011.tO to arrive new, and Kansas straights, 110.90011.40; all pew to arrive; winter patents, .$10.80; winter straights. 119.65. Rye Quiet; No, 1 -western, $1.10, 0, i. t, New Tork. Barley Steady; new, Callfornlas, $1.40, a, I f., New York. - Wheat Spot, steady; No. S red, No. t hard, and No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.30, o. t t, New York to arrive. , Corn Spot, strong; No. S yellow. $3.14, and No. 2 mixed, $1.10, e. 1. f.. New York. Oats Spot, , barely steady; standard, 60 070. Feed Firm: western bran, 100-pound sacks, $33.60, and standard middlings, $38.00; city bran, 100-pound sacks, 136.40. 086c. : ' ' - Hop Steady; state, medium to choice, 1116, nominal; 1916. 14017c; Pacific coast. 1916, 20026c; 1915, 16019a Hides Steady; Bogota, 43c; " Central America, 42c. Leather Firm; hemlock, firsts, 57c; sec onds, 660. Provisions Pork, atrong ;. mess, $48.60: family, $45.00046.00; short clear, $44,000 46.00. Lard, firm; middle west, $23,700 21.60. Tallow Quiet; city special, loose. $11.00. Wool Firm; domestic, fleece XX Ohio, 66c. 1 Rice Steady; fancy head, $0$o; blue rose. 7 8c. Butter Market firmer; receipts, 1.641 tubs; creamery higher than extras, 440 44e; extras (91 score), 43043e; first, 42043; seconds, 4O041c. Eggs Market firmer; receipts, 17 411 cases; fresh gathered extras, 44046c, extra firsts, 4!043o; firsts, 4O041c; seconds, 37039c, Cheese Market firm'; receipts, 3,765 boxes; state flat, fresh specials, " 14 0 3te; state, average run, is ts wjic ' t Poultry Dressed firm; chickens, broil ers, 21010c; fowl. 30037c; turkeys, 130 3 Jo. Live firm; chickens, :7028c; fowls, 26017c; no turksys. New York Cotton Market. New York. Sept f .Cotton Futures opened steady; October. 11.10c; December, 10.98c; January, 20.80c; March, 21. 00c; May, 21.06a. Cotton futures closed easy; October. 10.76c ; December, 30.86c; January. 20.11c; March, 20.90c; May, 20.86c Spot, quiet; middling. 23.i0e. The cotton market today closed barely steady at a net decline of 31 to 60 points. t Liverpool Cettoa Market. Liverpool, Sept. 4. Cotton pot In lim ited request; prices ateady; goad middling, 16.00d; middling, I7.f0d; lew tnlddllng, 17.10d; tale, 3,000 balsa.